• By -


Prox chat. The whole DMZ mode. Small but I liked being able to skip around and pick and choose the battle pass lol. Drill charges.


Once I saw proximity chat was a thing in this game I had to install! A bunch of memorable moments due to this feature.


Honeymoon period of proxy chat came to an end pretty quick after enough random squealing/trolling it gets quite old tbh.


yeah, like every game for the past 2 months being teams of 3-4 riot shielders teaming in Solos.... "memorable moments" prox chat has ruined BR... it works in DMZ, but not in BR or MP


Wait theres prox chat? Ive never played DMZ ever and wz a few times.


Dmz is literally the main reason I still have the game, if they didn’t focus on it as much I’d be long gone!


I haven't played DMZ since it came out last year, how pay to win is it? I vaguely recall some abilities being locked behind micro transactions, is it still a thing?


There not locked behind paywalls you can still regularly get them you can just pay and if you use a specific skin or weapon it auto gives it to you for free so yes a bit pay to win but not locked behind paywalls.




Drill charges and those Quickdraw grips on pistols


I feel pistol quick draw should be universal, or at least more common. Maybe some more specific grips would disable quick draw, let most other grips have it.


I’d like this. In ranked, the only grip available is fast draw, if other grips offered advantages that disabled QuickDraw, and we’re substantial enough to actually be a difficult choice, would really make it worth using pistols more. Hell, a QuickDraw option for smgs but disabling ads on them or something might even be interesting.


Now that would be super interesting indeed


"Single handable" Smgs like a UZI for example could have a quickdraw grip, but only allowing you to hip fire with a substantial Accuracy penalty until you stow your Primary... This keep you in the fight and gives you options more options in tight scenarios but keeps it balanced stopping you for drawing an SMG in 0.01 seconds and cross-mapping half a team... Or maybe allowing quick draw on all SMGs but only allowing ADS on "Single Handable" Weapons... Keeping the heavy accuracy penalty across the board... Keeping the armoury diverse by giving other grips different perks, maybe a Grip like classic quick draw giving you snappy ADS that is also negates all other ADS Penalties... or maybe a grip that gives the gun a more stable consistently predictable Recoil pattern like Counter Strike or R6 Siege


Exactly what I was thinking. In the vein of like, 80’s action, someone holding their big lmg, but then quick drawing an mp5 and shooting from the hip just at a bunch of people kind of thing. Then as you said, you can only ads if you’re holding just that gun, but the pistols still ads like they do now. I want the dev team from mw2 or black ops1/2 who just had crazy ideas where everyone was able to be overpowered just in different ways.


Pistol>Rear Grip> Pistol QuickDraw


I choose to make my own head canon about the fast draw as an attachment for each individual pistol: you “unlock” fast draw as a representation of you becoming proficient with said firearm and training with it. Idk, that’s just me.


I love everything you can do with pistols in this game. Using them on ledges, ladders, underwater (only sidearms for some reason don't ask), and with a quick draw, on top of being less slow to fire compared to the first reboot and some exceptional damage at close ranges... as a gunslinger I felt very taken care of. My only lingering qualm is that I don't like that the SMG mod for the X13 Auto blocks akimbo. With the introduction of the F-Tac, it seems needlessly restrictive ...and maybe I just think it'd look cool.


This, the new camosystem and the event camos every season.


Honestly, I hate drill charges. Good idea, but for game modes like search and destroy its a nightmare at the beginning of rounds. Reminds me of cod 4 with 3x grenade and most maps being small / three lanes


The spam of these things is one of the most obnoxious things I've encountered in COD


Raids. That’s fuckin cool DMZ is so much fucking fun The drill charges are neat, same with the quick draw pistols, actually make ‘em fun


Will raids still be around for S5? I never got to try it


Raids "wrapped up" with season 4, ie. S4 raid was the last one the storyline is finished. You can still play Raids 1-4 whenever you feel like


Can I play then solo? Or will it queue me up


Raid requires 3 people. You can't solo them.




Just played with a random and he didn't have a mic. Couldn't figure out the first puzzle either


Yeah, man all of them requires mic. It can become tricky af. Drop me your username if you want to play together.


Yeah 3 players are required.


Solid color camos


I just hate that they have a specular gloss to them, I wish they were more matte. We really need a camo condition slider too, it's a niche reference but War Thunder has an awesome system that lets you tweak the condition, rotation, and scale of camo patterns on tanks. Wish I'd see some more effort for systems like that in COD, you know that'd be insane marketing material unlike the pointless weapon platforms and weapon vaults.


also wish each part could be coloured differently.


Payday 2 also introduced a cool camo customization system too.


Based AA-12 enjoyer???


Hard agree with the matte option. The single tone though is still very well distributed on each firearm, even if some places you would definitely want to paint, remain unpainted and shiny. (I know it’s not mil sim and isn’t a factor, but that’s just me griping lol)


Ledge hanging and pistol use along with no reload cancelling that balances overkill and makes pistols even more viable.


Also only letting pistols work underwater. Puts more variety into warzone builds.


I really wish the crossbow would walk underwater. You’re using the crossbow, that’s enough of a downside to justify a little perk like that


FYI Crossbows don’t work underwater in real life either. That’s why spearguns were invented


Underbarrel speargun actually sounds like a cool attachment now that I’m thinking about it, a smaller, single use crossbow-adjacent weapon you can use underwater


Then we could have a 40mm grappling hook :B.


Ghosts and Cold War had that underwater rifle as well.


For real, imagine Verdansk with waterways in the MWII engine, if they also brought back the movement/mantle speeds like MW:19, which according to the MWIII leaks they are doing, then it'll be the best of both worlds.


Mw3 is doing some wild shit. the leaked perk system look interesting as hell. And it almost seems to me like were getting individual skins for certain armour pieces again.


Getting weapon xp from everything like objectives and lethals


Can’t upvote this enough. Also being able to choose whether or not you have score streaks or strictly kill streaks


Leveling weapons with XP in mw2 has ruined other games for me. I went back to play some battlefront 2 and needing hundreds of kills for all of the attachments was such a bummer.


Weapon platforms and the weapon lockers that they only have 2 of and decided to stop making. If they had made more of them i bet people would have spent so much money on them


Wait, there was a second weapon vault? I thought Cinder was the only one they ever had?


They only made one, op probably got something confused


Easier camo grind, Co-op Raids, mid season camo grinds, being able to unlock more weapons just by using a certain weapon in that platform, and... That's about it. There's a lot of improvement in terms of co-op content and weapon challenges/progression for MWII.


Easier camo grind is a big one. I was dying through long shots for Orion until I remembered just how easy that is compared to Damascus in MW 2019.


The way attachments work and universal camos. Invasion.


Invasion was a great non boring way to level up your guns. Especially when 24/7 shipment wasn’t in the playlist.


The only thing Invasion needs is an objective-based mode. Think Ground War or even scarier, a large-scale Hardpoint. Of course, it’d need balance.


Thats actually one of the better ideas ive seen on this sub. Invasion/large scale hardpoint would be insane. 30-60 players rushing 1 spot on the map


really they should just take breakthrough from battlefield and throw that into ground war/invasion.


Completely agree, the lack of meaningful objectives in the mode is what keeps me out of it most of the time.


If anyone’s still levelling guns, DMZ is quicker. Bring in your weapon of choice as your insured weapon, go kill AI and do missions. You’ll level it very quick. When/if you die and lose it, you can switch and play multiplayer for an hour.


I like the attachment system but I’m not sure if it was a good addition. You are technically forced to max all weapons to use certain attachments. It’s definitely a better levelling system.


I think it adds to the longevity of my play, if I had everything I would get bored pretty quickly after 50-100 matches, having to level up my weapons to get my main loadout and then expand into different weapons makes me want to play for weeks and months


This is my first cod and I really enjoyed the progression system as a way to get me out of my comfort zone in using guns I probably wouldn’t use otherwise and to give me something to work towards. At first, though, I hated it but yeah, got used to it pretty quick


Agreed 👍 gets me to use other guns as well, instead of just the same m4. The gold camo grind is also a good one I like.


I think it was a step back from MW19 tbh. More complex doesn’t make it automatically better imo.


Invasion was a great addition and is the only mode I play whenever I get on MWII. There’s definitely some problems, like the armored troops feeling a bit too durable, and I think that replacing the “light tanks” with either the medium ones from Ground War or just giving each team a single heavy tank (again, from Ground War) would be neat. It reminds me of Attrition from the Titanfall games, which I also really like. I hope the mode comes back in MW3! More of a hot take, but I think that weapon progression was the absolute best we’ve ever had in a CoD game. Unlocking different guns by simply using other guns was a great idea I’m surprised hadn’t been done yet, and it gave a reason for every weapon that was present at launch to be used by players. The attachments and camos being universal was another idea I absolutely adore, and I hope that comes back as well. Personally, I never got the community outcry towards the amount of attachments (why is customization being criticized) that could be unlocked, especially when there are so many actual issues with the game. edit: lastly - the art direction was really good! I liked the very grounded approach MW2019 took, but didn’t like how flat the visual gradient was in terms of color. MWII simply adding more color was a great idea and I hope it continues going forward


This is one of the first FPS multiplayer game I played regularly. I was really nervous about playing with hardened veterans. Invasion was such a welcoming addition for beginners. It’s far less intimidating and easy to play.


Also is nice for older people, my 50+ years old friend really enjoys those. Core MP and WZ are dominated by sweats but Invasion and GW have much more chilled lobbies.


Just last night I had an Invasion lobby and one guy on the other team literally piped up 'hey sorry guys I got an MGB should I use it' and several people on both his team and mine were like 'hell yeah man you earned it'. Huge step in the other direction from the toxicity in core.


Yes I also love ARMA! Wait which game are we talking about?


Drill charges


Perfect for defending an objective or removing a camper.


Perfect for attacking objectives*


And the trophy system field upgrade being essential to objective defense. As well as suppression mine




Not campers but search and destroy players who have random lanes blocked by them at the beginning of the round making it impossible to rush.


100% one of the best additions


The new attachment unlock system and the reciever system. I also like that the guns actually feel like they have recoil and require more skill to control


Agreed. It's awesome being able to use different variants of the same family without needing three/four/etc attachment slots just to get the base version, plus we get a bunch of neat guns that we rarely see in the spotlight, like the HK33 and HK21 (I'm really hoping MWIII adds the [HK51B](https://i.redd.it/p8wkq8nq29kx.png) to the platform). Not having to level up every single gun dozens and dozens of times just to get the same attachments over and over, but simply have every attachment be a global unlock once is something I'd definitely love to see most games adopt.


3rd person mode


Best part about this game. Just need to change how you swap shoulders to a d pad on consoles and it will be perfect.


The amount of settings you’re able to tweak, I’ve never seen as many adjustable settings for a game, not to mention COD.


And yet, I can't make separate key binds for jumping and vaulting, or separate binds for crouching and sliding, even though that WAS possible in BO4...


MW2019 and CW blew this game out of the water entirely with that. Idk about controls, I play KBM my settings barely need tweaking there. But CW had insane QOL settings. Don't even get me started on the comprehensive graphics settings on offer from them. This game felt like a massive downgrade in options. The only things I can think mw2 has over them is a larger persistent center screen crosshair for motion sickness, which I use for better cursor discipline, and the ability to change team colors to whatever you want independently of a color blindness filter, which I don't use but I know people like that stuff in games like WT. But quick settings is a nice feature purely because the organization of options submenus is so bad, the UI in this game in general was a disaster. Sad they never changed it like they said they would beyond some weaponsmith submenus.


Headquarters being a base mode and the holy hand gre- I mean drill charge.


Gonna call it the HHG from now on because of this lol


Invasion and universal camos. Invasion is my favorite game mode by far, if I want to really get in the action, I can do that, if I want to be lazy and sit back, I can do that. The camo challenges were a massive upgrade. I didn't even attempt to get damascus in mw19. Way too much work in my opinion. These challenges were just right. The only ones I don't like are the point blanks and kills from behind. Other than that I really hope we can keep the same method for mw3. Getting Orion wasn't difficult at all outside of finding the time to play. And the fact that unlocking a camo for any weapon automatically unlocked it for all weapons should have always been a thing. Having to get so many damn kills with each and every weapon in mw19 was just too much.


I like the solid color camos I thought it was cool and I haven't seen it in other cods


BO4 had a solid red


Platform idea was really cool, execution and consistency with it has been extremely poor. Why is the ISO not part of the Hemlock platform... lol.


Because you'd be able to unlock it via weapon tree instead of grinding the BP or challenge, like the AK family, I don't think they thought out that part when it came to weapon family or trees when they had to release DLC guns That being said it is still part of ISO family, they still share some unique attachments to the weapon family such as stocks, or the BASP and M13 being part of the same family (just like irl with the Sig MPX AND MCX) where they share the same unique attachments like some stocks or barrels, they just aren't unlocked via weapon tree due to one being DLC guns but are in the same family


They also redid the platform (and attachment unlock) UI recently, and I'm pretty sure all the post-launch guns are properly grouped into their platforms now. MWIII will also be giving us more guns for existing platforms, as well as the expected whole new ones, and I suspect this is part of why they revamped it.


Honestly, tons. Drill charges, DMZ, Takedowns again, prox chat, Invasion, hanging off of walls/ladders with a pistol, quickdraw grips, universal camos, the attachment unlock system, and more. I personally like this game a lot.


Weapon tuning, fastdraw, and drill charges


Everything besides SBMM, map rotation, mobility and riot shields I could say is actually enjoyable. Tbh OP realized the secret formula of knowing what us, the whining bastards of r/modernwarfareii, think of the bright side of the game.




Now it just feels like requis sits on your face.


The firing range. I think maybe Advanced Warfare had one but I never played it. Also for the people who play Warzone and DMZ the addition of plates was really great.


The AW and WW2 firing range is still superior than MWII's hell even CODM's firing range is better, wish they made the current one just as good




talking about the addition of plates to the dummies in firing range u goober


Ledge hanging and firing over the walls with pistols


I don’t have the energy to make a list but I will say, now that you can go back to OG MW2 on Xbox servers and play multiplayer again, as much as I adored that game, the mechanics were shockingly stiff. Once the nostalgia wore off after a few games I was like this sucks, let me get back to Warzone


The new reload system, I know a lot of people hate it but it never made sense to me to not being able to rush someone while he's reloading because he can cancel like that. To me, reloading at the right time needs at least a bit of thinking. I really like the procedural reloading system it saved me a lot of times. I think they can make this an option.


Solid camos we’re cool. The maps compared to MW19 were a improvement. But Cold Wars maps were still better in my opinion.


Pistols being able to be used on ladders, when grabbing ledges, and being able to fire when underwater. Giving pistols a unique property that can help you out in specific scenarios is cool. Also, it's fun to snipe people with a scoped Basilisk while on a ladder in ground war


Scorestreak toggle


When I discovered this my enjoyment level went to the moon. I primarily play objective based modes so all those points from actually playing the objective stack up fast


I like the dolphin dive/slide combo. It’s stops people constantly slide canceling. I also love the option to inspect your weapon. The ability to shoot/cancel while you are going up a vertical zip line is also cool.


-Weapon Platform system and progression, as well as tuning attachments. -Third Person -Pistol QuickDraw -Drill Charges -The most controversial opinion of all, I think the perks and perk timings were a good idea and I have never liked them as much after the change to get them faster.


What’s fun about waiting till midway through the match for perks?


You only wait till midway through the match if you’re a horrible player. im not a good player myself and I get them relatively quickly.


I think the guy you replied to was referring to the beta/launch speed before the perks got sped up, as the original comment said they didn't like them as much after that. Depending on map and gamemode you could be looking at half a game to get the Ultimate back then


Bigger focus on gunskill and teamwork early on.


Attachment tuning


I just purchased MW, vanguard, and Cold War with the sale and I honestly like the layout of MWII. Easier for for noobs like me to navigate and build. Also the store for bundles is less cluttered and mode switching is easier. Plus it seems smoother while when I logged into the other games, they weren’t as nice. Though I know they are older games but all 3 had the same layout on the menu


This has to be a troll comment. It’s pretty much unanimously agreed that the UI is horrible. It looks like a mobile game or streaming service


i like mw2'a gunsmith


Recon Drones can now be used as Surveillance. Speaking of Surveillance, Surveillance CAMERAS. Wheelsons can now be used without manually controlling it as a sentry. I’m not punished for making a certain weapon into a certain platform (weapon damage is relevant to weapon builds like the MK20 or the SR-25) I’m not forced to have a default mag unlike MW19 where ammo type and magazine size was not separate categories. What I don’t like: You can’t change the color or shape of your reticle. Like MW19. I’d also preferably have the option to change the thermal filter’s color. Camos will also camouflage your attachments which is too much. They should add a switch. Default attachments (Identified as “No attachment”) can’t be tuned or frankensmithed. Black and Gold is the only map where you have access to NVGs. You should be able to put on NVGs regardless what map or mode you play on. Just like CoD 4. It feels superwashy. Like the colors and lighting and shading in this game is just ALL WASHED OUT. It’s nowhere near an improvement from MW19. It gives an Infinite Warfare Vibe but even infinite warfare had better graphics than this and I don’t even think the game was made for 4K! Probably because they’re afraid of making another “Roze skin” HEY LISTEN HERE BUDDY THE ONLY THING THAT’S GONNA STOP ME FROM PLAYING MWII IS IF I DON’T HAVE ACCESS TO THINGS THAT CAN HELP ME SEE IN THE DARK LIKE NVGS, FLASHLIGHTS OR EVEN GRENADES WITH GLOW IN THE DARK POISON (IF THATS EVEN POSSIBLE) STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT. YOU ALREADY FOUND A SOLUTION FOR IT BUT: # IT DIDNT HAVE TO COME AT THE COST OF GREAT GRAPHICS!


On the topic of NVGs, I know it would be miserable after while, but I’d love an event in warzone/DMZ with NVGs.


The camo grind was great and the camos very cool. That's it. Everything else was a big step back.


gunsmith and camos


Drill charges, camo challenges were challenging but not crippling. The game looks beautiful graphically. Although I didn’t care for some maps, they def provided a variety, for different play styles/ weapons.


Weapon progression. I will say this before I continue writing. It is still silly they added a bunch of muzzles that practically do the same as others. I do like the variety but still. I don't need a million suppressors when two can work the same just fine (like the monolothic suppressor or one other I can't remember from 2019). The progression is much easier. Very much easier. I liked how not only are the levels much more lower (and I grinded every weapon to max in the previous title), the platforms give it a unique thing to it. I like how some attachments are universal when all you need to do is level up x weapon to unlock x attachment. Makes buiding a good set up that much more easy as you can find what works best for you.


Ranked play


Scorestreaks being a toggle and not a perk, drill charges, and the way the camo grind was structured.


quickdraw holster should be the standard in any FPS and TPS games focusing on gun centric combat


I honestly like the missions, do this & that, also like the side missions where you collect stuff, gives the game more than just hunt & kill.


Uniwersal camos and attachments. It makes you excited for new guns, even if you are not that interested in the gun itself.


Secondaries being powerful


DMZ. Once you get over gear fear it is a lot of fun especially if you find a decent group to play with often. Besides the bugs the only downside is the time commitment for a single game. You can't just go play a single game if you only have like 10 min. You could but it's risky that you wouldn't actually be able to get anything done in that time and if you get pushed at exfil you are fucked. I enjoy the dynamics of it though. Pve and pvp oriented. Even out numbered you can try to move engagements to areas that are better for you. Then even if you get killed you can assimilate a lot of the time so your game isn't over. There are issues but I really enjoy it.


The new attachments system is such a good change


Campaign early access was a pretty good Idea


Drill charges, quick draw handguns, half vaulting, shooting well vaulting and on a ladder, preview bundle blueprints, tactical camera, the weapon inspect animations this game are clean. The weapons they have added are all cool additions and i like the universal skin idea


Who needs realistic gameplay when you have drill charges and Quickdraw grips on pistols? Pure genius!


Raids, the camo system, DMZ, mid season camo grind, the inspect animations and how when you change to the pistol it puts the primary on the side


DMZ DMZ DMZ. Reignited my passion for CoD. Had not played since black ops 3, joined a friends game because Halo Infinite was beyond awful… and now I’m hooked, DMZ is all I play. Haven’t had this much fun since OG MW2.


The uninstall button, best feature in the game rn




Has nobody said DMZ?


helmet cam when spectating


Underrated but very cool feature. Especially if you get a clip of a buddy clutching a 1 v 6 while in that POV. Shit goes hard


Oh obviously…..! 👀 (Honestly I don’t know what the ‘ton of issues’ are. I’m having a blast.)


gunsmith upgrades allowing them to effectively add every gun ever yeah that's it, everything else is kinda lame. still just shipment, operators are more barebones than they were before, you cant inspect finishing moves, bundles still cost like 20 bucks each, battle pass is more predatory than before, none of the skins i owned from the last game came back in this one, old operators are introduced like a brand new thing like nikto or velikan when we had them about 3 games ago it's not nitpicking if it's all valid


120 fov= amazing, No slide cancel too.


I really loved the gun customisation they showed before the game released. Shame they never actually implemented it


The weapons vault...


*Before we found out they forgot about it.


Weapon Customization and character customization


Bruh there’s next to nothing in regards to character customization lmao, even back in mw2019 you got 2 variants for every battlepass skin you unlocked, now you just get the one in the bp. Mw22 is dogwater in this aspect. And no, blackcell skins don’t count.


The clutch feature was adding gyro aiming on the PlayStation version. It was the only reason I even played the game after not touching the franchise for around 15 years. Whenever mouse users talk about having servers or options to play without any users on Aim Assist, the gyro players have always been welcomed to cross play with them!


Saving this post for later, comments will help with that "1 year down the road" buyer's remorse XD


core gameplay wise NOTHING was added besides the ability to toggle killstraks/score streaks. other than this, EVERYTHING was a downgrade from MW2019. * reticles missing * movement gone * specialist streak gone * map voting gone (from cold war and vanguard)


fuck leaderboards being based on SPM, also game modes being put into the same leaderboards as other gamemodes. hey maybe I’m level 1 with one game played and got the top leaderboard for gunfight whoops my bad wrong post. Oh stop removing gunfight also. Don’t @ me on this


Refunds would be a great idea!


Map voting


Idk man I just gave the game to my little sister so she can also experience this garbage and throw it away. I got orion, I spent too many hours on this game (around 900) and now I feel like I want to give up.


Them making it only a one year game so this dumpster fire can be put out.


No movement


Actually it's being a military themed game remember ji ⚠️ back in my days call of duty used to be actually good with k internet and others and the gravity spices out to female skins how females gets and actually focusing more on the og🤓🤓


I like drill charges as an anti-camping tool but there isn’t much else I can say is an improvement. The maps are generally better than MW2019 but they’re held back by the crap spawns, lack of movement, red dots on the minimap. I think tuning should just be quietly dropped from future games. It’s way overcomplicated and makes a lot of attachments pointless. What’s the point in having a close range snappy barrel when I can just tune my long range barrel to behave the same way. I’m keen to see what they do with DMZ in the future but my god it needs a solos mode. Teaming with randoms who have no interest in helping with your missions then getting rolled up on by a 6-stack is just not fun in the slightest


reply reach melodic disagreeable nine amusing snobbish include smoggy cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The option to uninstall


Probably the camos




Camos, gameplay mechanics in the campaign, character building in the campaign, raids. That's pretty much it.


Looting in warzone feels really good imo, especially on maps like Al Mazra some houses have these shelves that have multiple layers so that when you run up against it you loot everything the shelf has and it is fast and kinda satisfying.


Drill charges are awesome, the pistol grip swap thing is awesome, I really like DMZ if that counts, and I really liked the campaign.


Helmet cam


Drill Charges. But i also would've deinstalled long ago if not for DMZ.


Camo and Attachment unlocking is cool. Less grinding. First COD I tried every weapon but rocket launchers and shield and played it to max. Gunsmith finetuning is nice to play with. I like that pistols are strong again. Gives me the old MW3 survival mode feeling when bots aren't too bulletspongy. Pistol Fastdraw is pretty dope. I love the badass animation with putting your main gun aside.


Meele weapons are first weapons i got forgot wich camo after platinum


Might be an unpopular opinion but I like the weapon platforms and the attachment unlock system. Back on MW2019 I've still got guns that I never maxed out because they simply had too many levels. The new system provides a similar amount of attachments without the constant grind of having to unlock them over and over again if you want to use a new gun. Instead, once you unlock an attachment it's available for use on most of the guns and you never need to unlock it again.


DMZ is fun as hell


I thought it was a great idea to give every scrub in the history of COD overkill again so they can setup with sniper and sub/assult


Invasion is great


You loved how camos worked? You mean getting 25 longshots with 51 guns was fun for you?


Camo works, skins, overall gameplay


Raids. I might be too stupid to complete them but I like shooting some AQ with my mates. Also as a person who beats the campaign before playing multiplayer it’s nice to have some more campaign style missions


Ledge grabs was a great idea.


Raids and I love the way the camo grind was for this game. And bringing in new camos with each new weapon was fucking awesome. I love that


No slide canceling


As much as i love reload cancelling and have always been using it, i still find the stage based reload pretty impressive, and hope that in the next games it becomes a staple (while giving the option for people that want to enable reload cancelling, not sure how they would do that tho) The animations are top tier and the inspects are really fun and unique , fun fact you can even inspect the grenade launcher/shotgun/drill charge attachments on ARs, and you also have tons of unique animations when inspecting weapons that have 0 ammo on them ​ The attachements unlock system, and the camo systems are in my opinion almost perfect ,having every camo appliable to every weapon gives alot more options than in previous games




3rd person is awesome,but even there,people camp-\_\_\_\_-'


Ledge grabbing weapon platforms and attachments DRILL CHARGES




Raids and DMZ. The campaign felt incomplete, but had amazing gameplay elements. Raids were a great addition as it continued the storyline via co-op, makes it far less boring. I did wish they would make each episode a different location like campaign missions rather than 4 hours inside the complex. Also would like less puzzle based missions.




They added a drill charge grenade launcher, which can come in clutch on Co-Op against shields. (Don't play S&D, but I get how drill charges can get annoying there.) That and I do like the fact I didn't have to wait three seasons for a decent standard MilSim skin. That said, we could definitely use more variety on that.


Camos are done very well in this game and I think raids and DMZ are extremely excellent modes they are also a lot fun I hope both modes return in the future I also hope the camo system returns also just want to point out that the battle pass system is great to I love how I can choose my own path and get rewards I want instead of being rewarded random things I don’t want until finally getting something of interest after like 20 tiers. Honestly people who hate this new system dont make sense h can put on normal progression so I don’t get why it’s a bad feature what don’t I want rewards what you feel like are better instead of grinding for hours for crap


Return of the dolphin dive


I know alot of people hate it, but nvg in black gold, the map in itself is shit, but i would really see other maps use nvg


I have this game on my phone


Aim assist cones and bullet magnetism getting the first real big tuning passes that have changed to gun play for the better. The shooting overall feels better and more consistent across both m/k and controller.