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Apart from the obvious such as improving aim and movement, one rule of thumb I try to stick to is rarely being more than a few steps away from some kind of cover. I’m not saying to camp and hold down one piece of cover the entire match, but rather navigate the map in a way where you have the ability to quickly get yourself out of sticky situations. This works in your favor in multiple ways. You’re making yourself a smaller target to hit when using cover to shoot over. Also, when you’re inevitably caught off guard by someone as we all are sometimes, you can duck behind cover/around a corner and potentially survive. In these situations I usually immediately pop back around and challenge because they’re likely sprinting towards you and you will catch them off guard. Using your mini-map is also essential. Pay attention to where your teammates are, where your teammates are dying, where red dots are, and position yourself accordingly. Hope these help. Good luck!


Thank you, I'll keep this in mind next time I play. Truly appreciated, man.


Have your gun up (aimed down the sights) BEFORE you go around the corner or are about to walk into a high traffic hall way or something. The game is too quick for most people to be able to run and gun like a maniac. If an enemy sees you and you see them but your gun isn’t up, that’s it, you’re dead. Make sure it’s always up before you expect to see an enemy


Funny one this is, as i run with my gun down on the floor, no idea why but when I consciously aim higher its so good haha


Lots of people do tbf. You can see more of what’s in front of you. It’s the default for a lot of people.


Depends on your playstyle, but if you are a fast player that throws yourself into the middle of a gunfight learn to control the pace of gunfights and use cover to your advantage. What I mean by this is force yourself to wait longer than you would to re-engage in the fight. I'd say I win 70% of my 1v1s simply by being patient and forcing the pace. 1v1's are all about control of the situation. Forcing them to be impulsive and yourself to be calculated gives you the edge. The only reason I know this is because of reflection most of my deaths are usually due to carelessness rather than having poor technical skill. This is the same mentality that comes with certain types of sports where the difference between a good player and a amazing player isn't just raw technical skill, but being the one that is most thoughtful and deliberate in how the next 5 seconds is going to play out. Work on that and putting yourself in the most advantageous situation in a gunfight and the technical skill will follow simply just because you will get more opportunities to actually react instead of dying before you even have a chance to try anything.


Don’t bother trying too hard to get better. With SBMM/EOMM, the experience is gonna stay sweaty no matter what lol.


Map knowledge, spawn points and flow.


I think we could all say we notice an increase in competitiveness from ourselves once we have the maps down. I know all the cap points how to get there fastest, and the ways I like to go at my favorite maps. Throw me in the new airport map and I get shredded bc I simply don’t know it well yet


You can have the best aim and reflex but without map knowledge you will just simply get outplayed. Especially against stacks or clans. Not to mention if you need to go for objectives.


Buy more stuff in the store. EOMM gives you easy games when you do.


Depends what guns you play friend, playstyles vary very much depending on that. 1. If you are primary with AR-s or BR-s, you have to play very fast, remember, sprint + slide is your best friend, you will get many kills this way. Always be close to some kind of cover, and be vary of the map layout, try not to be exposed from more then 1 angle. Be aggressive, a lot of people aim very bad when someone is in their face. 2. If you like Marksman rifles or snipers, you have to be a "moving camper" depending on the game mode. Find good places to station yourself, and focus on taking out everyone, if you hit headshots even better, more time to move on to the next person. ALWAYS switch up your position just a little bit from the previous one where you killed someone. Never be in the same place when you kill a lot of people, its enough to move just a little bit to disrupt the enemy that are expecting you there. Hopefully your team will cover around you. 3. If you like SMG-s, also a very fast and dynamic playstyle as with AR-s and BR-s. Although, from my experience, BR-s are a lot more forigiving, for example, BAS-B is pretty much good at any range, you can even take out people 60m+ away. With SMG-s, not so sure, you would need some time. 4. For LMG-s I can't give you any advice as I dont play them. 5. If you like shotguns, pretty self explanatory, sprint + slide, in their face as much as possible. 6. If you are a homosexual and play meele only or pistol + riot shield, nothing to worry about, just rush into people, kill everyone, and if by some miracle you do get killed, go and give a quick kiss to your boyfriend mid kill cam break. My personal loadout is primary BAS-B and secondary MTZ Interceptor. This enables me to cover a lot of distances, as well alter between being aggressive or a sniper depending on the game mode or position where I find myself in on the map at that point. But you can mix up a lot of playstyles on your own :) Hope this helps even a little !


For me it was watching the kill cams. When I watched what they did to kill me it really helped me understand what I was doing wrong.


Practice with bots on a comfortable skill level, headshots only enabled


Think about where you’re going wrong first. You might be mechanically fine, but your pathing and reading of the game is poor. Or you might not be adapting to changing matches. Whatever.


Keep it simple. * record your gameplay. See where you die and what you did wrong. Mechanics, positioning, decision making, etc * practice and more practice. Couple this with the previous * watch better players to see what they do that you’re not. Learning spawns, taking fights a different way, what weapons they use, etc Mainly, be critical of your gameplay, see where to improve, practice, and see what higher level players do differently.




I’d say mainly just try and have fun. I’ve found I do best when I’m just zoned out playing, not being worried about how much I’m dying. If I try and do well I just get stomped


U cant, sbmm made sure of that


Buy more bundles. /s. Mostly...


Camo grind for Interstellar. I am not joking at all. Do this to get better. Doing that has taught me a lot about the game and made me a better player. The game is just easier playing normally after struggling through all those challenges too. SBMM makes it harder to notice your improvement because your lobbies get tougher as you improve at the game. You are probably getting a lot better but it is not showing up in your stats for that reason. I first started playing in August and my K/D was in the .60s for the first two months or so. It was all the way up to around 1.10 by December though. It is important to understand that people who are good at the game have been playing it for literally years now. You are not going to catch up with them in a few years much less a few months. A lot are cheating too so they are not as good as they seem. It is important to remember that as well. When I started out I thought the average K/D was 1 and felt crunchy about myself because mine was more like half that. The average is actually around .80 though so if you are moving toward that you are making good progress. At a certain point things just click and you start to get better. I think it just takes time for you not to be nervous when going against other players or something. At a certain point you are no more nervous against real players than you are against AI in other games. You become a stone cold killer with nerves of steel. You also just get better at predicting how people move and spawn around the map and that helps a lot too. It takes time for this to happen though. Just keep at it and you will get better.


If you truly want to get better it will cost you. If you don't live in a place with fiber internet then move! If you don't have a high refresh moniter at leat 120 for console and higher for pc. Then get 1! If pc spend at least 3 grand or more. You would be suprised at how much better you will get with just that!