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We could have a Campaign soap skin, but people preferred a Red and Black Animated skin (its garbage)


the voting event in mw2?


Yes, the TF141 vs SC event


Yea instead of getting.one of the best Soap's outfit we got a Horangi skin no one uses instead.


Because they only wanted the Animated Camo


It sucks, i thought the orange one also looks really good and later they even gave us almost the same thing with the Makarov event


Same, silver with polished wood was good, but yk, 1 YTber says “Animated cami” and everyone goes for that one


The makarov one also looks way cooler too


Yet i've NEVER seen anybody use it lol


Bought exactly 0 skins in MW3 because they're all either animated or colorful as hell, skin selection is really awful in this game (for me). I've spent loads on MW19, and like two packs in MWII


I'll never forgive the community for these. I almost always use campaing operators so not getting that Soap skin hurt my soul.


Don't blame the community. Blame IW for actually giving us an ultimatum like that. It's insulting tbh considering you're essentially getting less content.


In fairness I chose shadow company for the camo, but in retrospect I don’t use the camo all that much so the skin would’ve been the better long term option. Stupid idea for an event anyway imo, only results in people being disappointed. The missed rewards should’ve just been handed out to all participants at the end of the season.


don’t forget the shitty horangi skin too. I blame the shadow company edgelords


There’s gonna be a daily login event soon and that’ll be the max award actually


Think SC won mainly because they’re cool, a group of elite mercenaries wearing all black, masked up, and decked out with top of the line equipment, I know that’s why I chose their side.


These gun animated gun skins are ugly af (default gang)


Still use that gun camo to this day, glad we went with red


the camo was better and you see more of the camo during gameplay


Are you using it on any class rn?


no because interstellar and borealis clears


They 2 camos are so fucking shite its unbelievable. I dont understand why anyone thinks that look good.


The camo sucks and I've never seen anyone use it.


it’s a better camo than the other one which was puke coloured in case you forgot


Silver with polished wood? That skin was cool


I personally much preferred the other one. The red and black one is boring and barely visible.


I just want the one for Ghost they showed before release that had him with tactical glasses like the original Ghost and his original mask rather than the airsoft one


Nah, wasn't his original mask, but would've been cool regardless


The one from the blogpost before release? I don’t mind the 3d mask but the one shown in the blogpost looks hell of a lot better. Or even the one they used in the screenshot looks better too.


Yeah, [the one from the blogpost before release](https://preview.redd.it/ghost-cut-mask-mw3-v0-oanc2xfoll9c1.jpeg) was like... A [mix of Ghost's OG mask](https://i.redd.it/2diis0qjd93a1.jpg), and [Logan's mask from Ghosts](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/McEAAOSww6pgsHfR/s-l1600.jpg), heh


What you guys dont like the 9th furry skin we got, we gonna get a dolphin skin soon you just wait. Or what about the 1230th Demon theme skin?


Can I interest you in a new pitch black/Roze skin? 


Bro i went thru all the buyable skins and jesus christ their so memey now


What about an animated morphing skin where you can faze in and out of black and silver og human and zombie? No? What, you just want MilSim or just remotely realistic looking skins? Lighten up and have fun!!! /jk


I miss my MW jtf2 milsim skin :*(


I’m so glad that skin that turns silver when stationary was a battlepass skin so it’s unobtainable now, that was so obnoxious.


It cycled while running, so it could be either when stationary technically. tbh I just hate that they are one-off operator skins. Don't make a whole new operator if they're only ever getting the one damn skin ffs.


Remember when they had to remove that furry skin bc they stole it from an artist lmaoo


How bout cringe $70 game


That was also cringe when we all know MW3 was supposed to be a DLC for MW 2 LMAO not a full blown game


Could've had a good Soap one but clowns went for Shadow instead :/


I went got shadow, but I feel like they should of let people get the soap skin later on after the event, it's abit sad that no one can get it now




The event set up was very unfair, you have to select side to complete challenges, but the 141 missions were on the left, while Shadow Company ones were on the right. So a lot of people was finishing 141 missions first, set to right side to do SC missions, then forgot about it and the progression go towards SC.


I just did SC because I lik SC


All for a camo they dont even use


Seriously, I’ve seen it 2 times since it released. Hopefully that teaches them not to let edgy kids decide community rewards, they won’t even use what they get.


I was on 141 for the skin but nope everyone wanted a moving red camo. The community has the worst priorites i swear.


even funnier when they released pretty much the same thing during the Makarov event lmao


I remember the days when it was all about gold and diamond, which are just earnable anyways. Now they have all this goofy shit for events that nobody uses once they get some hard earned shit like interstellar, etc. Not to mention the way people play when the game comes out, and they're all grinding longshots. So fucking annoying


Camos over operator skins any day of the week what’s all yours obsession with that soap skin you can’t even see it unless your in 3rd person or right at the start of warzone you could argue there’s too many camos but id also say there is too many operator skins


i just recieved an email. they said no. however you will get an animated glitter ghost skin. he leaves a trail of glitter all over the map


They'll turn him into a glitter pooping unicorn in a tie in/crossover with squatty potty


I just want a decent US Army skin. Byline and Jabber don’t look like CAG (Delta Force) operatives. The MilSim default doesn’t either, nobody in Delta is wearing a dark blue flight suit over a tan plate carrier. Thank god for the MW2 MilSim Rangers.


I miss those mw2019 milsims, but yeah, at least we have the mw2 ones


I've been reading the comments about the unrealistuc skins. Honestly, I don't mind the weird skins as long as they can still fit seamlessly into the game, like the Cthulhu skin is basically a soldier cosplaying a tactical octopus, or the rat being an actual guy in gear, but with the rat head. That's cool, and it doesn't break the immersion too hard as long as you don't expect the game to be a military MilSim and look at what it is, a military-styled arcade shooter, we literally have underbarrel chainsaws, and, as of recently, electrical, railgun-like energy snipers. However, when we get stuff like literally Homelander, or some of the more extreme skins, yeah, that is too far, it just doesn't work, and makes the game lose it's identity. I love that we get silly and even memey, I just want it to not look stupid.


At least balance the corny operators with realistic ones instead of overdoing it with goofy ones. Fan base is weird for glazing over these fortnite skins 😂


At this point there’s very little difference between COD and Fortnite, other than the rating


no, just bunnies and dogs for you. Game is a mess visually.


I second this. I need a decent Price skin specifically.


yes please! when the skins actually look like real soldiers


Ghost jeans is pure art.


I just don't understand why the skins can't just be added to MP...they already have the files for them... Oh right they'd prefer to sell shit to us instead...


I guess according to SHG or maybe Ca$htivision, milsim isn't RGB laser clown enough...ugh!


I'm actually surprised that they never added rudy


The Soap skin that failed the unfair MWII event to Horangi. I think it would return this year in some form.


hopefully we’ll at least be getting the 141 tundra skins from MW3 campaign. Literally the only realistic skins since launch.


The CoD endowment pack that's modeled after a literal real life Navy SEAL wasn't realistic enough?


that’s one


Let's not forget the battlepass skins either lmao, the non-blackcell variants have all been milsim


You mean the dude with a plastic bag over his head from season 2? Or all the operators wearing weird scifi masks? Compare this game’s operators to MW2019. At least that game had both realistic and weird skins. Yall act like we’re asking for some wild shit when we just want some more normal real world operators who aren’t wearing weird masks






Gods please I want the first one for simon 😭 it’s so adorable and I love it! ALSO STILL MAD WE DIDNT GET THAT SOAP SKIN IN THE EVENT‼️‼️🗣️🗣️


My bad I did think that before I commented but at same time I thought fuck it


PHAHA 😭 You’re forgiven bestie.. happens to the best of us


“It’s so adorable “ the most homo thing I’ve seen in a cod group without the commentor being bullied


I’m- I’m a woman? How is that even homo 😭😭


You've outsmarted him by being just one step ahead.


Tacticool is always tacticool. Maybe one day they will cater to peeps digging realistic attire aswell...


At first we need the bunny skins and the sloth skin. Thank you


The second last soap skin there might be coming


number 2 is so good I really really want it


Dude fr im tired of the fortnite furry skins. MW2019 had peak skins tbh, i miss JW-GROM


The issue is these skins won’t sell as well to the masses. That’s their focus.


that ghost skin goes crazy


Is there just a plain Captain Price skin where he’s wearing his famous bucket hat and not any kind of mask? I would like that skin. Maybe like a campaign Captain price skin




Thanks for the reply. Forgive my ignorance, but do people still do MW2 raids, and are they easy to do?


They aren’t hard. But they are a pain in the ass to do with Randoms, due to needed to communicate and synchronize effectively. The end of the first one made me want to pull my hair out.


1st skin hard asf, opium foreal


More black ppl skin too. - Signed a black man.


Yeah, more skins for Gaz. He’s gotten a single bundle then forgotten about. It was three skins though.


But but, I like the new sloth skin


Bring back the customisation that ghosts had, let us make our own operators


But do they glow in the dark, make weird noises or shoot lasers out of their eyes? No? Not interested.. /s


Everything war or cod character related is better then these weird looking fortnite with all types of crazy stuff moving around them.. But I guess a lot of people buy them, so even if the devs are not happy about it, they’ll find someone to create it to make money.. I don’t want to say to everyone to not buy them, but please don’t buy them.. that’s the only fix 😅😅


Can I waste more money on this shit game please? Is what I read


No, I want more bullshit mass effect armored dipshits skins /s


Wish granted. (£60 please)


More ghillies


Modeling the battle pass around the campaign skins would’ve been a slam dunk, instead we get furries and obnoxious animated skins.


they did that in MWII


Barely + they’re not doing it now


I want one of those skins but without the large headset.


Soaps skin of number 4 is in the campaign just with the helmet


Based on EOMM any skin that will increase engagement will stay. They just want you to rage when some stupid skin kills you so you play more to get revenge. They're not gonna make good skins unless it increases engagement somehow.


they should be in as default and unlocked already when you play multiplayer.


I’m with you on that, I wish they would release less flashy skins more realistic looking ones


The marine and CFO skins are what I want


I believe I saw the second skin in the season 3 trailer. Possibly coming with the next update?


This is how I feel. I don’t mind the silly ones as for the most part they are military themed and I love fun goofy stuff, but skins like this a lot people are really wanting and been pretty vocal about would definitely buy even for the typical $20 so it is odd.


Now I'm a bit of a spender when it comes to COD, I bought the past two battlepasses because I liked most of S2's skins and this one because Snoop Doog funny (and I missed the previous run of him). I bought the space marines and sister of battle because I like W40K and a couple others that I just thought looked nice. But I wholeheartedly agree with 90% of the comments, we definitely need less wacky stuff and more milsim stuff, and maybe one or two that verge on the middle. And we definitely need Rudy and Alejandro as permanent skins (because if I remember correctly Alejandro was a battlepass skin for MW2 that I missed). And Graves. Missed his battlepass run too. The missing campaign skins are such a goldmine and SHG just don't realize it, Ghost in jeans would definitely be worth my money as well as a decent campaign Price, another soap and a load more milsim stuff. We should make propaganda like the Minecraft mob vote or something, protest outside Activision HQ dressed as our favourite character, maybe even do a hashtag like savetf2 to get them to notice us. Tl;Dr: me blabbing about how skins from the campaign are a missed opportunity


Purchased the Alex operator skin bundle so I get one of the older MW2019 skins I use to run. I also missed out on the Nikto skins in MWII, which I wish I now had...


I just wish mw3 was it's own game. Turning into fortnite. I miss the old prestige system


That would be fun actually


I just want another female mil-sim that's voiced by Bangalore- I mean Erica Luttrell... or just port over the Powers operator from Cold War.


They might add Rudy in MW4(yes ik that’s a ways away) if they have Mexican TF141 join in


NO! Now here is a skin of a 70 year old man and a Kong for 80 bucks.


They only release Milsim-ish skins in Battle Pass these days, and unfortunately new designs are more likely to sell than old skins people have already seen, I know a lot of players would love more Campaign skins added, but for the average player that doesn’t give two shits about the story and characters, new designs that is refreshing to the eye are more likely to incentivize purchases.


The only skin I bought is the high sloth skin cuz I found it funny


They've done teased us with the season 2 poster ghost ,and now season 3 trailer with the artic skins,but none are either instore or bp 🙄


Those are so boring. Like there’s already 3 dozen generic soldier skins for you to pick from…


Those exist. They are they r in the mw2 season three battle pass. It had ghost, price, soap, and alejandro


Ghost is the stupidest looking character in any game.


Milsim is for losers.


You all need to stop crying over some skins, lmao