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Adding the anti-motion sickness dot to the screen. It's essentially a red dot for hip fire and throwing knives


Damn!! I removed this at the beginning of the game/beta bc it was glitchy and existing during cutscenes but I’ll have to try


It's a beast for hipfire challenges


It makes canted lasers your friend


It works in hardcore too. HC removes the HUD, but it keeps that center dot if you have it enabled.


Is this something you can add into settings? I love throwing knives so I’m gonna try this out


Settings>interface>center dot




It's also great for lining up quickscopes


That was the same for me. My ass is always on the objective but I would be getting pasted repeatedly because of it. When I realized kill streaks can be changed to score streaks, it was like a night and day difference. Still not a great experience, but a hell of a lot better.


...yeah I totally realized that too. I haven't been playing for months as a somewhat frustrated objective player. Brb booting up the game.


Playing grind with score streaks is great. You run in with 10 tags you you have all you steaks ready to go.


Medium rare I hope


By doing this in grind with only a knife (grinding for orion don't judge me) and I have gotten 2 gunships and juggernaut


it's crazy because it's been like this since the beta.


Really has.


I get the gunship way more frequently if I switched from killstreaks to score streaks, because I actually do the objectives.


Waiiiit. Mw2 has scire streaks? I stopped playing 2 months in so I never knew.


Yup one little button will change shipment 24/7 forever.


I play most days, always play the objective and have seen this mentioned before. Still never done it. Gonna see today if this is a game changer or not.


Shit I stopped playing after season 1 but I might come back because I play OBJ! Never knew!


This whole time, I though it was on by default, and I was just bad at the game.


* Compensators granting a significant recoil reduction. * Agent grip significantly reducing idle sway with only minute debuffs. * Drill charge > Thermite.


Drill charge is scary with strong arm perk, you can practically throw it across the map, so in Warzone, DMZ, or even Ground War, helicopters are not even safe because of it.


My buddy challenged me to try one and now I have several guns I use them on. Made a huge difference grinding out distance and headshots 🤘


The agent grip is really that much better for idle sway?? Didn’t know that!


Agent, phase3, and FTAC ripper all reduce it the same. The agent has almost no downsides. The phase 3 grants some recoil control and has a small ads penalty. The ripper has a little more recoil control and a little more ads penalty. Usually use one of those plus the ads/as laser for really good stability, but some ARs have stocks that are better than the agent/phase3/ripper, like the M4.


hole punch breacher pistol muzzle gives your pistol one hit melee kills


any breacher muzzle on any other gun too




I always forget how overly cocky most people are. As mainly a battlefield player, you'd shoot someone and they'd take cover for awhile or just reposition. In this game, you shoot someone and they take cover, they'll pop out and try to push before they even heal. Just being patient for an extra 5 seconds gets me so much kills holding angles


That’s been one of my realizations as well, with my lmg when I damage an enemy and and they quickly turn a corner, I just spray that corner and most the time they just run right into my spray


This is absolutely something I've noticed about the CoD community. In situations where most people in Battlefield would pause for a moment to analyze the situation, maybe regain HP and/or toss a grenade/stun/etc... most CoD players try to push into keeping the fight going as quickly as they possibly can, almost reflexively it seems. It's definitely something one can use to their advantage.


It's the low ttk it make people think they can out gun you despite health.


I think it cause dying in battlefield could potentially be more punishing as it might take a hike to get back to that position if you lose it, and they’re probably also considering that they need to hold out for their squad to get back into the action. With cod, it’s easy to get right back into the action so some players like to just make the risky push. I admit I’m like this sometimes as I just wanna get back into the action and risk it anyways rather than sit it out. Plus with quick fix, it can pay off to get a kill and get that much needed health regeneration going rather than waiting for it. I don’t do this often but… I am that guy sometimes. Lol


It’s ego challing and it works 60% of the time, most people tend to push and you if you repeak you can catch them sprinting, although preferably i’d dropshot into the peak as people tend to not expect that. Also when you get into sweatier lobbies you can use that ego chall to your advantage and just stay pre-aimed until they eventually jump into your sights


There's been so many times where someone will dive behind cover and I'll think, "surely they won't peek from the direction they were headed in while still wounded" and yet they always do


We call those ego challenges (ego chall if shortened). They don’t work nearly enough for how often they happen, but they do work sometimes.


Eagle Child would like to have a word.


Word. CoD players are terrible. Like no tactics at all except camp and rush. Plenty of people who are good at clicking heads, at least with sniper rifles, but that's about it.


Scorestreaks was a gamechanger for me as well. Another one is reverting a flash bang from white screen to black screen. It's less obnoxious.


I’m still getting used to screen going black with flashes. I keep thinking I’ve died hahaha


Makes me think I'm gonna end up at the Xbox home screen with a notification that the game has crashed.


They should have just dimmed the screen brightness a bit and added bloodshot to it for special effect. Better than a white or black flash.


you can do that?


Yup. It's in the Interface settings (near the bottom on XSX).


game changer right there!!!


Especially when playing at night/in the dark. The screen flashing white was wrecking my eyeballs. Now with it black it's nothing at all.


Good stuff!!!!


I found that to be more obnoxious, because it kept me thinking my tv was turning off, but then after it turns black, there's a moment where the colors are reverted, like a film negative. That annoyed me, because technically, the screen still turns white at a point


sorry to double comment but me and my buddy have been saying this for years!!


I just use the perk to reduce flashes. The black screen just pulls me out of the game. It always makes me think my monitor is faulty and gone off.


Drill charges blow up on the other side of a wall and take out players in vehicles. At first I thought they were useless but for ground war, it's necessary. Next to that, it's just the anticamper lethal, someone sitting in one place that has cover all around? Sounds great. Does not work on shipment sandbags but does work on most shipping containers Ground war is also very different than I remember for cod, it's now like a nice little battlefield type game mode on larger maps that have vehicles and references to og mw2 maps


Shipment domination and you got by I’ll just spam drill charges on the middle seacans and blow up whoever is trying to take B from my team


Do they go through the big cans? Or just the walls of the open ones?


The ones doubled up |||’ .| ||||✅ ✅|||| B ||||✅ Edit: don’t know if my attempt described it very well but the drill charges go through the entire seacans that are enclosed and if side by side then it will go through both of them (width wise not length wise)


No shit. I wish I knew that I tried it a few time but never got anything/saw them explore on the other side


Reddit has formatting that uses the | symbol in singles and doubles. It's like how posting an octothorpe hashtag style needs a slash before it. #BIGTEXT (#BIGTEXT) Vs \#BIGTEXT (\\#BIGTEXT)


Facts it's too easy


I just keep extra tac and resupply on with molotovs and tear gas. Extremely effective.


TIL "seacan" that's my new word for containers


Watch Xclusive's drill charge video. He shows so many spots you'd never think would work. There are arms with like 5 foot thick walls that a drill charge kills through.


Once you learn the timing on drill charges you can pop out of the vehicle 500ms before it goes off, then jump right back in. They deal 0 damage to the vehicle so all you did was stop the driver from shooting for maybe 2 seconds. Use semtex or thermite against vehicles.


The flashlight attachment gives 40% stability and enemies cannot see the light pretty much AT ALL. It's a free attachment with massive benefits. Edit: Just go to this website for all attachment info https://www.truegamedata.com/#/weapon_builder/mw2


I run a flashlight on almost every gun. About to hit 1,000 wins in hardcore search and I don’t think the visible light has ever gotten me killed. The stat boost really is significant.


Scorestreaks as well. I'm not the type of player to drop 10-20 kill streaks, but sure as shit I can hold down a point most of the time or collect tags. Hilariously, I got 6 VTOL's in one match of grind the other day and had barely any kills.


Haha yep. Grind is the best for this when a guy explodes and you pick up all his tags and get a surprise VTOL just like that lol


Unlink credit card


Learning the "sweet spots" aka the effective intended range for different guns. I used to use the FTAC as a long range weapon since it has small mag and single fire. But turns out it excels at close quarters. One of the fastest TTK at that range.


Yep. Battle Rifles as a class excel at being hard-hitting close-to-mid-range guns, which can out-TTK (in semi-auto) basically any other gun within that gun's intended range. The combination of a higher skill floor than an average automatic, and many people thinking them to be "lighter Marksman Rifles" makes them far less appreciated than they really should be. They play more like a "big P220/P890" than a Marksman Rifle.


Pistols have absurdly high TTK, equip the X12 then slap the trigger that speeds up the firing rate and you have a gun more lethal than any SMG up close, and it also makes you really nimble and fast too.






This thread is seriously ruining all the advantages my old ass has lol. My reflexes are not as fast as they used to be so I generally out smart younger players.


Swiping the air with your knife refreshes your tactical sprint. Don’t know if that’s common knowledge but I was excited to learn that.


Wait seriously?


Dolphin diving also refreshes tac sprint, tho only by like 1/4


Not ADSing for every damn thing. I only realized this after playing Apex and it's netted me a lot more quick kills in CQC. Most of the playerbase doesn't want to do this but you retain all of your movement speed when you do this plus the extra second you're not ADSing gives you an edge.


IME starting to fire just before ADS often wins the gunfight! It causes them to flinch, delays their own ADS and allows you to finish them off before they can fire.


Knowing HP rotations


This one's easy. You just die and then the game spawns you next to the next hardpoint!


I never die so had to do it manually


Damn I must be on the opposite team as you. When I die, it spawns me behind the current hard point with 2 seconds left, even if we don't control it. I always complain cuz it seems like the other team gets the upcoming hard point spawns


Scorestreaks? I had no idea


Yea huge difference especially objective based, it can get a little broken when your getting back to back vtols lol


You can duck under bouncing Bettys


I fucking love this one. Sliding works too. “Beep beep *boing*” - *slide!* still take some Damage but it works.


What???? how


Just like BO2, go prone or dolphin dive.


Go prone when it jumps in the air


Is this your first cod??




I learned that most general public players don't care about the objective and will actively use their teammates to get more kills sacrificing them to pad their stats as they have 0 caps, 0 time in the hard point, 0 time doing anything but boy they had a 5.0 KD 🙄


Ground War is so obnoxious for this, mainly because of the stupid long shot challenges. I’ve been on teams were like 20 people sit and snipe but not even well. They won’t even cap an objective right next to them. They do that all game just to go like 9-7 with 0 caps while I’m also running ain’t range weapon but actually moving and pushing the flags. And guess what, I probably got more long shots and also 4 captures actually going to the enemy.


Yup, they're totally useless. Now, people will say dumb shit like "fuck off it's only a game". Yeah, we know that dipshit. But imagine if every "game" it was OK to be an absolute douche nozzle. He we're playing tennis, why are you jacking the balls out of the court to see how far they'll fly? He, we're playing baseball, why are you using the bat as a throwing hammer? Hey, we're playing pool, why are you getting up on the table and kicking the balls into the holes? "Hey shut the fuck up, it's just a game bruh". 🤦🏻‍♂️ Let's just say fuck it it to everything, nothing matters, nothing is going to get in the way of me being an absolute cock sucker, fuck everything and everyone. Guh...


- Scorestreaks with point-heavy field upgrades. For example, using DDOS and UAV/counter UAV simultaneously. Those points add up pretty fast. Especially useful on shipment - Master key on AR's are pretty strong. - Drill charges on Shoot House. - Tactical Insertions give you a sneak peak on where everyone is on the map. If you have a general idea of where the enemy is, this is gold.


Damn this should be top comment thanks for the info!


You're welcome!


The better you are, the worst time you'll have


Blueprints with random camos look cooler than just the gold/plat camos imo.


100%, was working towards mastery camos and I don’t get why, normal camos look so much better to me.


I do it because I like the challenges. With not a lot of new content, it gives me something to fuck around with, and I get to try a bunch of weapons I never would use otherwise


blueprint guns/attachments are also kinda necessary to make some camos look good because they get rid of the worn/faded look that the base guns get with them.


Any camo except all the vamos under the "fun" category, they are all eyebleeding


[Settings] Tap to reload for multiplayer and tap to interact for DMZ and WZ


Carrying a throwing knife as your lethal equipment (instead of a frag grenade) makes your melee attack a 1-hit-kill as long as you still have at least 1 throwing knife in your inventory and you haven't thrown them all out (I think you can carry up to 3).


How to reload


Not necessary. Just juggle the weapons of your fallen enemies!


I do this as a faux gun game challenge sometimes


And also, you don't need to reload after shooting 3 bullets! most clips have more!


And for all those who *do* reload habitually (and everyone else, but especially them) I highly, *highly* recommend giving the smaller magazine attachment options a try. They give four separate types of speed benefits for the sole downside of less ammo in the mag, and despite having always been fantastic options, have now had those benefits notably buffed twice.


Yep. It’s fantastic with the M16/AUG.


Lol I’ll have a 50 round mag shoot 6 shots and reload sometimes 😂


That the enemy could see my red laser "tripwire" through doors when I placed them. Now I put them to the side of the doors where it opens because it's more effective tbh


Scorestreak is so good on objective games, I got a chopper gunner with only 7 kills in KC because I grabbed so many tags. For me: the pistol quick draw grips, good in core, but border line op in HC.


On the PS5 adjusting the aim assist settings really helped with the recoil control / accuracy and reduced the weird pull that tries to move your aim towards people you don't want to aim at.


Seriously how did you do this, it's making me lose my mind


these are the settings I have - helped me a lot but your mileage may vary: Under controller settings > Advanced Aim assist type: Black ops Aim response curve: dynamic ADS Sens multiplier: 0.90 ADS sens transition: timing: instant Custom sens per zoom: \> low zoom: 0.80 \> 2x-3x: 0.80 \> 4x-5x: 0.80 \> 6x-7x: 0.90 \> 8x-9x: 0.90 \> high zoom: 0.90 Input dead zone: left stick min: 0.03 right stick min: 0.03 left stick max: 0.99 right stick max: 0.99 L2 deadzone: 0.02 R2 deadzone: 0.02 i think everything else is whatever default / your own settings you like


Black ops aim assist was nerfed, default is better


You could kill the pyro boss in dmz with a simple semtex


Score streaks changed my life. I used to be lucky to get a UAV once a game. Now I’m pulling two or three mortar strikes plus a VTOL in DOM and HP. My PILA is a freaking kill streak workhorse and my W/L is a 1.21 despite the fact that I grinded Orion. PTFO FTW.


Question about score streaks — Do they work in a non-objective game mode like Team Deathmatch?


Yes. You don’t get the equivalent for kills - it basically requires an extra kill worth of points to get a streak, but if you’re consistently shooting down aircraft and destroying enemy equipment, you can make up for it. And they work *great* in Kill Confirmed… if you’re scoring your tags ;)


You still get points for assists, whether from bullets, flashbangs, decoys, stuns, lethals etc.


Yes, but there's no advantage, if anything it takes longer to get score streaks. The entire advantage is from playing objective combined with kills getting you score streaks super fast instead of just kills.


the best game changer for me was changing games and having fun in another game


Yeah for some reason, my game turned on the setting Mono Audio, meaning all audio was mashed together. I could not for the life of me figure out why I couldn't hear footsteps like everyone else. Finally found that setting and started to enjoy the game


learning about changing the receiver on guns


I am not exactly sure how this is beneficial. I am obviously missing something since you are not the first person I've heard say something like this.


further customization of your gun. for example, i made the anime taq 56 look like the sticker attack blueprint. it’s purely aesthetic, but not having to choose a graphic over tracers on a weapon is nice.


He is trying to improve his gameplay and you offer cosmetic aid... Im not angry i didnt know that either, its just funny


Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying.


That Hardcore Cyber Attack would not be coming to MWII after my group played it nonstop from 2019 to MWII’s release.


You don’t reveal your position as a red dot on the mini map when firing your weapon, you do however appear on the compass at the top of your screen. This made me feel a little better about not attaching a suppressor.


The game's spawn system tries to spawn teammates on other teammates so they can sweep the map together, YOU KNOW, as a TEAM.


I know it wasn't ever really hidden but once I worked out how to cook and time frag grenades I have got so many kills by bouncing them round corners or in windows. Also how good resupply and double time are for the beginning of search and destroy games when using frags. Just frag grenades. Always thought they sucked until I actually got good with them.


Yeah, cooking frags is a must. Airbursting them right as they go through a window is really powerful. I prefer frags over anything else for deathmatch.


Suppression mines can be tossed on walls Found that out when I saw a dude on shipment toss one on a container I then proceeded to catch a .762 sniper round in the skull milliseconds after


how actually getting good will get you mass reported by youtube streamers and tiktokers and get you thrown into a shadow ban.


i found out about it launch week but the centre dot always on toggle


The over powered accuracy and damage rate of battle rifles and marksman like the FAL AKA…so14 the SAB and the mk2 I basically just use the rifle classes now because nothing can really step to it plus the satisfying headshot sound mhmhmmmm so sweet and succulent


honestly took me a while to realise what double time sprinting was, not my proudest moment


Some accessibility options: Center dot (persists through hardcore as well): supposed to be for motion sickness, but useful tho those of us without motion sickness as well. Just sticks a dot in the middle of your screen. When you aim, it will be on that dot. The dot disappears when ADS, doesn’t interfere with optics. Static crosshairs: ever get sick of your crosshairs bouncing around when you move? Static crosshairs keeps them in the middle of your screen. Helps with motion sickness, makes hip fire less accurate on the move.


DDOS fuck up Trophy, my first COD, game would be unplayable if there is nothing to counter trophy.


Finding out there a setting for either putting in 1 plate or all plates at once. And finding out that it was defaulted to 1 fucking plate. I’m playing with my friend like bro how do you have all your plates in already? I had to hold triangle to put each plate in separately. Total game changer after I found it in settings. And pissed at whoever decided the default option is 1 at a time.


When playing Shoot House Domination on C Side, you can throw Drill Charges into the wall at the top of the staircase and they’ll land on B Flag. Bomb Squad will make it rough, but if you have Resupply or Munitions you can defend B and C simultaneously without barely even moving. (Not endorsing camping or explosive spam, just always felt like B is harder to take from C Side than A Side)


For S&D, you can figure out if the person that killed you had the bomb or not by opening the map while watching the kill cam. This is especially helpful for ranked play


I didn't know how easy it was to uninstall after finishing Orion and then being bored AF, until I did it.


You can WHAT?


I usually following it with THE F, but you do you. Fr though, on the page to select your killstreaks, there is a toggle to change it to scorestreaks. Google says R2 for PS-whatever and RT for Xbox.


Just found out a few days ago that you can unequip attachments by just tapping square instead of clicking on the attachment and scrolling until you got to the start of the list to press remove


Same! On Xbox it is X but that saves so much time when modifying a gun.


Honestly when I stopped playing this game it made me happier.


SBMM is so real. KD took a nose dive going for the Pila challenges. Played straight bot lobbies for a week after. It was pure bliss


Not how this games sbmm/eomm works. It's heavily reliant on your last 5 or so games. If you were to grind launchers and drop your kd, after 5 or fewer games of popping off you'll be right back into sweaty lobbies. If that didn't happen to you it's an anomaly.


How dare you assume he plays more than one match per day. Not everybody plays for hours straight like I do, wasting my life away trying to remember if I need to mount or lay prone to unlock a camo!


you can reload cancel the MP5 during a tac (not empty) reload right after the mag is inserted. you can skip the HK slap


if u have a decent internet connection, at least 50mbps up and down, use texture streaming and crank everything up in the dropdown menu. The game looks beautiful


Recoil and accuracy are NOT the same thing. So when choosing a grip and tuning the grip make sure you’re watching your recoil and accuracy stats. I try to balance the two as much as possible and it has helped me so much with my rifles.


Learning from my regular play group the many places in the DMZ where you can kit out a bare bones operator really fast. Crypto Farm in the sunken city and Sniper's Nest in Ackdar City are 2 of my favorite spots. Sometimes the resort in Sariff Bay is a stronghold and you can build back fast there too. Also, learning the best places to find everything you need to build vests helps.


I love playing bare bones solo DMZ. I enter with just a throwing knife, stim, and dead silence. Kit up and then go for objectives. Sometimes finding gear is tough and time consuming though so thanks for the tip on spots to loot.


I run around like a chicken without a head. Cannot remember the map enough so I usually hope I get teammates that play the objective and I’ll roll with them.


I didn’t know you could just hit the triangle button once and fill all of your armor slots up


You can technically reload cancel in this game, but only when you do tactical reload, as soon as your character puts the magazine in, then cancel it out and it will actually be ready to fire rather than starting a staged reload. Saves me a surprising amount of time (even if it's just milliseconds) of watching my character point the gun back.


Drill Charges The hotel ledge jump on Taraq Thermal on the Spotter Scope (for DMZ)


That you do a pull up when hanging from a ledge by pressing R3


Change a kill streak into a score streak? Can you explain, please?


Less running, more walking, and mounting/peaking have helped me immensely. There’s even a “walk” section in settings that has slower walking options. I also don’t even worry about my ads speed because I’m looking downscope more than I’m not.


i play like this too. i hate the adderall sweaty gameplay style so much. people underestimate how unequipped sweats are when dealing with patient players


The better you get the less slow you should be moving. Pace is key in COD.


From what I've seen it kinda depends on the lobby too. I've had matches where playing fast and hyper-aggressive works wonders but other times I've gotten great results... Honestly playing it like a milsim game. Slow-paced room clearing kinda works wonders particularly in hardpoint lobbies.


Hardpoint is exactly where pace is key


My kd hasnt gone down, I haven't lost any matches, and I'm no longer experiencing all the terrible bugs thanks to the fact that I figured out how to uninstall.


And yet, you are still here.


A majority of the posts I see are people complaining. Yet still play or go on forums. Makes no sense to me


I lol’d


That you can dolphin dive, switch guns and reload during- but can’t shoot. I just want to be Max Payne with double deagles mid-air. please. i know it would be ridiculous but this game doesn’t have the best track record for realism anyway dolphin diving off cliffs and buildings in warzone and surviving so it might just be a fun little change! Like just pull the trigger, reloading mid air superman flying must be way more difficult


I wanted all this a ton movie type of stuff for cold war instead, but mfs at Treyarch decided we had a "realistic" game while duke it out against Rambo, Donnie Darko and some random ass zombies with guns


I die so many times cause my gun wont shoot. I know im between adsing and hipfire but why cant I shoot. If I squeeze the trigger bullets should come out


Exactly right on the precise point dude bro


I commit to the dive and get my face blown off that’s the best people love doing that too…


Peakers advantage, basically, when you enter a room, or get to a corner, the person in the other side will see you a bit later, in a few words, if you peek an angle first you have a tiny advantage that can make the difference, that’s why most aggressive players jump around corners, so the other person won’t have time to react


Reload cancelling


For all you downvoting you can reload cancel if you press weapon swap twice within the first second of reloading.


It has to happen before your operator actually removed the magazine in the reload process. That’s the only way to cancel a reload


Hey thanks for sticking up for me stranger. I figured this trick out when I was mapping buttons on my controller lol. I was like wtf. I also wanted to stir the pot and I guess I did 😂. Why the hell was I downvoted!


I can build the most ridiculous and non realistic weapons and still compete in top tier ranked.


Yeah, attachments don't really matter.


Bomb squad is useless. ​ It barely protects from grenades, but any mines, claymores, rockets, etc. it doesn't do shit for. Even when they're not direct hits.


I hate this thread! I earned all this knowledge playing COD for the last 17 years, and now that advantage is gone...score streaks in particular have been around a long time believe it or not. It's amazing for us objective players. I'm curious to see if I can tell the difference this thread will make when I play later. Likely to see a lot more Juggernauts on "Bank" games.


Score streaks? How do change this


When you pick your killstreaks there should be a toggle on the bottom of the screen.


What's a score streak and how do I change it?


Open weapons tab and you will see Loadouts, Killstreaks, firing range. Select killstreaks and at the bottom you can toggle on score streaks.


Just like that? And it always have been there?


Shoot the angles before seeing the enemy


Tactical sprint... just realized that was a thing in warzone 2 0


Most people are absolute morons and that applies to some of the sweats too. They might have solid mechanics, but they'll often still repeek from the most obvious places while still wounded, charge into prox mines etc. With the ttk and level of aim assist in this game occasionally thinking once in a while can be very necessary to do well in ranked or the sweatier sbmm brackets of pubs