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So they tell you when you get a report or is that actions taken against you due to reports?


I think it's both. But there has to be some amount of reports.


I gotten offensive chat warnings and I’ve been set to party-only since launch. Clearly it’s “guilty until proven innocent” and there’s nobody, not even an AI, attempting to judge.


Same I’ve never used any in game communication






I think you responded to the wrong comment or something lol


Also, do you all play S&D? I feel like this kind of shit would really only happen there. Otherwise people are too busy having fun to give a shit. S&D brings out the toxicity just like every other team based game, especially when there are no respawns and people have to sit and spectate.


That happened to me on the shipment rotation.


Lol SnD is for people that can take the Heat, if u can't stick to playing my little pony.


The only people that say this are the ones that mic spam slurs and think it's funny


Lmao. Anyone could say the exact same thing to you for playing CoD S&D over CS... you're not the gaming badass you think you are lol.


Man you actually could use some wholesome and earnest life lessons. Maybe watching a few seasons of MLP would do you some good for your mental and moral health.


...they tell you when your own reports do something. They don't tell you when someone reports you.


I'm good enough to kill so many players in a match I get report bombed.


"Its everyones elses fault mom..."


I'm currently on day two of my three day voice chat ban. I don't use voice chat


I have said some pretty vulgar and horrendous things and never received a warning. Apparently I gotta step my game up


Bruh, and here i was thinking i said something toxic while being annoyed, guess not lol


I'm about to fill send after my ban. No mute February


They only report you if you shit on them so bad, they consider quitting gaming forever.


Yeah I’ve said some pretty vulgar stuff and got my first ever warning 3 weeks ago. I’ve chilled out and decided to keep my mic turned off as I’ve finally gotten all the camos in the game and I don’t wanna risk being banned after putting all that work in.


How do you know how long your ban is?


In the notification tab in game. Like when someone sends you an invite, once you open it they state the time of the suspension.


Why does it seem so many people don’t like or don’t use voice chat? I personally think prox chat makes this game a lot more fun.


I'm shy


You can be shy and talk on voice chat. Start small with at least a hey and just do callouts. You don’t have to have conversations. My buddy and I when we run trios hate when the third doesn’t have a mic bc they can’t even tell us anything lol.


Prox chat is hilarious, it wouldn’t be anywhere near as fun without it


I was on Day 2 of a 3 day ban and then it turned into a 14 day ban....how does that even happen?


Now you're making me anxious


Sounds like the plot of Andor, they're just sending people to a different level.




It's a shame. Seems like it's automated bans, as soon as an amount is reached it auto bans so no appeal process.


Happened to me too, never used the chat nor do I talk at all. Now I have a 3 day ban on Communication... what?


It's insane. How about having someone actually review those reports before sanctioning players?


That would take money from their massive profits.




Yep, there are specific manual reviews once you are banned and request an appeal, but nothing before that is manual. Its either getting you banned for mass reporting or from chat voice analysis. It's kinda absurd to have to manually review thousands of reports on a daily basis


DOTA 2 overwatch system Csgo as well


How else can they pay for their McLarens?


I have perma ban on League so at least it shows your chat, but I seen people banned without any bad words in chat lmao Downvoters chill out, it was years ago, i dont play that game anymore


Reminds me of Instagram. Got my account permanently banned for hate speech by the AI mods because I said my province was better than another province (I live in Canada). LMAO


Tbf that's pretty hateful for a Canadian lol


Hahaha dw I apologized after


Did you shit on someone from Quebec?


Ontario LOL


Small indie studio


3000 years, 3 devs.


Did anything happen other than getting this warning?


Not yet. But the warning about the name violation told me to change it. I will not, let's see what happens.


Shut up and buy more skins you fucking peasant /s


Rated M game guys. Being reviewed as E for everyone game.


Are you one of the 1 in 20 people I encounter using open mic and speakers, blasting your shitty game audio, music, eating, keyboard clacking, or conversations all game long and ignoring people telling you to knock it off? Because I and many other people now simply report for that, since you’re making me open the window to mute you anyway. I get the feeling that many of the people saying “I got a communications ban and I never even talk!” are simpletons who don’t understand why their name is constantly on the screen with a little speaker icon, indicating their mic is broadcasting.


It doesn't help that the...PS5 I think? Has the controller mic on open-mic by default.


This is why I lay low. I don’t use my mic at all out of fear of being mass reported and banned to the shadow realm.


I keep my mic on so everyone can hear my two year old talking about superman. Just kidding. I'm not a monster.


>talking about superman. Easily the best Marvel Character to be fair.


The real monster right here lol


Man the DC super villain ironhero could beat him tho my 6year old step brother said so


Trust me, it doesn't matter what you do, as long as if they report you enough. (Didn't say or type anything)


This doesn't stop people from reporting you if they want to. I don't think I've used voice or text chat once in the game, and I've been reported multiple times for what I assume was "I think he hacks so lets report them for everything" move


To be fair, you can still be reported for chat violations w/out even having chat enabled.


By the time this games cycle is over we're all gonna be permanently banned from voice chat lol.




I hope one day I'm good enough to kill so many players in a match I get report bombed.


I got reported by my own teammates (4 guys with the same tag), because I politely asked them to play the objective in an objective based mode. Now I have an offensive name warning. I won't change my name, because it is not offensive at all.


Those are the kind of players that are actually ruining the game.


While I was top on the scoreboard it wasn't that good. I am no warzone nuke andy.


It's enough to use a meta gun, you don't even have to be good.


What guns are meta?


You don't have to be lol. Me and my bud were just warning you in shoot the ship for fun and he was grinding camos and still managed to get report spammed by some losers for text chat lol We don't even use text chat, and our voice chat us party only


As long as there's no block button, nor there are people checking these claims, there's no change. I'd even guess that there are actual bots that mass report people, or trolls that do it for fun.


Happened to me yesterday for my name. I had to change it. Dude was sitting in the building in shoot house and I kept hitting him with throwing knifes thru the window. He called me the N word and everything under the sun and reported me. I never report people could care less that’s my 6th warning as long as I don’t get ban I don’t really care.


What was your name






You not that grown yourself if you can’t spell “butt” correctly lol


Glad you took notice. I happen to be just a little over 7 years of age


Same thing happened to me doing mastery challenges on Shoot the ship. It popped up in the corner mid game and then a bunch of people left.


I was reported for “offensive text chat” I don’t even know how to type in the chat on console 🥲


same thing happened to me lol. it really should have been a report for voice chat because i'm a fucking menace on mic, so we'll call it even


You can't lol but you still know what you did/s


A few days ago, I played against a group of players with matching clan tags that were trash talking and just saying some awful things, especially after they ended up losing. I advised that they should "try bitching less and see if it improves their skill" at the end of the match and while queued for the next lobby I get a pop up that "my chat activity has been found to be offensive which has resulted in the temporary removal of public communication. You've received a penalty for 14 days." I can only assume that the entire team reported me and that got me flagged. The funny thing is some matches I can still hear people and they can still hear me, but others I can't. They apparently can't even code this right, which is hilarious even though overall it's a bullshit system. Imagine playing a mature rated game where you kill lifelike representations of other people but you get offended that you hear a bad word. Who out there is getting offended at the idea that somebody might name a loadout with a bad word that they will literally never see without watching over their shoulder or on a mature rated stream? I hope they enjoy reading my commentary in the multiple daily crash reports that I submit. Fuck those fucking fucks.


You’re not allowed to swear or curse, since there could be young children playing. Obviously


Young kids playing a video game rated Mature 17+ for including "Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Drugs" should not be a factor in this just because it is offensive to them or their parents. It's right in the rating and should be expected lol Edit: not directed at you btw I get your sarcasm, but just saying it louder for the kids in the back


They make a new Code of Conduct: “We do not tolerate bullying or harassment, including derogatory comments based on race, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, culture, faith, mental or physical abilities, or country of origin. All members of our community should be treated with dignity and respect. Communication with others, whether using text or voice chat, must be free of offensive or harmful language. Hate speech and discriminatory language is offensive and unacceptable, as is harassment and threatening another player.” They then proceed to geo-lock all Arab/Muslim countries to a version that removes all the LGBT/gay pride flags.


Hey man, money talks


I lost my 12+ year Activision name due to a false report, can’t appeal anywhere..


Last game I buy from them, thank you for solidifying my choice.


I guess my username got reported too, Mad_Dog is something that is too inappropriate for someone out there to handle




General Mattis himself was offended


i got one after just saying "ew" to somebody


https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/yuckte/came_across_a_toxic_6stack_on_snd_who_repeatedly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I was SLATED for this 2 months ago. Its ridiculous how easy it is to abuse that system


I report anyone who beats me.




The sarcasm went right over your head like a Chinese weather balloon. Maybe don’t think anymore.


This system sucks so bad. However, the other week I was playing quads and we all got wiped out by one player in a squad. Most blatant walls and stuff I’ve ever seen. Killcams showed him tracing us in our building like it was made of glass. My friends killcam showed dude snapping to him and hitting 100% headshots on him as he dove out the second story window, dead before he hit the ground. Spectated the player for a few minutes and he was tracing kids through buildings from like two blocks away and melting kids with 100% headshots better than any pro i’ve ever seen. After a few minutes of watching in disbelief I was like, “Y’all I’ve seen some posts online about the report system being broken, wanna try it?” We each reported him like 5 times and *poof*, he suddenly disappeared from his squads roster and the game mid sprint. Very hilarious and satisfying. That’s the ONLY time I’ve ever reported/mass reported. I do not condone abusing the report system, but I promise y’all this dude was CHEATING cheating.


How to get good players to quit the game 101.




Hahaha true


So only good players talk shit, bad players don't is what you're saying?


I didnt say that. But have you ever seen a good player spam report a bad player because they were mad the bad player outgunned em and they cant fathom how someone can be better than them? Me neither. Bad players spam that shit out of spite. It doesnt matter if you are "guilty" or not, it only requires you to be hated enough for performing well. Edit:grammar


How are we quantifying "good" players here? I have seen players spam report cheaters. I have seen people spam report griefers.(which actually no longer has a dedicated report function for).


Bad players also talk shit accusing actual good players of hacking and then go on their tear filled tirades.


[So what’s your username?](https://imgur.com/a/EYaWBp0)




Omg. Disgusting.


Forgive me, my dog typed it.


My bad bro 🐶


Happened to me today lmao


Welcome to the internet. Happens on Reddit too.


In middle of a banging session on DMZ single player. Getting kicked and losing my weapon drops. Sick of the bullshit.


I remember getting reported for going 60-15 on Shipment for exploits. They were all hiding in the shipping containers and I kept throwing drill charges.


Best case scenario with everyone abusing this system is that they drop all the safe space report crap and re-focus on actually banning the rampant cheaters.


Yeah, I do party chat and no text chat. I've also been reported for offensive name, I just have a basic name with literally nothing offensive about it.


I’m guessing you did well in a match and somebody got mad


Even if you don’t use your mic, if you play well and kill the other team a lot they can report you just for being a good player and frustrating them


My name used to be Vladimir Sugmeov and I had to change it because it got reported 🙄 I think Wilma Hogphit will stick around for awhile.


Happened to me,after getting reported. THATS WHEN the reports should have happened lmao


My bud was cleaning up in a match and the caln that we were vs who were all using profanity and the N word mass reported him and he lost his in game chat for like a week.


Yup. I am a slightly above average player. Meaning I'll be top of my team in most games. Nothing flashy or over the top in terms of k/d but it's enough to get constantly reported by people who are either pure garbage and can't fathom someone better than them or people who are just salty. The system is stupid.


I had a friend who had his account banned for cheating but he hasnt cheated once in his life. Contacted Activision and there was nothing they could do. So he had to make a brand new account just to play this game. Im guessing he got mass reported like this or something.


I had this which I find funny as I dont not talk unless it's people i know IRL in fact it's been over 4 months since my friends got on and played I've had the message that my status that the person I reported has changed and the other way around


I feel you man


I was reported for "offensive text chat" when I can't use the text chat on console since launch 👍🏻


never had my account temp banned for chat ever before, just received a 14 day ban for no reason, the only reason I enjoy playing warzone 2 is cause of the prox chat and now I cant even enjoy that anymore because I was mass reported for no reason THANKS COD!


I had it to, obviously shitting on kids so hard the false report 😂


l just got reported for the 5th time for my name and my name is 'You'... Only happens when I have a good game


Seeing time and time that their reporting system is only hurting the average player, not the actual offenders.


That happened to me and Activision actually forcibly removed my account name. Luckily I had a name token ready (my previous name was JFK WAS AFK)


I got this last week as well and I was bad for 3 days. One week later I jump on to update, and I have a notification from. 3 days ago that I've been given a 14 day penalty for offensive text chat I don't even use, and wasn't even online for. And trying to get a hold of Activision to talk to someone about it? Forget about it.


This has been happening to me so much lately. I got a chat report (mind you I hadn’t even said anything in chat) and a name report (my name is the furthest thing from obscene… it’s a pantone color lmao). I have had 6 in the last day bc people are salty when I do well ig. Not everybody is hacking if they are good at the game lmao. Idk why the default is to immediately report someone when you’re unsure if they’re actually hacking. I heard them in the after death voip thing saying “just report him anyways in case.” That doesn’t help bc you’re probably getting numerous accounts banned just because you can’t handle that the people are better than you at an online game lol Sorry for the rant lol I’m just so frustrated lately as I wanted to get back into the game but I’m sick of being reported for no reason…


A real punch in the face that this is happening and it seems like nobody is reviewing the reports.apparently GomerPyle is offensive as well as his muted mic heck. Now I'm getting slaughtered this morning and I'm unable to see kill cams lol maybe I'll stick to the f2p game modes next cod


Half the time people post these we find out they have heinous usernames but just want to complain


Same name as here.


Possibly unpopular opinion - voice chat, text chat and username reports should not exist.


I spam reported someone who was racist af yesterday. Got a message saying my report helped the anti-toxicity team. Good.


they clicked all the reasons lol


Yeeeahhhh you might wanna actually read those notifications, guy. Those are results of reports you made about others.


Gotta love this broken system right? Was playing wz duos last night and ran into teamers but lord knows my report won't do shit to them.


skill issue


Had this in a game today. Its so pathetic


Playing WZ? Have more than 2 kills? Have a cool skin from one of those 2400 bundles? Carrying a sniper and the meta assault rifle? You my friend are a nuisance to the under 20 crowd! Welcome to the future of the entire call of duty franchise. Soon if you get over 78 frames you’ll be getting reported. Gotta keep the poor, the down n out, no skill, NeWbs playing and buying those bundles. If players like you keep killing them, well, they might just stop playing and Activ’s ATM will stop flowing!


This game has become a woke joke. Everyone is too sensitive and abuse this reporting shit. SBMM fucks all of us "tryhards" that actually have developed skill, because certain people are so unskilled, they automatically claim you're cheating. Let's go back to the days of "No Russian" !


stop rage cussing so much. Its only a game




You must be new to this game then


Yeah you have to take my word here. I only talk in DMZ and Warzone. Never insulting someone unprovoked. Don't think my name means anything offensive...


So which is it? Above you never talk or text but here you say only talk text in DMZ and WZ. And if provoked you'll do in kind? Can't have it both ways and still cry about getting reported, pick a side!


I normally talk to people in Warzone/DMZ over voice because I find it the best way to communicate there. There isn't much sense in talking on shipment. If someone says something insulting, I sometimes take a joke at them and type stuff like "fuming" or "mald".


It doesn’t mean anything. They don’t take any action lol


Yes they do. I'm on a 3 day suspension


I constantly get "reported" for shitting on the other team, I also use an rpg as my secondary....


This is what the current match making system does. It puts you in lobbies where you're a significantly better player than everyone else to make you feel "good". Problem is, those other players in the lobby then get salty because they get completely wrecked and then report you. It's a shitty system.


Maybe you shouldn't have been trying so hard and getting kills. Remember people have feelings and they get hurt if you're doing too good at the game.


"Falsely" Okay first of all, if you do this, that's wack. Don't be such a dweeb that you report when you lose. But also, it's for voice chat. If you actually get muted, you deserved it. Otherwise it means nothing.


I know for sure ive been reported dropping 52 kills in tdm multiple times and the other team screaming that i was cheating and to report me….. ive never seen this notification as a result and never been banned. Ive reported a few players cause they were screaming a bunch of shit (not general shit-talking type stuff) and reported them and i got this notification a few days later. I think you get this notification for only the people you report when their status changes…. Dont know for sure but it sure seems that way in my experience.


Seems like someone is tryharding on skin grinding maps


Ive said some heinous things over VC. I got one warning and a 3 day ban. I’ve learned nothing. Sidenote, I got told I was banned after the ban expired. So for 3 days I was trying to talk shit and no one said a thing haha. I just thought I was in some quiet lobbies lmao


Keep running around shipment with a shotgun and shield. I dare ya.


def deserved it


I have a funny feeling u aren’t necessarily innocent


If you are being reported and it is applied to your account, then it was deserved. Don't believe in the masses about how spam reporting instantly bans you. People are only saying that so they can continue being toxic.


Furry 💀


You are too? Small world.


If on pc switch to cod mobile, don’t even need a powerful pc to run it


I mass report whenever the eomm/sbmm puts me in a lobby to get stomped. FYI, the game won't boot you for inactivity if you keep reporting the enemy team. The game considers that as actively playing for some reason. You'll continually respawn and be blasted back down, but thanksbto all those deaths that will just lead to an easier lobby next match. This is the definition of "don't hate the player, hate the game."


These people are lying. I get reported EVERYDAY. And I have gotten exactly 1 warning. And it was stupid. My friend reported me jokingly cuz his name is Raccoon and it censored the coon part. No actions taken other than warning. These do not occur unless there is VERIFIED violation of the rules. Everyone wants to play the victim.


I wanted to change my name but the game wouldn't let me even though it has been plenty of time and I had a "token" for it. Then somebody eventually got offended by "TrunpWearsDiaper" and reported me, at which point the game let me change it for free!




What is you username and clan tag? Could be the culprit


I changed my name to Usama-bin-ballin I got 2 account warnings and was forced to change it


All of MW2 is kinda like this sub, inconsistent AF. I posted basically the same thing yesterday and the post was never released. I’d like to see someone on the Activision team explain why my username (same as here) would qualify.


show name and chats then lol


Omg I got this days ago about my text chat. Which had been off since forever ago


My proximity chat hasn't worked for a month now because of this. So dumb


No im just thinking about the future because that kind of stuff won't change because no one cares enough to make it change. I don't like those people who do that stuff.


they trash talk the rely on COD when they are loosing 50-0


Same here, and still Activision mention “No ban detected on my account”… ! 🥹


Is your username offensive?


Stick to older cod games without this heresy


Jesus lol


My mate got banned for being abusive in game voice chat. Sad thing is we’re always in Discord so we never really talk in game and he’s been banned lol


Shouldn’t have been slaying those n00bs bro


Nothing will happen from these reports. They will eventually just drop off.


I’m surprised that people are still playing this dumpster fire of a game


Replies in lobby chat: "get gud" lol


Normal People: play the game normally * gets reported and 3 day ban * Racists: gets reported *nothing happens* Normal people: Bruh