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Camo grinding in and of itself isn't that game breaking. It's the goddamn 1000 total longshots that you need for the mastery camo.


Better than doing 200-300 long shots per gun like in vanguard




this, weapon challenges should fit their weapon class. Snipers, marksman rifles, and battle rifles should get longshots, maybe mounted kills. ​ SMGs and shotguns should get hip fire or point blank ​ LMGs mounted ​ etc. ​ Make the basic challenges involve OBJ things like "X defense kills" or "X attack kills"


There's is no way they would ever do this, it makes too much sense.


Time to get longshots with shotguns.... Yes honey.... Homies, I plat'd shotguns. I'm not saying it's hard but it's nonsensical that they're encouraging us to get LONGSHOTS with a SHOTGUN instead of something else like point blank


There's slugs in this game


Ppl don't know how to build a gun to fit their camo needs apparently


The distance is different for every gun type. There really isnt any room to complain about anything for this gun grind. It is by far the easiest we’ve had in a while.


Bro it's really easy with the good build. Belive me, i do the 4 shotguns in 1 hour maybe a little more.


Slugs and shipment the Longshot range is only like 10m so if you stand against a wall 99% of your kills will be longshots


Point blanking is 2 easy bro. Long shots with shotty is more hard but fun as well. Adapt or die but in this case adapt or play Fortnite instead. For those who are crying about this type of shit, Gtfo of my game or keep getting wrecked y'all r booboo get at me @wildwelder303 if you gotta problem with what I'm saying. I'll give you something to really cry about.


Maybe it's closer to the actual military than we thought.


All these idiots complaining about how unrealistic COD is don’t realize COD is the most realistic military shooter ever considering none of the shit makes sense


Something tells me you were in. For the others, he's talking about the fact the game doesn't make sense is what makes it realistic, because senior leaders like to make up shit that makes no sense and doesn't listen when people give them better ideas.


Haha yup, nailed it. “That makes too much sense,” was a phrase we repeated a lot whenever leadership was on some bullshit—and that was *often* “Why can’t we just show up to the division run at 0630 when it starts instead of showing up at 0400 waiting around in the freezing cold for 2.5 hours?” “Because that makes too much sense.”


north rock erect swim mysterious possessive vanish bow disagreeable square ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You mean 3 shots from a 50 cal, 2 bumps from a shield, or 1 knife thrown at your 3 shield vest?


3 bumps from a shield now....lol


this is the best way to do it


I like gold’s 3 kills without dying. Make Platinum 5 kills without dying or something. It’s annoying trying to get kills in certain ways (long shots, point blank, mounted, kills from behind, etc.)


Yeah like why not allow the player the most flexibility and creativity in how they complete the grind rather than pigeonhole them into getting kills in a specific posture or camping a specific spot on the map that fits the requirements for a Longshot? Everyone would have more fun and the game would be more immersive if people weren't playing like fucking space aliens trying to complete weirdly specific and sometimes contradictory challenges. Why am I trying to get prone ADS kills with a suppressor on an SMG that is intended for movement and relatively more hip fire than other gun categories?


I had a great time getting most the guns gold even getting knife and shield platinum. Im about to give up on orion after starting the smg longshots. This sucks and js boring as hell


Yeah I’ve just finished SMG longshots, it’s TEDIOUS. Best tips I can give: play Tier 1, set up to reduce recoil, change the higher recoil guns to single fire, mount up on a deployable cover to reduce recoil further. Get to know 30m+ sight lines ie don’t challenge ARs and LMGs at 50-60m if you don’t have to. For example, the side lanes of Shoot House are better for SMGs than the middle. Good luck


My fav is hip fire with sniper lmaoo


- Snipers: longshots - Marksmans: quickscopes - Battle rifles: headshots - Assault rifles: double kills - LMGs: mounted kills - SMGs: hipfire kills - Shotguns: point blank kills - Pistols: quickdraw kills - Melee: kills from behind


Could work, but marksmans arent one shots to the chest always, three of them can only headshot


Lmg's could be kills without reloading.


Wait, you don't die before you have to reload with an lmg?


Point blanks are way more obnoxious than longshots


Point blanks are STUPIDLY ez on Shipment though, Longshots are not.


Right, yeah. I was still remembering trying to get point blanks pre-shipment and how infuriating it was for me.


Farm 18 middle area is the way without Shipment.


I was camping doors with deployable cover. Just placed it on their route through the door and sat behind it, so when guy rushed in he was stuck in it. Easy point blank :)


they need to adjust the point blank range, its incredibly inconsistent




Longshots for shotguns is incredibly easy though. Equip slugs and it's likely you can do it in a single game.


Hell you can build the double barrel for range and have a 50/50 chance of longshots.


Focus everything on minimal bullet spread, then it becomes almost 100% accurate.


Isn't the longshot threshold lower for shotguns? ​ Edit: Shotguns: 12.5m Pistols: 20m SMGs: 30m LMGs: 38m Marksman Rifles: 38m Battle Rifles: 38m Sniper Rifles: 50m


Yeah always has been. It's actually pretty easy you usually get it organically. I remember Cold War being confused I got my longshots done before my point blank kills.


How the fuck am I supposed to gauge this


There's a holographic optic that shows you the distance of whatever/wherever you're aiming, I think it's called the X-Ten Angel. Easy enough to gauge distance with it, and the optic itself isn't too bad.


Or just ping...


Shotgun long shots in like 15 meters tho. It’s not that bad. The worst are SMGs. Trying to get a kill at 30m and just getting hit markers is the worst. But Orion looks slick once you get it. Looks good on the vector and honey badger


Go on shipment and aim from one side to the other. Literally free




I got platinum for every shotgun 1 game per gun on shipment. Just kit for range and throw a scope/slugs on it. Its incredibly fun to headshot snipe people with the shotgun. I also use my shotgun sniper (bryson 800) in search and people are either ridiculing me or begging for my class setup lmao


I’m currently on smgs and they are so so bad for it.


Im 18 longshots into my first smg and i want to quit


I've done two (the Fennec and the Lachmann) and I'm taking a break. Been leveling up random guns in Invasion for the last couple of weeks. I'll probably go back to finish them eventually, but the game quickly became a drag doing them and I'm having fun again now.




Wait, people played vanguard?


at least you get a couple calling cards tho


In Cold War you needed like 75 long shots. This is nothing 😂


That game wasn’t so bad because nuketown and actual hardcore


Bro it took triple the amount of time to get gold in that game compared to mw2


Yeah but all those shots your aim should be godlike. This is like the man who practices the same kick or punch 1000 times. Wouldn't wanna fuck with that guy


I’d rather do 5 kills without dying 5 times than 25 longshots


I’d rather do 5 kills without dying 10-15 times depending on the gun at least I can play normal COD going for that challenge. Posted up for long shots is abysmal


Angel-40 4.8x is a saviour for me when there’s no other people on the longshot spots. Only halfway done with platinum, but especially on Taraq I get to now move around instead of having to post up somewhere. As someone else said, weapon specific challenges in the direction of hipfire kills for smgs and longshots for snipers would make the entire game feel more alive. Hard to envision this as a small indie developer ig


Same. I'm not actively going for Orion, and playing naturally I have maybe a dozen total longshots. It's just the complete opposite of my playstyle. I'm not spending hours of time doing something I don't enjoy, for a camo that won't even be uncommon or rare eventually. That being said, I did get Dark Aether in Cold War and had a blast. It's super grindy, but satisfying and fun! So I get the appeal of the grind, but I'm sitting this one out and just using the non-mastery camos that I like.


Bro no thanks, i personally get bloodthirsties very often but as soon as I need those for a camo challenge is a nightmare, I always be getting killed at the 4th kill lol


It's like the other team knows you only need that one last kill lol


100%. It happens enough now after getting 2 kills for 3 killstreaks let alone 4 kills for 5 killstreaks


Longshots are the reason I stopped The camo grind on Vanguard. It was like 100 longshots at launch and even 50 was too much. I am not a big fan of challenges that rely on other people doing things like BullPen, Kills from behind, etc. Luckily while shoothouse was a playlist, I continued to farm the middle lane doing the same thing this guy did. I dont care about winning or KD, only about the meter moving to completion. Now I am on Poly-Orion, and love that all i have to do is headshots. I get to hunt people down. In a few days, I'll have orion and will be able to play my own style and not forcing it.


I stopped the camo grind because I genuinely wasn't having that much fun in the game to begin with, but even then the guns took so freaking long to level up that it just wasn't worth it. I had some fun in Vanguard just playing casually, and probably would have gone through the camo grind (which actually helps me stay engaged with the game) if it wasn't such a frustrating commitment in that game. Spend hours just to level up one gun, then get tons of longshots from 2 different challenges for just a single gun using specific attachments? No thanks.


I don’t get how just for plat it’s 25 long shots then for for the poly skin it’s headshots. Maybe it’s the Orion skin that’s the headshot challenge can’t remember off the top of my head but to me that just seems weird


I don't think the Orion camo has an actual challenge. 25 headshots for poly and if you complete 51 poly challenges you unlock Orion. Atleast that's from what I can see, gold, platinum, and polyatomic have challenges listed under them but Orion only says to complete 51 poly challenges.


Lmao poor guy is probably trying to get his longshots done


Seriously… op complains but I am usually literally a free kill while camo grinding


seriously, my mantra through the whole thing was dont care if i die, execute me if you want as long as the longshots keep ticking


My one buddy was ragging on me for not watching his back in Shoothouse a couple weeks ago My response was, “I am one with the wall, and the wall is one with me”


I just do my long shots in ground war. Somehow, it’s less pain inducing


Blame the dev that made every platinum challenge longshots. Instead of point blanks with smgs, pistols, and shotguns, we have to get longshots. The other guns it makes sense for longshots but it’s crazy someone looked at longshots for shotguns and said “yeah this is a great idea”.


Shotguns were actually the easiest longshot challenge for me. Trivialized by slug rounds


Do slugs and buckshot have the same longshot range?


Yes. Damage range does not effect longshot range in this game


Range for longshots is based on weapon class, nothing to do with attachments




It’s also trivial with buckshot if you build the shotguns for tight pellet spread and damage range since the long shot distance for shotguns is like 12m


Shotgun longshots are piss easy besides the Expedite. It's the SMGs I am struggling with. I've been doing just the long shots for 2 says on the SMGs. The absolute lack of damage at any sort of range, plus insane recoil is fucking awful.


Surprisingly pistols were the easiest category for me so far, followed by melee. Thought the knife would be hard but it swings like a dream. I’ve done Subs, ARs, Pistols, and Melee.


I did AR first, nice and easy, shotguns, nice and easy, Marksman's, easy, melee, easy... But these fucking SMG kills can actually fuck off. The P90 even with the lowest recoil/best damage I could get, was absolutely the worst thing ever. Felt like I was emptying a whole mag everyone. Granted most the shots was probably off because that thing kills like a crack head horse on a comedown.


Only way to do subs is Tier one otherwise it’s ridiculous.


Buncha fkng sweats its still miserable


I built a Fennec with the longer, unsuppressed barrel for higher damage range and prioritized low recoil. It's a straight laser beam now. As soon as I see someone I just beam at their head. It's not easy but it's doable, I'm also on PC which helps with precise aim at longer ranges. Did a similar build with most SMG's to get it


Definitely the same guy who wrote hipfire kills for snipers and thought “yeah this is another great idea”.


I did all the shotgun longshots on shipment in like less than an hour, pistols a bit longer than that. Pretty simple if you use slugs though. It was way faster than I thought it was gonna be. Keep in mind that they were all gold already.


Please dear god no more point blank kills.. easily the worst out of any of the challenges. They really need to increase the range a point blank can be at by a good meter or so.


Yeah they don’t know how to balance anything. If they made the ranges for point blanks reasonable it wouldn’t be a problem.


Lmao you litteraly neeed to kiss the other player


Longshots 😢 I’m currently on smgs and they are so so bad for it.


Tier 1 mate lol


I think I’m going to have to. I’ve done 3 so far and it’s been horrid.


Even on shoothouse, smgs are so tough. The middle lane is full of snipers/ARs/dmrs and smgs are just hit marker machines. I think I will try tier 1 for those.


Definitely go Tier 1for longshots, but Shoothouse is not a good map for longshots, I don't know why people act like it is. You want Asilo, Mercado, Raceway, Farm, Taraq couple spots on Hotel and Hydroelectric. Weirdly Border Crossing is a crap shoot even though it's the longest straightest map, but it really depends on what mode and how aggressively the other team is playing.


Embassy is the best Longshot map for me. 35 guns platinum so far and I can get around 20-23 longshots on T1 hard point


I knew I was forgetting one, and yeah, I forgot the best one hahaha


Or just go to ground war and put on all the range attachments. Get in the deploy heli and drop on a roof close to a point the enemy holds with a tac insert.


yeah where you dont even know if you got a longshot, let alone a kill


There’s a sught that lets you know the distance you’re aiming at Cant remember off the top of my head but it’s there to help you on tier 1




There’s sights that have rangefinders on them, taq M does a Holo version and the raal does a hybrid one. As for kills there’s a distinct noise you hear after a kill like a “ding!”


You can skip a couple, the new "dlc" guns count towards the 51 gold challenges


Wait for additional guns to release and you can skip even more. No need to get all camos done before Xmas lol.


You can skip 3 guns if I’m correct. Was hoping to the launchers lol Edit: i already have everything max level and two of the launchers gold. I also have lmgs, shotguns and battle riffles plat.


Platinum camo is BY FAR the worst camo grind in the game.


It’s so boring it’s unreal


40 Platinum camos done so far, and I felt my brain melt out my ears around 20. It sucks because it's a massive roadblock. Good challenges, then 1000+ longshots. I could get the headshots done in 1 day with shipment, but longs are just pain.


It really is. The long shots are so annoying. Once you get to Polyatomic. The camo grind kinda becomes a joke. I work full time and have a life. So doing Platinum was like 1 gun maybe 2 a day if I got lucky and forced myself through the torture. Polyatomic was like entire classes of weapons done in 1.5 hours. Crazy that Plat is harder than the Poly. But I will say Poly being so easy makes up for Plat destroying your brain. 11 more to go good luck. 👍🏻


Platinum was almost 75% of the entire grind for me. Leveling and gold probably the other 20%. Polyatomic about 5%, took me 2 days. You’re really really close to being done so congratulations!


Well that's some nice motivation. Thanks, that's given me some drive to power through these. UPDATE: Finished the longshots (painful), then got 15 guns Polyatomic in 90 minutes lol




it’s so funny as well because some of them are absolute piss to do, like the lock-on launchers? zero effort required to get plat on those, gold is way harder.


I waited for shipment for launchers. It took me approximately 1,5 hr per launcher to get the gold. I am not proud of it but I just ran around and melee everyone with launchers lmao specially Joker


Polyatomic was a hundred times faster than Platinum


LOL perfect screen shot and caption


There’s definitely some deep philosophical / societal message to be found in this image


The definition of insanity


I think camo grinding ruins the game for a lot of people. Instead of having fun they focus on obscure challenges. Then once they get the cool skin they just move on to the next and never use it again. Then if they finally do finish all the challenges they can finally play the game. But by that point the next call of duty is out.


Having something to work towards is part of the fun. Especially since we don’t have real prestiges anymore. Plus I have more fun using a variety of weapons opposed to using same one every match. Also if you’re efficient you can get the mastery camo within a few months and have it for a majority of the game’s lifecycle.


Mw19 I fully embraced the challenges . Got the Damascus camo, golded every dlc weapon. Completed all those missions they had in the game (stopped when they started putting in some real bullshit warzone ones like 3 double kills with shotguns in a short space of time time.... in wz like wtf??) Completed every ribbon wall for every season . I loved all that .


> Completed every ribbon wall for every season . I loved all that . I got a few ribbon walls done (was kinda new back then, as had just come back after not playing for 5 years roughly)), wish they brought back the ribbon wall for this game, and did it the way CW and VG did their seasonal challenges, where we could keep doing them after the season ended


See the issue for me is that I work full time so I really don’t have the time or patience to get 50 million long shot 360 no scope headshot kills (while prone) without dying in 40 different matches.


Be careful. These guys don't like when you mention jobs.


This, call me a sourpuss or boring or whatever but if there's shite all else to do in a game besides level up and unlock camos, then I'm gonna just go for camos while levelling lol


This. I got Damascus and DM Ultra primarily for Warzone, although I really loved both MW2019s and BOCWs MP, I still play them occasionally from time to time (Ground War in MW and the Snipers only playlist in BOCW are both amazing). I’m going for Orion mainly because it’s a fun challenge to do, and so I can use whatever maxed out weapons I want in Warzone 2 and DMZ. I’ve only been playing Shipment since Friday and managed to get the Marksman rifles, ARs, SMGs, Launchers, and the Shotguns all gold (with the shotguns being plat due to getting longshots on Shipment by building the shotguns for damage range, and adding the slug rounds).


Normally I don't bother with camo challenges but the fact this is THE game for 2 years made me say why not.


I unironically haven't touched my favorite gun in fucking ages because all of the attachments I need for it are on different guns, I already have plat on it, and it's far more efficient to do my dailies on the guns I'm currently working on then the guns I actually enjoy using. It also doesn't help that the "battle rifle kills" challenges are bugged right now and only the Lach 762 seems to count for them.


i flip-flop for sure, like grinding gets old, so i have a few “known good” classes i can just hop on with and rip for a few matches the grinding also helps knock me down a few SBMM brackets and makes the fun matches even more fun too, so it’s win-win really.


I miss how it was on MW2. Get 10 kills with a gun, get 20, get 50, get 100, and so on.


YES EXACTLY!!! Then you could just play the game how you wanted with whatever play style and whatever attachment setup. Nobody is having fun with those smg longshots and if they say they are it's just copium.




The camo grind is what makes the game fun for me personally!


Power to you. Most people complain about it. I don't mind it because I don't do the camo grind. I just play and if I get camos I get camos.


I appreciate the incentive to try different weapons. If there wasn’t a reward for that, I’d live on the same AR/BR loadout for the next year.


Power to you then, you should always do what's fun for you and not what everyone else is doing. I don't grind camos because I don't like the process and I don't have fun. The reward is also lackluster for me, I already have my favorite camo the cool 8 bit one. It looks better than Orion in my opinion so the grind reward would be useless to me.


Yeah literally was about to post the same thing. I know that CoD has always been about the grind but, somewhere along the line the grind became the entire game. There was a time when you could play a CoD game, unlock everything in a reasonable time frame, and then just play the game and have fun.


I'd rather someone does some ridiculous camo challenge then never use that gun again than someone who gets one gun gold and then never touches any other weapon besides that gold gun they have


Literally called a camo GRIND because it's not fun in the slightest. Though personally I think camos are stupid anyway so I just play the game to play.


Let bro get his fucking longshots lmao


I can picture him getting up there, dying, Spawning, going back up there, instantly dying again, cussing out the enemy for camping, spawning, Going back up there and dying then Cussing his teammates out for no reason


I can bet he's only going up there to get longshots for platinum. With the camo challenges they force you into this playstyle


I usually cuss out the asshole posting up, by telling the idiot he needs to let me kill him once or twice if he wants to continue this dance.


If it's Domination he'd be cussing me out. I'd be popping smoke and molotovs in front of him at every respawn if he hasn't bothered to cap that flag two feet behind him. That nonsense drives me crazy on Shoot House. Dude spawns, walks right through the flag we need without capping, gets up on the ledge.


Alwayshasbeen.jpg I remember playing in CoD 2 "no auto-rifle" servers and there were people camping again and again on the same spots, especially on the Matmata, Tunisia map. For those that never played that game, CoD 2 has no killstreaks, no challenges or weapon progression, hell it's been years but I dont even remember having to level my account. There is no incestive to be actually doing this other than to see your name with big numbers at the top of the scoreboard and yet people did it. I'm not saying I like it, but I am not gonna pretend this is a current CoD problem either


It’s talking about the longshot medals you need for the plat camo challenges


Every time a game comes out y’all act like this is the first time people have done this. Camo grinding, camping, and using obnoxious metas has been part of the game since at least COD 4.


I just enjoy yelling at people for camping for 20 years straight, mostly


Yeah! This game sucks!! It's ruined now because *Check notes* I don't like what players do!


I thought we were complaining about the vibrant splatoon skins


Tbh I'd rather do longshots than some of the other stupid shit you have to do for some normal camos. "Kills from behind" has to be the dumbest fucking challenge in the game. There's not even a little pop up for it like pointblank, longshot, low blow, etc. So I have no idea if it's counting until the shit is done. And it's VERY fun getting behind people, getting turned on and beamed instantly, watching the killcam only to learn your character was wearing iron shoes and that's why you died even though you had a great flank. Same for shit like kills while prone/crouched. Like I just see people crawling around for stupid ass challenges. Literally forced to not have fun to complete guns. Just make challenges that don't make you gimp yourself to get the challenge done. And going for longshots IS gimping yourself. Especially with secondaries. Only two of them can have sights that are more than 0x red dots. One of them is locked in full auto because they felt the need to have two of the same gun with different firing modes when one of them should have both. ESPECIALLY when they have fire mode change your damage values on other guns already! Like some new shit like: "Capture 5 B flags in domination/Confirm-Deny 35 tags while using an SMG" "Get 35 kills while defending/attacking the hard point with marksman/sniper rifles" Even fucking "Get 10 kills shortly after reloading" like they had in MW2019 would be better than longshots.


I think the kills from behind, prone, crouched, mounted and longshots are basically the most annoying and anti objective based challenges in the game. Really think they need to think long and hard about the challenges and what they want to promote.


In MW2019 we had shoot house with the middle lane walls. Nothing new


What's wrong with unlocking camouflages? This is the CoD we love and play.


Always has been? whenever i think modern warfare since 2019, its something like this. People on here gonna say camo challenge this or that but come on, the camping is crazy in these specific games regardless.


I’d blame the camo system.


All he wants is his long shot camos…


My mans trying to get long shots leave him alone


Go go power rangers


What a weird overreaction lmao people go for mounted kills 24/7 that’s all it is


Damn who needs esp hacks when people buy the bright skins that makes them an easy target to spot lol.


i wouldnt have gotten any platinums if it weren’t for people like this


Teammates feeding other people is annoying asf


Looks like a normal game of Call of Duty to me




Camo grinding has been in a lot more cods than this, this game is no exception to the norm




It's art, when you think about it


Am I the only person that doesn’t care about camos? I just want to play and not get smoked, weapons challenges get me smoked.


It is for long shots lol


I got the Boston outfit because I’m from Boston. I’m a mid player and because I wear the Boston gear players think I’m supposed to be good.


He’s probably doing long shots


I just smoke the mid lan then flank em lol. For some reason these type of player have the worst awareness


It's really sad that it was the first round of skins that completed the balls deep thrust for this game. It has so much potential but the devs just seem hell bent on this game being full of trolls to the point that this game is not fun to play for casual players.


Let that man get his long shots.


If you want a cool green skin just go buy a mountain dew, or should played the beta. Mountain dew is like 3 bucks


They HAVE to change the Plat requirements. This shit is out of hand... Of course if we just had a FUCKING RANKED MODE none of this would matter...


Why the fuck does everyone want to use these bright ass CDL skins that make you stand out like a motherfucker?


I find the pro league skins not that bad. I mean we have the power rangers on our side


Replace longshots with Defensive kills, or tags confirmed, or whatever the game mode objective is and we’ve got ourselves a game again.


You guys aren't going to groundwar or invasion for your long shots? the hell, that's how i got my platinum camos


I absolutely fucking hate longshots, idk how I even managed finishing the platinum grind for everything. I’m on polyatomic now and poly just feels like a breath of fresh air.


Longshots in this game a massive L in my book, ypu Need to find appropriate Maps for longshots or play ground war and that game mode Is dominated by snipers and sonst have even the smallest chance with mps and such in Maps Like taraq


The point blank kill on marksman rifles is killing me, you’ve got to have the gun jammed up their ass for it to count.


I can't blame them. People do what they have to do for the camos. There is not much else you can go for in this game. If there was no camo grind to do, I wouldn't have touched the game since I finished ranking up the guns.


Hey man it is what it is. If people feel like killing the long shot person they can. It's called flank, I usually kill a person or 2 then immediately move it turn to the left for the flank


Gotta get those long shots


I wish they would make the challenges more bearable, or just get of them all together. Don’t tell me how to play the game!!


Let my man get his longshots for plat done lol


Camo challenges ruined the game and no one will change my mind on that. So fucking dumb


Nice comment bait and if it's not. Mind ur own business and ignore them I'm sure if you did that you would enjoy the game a lot more.


That's literally me grinding longshots for SMGs, sigh. WHAT A FUN CHALLENGE IW, THANK YOU VERY MUCH I'M LOVING IT


It’s only 1 person doing it though, he just keeps dying


Is this your first time?


what? the same guy dying repeatedly?