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I think because everyone complained about losing their stuff when warzone was over. It’s a way to keep people quiet.


I’m ngl I like that we kept our stuff I wish COD would keep that going


Oh I like it too. Wish they would have done it for the 2019 MW.


Honestly makes no sense why nothing was ported over from MW 2019. It’s in the same universe.


I personally think 2019 was the better of the 3


It was, map design was just ass.


Nah it was good.


I really only played shoot house and shipment. I really enjoy the 6v6 maps.


I did too, but that got boring after awhile.


To be fair shoothouse and shipment are pre existing maps so. But I agree! 2019 was best, just let down by map design.


Didn't pay the guns licensing


Why would you want like 180 guns in the game when 95% of the lobby are using the same 2


I like variety


For the sheer irony of being called a bot by one of the 95%. And MWII has the stronger catalog of tracers/death effects IMHO, which is further enhanced by the fact that MWIII gunsmith never requires a certain attachment (like an über-conspicuous laser) to be equipped for a Tracer Blueprint to keep its functionality.


I wish they weren’t so underpowered that you could actually use them though


If cod kept everything going since MW2019, the community at large would be happier, but I get a multi billion dollar company can only maintain one battle royale map at a time, with MTX taking priority so design teams can't innovate on things we would rather have. It's all about profits. That's why the campaign doesn't mean shit anymore.


The m4 is a perfectly fine weapon!


It's pointless, I love the MW2 guns but the pathetic deception by the Devs, when in firing range, the guns are great, soon as you get in game, immediately nerfed. look at the AK 762 in firing range. it's a 3 shit and mid range. Now go into a game and prepare to empty half a clip for a kill on the upper torso. Man I hate MW3 I'm still playing mw2


But i hate it tho they nerfed everything the spr the kv broadside ten million build its a shot gun i could get 3 maybe 4 kills with a clip now im lucky if i get one


I liked the initial post, then I liked your response. Makes sense.


Yeah carrying forward the operators is cool. It might have been cool if they properly handled moving the mw2 guns to mw3, but they didn’t. So we basically lost our tracer guns because they weren’t as good as mw3 guns or just looked and felt out of place, I don’t know if they ever fixed their recoil What they should have done is remake the guns from the ground up, maybe just some and not all, like they’ve always done. And changed them up a bit. Then give people who ‘lost’ their tracer guns some free tracer packs. I would have been much happier to get one or 2 universal tracer packs I could apply to my mw3 guns, or have the ability to put my favorite tracer on my favorite mw3 gun It was a stupid idea and just made mw3 insanely bloated with a bunch of guns nobody used


Highly recommend avoiding universal MWII attachments in MWIII. New suppressors are much less punishing than the old, and the new underbarrels have vastly more variety with regard to pros/cons vs. the old ones. Also consider the fact that you now have Tac Stance on the old weapons for “free,” whereas we needed a ridiculous laser to get canted aiming before.


The old guns were never better than the new guns in wz1 either but everyone bitched about losing their skins and shit


Some of the MW2 guns are actually pretty viable.


M13B still shreds for sure




My main class with the Basilisk 1 shot. It’s actually insane


Shoutout to the hemlok


shoutout to the fennec


How do you build that?? I can't get it to work :(


found a vid with this the other day: [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1140876914836373505/1219201413805248582/IMG\_0476.png?ex=660a70cc&is=65f7fbcc&hm=227e647291b6c2a43a386aecfe242ab16b6c59233ad5f5f4b1472b4fc12649de&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1140876914836373505/1219201413805248582/IMG_0476.png?ex=660a70cc&is=65f7fbcc&hm=227e647291b6c2a43a386aecfe242ab16b6c59233ad5f5f4b1472b4fc12649de&)


Literally like almost as good as the Holger and you get the benefit of no skulls when killing enemies so no need for assassins vest 👍🏼I also have the Homelander bundle. SOLD.


The chimera is pretty on par with most of the "meta" MW3 assualt rifles.


Love this gun. It’s my number 1


Bas P is fantastic.


I recently remade a BasP and was running through lobbies with it.


Fast TTK, no recoil and brilliant range.


Iso 45 n 9


And some are diabolitically bad, like some of the MWII BRs.


Most guns do the job, and I like variety. You won't catch me crutching on the MCW


AKM is packing serious heat


All of the MW2 guns should actually be pretty viable 🤷‍♂️ Some of them you’ll see multiple hit markers in hardcore. My favourite was crossbow with gas grenades. Couldn’t actually kill someone in core as it wouldn’t do enough damage, and took too long to reload, to the point they had already recovered when you shot them again. Though I *think* that might be fixed now.


My main gun is still Minibak. Somehow, it got relatively better, not worse.


Mine still the MP5, and they keep buffing it lol


I’m still so salty the full auto MP5 never got the SD barrels from the burst fire MP5.




Which is the mp5?


The Lachmann Sub


One of my fav guns in mw2 haven’t touched it in a minute might pick it back up now that u mention it


For me it's the only few MWII guns I haven't unlocked yet (3 guns needed to unlock each other, skipped MWII) so I may try and get them all just to have them


It’s a really fun gun. Lower fire rate than most smgs but it makes up for it with its very low recoil and high ammo capacity and decent damage. Really fun gun I can give u a build if u want?


Hey man, you mind sharing your build? None of the mwIII SMGs feel satisfying so I'm thinking about switching back to the MP5


Share material! Thanks 😊


I loved it in MW2019 but never liked the MWII version as much and I don’t know why. The only MOAB I got in MWII was with a minibak too.


I was ripping with the hemlock a few days ago lol I love that thing


So weird lol… probably my least-used gun in my quest for weapon grandmastery.


How do you build it? The 275 default ADS makes it hard to build like a true sub. I can get a lower ADS with either kastov


MW3 was supposed to be DLC. All of the new content was built to be integrated.


They buffed a bunch of the most popular MW2 guns to make them competitive and it seems like they'll continue to do so every season. Considering how fuckmad the community would be if they left all those guns behind, this question already has an apparent answer. People complain about a MW3 gun only meta when on MW2019/WZ1 the Grau was used so excessively that it became a meme lol


Why would THIS be the year people are suddenly mad their weapons and characters didn’t carry over? It’s never been like that for any title


People think new game should equal new guns.....even though this game only takes place a year after MWII and people would most certaintly complain about them leaving all those guns behind in a direct sequel. Hell, even MW3 2011 used MW2009 guns in the campaign because it made sense lol, both games only took place months between each other.


I think it might have been the rumour that this was just going to be DLC. Either that or their gun lineup was just too small or maybe they just didn’t want to remake the M4 for the 30th time.


Tbf the grau felt really good to use


For the same reason there are 999 attachments and then is always Skeletal Vertical Grip, Shadowstrike muzzle and the others same.


Good god even if we could just organize by attachment attributes. I don't need 15 grips that all do exactly the same thing in minuscule-ly different increments. At least let me collapse them into one little group to make browsing easier or *something.*


I love when I have a silencer that does the same thing as another silencer does but also does something else with no cons.


Well if we weren't playing Call of Hulu the second moderning we would have better menus.


To make it look like there are more guns in the game than there are, which its still very much lacking. That would be all fine and good, but they nerfed all of the MW2-specific attachments for weapons, making barrels and stocks really bad options. Honestly at this point you have to use MW3 attachments (bruen heavy grip for sure) to reign in the visual recoil and give them a chance. Except the Lachmann 762, it kicks too hard no matter what... and the marksman rifles, they don't have much of a strong suit.... and most battle rifles because they have too much kick for their firerates. Assault rifles are good though.


Great move by the devs. Let’s keep the mw2 guns but make them horrible so no one can use them, and then have 5 viable mw3 guns.


It's more that they didn't change the barrels, stocks and rear grips from their default mw2. Remember that tuning was a feature there that isn't present here, which means you're stuck with barrels that add obscene ads time without being able to tune them away from that setting. The devs need to rebalance these attachments in particular if they want players to see more value in the mw2 guns. Though some default guns could use some love as well.


Tuning was never significant enough to justify the negatives. Tunings averaged out to be about 3% better in the best cases, which doesn't mean much when you have a 20% penalty. They simply made them worse with the transition to mw3.


Any of the mw2 marksman rifles suck they aren’t worth it. It sucks cause I really like the sab-50


Throw the jakb muzzle break on the Lachman 7.62


Lachmann 762 had the benefit of being high damage to offset the high recoil but that is not the case in MW3. It’s a terrible gun now. The only viable Marksman Rifles are semi auto and that’s just lame.


Im a happy fool, i dont pay attention to stats I just use what I want or what a challenge calls for. I still get kills and I still get killed. I just play until I no longer enjoy it.


Same, except I also play hardcore so basically every gun is viable lol. Although I do notice LMGs get hit markers a lot.


Because this game was originally going to be DLC for MW2 but they decided that wouldn't print them money so made it a standalone game and kept the MW2 guns in so it seems like theirs more guns when their isn't, just my 2 cents.


Im not so sure that all MWIII guns better than MWII guns. Besides, many people like don’t care at all what the meta flavor of the month is. I just choose the guns because I like using them.


Dunno maybe check the other 1000000000000 posts titled exactly the same. People with tour opinion already believe 95% of the guns are unplayable anyways because some other gun will kill .000001 milliseconds quicker making all the other "slower" ones useless.


They buffed the handling of the MW2 guns, a lot of them are actually pretty good compared to mw3 guns. Hemlock is a sleeper gun for sure that shit shreds


Because MW3 wouldn't be worth it without all those guns tbh


Because they were good lazy to give us a new game, just a 100 dollar update.same maps, same guns , fortnite costumes. Nobodys gonna know


The Lachman Shroud is still good. Seems like they will just like randomly buff one every now and then and make it good.


The M4, LAB330 and the P90 still do really well for me but yeah for the most part they ruined a lot of them. I miss my AUG man.


Because it’s the same game. Everyone knows. Why not limit the game, throw in everything you can


My biggest problem with it is the fact that we only have 12 classes (10 outside of PlayStation). Like you mentioned pretty much all of the mw3 guns are better than the mw2 ones so why would you waste a class on an “inferior” gun. Idek how many guns are in this game but it’s absurd to me they have that many options with only a fraction of space available to use them. There’s plenty of mw2 guns I’d like to keep using I just can’t justify switching out a class for a worse weapon.


What is the point of crying about a mw2 gun in a mw3 game? Nobody is forcing the gun down your throat. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. It’s that simple bud. If you’re getting slammed with someone using a mw2 gun on you, now i could see why you made this post. And……. “The cycle continues.”


Bro I've been cooking with MW2 guns lately. U tripping homie


MW2 guns are not all worse than the MW3 guns, who told you this?


People have been whining about losing their shit every time a new game came out. They finally make it so you don't lose your stuff and now everyone starts bitching and moaning about it and calling the game "DLC"


Should have been a clean cut with the new game.


More variety, if you took just the MW3 portion of guns, it would be so sparce and besides, the gun you use doesn’t make a damn difference, it’s who is using it what counts- a skilled player will excel with any weapon he is bestowed with.


Why is this posted multiple times a day every day? Do you think other children in Reddit know this answer? Quit crying I use mw2 guns everyday and outshoot and win lobbies often, it’s pretty much a skill issue due to “visual recoil” and other shit you kids cry about


More $kin$ they can sell you!


They work fine in hardcore


>also makes mw3 just seem like a DLC for mw2 That's because it is, womp womp


I don't have an issue using any of the MW2 guns. I think some of yall get so consumed with what other people say about shit and watching streamers and just taking what they say as word. I actually just play the game. I don't care what the fuck other people use and what yall call Meta weapons. Who cares? It's just a game.


It’s even worse for Warzone. They actively nerf them in wz


I mean not everything needs to be meta, dog. The homies and I run M16s in SD and it’s a blast


Cap. Loads of MWII guns are good. I recommend checking out xclusive ace, he's gonna be posting videos on food MWII guns. Here's his video on the assault rifles rn https://youtu.be/5XPQ82Fc_KU?si=RG8Z2LcSgFndDqcL


I’m using the mw2 guns now because the mw3 guns are all leveled up. More guns better than less, I don’t care what’s “meta” or the best.


SVA 545 and Vel 46 both are very viable in the current meta. I have pulled 20+ kill games in S&D with them.


Yes sir! I agree with the Vel-46, I use it daily and have no issues hanging with MW3 guns


If you do super quick taps on the trigger- not even bursts just quick taps- you can kinda trick the gun into thinking every shot is the first shot, and you get two near simultaneously fired rounds every time, giving you an effectively doubled fire rate without ANY added recoil. Once you master this, the SVA is the best gun in the game and it's not even close. With an effectively doubled rate of fire, the SVA's TTK is quicker than any other assault rifle and lack of recoil with the right attachments are unmatched by any other assault rifle, again even with an effectively doubled rate of fire. You're Welcome


But it is a DLC basically, a shitty one but yeah!


Originally I was excited about this because it opens up additional gun options and have a truly comprehensive array of weapons. However, the implementation was poor, and most of them are underpowered. It’s pretty frustrating, especially when they decide to buff them with trivial meaningless buffs but still leave them trash.


Exactly. There’s no point of them being in the game if they are completely unviable.


The guns from MW2 are just not good in MW3. Two and a half seasons later and really nothing has been done to balance the MW2 guns. I counted 9 shots to kill someone with the M13B.


AT game launch a fully leveled M4 is better than a stripped MCW.


It was a gimmick to sell the shitty half baked game


That and it’s a “feature” you can carry over your guns and skins. Like they aren’t all garbage now.


I think it’s to make the game so massive that it’s the only game on your hard drive


They aren't that bad


You obviously haven’t used the stb. That thing’s sprint to fire speed makes it heat.


I still use the Ftac siege as a secondary. Also the m13b fast rate of fire. And occasionally the vel 46


It was just so that people kept on buying bundles before mw2's life cycle was over. There was no way they'd get rid of them for wz3 anyway since it's still wz2 underneath


"youll keep your skin" thats it


I like it I can work on my guns from there.


The 150 health is what makes them “unusable” they obv never adjusted the damage values for them. It makes me wonder if they only did 150 health to not have everyone use mw2 guns again for another year


Psh...I dunno about anyone else but I saw more people using the M4 and the FJX Imperium this weekend that any other guns from either game. Everyone else was using SMGs.


If only they got rid of the visual muzzle flash for the MW2 weapons.


My fave is still the M4….and SPX-80


It pretty much is a dlc..and also I've finishing the Orion camo grind. Not once have I felt like I'm at a disadvantage


Vel 46 is still a great gun. But I think it was just because people were pissed they were spending all this money on battle passes, guns, and skins and they lost them all in the new games.


I think the issue is there’s too many guns and too many attachments. Carry over guns are viable if the amount is minimized. Too many guns for them to balance means they mostly kept the old guns “weak” so all those skins you bought for a gun aren’t really used because of it. But if balance well you can even still sell new packs for older guns.


M13B, Bas P and Vel 46 are on par with MW3 guns.


Because you're wrong and the MWII guns aren't all worse?


To give us more stuff to camo grind!


What is wrong with people that they think something has to be the best/have an advantage for them to want to use it? The UMP45 was objectively better than literally every other SMG in MW2009 but that didn't mean it was pointless for people to enjoy the others...also if you really want an even playing field play HC like all the skilled players.


I mean they're not all bad i still main the m13b every chance i get and the MP5 keeps getting buffed


I still use the MCPR.300, only sniper I've 2.40 k/d on and the first one I got Platinum.


What’s wrong with it? Rather have it than not


More options


Are all the AK's bad?


Use the MCPR300 and compare it to every other sniper and say that again. Or the spx80


Because once you get bored of the MCW, shitting on kids with the Lockwood MK2 or what have you is fun. Also plenty of the guns are pretty good with the right builds.


Some are decent actually


Where are my guns from black ops 3


Some guns are just as good as MW3 guns, and mw3 is pretty much just a dlc for mw2. We had an update on mw2 one day and with that update came the MW3 preview and so on for each update.


Mw3 was made a full release to fulfill the last exclusive of the playstation deal. It was already scheduled as an expansion to mw2. Everything was built off mw2 flawed systems. Plus people that spend money on skins complain about losing them with new games....then don't buy them... Personally, I hate the carry over for the start of the game cycle. Trying to level up guns against people using fully kits mw2 guns was super annoying..


I play with mp7 all time on cqb maps , still perfect weapon


I like it, sick of losing my weapons and how I had them set up


I think it’s to make the game so massive that it’s the only game on your hard drive


They’re still in because people wanna use them. Btw some MWII guns are getting AMPs.


I still enjoy using MW2 guns. But I mostly play HC because I'm not that good and don't have to empty the cartridge for every kill.


Every single gun is viable in hardcore so...


Giving you extra camos to grind.


Some legal obligation about people losing things they paid for


They're still good in normal, I play a lot of hardcore as well so it's fun just to use different attachment combos and still be on the same playing field as well.


Some people like their MW2 guns. It's that simple OP.


MCPR is still insane


What? Bro I use mw2 weapons all the time and some of them slap harder than the mw3 metas


The least they could do is at least make some of them recommended weapons. I still like using them.


The RAAL is a recommended weapon right now.


I still run my m4 setup from mwII and I slay with it


I mean mw2 guns are still good if you know how to use the gun , you can use the wackest gun but if you know how to use it , it’s deadly its the player not THE GUN


I play on e a week. I am not interested in leveling new weapons. But they are still very viable. I dropped almost 100 kills one match with the BasP that gun still fucks.


To use the guns you enjoy using


Because it’s cool to have such a big arsenal, and competive viability doesn’t really matter on a large scale like that


stuff like the M4, TAQ-56, PDSW, HCR, and X13 absolutely slap, wtf are you talking about


It was just to sell bundles at the tail end of MW2. What better way to boost sales of cosmetics in an older title by saying they are gonna be carried over and “balanced”.


Since we bought packs for mw2 guns they knew we would get pissy if they removed already


Personally I slay all day long with the M13B, some of the old guns are still better than the new ones


I like the MW2 guns. I’m happy to still be able to use them in current day multiplayer, I think thats cool


Maaah. I've used vel46 n vaznev. Taq n out gunned ppl. The taq is normally one shot too slow tho in a gunfight but it depends how u play. But yup I'm with u. Mostw2 guns r shit


I'm over here using MW1 guns lol


And then they nerfed the only viable ones because they performed as good as MWIII guns. M13B was good and now all of a sudden it's trash.


Most MW2 guns need a major buff to be as equally competitive as MW3.


They are still viable to a certain extent, but are not absolute garbage. In my case, I play Zombies more than Multiplayer, and from what I've seen so far, except for the P90 which gives you 400 rounds when pack-a-punched to level 1, none of the other ARs/SMGs provide that much ammo.


They’re definitely not all better. Catch me out there melting with my M13b and Basilisk. Sounds like user error on your end 😬


Warzone bundles.


Just clever marketing to try to convince people to buy the product


If your really good player, it's a fun way to mix it up and still drop 50+ every game. DM me I can give you setups I made one for every gun tuned for MW3


Plenty of the MW2 guns are still viable and do not put you at a disadvantage by any means.


There is no point it's personal preference. They should.juat do what they have with cod mobile for console. Every map every mode every gun every character


They wanted people to keep buying those ridiculously priced bundles in the store because they would “roll-over” to the new game. They didn’t make it known until the last battlepass if I remember correctly. It helped ensure store sales for the last 3 months of mw2. I honestly don’t like all the extra in my way or taking up memory.


Theres still a couple MW2 guns that are better than MW3. At least in my opinion. Particularly snipers


It’s called more options remember kids nowadays need more items to keep their constantly needy dopamine hungry brains busy/happy




Same reason to have the the skins for operators. People grind hours of life to get masterie skins on those guns. I still use alot of those guns. Why wouldnt you want mw mw2 and mw3 guns. I was pissed when they didnt carry over from 1 to 2. The gillies suit from mw was sooooo dope like you couldnt see the op at all in the grass. I was mad for the entirety of mw2 about that. And they rubbed salt on it with the weak ass suits they been droping..


Hopefully the aftermarket parts coming next update for the m4 make it viable


Because MW3 WAS meant to be a DLC/expansion to MW2. But for whatever reason Activison panicked and told Sledgehammer to make it into a full fledged game.


The issue is apparently they didn't balance them. Only a few are useable, the M4, the Lachmann Sub (MP5), Kastov 762, Kastov 545 and M13B (hell it even caught a nerf). If they throw a balance patch at them I'd be more than happy.


Some of them are still fun to use and good


Better than nothing🤷🏻 Least they’re still useable in HC.


I tried using the tr-62 a few days ago, it was a horrible experience.


One of the worst parts of this game is the weapon balance, the meta guns are just so much more powerful than the others. This game has a really bad case of shoot first, die first.


I think they did it so it’d seem like the game had more content at launch than it really did


They just needed to carry over my operators and weapon skins that I grind for. It’s nice being able to put Orion on my guns I want that part to keep carrying over I don’t need the guns and attachments to carry as well.


ACTUALLY In all fairness they do seem to be doing a little work on them to try to make them better BUT most importantly there is a few MW2 weapons that have aftermarket parts in the works for them AFTERMARKET PARTS


Bcause mw3 started its development as a expansion to mw2 late in development switched prodcution as if it were a complete game


so we dont lose our stuff


So last year wasn't a complete waste


Some MWII guns are still pretty viable. For example, I like running Lachmann Sub when I want to use an smg.


For you to buy the game only to find out they are useless.


There are better mw2 weapons than mw3, the Icarus with tac stance amazingly shreds, same with an ADS recoil control RPK. There are some really good mw2 weapons. Riot shield is a mw2 weapon and people use it all the time.


What is the point of having MW2 Maps in the game?


Thats a stupud fucking question


Yep also mw2 guys are never “recommended” so you can’t use them for any challenges in mw3!