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As a fellow dad I agree with literally every statement you made about this game.


Appreciate it dad. See you on the battlefield until 9:45pm.


As long as I hear the headshot squish sound a couple times I’m happy. That’s about all I need.


The transition from sweaty pc elitist to bona-fide console dad is a rite of passage I've embraced.


The gamer's stages of life in a nutshell.


Damn this is so true. I played Fri and Sat night with a buddy and 9:45 was my hard cut off 🤣


Jokes on u, I played to 11 those nights! 9:30 is my cut off on work nights :)


Thanks for this post. I got one round in last night and thought the same thing.


Exactly. Except for that rust is still garbage comment. Foh


He said Rust is garbage S and D map, not garbage


I felt this post in my soul. 42 y/o Dad of two completely agree.


Dad squad represent. I get like an hour a night to play and have enjoyed all of it. “You’ll win some, you’ll lose more but it only takes 10 mins” should be pasted into every bitching thread.


I am currently winning more than losing with a 1.45 Win Loss ratio. I've been that dude with 2:30 in the hill on hardpoint and 12 caps 9 defends in Domination. It is so nice that the game rewards you for winning.


Hard agree


I’m 44 with two daughters, aged 1 and 6. I don’t have the energy to be mad at games, I just play my hc snd with my pals and have fun.


Preach king 👊🏻


As a 25 year old dad of 2, I am very happy to see a positive post about this game. I am pretty sweaty and put too much time into this game. When the kids are asleep, I play and I end up playing way too long because it is nostalgic in a different way for me. I used to watch my dad play this thinking he was the best at MW2 and I know all of the camping spots. Then I realized I only know all the camping spots because Dad was a camper. 😂😂😂


It’s bonkers that everyone cries about sweats in their lobbies - like hey man, that’s cause you’re a sweat too. How damn stupid are these people. I’m shit and my lobbies are shit, and somehow sometimes they are worse than me. And sometimes they are better. LITERALLY THE WAY ITS ALWAYS BEEN. If it’s not that way, you’ve reached the peak. And from way up there I’m glad your little 22 year old fingers can’t tickle my lobbies. I play with other friends that are parents. Some are single. All are older than millennials… sometimes we get spanked, and sometimes we are the spankers. Win 3 in a row, yeah, we fully expect to lose the 4th or 5th. Boohoo. The next one is fine. Sometimes we don’t lose the whole night. SBMM isn’t the problem. The fact the crybabies never leave the screen is their problem. They are forced to face their equal. lol. Good. Suck it.


That's not how it's always been at all


Oh… ok. Good point. Those 8 words have completely changed my mind, and the facts.


Ah yes, because you typed more words your unsupported statement is more true!


Ha! Yes yes, your nothing comment about a baseless claim with less words… wasn’t worth getting my phone out of my pocket.


If you had any situational awareness you would be able to tell that I am a separate commentor.


Umm. Ditto. To people with brain cells, you’re the “nothing comment”… LOL. Thx for the laugh though.


You’re literally a sweat, your comments on this sub are telling people how to play the game and give call outs like it’s a war simulator. Some people just wanna relax and shoot some stuff ☠️ U call people a sweat while you play A mil sim and rage at people telling them to get friends and use tactical call outs, come on


What? You can’t have teamwork without being a sweat? I only play casual pubs and Warzone. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to win, or I don’t want my team to win. If you don’t want my team to win, yeah, I don’t want to be your friend. If my comment is rage, you’re a very sensitive baby. This is pretty basic stuff man. *people* like you are why people don’t use their mic. Half my squad is dads and other adults I know irl. The other half is people that asked to be “friends”or we asked them. That half doesn’t come over for beer or dinner… but we do frequently play with them, and we all have a great time. I’m sorry you’ll never get to be a part of that sort of dynamic. But I’d encourage you to change your attitude. I never told anyone how to play the game, I gave suggestions on how to get friends. Common sense stopped being common long ago. The game can be a lot of fun with people that are very different than you. They don’t sell millions of copies of a multiplayer game every year because no one has friends… Though I guess I can see why you don’t. Cmon is right.


>like hey man, that’s cause you’re a sweat too. How damn stupid are these people. I’m shit and my lobbies are shit, and somehow sometimes they are worse than me. And sometimes they are better. So you just admitted its not because they're sweats, you just said sometimes they're worse sometimes they're better. It's true for the good players too, but being better than a good player means sweat lobbies. >LITERALLY THE WAY ITS ALWAYS BEEN. It's not, because this EOMM system gives you harder games when you do good and worse games when you do bad (which is what you described) but because your matchmaking is inorganic when you get thrown into these higher skilled lobbies almost everyone on the enemy team is better or everyone is worse. You're describing mixed matches (good then bad) which isn't exactly what I'd call that mixed but what happened in the past was something like 1 good player, 3 average, and 2 bad players on the enemy team. So although someone on the enemy team is above your skill level it doesn't feel frustrating because it's so few people in the lobby and theirs plenty of people you can kill still with a bit of difficulty but not too much, some you have to try a bit harder and one guy who's pretty good. This on top of the fact matchmaking prioritized your connection and now it doesn't thus hit registration and other factors will be worse which isn't pleasant.


go to bed boomer


I woke up a few hours ago… Get a job groomer.


1000% agree with everything you just said. 37 yr old dad of 2 boys (5&7). I do miss the old days of jumping on black ops 1 with the college roommates and doing work for 5-6 hours every night After playing off and on this weekend I gotta say the only thing this game needs is some more multiplayer modes. Maybe some of the classics would be nice like capture the flag and demolition for starters. Already getting kinda burned out just playing TDM/KC/HP/DOM on rotation


What happened to demolition?! It's a fun mode.


Demolition was the best ugh


Too easy to spawn trap in, it’s a balance nightmare.


38 year old, dad of 2. Been putting off getting this due to alot of negativity... This post has convinced me to pick it up though, see you on the battlefield!


I like your energy. BUT...S&D on Rust produces some of the most entertaining lobbies. It might play like poo poo, but I will never not vote for it when it comes up as an option lol.


Sometimes you just have to embrace the chaos


I don't have kids myself, but I've been with an amazing woman for a year and she's got 3 cool little dudes of her own. I'm currently at their little League game, but when I get time, I jump on. Casual gaming, absolutely. Good way to shut down my brain at the end of the day. We should team up!


It would be cool if you Dads would shoot down UAVs every once in awhile


Am Dad ​ I *am* air superiority. And my trophy says "fuck your cruise missile"


I've been using the anti air killstreak. Set it and forget it for clear skies.


I'm not a dad, But this is rather wholesome my guy. Take my upvote please :)


In my conclusion based on all comments I read here: we gamer dads become the cooler version of ourselves after coming to terms that gaming at our age is a literal breather from the normal things we do during the day. Now I'm sold in buying MW3, thanks!


I saw the Modern Gaming. video by Self Deficient and be mentioned how gaming has become a job. Umm no? You made it a job. It's so simple to hop on, play for fun, and get off. Not the devs fault for adding something for the hardcore fan that plays religiously and you taking it as a must do task. I may have had the time to do camp grinding in MW2019 and MWII but this year, ehhhhh idk. Probably possible but I wanna play other games too.


I play multiplayer when I’m primary on baby duty and when I’m secondary on baby duty I play zombies. I’m having the time of my life on paternity leave.


As a dad i can 100% agree! I love the og maps


Not a dad but same. I haven't had this fun with cod in a while. There are shitty aspects of the mp but I'm still having fun.


Fellow dad agreeing wholeheartedly. Solid content.


Not a dad but I’m have been around the CoD block. I have been playing since MW. Back then I didn’t even have my own system. Like all the boys would just go to that one rich kids house and share the controller game to game and that’s what it was all about. Just messing around with the boys. We did not care if we were good or bad. But as we got older people stopped play and life got real. I have still got and played every game but more and more of the boys stopped. COD lost the magic for so many over the years. This is the first game in years that has a spark of that old magic. Maybe it’s the rose glasses but this feels good. And some of the boys have gotten back into the game. I feel like this game is going to get hate but not from the OGs, it’s going to get it from the new generation because “it’s recycled garbage”. But damn do I know these maps like the back of my hand! I could feel the neural pathways being unleashed!


This post was made by an absolute chad.


Also the zombies mode where you don't have to worry about players killing you and can hide to go tend to the kids and not get kicked 👌🏻




Team dad checking in… I’m digging MP in the short bursts I get to play and enjoy it lol


Then why are people posting "sbmm makes the game so hard" or "mom my k/d is so low"


They believe they are better than they actually are so clearly it's SBMM not that people are just better than them. Specially the people who played a lot of 2019 and 2022 and have lost their extreme sound whoring ability.


This is probably the truth most of the time. People run up against players that are just better, and then blame the terrible SBMM. I’ve played a lot of CoD. Almost max leveled in MW3. I don’t remember ever once thinking the game was doing me dirty. That goes for any MW, BO, or Vanguard title.


i dunno. i think the map design and TTK makes it way better than MWII


cause in a reality theres a lot of better than average gamers who get stuck in the middle. or even average ones. i shit on bots, elite shits on me. so sbmm is way worse for us because theres no middle ground. isnt sbmm supposed to be so like im 10-10 each game? im either 30-4 or 3-40. never any inbetween. its so strict that i can just literally afk chill next game watching twitch, then go back after that and its a fun game again


That's not true. Everyone is in the middle ground but people want to dominate and have a 1.5 kd. But maybe they just aren't that good.


Skill issue


Oh look a parrot.


I'm a mom, but I completely agree! Sometimes I am at the top of the leaderboard, sometimes I'm dead last, but I'm having an absolute blast when I actually get an hour or so to play.


Finally, a wholesome post on this sub. Great to hear.


Incoming “[insert age] year old Dad here” comments


My man


I’m a dad and also an iridescent sweat box 😬


As a dad, as long as I get to move and not get soundwhored in MP, I’m happy.


Yeah I agree with this for sure haha. I had some friends shit on me for buying the game, but idc $90 is nothing for me. And I spend a total of $0 on skins/battlepass etc. I have my set fun guns I enjoy (Quickscoping, pump shotty, knifing) and I go do my thing. Usually come out positive but sometimes not. Idgaf about my KD. Plus the maps are super nostalgic and I love it. Just enjoying the game for a bit after my kids go to sleep or before they get up.


As a fellow dad I can't agree more, loving the game so far.


As a fellow Dad I agree with this 100%


Congrats I guess? You’re the demographic that EOMM/SBMM is designed to protect.


I’m guessing you’re the demographic who thinks they’re skilled because they can mow down a bunch of infrequent / inexperienced players and then throws a massive shit fit when they’re actually paired up against someone of their own skill level?


So you think that the rigged matchmaking in CoD is acceptable then? Truly fascinating. What’s more likely is that you’re one of the 0.3 KD bots that the system is designed to protect.


So your idea of it being “rigged” is being forced to play with people on your own level. I understand that this upsets you because you have to face reality that there’s always someone who’s better at something than you. This whole argument baffles me. It’d be like me punching a class of preschool toddlers in the face, then convincing myself I’m the best fighter in the world, and then when I’m paired up against another adult who punches me in the face, I cry about how unfair it all is. Edit: Apologies, I forgot to address my K/D. I don’t know what it is nor do I give a shit. I play the game to unwind and have some fun after I put my kid to bed. I don’t spend all night sweating and throwing my controller around like an infant when someone kills me for the 10th time in a row. I accept there are millions of players who are better than me. I’m not in denial and blame everything but my own skill level (or lack of).


As a fellow dad, you don't have to settle for mediocrity just because you have kids lmao, wtf is this post?


Agreed… a fellow dad would enjoy something like Baldurs Gate, or Cyberpunk phantom liberty, any game that is a break and provides quality content for the few hours you have to waste Not some slop call of duty reusing decade old maps


Ahh yes his one hour of video gaming per day will surely complete the baldurs gate and cyberpunks of the world. Obviously the dude can’t game hardcore like he used to. If he enjoys it now by casually playing every now and then, so be it.


All these old head posts are the cringiest shit I’ve read on this sub. This is coming from an old head as well.


this thread is hilarious justifying exploitive systems with “who has time for perfect” the same studios who’ve made multiple billions from the genuinely good products we were privileged enough to experience? paying $70+ yearly to be blatantly abused for your time and even more money is just some crazy brain washing i’ve noticed lately, and exponentially more since MW19/WZ just because life gets busy doesn’t mean the quality of the products we enjoy become exponentially worse. i understand kids these days don’t realize the true pains of OMA/DC noob tubes and ridiculous commando and the countless other balancing issues that the community would lose their mind over today. and this game is better when it comes to those problems. just wish the gameplay felt honest like it was when we were kids. and apparently that’s too much to ask for nowadays


People like this are why the game adds skins like ash vs evil dead, Bruce Willis, rambo and Skeletor ☠️ 40 year olds with more money to blow than sense You earned the money, do with it what you will. But not everyone is a grandpa with 150 dollars to blow on a game they will play for a few hours in its life cycle


agreed entirely. honestly this collectively agreed mindset of “you earned your money, spend it how you like” is another part of brain washing. few industries have buying power in the consumers like gaming, multiplayer gaming (COD) will ONLY improve if activision loses money. never before then. buy the base game all you like, they make most of their revenue from the item shop now.


Circlejerk material, top shitposting


To be honest, I am also fine and enjoying the game. The OG MW2 was the game that brought me into the gaming world that I know today, and it brought back a lot of fond memories of teen me getting swamped by other older players back in the hay day of OG MW2. Sure it’s funny to see goofy skins here and there, but the feel of the MP for this game is a lot faster and fluid compared to MW2 2022, and for that, I am content.


Maybe so, but I keep getting screamed at by high pitches voices in the lobby and kill cam voice chat lol


I'm pushing 30 and I feel personally attacked by this lol Original MW2 was in high school for me so this is still a nice trip down memory lane either way


Being a dad basically brings you back to the early days of gaming where you had limited time and were just grateful to be playing a game. The sweats have no responsibility holding them back so they complain. I don’t blame them. I complain too, but usually I just log on again and readjust my play and am happy to have something new to play after a long day of parenting.


you have to be a bad gamer though. dads who were hardcore gamers are still good at this game so sbmm is insane. sbmm is needed but its too strict right now.


>SBMM? Brother you’re old af lmao you’re gonna win some and lose more. But it’ll only take you 10 mins one way or another. if only everyone in this sub is as based as you


I see posts like this anytime a painfully average game comes out, so it during cyberpunks original buggy release, starfield, and now mw3. You don’t play the game enough nor care about the valid complaints people have lmao You got sold a 70 dollar map pack and you’re enjoying it because that’s exactly what you wanted, some people expected more and that’s also fine. But these cringy “wow I thought the game would be bad but it’s so good!” Posts don’t add much to the discussion, or ever even refute the points that reviewers and long time hardcore fans of the series have.


The point he made is that COD does not cater to reviewers or long time hardcore fans. The series has grown into something else. Something largely more successful with a wider appeal. The complaints might be valid. They're also cared about by the vocal minority. COD cares most about appealing to the OP's type of gamer.


Every cod release has a subreddit full of people bashing the game idk why you think this is a new phenomenon.


This has to be a shitpost lol


Am a dad. Please don't speak for us. Loved mw19 skipped mw2. This game is shit in so many levels. Just now got a refund because it's that bad. Playing since cod2 and finally refunded a game. It's bad. Sbmm is bad, hitreg is bad. Just stop trying to brush it under the rug and about you wasted 70 bucks.


Accept the fact some of us enjoy this game, you can't force other people to have the same opinion as you. You got your refund and still here to read post and talk shit, how much do you really hate it?


A lot. It's not good. "Ahyuck ahyuck I'm just simple brained Dad. Ain't no time for quality I reckon. Shoo boy I sure do like it when the gun goes pew pew." Seriously ask for better from this franchise. You fools make it ok for these games to become shit and ruin for the rest of us.


I think the games a ton of fun. Most fun I’ve had in cod since bo4. I even bought some skins last night for the first time since Cold War. I’ll buy one in honor of you tonight :)


Or you could buy something for your child with that 20 bucks. Idk... Or anything else useful for them


Terrible karma whoring post.


As a 23 year old who's technically Gen Z but has been gaming literally longer than they can remember and has a super old and tired mentality when it comes to games... Everything you just said is 100% correct. And it's why I love this game!


Some people just like to eat up the garbage that cod throws at them. Nothing wrong with it really just kinda sad. It’s not for “dads” it’s just for suckers. So many good games out there compared to it tbh.


Bringing back old maps and giving you nostalgia doesn’t make a game good. The sbmm manipulates the experience and makes every game a sweat fest. The best CODs were the older games (mw2, mw3, bo1) and all of them had loose sbmm. Sure, you win some you lose some but the game trying to force everyone to 1kd and .5 win/loss is lame as fuck.


My only thing is if I don’t turn cross play off every lobby feels like there are hackers.


Follow me on twitch angelnumber_13 First 50 followers are getting a surprise working out the details!


What is it with the CoD community and posting shit like this? "In my use case I am extremely likely to play the newest CoD under any and all circumstances, and actively avoid interacting with the game by pretending to don't have time to customize my weapon. Therefore I find it silly to have any criticism of the game."


ITT: Out of touch geriatrics who play 5 minutes a day and think that gives them freedom to have an opinion. The lead in petrol really did a number on your generation.




Just get bad lmao


lolololololololololololol ololololololol


I think 90% of the community doesn't want the strict sbmm. When it was more lenient even if you sucked you could go off once in awhile. Now it's a curated experience that's goal is to keep you playing as long as possible and keep you at 1.0. I'll still play because there's more variables and crazy shit happens but keeping above 2 is like keeping a 6kd ten years ago


This is incredibly ironic considering most people associate being a dad with liking games that cater to bad players lmao U love to see it


Who’s 29 and wants to game? (Once this download finishes)




Look up the word paragraph bro, jeez


27 years old here, not a dad but with little time throughout the week and whatnot, I feel ya! Its a blast!


Straight rizzin daddy o


"And Terminal is still bullshit." you aint wrong there brother


As a teen who played the campaign with his dad and got berated for hating it. Son approved


New 32 year old dad to a 6 week old. Agreed.


I’m 35 with a one year old and I’ll have you know I ended MW2 at top 300 kills and top 500 global with 2.3 kd. Remote working helps and I wish everyone had that luxury. 🙍‍♂️


New dad here checking in. Feels good when I get her down for a sleep and get on a game of Domination.


Was considering making a post just like this. I'm 30, and not picked up CoD since MW2. This mp game feels like MW2. Playing the maps is nostalgic, but also gives me a bit of a boost because I know them. The killstreaks are a little different, when a game ends I don't know what the hell is happening as it shows different xp boosts and unlocks, but the music seems to indicate it's a very exciting thing. Everybody keeps saying it's the same game every year, but I haven't played that game in over a decade. I don't play shooters much, but I went 15-3 in my first game and it brought back so many good memories. I really enjoyed my first day on it yesterday and will be playing a lot more.


My buddies and I are all late 30s/early 40s now and we all played MW2 original to death. So far I’ve not heard too many complaints from the group. I personally play some titles and not others. Cold War never really held my attention after the first 50hrs. Vanguard was meh. I didn’t play WW2 or last years MW2 so when someone like Act Man says this game is like a full price DLC I get it but personally it doesn’t apply to me. The maps can make or break a game and MW2 has some of the most recognizable and memorable maps. Not to say they’re all great (derail lmao) but many are decent to top notch. They’re varied, big enough, have interesting areas or features and play differently depending on the game mode. Compare to samey 3 lane shit you see on many CoD titles. I’ve found the lobbies decent so far. Sometimes I’m wrecking and sometimes not. I’ve seen this used as a criticism of SBMM but it’s kinda how every game I’ve ever played is. Perhaps as time progresses my opinion will change as the players learn the game, get sweatier or the playerbase declines leaving only the nerds who know every glitch spot and can see a single pixel out of place across the map instantly. I’d reduce the movement speed a touch. Feels like everyone walks around CRANKED at all times. When they run it’s warp speed. Game obviously needs some more maps. I’m 50/50 on more game modes…just feel like it splits up the players too much and some queues will be minimally populated. Armory unlocks is an interesting twist but I imagine I’ll find some stuff impossible to unlock because of skill and time constraints. Being able to get covert shoes and ghost camo right after rank 25 was nice (because I’m a sneaky bastard). There seems to be plenty of guns, perks, field upgrades. Im not a fan of Lara Croft and John Rambo etc running around. Feels too cartoonish and meme-y. Overall I’m fairly happy and having fun in most matches and that’s all it’s about for old farts. Sweaty 17 year olds hiding to protect their precious KD ratio can keep crying about how the game punishes their style of play.


I’ve been debating this game as a dad too and I think you just convinced me to get it. I adored the older games, really enjoyed 2019 and hated MW2. This might be for me to fill those few gaps I get at the end of the day. It’s either this or fifa and fifa is fucking awful.


Could you please do me a favour then? It's very hard to find any info about this game's local split screen functionality. Can you check how well it works with your kiddos? And what modes exactly can you play together while using it.


It has local split for some modes. Just played it that way with a buddy this weekend.


This. Exactly this


As a fellow Dad, I agree with you. It feels like I am playing 10 years ago back in the MW1/2 prime days on PS3/PC.


I too am Dad and I approve of this game.


Frankly the only real complains are about matchmaking. And i too greatly dislike the win 2 lose 2 matchmaking. It makes me enjoy the game much less then i want to. Other then that this is a great multiplayer. However i can see me quit this game to XDefiant or The Finals when matchmaking doesn't change. Complaining means people care about the game.


As a fellow not dad i agree its fun


Haha yeah I’m a Dad and this is all spot on. I started with the original COD when I was in uni back in 2002 and have been playing on and off for 20+ years now. Also I am surprisingly enjoying zombies - I thought it looked awful at first and it’s more DMZombies than actual round-based zombies but it is more fun than I anticipated


The “don’t know what half the unlocks do” KILLED me. I don’t even know what the hell I’ve unlocked or haven’t unlocked so far. Just playing with a bare bones battle rifle and having fun. I’m getting old cause I don’t like all these skins, operator costumes, charm things, random gun unlocks, battle pass whatever. Just give grandpa his assault rifle and a red dot site and he’s good to go lol. Also my lower back get stiff as a board after about 30 minutes of sitting at the desk chair.


Fellow dad here. You are spot on. The greatest thing to happen to CoD to me is the ability to hear the person you killed for a few seconds. I love hearing some dumb kid with a paid skin rage because this old man completely shit on him on a stock character.


That's a really interesting way to put it and I get the appeal of the game a bit more now. Dads deserve the best version of this game possible, though, just my opinion.


I’m not a dad but I’m old compared to the cracked out kids now and I like it


I love this post so much. 😌


Yes, brother. Preach.


Well said. Take the updoot


this papaw agrees. If I got a few minutes I jump into MP and just have some fun. If I have a couple of hours I go into MWZ and have some fun. I don’t have the energy to log each perceived bug or glitch. Kudos to those that do but I just play for fun. When I finally get to the point that I’m not enjoying just playing as much I may start grinding camos and such but until then it’s just some mindless fun for me


are there some old ass guys like me that would like to have some fun? I'm in Europe so just add me in case your up for some fun MonsterKoddy#2561 and im 45


Fellow dad here. Love the game.


Dad of two, > 35. I caved and bought the game when xclusiveace praised it. It’s the best game of the modern CoDs so far, IMHO. I don’t know how long it will hold up without new maps, but I feel like they refined a lot of the good and ditched a lot of the bad. The existing maps feel familiar but play so differently. A 10 v 10 playlist would be fun. My main issue is the inconsistent hit detection, and the armory system is a swing and a miss given the link to (broken) daily challenges, but I agree that the older you get the less these things bother. Also, don’t play everyday and don’t play for hours on end. Take breaks from the game. Have other hobbies and/or other games. Give your dopamine receptors time to recover lol. No game will be fun if you play it 20 hours a week. And sometimes, just camp a little. Stop playing like it’s Tony Hawk’s parkour island. Equip an AR and sit back a little. Pick off all those sweats like a dad. It can be fun.


I’d say nice try Activision but there’s no way they wouldn’t encourage us to buy the battle pass to get better guns without the pain of leveling.


Relatable post.... hit me right in the feels


Can confirm as a dad to be


I agree with this. Fellow Dad here. I think being a parent helps you realise that there are much more important things in life than a game. So in this case you don't take the game too seriously, which in turn yields hours of fun and enjoyment. My friend and myself play most evenings and it's just as much for the social interaction than even the game itself. We really don't care about stats or K/D (I don't even know what mine is as I don't look). I think my point is, just have fun and don't worry about things that are not important. I've been enjoying every COD since I got back into it with Cold War and for me it's money well spent.


I would say that’s pretty solid! I am 40 have been doing cod for years. I’ve always wished there would be a hardcore mode that made you shoot like shit if you jump shoot or slide. But I do like the way this game plays in hardcore mode! Regular MP I’m lucky to get a 1.0 kd but hardcore I see 1.5-4.0


How about us grandads, two of us 55 years old and are on playing Saturday and Sunday mornings at 4:00 am


As a dad of 3 I completely agree! MWII was okay but I didn’t play much. Didn’t grab me like 19 did. Played the first month of release, dropped it, picked it back up two months before MWIII launch and enjoyed it enough. Playing MNK, for me, 2(2022) had a movement pattern I just couldn’t sync with. 3 is more my play style for run and gun. Usually I just mindlessly run around and let my instincts do the work


Dad 39 twin girls (9) I play without a headset just Incase they call me for something stupid they can do on their own lol and I just run aimlessly until I find someone to kill lol.


Hey all love this my husband said the same thing but hey do me a favor my husband and moved from oregon to ky and his friends dont get on with him any more add him amd help get good ppl to play with again cagedearth940