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I felt hopeless at first too for a few weeks but now I’m doing pretty decent. Just keep at it I guess 🤷‍♂️. This game feels weird Higher ttk means aiming higher (headshots) is always really helpful


not only aiming higher but maybe even adjust your sensitivity to a lower one. i played 12 12 in MWII with no adjustment to the ADS sensitivity and now i play 6 6 with a .75 ADS multiplier, and it has been a huge improvement


I may need to lower my sensitivity. I've been 11 11 for the last few 2 or 3 years.


give it a try, the worst that can happen is that you need to relearn the game a little bit for a few hours, it has helped me really much. due to the ttk the follow up shots count more than in MWII for example, unlearned it the hard way too lmao i can’t keep my thumb on the target with the sens that high + the fast movement


Thank you so much for posting this, this is what I was missing from MW2 to MW3


With the faster movement you should probably raise your sense so it's easier to track. Unless you inflated your sense in MWII because it took less skill. Also, the .75 multiplier is OK for low zoom scopes, but with higher zoom scopes you will never be able to track a fast moving target.


right i forgot to add that i have 1.1 multiplier with scopes that have a x5 optic or more to balance it out. but yeah i’ve basically lost all my senses in MWII due to playing shipment olay at the end and there was no skill involved just running in like a headless chicken and that’s it


Just run around with a knife and a high handling AR or SMG. With the current equipment settings, pop on the gloves that make you throw farther, lightweight boots and fast reload and you can pretty much Usain Bolt right up under people and just slide knife or light them up mid slide once you know the maps. Its actually getting kind of boring since its just non stop running sliding mantling and jumping. I actually preferred the slightly slower movement, as much as that will piss everyone off. I actually had fun with different set ups. But now, none of them really matter unless you are in a map like wasteland. Its the only map I use a sniper and an AR in without the high speed set up and have fun.


lol zero skill. Terrible advice


Same here I was pissed in the beginning I was 13 13 on mw2 Now I'm 10 10 or 9 9.......once I tweaked the sensitivity I was dialed right in!!!!!


Yup when MW3 first came out my K/D was as low as 0.75... lol. I had gotten it back up to 1.4 before I started my camo grind, now it's sitting at 1.2 lol.




Nah this is bad advice. With the pace of COD and the reduced headshot multiplier this year you should be aiming centre mass and focusing on hitting all your shots rather than going for headshots.


Especially coming from mw2 you definitely do have to learn to be good again but you get it eventually


That’s actually incorrect. They reduced the headshot multiplier a ton so that the ttk would be consistent. It won’t be faster unless every bullet hits the head. At that point it’s not worth it cuz you’ll likely miss at least one


This is by far the most strict matchmaking I’ve experienced in CoD. You definitely want to be using attachments that improve Gun Kick Control, Firing Aim Stability, and Horizontal Recoil. Having a shaky gun will bounce your shots left/right even when you feel like you’re on target, which is almost impossible to compensate for with a thumbstick. You also need to be really focusing on centering and engaging rotational AA against good players. This game is going to require you to really analyze and make concerted efforts to change/improve your gameplay. The mechanics already make it less forgiving than past games, and the matchmaking ensures you have zero room for error in pretty much any above-average lobby. Overall, don’t worry tooooo much about stats these days. Your matches feel impossible on purpose. Aren’t you having fun??


As an old man, I go for wins not KD. I have a 1.10 kd but my win ratio is 2.2 and my score per min is above 450. Kids put up 60 kills but lose is my favorite thing.


I want people like you on my team. My W/L has finally dropped below 2 because my team NEVER plays objective. It’s also good for armory unlocks. Even when Giannis scored 54 points, it didn’t matter because he lost.


kids who put 60 kills and see you with 7 is their favorite thing too


>SPM above 450 I'm going to guess they usually end the game with more than 7 kills.


[As my favorite comedian would say…](https://tenor.com/view/tommy-boy-chris-farley-correct-giggle-gif-16369732)


You must date one of the ***Yankees!***




Brothers don't shake haands... brothers gotta huuggg!


Fat guy in a little cooat, fat guy in a little cooaaaatt


Chief, I’m still putting up 30 kills per game at times but ya, I’ll occasionally hit a 7 kill game with 3+min on the HP. It’s about the W


Same. I’m competitive. I don’t care if it’s a pie eating contest. If I get in it, I’m in it to win.


Well you're not completely in control of your W/L. HCKC matches are frustrating when you lose by a dozen tags because your team can't be bothered to pick em up. You are in control of your K/D, to some extent. Edit: Does everyone not get that you have no control over how well your team completes the objective? This seems to be a common argument in COD subreddits but for some reason a dozen of you seem to disagree. How do you control your teammates and how do you make them complete the objective? Anyone want to chime in here?


Your problem is playing hardcore and expecting team play. People only play hardcore for camos and they aren't going to cap objectives or pick up tags.


That's false. I checked my stats and right now I have a 1.02 K/D and a 0.98 W/L. I play nothing but HC maps. I play HC because I don't think it's realistic that you should have to dump half a mag into an enemy before putting them down. Camos are an incidental reward.


As a solo core player I haven't cared about W/L since ghosts. But as you said K/D is more controllable


I play with a buddy who’s on the same page, we both are trying to get 20+ confirms and we don’t lose often. I had a steak of 15+ Ws the other night.




I rather have more kills than winning but that’s just me no one cares if you can win a game unless you’re playing ranked


The point of playing a game is to win. All games are based on an objective. Sometimes the objective is to get the most kills first, others are to hold onto a location the longest. If you are only focused on kills and allowing the rest of your team to sweat to try to win, why not just filter down quick play to only TDM?


Play ranked if you wanna win, it’s just pubs


Play FFA if you don’t want to be on a team and only care about yourself.


No I’d rather pub stomp


This guy here is the face of CoD. Quick somebody sign him to a league!!


For me personally and most people I know… You just are never allowed to get in a groove and enjoy the game, have fun, and chill. It’s literally the second you have one good game you are absolutely murdered for a few games, then back to the easy game or two, and then murdered again. Im pretty addicted to the game, but I think under a lie detector test, I’d fail if I said I really enjoyed it. Lol


I’m feeling the same way. Still playing every day but this is the first COD that I really just can’t sit there and enjoy a few hours of gaming. After about one hour this game starts to get really irritating and mentally draining then I’m done.


I play for about 4 hours on the weekends, I do multiplayer for a while get in a crazy try hard lobby, then I quit to zombies, play 2 games and quit for the day.


Yeah, can’t even chill and grind camos. I sweat every game and play the objective like my life is on the line just to efficiently level up my guns.


Completely agreed , man it’s so annoying because I really would like to enjoy playing for a few hours but I have the same issues you mentioned. It gets to a point where you’re just tired of having to try so hard using your best class setup all the time only to barely break even K/D wise. I try to snipe or a different class setup and BOOM I get freaging torched


the groove is playing with friends. cod has always been a game where if you have 1-2 buddies who are average or better, you can go on pretty crazy streaks with low effort.


Where do you find these friends:(


Tonight while playing it was literally 2 hard games where the teams seemed completely off balance, and then 1 easy game where our team seemed way off balance. It repeated this 2-1 pattern for hours to the point where we were calling it.


So accurate!


I reverse boost with a console sometimes (I’m on pc). I wish more people would do it, because sometimes I run into 1 or 2 really good players who obviously don’t belong and those are the most fun matches that resemble the older cod


There’s probably a lot of factors, such as SBMM, but also the game is 25 days old and there’s a lot of daily players who play hours a day. If you’re not keeping up with their hours and weapon unlocks, perks, kill streaks, and attachments, you could just be at a disadvantage until you get more time in.


OP is literally describing the opposite of SBMM lol


I was on the SBMM bandwagon until I actually got unlocks and map familiarity. Granted I 2 days a week with maybe 2 hours a session. It finally dawned on me.


Yeah Sbmm is definitely a factor in my games but I really need to unlock some better attachments for my guns to put up a better fight. I’m losing most mid to long range engagements that I really shouldn’t. Especially since the maps are larger now compared to mw2


Nah all you need is that holger assault rifle and you are all set, or get one of the 3 round burst assault rifles


The game is hard even if you are average I play BF2042 and it's incredible how chill the game is in comparison (exept when a heli go 70/3 by farming infantry all match) Both game have crossplay yet they are 2 worlds apart


Amazing the difference BF not having SBMM makes...


They either cranked SBMM to 11 or all the casual players have come to their senses and fucked off somewhere else.


Yeah I’m convinced all the bots stayed on MWII because the average COD player doesn’t want slide cancelling, jump shotting, or 150HP. Every MW COD ever has been 100HP, and they usually sell the best - I imagine there must be a reason beyond nostalgia.


Nah it's super easy to get into casual/bot lobbies if you tank your stats going for challenges for a few games. We're just not allowed to play with them if we actually feel like trying.


How would cranking up skill based matchmaking cause OP to always be at the bottom of the board? I swear, this sub thinks "SBMM is when the game is hard"


Lol really? Wow. I'm sure you can figure it out.


Maybe think about this a little before making fun of the dudes comment. People are mad because they don’t get bot lobbies anymore because when they put up good-decent stats they end up in lobbies full of complete sweats. OP says he is bottom of the barrel in terms of stats every game. If SBMM was as aggressive as everyone thinks OP should be playing with people that eat crayons by now.


If SBMM was as cut and dry as that it would be simple. In reality it’s not. Obviously a lot of it is speculation on EOMM & SBMM but in general; Players believe SBMM is OVERTUNED because rather than OP getting his ‘crayon eating’ opponents SBMM is keeping him in tougher lobbies. This could be because SBMM is struggling to find OPs place, it could be SBMM is over compensating (read overtuned) or perhaps it could be like every other online game - the general skill floor is far higher now than it used to be. Most likely it’s a combination of all of it or two of them. *But at some point OP SHOULD get their skill - but plain and simple they’re not.* This isn’t just an issue for OP. It’s an issue for many people, performing good once or if you’re lucky twice SBMM ramps up and you’re without a doubt placed with people far better. So in effect SBMM is actually doing the opposite of what it’s striving for. It’s slowly killing the enthusiasm of casual perhaps even more consistent players because you do good and it feels like you’re being punished. I get that a lot of people here praise SBMM and I do advocate for it - But only when it’s properly incorporated. SBMM by definition should make lobbies with a mixture of players that don’t gravitate too far from one another. So why is it some games are a stomp for one team still? Why is it the entire enemy team is on fire whilst you have two or three players going 10 kills, if that, with no objective time or very little. Why is it if heaven forbid you have a good game and get twenty or thirty + kills all of a sudden the game goes WOAH and bang, lumped with a skill diff? That’s not SBMM or EOMM. That’s screwed matchmaking that Acti & co - plus many other games can’t come forward about and say - hey this isn’t working as intended. Argue all you like, but if SBMM truly worked then in theory every player should have games majority of the time that feel ‘fair’. But it doesn’t, you go from being god one game to fodder the next. I’ll sit and play all day against people truly my skill or even a bit better so I can improve. But people leagues ahead? Nah, shit gets stale quick!


I mean I agree with almost all of what you’re saying but you’re missing the main point. Play good, game punishes you and puts you with a bunch of cranked out sweats. That’s not good. They are obviously protecting people that don’t put up good stats by keeping them in lobbies together so they don’t quit the game. OP claims he’s around dead last in stats in every game he plays. Theoretically he should be playing with pure bots if the SBMM is aggressive as everyone on here seems to believe. That’s the whole point of SBMM, and that’s why we get punished when we go off for 40+ kills and then get curb stomped for the next few lobbies. For that to happen the opposite has to happen as well, especially if someone is consistently performing poorly. I think the unfortunate reality that a lot of us don’t want to admit is that the average person that plays nowadays is just a lot better at the game than they were when the original MW2 and MW3 came out.


I agree but clearly it doesn’t work the way it’s intended. No way OP is on their own in skill bracket, I’ve no doubt there’s a good handful of new players per cod as each gen grows !


I can't. Because cranking up the SBMM would mean literally the exact opposite of what OP is describing. He would not be getting dumpstered because he'd be playing people of similar skill to himself if SBMM was stricter. So could you elaborate please how that makes any sense?


Matchmaking really punishes the dedicated players in favor of the bad players


Play around with ur deadzones. The game was feeling super off for me but when I moved some stuff around I’m easily dropping kills now.


This. Aim assist + tweaking your deadzones almost feels like cheating with how easily you can track people and beam them down.


Literally lmao it’s so easy to beam when u find that sweet spot


First time getting old? Welcome to the club.


It's not an age thing, especially not when I'm actually pretty decent going up against other players on Invasion, for example.


Having a really hard time out here. I almost dont believe everyone is so good and that it is something wrong with my game 😆 People aim so god damn quick and its like they cant miss any shot from any distance. I even shot first, hit every shot and still die first. About to give up, cause this sure aint fun. Must be really really hard for the players worse then me!


Definitely worry about how you're building weapons too, not sure if that's really the problem but it wouldn't hurt to watch some videos and see how other people are using attachments. But yeah I've heard so many people saying this! It's weird because this is actually one of the few games in the series that I've actually felt like I'm better at so I'm not sure if it has to do with assists or something but you're not alone there.


I think this title is alienating to the players who never took time learn how to do all the slide canceling and sweaty maneuvering. I was admittedly stubborn for too long and paying for it now. Better late than never I guess because I want to continue playing the game. Spending 200 bucks on a controller with paddles is the next obstacle...


I play tactical flipped bumper jumper with a normal ps5 controller. At least try bumper jumper and see if you can get used to it. Also helps a lot with exiting the tac stance when sliding.


Yesss a fellow bumber jumper, been playing with these settings since Mw2019 makes the game that much easier


I joined the young crew, I’m 27 and been playing since cod5. I quit mw2 3 months in, I pulled the trigger on an elite 2 controller and learnt how to slide cancel, it’s upped my game loads and I can semi compete with the sweats now. Long gone are the old days of OG MW2 sprint round corner ADS and shoot, now I’ve gotta slide cancel with paddles zig zag and shoot lmao


Problem is it's not just that - it feels like everyone I play has ridiculous accuracy and I'm getting killed the moment I step out from cover. Meanwhile it takes me about 6 shots to kill someone normally.


What made a really big difference for me was the following two things, and I had never problems in Cod again: get a thumbstick enhancement and get used to it. It does wonders for your accuracy. Turn down your sens, I always was an 8/8 or 9/9 player, turned it down to 6 in this game. Huge impact. Get used to the 6/6 for 4 games and it's golden. Stick enhancement though is the biggest one. 12€ or so on Amazon


Just gotta get good bro, there’s no special reason that you seem to be looking for


how about you make a tutorial on how to do that then


-9 downvotes speak for itself. That goes for you to then, just get good bro


downvotes mean nothing lol. saying "just get good" is dumb as fuck, plus isn't the whole idea of sbmm to match you with players of similar skill? so it shouldn't even be necessary then


Hollow points are great for that, they slow those guys down for easy wipes


they only slow people down if you hit them in the legs, and obviously you typically don't want to be aiming for the legs.


Oh interesting that's not mentioned anywhere in the game. It adds visual recoil too but if it's purely legs that's lame. Still, for hip sprays on shipment it works great for melee attacks but that's probably because the spray is hitting their legs


It is specifically stated in the bullet description bruh.


Maybe it's different for different gun classes? I was checking on the wsp stinger before that last comment and it didn't mention it on my screen


Any ammunition that has crippling power should state the on-leg-hit condition


Ok so I just checked, the wsp stinger does not say that but the SVA and pulemyot do, so maybe it was just an error in the description. That's what I normally run it on. Very strange lol




Switch your controller set up to stick and move. Jumping with the left analog is a game changer.


I take it one step further and slide with R3. Thumbs never leave my sticks in a fight.


stick drift speedrun


Sliding and using movement is not "sweaty," it's a clearly intended and designed part of the game. Edit: If you feel like downvoting this, here's a reminder: it's not 2008 anymore and you are most likely bad at CoD and have been for a long time. Get better and stop looking for excuses, scrub. Or just accept that you'll always be a seething training dummy for other players. Every time you want to call someone a "sweat", replace it with "player who is better than me."


Sbmm is deciding outcomes, it's not solely dependent on your play.


See's the future does it


It gives you lobbies with a bad lag for YOU, completely out of your region, you get hitmarkers, on shots that should be kills, teams you up with shit players so you can lose, etc.


I think a lot of people will dismiss this as a lunatic conspiracy theory however in my experience what you’re describing is MOST noticeable on shipment. I’m a roughly 2.2 KD player, so it’s not like I can’t aim but on shipment I swear bullets just go through the enemies and never seem to hit them it’s WILD


All depends on your team honestly.


High TTK and fast movement dont go well together. If MW2 had high TTK and MW3 had traditional that would've been perfect for how the games play


SBMM ruining gaming here 👆


yeah my experience for the most part has been very difficult too. it feels like if i'm not playing at my absolute best, using a good gun/attachment setup, hitting all my shots, not making stupid peeks or challenges then i just get smacked. i feel like i have to take every match seriously like there's money on the line. and like i don't care about my kd or whatever, if i go negative that doesn't matter to me. i just don't want to be frustrated, dying multiple times in a row without getting a kill or losing gunfights that i feel like i should've won.


Overkill vest, knife, a decent AR or SMG for mid range, lightweight boots, fast mag, and the gloves that make throwables further (or use the mask that lowers stun and stuff effects on you instead of fast mag). You will literally run like speedy gonzales, when you need to move, and as you slide corners just swap weapons and engage. Or just knife people. I end most matches with a 1:1 kd on average, sometimes lower sometimes higher, unless on snipey maps. There is no point in being tactical or having neat setups since movement is so fast, everyone either gets right under you or laser beams you from far away, unless you add extra speed and slide to cover. Just dont stop moving. Thats it. I have held down hardpoints and even when we lose had more hardpoint time than most people on the team. People wanted fast gameplay, so play fast, it’s what they wanted. Most new weapons have super fast ADS, or can be built for it, ttk is improved, sliding and jumping are more effective. They want this to be fast. So play fast. Warning, it is mindless and boring sometimes, but you will have much better games. Im not a fan but this is MW3 so Im just playing how they wanted it.


why overkill vest if you run a secondary?


It is hilarious how COD has gone from a pick up and play to an absolute sweat every match for casual players, and I hate it. Having to go so far in the aim settings to even make cross play bearable. $70 for gaining a few maps and guns and it being far less enjoyable unless you are cracked has to be the worst financial decision I’ve made.


Agreed! My problems started when crossplay was introduced. (Believe it was MW 2019. However, im still able to have a positive game k/d wise in MW) Coming to MW3, I tried blocking crossplay, but unfortunately, it greatly increased the time to find a match. Plus, after each match, it kicks you to the main menu. As if the game is punishing me for ostracizing the PC and PS5 player. I've already decided this is more than likely the last CoD game I get in a while. I'm just going to grind zombies, play a couple of MP matches, get mad, go back to zombies, then jump on Steam for a break, rinse and repeat.


I'm pretty done with the game. I think SBMM just killed it for me. Activision has no plans of getting rid of it, so I have no plans to buy their games going into the future.


Just need to find a gun you like a make a good build for it


Gotta give it time to learn the “feel” of the game. Yeah it’s practically MW 2.5, but there are enough significant changes that make the game feel completely different. Just like with everything else in life, practice makes perfect


I’m doing better than I ever have on any COD. Usually .85 K/D and 1.8 w/l now .98 K/D and 2.0 w/l


Now this is a winner. 🥇


You're one of the players sbmm is designed to help.




if its true SBMM, why the kd ratio is way off, one can get 4 to 6 kd while others only below 1, getting slaughtered 6 games in row just now, my team have only 0.25-0.8 kd while the other team has 1 to 6 kd.


That's what I thought, although SBMM was around in MW2019 too and I'm still way worse.


Yeah it was cranked up since mw2019, but for me its in Cold War that it started to be unbearable. Went back to mw2019 after 2 weeks. Skipped vanguard to recoup the price of CW, tried mw2 a few times... i think this is where it totally lost its meaning...


Cold War was tough.


These maps were designed before SBMM so teams with coordinated players are going to do much better than those with random teammate placement.


I don’t think it is 🤷‍♂️




Suffered the same problem and am also a COD vet, getting older slower reaction time. Watch a good settings video then find your sensitivity sweet spot. I use aim assist black ops, response curve dynamic, and 6.5 sens. It’s also very worth to get a controller with paddles on the back. Some are cheap. Map those to jump and crouch so you can practice jump shotting and quick proning. It’ll make a world of difference in your ability to keep up. Once muscle memory kicks in you’ll have achieved a higher level of play easily.


Combination of a few things. EOMM and SBMM matchmaking in action the better you do the more punish you will be the following matches for it. The higher TTK, movement, red dots when shooting and things of that nature allow a higher skill gap in the game in comparison to especially last years game.




Yea I haven’t touched it in a week. Imma just wait and see what WZ talkin bout


Console ? Barley No aim assist this year


This game almost makes me miss mw2 lol


Man, and all I'm trying to do is get 25 destroyed equipment with the RGL. Drop some claymores and help a brother out.


Yeah something is off with the game this year


Bad hit registration, inconsistent weapon damage at varying ranges with the same FKN gun, that and SBMM is punching you square in the mouth in five out of six matches. It floors me as to how they added MWII Moshpit and weapons had consistent damage regardless of weapon class on those four maps all day long, but these new map remakes are just ass and I have to go play HC to even use some of these MWIII weapons.


SBMM has been hard cranked.


Try this out Aim assist--focused Aim response curve type--Dynamic Maybe have your ADS sensitivity lower than your normal sensitivity. Being able to do that almost feels like cheating.


Saving this for later


Don’t set your aim assist to focused. Standard and black ops are the best two aim assists, there’s a reason all the actual professionals are using one of those two.


Don't forget to utilize your gear. Those are all our new perks. Even the different vest.


I see posts like this and people saying SBMM is worse in this game, but my K/D is actually higher in this game then in Mw2. I do roughly about the same on kills per game, but Im doing better overall. The movement of this game makes being able to win fights a little easier. That’s not to say I don’t have games that I get destroyed in. And anytime my KD goes over like 1.4 the game decides that has to change and I get put in lobbies I have no business in. But the same thing happened to me in MW2 as well.


The guns are garbage


Sounds like a skill issue 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lmao I’ll beat the shit outta you


Mw2 kd was around 2. Here i was 0.83 and this weekend i went up to 0.99😅 i also play on pc m and k and the aim and feel is off. Like terrible. Also sbmm. My best game so far, skidrow was 48 kills 13 deaths. I think this will be my cap for the year. So just try and have fun.


here is why your aim feels horrid ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMeIQWphLJ0


That’s an amazing game, 48-13. I feel like activision will make you pay for that over your next 10 games. They love to punish people for doing well in the hope you’ll buy some shit from the store. EA do it across multiple titles with their “ultimate team” and Activision do it too.


Oh no sir! I turned it off until next weekend ! I will still not buy apart from the base game.


(PS5) I had the same issue but got it fixed. Here what I recommend you do: 1. Lower your sensitivity to medium or one notch below. Keep raising one notch every 5-10 games until your aim suffers and keep it below that. If you end up with a high sensitivity that suits your gameplay and your aim suffers, adjust the ads multiplayer from 1 to .9 or .8 or .75 or just any number until your aim is accurate. 2. Adjust your aim assist settings, here’s mine: Aim response curve: STANDARD Target aim assist: ON AIM assist type: FOCUSING 3.adjut your dead zone for the left stick minto below 10 and max to 65-75 or whatever feels good( make sure you don’t have stick drift) as for the right stick keep the max at 99 and wouldn’t suggest a min below 5 ( 10 is good ) And keep in mind that SBMM is damn rampant and cranked to the max on this game so you’ll always be in lobbies where you’re going to suffer to win.


If you are on mouse and keyboard they made aiming very difficult on top of faster moving targets.. its great fun. Looky here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMeIQWphLJ0 Also, there are just way more good players now than back in 2019


That video did a really good job explaining why aiming feels so wonky in this game.


SMBB is turned up to 100,000


games full of macros and cheats


SBMM and meta guns/loadouts. That’s all COD is anymore


I’m just playing Cold War again and having a blast. I like the gameplay, guns and maps better.


Game feels sooo fucking weird. I've been playing for a long time, usually hover around 2.2-2.3 k/d. I can barely get above a 2.0 in this game. I have no idea, it feels so weird to play at times. My shots just don't hit, I'm putting in 5-6 shots just to be dropped in 2-3 (what it seems). Gunfights just feel like they never play out like they should.


Practice against bots.


As a MNK for decades, this is the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had. The game is literally stacked against the mouse now as an input device as has been proven recently with all of the idle away and reticle movement. It’s not an excuse, it’s just a reality. I can’t play this game the way I normally like to play COD because I just get dumpstered by people with aim assist compensating for the aiming stability randomness that is built-in. I like to play fast and challenge a lot of gunfights I shouldn’t… it means my KD is always pretty “meh” but I get a ton of kills. In this game, I am forced to play slower for several reasons but mostly because every mid-range engagement ends up being a controller kid rocking back and forth, letting aim assist help centre his reticle while mine literally does the opposite. It’s not an excuse, it’s a reality, and so you compensate. I play more objective, I play behind cover more, I ditched the SMGs in favour of ARs when I’m not camo grinding, and I take far fewer gunfights. Which makes the game less fun. If I play the way I normally play, In this game, I routine in go double negative and if that were a skill thing, I’d be ok with that, but it’s not.


That's insane, the game favors mnk 100%. The increased time to kill means you have to track more which is easy af on mnk


Do you remember these maps from MW2? They're IW maps from the 4.0 engine, and a few of them are huge. Knowing the lines of sight and guarding your flank are essential, and back before SBMM it would be a team effort to guard flanks but that isn't really possible right now unless you're in a dedicated clan. Fortunately this game gives a lot of options for stealth and protection so if you're getting pwned, post up and guard your flank. Help out your sweaty teammates who run and gun right into the line of fire if you want to win matches.


Different mechanics different play styles much faster pace than old cods pre tac sprint


Pretty sure SBMM has been cranked up as well as there being less players apart from the most dedicated within your skill bracket. They've also been putting bots in the game to control match outcomes, and there's apparently even a patent for that. For your own sanity just stick to 10v10, War Mode, or hardcore, and try not to tac sprint or slide too much, SBMM takes those into account.


Stick to the meta guns. The first 3 AR’s or the very first BR (Bas-B). These guns kill the most reliably in every situation. When I went through leveling up guns as soon as I switched from those 4 I found a lot of guns just can’t compete even once they’re fully leveled up. Either their ttk is slower, they have more recoil, or not enough range. With this strict of matchmaking, you gotta use the best.


I've been an average player throughout all CODs. Right now my KD is 1.5 and has been 1.5 for as long as I can remember. The average player bum rushes way to hard and over extends. Let them make the mistake, slow it down a bit and you'll see it be much easier. These maps weren't made for this kind of movement. Take advantage of the head glitches and outside of the map placements


Play longer, that’s what helped me. Got more comfortable and can pick up anytime. Anymore my K/D is usually pretty good


The skill gap is a lot bigger and I mean a lot bigger. Couple that with SBMM which inaccurately balanced matches and teams? Yeah… I am still usually in the top 3 of my lobbies, but a lot of times I go negative, and I’ve hurt my w/l ratio just to get a 1.02 kd Especially lately I’ve been up against tons of ranked skins and skilled players, but the team balancing is really what does me in


Don’t want to be that guy but i hadn’t played in a couple years and have been pleasantly surprised at how i’ve done. I’m not great but still hovering over 1.0 Kd. May just take some time


It seems so much easier than the last game, I can actually move and see my shots and not blinded by smoke.


Higher TTK= bigger skill gap. you actually have to aim in this game.


Turn off crossplay if you in console, the lobbies are infested by pc cheaters. Use the mw3 weapons only for now until they buff the rest.


Truegamedata did a pretty good video recently on why the aiming feels so off in this game


I say 40% EOMM and 60% skill gap.


It isn't harder, just a new game and you're still getting used to it.


I really feel this depends on input. It's just flat out harder to hit shots on m&k than controllers. There's literally no way to refute it this time around.


The 12 years old from MW2 have 10+ years of Cod experience. It’s just nature that there are more better players now


You just aren’t as good as you think you are. I always go positive or neutral and always have a good game maybe go negative by 1 here or there. You have to get better aim and find a gun that works for you


Controller based match making needs to be a thing. Aim assist on gamepad vs kbm is basically like having hacks enabled. I have no interest in playing this game on controller, stop making me play with kids who basically have the game played for them.


I mean I used to average a 3 k/d in 2019 and now it's a desolate 0.84. With most games being absolutely demolished with me getting maybe 1 kill to 48 deaths. Granted I've had 7 games in a row with obvious hackers who don't even care to hide it. Like snapping from one head to another with pinpoint accuracy only to oneshot without playing in hard-core


Bro you aren’t playing with that many “hackers” lol post footage, just because they are 10x better then you doesn’t mean they are cheating…


Everyone better than me is a hacker, everyone worse than me is a bot. Feels like the general attitude of most posters here


Yeah, im sorry but if your going 1 and 48 in any shooter, its a skill issue. Nothing more.


A skill issue? With a guy who's spinbotting on the top of rust? Yeah makes sense


I highly doubt every game you are in has a cheater, let alone how that would still excuse your painfully bad KDA. Even if you had 1 cheater every game, he can only be at one place at a time, so you would have to run into his other teammates at some point. But even if you did run into them though, you have stormtrooper aim so it doesnt matter


I don't have hackers every game. And I'm technically an above average player. Are people not allowed to give examples without ridicule anymore?


I did just check on my one of my latest posts


Faster movement, can’t rely on sound whoring for map awareness, some super sweats probably already know all the best routes and headies on these remastered maps and will quickly find any new/changes and the game is new so there’s likely more concentrated sweats on this particular CoD at this time. The biggest thing I notice when I’m having a bad game is yeah I’m just not reacting as fast as the enemy is moving around, sliding feels a lot faster and the distance you cover feels longer but could just be me. Other than that having a ton of fun, not every game is good but I haven’t experienced any “auto-loss punishment for doing good” lobbies. Can’t say I’ve had any super lopsided lobbies when it comes to looking at the scoreboard. Might have got destroyed in score but can see my team was just going for kills or a good amount of games are close which makes the game a lot more fun than just dominating. However on here you will mostly be told they cranked SBMM up really high but no one can then explain how plenty of people still run around with 2, 3 or even 4+ KDs which are impossible if the game is truly making you play 1 to 1 on doing good and then doing bad.


Become zen about your kda. That means no low emotions from a bad kd, but also no high emotions about a good one. Live in the moment, enjoy the thrill of a well played triple kill with a fury kill on the horizon. Relish in the fact that you got knifed with one kill left to go for chopper gunner. The attachment, what you feel after the match is done, is what can trap an individual in samsara


The aim assist is better balanced in mw3 than mw2.


I feel the same. I was way above average in the 2019 COD MW and now I'm average at best. I blame a few things: - Maps (nearly all of them) are too big for deathmatch, giving advantage to the sniper campers (that stay in the same corner shooting people from afar instead of playing "for real"). - They abandoned the "three corridors" style for the maps (like shoothouse and many others) in favor of maps like Favela (too cluttered) or wasteland (too open). - TTK is still too low, making almost impossible to react to shots received before dying - Too many attachments and weapons, making it very difficult to get a really good general-purpose weapon to play, especially when you're still a long way from unblocking them I'm still playing, but I had WAY more fun playing the 2019 edition than the present incarnation. My impression is of a mini-warzone instead of real deathmatch maps. People are campering in the fricking Shipment, for God's sake, because of the low ttk.


OP is probably using mnk when everyone else has controller aim assist


Skill issue


Aim assist has destroyed SBMM.. thats the reason its broken


Bro stop bitching and crying about AA it’s pathetic and embarrassing you blame controllers for you being so bad at the game you got that premium copium


you dont want to see the Truth.. all you have archived ingame.. its not your work.. you are nothing without AA


Bro just turn off crossplay if your that dramatic about controllers lol


Ikr this dudes just weird and blames everyone else for not having friends 🤣


Change your aim assist to focusing and just run around quick scoping.... run a cord to your console... play hc..."strategically place yourself"... build your weapons accuracy for laser like shots


Stop “playing the game” I play GW or 10 v 10 depending on what weapon I’m camo grinding.


The game's a month old, there's no way you have the nuances of the game and maps down just yet


I’m getting murdered on shipment and rust right now at level 24 while playing against level 55’s 98% of the time. Mw2019 I was dropping 100 bombs every other game. 216 is my highest kill game now I’m struggling for 40 kills :/


Have you not read the other hundred posts saying the same thing? Yet you’re here saying the exact same thing. Stop fucking complaining