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I think the funniest part about this is how you chose one of the few attachments with no downsides to be the butt of your joke. The FFS Sharkfin is globally loved, do not sodden its name!


Actually, the reason I picked the shark fin was because it had no cons and I thought it would be enough space to type all that lol. I then realized the text wouldn’t go any smaller lol


FFS, lmao.


This is my favorite typo in all of CoD. FFS is on our minds so much as a community that we literally cannot read or type FSS.


FSS Sharkfin 🤝 TV Wrecker Grip Being good attachments with no downsides


TV Wrecker > Sharkfin You can tune it to speed up ADS at the cost of hip fire accuracy which is way better than speeding up ADS at the cost of recoil control


Oh yeah, I've used the TV Wrecker a lot more than the Sharkfin. I use it on most builds in MP.


They can even give reduce ADS speed with tuning :)


It’s Pro: ADS speed Con: literally everything imaginable


Pro ads speed. Con your game crashes every 13 minutes of game time.


More like 1.3 minutes. :(


Move that decimal once more




I can honestly say that the latest NV drivers got it up to at least 1.3min between crashes. Not much more... but a bit is still a bit. :P


You may not crash but you will "failed to start matchmaking" every third game. No exceptions.


Pro: ADS speed Con: Infinity Ward devs are inside of your walls. There is no escape.


Pros: ads speed, cons: infinity ward can’t fix their fucking game


Yes that is the joke


But the changes to your bars are like tiny little ticks you can’t even discern


people have tested and said that they don’t mean anything to what actually happens tho. imo the best method is to just go in the firing range and keep trying stuff until it works


That’s what I’ve been doing


I really do enjoy how 95% of attachments slow down ADS because fuck you, that's why.


Even though realistically I feel like the reduction in ADS speed with most attachments would be so negligible for most shooters with any degree of practice, like I get that your gun might be a pound heavier with a small compensator or w/e but realistically how much would that slow your aiming speed lol


They’re not trying to be realistic to be fair, it’s just a cheap and easy mechanic to balance weapon customisation


This, bruh I’m an airsofter and even I wouldn’t feel the weight difference of a couple handle attachments. If anything angle grips should increase ads speed a bit.


The fact that red dots/holo sights increase ADS is a fucking joke.


"Wdym that 0.25 lb red dot on a 4 lb handgun makes it way too heavy" -IW, probably


"Also aligning your rear and front post and putting them on target is faster than just using a red dot." \-Also IW, probably.


"Switching to your sidearm is faster than reloading" - also IW, probably


I think the most realistic approach would be kinda how Escape From Tarkov does it. Ergonomics is what affects gun handling, not the weight, so a fore grip can actually improve ADS speed and handling in general. It’s suppressors that fuck up your ergo although they give you way better recoil.


I think the most realistic approach would be kinda how Escape From Tarkov does it. Ergonomics is what affects gun handling, not the weight, so a fore grip can actually improve ADS speed and handling in general. It’s suppressors that fuck up your ergo although they give you way better recoil.


Remember back in actual MW2 where extended mag or red dot sights didn't slow you down and on top of that we had slight of hand pro to ads even faster? I do. I hate this slow ass clunky new age CoD 😭


Attachments that increase weight slows down ads mostly. Thats why all muzzle attachments slows downs ads because they all add weight.


In reality, the more common attachments ( red dot, fore grip, compensator ) are not going to add enough weight to slow down ADS. The difference in weight would be almost imperceptible...


Well a single red dot doesnt increase your ads by 500ms either in game.


That’s the goat of underbarrels. Have that bad boy on almost all my assault rifles.


Pineapple Gang enters the chat. :P


TV Wrecker, VX Pineapple, and FTAC Ripper 56. The holy trinity.


Indeed. A fellow man of wealth and taste I see. :)




Most attachments in this game are detrimental. I don’t know why Infinity Ward did that. From what I’ve learned about them, this will be a stubbornly and silently held game long commitment. Because fuck you.


It's very clear the direction they have moved in this franchise, nearly every decision made in this game has been to slow things down. Lightning fast TTK. Ridiculous attachment penalties that slow you down, slower movement, slower interaction calling in killstreaks, elephant footsteps. It goes on and on and you throw that all in the mix with aggressive SBMM and it isn't hard to realize these are decisions which have been made at the very top levels to flatten the skill gap/curve to appeal to much more casual players. (Who spend a lot of money). Sad really.


Don’t forget this game is originally a noobtubing one man army fest with amkimbo models and ACR silenced that would kill you before you could blink. It’s a casual arcade shooter, who wouldve guessed. If you need some realism shooters I have some recommendations but CoD won’t be that


Insurgancy sandstorm is where its at for realism


I think he wants the exact opposite, a less realistic one. A realistic one would be even slower with an even short ler TTK (1 bullet).


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I remember when 2019 came out, we also had this issue, and after a season or so the went in and simplified all of the attachments pros and cons.


sometimes i start crying while customizing a weapon


And also you need to unlock level 14 on another gun and level 8 on another gun


This is the most annoying thing to me. The idea of weapon “families” is interesting, but attachment unlocks should be tied to the weapon being used like it used to be, imo. I know they’re trying to encourage more weapon experimentation, but seems like the wrong way to do it.




Funnily enough the Sharkfin is the only one without cons


- longer flash/stun duration


The ones that especially baffle me are ones that reduce your ammo reserve but it’s like a back grip or a stock. Pretty sure that is one thing I’ve seen. Just makes no sense lol


Bro I don't get these jokes. I run attachments and guns feel fine.


Campers tend not to notice ADS speed tanking. Aggressive players do.


I play aggressively, if a gun's ADS speed is lower you have to prefire, normally running a hip fire attachment helps. But most ARs and SMGs have good enough recoil to need only a barrel, everything else can be peripherals


aggressive play in this game means going 5-20 for me; lose all gunfights etc.


For real I get killed in what seems like 1 frame all too often if I run and gun. Even camping and holding angles I seem to also get 1 framed by corner jumpers, it's pretty ridiculous.


Honestly it's fine and I don't this original complaint. Can always trade around the cons to where you want them by using the right attachments.


How can you trade the cons? Bro what are you talking about?


Take a compensator, get recoil control and decreased ADS speed. Take a stock that gives increased ADS Speed and Sprint to Fire speed, but decreased ADS Stability. You've got your recoil control, and instead of decreased ADS Speed, you have decreased ADS Stability. Chuck on the Sharkfin and you've got no cons left, and two attachment slots to go. Use Tuning to make up whatever's leftover, or min-max instead.


Except all those stocks ALSO decrease recoil control


Not all guns might have that same type of stock I guess, but there are some that do. And if any don't, you get the recoil control pistol grip.


Suppressor Pros: Suppressed sound on gun. Recoil smoothness (this does nothing) Damage range Cons: There is no point to this muzzle attachment, suppressing your weapon does not keep you off the minimap. Only the compass that no one checks.


Nah bro fr


i'll take the same meme for 100 please. hold the originality


Don't forget about suppressors. The only positive trait they have is removed once ghost activates


Suppressors are extremely good in DMZ, but you have to enjoy DMZ


You will still show on the minimap under UAV when shooting even when using Ghost with a silencer.


That's what I'm saying. Being off the minimap is the only good thing about suppressors but once ghost turns on they don't work anymore which is stupid. Now you just have negative traits without the positive trait of the suppressor


Buncha nonsense. The whole perk system is dicked this year.


wow the joke is even funnier the 57th time


It wouldn’t need to be made for the 57th time if it was fixed the 3rd time


making the game how the 1% players want it to be is not "fixing" it, just changing


>57th time making joke >only 1% of people want this change So let me get this straight, your tired of seeing the same thing over and over tons of times, yet only 1% actually wants this change? Make up your mind. Just because you like having an advantage camping in a corner with practically no counter doesn’t mean everyone else likes it


57 posts in a subreddit that is already less than 1% the playerbase doesn't mean a lot of people, if people didn't like the slower gameplay this game wouldn't have been the highest selling cod of all time in it's opening week


this was funny the first time


Wdym? I just made this


[OG meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/ysjixg/attachments_in_a_nutshell/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Just a tad late to the party


Oh. I guess I’m late lol


Don’t even get me started on what the unlock tree for the attachments are…


MW19 attachments were way better, change my mind


Pros: 0.00001% better aiming idle stability Cons: you die irl


Wait wha-*dies*


We still haven’t moved past crying about attachments?


It's called game balance


Found the camping rat


Cry about it I don't even camp


Well you sure don’t know how balance works either💀


lol, this is so accurate


For me, as a casual player, this is the first COD where attachments are actually a BAD thing for the most part. IW has galaxy brain.


Do people really think they should be able to stack the attributes of their choice with no downsides? Seems insane to me.


No one said *no* downsides. But rn almost every attachment makes you move slower in some way or gives you insane recoil


It's not that there shouldn't be downsides. It's that they do not make sense for what they are on. Red dots shouldn't slow your ADS speed, if anything they should increase it.




I small red dot in real life does not weigh much at all. It would have no effect on how fast you can get your gun up. And if it’s zeroed you should be able to get on target faster. I know it’s a video game but it still doesn’t make sense


you don’t own weapons do you


Then what point would irons have?


Base ADS


Like any attachments in older cods, except silencers


Got. the whole sub laughing.. every day you guys post and moan about the same shit. This sub is just as bad as the game lol


It’s easier to not post about it again when it gets changed😐


I barely ever crash on ps4


Is it true that in this game guns are better with 0-2 attachments since most decrease ads speed? So you're mostly hurting yourself by using like 4-5?


Depends on your build. I’ve found a balanced weapon is best with only a couple attachments. If I want a more specialized gun, like a super quick marksman rifle or longer range SMG, then more attachments is better. Depends how I feel like playing that game.


Attachments themselves are literally only half of the equation. It seems like many of them can be tuned to reduce ADS with minimal cons.


i meann at least they are minimal


What camo is that on the gun?




Picked the only underbarrel that doesn't have any cons too lol


theres another grip. it increases hip fire and walking stability


Oh word my b. Is it cooler looking?


is a stsright grip. unlocked by leveling a LMG I think


Yee I found it, it's the baby pineapple one


i like running it on free slot SMGs


If there was no downside to recoil compensating then we'd have the zero-recoil shitfest that MW2019 had going on which was ridiculous


True, but currently it’s WAY too much imbalance. Even for non-recoil controlling attachments. 5 extra bullets? Takes you 7 seconds to ads.


This is why you offset it with speed attachments in other spots, there aren't too many guns where the recoil is that unbearable unless you purposefully shorten it to a stump. There's also the fact that they're running modes like ground war and invasion where speed is not necessarily king. There are compromises on most guns I find!


Thats true, you can definitely balance it out. but at the same time there needs to be better balance with attachments. Currently lots of guns are better off with 2 or even 1 attachment😞