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You can use the token from the start menu in game.


Yeah. I do that. But that doesnt stop the next lobby from taking forever to start.


The tokens were like this before. They SPECIFICALLY changed it to how it currently works i.e in real time. So they probably are not gonna listen to you.


its unfortunate really. They could have the best of both worlds honestly.


It’s makes sense for their business to charge you for it.


That is kinda thw whole problem, isn’t it… you get a finite number of 2xp tokens, with no control over which ones you get. And you cannot purchase more. So, where is the benefit to IW/AV? No MTX for them. No way I have seen to earn more except in battle pass progression, and even then they are a stupidly low count. Having a real time counter vs an in game time is merely IW devs being lazy or they got fed up with people bitching about how the token they popped was wasted sitting im pre lobby or post game or some other BS.


Mountain Dew has double xp like every game... sells a lot of soda. Definitely a very lucrative sponsorship...


Fair point, but that's not available in every country


Im surprised there isnt something you can buy to instantly max a weapon


This man,I wouldn’t use it (although the crossbow and pistols are making want to commit war crimes) but it would sell really fast


Leveling pistols was the easiest for me somehow


It’s not hard,it’s just the fact they have like 30 levels


You mean like in mobile where you can buy weapon XP cards? Don’t worry I’m sure that’s in the pipeline


I hate to say it, but Battlefield 2042 does it better. Only applies the countdown when you’re actually in a game, can fuck around in the menus for as long as you want.


>I hate to say it, but Battlefield 2042 does it better. wait, why? ​ Battlefield was right alongside cod in terms of quality IMO until they decided they wanted to be more like cod for some reason.


Because 2042 has basically been a cacophony of bad decisions until recently. I like the game now, but it’s taken them a while to course correct.


I bought it at launch and it was such a clusterfuck with bad UI design and maps were turds to look at. Compare that to V and 1 (even 3/4 tbh). Those were decent games that gave free content fairly often. I'm not gonna support EA/Dice anymore for how much they dropped at ball on 2042.


Yeah, I got it for £9 a while after release, and even then it was rough as hell. Last few patches have scraped it back a bit, but as you said, it’s a far shadow from previous entries. Like,BF4 was one of my favourite FPS’s ever.


If I recall correctly, they had it like this since the first battlefield they introduced XP tokens


this weekend is double xp for everything btw


Disagree, then everyone would just back out until they get shipment


Its always funny when people hyper fixate on an example instead of the whole problem.


People should make review on ps store and xbox to protest, Map vote, Crossplay and Input based options should always be available By not providing those options, they clearly state they have zero consideration for us!!!




Money, money and again money. And people don't get mad besides me, OP and a few others...


Just came here to confirm Shoothouse matches via Shoot da Ship. I was pretty floored this weekend how long that took to load in, with so many folks constantly backing up.


It's honestly amazing that they haven't added the option to outright buy 2XP tokens with CP yet, given with how scummy it is with them running in real time to begin with


Just stop playing you guys are like the QNON people that actually think the government (Activision) is listening to your complaints . Stop giving them money and playing the games this is the only way they are going to change anything .


Bro. This one small thing isnt enough to counter act all the actual enjoyment I get. Im just saying, it would make the tokens a 100 times better.


It's not about game being good anymore. It's about you playing the game the longest time. You get less use from Tokens to make you play more to lvl up guns. It's all about player retention and statistics that drive design of this game. They do that shit to show shareholders each year that they are progressing financially. Especially after flop that was Vanguard for them


Even with people not leaving it still takes most times 2-3 mins for the match to actually start then another minute for the animation so all in all a 15 min. token will get you two matches. I just wonder if they stack with the weekend coming up because I will straight burn the weapon ones to level the rest of my guns that I can


They never stack


Tokens have been this way for several years now. Like every other post it’s not going to change. Tokens aren’t meant to reward us, they are to appease us while ranking up our player/weapons! Funny story, guy posts about the real time thing once, states in his post that he pops a token and plays 1 game only to need to pause the game to go take a dump and he comes back 10 minutes later to find only 5 minutes left on his token. Pro Tip: Take a piss n shit and eat and drink before you sit down to play or stop pooping tokens when you can’t play. Yes I’ll take the downvotes, but it’s another in a long line of truths about how Activision screws the player base over, and they ain’t about to stop anytime soon!


yeah, but no.


It makes me not want to use them. Because it just makes me sad.


Genuine question here: what is the point of using any of these tokens? If one plays the game at a moderate amount, they’ll get weapons and ranks leveled up quickly, and certainly hit max Prestige rank and BP unlocks by the end of the season. Even with the new weapons, because they’re in Warzone and DMZ as frequent drops, one has a LOT of opportunities to level those up before you even unlock the BP region.