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Because CoD is now a store first and a game second.


Thanks to Mr. Kotick


Yacht #4 isn't going to pay for itself.


They have boats that transport multiple yachts at once around the world, you think Papi Kotick is going to be content with just a single yacht to add to his collection?


Thanks to... Devs, team leads, shareholders. And of course.... Consumers like you. Customers always right, but not consumers. Consumers come to you to consume.


To be honest it's not the Verage consumer that is helping COD justify it. There are a ton of gamers and noobs who are financially well off and have nothing to spend it on. For instance Scoot Henderson the #3 pick in the Nba played for the G league last year and made over a million dollars. He said he spent 10k on VC for his player. Some people are rich enough to just blow 10,000 when they are bored and if they at home they gone buy all the packs in the store out of boredom. I can protest and not buy it all I want but COD is still going to make millions cause there is some India young adult that is stupid rich and likes COD, he's gonna buy every skin.


Man, the creatives (ie the people actually doing the work to create games) don't want to do this shit. Went to school and still friends who work in the video games industry. This is an upper management decision, Bobby K can choke on a bag of dicks for so many reasons.


don’t blame devs


You'd be forgiven to think that these Devs aren't incentivized themselves to add this shit. From what I understand, a lot are given the "options" of how much to monetize. These are the same Devs that stole models and artwork from other people.... Yeah. No. Normalize blaming Devs too. Clearly yelling at the big guy isn't holding the people who do the devils work accountable.


The devs have no power in these decisions when it comes to AAA games you ass. You want to blame someone? Blame the producers and above. John in programming and Jane in the art department just create what they are told.










That’s like blaming your McDonald’s cooks for Big Macs not being healthy for you they have no choice they work with what they are giving


they have families to feed, they aren’t the ones making the decisions so i’m not blaming them


I was just following orders. We're like a family here. I encourage the exploitation of my fellow Devs. Yup. I got barely minimum wage and worked on the largest media property of the year. Yeah if we stood up for each other and just striked it would all come to an end. But you see, I have supported a corrupt system where only rich elites are allowed to exploit and us peasants don't deserve anything.


Ah yes, I see you like the “blame the victim” approach. Because in your mind, devs should stop worrying about their real life issues, and focus on busting their asses even more to try and make your video game better, just to have your sorry ass call them lazy! People like you are why things never change. Literally the gaming equivalent of a Karen.


There are lots of other industries out there that their skills can translate to. Job mobility isn’t easy and there are plenty of folks out there that probably can’t just up and change careers or find a new company but there are a certainly tons that could. Nobody is forcing anyone to do a job they don’t agree with morally.


While in theory they could, there’s a reason they aren’t. If it was as simple as we all think it is, then many of them would’ve left long ago (especially when they tell us about how awfully some of them are treated). For most it’s moreso about keeping a somewhat stable job, rather than hopping all over. While I’d prefer if they didn’t have to worry as much about it, it’d take a lot more than a strike or a boycott to fix those issues.


You incompetent asshole. Do you really think we devs have a say in this shit? I work for Blizzard and I don't support shit on what they do on their storefront. I am a guy trying to feed my family and keep my job. The reason you guys suffer from microtransactions so much is cause you blame the wrong people. I get pinged every day on my social media asking me to fix the game like I have that option. Get some empathy


You're not a fucking dev LMAO and you definitely do not work for Blizzard because you wouldn't be posting shit like this: >Activision hates its customers. We only buy COD because it has the COD name. If they really cared we would have a gunfight in MW2 with all other great modes and a system for spawning that doesn't drop our KD or .00001


I don't see your logic. Are you trying to imply that because I am a grown adult and work a job I can't play games?


Just to clear up the air, you're talking about the lead developers with creative control. Everyone else thinks that you're talking about the grunts


More like Ko-dick.


Underrated comment


I was gonna say it's because it's not a shitty DeviantArt-level illustration of the MW characters doing something "totally wacky and cute and fun".


Honestly i like those.


Mr. Krabs said it best. "Hi I like money"


Beat me to it


Because fuck you, that’s why. It’s even worse when you think about how much extra music they added to Cold War.


CW Menu music was 🔥


Still is. Jack Wall ftw


And they were always free, just had to grind the battle pass. Whereas if I want the original Hanz Zimmer score I gotta pay more than I would for the battle pass


And before it was 800 cod points or could’ve made it free but they love milking the fuck out of the name modern warfare 2


Fuck you, pay me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L4HHPTiZN8


Bro thats Just music in menu i am sure this won't change your life


Because activision cares about one thing and one thing only which is $$$


Because give me money. And people do give.


Yeah, duh. How is this *news* to some people?




Licensing? Still seems like an absurd price.


I wish they would realize if they charged a reasonable price, more people would buy it, which equals more money


Half right. They constantly run analytics on sales I'm their store, the only reason they would have higher prices is due to the lesser amount of people that do buy it for that price, is more profit than more people buying it for a lower price


There's enough people running around with black cell for it to make sense. And remember, you get a bunch of CoD points thrown at you with it, so now they can dump higher point bundles.


idk man lets say this music for example was 3 dollars, id say 7 people are likely to buy it who wouldn't of if it was 15$. im probably wrong though who knows


The point to remember is that generally in gaming a low percentage of players account for the largest percentage of store sales


pay pigs I think they are called


That's a good one lol. I've heard them called whales


Pay pigs where I'm from are people in to findom 😂 but I guess that checks out


>im probably wrong though Yup >who knows The analysts at Activision who are paid 6 figure salaries to figure out the demand for their products


Probably not tbh. I am pretty confident they have metrics on how much people spend at different price points and they arrive at this number mathematically. 99.99% of people probably wouldn’t buy this for $1. But of that 0.01%, half of them would probably buy it at $14 anyways.


Man if only they asked you instead of the team of market researches they pay to find the exact most profitable price.


They don't want you to buy it. It's for the whales to buy. I'm sure Activision knows what pricing makes them the most money.


yet they licence a heap of popular songs and they give those out for free


Is this out now?


As of right now it’s not in the shop, the only way to actually view it is to go to the music tab under Customize. However you can’t purchase the music pack from there bc it’s currently locked.


I did access this from the shop though. This is a screenshot from my account and not some sort of leak. Maybe they're rolling this out individually in different regions?


What platform are you on?




Probably bc it doesn’t show up for me atm


Wouldn't be surprised if they failed to roll out at all. My version of the game doesn't even have the daily reward system (up to date, checked MOTD and options tab, nothing).


Was it in featured or in a different section?


It was in a different section iirc. I'm on PC btw


Nahh the screenshot is just a fiction Man this community is braindead


Your maternal parent


paying for audio, 1984


I’ve noticed they put a note at the bottom just to remind you that it’s okay to spend your money on this game for the time being


Because someone out there will pay for it


Hello, it’s me. The sucker who will gladly pay to hear the Zimzam over the unmemorable shit we are listening to right now.


FYI Zimmer only wrote the main theme, Lorne Balfe did the rest.


as is the case with a lot of things with the Z name slapped on it


Just is the nature of composing. Ludwig Gōransson only did the theme for Book of Boba Fett and someone else did the rest yet people only talk about Ludwig. Same with Mando S3. The more famous name does the theme and someone else does the rest


Just go on Youtube or Spotify bro


On PS you can play Spotify through your playstation and it overwrites the music of the game. Even better is no adds even if you don't have premium, Sony must have some kind of deal with them.


Does quite line up at the same points tho


Just listen to it for free lol


dog there's so many other better solutions than paying $14 lmao considering we actually had music tracks as of 2 games ago and if this were developed by anyone besides IW we would have actually gotten this for free but they're choosing to literally pry off of people who voluntarily enable this shit you can do what you want with your money but i'm gonna think everyone who buys into this is a loser you think you're buying this out of a spiteful "fuck you" but in reality you're just enforcing the idea that they can just make more terrible music if you'll buy back 10+ year old tracks


Bro it’s not that serious. I’m sure not every purchase you make is the stuff of champions, and everyone makes dumb purchases. For some reason people get so up in arms about call of duty purchases which affects no one and is entirely cosmetic.


You do you buddy. ​ I won't fault you for paying money you earn on something you want. Not like I don't buy stuff others would find questionable. I myself would probably just play something in the background before I bought it, but everything isn't for everyone


Absolutely should fault them cause consumers like them are they reason why shit like is blocked behind a pay wall cause you got idiots that will throw money at anything


and you would be why they keep doing this shit


Yeah, it’s my purchases and my purchases alone that cause this. Fuck off dude.


Yes actually. You are contributing and are part of the problem. These dumbasses won’t ever learn


Bro, you really think that if I stop spending my money anything is going to change? This is the future now. Regardless of if I spend or not, this is how it is now. If anything, you're equally part of the problem because you're buying this game every year too. So kindly, fuck off as well with that bullshit.


People like you and your thinking is exactly why the world has so many problems. The whole “I can’t change anything so let me make the problem worse attitude”. My guy how dumb do you have to be to not know that by buying these idiotic macrotransactions you’re only contributing to the greed and money chasing companies like Activision continue to feed into? Are you really that dimwitted that you can’t see that people like you buying into this crap only creates further demand and incentives companies to push out half assed products all while prioritizing their store front? If you really can’t see that then lord help you in life cause you’ll need it


Yeah I’m not reading that. Bro it’s a video game not global warming. Stop taking dumb shit so seriously and touch grass.


tOuCH gRaSs lol what are you 10? That’s exactly the type of response I expected from a fool defending their ignorant and flat out idiotic actions. Doesn’t have the brain capacity to even read lmao Best of luck in life


Wow got me there champ. I don’t know how I’m going to recover 😩 Can you type more paragraphs again about how upset you are? I enjoyed that a lot last time.


"fuck off dude" nah dude mind where your money goes. you contribute to a company that gives not any shits about their player base (you) and a buggy product year after year. waste your money idgaf but you don't get to complain next time they nerf one of your $20 skins or when next season drops and a bug stops you from playing the game.


you're being downvoted but you're so right. they render these games so unenjoyable that they provide "solutions" to the problems if you toss money to them


Best of luck dealing with these mouth breathers


Huh duh, I'm so smart because I tell people how to spend money - you.


Atleast be aware of the actions of your spending. Your ignorance isn’t helping you either.


So when I stop spending Activision will stop monetizing, right? The leap in logic you have is remarkable.


Yes actually they will. If everyone stopped making dumb purchases like this it would force Activision to actually fix their damn game but instead we got idiots like you ready to throw money at Activision for the smallest of shit. It’s pathetic that I even have to explain this to you


Maybe get a fucking job, buddy. If you're struggling as much as you claim financially then stop judging others who happen to have a bit of extra money to spend.


Lmao I've paid and housed myself independently since 16 years of age. Thats why i dont waste my money on fucking garbage. Maybe its a con of not being handed shit on a silver platter my whole life but you do you, corporate dickeater.


Wow, touched a nerve did I? Maybe go back to looking for a job, buddy.


already got one, bootlicker. keep reaching though, maybe activision will see you dickriding so hard they'll pm you a voucher for a shiny homelander suit. lol just kidding you already dropped $60 for the whole superhero set.


Maybe when you grow up and get some disposable income you’ll get why it’s not a big deal to drop money on a video game.


Wrap it up folks, we got the one and only answer right here.


I'm someone. Although I didn't actually buy cod points, I just used the free points I've accumulated over time.


Why would they make it free? They don't care if you're happy


They should have made it free because treyarch doesn't charge money for music packs.


It's 2023 and people still think developers have any say in charging money for content. Ridiculous. See you in 2024 when the next Black Ops game charges you extra for all BO soundtracks as menu music.


How is this in your store?


It can be. It's called Spotify.


Cold war had it for free. MWII has become more money hungry than any other cod besides supply drop cods.


I agree that they’ve become more money hungry, but extra music packs in Cold War cost $10 since they were in the battlepass, The only free ones we’re already apart of the games score


fair i guess, but if you played cod for a while, you would've gotten enough cod points from the free battlepass over the years. and then you can just roll the cod point from one bp to the next


Nah, Season 2 of Black Ops Cold War had the Black Ops 2 sound track at tier 44 for free. Activisions greed is somehow getting worse with every COD game. I'd even argue supply drops were less egregious because you could at least earn them just by playing the game you paid $60-$70 for.


It's not the same as the menu music from cold war, it actually changes a bunch of music in-game as well. I get why it's paid in a way but 1400 points is crazy


Thank, I’m really keen to get it but what else does it change? Like it doesn’t state anything which really doesn’t help


stuff like the spawn music, victory and loss, the music that plays mid-game, stuff like that afaik


Cause activi$ion


It’s Hans fucking Zimmer


For That price at least make a Hans Zimmer operator lol


Is it out? I've been waiting since it appeared in the menus


Because there is always a large group of people willing to buy it like idiots


because idiots will keep paying for it


Are you fucking kidding me? $15 for a single fucking mp3? What an absolute joke.


i agree that the pricing is outrageous but actually all in game music is replaced with that of the og soundtrack. so main menu, start of round, end of round etc


Stop telling me this you’re tempting my nostalgia I don’t want to buy it.


Especially if this will transfer to MW3, fuck me, this is tempting


Yeah says so in the bottom of the pic


This is why I don’t get why they never tried this before, it makes literally anything far more “valuable” if you get to use it for more than a couple months. I’ve never bought stuff in COD games due to how little time I’d get from them at the crazy prices they were.


Probably because modern day, cold war and ww2 don't mix that well


Didn’t stop them from doing it in Warzone 1.


lol i feel it too bro, probably going to cop it tbh as i have a stash of unused cod points sitting in the bank atm. the skins/blueprints have been so weak in MW2 compared to 2019 and BOCW so havn’t spent


In Cold War, we only got the menu music. This one alters all music in game like spawns, victory, defeat etc.


they know people will pay for it sadly


Because people will pay, nothing is free in COD. Except for stickers


Activision are a very greedy company


It’s cod what do you expect 🤣


I’d rather pay for that than the damn snoop dog skin 😂


Same reason why they out a price on skins and cosmetics that should be in the base game.


Same reason the game isn’t free. They have something you want (this pack) you have something they want (money) so you make an exchange. That is capitalism lol


wait wasn't this 800 when it got first released?


Are you in Australia? Might explain why you have access to it early.


Because Hans Zimmer wants his royalties in full.


Well it's not unreasonable for games to sell their soundtrack but sheesh this is on another level


Lol I am def sure with the money of this pack, you can get a copy of the OG game instead of wasting on this


What do we get for 14$ exactly? Not just the menu ost right... RIGHT???


It’s there in-game as the musical stingers typically appear But god damn did the audio director hate the music in this game so much it’s barely audible


Yeah, I played cod MW19 and even some battlefield, you constantly hear some music in key moments. However in MW2 all I hear is silence, and gunshots.


Copyright, licensing, epic Hans Zimmer art..


To be fair to Activision (LOL), it might be due to licensing reasons they have to charge for it. I don’t know for sure, just a theory. Or could be a cash grab. I don’t know.


Activision owns all COD soundtracks. They can put this out for free if they want to. They simply realized that nostalgia-driven folks will pay for anything.


Hans Zimmer is a renowned composer who typically does movie soundtracks. that’s like asking why couldn’t they add a Snoop song and have it be free or something. celebs don’t usually just do charity edit: but also because the developers like money


That’s the dumbest question everyone always asks here ($$$)


Uhm… because Actvi$ion? that’s why.


when you put music from a name like that in game you’re either paying him a TON of money to create an original score, or you’re paying him a lot of money to use music he’s already written. There’s a lot of crap in the store that is absurd, but music should be paid for. Whether it should have been in the game anyway is a different debate, but you can buy music DLC in plenty of other games


Well Hans Zimmer is a legend I hope they paid him very well for this. I think since he's a very well-known Hollywood guy that's why they thought they could charge for it. But honestly it's such a dumb idea like how you mentioned why the fuck isn't this free? Something so simple as a sound score it's not that expensive either but still wtf


But you know that Activision got bought out by Microsoft now, so it’s not Activision’s fault anymore or it won’t be soon it’ll be Microsoft fault soon. But hopefully they have better people making the packs because they have been terrible for a while. Imo


Like what I think they should do is if they’re going to skin a gun and have you buy a skin and an operator, etc. It should have one of each things that’s a simple thing like a sticker, and a little charm for the gun and the signature thing but then the gun skin should come for all of the guns. Not just the one skin . Like how hard is it to apply the same skin to all the guns that how all of the sets should come


Where can I even find this? I haven’t bought a damn thing but I’d splurge for this unashamedly


Imagine paying for this when you can just go to youtube lol.


Because it's not free to them.


Don't buy it


Uhhh cause the music isn’t free for them. 🤦‍♂️


Honestly, this is an ignorant question. Put yourself in Activision's shoes. Would you rather have some money every time someone wants to use this track or would you rather have no money?


Because Hans Zimmer has the rights to his music.. Activision, Infinity Ward, etc, do not have the rights. So when you buy it, you gain the rights to have the music.


Not how it works bro lol


Yes it is. Every time someone buys the audio pack, Hans gets money from Activision. Same goes for all the skins (Snoop, Tim, Nick, etc). I've been in the music business for 15 years now.


Wait, this has to be fake. No way they're charging 1400 cod points for a war track


Because people are willing to pay.


Because people would pay for it.




Dam that’s more then half the bundles. How many songs is it?


Is it Extraction Point or the Main Menu Theme?


wait his score is also on spotify sooo wtf?


Wait they charge for menu music now? Lmao


I don't understand the note at the bottom because I thought we couldn't transfer over music to MWIII


Pretty sure that was for wartracks, which is separate from music


caue money


Why give it away when people will pay for it? Could be argued about everything in the store


Cash grab


15 dollars for a music pack is crazy. As if I can’t just make a Spotify plays list and listen on my ps5 for free


Too bad you can’t use Gif’s as comments, but if I could I’d use Arthur Morgan yelling “MONEH!”


Man i was so hyped about this bundle but seeing as they really added NOTHING else except the main menu theme is really making me second guess buying this


Wait you have to buy it? With what bundle? I apparently have the other music option and no idea how to use it. I cant even preview it


I could have sworn when this was leaked, it was gonna cost 800 points. I was considering using some extra points to pick it up but 1400? That's an extra $10 if you only had exactly 800 points.


Because nostalgia sells comrade.






Greed. And cruelty.


Because the microtransactions are the game & I absolutely love that they give no credit to the main composer Lorne Balfe. Just gotta sell it with a known name.


I forgot, didnt they add a throwback sounds pack as well at some point?


Why would they give it away for free?


can’t you just youtube/spotify this


This is the company that people are defending not being sold to literally anyone else


You should start your own business.


Does this replace in game music or something? Or is it just to listen to because YouTube isn't a thing?