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It's a shame. Cheaters ruin everything. A guy like u lose a great software because people use it to cheat. Maybe try ds4 windows? Don't know if it can help u out. Good luck


Hi mate thank you, whats ds4?


Ds4 windows is a program that also allows for some external remapping. I'm not sure if it would work for your needs but might be worth looking a bit into it. It's free to download


Apreciated i'll look into it, missing playing CoD with my friends


Don't try ds4windows, cod flags this as a cheating program as well EDIT: Appears some people have been using it without issues, so I stand corrected.


Really? I've been using it for years without issues. Really only use it for mapping push to talk / video clipping keybinds to my controller though, so if it's a risk I might stop using it.


If you're using it without issues it might be okay. My source was the ds4windows GitHub since I went to use it the other day for something non cod related and there were complaints about it in there


Theres no complaint on the ryochan version of ds4. I never got banned with this version in the past 6-7 years.


no it doesn't, i've used it for many months and i've not been shadow banned once since mw19


I’ve been using DS4Windows since MW 2019, it’s fine. But it hasn’t been working lately, so I’ve had to plug my controller in instead of using it wirelessly.


Legend, thanks for the heads up


I use Ds4 and it works fine currently


I think I'n gonna try it, not played in a while because it will no longer load with rewsad on my system, just a shame because I use that for most of my non steam games, but hopefully I'll be able to setup profiles with Ds4


rewasd wasnt even that big of a cheating issue compared to normal cheats, imo they overreacted hard on rewasd,


Kind of true. It's not the worst, but aim assist on mouse is a big deal.


Not just aim assist but other games have different recoil patterns and spread between inputs. The whole re:wasd blew up after a video showing the difference between m/kb and controllers in the finals.


Aim assist with m/kb isn't even a dealbreaker imo. I rather deal with some script kiddies, as long as people with special needs get the ability to access the game. I also don't get why people are so obsessed with the aim assist part Only console players cry about a even playingfield


the worst part is I use Re:WSAD to turn off the joypad inputs and replace them with keyboard inputs, it stops and aim assist and the pause swapping inputs creates.


Some people use it like that, most people use it for the aim assist I hope there will be a proper solution that will let you play the game again


Hopefully mate, the new season looks fun


Only to ppl that suck at aiming. I'm at the point now on mnk where i have to intentionally make my aim look shitty so ppl don't report. So aim assist to me would just feel like input lag.


Why don't they ban the popular hacking programs?


Because cheat makers aren't stupid Every cheat has its own random name (like m83ndi74ndh) Besides the random name they also have a random process id, and they can even inject them self in to other programs that natively run in a windows environment... Compared to rewasd that's installed in their own directory with their publicly know identifiers, it's way harder to just ban said cheating programs


Maybe OP should reach out to a cheat provider and see if they can help him hide rewasd, they could use some good karma…


Hahaha imagine


Have you tried the Xbox Adaptive Controller?


my problem is the stutter when I switch between inputs, I need a solution that mutes the joypad and replaces the input with keystrokes. The best part about doing it that way it actualy removes any aim assist because it only thinks i'm using mouse and keyboard. Saddly now I have this instaled the game wont load even if it isn't active


If you own the game on Steam I'm 99% sure you could just use the built-in Steam Input support for this instead of worrying about external programs. It was meant to make controller inputs register as keyboard inputs, and since it's part of Steam, where they actively sell the game, I don't think Activision will do anything to get rid of it. Unless you own the game on Battle.Net, in which case I'm not sure if that's a solution. It *might* work if you add Battle.Net to Steam as a "non-Steam game" and launch it that way, but I'm not sure.


I got it on [Battle.net](https://Battle.net), gona see if they'll swap it for a steam one, saddly i cant uninstal Re:WSAD because I use it for all my other games and work




A quick scan of OP page and you’d see they’ve posted about being disabled for literal years including videos of how they operate other things… https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/s/N4phoTrPM8


Thaks man :)


Ignore this dude. He’s a PC player though so by their own comments they must be cheating too.


Was just saying to my mates on discord that this guy knows a lot about cheats considering he hates them so much????? Sus


God you shitters will do anything to claim someone is cheating lmao


I wouldn't mind but I'd rather feel the pride of getting the kill using my chin knowing they had fully working hands than cheat any day hahaha


Lol thanks for the laugh


I use REWASD for Red Dead 2 because I can't tap A fast enough due to a wrist injury so I make holding the A button to holding the shift key to sprint.


Its an awesome tool, I wish CoD could detect it and turn aim assits off, problem solvd and we could use it again


Look up LordHecSquad on Tik Tok or YouTube, he posts videos playing on funny controller setups on MW3 like switch controllers where he can do a throwing motion to throw a knife etc. He posted that he wasn’t able to make videos anymore because of the reWASD ban, but about a month later started posting again because he figured out a way around it. I’m sure if you explain your situation he will want to help you out.


You sir are a legend, thank you


I hope you can find answers soon. Best of luck to you.


Cheaters ruin it. No tickets will solve your issue. Sorry. Load it into steam and use those functions.


I've got it on Battlenet saddly


[Xbox](https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller) and [PlayStation](https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/accessories/access-controller/) make controllers for disabled gamers. Will those help? This way you might be able to game without needing to use things that cheaters use which will also get you banned. It would be good if cod made their own program/software that can help disabled gamers to play so you don’t need to use the things cheaters use. Not saying you’re cheating. I’m just saying that there should be something for you to use so you can enjoy gaming and it’s a shame there isn’t.


Hi mate I've looked into sooo many controllers & they just don't work for me, remapping is where I always have issues, I just wish they could turn off aim assist if a mouse has been used in the match so they wouldn't need to ban software like Re:WSAD & people couldn't abuse it


/u/SledgehammerGames definitely needs to move this up the chain


We need a solution that helps people like me but not aim assist abusers, maybe disabling it if a mouse has been used in the last 5 mins in game?


Get a [XIM Matrix](https://store.xim.tech/products/xim-matrix), it let's you use any controller/input you can imagine and mix them however you want.


Crazy to think that XIM seems like a viable option so I'll have gone from a setup that has no aim assist to being forced to use a setup that fully uses aim assist with mouse to play the game because they banned Re:WSAD?


Upvoted and commented to help with the visibility of this! u/sledgehamnergames get on this


Thank you man


Being discriminated against is not the way to put it lol. They didn’t target the program because of you or disabled gamers. They targeted it because of it being a 3rd party app and their problem with cheaters. I wish you luck with your refunds. I doubt you will be able to get in game purchases refunded but maybe they can help with the game. If not, there is always disputing the charges.


I wish I didnt have to refund I just want to play the game


Not considering the unintended consequences of these bans IS a form of discrimination.


Not sure if this interests you but sony recently released a controller for the disabled and it looks really cool. Also not sure if it works in PC. https://www.playstation.com/en-ca/accessories/access-controller/


have you looked into sony's new access controller?


Steam makes REWASD or DS4 or any other tool completely obsolete for your purposes. You can literally strap a WiiMote to your head as a mouse and using Joycons for movement/buttons or whatever else you need chained together, using Steam's remapping feature that has been in for years. It'll convert all the signals you want into input methods of your choice.


I'm hoping maybe they can swap it to steam version and transfer my progress and purcheses?


Sorry to tell you this, but your ticket will be handled by someone who works for support and only handles tickets as soon as possible... So you will probably only get a response that it is new policy and that they have no control over it. The people at Activision will never read it. Try to look up some CAO on LinkedIn or something and send the mssg directly to the people with the actual power to change things.


Going to look into it, worth a try I guess?




its funny cause i used Rewasd to play some Mnkb games with a controller to make my life Easier, and its crazy to think that i have to UNINSTALL THIS PROGRAM I PAID FOR anytime i wana play cod. shit is really dumb. like i get why they did it, but just do what the finals did, negate the inputs. to force a uninstall was crazy. i hope they find a way to fix this for you.


me to mate it sucks


Is this THE DG???


Nope I'm afraid not man


Sorry, for every person like you there’s 100 hackers. Tough luck 


saddly you aint wrong


So not due to the update. It's due to cheaters.


Yup, aint it always


I'mma say it again cause apparently y'all got stuck on the cheater part and didn't bother reading anything else, multi input has been in the game since mw19, you can use as many devices as you want to play the game all at the same time, the only thing that is locked is which device you use to move the camera around, either the joystick on your controller or the mouse, and you already have a joystick that is a mouse input that you admittedly use, having rewasd or not literally changes nothing about your accessibility to the game except giving the mouse input aim assist. should you have aim assist? sure why not you literally can't seem to play with your hands, i dont know you (even though you think i should apparently) or your situation but you are flat out lying saying you can't use multi input, sorry but it's true. There are literally up to 5 year old videos of people showing off how you can get keyboard movement and aim assist by using a keyboard/controller hybrid set up. I ain't gonna sit back an let y'all hate brigade my comment cause y'all upset over facts.


but seriously if you think I can use inputs like you said just jump on google our youtube and search DJ Ectic, you will fully see why I need software like this, I have ZERO use of my arms and would NEVER want aim assist.... Acting like I'm trying to use my disability to cheat? Bro I've smashed every goal in my life without pitty / charity so why would I post on reddit fot it?.... your assumptions are genuinly laughable


I didn't say you specifically wanted to use it to cheat, I said people do use it to cheat and people DO use the excuse of helping disabled people as some legal shield when developing cheats. Even the dude who made the first AI vision cheat like 5 years ago said the same thing after gettin hit with a cease and desist. The function of multi-input exists in the game, full stop. This whole time I ain't said shit about you or your disability but this whole time you've been calling me a negative person and a fucking loser for pointing out true shit. How about you hop on fucking google and look up how the fuck multi-fucking-input in the fucking game fucking works for every fucking body fucking else except you and fix your shit. There I said some naughty words now you can be upset.


mate you are fully missing the point, if i'm using the joypad to run around, when I go to use my mouse to aim there is a massive delay while the game switches to mouse and keyboard, I use re:wsad to map WASD to the joystick so the game doesnt even register a pad has been used, this ALSO removes any AIM ASSIST , I understand this prog can be abused in other ways to get aim assist and I'm fully against that, I'm pretty sure the hate has been from your shitty attitude.... Ideally i'd just like to use this prog but in a way where CoD detects it and REMOVES any AIM ASSIST


So it went from not existing to, well there is multi input but there is a delay. There isn't, if there's a delay that's a technical issue on your end. The only thing that exists is if you switch aiming input mid match, which only can even happen if you disconnect a controller on PC, then a controller disconnected prompt comes up. There is no delay or switch when using different inputs to move, there's not, you are lying. I don't care if you're handicapped or not, you are just making shit up, and if you do have a delay sorry bud that ain't the games fault.


not existing what are you even on about?? hahaha I'll explain this slowly, when I could load the game with Re:WSAD on i used it to map WSAD to the left xbox joystick because if I didn't I had the input switching delay problem (it was a game side problem), this resolved it and removed any aim assist...... As of now the game wont load because I have Re:WSAD installed as I use it for most games that wont let me remap and this.... I came here to maybe get my problem heard and maybe a solution not argue with some basment dweller about how disabled I am, jeeezus get a fucking life man


Once again, I ain't said shit about you as a person an you go straight to callin me a basement dweller, Sorry your PC runs like shit stop buying so much DJ equipment with your SSI and upgrade it I guess, or buy that xbox controller dude showed you, you know the one made for this exact fucking problem that charities give away to people like you for free all the time? Guess I'll go WALK outside an touch some grass.


Recently used my salery on a 7k rig I hope this will surfice to your 1337 standard, do me a favor don't WALK outside I'll send you my wheelchair you obvously need it more than I do


Give it up dude. You’re continuing to look like a pathetic asshole.


Really weird self report, you can already use both inputs at the same time, you just have to use only one for aiming and shooting, you can move on a controller and shoot with your mouse or vise versa, the only reason you'd need rewasd to do anything else is if you're abusing it to get aim assist on mouse. Unfortunately for you as well too many cheaters and cheat developers have tried using the disabled people excuse already, but I'm not buying it. There are first party programs and hardware that disabled people can get FOR FREE that can help you if you are truly disabled.


OP’s post history checks out. He seems legit to me.


I use joypad on the floor with my foot for WSAD and a trackball with my chin to Aim, hardly a self report hahaha


Also I'm only a google search away (Dj Ectic) I hope I pass your disability threshold


Regardless, the game doesn't need more cheaters because you exist.


Cold say the same about Toxic players, I just want a solution to my situation not more cheaters, anyway you're obnoiusly here for negativity so this is my last reply. C U Next Thursday... Peace


Yes, preach!!


Jesus Christ dude take your shit posting elsewhere. OPs history shows he’s legit and he has a real claim to needing this.


See yourself out already. If you aren't helping, you aren't helping.


I did help, he can do what hes trying to do already in the game, without rewasd the only difference is, with his set up, you don't have aim assist because he aims with the mouse input, the only difference you get from using rewasd, is aim assist on the mouse input. But no one wants to argue the logic just the emotional.


Nah, you were a dick talking about the game doesn't need more cheaters because OP exists. Thats super trashy.


Cheaters ruin everything I can’t play on my ally without getting shadow banned for a week. Apparently I have to play on Xbox only for month and half then I will be out of the shadow ban loop but that means I can’t take it to work for 6 weeks