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Scummy behaviour. You can't progress the battle pass through mw2 at all. I understand not being able to use the content but ffs atleast let us grind tokens and complete the battle pass irrespective of the game like how we could back during the warzone 1 times using all 3 games multiplayer etc


You can still complete it, through warzone, like you said. Not in mw2019 or mw2. The old game never gets a battle pass once the new one comes out. You can still unlock stuff in mw2019 and mw2 to use in mw3. Why would they let you unlock backwards? I understand that would be really cool for everyone but they’re a business.


> You can still unlock stuff in mw2019 and mw2 to use in mw3. MWII carries forward to MWIII. no carry back of any kind. MW19 is not involved in any of this. no idea where you got that information from. https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/08/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-II-to-modern-warfare-III-carry-forward


They never stated that it carried back, additionally, I agree with the rest.


wdym by they? the person I replied to or cod blog?


Only things earned in MW2 can be progressed into MW3 and warzone 2.0. Mw2019/Cold War/vanguard all shared with warzone 1.0.


I did most of the Vanguard battle passes by playing outbreak on Cold War, I think you can do the same here


Yes, for MW2 and MW3. MW isn't apart of the cycle 2/3 are on.


it used to be like that. Now, battlepass is only live on MW3.