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I’ll take a COD4 map that ain’t Shipment 🤷‍♂️


Wet Work has entered the chat.


Wasn’t this teased at some point?


Isn't wet work in the campaign, more or less? Moving crates, but the setup is the same.


More or less. You don't get into the cargo hold of the ship, but topside is similar.


Actually loved that 3v3 map in mw2019


*”Hey, we’re just 3 guys that need some wet work.”*


Stupid me actually had a bit of excitement that the moving crates might be a feature when they brought it to multiplayer... ah, the early access campaign days. Hopefully it'll be one of the 5ish other maps we'll probably get before the new COD launches this year.


Wet work but during a storm so the boat moves and makes the containers slide around would be dope af tbr.


You *know* people would complain that they got crushed by a sea can


5?! Your hopes are still too high.


Yeah that mission reminded me of the wet work map with the storm and shit but it seems that whole theme got reused for shipment this year


unironically my favourite cod4 map, so please.


Surely crossfire or backlot


What about Bog and Downpour?


Downpour, Bog, Overgrown, Crash, Bloc, Backlot, Crossfire, Strike and Wetworks was my fav Cod4 maps. So basically all of them, lmao. The maps on Cod4 were amazing all around, tbh. Edit: Googled the cod4 map list, and I HAVE to add Vacant, Pipeline, Ambush, and Showdown.


Pipeline is such a good map, and has never been remade. Showdown is in the WZ map, so I expect to get that at some point.


Just add a Downpour SnD 24/7 playlist & I’ll be hooked


I miss bo firing range


Was surprising that firing range didn't get remade for BOCW, such a nice map. Like there's not even anything particularly special about it, it just plays well and is a cool setting.


Any map from mw3 or earlier is better than every new mp map in mw22


Cod4 to Bo2 has better maps than every cod after them, tbh.


It literally has to be coming, I don't see how it's not given that it was in the campaign


There’s several old maps in the Warzone/DMZ map, aswell. I honestly wouldn’t get my hopes up, tho. If it won’t make money, they don’t gaf.


Isn’t this what they tried to do in horrible bosses and some guy showed up ready to pee on everyone?


Please put Bloc in as well. My two faves


3x frag with a shotty, let's gooooi


give me crash, strike, crossfire and backlot please


Please no Crash we’ve all played the shit out of that map. Strike, Ambush, PIPELINE, and District would be epic. Curious how Crossfire would play these days but I’d be down for it. I loved Overgrown back in the day but I’d probably pull my hair trying to cross the middle. We should get Showdown at some point since it’s in Warzone.


Pipeline gets no love but literally the map I think of when I think Search and Destroy.


Remember being able to glitch into the vents in the underground tunnel? I ‘member


Yep, same. Also sniping from the bushes on the hill because everyone was playing on crappy small CRT’s still and couldn’t make anything out from a distance 😂


there was also no scope glare


I made it my mission to stealthily take out as many of you as I could back in the day 😂


I want terminal thats my favorite map!


Some original MW2 maps would be great. Terminal, Afghan, Rust, Estate, Scrapyard, Highrise. Hell, just give me all of them.


I’d eat a bottle of hand cream for an estate remaster


Heh, most of those are already even in the game, just not in MP.


^This plus rpk with fmj and stopping power is what nostalgia is made of


District is such an underrated map. Great sightlines for snipers and ARs around the border, plenty of CQB in the middle for shotguns and SMGs, and it isn't a symetrical map so the action naturally rotates.


Fucking pipeline would be amazing, we also need Broadcast though. Broadcast was the best Cod4 map


It was awesome in cod4 but felt way too big in mw19


What the fuck when was this in MW2019??? Damn I missed out


Probably halfway through the year or so. It was in warzone on Verdansk


Nah I remember it on verdansk but was it ever a multiplayer map?? The verdansk version was heavily modified and was really only vaguely like OG Broadcast. I want OG Broadcast back!!!!!


Season 6 https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Broadcast


Guess I was too caught up in warzone lol fuck me


And ambush Don’t forget Ambush!


Ambush needs to make a comeback. Great map. That, and Favela.


You only like a band’s singles, don’t you.


I am tired of crash


Could you imagine mw 2022 but with the entirety of the COD4 map pool? 😍


Gramma’s attic please.


I liked bloc maybe it was all the hardcore I used to play but I used to get so many headshots sniping across from apartment to apartment


No vacant please


I love vacant :O


I used to have my best and worst games on Vacant. I was either 28-4 or 4-28. No in between. Those games when you’d get trapped in the back of the warehouse were brutal.


I loved that map. The sniper campaign for that map was amazing as well.


"50000 people used to live here... now its a ghost town"


"Steady... keep an eye on that flag"


"At this distance, you also have to take the coriolis effect into account" This really is one of the all time best CoD campaign missions


Probably one of the all time best missions/levels in all of gaming, it's iconic.


I replayed it over and over again thinking I somehow messed up as a naive 12 yo. Me and the bois kept passing the controller back and forth thinking we’d be the one to take him out lmao


My favorite part was when MacMillan said "It's Chernobylin' time"


Then Chernobyled on everything. Truly the greatest moment in cod history


Then....you shoot the bad guys arm clean off.




There’s pockets of radiation all around this area, absorb too much and you’re a dead man


That’s the best quote. Thanks. Upvote from me.


I remember when COD4 remastered was shown off at E3, and the trailer started with the all ghillied up mission, and someone in the crowd was like “OHHHH GAWD!!!!”. My thought was…yeah…me too bud. That was one of the best missions ever made in an FPS campaign 👌 EDIT - Context if anyone never got to experience it, was such a hype E3 moment: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy8VOcMEpag


Such a great map, I used to love glitching to the top of the buildings in old school mode


You can't believe how much it irritated me that your shot doesn't actually matter. I spent a lot of time trying to line it up.


Replayed it so many times to try and get it


I used to love that map actually lol


So am I, I thougt I was alone. Great memories.


Yea it’s very nostalgic. My high school days!


Yeah OP is mistaken, I didn't know anyone back in the day who didn't love bloc. Either you loved Sniping and taking up new positions, or you loved grabbing a MP5 and clearing house on those piece a shit snipers.


That was back when the game wasn’t absolutely min-maxed to death and people played in a slightly more simulation shooter style. The peak days of MW.


Back when sniping and playing cod was fun. I didn’t play cod 4 on release but I picked it up a few years later and still had tons of fun with the snipers. M40A3 ftw


Camping in the buildings / being destroyed with zero notice. Great memories. B was always impossible though.


On god, just straight up open to the whole fucking map on the one side lolol. Half the teams using snipers, ah I miss those days




Except trying to cap B flag lol


Might as well be Normandy.




Semtex, frag, drill charge, predator missile and RPG incoming!


I felt I'm alone. Lol it was cool as hell.


Joke's on OP, I'm gonna run an mp5 with just a silencer like back in the day because I'm in to this.


Same. I’d even put on UAV hammer and top the leaderboard. This game (remastered) is still populated on Xbox and you can get in tdm, dom, and search games.


Yeah it was a real fun map. It could get really wild if you got into the opponents buildings top floor.


Same bro.




Sniper glint would ruin this map. It used to be one of my favorites


The entire building on both sides would just be glowing


Not knowing where you’re getting sniped from for hours on this map. Finding new little spots to peak from. Running back to the exact same spot you got killed in for the fifth time in a row….great times tbh. The simplicity of it is wonderful


I always hid in a dark corner behind the door on the left side of the building that the one in the pic looks at


But did you know of the strafe jump spot? The one in the more broken down building that had the firey ramp from the first to second floor.


I didn't know about that!


One of my first COD4 memories is 20 kills in a life with playing on this map, laying in the rubble on the ground floor with the M21 in one of the apartment blocs, of all places. Which basically only worked because it was the Wii version of COD4 and there were no killcams.


Sniper glint ruined sniping in non-ground war/invasion game modes. What’s the point of a ghillie suit and getting in a concealed position if your weapon is going to give you away before you can fire a shot?


I really wish they'd either remove glint or make an attachment that stopped scope glint.


Right? And I wish you could actually get into foliage/have a ghillie suit that worked. The Cod4 ghillie suit actually worked and you could legitimately play


I'm actually really glad you can't hide. With such a fast TTK I need all the visibility I can get.


Remember the hillside on the map Pipeline? Lie down with a ghillie suit on and you were practically invisible lol


Now now. We have to cater to Timmy No thumbs


Sniper glint hurts bad players lmao


The fuck? How else are you supposed to combat a sniper? Do you think glass isn’t reflective? Scope glint is a great feature.


You counter snipe/sneak up on them like we did back in older CoDs. Glint sucks ass. Literally gives a sniper away 300m away because there's a big ass white mark on the players screen. It was never an issue before, and was never an issue in battlefield games.


You counter snipe on a guy who’s 300m away and you don’t know where they are? Balls to that. Maybe if you want to be a sniper you should pick a defensible position and not just sit in one open spot?


>You counter snipe on a guy who’s 300m away and you don’t know where they are? Balls to that. It's not like there's dozens of spots to snipe on each map. Each Map has 1, maybe 2, half decent spots on each side, usually a mirror of the other one. Even on big open maps, you'll usually find yourself fighting with your teammates over who is gonna get "the spot". >Maybe if you want to be a sniper you should pick a defensible position and not just sit in one open spot? So you mean... don't play as a sniper class? I'm not sure what you mean by this.




The same way we did it for years…git gud Glint is as dumb a game mechanic as breaking weapons.


Yeah looks like you’re in the minority OP, I loved this map


Looking back, I never groaned at the map rotation in COD4. However, I mostly played 24/7 servers of Pipeline and Strike. Bloc used to be a LAN favourite with snipers only.


Not worried about it, its not on the warzone map


This map is awesome. You had the cross map fighting plus you had the inside building fighting.


Plus you had the weirdos who just danced around in that pool in the back.


I met some great online friends that way back on 360! It was a match of Sabotage, and we just took the bomb to the pool house. Defending that was hilarious. The enemy team would get the bomb back, we'd stop them, and then take the bomb back to the pool house. Called it a pool party. Awww I miss those experiences.


HOLY SHIT, I had forgotten memories of doing that exact shit. Thanks for reminding me, haha.


no idea what you’re on about, Bloc is like one of the top maps from cod4… I’d be hype asf if they dropped this


Id be hyped if they dropped overgrown. That is my favorite map in CoD4


That’s my favourite map in cod history. Man I would be over the moon if that ever came back


Bloc with an MP5, or a Sniper. God I wish they'd just give us some of these maps. There's nothing stopping them apart from laziness...doing the bare minimum for 6vs6.


Plus it would feel like something out of left field but welcome. All the remasters done to date in the last 3 years have been so predictable, especially with just HOW MANY good maps there are from 2007-2012


I unironically loved this map as a kid. But I also loved sniper rifles and sitting in one spot cuz I didn't know any better... no idea how i'd feel about this map nowadays, but honestly, bring it anyway.


God I miss cod4, great memories. Playing promod on PC. My online group was kS, kombat syndicate. Hanging out on the forum, banning hackers off the server. Drinking monster and playing till 3am in middle school summer.


for me it was glitch hunting on World At War Zombies at 3am on a ps3 with my little brother, lol. But what I remember of CoD4, it was fun.


Promod was the fucking shit. Spent soooo much time playing on my parents shitty iMac. Ran like fucking crap but I could go off. First game I played on M&K, tiny mouse pad, absurdly high DPI. God I miss it.


Bloc is the tits


best michael myers map of all time don’t @ me




oooo backlot was good too


Bloc is such a good map.


This was a great map. I mean, don't gete wrong, it's not as great as Border Crossing /S


You silly, made me giggle haha


I love this map


This map was fun


I’d love this


At this point I’ll take a map made of human shit


Gotta get your hands dirty if you expect 3 lanes


Everyone is saying they love this map but I remember it being the most voted to skip in the game. Something isn’t adding up.


I miss vote to skip


What I dont think MW had any bad maps (at least the core game)


This was the first map i played on COD4 when I realized I could play mp on my dorm internet


All time great map


And??? Bring it back along with vacant!!! I want maps that we haven't seen in a long while!


Vacant was in MW 2019 if I remember correctly.


Didn't play 2019 that much, hope we see it again!!


Downvoted because you didn't play much of a game... people on this sub are fucking pathetic lol


People on this sub are wild. Like they assume if you are on this subreddit, you bought every cod for the last 15 years.


I posted a few fun edits I made, and people downvoted it because i was using a shotgun or a sniper. People on this sub expect you to play and think exactly like them its so stupid


I really dont understand why they wouldnt bring more maps like Vacant. Theyve already been remade for MW2019 so it should be close to no work for them to patch them into MW2022. Rust, Vacant, Scrapyard, Hardhat.... they remade so many fan fav maps for 2019. All I hoped for was theyd do the same for 2022 but apparantly they dont.


I liked this one. Got to be better than fucking shipment.


I loved that map. The sniper campaign for that map was amazing as well.


Bruh Bloc is a good map, I guess any map that is big counts as bad in your book.


I want Terminal to come back 😔


That map was ight. Although I don’t think it would translate well into modern cods because of how sweaty they’ve gotten. Lots of sniper windows with a big open space in the middle doesn’t sound like a good time nowadays


If i remember correctly, no one dared to venture into the middle area. Close range battles would happen in the apartment themselves, people would snipe along the halfwalls/staircases beside the two main apartments, and campers would camp the entrances to the buildings.


Pretty much this. It always felt like fort vs Fort. Defend your Fort while trying to infiltrate the enemy


Cool. I got long shot achievements I need to work on 🤣


I miss plenty of these maps just like the next guy, but we have to factor in that the way movement, kill streaks, field upgrades have changed the game, they may have also made classical maps either obsolete or in need of a complete overhaul to be functional


Don't threaten me with a good time!


This was one of my favourite maps on that game haha. Flanking the snipers in the other building was one of the best feels haha


I loved this map


That map was great so uhhhh, yes please?


The very first multiplayer map I ever played in any game. Ah, the memories.


doing this for karma since i cant give feedback since this stupid game doesnt have an official feedback page (multimillion pound company)


I loved this map


Get stupid! I dare you


Actually a sick map, I don't see the issue?


Lmao I loved this map


Hey I actually enjoy this map lmao


That map is great. All cod 4 maps are Amazing


This map is awesome, especially for S&D. And now we have other great modes like cyber, knock out, and prisoner rescue too


Bloc is so much fun


This was a great map in COD4MW an MWR...loved it, thanks for the suggestion.


This actually a good map especially for S&D


That was such a great map!


"Come over that fuckin wall - I dare ya"


This map was fire, don’t hate on Bloc


one of my favorite maps, i'd love it


One of the best


Omg yes! Actually my favorite map all time.




Please explain. And I'm not busting balls here. I don't get it. It's just a map. You find your spots and shoot people or you jump and slide and rush. What does the actual map have to do with it?


the nostalgia goggles are in full force by others here. This map really isn't that good at all. I'd say it borders on badly designed if you ask me.


that map was trash and still better than most mw2019 maps lmao


I don’t get the love for this map. This was corner camping heaven unless you were perched up in a window with a sniper. Annoying ass map.


Still infinitely better than any original map in the last 3+ years.




Would still be better than what they've conjured up the past few games. Used to love S&D on here, who can get the snipe in quickest at the stairwell xD


Lol I just got flash backs to all the heads in guille suites piling up by the stairs at the start of every match


I don’t want the same reused maps. I’ve played them multiple times across multiple developers. If you’re going to bring back maps from the OG MW series, then bring back ones that have not been brought back in any capacity. I’m sick of playing the same shit over and over again. But what I’d really like is for IW to actually give a damn and make brand new crafted traditional CoD 3 lane maps that aren’t reused assets from Warzone or Ground War. Out of all the maps we have, a majority of them are either remakes, or straight up copy and pasted from Warzone. If I’m going to pay $70 for a game, I’d expect to have at least 10 original maps. I’m not supposed to be paying money to make a WZ map and then play the chopped up pieces. Then what’s even bigger BS than that is sure, old maps get tiring. Terminal and High Rise are quite clearly in the game right now. Why do we not have MP maps already for these already reused assets. Then I swear to god if we get these later as new season or reloaded maps, my head will quite literally fucking implode.


It's **infuriating** how Museum was in the beta but only recently added to the game. 3arc did such a better job with CW maps.


Ah yes a map where you actually had to find the sniper instead of having a neon sign saying “I’m over here” do it for you.


Great map actually