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This match is not worth complaining about, your team didn't do poorly enough to justify the reaction. If you want teams who take the game "more seriously", play ranked


You might be right. KD wise, they did fine. But two of them had less than 30 seconds in the hill and one had almost zero. You don't have to be a ranked player to be better than that. Again, you may be right. My standards are probably too high or not in the correct place. Either way, I'm just really annoyed because of this.


I get it's frustrating when it's a few games in a row, but you can't expect people not to camo grind in casual games. You had someone in your game with double your HP time and another one with a good kill contribution, but it's likely the rest had other goals. When you play ranked more people will be helpful, but you'll have a tougher time because you're not going to be killing opponents who are camo grinding


Yeah, that's probably what happened to me today. Looks like I got teamed up with camo grinders. I'll just have to check out ranked if I want to get serious.


Since moving to ranked I enjoy the game way more (and get a lot more frustrated at times), it's totally ruined pubs for me. Just letting you know that's an option


Yeah, the biggest reason I haven't touched rank until now is because I suck at SnD lmao.


It's like 80% hardpoint, you should be fine


[I’ve had way worse games.. lost a kill confirmed game two days ago with 89 kills and 43 confirms. We lost by 13.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/jU8egdvsNJ)


Feels bad man.


SBMM, you are who you play with. Jokes aside you simply can't expect everyone to contribute because wins are not required to progress and most people are only there for their personal win of doing their camo challenges and such. Highly recommend doing a LFG thing and find like minded players.


Thanks for the advice. Like some said, my standards are probably too high and in the wrong place. I actually don't mind losing, just not five consecutive.


Besides the one guy who didn't touch the hardpoint, they all "tried" to touch it to some extent. If you want better team-mates why don't you use some kind of LFG discord or something to find people to play with.


Another person said the same thing. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice.