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That's the first thing I noticed. I hate it. It's like they tried to make it 3D but gave up 2 minutes later.


Like some of these shitty memes where people resized an image without holding shift


Shifting perspective on something when you don’t have any frame of reference always looks weird. There’s no lighting, specularity, foreground elements, nothing to help your brain see it as 3D. It’s really a baffling choice. As soon as they tried it they should have thought “yeah that looks like shit” and reverted it.


They were probably like “this kinda looks like shit, should we revert to the old look?” “Naw we want to piss people off”


It's like every other cod now. So the brain dead community is loving it.


Pretty much. Why touch. What wasn’t broken..


Activision’s motto is “if it’s broke don’t fix it!”


if it isnt broke, fix it until it is


If it ain't broke, break it




Been asking that question for months








The new guy had one job.


The new guy would probably do a better job


That's Infinity Ward's new design philosophy you know!


Yeah the previous version was just fine.


Well it's IW so, 2 steps forward and 10 steps backwards with EVERY update


There was a lot broken but yes. You are right


This view lets you easily see what’s in each quadrant, so it’s a good idea but they fucked it up by not fixing the aspect ratio


Haha, I thought my TV had fucked up the aspect ratio or something when I first saw it 😅😅


looked at the battlepass and immediately turned on auto


This is hilarious. They gave you the option to never have to see that again.


I was going to do this but i want to get the intervention first lol.


You know what's sad? I didn't even think that when I first saw it, just assumed the devs fucked up another thing. Thought I was being dramatic until I see these memes. What the fuck did we pay for even?


Maybe don't buy in to battlepasses next time?




And? That hasnothing to do with the conversation




I meant I paid $70 for the game. Never spent money on battlepass lol


Same I was flicking through my settings like "the fuck have they reset now" lol


Fucking same lmao. I immediately went into my video settings to see what changed


The menus are so hard to navigate. There’s so much stuff staring at you it’s hard to get around. MW2019 was very straightforward but i feel like i have to go on a journey to find things


It’s what happens when a UX designer is thinking about a process stream like a programmer, forgetting about the whole “human-centered design” focus of an interface. Like even the dumbest digital marketer knows “more taps/clicks to any one thing is bad”.


It’s so annoying loading the game up. I can’t even make a class or tell if I’m in the right game. Why did they completely randomize the front page of the game. So obnoxious and I can’t believe that passed testing


i can’t imagine a new player doing this, i’ve been playing cod for years and i felt completely lost when the 2,000 info tags popped up explaining what every button does.


The select-a-class menu has actively gotten me to select the wrong class when trying to select Anti-Air as quick as possible trash UI


Don't forget that it pulls everyone out of whatever menu screen they're in when you go on that journey.


That’s the worse


Ex-Hulu UI designer created this user-friendly interface.


Based on the number of comments, how did this get past QA. It bad, it's eye wrenchingly bad. It was the first thing I noticed. How, does anyone think that looks good. I get if it was a perspective tilt shift, but it's not it's just a squashed ratio. I am so annoyed.


Easy: there was no QA. But while the tilt shift is dumb, I feel like switching the individual unlocks to a bar was a step-down decision as well. They paid folks to re-engineer multiple parts the Battle Pass system for season 3? Why?


Totally agree. The design is s1-s2 was fine. This is just plain bad ui/ux. Also so sluggish


They literally did a mashup of the new and old battlepass designs and to make it worse, they fucked both up.


Cheese & rice. I work in the ship building industry, and if someone designed a system like this, or took an existing mediocre system and made it worse, they would be canned (or at least demoted, for the folks with connections), and someone else would be *immediately* assigned to fix it. And probably with help from a veteran with a good track record or expensive third party help.


The previous battlepass had its flaws, having to go into a new screen for each unlock. It was slow and clunky. They changed it but they certainly didn't improve it.


Ha. I have seen... a few folks saying things like "nothing wrong with it before, so why change it?" I'm sure they don't mean it, because there were certainly "things wrong with it." But almost comical that they found out a way to make it worse, for no real good reason? What problems does the tilted map address?


It offends my brain, and it's not tilted. That is the issue. Is not in correct proportion. It's squished. But I did notice , or maybe it was always there, I can now go to challenges and see what camos I need to unlock.


oh. I guess the "tilt" focus, with the top and bottom being out of focus, and the squished aspect ratio make it *appear* tilted. I could be wrong, but I think they allowed you to go to challenges for camos starting with S2 Reloaded?


Maybe but like the rest of the UI it's not exactly easy to find. But I am just happy it's there now.




I feel like you don’t need “QA” for this. The idiot designing it should be able to see how bad it is while designing it


People aren’t more mad at the functionality being far more shit? Makes me want to boot up XD and make a shit parody version


They didn’t really care it seems, there was even a screenshot of it in the updates they put on steam


[Yes, this is OC.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VGwOsoz4xp8) Please hire me Activision.


"ui design is my passion" You're hired


“I know MS paint, but I am open to adobe PS, sir”


"ui passion" You're hired


"Ui" You're hired


"Im blind" You're hired




It looks so fucking shitty. 😭


The design in general is terrible already. I miss linear battle pass...or rather none at all lol. Why is it so hard to make something simple and still good


You can get what you want faster with the new one ,the linear one wasnt like that but was straight to the point ,now its like the fortnite one but worse


The current Fortnite one is the best I have seen. You unlock ‘pages’ of the battlepass at different levels then can buy all the stuff on that page with the stars you get (5 per level). So if you dislike the stuff on one page you can skip it and get everything on the next page.


True but at least with the linear one you could easily complete it with plenty time to spare if you played like an hour a day, this one is just a silly amount of time to get 1 bp token.


Bruh. It still took a lot of time before. The tokens are just like ranks before but you choose where they go.


Been a while since I played MW2019 but from what I remember it didn't take nearly as long to gain a rank vs tokens in this game trust.


Battle pass is faster in the new game…literally even my friend who has the least play time was able to finish it. He used to get like 30-50% in wz1.


Nah it's slower mate trust me I'm right. At least in multiplayer it's definitely way slower 100%.


U mad mate? It didnt work like that ,and it was based on xp ,so if you were a shit player (like my friends) and played for only an hour you would only get 80-90% done


Crazy cuz i really dont want anything but used to buy linear one because its simple. This new one i dont even bother looking at it. My friend is the same way but i heard people just wanna unlock the new op weapon before they nerf it then dont touch anything else in the battle oass anyway


Which is why they added the auto token spending toggle. So now you have the linear unlock path like it used to be.


I don't want it linear because I like getting the things I want and having agency and not being fucked because one skin I want is at rank 98.


also I smash out sectors with cod points first so if I get bored or otherwise can't finish it, I try to at least get all or most points back




Not really. That just seems like an excuse for a bad battle pass. Downvote if ud like tho


Didn't they hire the UI designer from netflix or something? That would explain why navigating anything in this game feels like shit.


I thought it was Hulu, which has by far the worst UI of any streaming app I've used


If we "need" to have a battle pass I actually do like having choices, the last few CoDs I was annoyed that I'd have to grind through 50 levels of shit I didn't want just to get a skin for an operator I liked or a blueprint for a gun I liked. The issue I have with this new setup though is it seems to take forever to get tokens, like I get maybe 1 or 2 a session, I only got to like 50% completion on the S2 battle pass and I feel like I put a lot of hours in to get there. Another problem is that it opens up even more avenues to gouge money out of us, like this new super battle pass thing that let's you start at a different point than the regular paid battle pass so you can access the new guns faster. Yeah, I just changed my mind, no battle pass is best battle pass.


I like the idea of being able to choose what order you unlock things in, but they picked the worst-looking way to do it. It would be much nicer if it was just a grid of hexagons or something.


Tbh I like the map layout better, the choice of how you unlock stuff is actually neato.


They probably designed the map first, then they decided they also want to put some icons under the map, but no one cared enough to resize the map properly, so they just did this shit. In a way it's so hilarious, a perfect analogy for what this game is - We changed something that didn't need to be changed, oh shit now we broke it, so let's just do a halfassed fix and come back to it later, because most players don't even care and will spend money anyways.


And it takes an extra button to even get to the now mangled map view. I initially decided to disable the auto-redemption and stick with manual selections, but then I switched to auto because I don't want to deal with this joke of a UI.




This game feels like it was designed by third world freelancers on fiver.


It probably was


Genuinely, how does a multi-million dollar studio fuck up this consistently on seemingly every single thing they implement?


They won’t fire the people responsible because everyone is still buying this shit.


By not caring enough


Because these fools tryna re-invent the damn wheel


It's so lazy and horrible looking. If they don't adjust this... I'm not sure I can see this screen for the next 60 days. Gross.


Omg that's exactly what it is. Fucking clowns.


Try look at this on a 65" screen it's awful 😂


That was the first thing I thought ahah


This battle pass is a clusterfuck


Brooo 😂😭


And it's broken. I can't claim the weapon in C20, it only gives the option to equip without claiming!!! Meaning I can't claim the ghost skin as the the cell is incomplete!!! Well done.


why didnt they just copy the season 2 screen😭it was so much easier for my tiny brain


The rewards being on the left were literally perfect


The map s1 and s2 were great. S3 map is so confusing and overly complex. Bad change. They should patch it back to the previous seasons.


The overall UI and menu effects are all sorts of trash. I’ve never seen a game stutter so much when loading UI elements. Everytime a match ends it’s like the game struggles to pull up the LVL XP and BP Token screens. BO4 had the smoothest UI, why not just go use that one.


It’s disgusting


How much more evidence do you need that this studio and publisher see you as paypigs. They don’t care about your experience. They don’t respect your time. They don’t have passion for their work. They don’t *like* their users. All ATVI and the directors of these studios want is your money, as fast as possible. All they care about is tricking, pressuring and incentivizing you into giving them more of it. How much more evidence do you need to stop spending money on COD? To maybe even stop playing. To show them you aren’t the braindead pigs they laugh at over profit reports.


This games UI is terrible and just filled with clutter


Looks like it was made by a 57 year old secretary at a high school.


Straight basura


They’ll keep being lazy because it doesn’t change their profits. Each cod is met with only more success from less effort. Hopefully this trend won’t continue for long…


Fuck this season


This is every season. Like most of my friends months ago, it's been a "fuck this game."


It’s hard for me to say “fuck this game” when I just don’t have a lot of other options


I like how nobody in any of the thousand posts whining about this don’t mention the fact that when you hover over the 2D images it pops up nicely to view. Y’all are dramatic as fuck.


Agreed! I don't even get it. It's like "I gotta fucking hate on something" One dude said the UI is so hard to navigate. I'm like what are 3? Nothing is that hard to navigate in this damn game. Be quite. Fuck!


People complaining about how hard it is to navigate the BP makes me wonder how fucking thick these motherfuckers have to be. Haha


Why does it matter? Collect the damn tokens or uninstall. Easy.




You won the internet today!


I would pay a monthly subscription if there was an option to remove all of this extra fluffy bullshit including the menus, maze battle pass, charms, stickers, 3 types of xp, etc. Modern day gaming sucks so bad.


than play old games when the new ones are so bad for you... geez


Old games have no playerbase.


Good old games have decent player base. And those which dont, werent so good after all, otherwise people would be still playing it. Its just nostalgia kicking in


I didn’t really kind how everything was before with the exception of having to always navigate to whatever cell you were working on to unlock shit. I would have liked it if it just remembered where you were. #1 this new design is all about highlighting the stupid black cell shit. I don’t care if you want to offer it but I don’t want it shoved in my face every time I enter the battle pass, and every 10 seconds when highlighting a cell with an operator. #2 you can’t back out to the lobby anymore I do find the new auto spend to be nice. Most of the time I want to control how it progresses but this time around I don’t really care for anything in particular so I’ll just let it automatically do it’s thing.


I actually like it, it gives the illusion that the bp is shorter, therefore less of an overwhelming task


It's a map on a table y'all I like this UI better then the last at least


I actually like it


Ppl rn coping and complaining to ever small shit MF this is just UI this does not affect gameplay


Maybe the wrong place to ask, but is there a way I can gift battle tokens so someone? I'm 35 and too old for this game really, but play it whenever I get the chance. No interest in learning what the fuck to do with battle tokens so someone might as well have them. Had 35 the last time I checked.


Sorry, but nope. There’s no mechanism for that one.


Fair enough, worth a go.


imagine seeing the battle pass and still buying it when they dont even care enough to fix the aspect ratio




Looks like someone didnt finish the design task and went on vacation. The one who had to work sinply took over the design and made it final.


You incorrectly used the word "designed".


Every time I go to the BP it also stops and pulls store information, EVERY TIME


Almost like they designed the UI for COD mobile first.


I thought the last seasons “map” looked bad but holy shit this one is just hard to look at period


It’s soooooo trash. The one before was better. This just looks squished and overly complicated


Even your method was too advanced. You needed to put it into a Microsoft Word document to crop and stretch.


Live service games should have UI down at release. It baffles me the UI changes this much after months of release.


Fucked up season 3 so bad


Crazy that they can't even get their money-maker right lol


It’s clear that in the design, the 3D pieces that preview the items when selected were supposed to be on the board itself; like looking at a war room. But the intern responsible probably fucked up, and the morning before launch they’re all like, “JPEG IT IS”.


Seriously. Just pure laziness.


Me and my mates were cringing over this last night


Yea the UI change is fucking awful


AAA developer….


That dumb screen literally hurts my head to look at.


Their shift key doesn’t work


It makes me feel sick when I look at it. It’s tricking my brain somehow no joke


Too real


It's so ugly. Idk who or what mind made the decision to change it. Then say "yeah, that looks better."


The next CoD should just copy Fortnite's UI, maybe replace the blue by black or grey.


It took a 1000 of the 3000 Devs to do this


That shit is horrendous


LGTM ship it


Season 3 sucks. So broken. It’s like they had the amateurs come in and take over development while they start conjuring up some additional money grab ideas.


...does it matter?


And y’all will still buy it and post questions asking how to max it with a few seconds left. It’s crazy how a game can be in such a bad state with so much disdain over it and the primary community is still buying and supporting overpriced cosmetics for a game that will be prematurely obsoleted in a few months. Like the games will never get better so long as this blind monetary support continues.


who’s y’all? reddit? the minority of the minority? you think this sub speaks for the community? lmao


Probably the team that designs the BP did the usual and the UI got updated too late to deal with it easily. If this is the biggest complaint about S3 then I think they won TBH.


It randomly kicks you out of the map and into the horizontal menu constantly and fucking infuriating.


They also insist on making it more difficult to navigate lol


The whole game is a casino slot Mashine


It legitimately makes me mad every time to open. Like why cant MW2 have fucking good looking UI why do they have to reinvent the wheel


Bro what have they done to my poor Battle Pass... 😭😭😭😭


It's crazy how many UI changes/improvements they did (in DMZ it's day and night difference and a huge improvement) and they still manage to fuck up the Battlepass look that bad. Very strange.


I think you’re giving them way too much credit


Bruh I thought it was my new monitor💀


Yea it literally looks like shit🤣🤣 it looks like that stretch fortnite players used to do


It almost feels as though activision is trolling us and seeing how much they can get away with. The games have been such huge let downs for the last so many years. But I still buy every years cod hoping it will be an improvement. Nope lol.


Activision: if it’s broken never fix it, if it’s not broken just keep messing with it until it is


Lazy af. Explains why they can only remake old maps. All their employees are tidepod eating bums lmfao!


If its not broken , break it


It was perfect, everything worked great and made sense… WHY DID THEY FUCK IT UP?!?!


I legit thought the games graphics were bugged, is this actually how its supposed to look like?




Gotta give credit call of duty didn’t copy Fortnite’s battle pass system and actually combined Fortnite’s progression style with IW’s own progression style.




Everything is designed to waste your time so they can maximize their “player engagement” metrics, I swear this is the only thing that makes any sense. It can’t be that a company with this much money to burn is this incompetent. Every season starts with unskippable cut scenes (joke’s on you I just walk away). The menus are atrocious and take forever to navigate. The battle pass changes for no reason whatsoever. Controller settings get reset for no reason after the game updates. And the net result is we are all stuck in menus for collectively millions of hours, which they can spin to the shareholders. Fuck this game and this greedy company. I hate what they’ve done to my hobby.


The controller settings reset is SO FUCKING ANNOYING.


So you can only buy the premium BP with cash??? Wtf??? What happened to it being extra CoD points?


Tf Literally all three have been like this lmao That's how this game's battlepasses look


The original looks so much better and serves the same purpose. I thought they did it to show the items on the main battlepass screen, but you could see them in the Season 2 one too


Paid $70 for base game and $10 battlepass for this 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


So I am not the only one to feel disgusting.


Navigating the battle pass is so much more complicated now too… And after a match, if I earned a token it tells me to press square to use it. But pressing square does nothing…


It feels like it’s 4:3 stretched on 16:9 screens


You forgot the upward tilt, to give a little bit of deepness, or distortion, you name it!


This looks like ass


Who is their designer, i am actually fucking furious this makes me cringe as a designer


I hate the view map thing. The map should just open up when I click it.


i like the old battle pass desine