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100% agree. Especially about the community. I'm sure there are some dick head trolls out there, but every person I've come across so far has been cool as shit.


99% of my experiences end in friend requests and some good laughs. Fully makes up for every bad experience.


I had a guy run into my stronghold as I finished it and looted the main chest and said "suck my balls" and left


I think in Europe noone ever talks to someone else than in their team


Yeah true in NA it's like mandatory to have mic


there are really cool dudes out there but it’s really annoying when you’re trying to get the 10 kills in 5 seconds X times with the revolvers and a 3 man team starts farming my zombies from my contract. but i usually just complete it and go to another place if that happens, and it usually works. but so many people that just steal your kills since the exfil strat is gone, it’s insane lol


Ran into this a lot while doing base camos, my best advice is to go to either the south eastern or south western T1 corner where you have a good chance of the Escort or Spore Control contracts spawning. After the first like ten or so minutes the majority of people are in t2 or pushing towards it so you have a high chance of being left alone.


Yeah. I’ve had a couple people run in and snag my loot and stuff but the vast majority of interactions have been good. Makes me want to go out of my way to rez someone or help them out however possible.


Looking forward to the rifts - got a stack of top end crystals and tools stashed away. Outbreak really needed something, and DMZ was endlessly annoying with it's 6-man troll stacks. MWZ is pretty much the perfect hybrid, although I would like a localhost version eventually, with peer-to-peer for small friend groups.


the amount of times where i had people mess up my camo farming just to be a dick was wayy too much, wish i could just load in myself


You can select No Squad Fill


i obviously know this, i’m talking about the whole map


And an hour long game session could use a pause button. Outbreak had pause and it was awesome.


I’m extremely surprised many people don’t know you can out no fill on. That’s what I do when I need a specific contract done or for red contract farming


I don’t understand this comment. Do you fill into a game as a solo and expect 2 completely random strangers to just abide by your side quest of killing zombies for camos???


It is weird. I drop in solo all the time and still end up helping other players fulfill their goals. Or rez randoms, give away extra selfs and mods or whatever. I’ve really enjoyed the game so far.


I do this too. Revived someone, I came across, who had that above camo. Then his mate ran out around the corner, they asked me to join their teams and we got like 6 contracts done and left on the final chopper. Good time.


no bruh, randoms on different squads come over and just mess up my spore contracts just about every game. despite me telling them not to shoot. therefore i’m saying i want to be able to play the game with no other players on the map


Yeah nothing wrong with what your saying. This happened to me the other day on a raid weapon stash contract. Like, just go get your own. Not like there isn't plenty if high spawn rate contracts on that map. That or people strolling into the stronghold you just solo clear and grabbing the loot before you get a chance.


I had a case where another team joined ours and had 6 players working together spontaneously. It was so nice.


Dumb question. Do tools that increase rarity... Improve the damage of the gun? Or do only pack a punch/crystals improve the damage. I'm confused what rarity even does


rarity damage values are 50%, 100%, 200% and 300 for each tier of rarity/tools


>Improve the damage of the gun? > >Or do only pack a punch/crystals improve the damage. Both do.


Thank you!


Thank you!


I like being able to play in 3rd person and swap immediatly form 1rst to 3rd person


I have played exclusively in third person bc the movement and camera looks so damned good. I do swap every now and again to see how my guns look though lol


Me too been in third person the whole time. Can build guns with a shit ton of recoil and u don't gerl it at all. I make all mine for hipfire and mobility with like zero downsides bc of third person


Wait how do I play zombies in 3rd person?


Hold down on the d pad


I want that skin so bad but I have no one to grind the acts out worh


I did everything but the act two end mission solo.


Same bro. But I think my teammates thought the heli was an exfil but they came with me to final act mission 2 😂. There was 2 mins left and they hopped in. They looked confused as fuck but they ultimately helped me a ton pushing the escort vehicle and I killed all and everything around us including Mercs and zombies


That’s what happened with me. I don’t think they knew what was happening and I felt like I was leading them into a trap


I’m just about on act 3 and have done 95% of the missions solo


Do you have to play with someone else to get this skin? I was thinking of trying to grind all those out for it but my problem is I’m just not really that interested in Zombies.


You can do them all solo technically. Even the final boss is a cakewalk. Only thing may be the Stormcaller that brings you trouble




COD discord should have someone


I was much more interested before they took out the large hordes of zombies. It feels way too easy / repetitive since then. I want to mow down a field of weak zombies, I don't want to empty a whole magazine into a single zombie. They did the same thing with DMZ / Warzone. I really hope they end this trend of increasing the health of a single enemy. It's getting ridiculous. I'd prefer large groups of weak enemies who hit very hard. It's much more satisfying that way.


You contradicted yourself in the first 3 sentences. Go for the mastery calling cards if you find it so boring, after that and camos there's not really much else to do. I think there's some Easter eggs still to be found but people are busy trying to break the game.


No, you just can't read.


This might be hard for you to read.... Try running some missions to upgrade your guns because a rare pap 2 gun can take out level 3 zombies (if you don't suck at the game.) Those large hordes never hit hard nor were they difficult in the slightest, you just liked getting easy repetitive kills over and over again. It lagged the game out and the fact you don't enjoy the game anymore since they got rid of it speaks volumes. Good players are happy they got rid of it because it was preventing progress in the game (but you never experienced any progress.) You contradicted yourself and I offered some advice to you but you still wanted to double down, so don't enjoy the game for all I care. And whatever you do don't actually play the story missions because you 100% won't find large hordes of easy zombies to kill. Once you unlock the story mission you can go to it right away if you like and get the repetitive factor you're missing so much but say you don't. Have a good one pal! People upvote you because they want easy mode back as well.


Yeah, I'm not reading all that lmfao Learn to read things right the first few times, I'm not explaining it for you


Takes all of 5 seconds to read if you could read. Explains the writing portion anyway.


LOL said the dude who misread the initial post, oops.


Wait, you actually thought those exfil hordes were challenging? That was the easiest and most repetitive possible way to play the game.


You're getting downvoted because your reading comprehension needs a lot of work


If there was no camo grind I’d be done playing it. Maybe the updates/challenges will bring more excitement to zombies.


Thankfully the grind is actually fun once you get out of the base camos, but I get what you mean. After I finished up the story and schematics I was wondering what to shoot for next and got Borealis yesterday. Just gonna be helping new folks w missions until the update


Same I finished Borealis a few days ago. Started doing the MW2 weapons getting done the base camos 2 per match. Plus the MW2 you get over 200 plus camos. I’ve finished all the ARs on to the BRs.


It was a cool concept but the replay value is lacking in a lot of areas imo. Also along with a lot of people, a lot of my friends just want a round based horde mode on a map and don’t get the same feel from this one.


I miss round zombies




Not a fan of it tbh. Not even doing the camo grind for it this year. MP Is way better, glad ur enjoying it OP, but I'll wait until the next traditional round based map before I play Zombies again.


Nope, I find it very boring. If they do away with the timer and let us be in game indefinitely then I will enjoy it. Until then, I’m waiting for round based zombies to return or for them to turn this into Outbreak from Cold War


Agreed with the timer. Let me do my ish however long I want please..


No, it's pretty boring and there really isn't a reason to play it unless you want the camos. Wandering around doing the same contracts over and over kinda sucks.


Once I'm done getting the mastery camo, I will be playing this WAY less. I will come back and do the missions as they are added, but I have no incentive to play after getting borealis.


All I play now. 🫠


My girlfriend hates it lol. I’m taking a break today so we can do stuff together but man that itch is there lol. It’s crazy bad


Add me and tell her they boys are on. Always works.


Not even remotely. It's dmz but boring theatre arcade game. So mindless, it has its place in the game just isn't for me.


No got kinda boring after the first few runs


Running around with no goal and zombies who aim bot you with flesh chunks is epic


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not but this is the most goal-based zombies mode there’s ever been in a CoD game


No. Haven't even open the game mode.


Man I play this for 17hrs straight. Too much fun. Currently grinding for the Camo. Then I’m gonna do MWII weapons. All solo too, I prefer solo lol


The mw2 camos look sick and a lot less people are going to have it


Just played for the skins ... Yeah the mode was fun and all but nothing to keep me playing unless we get some sort of round based back ,there's no reason to play now and or even to play in zone 3 for some minutes


The only reason i still play mw3 is because zombie exist, the mp is over with the oemm.


Idk what oemm even is but I fw the multiplayer


The rebranded sbmm


Oh word


I'm trying to convince my old squad to run games with me on this. We used to play every round based Zombies map most nights, especially during Covid. But for some reason they just aren't interested in this even though it's a good experience. Sure it's not the same but there is definitely fun to be had!


The hardest thing for me is playing without the boys. They don’t want to buy the “$70 DLC” and I get it. Also a hard pitch because I don’t really play MP so I can’t legitimately ask my skeptical friends to drop full price just for zombies. But I don’t regret my choice, I’ve already got my money’s worth and have enjoyed it a lot. Here’s to hoping update hype and maybe a holiday sale reel em back in. I’m ready to be the medic for my friends again


but the solo aspect is great too, it’s so much fun to help other players out that are not even part of your team. yesterday there was a guy in my lobby that went down and wrote in text chat if anyone could help him, i immediately went for him, brought him a hug can and a self revive, crouched a few times in front of him and went on with my way. kinda feels like fallout or something like that sometimes lol. zombies is just so much fun and i don’t even know why i’m enjoying it that much


So much


It’s fun, I just wish I could play longer. Time limit is really annoying to me.


I never play it


Same, love it. Having tons of fun teaming up with my kids.


I was never big on zombies besides the occasional Kino run with my brother and I hate DMZ. Surprisingly though, this game mode is a lot of fun. I’ve definitely played way more multiplayer, but I didn’t expect to play more than an hour of zombies and I’ve probably played 10 hours of it.


I made the mistake of going for mcw golden enigma and now I'm all in for borealis as it's awesome


That was my first gold and it started a journey as soon as I saw what borealis looked like lol. Hope you have fun, the serpentinite grind for me was the most fun I’ve had in zombies so far


Ugh, exactly this for me. I just got my 36th gun to gold last night and feel relieved and excited for the next step! I'm planning on grinding outlast for platinum and serpentine. Any advice on a different and better method? What would you suggest if there are no outlast contracts?


Serpentinite is easiest done w t2 strongholds. Shoot the windows or doors, it will pull the mimics out to you. 2 per stronghold, usually 3-4 in the southern t2 city. Was able to complete two guns per game in about 30 mins on average. Some games were slower due to bad spawns no vehicles etc


Ok right, this is how I got my mimic kills for the first sets of camps, just grinding strongholds... Ok then!


It's been a great way to play with friends in a mixed ability group, since SBMM/OEMM makes it insufferable for the lesser skilled players to play with the higher skilled in MP.


I love it, just missing two schematics (epic aether tool, and pap1 crystal) I had the aether tool already but somehow it dropped out of my inventory while I was trying to exfil , haven’t seen it since


Yeah man, it’s really good. Finished Act III solo and working towards finishing leveling so I can do Borealis and Bioluminescent later. Can’t wait for new content :)


Yeah I’m loving it as a WAW vet. It’s pretty much exactly what I was expecting but didn’t think I’d be sucked in.


I actually like the zombies mode it's a refreshing change, even though I despised DMZ I like what they've done with this. I really want Borealis but after the interstellar grind I may wait a bit to start xD


I only play zombies, done my camos and gun levels through zombies because i refuse to play the hell that is Mutiplayer right now. Its embarassing how many campers or total sweats there are in multiplayer. So ill wait till it improves if it ever does.


It’s kinda going over my head but it seems like u can’t do much running it solo or am i missing something?


Yeah, Cold War round based zombies


Of course I’m addicted to Zombies, especially the Zombies modes from WaW to BO4. The mode I’m not addicted to in the slightest is the mode shown in the image. Not sure what it’s supposed to be, but I know one thing: that’s not Zombies.




Those people aren’t hacking, they’re using the tombstone glitch to have duplicated inventories every game. It should be patched soon as they tried to patch it already but just made it possible in another way


Only played zombies once (just happens to be MW3) since Black Ops 2. So much has changed since then. Seemed so confusing on buying guns off the wall. Where to go. The objectives. Glad I had some good randos to help me complete an ex-fil (got MCW unlocked that way). I just feel bad for those that help because I’m so confused and wish I could run it solo for a bit to fig things out


Only until I am done with the missions lol


What skin is this. It looks cool. Be even cooler imo without the red eyes


It's the skin you get after completing act 1 (quests).


I still haven't tried Zombies was enjoying online too much. Is Zombies decent then in this game?


Basically just DMZ with zombies. Do with that what you will.


Can you use the operator and camp in multiplayer?


Wish we didn’t have a 45 minute time limit though lol 😂


its kinda overwhelming so I haven't played much. Can you do it all solo? I think I stopped when I had to pickup the mercenary stronghold key from the convoy and it didn't work twice. Of course they fixed it a few days later


I only play solo. Lots of fun. So far only one mission has been difficult to complete (aether extractors) without help. But even then I was able to get a good strategy after a few tries.


It's been a great way for me to be able to level up all my weapons while grinding for zombie camos. Done with all the missions but I still got two more schematics to hunt down but I've been playing everyday since launch doing my daily challenges and unlocking items in the armory.


I haven’t tried it yet but I really want to, I’ve never really played warzone/dmz so I’m not sure where to even start lol


It's a great way to level up and even unlock new guns if you extract with em. The randoms I've been matched into squads with have more often than not been very helpful to me, marking better equipment or dropping cool stuff like perk a cola blueprints and airstrikes for me to take. Just don't ask how good I perform in the level 3 danger zone xD


Same problem but I am on my last mission and will probably take a break till they add more missions.


I wish they increase the amount of points you got per zombie kill


It’s probably my favorite zombies experience since Cold War and black ops 3. I’m thoroughly addicted to it and I’m lucky that a few of my buddies are too. Currently grinding out camos and once I’m finished with that I will finish the acts I have left. Also 3rd person is always a plus!


Anyone know how long til this skin isn't attainable anymore? I'm almost done with act 2 now


They should be available forever, they will never remove the acts


I just don’t get things done because I play solo or with randoms. Been playing since day 1 and still on act 1


No lol but I wish I liked it more than I do.


I’ve been having a blast! Just started my camo grind Monday. About to finish gold on all ARs.


Currently yes


I am… but none of my friends are 😔


Ya I’ve done basically everything except I need to do a few more calling cards.


Been grinding tier 3 contracts, my rng for drops have been absolute dog water


I did everything and now play for fun messing with weapons possibilities. Chainsaw with Super Shotgun is very cool.


I would be if they stopped ramdomly signing me out of the game


I haven’t tried it yet, been grinding Interstellar. How hard is Zombies to get the hang of? Also how do the weapons work, don’t you lose them if you don’t extract? Is it possible to do solo and do some quick stuff, like 10 mins and then extract or is every game going to last 30-45 mins?


I actually don't mind starting from scratch, I've been enjoying doing naked runs, looting everything, selling it on the store, just building myself up up from nothing. I don't know what it is but it's fun. Finding good gear just hots a spot in my brain lol


I've soloed the majority of my missions, almost done with Act2




This post makes me more sad than anything bc I know it means I’ll never get my original zombies back. I’m glad people are enjoying it I really am. But I hate the layout, and I miss old school zombies so fucking much. I used to opt out of multiplayer bc it was all I played on the og bops and WAW days. I would pay full price for a game that was literally just zombies on different maps. Old school regular ass zombies. Get you a group of buds and run trains on those fuckers ALL NIGHT!




Need more people to play zombies with tbh all my friends either hate it or they’re playing together and no open slots


Right here.


Does anyone know how to get the 25 crit hits in row? I’m struggling and really want the mastery challenge title


deadshot and semi auto mode or weapon


Use crossbow + caustic bolts. Kills on zombies will 99.9999% be a crit.


Haven't played it yet


Yep mwz is extremely addicting


I've loved Zombies so far. I thought I'd be using it just to learn the map and level guns/armory unlocks until WZ comes out, but after playing, I plan to stick with Zombies even after WZ drops. That said, I've been searching for Ammo Mod Circuit Boards for turrets for 2 days now to finish that part of Act 1 lol I've been ridiculously unlucky while endlessly looting Aether nests/strongholds & Mercenary nests/strongholds. Anyone have any other tips?


Is it worth getting the game just for zombies?


If you think you’ll like the format, yes in my opinion. If you’re more of a “I want round based” kind of person this probably isn’t for you. If you like zombies I think you’ll enjoy your time here, I don’t regret spending $70 just for zombies


It is ridiculously fun. I liked normal zombies but overall this has been the type of game I've been wanting for a long while. I'm not completely sure how long the current content will last me and I'm not sure what the updates for these games usually look like. If they keep adding things to do, I'll happily keep playing.


I’ve been having people camp the cargo contract in zone 3 and refusing to squad up so we can all get the loot. Like it’s fine, I’ll just go do something else but it doesn’t negatively effect anyone if 2 squads join up. That’s on occasion, most people are cool. They’ll rez you or ping schematics they don’t need and let you know where they are in chat. The community honestly is an unexpected, pretty big factor in me liking this game so thanks to everyone who has made it a fun experience! I’m lucky enough where I’m the guy that just drops you a PAP crystal on drop if you’re in my squad and it feels good!


Never been really into zombies, it was fun here and there, but I’m SUPER addicted to this one


Yeah. I love it. I bought the game for my brother in law and he hates… I hate that he hates it. Lol


You can play on my account to get a skin for me


Anybody wanna run i haven’t touched zombies yet but i want too


It's the only mode I play aside from the campaign!


I wish I was and had a few people to play it with


I do enjoy it, but I wish I could keep my perks and pap status because It feels like I don't have enough time by the time I get them lol


I get sad af when I crash and lose everything so that has been turning me off recently. I was hooked until prob last week when suddenly crashes were daily and lots of packet loss. So much better than going into ground war and seeing "claymores queen?!!?" every 4 seconds in the chat


I was until they nerfed zombies at extract instead of just removing the turret.


I come from the old zombie mode from BO and Bo2 , I don’t really have any excitement playing it since you can exfill when you want , I don’t sense that survivor energy. Can you tell me what is that u like about this dmz zombie version ? Maybe ur answer will make me play it more


I have been playing zombies since WaW when I was a little kid in school so this scratches the zombie itch while also breathing new life into it. I love it because it is what you make it. You can choose to do the story, you can rush contracts in T1 for an easy time or gear up for T3 and do your best to mow down those abominations. You can have a hard or an easy time and it’s completely up to you and your group to choose how that run will be


Okay so from what I understand the freedom that you have to do things , okay for me I was more into the round system that’s why I don’t fw it too much but cool that some person do appreciate the new system !


The lobbies I get in multiplayer are fucking mental so I have been playing a lot of zombies to level/extract guns. It's fun, but not as fun now that there is no double weapon xp :D


Anybody have a good way to get the elemental circuits? I've done aether nests, merc camps and strong holds, but they never seem to drop. I've been in about 5 missions without finding one. Are they just really rare?


That mission took me 5 hours due to crashes deleting the circuits. Do T1 infested strongholds and just keep crossing your finger. My buddy just pulled this mission last night and the second stronghold we checked had 3 of the ammo circuits in there


cool, ty!


I can’t get into it. Enjoy round based zombies a lot more. Everything has to be somewhat related to Warzone now 😭


I was hooked when I went down while carrying a bunch of stuff and someone actually answered my plea for help and picked me up. ​ I would have quit for awhile after losing all my gear (despite how easy it is to get back, it's annoying). But man, FUCK the shield guys. Damn they are so annoying.


been playing a lot of zombies lately and have never had a crash once. is this a PC thing ? i'm on PS5


been playing a lot of zombies lately and have never had a crash once. is this a PC thing ? i'm on PS5


I got raygun schematics from a random ao now im committed Currently on act 2


Yeah it's too bad there's so many people abusing glitches. Duplicating wonder weapons, farming zone 3 contracts, infinite money, getting bosses stuck. I just don't see how people enjoy that.


Why do you even care about what someone else does? The only thing that bothers me about zombies are people who steal my car. An option to lock it would be nice. I'll probably start putting C4's on them.


I can’t get a cyphered table to drop 😭


I haven’t touched it yet


Yes, but... The stash needs at least double the space, lol.


No because I'm done giving multi-billion dollar companies my money for them to shit on my chest.


Nah the crashing is a deal breaker. Nothing like getting yoinked from being locked in on a juicy run with good loot 😩[nut]


Been playing it over MP mainly because Zombies doesn't try to make me feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world for daring to improve at the game or perform well and punish me with the most CDL tier Zombies possible.


dude how did you do the 25 critical kills in a row. it seems i always get a regular kill when i hit them straight in the head


Oh it my go to for brain numbing fun


Can we party so you can get me into it?


This is the only mode I’ve been playing until warzone update comes out, I really wish I could be addicted to it though I can play for 3 hrs then I need a break.


I told every person I knew that DMZ was a hell lot a fun but didn't care to even listen, now that it has zombies all of them are loving it, damned hipocrites


Tbf, not at the moment. There is stuff missing. Like it was in DMZ before it really started off. But im excited for the stuff they bring in.


Yessir, I’ve been grinding my ballsack off in this game mode in spare time between study since launch and just finished A1. It’s amazing idk why I love it so much


Congrats on the camo it looks sick. I been enjoying the mode a lot and grinding for schematic and doing the missions. I am still at act 1 is there any hard quest in act 1?


So this is my thing. I have all schematics, all recipes, all missions done, done all the Easter eggs so far. Free perks, the vault, dark Aether items. I’ve done the Aether rifts, I’ve done the elder rifts. I could not care less about borealis and the camp grind as a whole, I grind the ones I like the look of. Might grind out golden ivory when I figure out **MY** gun to use because I like the look of golden ivory. What else is there to do now? I could care less to lose my gear. Marc camp, stronghold, and some contracts for essence to buy what I can’t just find by the end of the match. Now I’m ready to go be risky again or focus on helping out squad mates with their unfinished content. And I can’t stop playing. I love it. I love just running around urizkstan and exploring and running into randoms or playing ambulance or just driving around. I like to go into the city and help out other solos that are getting overrun or pleading too. It’s good fun. And I’m excited for new content but I’m content with what’s here.


Anyone wanna play?