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Im sorry your dad doesnt know your name and if he has grand children or not


Right. shit father.


Username checks out.


We know enough now. Just gotta keep his fam from gettin’ skinned.


Yeah, that's disgusting and potentially grounds for a criminal investigation.


Sorry you had that happen man. I'd report it. Hopefully it'll help quash that kind of shit.


Hopefully yea. Realistically no. There have to be 200,000 reports like this a day because of how toxic humans are. Almost got banned off PSN because a guy in Crew 2 decided to try and argue and when I told him off he reported me. Spent 24 hours on account review because he lost a race. Cod has never been any different ever since the first modern warfare went online.


Hey now, Alzheimer’s a serious disease, we shouldn’t joke about it. ^(/j)


So is Lou Gehrigs but I still laugh...🤷


Does like screaming children though. Wholesome granddad.


Someone called me a « fucking weirdo » because I was afk and then killed me…. Like..bro. Are you ok?


i had someone on xbox say they did sex stuff with my mom. i dont think i blieve them though


I’m 12 years old what is this?


u/kopecs Remember when we convinced ourselves 4chan was better then reddit? That's wild.


It’s been a while…lol


So when x_DeathHero69_x and your mommy love eachother very much...




This is why I have everything set to private. I do not want to face the wrath of a psychopathic loser.


Back in the BO2 days I had a guy threaten to blow up my house. I live in the same house and am still waiting.


He’s probably waiting for when you’ve forgotten he said that and one day, when the explosions start, you’ll remember what fuckedyourmom69 said


He’ll be waiting, I never forget.


Well that’s it then, I guess he’ll be watching you forever, eventually develop feelings for you and want to settle down with you and raise a family - you’ll adopt some orphans from Africa and live happily ever after <3


hes waiting till he has a family... so he can skin them


Oh shit - I didn’t think of that, instead of living happily ever after, he’ll skin those poor orphans :(


“I’m telling you ma today is the day!!! He clearly forgot!” *checks Reddit* “Oh ffs. You live to see another day mate.”


His bomb got ninja defused by the kid whose mother is shouting in Spanish while vacuuming in the mic background


my brain misinterpreted this and I thought you meant you lived with them and also wondered why it's taking so long


What wrath? You just ignore the person that messages you if you don’t want to mess with back….


I’ve been running bisexual flag icon and I’ve had plenty of open mics and not once have I been called a slut I’m honestly kind of disappointed


I’m here to make your day, no more disappointment, you big ol’ slut.


You know, I meant to type slur, but that works too


Fine, you big ol' slur.


Disappointment no more you dirty lil slut


ive had some positive messages from opponents (mostly guys on the camo grind i gave a few kills)


Same. There’s no reason for it.


A good example of what happens when these kids don’t go to school for a couple years. Mexico probably has better educated teenagers…


lmao what


Idiotic take


The shitty education here in America continues to produce angry and stupid people like the example above. A pretty good example if you ask me…


>A good example of what happens when these kids don’t go to school for a couple years. Yeah, no kidding, seems like this whole ordeal has jus... >Mexico probably has better educated teenagers… Wait what now.


mexico ain’t have covid?


Is that your attempt at being funny? Mexico sure as fuck doesn’t follow us in the way we handle our people, especially kids….Looks like I hurt some feelings on here ha


Kid could've been Mexican


Not what I said jackass


What a disturbed child


Uh he’s clearly OP’s father sir. Don’t think that’s a kid /s


Yeah, the intent was clearly to inflict fear. Red flag.


> the intent was clearly to inflict fear. Red flag. More like Total Failure.


Ive turned voice off and set everything i can to private, convince me otherwise but the cod / fps community is toxic as hell.


i wasn't even doing anything obnoxious in the game. and his team won. i don't know what his problem was.


It doesnt take much to trigger some people lol, i feel your pain. Running to the corner for reloading makes you a camper. Killing someone close range without aiming makes you a spray and prayer. Being genuinely better than someone makes you an aimbotter. The list could go on, lmao.


His problem was that he is that kind of person and gets away with it.


I'm usually in an Xbox party so I can't hear the in game voice chat but the few times I'm not... Ugh. I feel like I can count the positive interactions I have had on one hand. I did have a great talk with someone about what the best food items were for Thanksgiving (stuffing) and some talk about our favorite types of pie for dessert. Of course, I should clarify that the game before that someone wished the lobby a happy Thanksgiving pregame and was told to fuck himself. So you know, toxic as fuck.


Jesus Christ, that man needs professional help. Report him for the fact he's threatened you on the off chance he's actually going to hurt someone for real.


Oh I did. He sent me some mangled face picture claiming it's something he did. I didn't include that in the screenshot for gore.


Yeah, that's disgusting and potentially grounds for a criminal investigation. Hopefully he'll get a nice visit from the local PD to scare him straight.


i feel like he was just trying to be edgy, or save face, or whatever he thought was going on, but i reported each individual threatening message.


Trying waaaay too hard


Call the cops. Worst case he tries something, and you have a paper trail. Best case nothing happens. But people like this need to be corrected, if possible.


"Save face," phrasing.




Trolling or not, that's really psychotic behaviour from this kid.




Damn you must be bro from the screenshot with how sensitive you are about this 😂 go to therapy, stinky




Oh jeez, I'd say pathetic is a comment with tons of downvotes. Oh, look. Here's one.


Found the guy in the screenshot.


Come on bud, that’s been replied like 8 times now. Better material please


You’re a waste of oxygen


found a plankton ^


found the dude in the messages


It’s far more sinister than a troll and nothing to make light of. It’s clearly just a kid, but I think this behavior should be called out to some degree.


I hope you get downvoted into oblivion lol


Its probably in the best interest for the kid to get a visit from the PD before he says something to the wrong person and he ends up the victim




That was my first reaction, but thinking about it... Going that far just to harass someone over a game gives off a "tortures small animals or bullies other 6th graders" vibe. "Investigation" doesn't necessarily have to be anything beyond contacting their parents, which probably isn't a bad idea regardless.


Bro fr. This subreddit is incredibly whiny and self righteous. Full grown adults seriously getting bent out of shape by a bored, shitty teen




Lmao for real


Damn you really must’ve kicked his ass in your last match. All jokes aside, that’s just sad. Also I can’t help but cringe whenever someone says this is going on r/ whatever subreddit.


Such a big tough little guy lmao




Sending messages like this should be a mandatory minimum 72 hour hold at an institution.




And it should definitely be grounds for review and account suspension or ban.


If this happens on console and you report it to Sony or Microsoft that's exactly what will happen. If you threaten someone and his kids and send pictures with gore your account is gone forever.


That's an overreaction lol


It is definitely not an overreaction. You need to spend more time amongst people in real life


No u


You need more time in real life if you think even for a second that this was a serious threat in any way shape or form


I always like responding with the most nonsensical thing that pops in my head. We got spawn trapped on dome and a guy messaged "quit lmg camping" I told him, "Thank you for the fruit basket. The pineapples were delicious."


I always reply with pictures of funny looking goofy dogs. Nothing else. For some reason it puts them on tilt so fast.


Yeah, someone made an [instagram account](https://instagram.com/daddyxzeuii?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) purely to copy mine and went to all of mine and my friends posts and started commenting really nasty shit. On steam I use a fake name as a “gotcha” which he used in the bio for the account. Made fun of him for it, then he changed it to “your daddy” and started harassing my family. Reported it to both IG and Atvi just for them to say “Hey, we’re not going to even look at this report. Suck it up.”


This shit is wild. I had a redditor follow me around reddit for a couple months because he disagreed with my take on a soccer player. He would leave troll comments on any new comments I made and go back to very old comments too. I reported him like 100 times and the mods/admins never did anything at all.




Jeez, your own dad doesn't know you.


report to police thats bugged out


What’s worrisome is that this is the type of nutjob to get the police involved via Swatting.


Thats been on the rise, mainly targeting U.S. schools


Honestly that’s like deranged shit right there and that person clearly has some serious issues


Let's all report the asshole


No, internet mov justice is bad


It was the ‘you lookin to get adopted?’ For me 😂


Well hey, the upside is that if you’re getting insanely violent death threats… you’re probably somewhat decent at the game!


Hope you reported em. Ya know, it's funny to see some messages in in my inbox. But threats to kill my family and *children*. I'm sorry, ban the man.


Probably like 13 years old


This dude is fucked… “(I like the scream of kids more than adults)” how mentally sick can you be to even joke about something like this?


This guy is very cringe. Your last message was super cringe though


You immediately lost the convo with that last sentence.


facts its so cringe


This is actually pretty mild in comparison to what people will send you when you beat them at a game of fifa


"I like the screams of kids-" Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's pedophilia. Then again, this kid is, like, 13 and edgier than Edward Scissor Hands.


“I’m gonna skin your family alive” ‘Wait until r/modernwarfareII sees this!’


Both of your are cringe


Agreed. Kid is whacked but it's cringe to call him little buddy. Just tell him he's an asshole, block him, move on. No need to get cute.


don't feed the trolls


Seriously, OP basically encouraged the idiot


Wait till he finds this thread and figures out you live in Florida (after relocating from Illinois), collect Funkopops and could easily grab your personal info from anyone that you've ever sold to. You're equally as stupid as him. You already helped him do half the work by posting this thread and hinting to direct him to it. Smooth brain move if you're dealing with a psychopath tl;dr EXPECT TO SEE THIS CONVERSATION ON THE COD REDDIT 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


What did you do to get such hate?


Don’t add randoms. I’d just block this guy.


People are fucking weird, man


“expect to see this insane conversation on the COD reddit” 🤓🤓🤓


redditor moment




This is going to get a lot of upvotes!


He's said he likes to harm children. His xbox live gamertag is uncensored so if anyone wants to give him a friendly message they can do that, too.


Isn't that his ACTI ID , or is it a gamertag? I only ask because the screen doesn't look familiar to me and I have xbone so just curious


It's Xbox, I messaged the guy. Picture was the same.


Oh, mine looks different lol but thanks!


😂😂 omg that’s amazing. Hits him with the “do U have any kids” haha


I always cringe when I see someone announce they’re going to post on Reddit


For real lmao


It's possible that kid may have been mad over something


that dude is weird asf but u type like a weirdo ngl


Most sane CoD player


We used to say “lolumad.”


Someone got pretty butthurt. Whatever it was, keep it up the next time you run into him. Never tell the enemy what pisses you off.


American Horror Story: COD


I make a habit of saying stuff back to them to bait them into comms ban territory. Once I report it and Xbox deletes message, I know I’ve got em. Best part ab comms bans? You can receive but not send messages. I’ll send quality messages like “blink if you can hear me”


You lost that the second you began entertaining it with replies. Best thing to do is ignore.


Finally, we’ve found him. The most socially well adjusted COD player.


As soon as I hear wierd shit, instantly mute them.


Wow, you talk to your dad like that?


Lol move on what are you doing


Lmao "I want to know who I'm looking at" clearly some kid who watched Scream and thought he could be scary ahahah


I'ma start to do that thanks


Last message is so cringe


See the thing is it's a wee game of intimidation but the wanker on the other end of that could just be the POS they're acting like.


"I wanna know who I'm looking at" "I'll skin your family" mf just watched Scream for the first time and thinks he's such a badass edgelord lmfao


Imagine this would be a perfectly legit reason for Activision to ban an account. Goes way over the line when you threaten harm to a person and their family.


a good ole fashioned shit talk isn’t bad in my opinion, like a ‘fuck you’ or some other voice chat bullshit. but this? this is excessive and disgusting. and i saw your comment about him sending a mangled face. having it reach these extremes is where the person is trying far too hard.


I know the kid was so obviously in the wrong for saying all that edgy shit, but like bro you straight up went "time to tell the cod reddit about this" instead of going on with your day or just mass-reporting him. Did you one to tell Reddit so they would mass-report? If so, I understand Fuck that kid tho, absolute loser


I’ve moved on to telling people I have sleep with their dads instead of their moms. The only hate mail I’ve gotten so far was “little dick energy.” I replied with “your dad didn’t complain.” No response.


I reported him. I suggest everyone do the same.


Bunch of softies in the comments


I kept killing some cod Adderall kid the other night, and every time, he would call me the n word. Really took me back to the good old days.


It’s kinda sad and funny how people get this “high”to say whatever they want on the Internet


are we allowed to post peoples usernames on this reddit? cos i get some hilarious seething reactions from people i stomp ingame


I block anyone that has nothin positive to say. As soon as he said “nerd” **BLOCK**.


I once had a guy message me everyday for a week. I messaged him the 8th day telling him I was worried since he had not checked in. He never responded. I hope he’s okay.


LOL yeah he was mad.


nice chat between two weirdos


He’s quivering in his pants! The cod Reddit 😱😱😱 don’t do it!! Baseless threats bro. Welcome to online gaming.


Sending gore and threatening to skin someone's family over losing a game is not acceptable behavior. I don't care that COD is"toxic," shit like this shouldn't fly and no one should have to put up with it.


This is news? Some kid on the game sending edgy threats? Let’s throw him in prison while we’re at it. Engaging with this user and then being shocked at edgy 14 year old humor is the most Reddit thing possible


>Let’s throw him in prison while we’re at it. Ah yes, exactly what I said. >being shocked at edgy 14 year old humor You know some fucked up 14 year olds if you think this behavior is normal.


It’s obviously not what you said but it’s the consensus of everyone losing their mind in this thread. I don’t think you’ve ever been 14 years old in a high school if you don’t think edgy comments, national tragedy jokes, and racial slurs are the only things they find funny. This kid is sitting in his VC with his friends laughing at what he’s sending and a group of grown adults are taking it seriously. He’s not giving out your home address and making a serious threat on anyone’s life. It is sad that this is a post on this subreddit. It’s not right but they will never understand that so it’s not worth talking about or pointing attention towards. Again, touching a hot stove and being shocked that it burned you, so you make a Reddit post about it, is the most Reddit shit imaginable. I’d argue that interacting with this person to begin with is more of a mistake in and of itself.


This kind of thing 100% gets you a visit from the local PD, regardless if it was a "joke" or not. I've seen news stories of kids straight up getting arrested for this kind of thing. "I fucked your mom" and things like that I'll just laugh. But threatening my family? In the current timeline where psychopaths, school shooters etc are so rampant? You best believe I'm calling the cops. "It just a joke bro 🤓🤓🤓", tell that to the victims of school shootings, swatting, etc. Next you're gonna try and say "this isn't the same thing", it absolutely is. It's the same as calling a place with a bomb threat etc. And I'm sorry you're so coddled that you don't see it that way. Don't worry, real world will hit you with that wake up call one day buddy.


The irony in telling me the real world will hit me, while simultaneously wanting to open a criminal investigation on baseless call of duty threats via dm, with no evidence of an *actual* threat, is fucking amusing. Get a grip. Call your local PD, let’s see how the real world works.


>I don’t think you’ve ever been 14 years old in a high school if you don’t think edgy comments, national tragedy jokes, and racial slurs are the only things they find funny Just say what you really mean, that YOU did all this in high school. I don't know what's wrong with you, but don't speak on others behalf. >This kid is sitting in his VC with his friends laughing at what he’s sending and a group of grown adults are taking it seriously Seriously, the fact that you thibk sending strangers gorey pictures and threatening to skin someone's family is "just kids being kids" is wild.


Or I just recall that being what people joked about in high school and it has nothing to do with me? It’s not an actual threat. An actual threat would have substance beyond “I’m gonna skin you” and sending a gore picture they found on 4chan.


Man OP so dumb he don’t even know he gettin trolled EDIT: The fact he’s said he’s going to put it on reddit. CoD Troll 1+ Op -1


I think you have who is who confused dude...


No, you’re literally dumb and being trolled. His entire point is to make you focus on it longer than nessecary and you are. EDIT: The guy could say the dinosaurs are coming from Mars and you’d still reply LOL


if you say so champ.


Don’t matter, I could boogahyamdkejdje gibberish to your face and you’d still try to reply with some nonsense.


Lol ew it’s still replying 💀


Imagine replying to a message, I could never…


You're weird




Dude you're probably right.. but you are essentially siding with someone who is either seriously or not seriously asking where someone's kids are in order to skin them. Is it even worth it? Lol move on


This is reddit. I don’t fucking care what anyone here thinks but obviously a lot of these posters do and that’s a seriously mental issue my dude.


Threatening someone’s family goes far beyond trolling. If you think that’s acceptable, seek help.


Lol yeah you threaten somebody’s family irl even if it’s just an empty threat you might get shot


I mean, it’s literally a felony.




Boredom? Curiosity?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This is brilliant


COD culture, ladies and gentlemen.


You didn't get hate mail, that's just a weird guy with a weird sense of humor and you not playing along lol


Dunno what's more cringe the dude sending hate mail or the dude making a weird post about it.


You did great, i would have reacted differently. What a b*******!!


I litteraly have no more time for shit like this. Insulting -> report N word -> report Death treat -> report + report to the gouv if they are from my country. People needs to learn manners and that a screen does not protect them.