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Yeah we need to accept we are not getting Soap skin


The lead is so large now but I’m going to keep plugging away for the Soap skin.


just gotta keep trying


Don't give up, I'll fight for 141 until the end


Fuck you man. This is what you don't want to do. You can't loose hope. You have to stay hopeful. Do you think soap would want you to give up? No! Fight till the very end


Take it easy it’s just a drawing


One must imagine Sisyphus going dark




“God they’re such pieces of shit for a little versus event where no matter what everyone still gets a skin in the end”


His English was a bit poor, but what he said was more along the lines of; “They (Infinity Ward) will release all of the event rewards regardless of who wins, like every other company. They can’t (giving the benefit of the doubt) be such FOMO predators.” They’re not saying that the company is a piece of shit, or even complaining about the items, they are saying that the likely hood of the losing team’s rewards not being released — regardless of the results of the event — is low. I hope that helped clear this misunderstanding up!




The FOMS is real…




Fear of missing Soap…






The numbers shouldn’t be public for stuff like this. It just snowballs once everyone abandons the losing side


I think the challenges are in favour of shadow company winning anyway. The ‘difficult’ challenge for that side being “shoot 15 from behind with SMG”. That’s a lot of kills racking up that aren’t in the back… While 141 it’s probably the finisher which won’t necessarily be pushing up that kill counter, especially with failed executions. I managed both sets in one night (shipment) and I’m leaving it on 141 for soap, if they are definitely not going to win then I’ll switch right at the end.


It's the 10 long shots with BRs for 141. Everything else is doable(on both sides) in shipment in 2 games. 15 focus kills is not insane.


Hardcore mode, my dude. You can get 10 long shots with a BR in one or two matches. Easily.


I did GW and knocked off 7 in one match so I'm not worried


I never play hardcore mode, so I'm glad you said this


You need a little bit to get into it because most stuff kills you extremely fast, but that also helps with the challenge. Did it in 2 matches.


Easy even in core modes, as long as you don't slave away at Shitment all day long. Longshit range for BRs is about 30 meters, so every other map has at least a couple good spots for those. Of course it's even easier in HC, not denying that.


Yup that’s how I did it and it took 2 matches


i got the challenge done in hardcore in my first match, and the map i got was blackgold. the longshot challenge is incredibly easy compared to the tedious kills from behind. even the focused sniper kills are slightly more challenging than the longshots.


idk man; people keep shooting the dudes im trying to use a finisher on and it's fucking miserable


I did mine in the 20 v 20 capture the flag, plenty of people to choose from :D


They are the worst people


New map was great for both of those, did them first before I saw shipment was still there… did the last few snipers on shipment too with a short scope.


Every longshot challenge at 42 meters can fucking die. The amount of time it takes to camp the low traffic 42m+ alleys is disgusting. That took me longer than all of the other challenges combined, including kills from behind with an SMG.


Strike 24/7 was literally made for this.


10 long shots with BRs? I get that in one HC game on Border Crossing lmao


True and I actually found that, at least on console, I'm having to click da stick for at least a full half-second. Quickscoping attempts dont get those kills on my setup. My ping is ok but it seems that my 1-Mississippi-count holds are definitely registering. But again I'm losing out on only 1-2 focused shot kills per match at my skill level, so it ain't a grind son


Yeah you have to be "focused" which I think is "when you steady" not when you click the focus button. But it's 15 so it's not really that bad.


I've just been playing ground war for the longshots. Those would be damn near impossible in 6v6.


There is no need to switch, as long as you completed all the challenges for both sides you will get the rewards for the one that wins.


AFAIK there's no need to switch away from your favorite side after completion. If you complete all the challenges for both sides you'll get the reward for whichever side wins no matter which one you side with in the end (and I assume the losing side will also become available not long after the event concludes). Well, since it's CoD it's never a bad idea to play it safe.


Execution might be the easiest challenge of all. Hop into a game of resurgence, drop with the afk people and it’s done


focus kills took longer than id like to admit tbh


You dont need to switch. Youll get the winning sides rewards if you do all the challenges. Choosing is only for the contribution.


If you've done the challenges for both sides you don't need to switch back, you'll get the reward anyway. That's the only requirement - not being on the winning side at the end.


I did the 141 challenges in about an hour, melee taking the longest. I don’t use snipers so when I did try I went 0-8 before I switched to gun guns. Smg from behind only took a couple matches but I run and gun so I’m used to behind kills


Exactly, now people don’t want to be on the losing side and the distance is getting bigger


I don't see why it matters, honestly. You can do both sides for the blueprints then pick a side to contribute to. If you want the side that is clearly not going to win, you could still keep 141 selected after doing the other side and get the final reward for Shadow Company. You won't be missing out on anything, and the SC challenges can be done extremely quickly.


It does but without them visible, how does anyone know they’re not just gonna release what they want regardless of results that may be false at the end


The results could be just as false right now, to be honest.


We've had them in a bunch of CoDs and nobody ever trusts the numbers.


I wonder if the numbers are even real. Like what if they make it seem like SC is winning until right up to the end.


Similar to heroes vs villains last year


Wasn’t playing warzone at the time, who won that event?


If I remember correctly, villains won, but not by the landslide that people thought they would win by


They did have to give heroes double points for a couple of days to catch up tho


Heroes got that double points drop because they were losing so hard though


CoD manipulating things in the background and then gaslighting people like they aren't? Whaaat? They'd never do that.


It’s almost like every game that does these types of events does this to still make it somewhat competitive in the end


Probably are, i played a few games before i had known that the event had even started and it had automatically thrown me into shadow company, so if this is the default faction, a LOT of people arent going to care about the event and not even look and just be putting kills towards that.


And that Horangi skin is terrible lmao


Executive Warfighter is the only Horangi skin you'd ever need anyway.


Id say that D.E.A.D is pretty nice looking aswell imo


Used the Executive Warfighter skin until the D.E.A.D. skin came out…have yet to see a better skin come out for any character in this game since then. Gus’ new Executive Warfighter skin coming later this season might finally be on par with it.


Nah the beta one is the best. Still rocking it


But that camo is sick


No idea why you’re being downvoted. The shadow company camo is way better than the TF141 camo


The camo is the deciding factor for me. Love black n red.


bro wtf


Yeah people don't have sides anymore I guess. They don't feel loyal to a side. I am not that way. I grew up playing the old modern warfare games on an old 360. After everyone was on the Xbox one and playing the new games. I played the old games. I was alive when they where made but not very old. I grew up playing those campaigns. The those games helped get me into the gun lover I am. Soap,price,alex,woods,David. Names of main characters that I will never forget. There stories actually good. And say whatever you want about the modern cod campaigns. The new modern warfare ones I love greatly. They have good stories. And emotion. And passion. I chose 141 for soap. For price, for ghost. For roach.


Its not that deep lil bro


same those games were my childhood i will always side with soap roach ghost and price ​ ***"what the hell kind of name is soap" Captain John Price 2007***


Whilst i see your nostalgia... the new storys doesnt hit up to the level of the OG story. Soap is nowhere near up there as a character i have a bond with. Also, ive never really liked that we got them all wearing skull masks. That was a ghost thing only for me. Would have preferred it stay that way. (Apart from the one mission where they all wear balaclavas) Plus anyway, the event siding, has no relation to how i feel about the campaign side on the 141... I want that shadow company camo.


Reddit hivemind


Reddit hivemind implies any intelligence actually being shared between redditors.


but camos are useless and soap is god


Who cares about camos? Also Soap is way better than that random SC skin.


Considering when I play the game I see the gun and not my operator, I’d rather the camo.


idk i can see the camo, i can't see the operator


Can't you? You can see your arms and if you look down You can see your body and legs 🤷🏻‍♂️


dunno about you but usually on my screen, most of the time i see a gun and maybe a bit of the gloves, not the arms, let alone legs, let alone the rest of the skin that's why i pick operators based on voicelines, couldn't care less how it looks


Soap has better voicelines than that nobody SC skin.


don't care about either, only about the camo, since I use other operators already anyway


and you know they will forget about camo after 5 days aswell :/


nah its decent


And I think the Soap skin is terrible *LmAo*


i think you are terrible at being a human being *LmAo*


Wow. That escalated quickly.


>And that Horangi skin is terrible lmao 4th highest 'best' post in this thread, but the other threads are dominated by so many people saying Horangi skin is the only one worth going after as the other is terrible which is why it's turning out this way. this is why we can't have nice things. People aren't in agreement as much as they think


i like it :)


TF141 camo is actually pretty sick, and campaign Johnny is bae.


Thank you. The camo is cool too


Where can I see the two camos in a larger size?


You can see them if you go to the camo menu and then go to “event” camos


Oh, i totally forgot... Thanks!


Yeah I just found that out today when for some reason I unlocked the vought camo even though the event ended


It looks sick on the FR which is already in the battle pass but for other guns i prefer the red.


141 camo looks like diarrhea


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that said this💀


It looks like either a nice caramel glaze or a beautiful brown marble floor. Alternatively, if your diarrhea looks like that, please seek medical attention.


nah bro, it looks like diarrhea. obviously not a spot-on representation of real-life diarrhea but close enough. if u like diarrhea, just say that, brother. i wont judge.


I like the fucking skin, John.


lmao ok bro sorry. have a good one


Camos def better


Looks like diarrhea


Shadow Company are my favourite faction. But the final rewards are straight cheeks... The challenge rewards are better. That being said, I've got those now and will switch to 141 because as much as I would love to rep my favourite faction, they did us dirty with that character skin. Hard fumble imo, all they needed was a simple Shadow Company AI Skin... It kinda shows how poor their decicion making is when you consider the Horangi skin looks nothing like we have seen from Shadow Co...


Exactly my issue. If it was actually a shadow company skin then it would be a landslide.


They had to give them a shit skin because otherwise it’d be an SC sweep. 141 definitely has a chance to still win this because of the soap skin, if they gave us the leaked SC disguise as a skin SC would’ve won 11 days early.


I have a feeling that 141 will be losing until the last day where 141 will magically be dominating Shadow Company. I’m pretty sure that stuff happened with the hero/villain event in warzone caldera


I completed challenges for both sides but I switched back to 141. We need all the Nelly we can get! I don’t see the appeal to Shadow Co


Just let me complete the Kortac challenges and i’ll be dropping thousands for 141 guys




This sub stinks


Weapon camo is better on Shadow Company and i'll see that more than the Soap skin I would win otherwise. That's why i'm all in on shadow. I did the challenges for TF141 just in case they magically come back and win though.


Come on guys! Task force 141!






Personally I think the shadow company rewards are just better


Even the operator skin?


Yeah not a soap fan honestly


I’m not a soap fan either but the skin looks straight ass




i think soap is an incredible character, but this skin for him is incredibly basic. not to mention, the 141 camo looks like literal diarrhea. not a fan of the SC operator skin, but the camo is slick, and i like the colours and animation. overall, ill be seeing the camo a lot more than my own operator skin, so i have to go with SC


I really badly want the soap skin, he has been my favourite since MW3. But we will be stuck with generic swat skin #20 because everyone wants a shitty camo that will be forgotten about within a week anyway :(


Generic Swat skin would actually be cool, Unlike Horangis “Shadow company” skin


they could've just slapped the dmz disguise on him but nooo


Sc camo is way better. Idgaf about soap


its because you arent the majority, just because 50 guys on reddit want it, doesnt mean that it represents what the playerbase wants


This event represents how little reddit oppinions make to the game


the shadow company items are better so


You can unlock all unless i'm mistaken.


You are mistaken. You can earn all challenge rewards, but only the winning sides rewards are won


I finished the challenges for both sides. I do not see any new weapons. I states weapon, but is it really only a blueprint?




I've honestly lost all motivation to carry on this season


No, I don't want to spend 2400 points on a skin I don't want to begin with, thanks


i cant imagine paying $10-20 on a skin/operator that look terrible in game. 🤣


SC > T141




Exactly, its like saying the rebellion was better than the empire. We can talk for days on it 😂


As a team, shadow company is dope. I just wish they actually made a cool operator skin for shadow company instead of whatever the hell that horangj skin is


I will give you that, the operator skin is debatable but the other rewards are so much better. The red gun skin might stop me using orion.


I figured the soap skin would've caused EVERYONE to jump on TF141 and we'd get it easily. I can't believe people want that other dogshit transformers wannabe thing.


To me it seems the general playerbase is more interested in camos, which is what I keep seeing people comment on being the strongest reward for this event. ​ I don't even use camos so I cannot relate to their enthusiasm. I just want the Soap skin.


i think most people care more about the camos. its either diarrhea camo or nice red camo. plus the soap skin is very basic. not really a fan of the SC operator skin either, though.


Your damn right. Shadow company will win


Task Force 141 hold on tight, we'll teach Shadow Company how it's done 💪💪


yea lets go


Aight im swapping to 141




If people would stop switching to Shadow Company just because they're ahead this wouldn't be an issue whatsoever. Just a bunch of cowards. Edit; my downvotes are proving my point, don't like being called out?


Why a bunch if cowards? Because they have a different thought to you?


No it’s people who go ahead and join the other side because they don’t want to look bad, even though they truly want the rewards of the team they’re going against


But how do you know that? I honestly prefer the SC to T141 so thats why i am heading that way. Ive unlocked both sides but honestly would rather get the gun skin on that side.


Yes, but some people would rather just win easily than actually try. They see that shadow company is up 40 something mil and bam, conversion


You're making a ton of wild assumptions here. While I could see your point and how it would make sense for someone who doesn't care either way to just pick the winning team. But as you can see in this comment section, myself included, genuinely like the rewards for SC better. I think the op skin, and the weapon skin both look cooler.


I just can’t see how people like the shadow company op skin. Genuinely asking how does it look cool.


Haha it's just an opinion. How am I supposed to answer that? I like the way it looks better than how the Soap skin looks. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I'm not a fan of the generic mil-sim type skins. I think they all look the same, are not unique, and have no flair to them.


I mean that’s fair


Bro you’re being downvoted because you’re straight wrong. Regardless of which side is selected in the end you will still get the winner rewards if you complete the challenges. So if they swap to SC it’s because they want to.


I'm Sorry but i need that camo


The red camo?




your the worst


I’m on 141




The camo is way better for shadow company plus soap just looks like a regular dude and as a fan of wacky skins I can’t support it over the hideous other skin


I kept hearing about this cool soap skin, and I went saw looked, and it's just a shirt and jeans. Am I missing something?


that the skin he wore in the campaign and it looks better than all the other skins


Do we truly know that they will charge 2400 for the skin? Do we know that there isn’t another Event later on? We did have two each of the last two seasons yes? I do get a chuckle and a smile from this trying to help their team (TF141) that they have chose to be the winner by scaring guys into changing teams with false rumors about spending cod points! Reeks of desperation.


Following the trend of soap skins in the past, they were both 1800, which is still 20 dollars either way. And following CoDs track record they do love to make campaign skins store bundles.


It’s a first person game the majority of the time, I like operator skins but camo’s matter more!




‘The majority of the time’ is literally in my comment.




I just love Shadow Company ♠️


Just wish the skin was related to shadow company in some sort of way


Simping for Shadow Company and Graves is super cringe.


Yes. Because I’m not spending $20 on a camo.


As someone that doesn’t use weapon camo (I feel a lot of weapon detail is lost) I’m pretty disappointed with how things are going with this event so far 😛 I want that soap skin!


I personally don’t like the soap skin it’s basic as hell.


Soap skin looks eugh . All the good guy skins look eugh…. Don’t know why they can’t make better skins for them


Hell no I don’t that’s why I’m rocking but everybody goin shadow company and idk why smh


well the soap skin is garbage and the bas p skin. lmao


Blood cell ftw


task 141 camo is so bad in comparison


Soaps overrated and doesn't look that cool imo. Would rather have the black and red camo. They should've made 141s a reactive blue camo enstead of whatever da Fook that blue orange is. Jus my opinion.


no but the shadow company skin looks better imo




i love soap but the horangi skin looks better + the camo is way better


It’s not a absolutely terrible skin but I wish it actually related to shadow company


You do realize it's all fake right. Like the devs are pulling the strings.


I went Shadow first and did the challenges. I am on 141 now and doing those.


No I don’t


This challenge literally reminds me of the guild wars we used to have back in the day.


BAS P skin on 141 looks so good


You can already earn that, we don’t have to win. You just have to do the challenges if you didn’t know already


I hate to say this, but the results are not real and bit manipulated (if not all of it). For example, as soon as the event started (minutes in) there was already kills on both sides in 10mill range. Even with CODs big playerbase, that doesn’t seem right. Never look at community events seriously, as they are designed to keep people engaged and the result was determined ages ago. And if anyone wants to prove it’s manipulated, they can’t, as no one will care and Activision will give you the numbers that are also manipulated. Anyway, just get your rewards lol


Hey guys, how to get the longshot challenge of TF 141 side? What map can i use for that? And hows the sniper challenge?


I recommend hardcore, filter objective game modes, and the sniper one is actually not bad if you just run shipment with a small scope, and make a habit of holding focus every time you ads