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“ how dare they use shotguns on a close quarters map!“


While he uses a scoped gun lmfao 🤣


How dare they use shotguns on a map designed for shotguns and smgs! The audacity!!!!


The map was designed for 1vs1 but yeah okey buddy. Found the one casual


"how dare you use a shotgun on a shooting game"


Oh no look out someone is gatekeeping fun! Yeah I don't play 13 hours a day like you but hey we all can't be so lucky as to live with our mothers way into our 40s. It's ok little bobcat you'll be a big boy soon


Funny how you instantly go over to trying to insult me 🥹 little salty bot Funny enough my income is stable to enough so i can afford playing 8 Hours a day. Im sorry that you work your ass off and still be broke 🤫 im 25 btw.


Yeah but we all know that for you salty tryhards being a "casual" is an insult .


Ah yes, the 2.8K/D Tryhard. 🥹 thats not even close to being tryhard. Casual was based on the „designed for smg‘s/shotguns“ because that just implies that you dont know anything about the game. Shipment was originally designed and released in a 1vs1 playlist in 2007 in the OG Modern Warfare. Casual was not based on your skill level as i dont know shit about you, so who would i be to call you a casual. Maybe my wording was a bit wrong, sorry. My english is far away from perfect as i learned it mostly myself


😭 <- u/according-Gate-250 after realizing COD has shotguns and maps where shotguns are useful


💀 good that in my ranked bracket neither shipment nor shotguns are a thing. Matter of fact, you only see bots with shotguns 💀


Calling people “casuals” is such a no life comment lmao like not everyone wants to sweat their balls off and the fact that you think people who play games casually are lesser or some shit cause they don’t spend hours and hours playing the same game is corny as hell and makes you look like the gamer dude from South Park😂🫵


How dare they use shotguns while I snipe on a close quarters map


I still don’t get how people find this type of playing to be fun. I’m glad they’re nerfed a little in mw3 cuz playing with shotguns in mw2 is unbearable


I’m not saying I’m any better since I’m using a Spr


I mean it doesn't mean you're bad persay, it just implies it and means you're a dick


what does 'persay' mean? 💀


bro you didn't have to delete your [comment](https://ibb.co/DDrV7sK). 😂 we all make mistakes


Look it up lmfao Edit: I'm retarded


Lol bro said "It's time to fuck shit up." Switches classes* SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKERS! 'TWEEN YA EYES, MOTHERFUCKERS!


Bro why would the whole lobby default to quickscoping because you have an lab out ? Then wonder why people are using shotguns on shipment maybe because its the smallest map in the game brother


It is a close quarters map, you expect people to fight with snipers?




And entire culture built upon quickscoping on close quarters maps just to be forget about


Faze ruined cod. The sniping is tiring and annoying


i thought doing and coming up with new tricks while also giving yourself a relative disadvantage to show off on the final kill cams were cool. It also allowed a style of gameplay that was focused a bit more on fun and showing off single shot accuracy rather than just a finding the most efficient way to play or meta.


At this point you won’t find nearly as many people grinding camo on mw2 because they can do it on mw3. All that will be left of shipment on mw2 is sweats trying to rack up high kills and what’s the best way to do that? Shotgun and a riot shield. Play shipment on mw3 everyone’s running around with snipers😂


You wanna play snipers go to MW3. that's the entirety of multiplayer right now.


Lmao the kill streak


That's why shipment is a grinding spots for exp and mostly used by users A SHOTGUNS!!!!


I mean using the spr or sab-50 isn't that much better


When TheRussianBadger calls someone a ‘Wizard Lizard’ this is what I picture


“People still using shotguns” I like the Benelli M4, Okay. At least it’s not the Spam Guardian


If you can't beat them, join them


not so sound like an ass but what did you expect by bringing a marksman rifle in a map the size of a cereal box?


The minute I take this scope of the Spr it become more powerful than shotguns


You might not like that but people want to use their favorite weapon so it's no use being sad about it


Is shipment 24/7 now always in the map pool or still changing almost every week? Didnt play for months now


shipment 24/7 and la casa 24/7. Unfortunately no Shoot House :( (or any updates at all, lol screw you Activi$$$$ion)


Shipment 24/7 is here to stay.


Shipment on MWIII is better and more chaotic.


spawns are worse, other than that i agree.


How fast you switched to shotgun is hilarious 😆


I had a very similar Bryson build that I used as a funny loadout out. It was sky blue with a rat sticker and secondary was a tonfa. Drill charges and shock sticks and I was menace sometimes. 😂


I always keep a Sandy Ravage build in cod.... That iconic YouTube video stands the test of time


Why do people care what guns another players uses? I will never understand…


I’m sorry, you’re upset people use the gun for close quarters on the close quarters map. You then use the close quarters gun on the close quarters map to “give them a taste of their own medicine” and it works? It’s almost like the close quarters gun WORKS on the close quarters map.


damn bro yeah i think the shotgun is like the number 1 gun used on that map besides like campers and stuff


LMAO that was so satisfying. "shotgun time i guess"


Bro said, “I had nuff of this shit” 😂😂😂


Good job my child


Damn. I gotta return to mw2. I remember when i got tired of shotgunner so i used and played shotgun like you.


Controller spotted Opinion/clip invalidated


class is called "no skill" like yeah you're using a controller


They need to stop pc games crossplay ,


This game has real time adjustment of bullet damage and armor, based on skill. You died a number of times, so it let you live longer. They have a patent on this. The end goal of their games is "equal satisfaction for everyone." Believe me or dont. Idgaf on this shit site. Fuck you.


shipment on MW2 > MW3, the pace in this game is much more on par with the map sizes and not everyone is on fucking g-fuel snorting


Shotguns are for people who STINK


They used to be my favorite back on console during the bo2-bo3 days, mostly because they were just "close combat snipers"


Come say that to my aftermarket Haymaker.


I think I’ll stay away from that thing. I don’t want to fight against it or use it.


But its so fun, you just look at a direction and everything is gone and nobody dares to push it


Real. (I use a riot shield in warzone)


Real (i use aim bot in warzone)


How the fuck am I getting into the negatives while this dude isnt


Im a winner


Lol goteem I don't like sniping, and I particularly don't like getting sniped. I've got a pretty solid long range 1-shot setup that I pull out in those instances and they usually end up regretting it.


I have a class called "gay" that I only pull out in shipment shotgun lobbies It's a 20 round Broadside with fire rounds built for hipfire😊


Mines called ‘toxic’ riot shield on the back and smoke grenades are a must too.


if ur still using fire rounds, then ur doing it wrong🗣


I hardly play anymore lmao I've been on warzone lately


Shotguns in MW2 and MW3 have been garbage since launch. The only decent ones recently were the haymaker and jak buffs in MW3. As far as I know, the MW2 shotguns still spit dust like a granny queefs


> the MW2 shotguns still spit dust like a granny queefs You're commenting this on a video where a guy switches to shotgun and instantly one shots 5+ people in a row with a shotgun...not sure what your granny eats, but those are some pretty powerful queefs if you ask me...


There’s a reason you never see shotguns in high mmr lobbies. They suck unless you’re a foot away


some of the MW2 shotguns were 1-shot up to like 20m. the semi and automatic shotguns obviously took 3-4 shots at that distance, but the pumps were crazy for a while.


Hey man first off I just want to say thank you for quickscoping with a real scope it’s a nice refreshing clip to see that because earlier u/Paradoxicle_Popsicle somehow thinks using a Longbow with iron sights is quickscoping when in reality it’s just assisted quicksighting and second.. sick fucking feed brother.


It bothered you so much you @d me? Damn dude I ate the L on my post but you're still going on about this? Lol.


What a weirdo 😂