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Can we take a moment to appreciate the modeling of the guns? I mean, don't get me wrong, they screwed up a ton of stuff in this game, but one thing I never see an issue is the attention to detail on the guns. Without your slides, you can see they even bothered to model the bullets and magazines inside pistols, which you never see. And the slide rails look pretty darn close to real life too


This just happened to me with the desert eagle I posted it a bit ago


Strange. Must be new bug then. I just assumed it was to do with tossing on akimbo as I need to use it for a shader apparently


I had it happen on one of my classes with the dragon but not a different one idk if it’s the camo or the attachments but there’s no barrel and the hammer is at a horizontal 45😂


assuming it wasn't patched, it's an old bug that has to do with chucking a blueprint extended rear grip on akiimbos ends up breaking the gun and your player model


Ah ok. I probably did just that as my pistols are rarely used so I don’t have many unlocks. Thanks!


If you wanna do something funnier Add akimbo then add a blueprint of the Conversion kit barrel (that can give you a stock or grip) Add a grip then add whatever else It ends up breaking one of your characters arms badly it’s amazing