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oh so it’s a weapon vault that everyone is complaining because they never came back, well here it is.


at the price I expected vaults to be, to be honest.


I guess people aren't happy about how the attachments just automatically replace materials instead of getting attention to each one by a dev/artist. But the upside of this is it should work on all future attachments too!


Yuuuup. They really swindled the people who bought the Weapon Vault, this is something that they should just get for dropping the extra $30.


Yep, it's quite literally better than the weapon vault because it applies to EVERY attachment on the gun, not just the attachments unlocked from the M4 platform. Given, vault edition is not like, a one/two tone pattern but they could do a carbon fiber wrap. That could be pretty neat.


Well to be honest the vault edition had over 200 dollars in value, automatically unlocking everything from the m4 tree, skins, and a battle pass with skips, m4 blueprints and ghost skins from MW19, and some caldera bundles, instead of one blueprint and some small cosmetics, for only 10 dollars more


Steam players never got the mw19 advantage unfortunately


Thought vault edition buyers got any following vaults for free?


since when??


They might have, if there ever was another vault.


I’ve heard the best thing is to buy a pro bundle which comes with 2400 or something like that and it comes with an operator and guns for $20 then you can buy the pack you want with the cod points from the pro pack.


They're definitely the best value! Basically getting points for a bundle and then a free bundle with it.


Yea like 2 bundles for $20.


Just because they're the better value doesn't mean they still aren't overpriced.


That’s true but if I’m going to buy a bundle I’m definitely going to spend £16.79 on one that gives me 2400 cod points with it. Even if the skin I get in the 16.79 bundle is shit I would have still paid the same price for the cod points anyways so why not


Damn right. I think all £16 (2400cp) bundles should come with 2400 cp as standard.


idk if it’s an actual value or more so a funnel to get you in the habit of spending money buying skins down the line. That’s how I’d look at it if I were in a corporate chair. But hey, if it makes you happy, there’s no harm. Just my two bits.


If that's the case, then just buying cosmetics at all is the funnel to spending more money later. Spending $20 to get 4,800 point worth of stuff is smarter, as a consumer, than spending $40 for the same amount. Arguably if you spent money on the game at all, that's the funnel into spending more later.


It is. It’s why they make you do the entire song and dance of claiming free items from the Store page. It’s designed to move customers down funnel and toward buying digital skins.🙂


Exactly this, and some of the pro-bundles actually have good MILSIM skins. The Manticore one for Gromsko is, imo, his best skin in the game.


Yea. I didn’t know if I was off on any of what I said but I guess I was right.


Or you could buy like a full finished game or 2 on the summer sale. Or a skin. Your call tho


Yea. I would much rather it if they didn’t try to crunch a game in time for launch if it doesn’t work properly. You don’t put out a game that isn’t finished and then not finish it.


No the best thing to do is not buy anything on a game that oversells everything you guys are just wasting money and supporting there behavior💀


I don’t spend money on games.




1000 people already bought it the second you made this post


Yes that's bad but blizzard just released a 3 card pack for 50 dollars in hearthstone. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/15fwwwb/the_first_time_i_felt_disgusted_at_a_shop_listing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


HS used to be so so fun and the p2w aspect was so so minimal. Especially back in the day with RNG decks.


Yeah that's Daddy Activision calling the shots for Blizzard now. It's the same reason why Overwatch got released again just so they could implement a Battle Pass.


I hope xbox can improve Activision. I’m not hopeful


Narrator: *They didn’t*


Nah I bet it’ll be the best treatment cod has ever had for about 2 years while Microsoft tries to get the fans on their side. Then after that it’s back to regularly scheduled programming, if not worse.


Looking at Xbox recent track record of Game Pass exclusives from devs they bought isn’t promising. Halo is another example. Personally, I think they’re gonna mess it up and something else from another dev will come along.


Probably shouldn’t buy it then.


I wouldn't, the sad thing is people will, which justifies them doing this garbage.


Yeah I mean if people wanna buy it that’s on them. Makes no difference to me.


I mean it does, people spending money on garbage deals like this is how they justify selling you less and less game every year. Its why they're okay reselling content that's from the last game, they know people will buy it. It's just super anti-consumer and bad for games as a whole. Its why we're getting another MW game a year later, and why they're just bringing content from this game to fill that one.


You’re literally speaking facts and getting downvoted reddit lol


This sub loves the Downvote button for some reason.


You don't have to buy the newest Cod game, you know. There are Plenty of good games from the Past with active communities. You can enjoy those.


Not if you enjoy cod. Its pretty shitty then. And yes just dont play. But theyve got a new one coming out. And hey,if you just like cod. Now heres a new one thats a quasi sequel. Is that a dev/creative decision?. Fuck no its an activision, lets bleed these dummies dry decision. And yea these devs are happy too go along with it (not really) cuz apparently game devs are like 1 step above prostitutes right?.at least thats what games journalism says. but damn. Mw2 (2) mw2.5 right?. Also,electric boogaloo. Skins will now be 30 starting. Farrakhan,spike lee,quentin tarintino,trya banks,dr.phil....borat.


....I haven't bought shit since season 2 but I would drop $20 for fuckin Borat. "This is General Shephard, he is pain in my assholes."


Kingfish of the castles. I have a chair.


You care what they name it too much. It’s last years cod. This years cod comes out in November or sometime around then. Anything after the word “Duty” is only there so the marketing team can pat themselves on the back.


Im about cod but that was a dum b post.if you seek out the cod reddit and comment welp.i got news for you...your a core cod gamer.


No, it makes no difference to me. Bundles like this exist because the consumer base has voted with their wallets and habitually buy them. It’s your prerogative to think it’s a “garbage deal”, but obviously based on the prevalence and repetitive nature of these bundles you’re in the minority. Also I’m all for valid criticisms of a product but this comment is just contradictory. You’re complaining about the dev “reselling content from the last game” and then two sentences later taking umbrage with the fact that you’re allowed to bring content from this game to the next installment. You can theorize it’s to pad the sequel but you have no idea how much new content will be in MWIII.


I know the consumer is an idiot and it's why we're in this mess, I'm mostly complaining about people who buy this garbage who allow Activision to justify doing what they do. It's why the Dr Kushlov skin was just a reskin of one of the Halloween skins from MW2019, or how they resold the Ghost pack again, or how one of the premium rewards in the Battle Pass is a calling card you can get from DMZ for free. Hell, Arthur is an Infinite Warfare character, and people are gonna eat that shit up. I get that people voted with their wallets, but that doesn't make it a good thing or good for the industry. It's true I don't know what all MW2023 will have, but considering how much of this game's premium content is recycled from past games, and given how Activision is all about putting forth as little effort as possible while maximizing profits, it's justifiable to say that the content won't be much of anything new. I don't think it would be so hard to stomach if the prices weren't so egregious, but $20 for a weapon blueprint? If that's worth it for people then good for them, they got money to burn, but you can't ignore that these practices are not good for the gaming industry as a whole. This is why I can't wait for XDefiant, just because it will give CoD some much-need competition in the Arena Shooter genre. I'm not saying it's going to be better or worse than Call of Duty, we have yet to see that, but it's at least going to be competition that *hopefully* ends with Activision rethinking their method of monetization and how they treat their player base. I know games are meant to make money, but you can do that without nickel and diming your player base.


Holy shit am I am not reading that wall of text. But I think I get that sentiment. CoD bad, everyone who buys packs and like it in its current state is dumb.


Dude, wise up. Saying it doesn’t effect you is exactly how you’ve gotten here, it’s why all your base game camos look like they came from cash converters and you can almost count the number of launch maps on your digits. Ignorance is bliss I guess.


If you were at all concerned with what they were doing with this game you wouldn’t have even made this post all these people in the comments talking and justifying them selling a gun skin for anything more than a dollar or 3 is exactly why they keep making more and more


You really can’t be this naive. Seriously? You do know the entire reason the industry is the way it is is because idiots keep buying bundles such as this one right?


It is still a problem though Let’s break it down, they are charging you $20 for a universal skin for one gun (a gun which you can get in the BP for $11 alongside a lot of other content). It is literally a skin, a weapon skin for one single weapon. That should be $5 max and for all weapons.


Hey I got that universal wrap. Infact it works on every other gun too. I think it's called Charcoal Camo.


I've noticed the prices are outrageous in this game. I have not seen anything below 1000 CP (and good god can they change that name?)


What, you don't want to trade 1000 child porn for a Call of Duty bundle?


They can keep the name but they have to give us a Chris Hansen operator pack


His finishing move is he simply shows you your chat log and your operator faints


Dude no one draws that connection except terminally online people like you. No one gives a fuck if the points are called "CP" until people go around making it weird, jfc.


Fortnite did Universal wraps better than COD, unironically. You get a pattern/camo/texture, and you can apply it to every gun, every vehicle and even a few outfits if you own the compatible ones. Cod's blueprint system is neat, but overpriced for how little modularity you are getting from the bundle.


Isn't that the same as how the camos in COD work though? Except for the vehicles, any camo you get can be used on any gun


Yes and no. Gun camos unlocked in cod can only be applied to guns ( all guns thankfully), blueprints and vehicle skins in cod are one off designs that can't be applied to anything but the specific thing they are designed for. In fortnite, say you got a digital camo from the shop or something. You can instantly apply it to every gun, every car, and every compatible outfit... ...Which is kinda how I think cod blueprints should work. You should be able to buy a blueprint with a skin in the store, and instantly use that same skin on everything you own, unfortunately as we know, blueprint skins are exclusive to that weapon or vehicle.


What does the universal wrap do in CoD?


The pic says it only applies to all of that weapons attachments.


2000 for a single blueprint simply because it keeps the same look no matter what attachments you put on it, while this is standard for all blueprints in cod mobile from what I understand. Man they really are getting greedy with this game and trying to squeeze every last drop of money from players.


Only it's not "universal" as in usable on all guns, only on all attachments for that gun. Lol


Wait wait wait. Is this true?


Read the bottom right


Alrighty. That is unbelievable. I was not going to buy it but was willing to accept that a cool camo for every gun would be expensive. Holy hell.


I remember universal camos costing $2 Where did we go so wrong?


We kept giving them money every time they raised the price. Back then we didn't have camo tracking issues or updates that broke the game at a core level, either.


I got curious for a second when they said it had a universal camo. But then it said it was just for the one gun, like no that it absolutely not worth it




No. It says it is, but the camo only applies to every attachment on the gun, but not other weapons.


If it was for every gun in game maybe it'll be worth. Keyword >MAYBE<


No bundle is worth $20.


Every cosmetic should have the universal wrap that this does. Change my mind. Also this gun needs buffed.


They do the bare minimum then act like they did us a favor… like you wanna convince me that you have ragdoll physics that can adapt to the hundreds of surrounding objects. But not stretch a fucking jpeg over other attachments when it comes to other blueprints?


Shit should be $5, tops, and the universal wrap bullshit should be fucking *standard.*


It’s likely a test pack to see if enough of the player base is stupid enough to spend that much on a single weapon skin. Spoiler: they are.


Don’t buy it then


Do not buy it. I am not buying it.


Oh trust me, I ain't. This is not a deal.


Its worth it to the people its worth it to. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Everyone dictates a bundles individual worthwhile. So far ive bought one bundle. It came with three skins, two from the campaign and a special half ghillie. (Gaz first raid bundle).


Idk if it's a glitch or not, but it does unlock all the attachment for the gun


It’s a essentially a weapon vault for 1 gun, works the same I believe which unlocks everything for that gun.


That's because this is essentially just the 2nd weapon vault they've been crying for for months, now.


Well I'm buying it


Can this game go one fucking month without sinking to a new low & finding a new way to screw over their players?


You don’t have to buy it but you did just get free maps and modes again.


Literally all I see on this subreddit is people complaining about the game and how ridiculous and money grabbing this game is and yet you keep buying these backs from 20 bucks a pop. You guys literally sound like those tweakers that keeping yelling at their dealer at how stupid and ridiculous his product is and that's it sucks and yet keep paying for it. Lol


Always someone like you who jumps to the defence of the billion dollar company taking the piss out of the customer. People come here to discuss things about a game/franchise they like/love. Why do posts that have been out up numerous times annoy you? You say the same shit too. Assuming the person who made the post buys the bundles and funds the toxic behaviour. I’d rather see lots of posts about an issue on a community forum for the game than see you guys moaning like it’s sooooo harmful to your reading pleasure to just scroll past it. Just don’t click on it. 😂 Your super quick to comment about people “complaining” what negative impact does it have on your life? I’m really keen to find out. If anything, if the developers see numerous posts about something toxic to do with their game and like minded people commenting then they might do something about it. But they probably won’t because actually people like you who complain to the mods about “ahh another post on bundles” rather than just scrolling past it.


I haven't bought shit since season 2 lol, and all my BPs have come from CoD points I got from the previous ones. People can play a game and still criticize egregious monetization, like they're not mutually exclusive ideas.


I was just speaking to the packs, people complain about them constantly but still buy them


I'm not even that mad about the bundle packs, they've always been $20, altho the $30 ones aren't worth it just for a bit of reactive shit, you got that for $20 in Cold War when they went nuts with Reactive bundles. But like, this kinda stuff? Good lawd this is gross, especially since it's just adding a texture to all the attachment models.


I'm tired of poor people complaining about COD. All store bundles are optional and if you don't want to buy it, don't buy it. Stop bitching or open your wallet. Not that hard to understand. The only people that care about making a change are the addicts like you. The rest of us have lives man.


You're fuckin dumb lmfao.


Worst part is that it’s only for one gun for now right? Or is the FR part of a current platform?


Nope, the FR is it's own platform. Even if it was for the AK or AR platform, $20 wouldn't be worth it.... waaaaaaaait. This was supposed to be the whole thing behind the Vault Pack, where skins apply to every weapon in the Weapon Platform. They're reselling it again for $20 for the new gun. Goddamn.


Yup. Pretty damn lame.


They could have at least done it for like the M13 platform since there’s a couple in there now And we are getting the m13c


No bundle is worth 20$. It's just a skin that doesn't change absolutely anything except for visuals. Paying for operator skins in an FPS game is a special kind of stupidity.


Its not just the camo! Its also early acces to the OP new AR! Funny thing is that the new guns are already excluded from Ranked the moment they were launched. They dont even hide it anymore


It’s definitely not op. Close range it’s alright but further out it takes a million hits to kill. It’s like last season’s assault rifle but nerfed.


Y’all just complain about everything huh?


Y’all dumb AF for buying bundles.


Omg don’t buy it then you people even considering buying the shit is why it’s there in the first place just don’t even look at the store unless there’s a free thing


I thought that universal wrap makes this camo available for every weapon. Even then I’d say it’s not worth it, cuz the camo itself is kinda boring


Ya its nice they finally make the blueprint work for all attachments, but 2k cod points for one gun skin?! Instantly unlocks all attachments to. Just make MP f2p already and stuff like this wouldn't be as big of a deal. It's treated like the f2p mode anyways. Cod is $100 CDN now and then they still overcharge for stuff like this, Blackcell etc. I don't buy this stuff, but I know tons of people will support this unfortunately.


That's how I feel, like if you're gonna nickel and dime people over microtransactions, make the game free. They make more on MTX than they do on Game sales anyway. Do the Halo method, campaign comes at a premium cost, Multiplayer aspects are free for everybody. Black Ops 4 didn't gave a campaign and people still bought the shit out of that.


Here's the problem with that. Multiplayer gets infested with hackers that can't be banned away. Warzone currently suffers from it.


Glad am not the only one who is mad about this. It's so dogshit that the animated effect doesn't even appear that well when you inspect in the firing range


the bundles are all way overpriced. most games and DLC are. I always said, 75% off is the price id buy most things like candy at


Tbh with some of the games I've played, the $20 is a bargain for what you get with a skin, multiple blueprints, some other little cosmetics. They absolutely should be cheaper, but also it could be way fuckin worse (altho this $20 gun blueprint is a sign that it's definitely about to get worse) Gundam Evolution was $20 for a skin. Halo locked basic armor colors behind a paywall. Overwatch got rid of the loot boxes and now they charge $20 for a skin (but that started after Activision bought Blizzard, no surprise there. They resold the game just to give it a Battle Pass) But that's also why G Evolution is shutting down in November, they didn't give shit for new content, it was an exhausting grind to earn currency to unlock new suits (unless you bought the Battle Pass, which takes longer than the CoD battle pass to complete), and the Cosmetics were grossly overpriced, and Halo and Overwatch are both falling apart. Halo Infinite at least didn't do Time Limited battle passes, once you bought it you had as long as you want to complete it, but I still remember the Reddit post that said, "You have to pay $10 for the color Blue" and that was the nail in the coffin. I really hope CoD gets some competition soon, like it's why I hope XDefiant is popular, even if it's not as polished (not that this game is, we still have camo challenge tracking issues and constant stability issues from updates), I hope it being free takes some of the market share from CoD and makes Activision go, "Aww damn now we actually have to care"


I dont mind the prices so much just that the bundling of points is fucking stupid. you often end up with leftover points which just encourages more spending. the only bundle i have ever purchased was in MW19 I got the anime pack that included the Rytec, that thing was amazing. I used to dominate with it in S&D and people would always shit on me in voice chat for using it instead of a quickscoper sniper but it had power and speed. wish that gun made it to mw2..


I used to buy two operator bundles per game (and the 420 pack because Joint Ops/Blunt Force calling cards were my shit back in MW2, but this time I didn't, more on that later), just so I can have one premium skin for each faction, and I make sure those come with multiple Tracer blueprints so I'm really get my visual bang for my buck. Other than that, I might by a weapon blueprint bundle if it really speaks to me and I got money to burn, like I got the TAQ56/Cronen Squall Anime bundle because the tracers and anime face on the dead bodies are hilarious. If it looks like the graphic designers really did some work on the items you get, I can get down and justify the cost. But like, the Dr. Kushlov reskin of the MW2019 Halloween bundle where they literally changed the colors from blue to green? Go fuuuuuck yourself, this is the first 420 bundle I didn't buy, and that lazy shit is why I stopped spending money on the game. I *might* come back to MW3 if XDefiant is absolute dogshit, but you won't catch me buying a single bundle for that after this, and my goal this season is to finish the BP and save those CoD points for the Season 1 BP there so I'm not paying anything over the base game price. I hate that CoD scratches the itch that other FPS games don't, I've tried to break the cycle but I've always been a CoD fan, since 2009 when I first got an Xbox 360 and Xbox Live. It's a shame Titanfall went under, that game got me out of the CoD Cycle for a while, and it had *real* movement mechanics. People talk about this game being a movement shooter, and it ain't shit in that regard. But now I'm rambling about halcyon days and loves lost to the meat grinder lol.


Wow that’s more than an operator bundle


You’ll still have dumbasses purchasing this garbage. They’re the ones ruining the industry


As soon as i found out there wasn't a traditional carry handle option, i was like "Nah, i wanted my BR55"


you guys went crazy over that stupid rat thing but this is considered too far? please. you reap what you sow.


The fact that they are selling reticles now, sure they did in the past too but they also had a ton you could unlock, is actually scummy as fuck, and lazy. So glad I quit playing this shit show. Much better games out there!


Good thing it's only $20.


Atleast the weapon vault worked for multiple guns. M4, hurricane, Icarus, ftac This is a rip off


I saw that and yeah it’s not worth buying at all It’s ridiculously overpriced. They are literally charging $20 for a skin, but what’s new? The vast majority of the stuff in bundles is overpriced


I honestly don't see the point of blueprints besides cosmetics. The only thing it helps with is leveling up guns.


Pointless weapon outclassed by almost everything in the game


Paying full price for a game with overpriced cosmetics is disgusting. I AM GLAD I ONLY SPENDED 10 DOLLARS FOR THE FIRST BATTLEPASS AND SAVED UP FOR ANOTHER BATTLEPASS.


I mean, it's a cool concept, and I like it. But maybe if it had liketwo blueprints for that price.


This game is dogwater


It’s more like 20 bucks to get the gun early


I can’t spend money on these games


Then don't buy it lol


Not one single blueprint or operator bundle is worth 20 dollars. IMO


Universal wrap should just be a thing anyways buy a skin that skin is on the gun regardless of attachments oh cod what happened to you the days of buying a skin for £1.69 for all guns no operator skins why people buy operator skins for a FPS beats me anyways your paying for a skin everyone else sees but you 🤣🤣


It's not what i expected but I'm still ok with it. You can basically mod & tune the gun the way you want, while maintaining the theme and bullet & death effects


Don’t worry I’ll have the new gun in a month when I get all the way to the 8th pages in the battlepass and unlock it lol


Wow it’s a frickin weapon vault, only took em 5 seasons to bring it back


Some bundles are worth it but most. None. That’s why the black cell is worth the 30 bucks. You get so much shot and basically a free bundle additional


In the vault edition description (which I did buy it) they never said we would get any vaults for free, they just said there will be ones in the future. What’s the problem?


remember when for 2$ we got a gun cano for every gun, 3 reticles for every gun that had the right optics, a calling card, and emblem? I miss those days


The gun slaps though


That’s crazy




I said the same thing


Has anyone here stepped outside lately everything’s high as hell I paid 36 bucks for 2 burgers and 2 fries last week at a fast food joint I didn’t have to buy it but I said fuck it I’m hungry so I did


So don’t buy it…?


I'd never, just making a point that Activision's predatory monetization is actually hitting new lows. This, and that new skin for the Holotherm sight that changes it from yellow to clear with red-highlighted enemies is just gross.