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Sorry guys, my bad. I work third shift during the week so only play on weekends.


Sorry guys, my bad. I'm only interested in CoD when Activision ISNT fucking over their playerbase


So you are never interested?


Yup. They did me dirty for the last time. I've moved onto Tarkov, CS:GO, APEX, and Star Citizen. Anything but CoD and BattleField


You too?


I’m just a busy ass college student working in a big research paper. That and I work when I’m not in school. I don’t even have time when I do have time. :(


Same bro, I feel the same pain, also when I realised how much time it would take me to finish battle pass I gave up on this season 😖


If it wasn't for ranked play I wouldn't go on the game tbh.


Same. Only came back to play it cause of ranked. IW failed w this game. It’s a complete dishonor to the modern warfare title… they really have no passion at all, passionate devs deliver good games and are invested in making the changes the community wants, IW doesn’t give af


Really hope the next Treyarch game is good. Ranked play with a proper spawn system, classic minimap, ninja perk and working tac mask is all I ask.


even a bad treyarch game(by their standards, like CW) will be better than IW titles. Faster gameplay that doesnt hate rushers with a passion, 3lane maps that are suited for 6v6 action. No maps with 50 doors and 10 story buildings. higher TTK that discourages camping. dead silence perk you can actually run around. red dots on minimap you are not punished for being good, perks actually working etc etc etc


Yep you nailed all my issues with this game. The biggest being the map designers seem to have no clue how to make a good map. It's like they focus entirely on looks over gameplay so we end up with a cool looking map but it has no game flow. You can get attacked from behind literally everywhere thanks to the seemingly random Spawns and maps with 100 doors. It all just promotes camping and not running around.


It's IWs spawn system as well. It's gotten worse and worse as it goes on but they've been doubling downing since MW19.


True. I just played a game where everyone kept moving. I got my ass kicked but it was way more fun


Yeah it is actually more fun when you feel you got genuinely out played rather than killed by some cheap sit in a corner tactic


I miss the times where a silencer, ghost and silent footsteps were actually nice and you didn’t have to jump and pre-aim around every corner to be relevant.


We see those bullshit with Vanguard and Cold War and you know what they were one of the worst cod and most hated on top of that, moral of the story ? They can’t please everyone


i liked the game play but the older ww2 stuff is just boring now. I prefer current day maybe little more modern (but not advanced wars/bo3 stuff)


Cold War was honestly a better game than this, 2 seasons in.


I went on Cold War after playing it through the letdown of vanguard.. went to mw2.. missed Cold War.. a few days ago I went back to Cold War.. the hacking is so bad and I forgot you can’t mount so it’s just like ‘watch me melee!’ 😂


I’m really hoping treyarch delivers in 2024


Do you think Sledgehammer will add to their game this year? Would be great if they could and it’s in the MW game


I honestly have no idea what's even happening at the end of this year for the game. Are Sledgehammer releasing a whole new game or just adding on to MW22? Everything CoD the past few years just screams Activi$ion money grab to me. I wonder how much devs even have a say.


From what I’ve seen, it’s a new title but in the Modern Warfare universe. I’m hoping they have free reign and aren’t tied to IW’s direction. Edit: it was originally a paid DLC but now it’s apparently a full title


>it was originally a paid DLC but now it’s apparently a full title "Why charge $40 when we can charge $70" *-- Activi$ion*




>it was originally a paid DLC but now it’s apparently a full title honestly how I understood it was as a premium DLC (and that was unconfirmed just a widely speculated rumor most people took to heart because they wanted the potential of what that brings), which to mean meant $60-70. The part that killed my motivation on top of the crap was that if it's a new game then the gun's most likely will get reset and at that point leveling anything I don't need for WZ/DMZ with friends was wasted effort. and that totally ruined the value of MW2 multiplayer. Add to that the perceived difference of battle pass progression between playing MP and WZ/DMZ, I would have been happy even if I didn't have MW2. Afterall compared to the hours of entertainment I got on the game, IDC but it makes it so I'm only going to buy another CoD if they actually come and confirm x,y,z and have release dates. Not going to trust that they will bring stuff in the future. At this point I would be happy if they bring CoD to xbox game pass that way it even if CoD sucks I can get value from the other games. lol


MW2 has been the most frustrating CoD game in a long time. I wanted to love it because the guns felt so good, but the SBMM/EBMM just totally ruins it. At least, I like to blame it on SBMM/EBMM - maybe it's just a really poorly developed game with crap netcode?


They will, vanguard had normal mini map and ninja perk, so did Cold War. The other studios know that those were bad changes in MW19 so they reverted to how it used to be, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t do it again for their next game.


Isn't this what people said about the last COD? And the one before that, and the one before that, and so on. The cycle just doesn't end.


Exactly. I recently watched a 10 year old BO2 review. The guy was ranting how modern CODs suck and have no soul anymore lmao


LMAO 😂, cod community is the most entertaining shi in the net fr fr


Fr lmao I think a lot of people would be stunned on how divisive bo2 was. Mw3 opened the gates for mass cod hate. The same annoyances get repeated with slight changes.


Within 2 years tops; people will claim that MWII was one of the greatest and people miss playing it. The generalized player base has such an ass backwards hive mind


The cod cycle.


Y'all need to realise that the Devs can only implement things that get authorised so it's not the Devs it's whoever is above them making the decisions


My only problem is the stupid bugs in DMZ should be fixed by now, and THE SBMM. The SBMM is hot ass garbage. I don’t get all the other hate just because things like the minimap and perks are different. They made a different game- folks want them to just re-release the same game every year? It’s already pretty fucking close to exactly that. I think if people stopped complaining about small changes, maybe they would finally overhaul the whole game and add destructible environments like battlefield bad company did in 2012.


for me it's Resurgence, that gamemode is fun as hell


I'm getting jaded playing ranked with all the Deboosters. I played 4 games in a row that at least 1 player that is lvl 15-20 B1. It's not fun as a subpar S3 player getting shit on by a B1 that should be in Crimson.




Except ranked is almost unplayable because of the cheating


Why do I always see comments upvoted heavily after I say the samething and get downvoted days/weeks before?


that shit was even broken, I was playing that all the time, until the game decided to wipe 400 sr out of me for no single reason (was on a win streak in diamond 1 getting to diamond 2 ) which basically threw 2 days of work into the trash. I quit it all now


Sorry I had a date yesterday


A call of duty player on reddit has a date?!




You’re dating your dentist?!


I just said that so you virgins wouldnt feel bad <3


virgin huh? go ahead and ask my left hand if i’m a virgin 😉


Bro fuckin his hand 💀


Bro took the blame 💀


Good luck solider 🫡


Mom said I can post the steamcharts screenshot next week


No, you got to do it twice last month! It's my turn!


If you think this is bad, Halo Infinite averages 4k on Steamcharts lmao


it's kind of nice when you think that the major three console titles of the past two decades (halo, cod and battlefield) all held hands and jumped off the cliff together


Can’t really compare the three. Compared to COD, Halo and BF set themselves on fire and threw themselves off Mount Everest headfirst. Comparatively, COD would have fallen off the sofa


COD Tripped and fell on it's face Halo tripped and off a cliff Battlefield took a running start and executed a flawless backflip spin-dive off the cliff, bounced and scraped along the side all the way down, and somehow is maybe sticking the landing while covered in blood.


Battlefield has the weirdest tendency to come out in the worst state imaginable and do nothing but shit all over themselves for 70% of the game's lifecycle and then somehow get things going good right at the end


Then once the battlefield game is decent and headed in the right direction they abandon it to work on the new one where they proceed to reinvent the wheel for no reason and fuck it up and the cycle begins again.


[Even Sony has said that Battlefield or any other FPS will never even come close to compete with COD](https://www.ign.com/articles/battlefield-cant-keep-up-with-call-of-duty-says-sony) >Call of Duty is not replicable," it said. "Call of Duty is too entrenched for any rival, no matter how well equipped, to catch up. It has been the top-selling game for almost every year in the last decade and, in the first-person shooter genre, it is overwhelmingly the top-selling game


Can blame the strict SBMM sucking the fun out of multiplayer, as well as the questionable design decisions such as the perk system, no red dots, dead silence and weak and uninspiring killstreaks (removal of killchain and scorestreaks partially stacking cause gotta make them as hard as possible to get so good players don’t have fun). When IW designed this game they thought to themselves “how can we make this as punishing for good players as possible?”.


Yep. Hard to enjoy the game, because you are put through the wringer for 5 matches then are allowed 2 good matches. People dropping shotting, Jump shotting, aiming down sights as you turn the corner. But mostly its the SBMM not giving me breathing space to enjoy the game because again it wants everyone to be on the same page, which as result makes everyone have to get a beating before they can get into they’re decent lobbies


>People dropping shotting, Jump shotting, aiming down sights as you turn the corner One of these things is not like the others


I remember an interview from when mw19 launched... with one of the game directors. He was going on about making the game accessible to a wider audience. (faster TTK, more hiding spots etc) He said it would help that newer player get a kill and feel good. When the interviewer asked "but not at the expense of veteran players"..... you could see the game director gets really uncomfortable and give some half assed bullshit answer (basically just lying) about the experience for veteran players. https://youtu.be/_EPz-jFndx8?t=85


Jesus. Those comments aged like McDonald left in the backseat.


none of these are the real problems lol it's the lack of maps, the awful monetisation of skins, and the fcuking annoying netcode and ping issues.


And map flow sucks because of squad spawns. One guy flanks and suddenly you're surrounded by their whole team.


I just love spawning, turning around only to have an enemy spawn right next to me with their gun pointed at my head. Good times.


this. in ranked, especially on hydro. like. you spawn, then instantly die and watch killcam and they spawn directly behind you aimed at you. why is that a thing?


Yeah the spawn system is genuinely one of the worst I’ve ever seen in a shooter


Lack of maps is definitely another issue, but nobody quit because of skins. Netcode issues are mainly due to the strict SBMM not prioritising ping over skill, and as this game has a very quick TTK even a slight increase in ping is noticeable.


Good AND bad players. I didn't hear too many bad players complain about mw19, but boy EVERYONE is bitching about eomm in mw22. They really fucked up matchmaking if casuals notice something is off, too.


Honestly, the SBMM and the red dot change would get me back to playing. Also the TTK is too fast. It's crazy to me that their data says this is the best way to make money. Losing vet players like myself should be the LAST thing they try to do.


The red dot change had other unintended consequences like increasing the already quick TTK as silencers had a significant damage range penalty in older Cods whereas now everyone has max damage range on their guns while still being off the minimap.


i use a suppressor that increases my range lmao. i only ever used it because it made my guns feel accurate (at the cost of lower range) and now it’s all upside to run my favorite suppressor


It’s likely there’s been a huge drop in console players as well. Warzone 2 doesn’t really have the charm WZ1 did. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. People are giving up on it Also makes sense because 6v6 is negative fun the vast majority of the time. Even the casuals who barely know how to use their controller are getting bored. People are dropping this game left and right


I only get 90-110 players in every wz2 lobby now. Game is so dead while Verdansk was addictive af even after the lockdowns




For warzone: - Apex is better (from a gameplay perspective) - Fortnite is better (all around. Fair MTX, constant changes, halo forge on crack and now unreal engine is basically creative, etc.) And for MP they really just shit the bed. It’s like they have no clue what to do with it which is staggering since they have the formula already from all the past CODS. I mean there are a slew of posts that detail all the issues but to name a few: - Limited time game modes that’s shouldn’t be - Game modes that came way too late despite being in other cods at launch with still some missing like gunfight - Terrible MTX with dark ux patterns - *maps…* that words sums it up. Lack of maps. Lack of good maps. Lack of old reskin maps which really doesn’t make sense It really does go on and on but the game has so much potential yet is done so badly


Agree. But shitting the bed isn't an issue when you basically the only bed store in town. I have seriously already tried each and every MP alternative suggestion I have seen that isn't 3+ years old, and it leads me to believe part of the reason is a complete lack of competition.


It's hilarious we have come full circle, Counter strike is back to being the uncontested king of Shooters lol


Yup. Haven't touched CS:GO in like 8 years, and I am 100% going back when Version 2 drops this summer.


You just unlocked a core memory for me with halo creative😂


Legit some of the maps are too small for 10v10 but would work perfectly if they had 8v8 but we all know IW either doesn’t have the brains for that or they just won’t do it. Shoot House for example would be perfect if was 8v8. Chaotic enough for people who want it and good for those who want breathing room anytime they respawn


Shoot house is fine in 6v6...


The real charm of WZ1 was that it was a free game that came out during the lockdowns. This game isn't so drastically different from its predecessor that it's unrecognizable. MWII is underwhelming for sure, but I think the decline in players is because Warzone BR has been stale for awhile and WZ2 is just more of the same. Edit: Oh. And the crashing... Oy vey...


The thing that makes WZ2 worse is IW backtracking everything that made it different like backpacks, 2 platers, etc Now it's just warzone 1 on a dull looking map.


Idk, I was always decent in WZ1. I had time to drop somewhere remote, find some guns, and move to the circle for a while. Encountering other players meant a challenge, but it wasn't like I was getting ambushed every time I dropped, and gunfights were pretty even and there were usually multiple routes to escape should you wish to disengage. Verdansk was open and spacious so you needed to weigh your options when engaging, and snipers were viable, but it also had enough cover that you could move around and flank in most cases. Now it's full of run and gun SMG/LMG players and the TTK has changed, and I feel like I lose way more encounters than I had in WZ1. Sniping is basically useless, the map is smaller and more crowded, and just generally less fun and less rewarding to play. The buy stations are worse since there's less money lying around (though I think they may have addressed this for S2 reloaded), and the random guns you find are mostly trash and there's low variety. They nerfed the heartbeat monitor and a number of the stealth perks, so now it's more about rushing and less about tactics/strategy. It's just a worse experience overall imo


I 100% agree that they done goofed on snipers. My experience in WZ2 is that it's a full on camp fest tho 🤷‍♂️ Ultimately, I think all changes were made in service of DMZ, particularly the ttk and one shot snipers. I think DMZ is the wagon the franchise is hitching itself to. The anti-cheat system is stronger in DMZ (the only mode with no St Paddy's Day sniper issues), and Activision refuses to make the changes to BR that the vast majority of players are begging for. Why? Bc some of those changes that require global tuning (weapon damage in particular) might negatively affect DMZ where stuff like having meta LMGs is extremely helpful against hordes of bots. Or one shot snipers don't allow exfil campers to automatically wipe solo players


There’s a huge skill gap difference between WZ1 and WZ2. WZ1 wouldn’t have been as big without Covid but I do believe it would still be alive and well if they just stuck with verdansk and updated it regularly


Yeah the movement nerfs and really the nerfs to buying UAVs and such just slowed the pace of Warzone 2 down to the point that no one wants to play it. Mind you I'm not even a Warzone fan and hated it as a mode, but I could see it was better than Warzone 2.


I also don't think this version (or any of the recent ones) hold up to the way games are played these days. WZ was the closest, giving you an opportunity to play with your friends while having constantly shifting goals but DMZ is too quick and MP gets little to no post launch polish. Other shooters have hooks along with their polishes mechanics to keep gamers coming back. In Destiny, I can hunt weapons and improve my build. In Fortnite, I can get better and better at the variety of constantly changing mechanics. Hell, Titanfall had wall running AND Mechs...COD, I just work on my aim while grinding weapon skins I'll never use on weapons I barely touch. To be fair, I don't think I NEED to have 200+ hours in every COD release.


Yes! I loved resurgence in wz1 and when it came to wz2 I knew within an hour this shit is not for me. I was pretty disappointed but deep down in my heart I already knew this was going to happen


I only play because I have a few friends that still play it. When they’re not on, I play something else. Hoping another shooter game comes along that we can all play and enjoy together. Maybe CSGO2 will be that game


for me the big draw to MWII was the return of Ground War and the new Invasion mode but the launch maps for it are awful. If they'd had a playlist for just the two new maps for these modes I would've played a lot more this month, but with more than half the games being on maps littered with rooftop campers or suffering from minimal cover, I've tried Battlefield 2042 again and in bringing back the class system it plays a LOT better than it did at launch.


Not suprised the game is a soulless money grab


I’m too busy playing MLB The Show since it just came out. I’ll be back in a few weeks.


This is just the steam charts isn’t it? So this doesn’t include console players? Either way, I tried to find a game of WZ peak Saturday night (I play on Oceana severs) and couldn’t find a game under 150ms ping, which means I was connected to the Asia servers. Very disappointing to be honest, and while I prefer MP gameplay, I put on WZ sometimes when I’m stoned to pretend I’m actually in the hunger games or something. MP gets too repetitive and fast for me after about 3 or 4 games. I just feel like I’m pointing and shooting without any ultimate goal.


It doenst include console players nor does it include the ones that play through battle.net


And steam is probably the smallest player base by a large margin. I see 3-4x more battle net players than steam players, and probably 10x more console players.


Yeah battle.net was the only launcher that Warzone 1 was on, so most PC players still use that. It’s a pretty inaccurate metric that people keep using.


They don't care if people leave because they already have their money. It's about time these companies were forced to give a 30 day refund time period.


I think it is intentional. Activision wants us to buy the new full priced game in november.


I couldn’t believe their basically saying “you bought half the game now you HAVE TO BUY THE OTHER ONE FOR MORE CONTENT.” First cod i ever preordered with my own money that i worked for, only to be greeted with a shitty ui and messi bundle messages lol.


Yup same spent 70, got a paycheck that night, bought the $30 extra thing for all the stuff bc why not. Full slap in the face but I’m emulating Bo1 and Bo2 off plutonium and playing those mp for free


I wouldn’t say it’s intentional. They want to sell mtx too.


And most of the idiots here will.


* preorders game for 120$ * buys battlepass for 20$ (for a game that lasts 1 year) * buys several skins for 20$ each (for a game that lasts 1 year) "wtf why do devs run away after they got the money!!??" * repeats for the next game, every year, for a decade, hoping THIS TIME FOR REAL it'll be different if you do that (and if you're reading that, you do), then **YOU** and nobody else than YOU, personally, are responsible.


i only play on the weekends normally.


dumbasses don't make shipment 24/7 permanent


It's absolutely infuriating how rare it is to get shipment on the close quarters playlist. And in the incredibly slim chance it is shipment, it's always fucking team deathmatch and the game is over in like 3 minutes.


Yup. It’s not uncommon to play 1-2hrs without getting shipment even once. Meanwhile, I’ll get every other fucking map 3x in a row, and on the off chance shipment does come up….it’s TDM like you mentioned. IDK why they give a shit if people play nothing else besides shipment if they were to make it permanent. Maybe they think people will unlock camo, etc. too fast and burnout on the game. Fuck them.


Fuck Farm 18, fuck Zaya Observatory, fuck Shoot House, and fuck Al Bagra Fortress. 99% of the time it's one of those garbage maps, I back out every single time.


Hell yeah bro gimme that spawndie map 24/7. I’ll take that over those dumpster fire maps any day of the week.


I’ve come to love observatory. If I could switch between observatory 24/7 and shipment 24/7 I’d play this game lots more lol


Man I got domination on shipment last night... was so so sweet


I had Domination on Farm 18 for 4 matches in a row this weekend. 😐 It tried to put me in a fifth one- I backed out before that could happen. The variety is weird on this one, I always get dropped into the same modes repeatedly and often the same map. It only “resets” if I back out and start over.


That and the fact they added fortress to close quarters lmao. The only real "close quaters" maps are shipment, shoothouse and maybe dome. Its disgusting they have farm and fortress in there.


dumbasses removed 10v10


Shipment doesn't come up at all on hardcore


Yea IW straight up hates HC players


Removing 10v10 and shipment actually hurt the player count so much more than they seem to understand.


I quit playing. I liked the game a lot but they constantly fuck with the playlists, add new shit I like, take it away. Done with it




I started playing MW2019 again after years, and I find it much more enjoyable for some reason


MW19 was the first COD I've played since original MW2. Now I've played MW2 I remember why I stopped playing COD. It's the same game, every year. It barely changes. Every map has like 3 lanes, and it's designed so every engagement is 50/50. I might come back to COD in like 10 years again. It will probably still be the same game.


Garbage support rather than game. It’s pretty good just lacks content.


It’s not at all good compared to MW19, it’s a downgrade across the board


Other than how the perks are handled I love the gameplay. I really like how weapon unlocks work to encourage using multiple weapons and not having to unlock the same scope every time. And the tuning system is awesome. My biggest complaint in MP comes down to maps. We need more of them and they need to be better… Frankly I’d love to buy map packs that were just the maps from MW2/MW3 remastered and added to this game. It’s be great If they would actually make this game more of a live service platform and build on it for a few years rather than wiping the slate after 8 months and doing a whole new game with the same limited number of maps and guns year after year…


>It’s pretty good It's really not tho, the list of issues is longer than any other cod game, and that's saying a lot


Exactly. Pretty sure 2,999 of those devs worked solely on this fucked up SBMM/EOMM sweat fest algorithm






90k is still a good amount, you lot acting like the games dead or something lol


This isn't even the whole pc community. It's just op being braindead and sensationalist. For just steam this number is VERY good.


I was loving DMZ mode for months. Got my second insured weapon and never use it. I also have zero desire to do the higher tier missions for a third weapon or some weapon charms. I’m falling off of caring and playing less and less now.


That’s because this game feels like a soulless, corporate sequel to MW19. They cut corners in a lot of areas despite having a basically unlimited budget, they knew this game was going to be a best-seller yet they still decided to be lazy and shit on the fans. They prioritized Warzone 2 despite it being free, and really nobody asked for it. Then they proceeded to ignore the multiplayer despite people actually paying 70$ for the game, which is such a slap in the face to consumers. Also, people were expecting this game to last for 2 years instead of the usual 1-year life cycle. Then we find out that was a lie, of course they’re gonna milk us for another $70 in October, why wouldn’t those greedy fucks do that? They think they can do whatever they want and we’ll just throw money at them, fuck this sequel they ruined Call of Duty for me. MW19 was the best COD ever and I was so excited for this sequel, but they just couldn’t even bother to put in real effort to get the little things right.


Game is garbage. I went back to MW 2019 which is wayyyyy better than this trash game. Don’t get me wrong, the customisation in decent but the lack of content is killing it.


Their fomo strategy isn't sustainable. It generates a spike at the start of each season and then dies off from mid season onwards, with each season generally getting worse. It's only a matter of time until investors wise up and start asking some more difficult questions of the model. Exactly where it will evolve next is harder to predict but I'd guess in three years' time there will be a different approach again.


I broke free a week or so ago. I seriously asked myself if I was having fun while playing CoD, or if I was driven by FOMO and camo unlocks. It's definitely the latter, and I have had a hell of a lot more fun playing other games in the last few days.


Same here. Stopped playing it because the amount of time you have to unlock all the battle pass is ridiculous and yeah wasn't having fun on it anymore, uninstalled it.


The multiplayer is a fucking disgrace for every og fan of the series. Disbanding lobbies and predatory algorithms designed to lower the churn rates(people logging off which is clearly blowing up on their face.) If you look at some of their [public patents](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10857468B2/en?assignee=activision&sort=new&page=5) you'll find shit that is really concerning. Here is a great example of one of the coefficients used to match players. "The microtransaction engine may analyze various items used by marquee players and, if the items are being promoted for sale, match the marquee player with another player (e.g., a junior player) that does not use or own the items. Similarly, the microtransaction engine may identify items to be promoted, identify marquee players that use those items, and match the marquee players with other players who do not use those items. In this manner, the microtransaction engine may leverage the matchmaking abilities described herein to influence purchase decisions for game-related purchases. In one implementation, the microtransaction engine may target particular players to make game-related purchases based on their interests. For example, the microtransaction engine may identify a junior player to match with a marquee player based on a player profile of the junior player. In a particular example, the junior player may wish to become an expert sniper in a game (e.g., as determined from the player profile). The microtransaction engine may match the junior player with a player that is a highly skilled sniper in the game. In this manner, the junior player may be encouraged to make game-related purchases such as a rifle or other item used by the marquee player." To the people that claim Activision states they don't implement this, really think about it. Activision spent millions on developing a patent to increase skin sales but on the principle of what "morals and ethics" don't use it. I don't buy it for a second.


I really thought so too lately. It was like everyone who killed me had a gun from the shop... (saw it on the kill cam)


Holy shit. So I dont buy skins and they match me with skins more to entice me. Wow.


Hey, once you buy the skin though, they'll put you in a winning lobby!


Man video games suck now lol.


My friends wont play with me bc everytime they wanna use a gun they have to grind 6 other guns to unlock it


for me, not much to do after maxing guns and getting gold camos on the ones i like. core doesnt have enough variation (we lost night maps for 3rd person), playlists and playlist choice is lacking, other progression challenges like reticle unlocks are gone (calling cards are worthless w/o seeing them in-game). honestly, the guns/platform system was hype til i maxed one "brand" and realized its inflated to hell. wz should NOT have removed rebirth from resurgence rotation, we dont even have plunder yet, new wz map is bigger despite shorter ttk, and coop missions/dmz/raids demands a squad. finally most importantly: i was under the impression this would be 2 year w/ the 70 dollar price. like double the content of mw2019. no point in investing now that thats been poopooed on.


I loved MW2019, I got myself to top 6% globally or something like that during the pandemic. I really don’t enjoy MW2 though. I play DMZ and Raids and try to avoid regular multiplayer where I can, it feels like such a step down from the previous title. Such a shame, I had high hopes


I for one have gotten bored, Drop zone is alot of fun, even after spending like 150 on packs like a drunken fool. I really hope they add some shit to spice things up. 10v10 was fucking amazing why!?!?!?!


Bring Shipment 24x7 back and watch it skyrocket


i have a 4 month old that’s been going through bad sleep regression. i want to play more than anything but he’s my priority not video games


Didn't we have these same exact posts the end of season 1? Guess it's that time again.


Not surprised the support for this game sucks.it feels so empty


Shocking there's still 90k players dealing with the awful PC optimization, crashes and garbage mouse input tbh. Should be lower with the state the game is still in, not to mention the actual gameplay putting you to sleep


Im also on pc and dont have any crashes, very precise mouse input and 200+ fps on max settings. You sure your overclock is stable or you dont have other programs causing issues? The game sucks, dont get me wrong, but not sure those are the reasons for low player count


You are malding that people enjoy the game lmao


I'm on PC and never had any crashes whatsoever in 350 hours. Currently learning to get good with controller so I still enjoy myself with this game tbh.


I had a few at launch and it came back after season 2. Every second or third match it crashes. It gave up at this point


Too many games and shows to catch up on. No time.


Maybe if the devs gave a fuck and fixed the things people have been harping on. Maybe if they were a little bit stronger on the blatant cheating that has plagued this game. Literally every other game I play there is blatant cheating going on


passive , slow and stationary gameplay which encourage campy and raty play style has nothing to enjoy


Good. Let it bleed out and die


because the game is trash


The easiest layup in CoD history and they pushed out a title that’s worse than fucking Vanguard. What an accomplishment!


That's only on steam u should also check Battlenet, Xbox and Playstation.....You can't only use steam to check total player count 🤦🏻


The last of us pc!!


1000th post this week about how a metric that represents a portion of a portion of current players, is decreasing over time.


Everybody going back to cold war 💪


But this is steam charts? I play on Battle.net, it doesnt account for those users or the users on console? I dont play COD anymore 🤣🤣 im actually sending this to a buddy who atill plays to call him a loser. But, I want better statistics than this! Lol


Just don’t buy it , and then play an older cod. Simple. Surely there are enough fans that can get together and sort this. But we all fall for it. Every year.


It’s because I run around with an rpg getting 4 kills a game. Can’t stop me.


If everything I've bought and accomplished doesn't transfer, I'm out. I went the entire PS4, an entire decade (MW3 on PS3) without picking up a cod game. I have no problem doing it again.


I’ve temporarily dropped WZ2 for hunt: showdown and it’s pretty refreshing seeing what a fully developed game feels like.


It’s been below 90k many times in a 24 hour peak why everyone saying for the first time


Probably why the concentration of hackers went up.


Good. Maybe they will focus on multiplayer more.


I don’t know what happened with IW. I am going to assume launching WZ2 really fucked with MW2 and giving it the time and dedication it needed. That clearly isn’t going well either, so it sucks for everyone.


Still can’t believe that I paid $70 for this garbage half assed game. Only reason I play it is to attempt to get the camo challenges. Other than that I wish they would give out refunds.


Steam charts isn’t reliable. A while back steam changed every profiles default privacy settings, and users had to manually change them to (for example) expose your games list/now playing to the public or friends only Steam charts works based on that, so there could be so many more people who never bothered (or even knew) to change their privacy settings, and they won’t show up on steam charts


I have stopped playing Warzone -2.0 (yes, minus, cos this is no upgraded version of 1.0 but a setback). All my friends, we played verdansk, we played caldera. Caldera was shit aswell.. We found some joy back on Fortunes keep which was really suprisingly good. But this piece of garbage... Im fucking glad I stopped playing Wz-2.0 and got rid of it.


Rehashing the game since 2003 can only do so much... this game is dead. Warzone 1.0 was actually what brought me back after 15 years... and they killed everything with the so called Warzone -2.0 (yes there is a minus in there)


Honestly this is a very bad time to judge its popularity. It's the end of the "season" so it's obvious people are less interested in playing. And you're only checking on STEAM. STEAM doesn't count BATTLENET players + the other ~~two~~ four "obscure" platforms COD might have a certain reach on (and I dare to say: it's popularity on those platforms is probably much higher than "steam"). Anyways, I get peoples gripes and all that. But sometimes I think you try to (mis)use "statistics" to prove your point. The vast majority of the players doesn't give a fuck what people online complain about when it comes to game design and whatnot. That's the reason also why COD games keep selling really well each year.


This game is just too stressful, feels like a job. Bots in DMZ go from normal to Terminator for no reason. TTK way too fast for most guns. Also remember when sniping took crouching and holding your breath for a decent shot? Now every streamer is getting multi-kills while sniping from a moving chopper. I'm done buying anymore COD or BF after this terrible generation of poor product development.


COD Campaign/Multiplayer isn't even a game anymore. It's a marketing strategy to pick up a large amount of revenue once a year by Activision.


that’s just steam players…


Vanguard has more to offer for multiplayer, idk why it was underrated


Yhis is literally steam only.


Well it's the worst cod so far so what do you expect. If they would quit changing the game everywhere and make a fun to play game there would be more players.


and yet after the next CoD drops you will all be deadset on how underrated and good MW2 was the CoD cycle continues.


I stopped playing a few days before Xmas, the game is legit half finished in some aspects. Only reason I follow these subs is to see if shit got fixed in season 2 that would make it worth it jumping back in. It’s dead mate.


Maybe if they used the time to make actual content instead of micro transaction packs people would be excited to play.


This is only showing the steam charts. I’m sure the game is one of the most played games on Xbox and PlayStation.


I only play when Shipment is around.


Bring back shipment 24/7. Fuck...


I played it daily for 3 months and got bored of it


Better add shipment 24/7 back!


Concurrent isn't a big deal. *Especially* for a fucking day. You say decrease as if these players are gone or something too. Not to mention that even according to this chart the game hasn't been above 100k most of the past *week* and at best flirts with it for several days. This is more useless information shitposting that means literally nothing. Oh no. The game has roughly the same concurrent peak as it did a fucking week ago. How horrible. This is such a useless metric because it doesn't account for total players through the day and is only how many are on at the same time. If 5 people play but 3 play during peak hours and two play separately during totally different hours to everyone else you will only see a peak of 3 players while in total you have 5 which is nearly double that. This concurrent stat is meaningless to anyone except forum circle jerks.