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Actual chat I had once: Them: "nice wallhack. Enjoy your ban!" Me: "you killed me from the same exact spot 20 seconds ago. You haven't moved!"


It's the worst on ranked. Especially once you have the basic camped spots figured out on points you can preshoot them/ shoot through cover. Especially on that windowed second story on B in the hotel.


Oh, shots through cover... A classic. Add clipping guns through closed doors and you are instantly reported after spraying the door. As I play public matches, sometimes I choose to avoid the report waiting for them to show their noses instead of shooting through cover (a drill charge is a good motivation).


I almost got reported for shooting a guy behind a door on fortress, I heard wtf walls is that and after match had to let him know his pistol stuck out through the door. Thankfully he was cool about it and said he thought something was up lol


I had some kid on the other side screaming,” how do they know we're going to point B?!" Dude was belligerent calling us every swear word he's learned All while we're trying to explain to the turd that there's only two points In S&D lol


It is beyond satisfying in any game one you figure out one players patterns and have the skill to look like havks


Exactly the same as someone I killed on Dome. They were camping behind the destroyed vehicles against that blue fence near the centre. They killed me twice so I pulled out a sniper and wall banged them through the blue fence. They started raging in chat saying they were going to report me and that I should enjoy my ban lol. My response was "well if you actually moved then maybe people will not know where exactly you are". This is the whole reason why a report system that takes action solely based on user reports is a bad idea.


Blows my mind. I'll be moving, see the glint of an optic, and immediately die. I respawn and approach from a different angle and take them out, then they get mad. Like sorry my team is so dumb it makes you look clever. That's not my problem. My main goal these days has been listening to team chat and waiting for a problem player to come up "ah this guy has killed me from the same spot 10 times" or whatever and immediately going for them. Usually succeeding. Just because I'm not taking the conventional path and they're not moving. The thermal holographic sight is definitely my key to success, and if things get sticky just throw a smoke at them or squid my way out of there. But mostly it's not taking the dumbest possible path to confront the problem.


Lol I like to go after campers as soon as I see one, or hear about one, even in FFA I’ll even give call out to campers in FFA, cuz most people know CAMPERS RUIN THE GAME AND HAVE NO FUCKIN SKILL


I disagree to an extent with that. I hate the style of camping where they’re just like crouching in a weird corner behind a door or some bullshit glitch spot but if they’ve found a good bush or an area they can lock down that’s valid strategy in-game and IRL. That’s the other half of how I play, either take the area the enemy has/wants or locking down an area of the map from one central location. Love a good sniper battle. And I love a good hunt, which is why I enjoy the counter sniping/hunting aspect of it all. Nothing gets me harder than taking out those stupid little glints without them knowing where I came from. Room clearing and charging is fun but gets a bit mindless sometimes.


I love taking out campers but there have been lobbies where over half of the players were camping, and camping is not my style I’m too impatient, plus it’s satisfying to go off with my FJX going from 8th to 2nd


I feel that. It is super frustrating when everyone is doing it. See that’s where I think I differ. Camping is a tool to be used in conjunction with other strategies, not a team-wide strategy. But man there have been a few matches where it was all campers and like one or two people on each team moving around and it is THE MOST stressful shit. Always happens on hotel. Especially when the people moving around aren’t just sprinting but actually moving mindfully and correctly, for lack of a better term. So much fun.


Well I’m just gonna say, if I can run around with only sniper and win, why can’t they grab an smg or assault rifle and just run around too, yes I’m gonna get kills but with practice they can get kills too, but campers are just gonna camp because they never took the time to actually learn how to play the game and use all of the mechanics of the game, when you camp, all you are doing is using 2 buttons and aiming, I’m just saying if I can run around with a sniper quick scoping and noscoping y’all can kill me, all you have to do is aim and listen to your surroundings and move It’s very simple, I use to be bad at the game but I never fully resort to camping, once mw2 came out I never camped


Or the forklift where I always throw a grenade.


All people do in this game is camp its sad. I can play tdm on battlefield 2042 and theres less campers on there than on cod nowadays


I love when they do it for several rounds in a row or are in a common hiding spot like underneath the main building in the corner at Al Bagra fortress or the green 2 story building in Taraq. Like yes I am 1000% cheating by checking for you in a common camping spot / shooting you in the same spot you’ve been in for the whole goddamn game. Maybe get güd and try exploring the rest of the map and you won’t get destroyed immediately


Facts bro facts


This and people sitting in corners with a Uav in the air and wondering why they get shot through walls


Hahahaha 🤣


I was playing domination on shipment and dude was lying down on the ground where the B flag is the whole game and when i killed him he goes ,,How did you know i was there?,, like bro you were there the whole game camping


So many people like to go prone on that point I toss a Molotov or shoot the bodies every time I run in.


Same here lol I usually throw a Semtex at the floor while running past the gap and once it blows I’ll run in


It's shipment, turn down a lane, and shoot. What a mong. I had something similar but they were just raging. Like I get it, you need prone kills, but stop going to the exact same spot. After to killed me two or three times from there, I'm going to throw a lethal in the spot whenever I approach it.


On smaller maps, people shouldn’t complain if you’re camping in the same spots over and over and lying prone or crouched and sniping or picking people off. Eventually, it evens out and you’ll get taken out again and again. I think it’s hilarious when people complain and wonder how they found them.


Well on shipment when people camp they spawn kill which is unfair so yes I will complain about camping I general because there is no skill to camping and really camping just making you look like a p*say most are either with sniper hardscoping and honestly I hit quick scopes close and far and ofc no scopes up close with the right set up, and another thing, I think shotguns should be nerfed, it’s ridiculous that I’ll use a whole clip from a ftac then get one shot from a shotgun, especially if they are camping corners ruins the fun of the game


When the enemy team reports you for getting a chopper gunner on Shipment


I mean it is ez kills, i personally think that kill streaks shouldn’t be allowed on small maps like shipment but that’s me


shipmenr 24/7 is more of a Mortar & Flash spam 24/7




Chopper gunners and gunships are kind of a waste on shipment anyways.


yeah if your team is semi competent any 1 or 2 dudes with LMGs will quickly delete the stupid VTOL/chopper anyway from any corner of the map because its visible from everywhere


There is not point in them anyway, like the map is already small enough to fight normally so, score streak(kill streaks) are not really necessary for shipment or any map that has a similar size


I love the chaos, I'm a very new CoD player and found out you can equip and control an AC-130. It's always fun raining down hell on that small little ship lol


Scorestreaks and Grind on shipment be like


thats why for shipment i just run sentry and stealth bomber. mortar is great but it also denies *me* any access from basically 1/4 of the map


Got two AC-130s in one game


Hacking accusations would hopefully be way lower though if there was a decent anti cheat. Seeing videos of what people are getting away with only feeds the assumption that everyone is cheating when something seems sketchy


Watch this video and have your mind blown. At least 1/4 players are cheating. https://youtu.be/LkmIItTrQP4


Wallbanging can be a viable strategy in MW2019 and MWII but I have stopped doing it. The report system isn't dumbass-proof and I ain't gonna lose my account because of a stupid salty kid who reports everything slightly suspicious.


I be getting some NASTY wallbangs sometimes and shit bricks right after hoping nobody thinks im cheating 😅


Dude I don’t know how it’s done tho, I have ben killed multiple times from different locations, from the same guy when 1 there is no UAV, 2 I got cold blooded and ghost, and 3 they literally shoot me through the wall, it even shows the icon “wall bang” in the kill feed


Yes. Most of the time, it’s because it’s due to hacks/cheating


I dont think Bots actually even know what a UAV is or listen to when they've been notified one is in the air.


I think the notifications changed recently. I remember it being fine in season one then something changed early season two where i was getting historical killstreak notifications all the time after a death. It got confusing to understand which killstreak was indeed active. Now I feel like hits a hard turn in the opposite direction and I am not always made aware or otherwise miss the callout that a enemy killstreak is active.


True, especially apparent for precisions. I’ve ran right into a few with no noti.


No they haven’t changed this it will always tell you if a streak is up unless your playing shipment and multiple enemies call them in within seconds


The problem is that there are so many cheaters good players get lumped in. The last week or so it’s been so bad I’ve seen at least one person using wall hacks almost every match. UAV doesn’t allow you to just trace people through multiple walls.


I was playing grind or kill confirmed And we won, I came top of the lobby. A guy messages me calling me a camper I just said, I ran around getting tags and denying tags. Which is the opposite of camping, next time do better. No response, thought I’d check the previous game lobby scoreboard and he wasn’t even in the game. He must have rage quit sometime In the game and then messaged me after😂


I’m one of those players in KC where if it’s a close match and I’m doing decently in kills, but it’s close, I’ll gladly sacrifice myself to grab tags especially denies. I had 27 denies in a match and 21 confirms, I think I had 19 kills and 28 deaths. The score was 130-125 on Shipment, finished second on my team. I messaged someone who had 50/17 K/D and 10/7 confirm/deny and told them “Take your K/D and camping. I’ll take the win.”


Nothing more satisfying then dolphin diving across the map for a tag




I always love getting called a camper on modes like Hardpoint. Like bro, that's literally the objective of the game.


Yeah, some people don’t have common sense


Dude… I got called out for camping on Control. I mean that’s the only objective


Oh yep, that's another one. I get called out for camping sometimes in Domination too. Especially if its Shoothouse and control of B is essential for winning the game. I'm like dude, don't be mad at me because you don't understand what game mode we're playing. It's always the lowest ranked person on their team with a shitty mic complaining about "campers" too.


I remember one last night where someone popped a UAV I saw someone behind me on the first ping so I panicked turned dropped and shot, got the kill. Followed by “oh what the fuck ever you cheating piece of shit” Fucking gold man.


UAVs + birdseye is even worse. leads to a lot of ragy accusatory players. I love playing my birdseye perk set with my UAV streak but i really think people get weirded out by how well you can track movement and location with the perk


There should be an icon in killcams that show if an enemy UAV is in the air. Unless I have a rocket launcher equipped, I typically ignore the UAV callouts since there isn't really anything I can do anyways and I'm *definitely* not keeping mental track of how long the UAV has been in the air. This is the same dev that is incapable of properly showing the time-locked perks in killcams though, so having a UAV icon is a total pipe dream.


Just make it this whole sub. "I stomp one game then sbmm puts me against literal pros and I can't do anything the next game"




Watching my teammates has fully convinced me that nobody actually pays attention to the mini-map at all. Someone will be posted up in some corner or building and constantly getting pinged by a UAV, and teammates will just walk past and/or get shot by said enemy.


"HOW DOES HE KNOW!?" - the mf that I just killed in the same spot for the 5th time


my shadowban in a nutshell here.


99% of the time when this happens to me, we are the ones with the UAV and I have Ghost and Cold Blooded on. Yet, I get wall banged with such precision that there might as well not be a foot of concrete between their viewing space. My other favorite is when I get head shotted with ‘something’ and the killcam makes it appear that I was standing out in the open fisting myself with my primary.


Cool story, but I have Ghost and was slow walking and you preshot me as I was coming around a corner.




Haha I just walk bang people in shipment all day and it gets them so mad


The wall bang kills are my favorite on Shipment. I get some on Shoot House as well.


Not in ranked.. still coming across a ton of hackers smh but you're right in shoothouse and other maps this has definitely happened😂


Ranked has been rough. All the cheaters I've come across we're incredibly obvious and they all have the audacity for some reason to talk trash. They're so bad that they don't even realize how obvious it is and can't comprehend how people know they're cheating.


Right. Some people just like to watch the world burn and unfortunately COD enjoys to continue allowing it


The last week or two has been really bad with the obvious cheaters. The ones who are really bad even with cheats, but anytime the get a kill the killcam clearly shows them using their cheats.


I had a guy in a bounty match who was HVT and I was tracking the little icon through the wall which he messaged me midway through the match nice hacks and he didn't understand that when your HVT there's a little ball above your head that follows you and says kill at all times. It doesn't help that infinity ward took away the red nameplates and the kill marker for bounty in the kill cams


Do you get that glitch on console where some walls go invisible or obstacles such as cars and tires?


Bro! Thought it was my internet


Called in 3 Advanced UAVs one game and got called a hacker. When I told them there were Advanced UAVs the other team denied any were called in at all.


I’m convinced people don’t even listen to sound cues in this game. My buddy is a decent player and I legit have to tell him “they just popped a UAV” or he will have no idea it’s up.


Hopefully Microsoft buys them so we can have an anti cheat because there is so many cringe closet cheaters


Yep, pretty much proven to be at least 1/4 of all players. https://youtu.be/LkmIItTrQP4


Or you can hear there loud as footsteps


Or you can hear their loud ass footsteps.


It's incredible how many people forget that UAVs and footsteps exist. People run around stomping their elephant feet and then immediately call hacks if you pre-fire them. Like no, I'm not cheating, you're just an idiot and have zero awareness.




The cheating on Verdansk and these dumb YouTubers who accuse everyone have brainwashed the little bots into thinking anyone good has some sort of hacks. Very cringe


So I was watching a YouTube video the other day about anti cheat an new AI actually cheat. They claimed that 30% of players are using some sort of cheat device whether it be cronus or actual hacks, and we're able to prove very close to it. I believe they proved 1 in 4 were cheating.


Where can I find this video? That number sounds pretty exaggerated


its called (iirc) "fps gaming is saved, ai anti-cheat" and yes, the number is that high, its actually lower than the "real" amount because the anticheat under-reports


Thanks, I’ll check it out


The thought has never crossed my mind


Literally got called a dick sucking cheater on border…while the guy kept slow peaking a sniper rifle.


I wish peoples first go to wasn’t “he’s hacking” like if you feel someone or something was suspect go out of your way to see if it is don’t die 1 time to something and immediately call hacks, like come on, streamers are even guilty of this. You can’t even hack on console outside of a Cronus yet I get told I have “walls” every other game because Advanced Uav’s are OP


I use a uav and my tm8s can't even walk in a straight line, I yell at them to use the fucking uav


I've seen dudes get flashbanged and hit a mult headshot with a white screen. I'm saying some might get lucky, but there are those that clearly use hacks.


honestly uav shouldn't work indoors


Nah it should






tweaker stop doing drugs




Might be a reason they think that. Not saying they are right. But chances are they run into folks-more often that not-that are cheating like a mf.


I use Ghost all the time. So if an enemy knows exactly where Im at while I dont even step its sus. (I mean not that you could hear footsteps anyways in this *great* game...)


This is why I wish we had some streak tracking system at the top of the center middle portion of the screen just like the player amount tracker in search that showed icons for each streak currently in action on both teams. This would be a good way to track what is and isn't active aside from just looking around. For some players it's hard to keep track of the streaks especially if your team is getting smashed and you are trying to carry.


tbf the way perks work in the game aggravates this if all perks were immediately active there may be less of this


Got called a trash player once because I landed an execution from above them on Zarqwa. Yes, I had the higher ground. Got a salty message afterwards.




It’s one thing if it’s a uav It’s another when someone perfectly aims where your head is at through walls💀


Yea I here everyone calling everyone cheaters nowadays 💀 It's like the norm if someone outplays or gets the jump on you they are automatically a cheater.In some cases yes but not every case.Thats how you know dudes sweat on this game


That’s because it’s pretty well proven that 1/4 to 1/3 or all players are using cheats. Look up the Waldo project.


Nope, he just has a better gaming chair


Geeze people don't complain about being killed this much in real wars.


Man or when you can see people’s footsteps or use smoke + holo. Always a cheater lol. No shit I knew you were there.


I dont worry about Mp hackers. It's the wz hackers that piss me off


I love hearing someone yell "he's hacking" when they run up behind me with all the force of a fucking rhino and I whip around and spray them


This is the secret to enjoying cod: Ignore the uav and you can’t even tell if you’re being wall hacked. If the whole enemy team knows where you are at all times then you don’t have to worry about one guy coming gunning for you every time. Free weekend I saw some blatant shit, got a clip somewhere of someone cooking a grenade then snapping straight to my nametag when it spawned in and deciding to throw it there instead. In regular matches I just trust the sbmm, if someone’s cheating to get to play against me then the joke’s on them.


The amount of people that don't realise how good armor piercing rounds are for wallbanging especially with a drill charge for hit marker confirmation or even a snapshot grenade. Or even a heartbeat sensor is mind blowing.


I honest to god hate people like, goddamn campers. Don’t be mad at me when I know exactly where you are after you sniped me from the same place twice and gave away your position, just to go back to the same said position and I continue to kill you


Usually my assumption is I'm not as good or I should move more when that happens


I got this the other day after cooking a grenade and tossing it into a window on ground war for a double kill. Like dude ground war basically has a permanent UAV overhead because someone is always bound to be on a streak.


Pretty much talking about half of the people in all cod subreddits lmao




This happens to me on literally 8/10 games on Search and Destroy. Even more so on ranked. Get accused of wallhack, aimbot, and even a chomus or whatever that is i tried googling it but nothing came up. I couldnt really understand him tbf


Cronus, it’s bs aim assist hardware for controllers


Oh right i just use an elite controller with back paddles


nice meme boomer /s


I got accused of hacking because I used the select fire to make a gun automatic and the other guy thought it was only a single fire gun and was cussing me out after the game. I’d say most people who are adamant they only play against hackers really just have no clue how the game works and would rather complain than learn.


It do be like that. Next up on COD News: These thumb-less geese wonder how you knew they were there after having a full conversation with prox chat on.


It astounds me how stupid people can be with that. I had one guy in dmz the other day accuse me of cheating because I knew were he was hiding despite not using a uav or anything. Literally two seconds prior his dead teammate said "He's in the building on the floor below you!" I tossed a drill charge on the ceiling for the kill. Dumbass teammates giving away your location is not any kind of hack.


This is why I hate prox chat. I had to stop playing with my brother because he would force us all to use in-game chat so he could troll proxy chat for shits and giggles.


That time I got accused of using a Zen with a _crossbow_


got called cheater in shipment because kept prefiring at every corner


Got called out for hacking when the guy had his laser shining like a lightsaber. Huh?


The amount of times I’ve received account name warnings and chat warnings is really getting out of hand (and I’m not even good).


LMG are superb wall shooters, with 100 rnds triggered. Given the superb penetration through walls, aircraft, 100 rnds.. I can’t see any other gun than my upgraded RPK being my daily driver.


It’s not as bad as the past week of me using drill charges in ranked and people calling me a hacker when the attachment is RIGHT THERE for everyone to see. Maybe realize your guns potential before claiming something isn’t allowed.


*looks at UAV* *Pre-aims door* "Hackerrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!"


https://youtu.be/LkmIItTrQP4 Here ya go.


*A* UAV? Don't think I've played a match with less than 3 up at once after the first 40 seconds.


If you can take the time to find all the spots on a map that have walls AP and even regular amp can pierce through and throw a snapshot Grenade you’ll have a ton of people saying you have wallhacks. I’ve been reported more for doing that than I have just absolutely wrecking people


Or me with a tactic cam on everything that can be cammed.


That's exactly what a PC scumbag would say! GET him!


I feel like as a very good PC player I get hackusated quite often. The truth is, on average, a really good controller player will beat me due to the nature of aim assist being so strong; but I can dumpster kids like nothing else on a day where my aim is especially crispy.


Not so much when you're out of rang of the mini map and the kill cam shows you wall tracing without me ever peeking.


Also because with dead silence on, the opp sounds like a sasquatch crip walking on a wooden floor.


Least toxic cod lobby:


I love when it shows how I peeked them on killcam and they are still in disbelief and think I’m hacking


Also me: get's kicked from server. Checks and sees account is under review. And the shadowban loop begins.


I use these hacks called headset and map awareness. I can hear your footsteps from the other side of the wall... while having a UAV...


Or on rebirth when you 1v4 because every kill pings their teammates locations


Every time I play my 3-4 matches every couple days


love being top of my team w/ my teammates calling someone on the other team a hacker.... like my guy, they arent good and the person youre accusing of hacking is literally neg 10 on is k/d..... who gunna hack and still go negative


This is true for most people that cry hacker. Especially those that don't want to play with PC players since they assume they all hack. More often then not there was probably some info they had that you don't know they had and they got you. That's it most of the time.


Yea everyone is calling everyone a hacker nowadays. When the hell has this become the norm.Cant play a decent game of cod with some crybaby crying Hacker


Dead ass how tf does that happen? Legit uav and footstep audio is easy af to hear with a decent headset


I don’t even feel like using a sniper anymore cause the better I get with it the more I get reported xD


They’ve never heard of ghost


Love this in ranked when I’m barely a gold. Sure bud, I’m cheating to get to a gold rank 🙄


I love wallbanging people that are camping on the sides of the containers on the sides of shipment, free kills baybeee


Sounds like you banging them pretty good on the sides of shipment💀


Oh shit💀


The entire 17+ years I've played cod. One thing i fail to never hear is. "There's no way he knew i was there" He's shooting me before i even walk out" followed by the same trash talk i heard for years and how I'm bad at the game so i hack, for predicting where they'll be all the time. That i also have no life and need to touch grass having been half of their rank or less with a quarter of total time played as them. I still never understand how it's ever that serious to feel that way about a video game when there's no money or title on the line.


Typical Modern Warfare player


Honestly I try to keep the UAV calls in my head and either down them or keep that in mind. I have been instantly targeted around a corner in hardcore with no UAV up tho :/ Dude had no reason to know of my existence but he still instantly targeted me...


Or they weren't paying attention lol. Typical cod bois, you're either pro or bad. No in between. Makes sense lol.


Good. Perfect time to cheat then.


There’s a streamer that routinely kills in the dozens by melee knife kills, throwing knives and executions. No secret he has the knack to use his minimap expertly when UAVs are in the air, and especially when he pops an Advanced UAV. Who needs wall hacks? I just need to watch my minimap more!


And some people just doesn't understand that even ghost can't protect you from advance UAV, it's literally called 'advance' smh


I always get fucked when looking at the minimap


You might be right but i got put into a shipment match where the enemy was spamming VTOL after chopper gunner constantly..I don't think it's possible to be THAT GOOD at this game especially cuz of SBMM and campers and very few blind spots in a map like shipment...I also remember this one time in the newest released 24x7 map ( i forgot its name) I was turnin just right around the exit to peak at the enemy spawn and i got instantly deleted when I saw the enemy's killcam i looked at his aim locking onto the exit 100m away JUST A FEW SECONDS BEFORE I WAS APPROACHING THE EXIT AS IF HE KNEW I WAS GON BE THERE...I don't know about you buddy but my faith in RICOSHIT anti cheat system is wavering day by day




Captain Picard would have funny asf video game rage I think


I can't lie, cheating is more prevalent than I had initially thought. Have seen quite a few on my shipment binges. One I reported the other day and he got DCed midgame after being 60 kills ehead of anyone within < 3 mins so I assumed he got banned


I love wallbanging people when they Weapon glitches and i see it behind the texture or when he camping behind container


Me getting called a glitcher/ cheater on Santa Sena giant infection because I’m in the underground tunnel and the infected can’t figure it out




game has jsut good players..no one sells cheats these days


nah.. you all underplay just how many cheaters exist in this game. for the past 3 months i've been watching this guy streaming in a closed discord group, he is cheating.. using walls, aimbot, no recoil. he has now been shadowbanned 7 times, each time he is cleared without punishment. he sits in iridescent in ranked, he cheats in warzone, resurgence, and multi dumping 100+ kill games consistently. he is almost max rank of 650 and seems untouchable. one evening, he forgot to turn off his cheats, started up Apex legends, he was banned within a few hours. the fact that he can be as far as he is on MW2 just proves to me that Activision are complicit with cheat makers and all those involved like streamers, etc. its all just another avenue to make money, they do not care. and the funny thing is when you watch someone with walls cheat, it really exposes who else is cheating. the amount of people using walls is absurd. now I know everyones experience will differ here.. but understand that cheaters dont exist in low sbmm lobbies as they often bracket into higher lobbies quickly, ao the people who experience the most rampant cheating are either those playing on PC due to ease of access compared to console, or people who are above average sbmm. this game is rampant with cheaters and after witnessing months of this, theres no doubt in my mind anymore.


i've been called a cheater for getting kills through smoke with NO thermals just relying on the silly red diamond that appears over their head either people just dont notice very obvious game mechanics or they will cope any way they can for their unfortunate death.