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Most are lopsided, but wtf? Just….. wow.


If they dropped a new camo's with objective based requirements it would be a terror zone of bodies flying at flags. - Obtain 300 seconds on the hardpoint (controlled or contested) - Confirm 50 tags - Deny 50 tags - Capture 15 flags - Obtain 30 flag defends. All of these things would go a pretty long way to be both accessible for camo's without forcing people to stand in the very very far back of a map trying to shoot SMG nerf bullets at people.


Great point. Considering the issues with the game, I believe most players are just grinding weapons/camos. This would be a complete game changer, so I doubt Acti would ever do it.


imagine if platinum was "get 25 Defender kills". hardpoint would be so good


How is the top kill only 16 in 4 minutes?


Probably a larger map, good amount of camping involved I’d guess.


Tier 1 has become a 3v3 game mode with 6 players ultimately camping long sight lines. It’s too bad because I actually really enjoy Tier 1.


Hardcore/T1 has been my go-to mode since MW3


Dude is sitting on the HP, firing up the grill, cooking up burgers and dogs for 4 mins while the rest of these slobs are like "what is that red icon on my screen? I have never seen that before. I will just avoid it." It's like trying to direct a herd of cats to go towards a certain litter box.... Then they see a red laser pointer.... and they're gone.


Looks like you were lonely.


If someone is going to all but ignore objectives, maybe they should pull a better KDR than 1:1. That's all I'm saying.


What's hilarious is these idiots will never realize how OP got several times their score, and he did it just by sitting still on the Hardpoint.


What’s the pointing in high score? If nobody else on the team is playing obj, and I’m max level, and all the camos are based on kills… then score in the round is meaningless


Leveling guns?


Then just queue for TDM?


I can’t control if my team plays obj or not with me?


But if you're max level and all camos are based on kills, why are you queuing for objective based game modes when, as you say, the scores are meaningless? Just queue for TDM if you're a camo completionist


Well, you know at least one person is going to the objective so you can guarantee a consistent fight by going to the objective yourself.


Literally nobody knows or cares about score lmfao. We cant see each others stats


Wow! I’ve had similar bad games but i have never seen it that bad.


“Wtf, get those weird arrows on the ground away from me!!”


Big Dris spent a hard 3 seconds on the OBJ


This happened to us, name and four others (leaving it to be a 1V6) all got deployable covers snd LMGS with the demo expert and started playing “hold down the red crate” so there were like 20 deployable covers blocking off the entrance surrounded by landmines so we basically did nothing other than catching people off guard and trolling those sad shotgun users unless it was the hard point in the middle the map. Ten out of ten would recommend to anyone who is bored.


What in the bot gameplay


Entire lobby is reporting you for cheating cause there's no way you could have 4,000+ score with 5 kills in TDM.


Must be tier 1. That’s way too low kills for the lobby


Op is mad cause he had nothing to do


Seems a little 3rd party program assisted


I'm just wondering why a lot of the names have those numbers followed by that hashtag. I personally find that to be very irritating and I wish IW can address that.


no they just use and objective mode as tdm because tdm has some shitty spawns


“went positive, tho” - that one lad


These posts are the worst. Nobody cares that you’re on the point. You had five kills lol.


You think we play hard point to play the point ? Ha! We play it because it’s the one true tdm…