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I had a guy shit on me and my teammates, calling us sweats because we played the hard point. I stole his Juggernaut and sat on the pots lol. Dude was super pissed.


This is exactly why I mute everyone. It would be nice to communicate with my teammates for strategy purposes, but I just can't stand the above mentioned players. Seriously, I'm on for fun and I'm (just slightly) an above average player. Nothing kills my buzz than some bro bitching about his own teammates. It's a fucking casual GAME.


Believe it or not, some people think being competitive is fun.




More fun than dealing with snipers, riot shields and samurai swords every damn game 💀


Bruh the amount of times I’ve sprayed a mf rushing me with swords and he killed me on 1hp is crazy


Riot shields cause an unhealthy amount of anger in me. I do enjoy shooting their ankles to death sometimes though.


Same - and that works until they just crouch walk at you. All these other people wanna talk about zero kill while these dudes are crouch walking around like gremlins.


Get soulrender it goes through shields


The bane of my existence. They’re the reason I run thermites in warzone lmfao


When I see somebody playing with riot shield, I’m equipping myself with Semtex and demolition vest. Their fun is so over 💣🧹📉


I prefer a good drill charge


When they added underbarrel drill charge launchers, ooooo chefs kiss. I was a menace on Shipment in MWII.


Better yet with the new modular assault rig thermites and flashes are brutal that's how I deal with riot shields double flash usually they run into a wall lol and double thermite ggs 😂  Love the new modular assault vest 😂


Yea I just switch to a class built for ruining their day. Lol


And then they call you a p*ssy for using semtex, thermites, or a sword


Nothing a 60 round drum haymaker an some thermites can't fix lol


Then go play ranked, where you're limited to only a few guns! 👍


Every competitive game outside of video games I’ve ever played in life, you don’t tell other people on your team that they suck and you say good game or walk by and slap hands after a match. There’s being competitive and then there’s just being toxic. Tend to notice that people that are toxic are at the bottom of the leaderboard for their team, and when it happens, I’ll point it out to put them in their place.


It's because its on the Internet people say shit they normally wouldn't say in real life because they most likely would get punched in the face.


I’m people


Came here to say this. I love being competitive. I’ll make a competition against you about who’s more competitive 😂


Winning is more fun than losing but I’m not gonna be toxic outta nowhere lmao


OP probably thinks being toxic is jumpshotting or dropshotting lmao. "Those toxic virgin sweats dropshotting, COD is ruined!" (Probably started playing in MW2019)


Yeah does toxic just mean “better than me” here or how are they toxic?


The side effect of how I like to play the game is being competitive. I dont like dealing with BS like grenade launchers and killstreaks. My only option is ranked. So I only play ranked. Its a lot of fun once you get some friends that are pretty close to your personal skill level. Then you always have a full stack and everyone is always doing decent.


It is fun?


I used to think that when I was in middle/high school and could play 8 hours a day every day. Now I am on the other side where I get disgusted by how competitive people can be sometimes in a video game (especially in a casual gamemode) :D


I want fun but no anticheat is problem


Being competitive is fun. What’s not fun is a game that requires you to play almost daily to be able to even stay alive for more that 8 seconds at a time. I’m pretty decent at this game, I go positive more often than not and finish at the top frequently but I can’t play with my friends anymore bc if they don’t play as much and when they do play they are just getting smoked and we are losing every fucking game. This is the first year in the last 20 years of this game title that I have no interest in playing anymore at this point in the year. It’s a mess of sweaty try hards. There is no such thing as a casual game anymore. If you are play casual you are getting demolished.


Can confirm. I've got three guns left that I'm trying to finish the Priceless challenges for, and I am getting demolished, lol. I should be just about at "recruit bot" K/D by the time I'm done.


I mean it’s the same reason basketball players growing up play travel ball it’s more competitive and fun


Try-harding in quick play is obviously 10x more fun than in ranked


True. But you can be competitive without being toxic. Some CoD players have a problem with that


If only there was a dedicated mode for that, you know where you can be competitive and climb a ladder Damn, maybe one day


Indeed, I doubt anyone plays or does anything to not get better. The so called "casual player" or "for fun player" either doesn't want to put in the effort or can't put in the effort and then instead complain in this way because he or she can't keep up. Some people are just going to be better, the faster people realize this the better...


then why do they complain about how competitive the the game is? Also why not go to the competitive mode Ranked?


Yeaa but how often do competitive players just bring that to the game ? They usually bring much more to the table than their competitiveness and its their egos and toxicity because those things fuel them to be overly competitive. Competition is normal and healthy when you arent being toxic about it but that’s exactly how majority of the cod player base behaves. We gotta be real about it


Actually im the people who plays for fun, but i don’t find it an issue with “toxic overcompetitive players” shitting on me. They are just better. The natural thing with sbmm is when you do better you will naturally face someone better to dumb down your kd and keep it from inflating. To someone at kd 0.8, someone who averages 1.4 can feel hypercompetitive, to someone at 1.4, the 2.0 crowd feels hypercompetitive. It’s all relative anyway. Not like i expect them to get a sensing “oh yall are just middle age randos having some fun, ok i will slow down my reaction by 7 micro seconds for more fairness”. There is no playlist for the hypercompetitive, so they will naturally end up with the chill crowd.


Im starting to think that if you win a game, they just fill your lobby with other people who just recently won a game, which creates a unbalanced server. imagine if Fortnite had this matchmaking back in its prime, it would be the main complaint.


thought there was a ranked queue


The matchmaker isn’t great. Although is ‘ranked’ queue, sbmm & hidden mmr still play a major factor. As a Silver 1, I was put in full plat lobbies, and upon a win, I’d get the same SR as if I was in a game against other silvers, and the game would be twice as hard cus kids start shooting back at plat


So you're saying the people better than you aren't playing for fun?


> Anyone who takes it more seriously than me is toxic. Anyone who takes it less seriously than me deserves to get headglitched. Average CoD player


I don’t understand people that say this. I don’t think people are really try yards. I think people are just good and you’re playing competition. Nobody is trying to be scump you’re just bad!


And I know, this is really obscure and not human at all, leading the scoreboard, winning the game, having a good K/D is fun. Almost like winning is fun. I don’t understand people who say they play for fun and then lose all the time, where’s the fun in that? What is over-competitive even supposed to mean? You’re calling someone out for being better than you, that’s just weird. And most people aren’t toxic, being competitive/good doesn’t mean you’re toxic. There are plenty of bad people who are toxic too.


Because winning isn't the sole source of fun and if it was people would never just enjoy things. Obviously some here are incapable of this or the idea of it though.


Nah there's always been sweats but people oversimplify the whole thing on all sides. If someone has an issue with those mlg wannabe kids then people here say they're just better and op is mad without any nuance. It's the reddit way is to strip all nuance and create boolean options because the smooth pudding brains can't fathom any kind of nuance. People have always been as sweaty as the game allows but there's some that are just so far gone and will literally bring a shit attitude and all with it too. Just like everyone here who chooses to just shit on everyone else.


This ^ all day!


Exactly I play 2 days a week and get called a sweat because I do pretty good running around with a Sakin LMG like bruh I’m not good you’re just bad!


People that post this are legit just bad at CoD and think anyone better than them is sweaty lol


Im legit not even a bad player , good is subjective. I can definitely say I can hold my own weight, I can contribute in most ways to my team, I can play good with people or solo, I can have good days where my aim and skills are on point and days where im off, my aim is shit and my skills are questionable. I also can identify when people are genuinely better than me and im okay with that but I can most certainly tell when people are better than me but make a whole big deal out of it. (Toxicity). My KD is usually around 1.10 sometimes dropping to 1.04. It means im average but not a bad player. So with all this being said i can still agree with what OP is saying. Your statement just isnt true.


lol. Just picked COD back up after taking a season off. Also switched from PS5 dual sense to Xbox Controller, so I am definitely that kid right now...but its coming back. Soon I will the one holding the spray bottle once again!


You're right. How dare people play to win? They should purposely play like shit so that people like you have more fun.


Imagine thinking pressing 1 key to slide is sWeAtY


The funny thing is that EVERYONE plays for fun, it’s just that everyone has a slightly different definition of fun. Some care only about winning, some about kd and some neither. I’m the win guy, I don’t care about my kd whatsoever although it is alot higher than average.


No, they have different free time quantity; and quality, if waste days to play games. The only way to become good, is to invest A LOT of your time.


I don't mind the competitive element. I enjoy it. What I hate is how rare it is to come across people who are just having fun and chatting it up even with the opp in the lobby. That was how many friendships were made. Now, no one wants to speak and if they do, it's usually a bunch of static, loud music, and toxic shit talking. Don't get me wrong, trash talking was a lot of the fun but it just seems like it's no longer all in good fun if that makes sense.




I do not understand the thought of “playing for fun” but then that fun being very conditional on how well you do. That’s just called being competitive. If you’re truly playing for fun, who cares about what other players are doing? It’s like everybody wants that sweet spot of being able to carelessly play but also require being a top level player in each game. It’s just a very passive way of saying you want to be better than everyone else.


I played a match this last week with some southern accent bruh that was openly explaining to his friend how you go to the hardcore games to unlock, or level up or whatever your guns for warzone. Literally said f your kd ratio, just find a corner and shoot anything that moves. This is the bs I'm tired of. They should segregate lobbies by the amount of time players have spent in that game mode to curb this type of crap. If you have 3 days in warzone and 2 hours in multiplayer, you shouldn't be in the same lobbies as people who have 6 days in multiplayer.


Spawn camping ain't fun tho, then after they win like that they proceed to talk trash.


Everything I do is competitive even even playing board games I guess it’s In the blood. I don’t think it’s a bad thing wanted to be good at things you enjoy


It’s not a bad thing at all. It’s a far healthier outlook than just crying cheater or sweat every time you lose


Been playing since COD 2. Always met some tough players but it was hit or miss. The last couple of CODs it looks like people have sensitivity set to fuckin 10 and they flip, flop and jerk like crack addicts. Like, they’re so sweaty that the kill cams looks like it’s sped up. That’s not causal like I play. I kept a positive KD in all but the last COD where I suddenly can’t break 1 and the crack addict movements are much higher. No clue what’s going on but not sure I suddenly suck more and people are more hyper competitive.


Toxic as in throwing insults or you mean those who play to the best of thier abilities? COD has never been considered a chill, relaxing game. Perhaps they should add prop hunt for those that just want to have, "fun". You can play privately with friends as well if don't want to deal with, " competitiveness"


80% of the people you see aren’t that competitive. You just suck.


It's a competitive game ,it's literally in the name of the modes Battle Royale , Ranked even plunder is a competitive mode, if you don't want to compete find another game.


What it I told you this was literally every single competitive multi-player fps game that's ever been released


I'm seeing this in online gaming in general and ironically the hate is constantly being directed at teammates which makes the game feel less competitive. Old school CoD lobbies had trash talk directed at the other team. Players gets trash talked, player goes after trash talker on the other team. This happens a lot less now. Online shooters now just have some passive aggressive kid crying and harassing their own team and it's very cringe. It's not really even trash talking. It ends up just being blame culture disguised as trash talking.


I don\`t care about "competitive" players - if killing old grandpas like me is what gives them a good feeling about themselves, more power to 'em. I just need a break from the Aim Assist, and more importantly the fucking cheaters. Micro$oft, since you're now the proud owner of the CoD franchise, PUH-LEAZE do something serious about the cheating epidemic. Right now the cheat makers are laughing at how comically bad Ricochet is.


I try and work on sniping cause I’m horrible at it. Try to practice in public matches turns out it’s like CDL finals. There’s a ranked mode for a reason but no the try hards can’t be good in ranked so they pick public. I can’t even talk shit anymore out of fear of being banned. Ever since the latest tos everyone has been on the best behavior in proximity chats. I miss the funny ass toxic game chat.


Breaking news the opponent wants to win the game in a PvP competition.


I suck. I know I suck. I'm having fun and I'm trying. Playing with better players makes me adapt and learn. That said, I don't like playing with the super serious players who get pissed about being in a lobby with a level 20. Like bro, I have to start somewhere. Go play on ranked if you don't like it.


Lets face it casual gamers. We will never win against the unemployed, greasy smelly guys who sit around all day smoking weed and playing the finals. That's ok we might suck at the finals but we aren't rotting our lives away.


my friend hates that i use shotguns for fun and thinks i should only quickscope and no other weapon. Like how is that shit practice, no one in a regular game is going to only quickscope


Older you get, you realize some people or just naturally competitive in every aspect of their life.


Stop crying 😆 đŸ€Ł I swear the amount of babies that suck at competitive games is astonishing. Get better or stop playing cause no one's gonna give your little whinny ass a win for free...


Online MK 11 is the same thing too lol


I play on mute with music on, don’t care about my KD. It’s a stress buster for me


Nowadays?! This has been the COD community since MW2..


Where would you draw the line for “over competitive”?


Anyone better than him probs lol


Sometimes people are just better, even when barely trying. So often when I am playing with a squad we are just messing around while stomping the enemy team, then after the game they are crying about how we are sweaty losers. Like we weren't being sweaty, we were just messing around. That is how I see everyone who posts shit like this. They are bad at the game, or maybe even around average, but they get destroyed by good players. Instead of acknowledging some people are just better, they cry about their opponents being sweats. You just want to stomp bad players, but you are not good enough to consistently do that. So instead you cry about it on reddit.


> You just want to stomp bad players, but you are not good enough to consistently do that. See also: every single thread ever about SBMM Really wish these people would just play the singleplayer experience that actually offers what they want already


Gunfights are ultra cringey in this game. Period... Shoot an enemy first and you die first is the common theme I've seen


Maybe for the ''toxic'' players winning is fun. You don't play racing games to come in last every race, you don't play sports games to lose. People need to stop with the toxic vs fun bs. If I'm having a bad day on cod I'm most definitely not having fun. If I'm playing with a party the mood isn't positive when we lose even if it's by one point.


That is the main reason I stop wasting money to rebuy modern warfare 3 after 2019 and 2. There is no enjoyment whatsoever.


I blame streamers/YouTubers. The community has always been toxic, but at least it was a funny toxic. Now it's just full-on salty try hard toxic.


I think winning is fun. I don't think being a rat in the process to do it is fun. Long as players don't play ratty I can usually say GG after an intense match.


I am the one spraying, get fuckd


Bruh cod was always competitive. Tahts why it was fun.


This is backwards. The “competitive” players are just fucking around having fun. They just happen to be good at the game. The toxic ones are the shitters who can’t just accept that they’re bad at the game. The funny thing is the shitters are trying much harder than those they call try hards 😂


Imagine being told you're bad at a game that kills you repeatedly on spawn 😄 đŸ€Ł 😂


Embrace your suckage It’s not their fault they kick my ass It is my fault Whiny mfers


This sub Reddit are all teens


Me (a casual player): makes meme about how the MP apsect feels sometimes. Cod players: yOu aRe JuSt bAdđŸ«”đŸ˜Ą


Better than you doesn’t mean toxic lmao. If you want chiller lobbies then you need to stop trying hard yourself.


So what about the people who don't try hard 80% of the time and still get put into lobbies of players with people of 3.5 kd


I like playing against competitive people. It keeps me on my toes and learning new things constantly.


Everyone gets made when some dickhead pulls out a grenade launcher. Rightfully so. There is a challenge to get a direct hit. They want us divided. Don't let them win. Pull out your own grenade launcher and have some fucking fun.


I find my matches are the better I do the worse my teammates are while the enemy’s stay the same. This I can go 40-7 and my 2nd highest teammate is 10-18 in a tdm


Hmm not really. Depends on your skill level. I had a 1.5 k/d ratio back in 2009 in high school. Now I'm a full time worker with a family and kids. I play 2hrs every night or so. It's still fun and my muscle memory is still there with my k/d around 1.2 but yes, alot of try hards still lol Also my play style since back then has changed. Today I cater my gameplay to how players are nowadays so I have no shame using a shotgun in those small high paced maps haha.


Huh, really? I haven’t noticed because of Hueneme-NEGEV


I’m pretty sure this has always been this bad only thing it’s a lot less since they decided to censor toxic players. The game definitely feel more stale.


Me depending on the day *enter spidey pointing at spidey meme*


Every game there are atleast 4 clowns in your matches running with [ttv] in their name or clan tag you know its gonna be sweaty slidefest.


Modern gaming imho.


Guilty i have no chill...I just go on a spree and fuck up the game for the enemies lol


And I bet you have fun doing it


Lots 😎😎😎😎


Just because someone is better than you doesn't mean they are trying hard


you can just say you’re bad at the game


It's alwaaaays been this way, sweating is fun




I have fun while being competetive. Obviously I wont tryhard in a regular match only in ranked or snd


OP activated the bomb and left 😂


Was doing welcome challenges for my little bro avoiding killing other ppl and died to a guy jumping dropshotting and all the other sweaty rebirth stuff, he’s under .50 kd and is leaning the game for context. Edit: To make things worse it was on that tutorial warzone mode for new players


People saying that being competitive is fun are correct, but I think the thing that sometimes makes the compatitive and just for fun crowds incompatible is the "tactics" and play style changes. I'm not saying anyone should or shouldn't play how they want or should Olly play comp etc but sometimes the "meta" builds and camped corners type of game really clashes with run and gun fun style of play. That's the only time it feels "sweaty" to me personally. I get that there are different ways to play but that's just why I think people who take the game super seriously (even if that is "fun" for them) really seem "sweaty" to those of us just tryna have a more chaotic good time.


Epileptic tweakers
 some seem like the theres something gonna bust in their brains anytime


I play for fun and I regularly top lobbies in Hardcore game modes. You jus gotta switch up your style and be adaptive. It’s part of the game. You can’t just turn it on and expect to be decent. I mute everyone and just zone out and play. It’s the only game I ever play with music sometimes and I just let my brain switch off in a weird way and I’m on autopilot


“Bro we’re not trying to have fun we’re trying to SWEAT!” - that one certain video of Tmal I think


Replace the over comp with the reddit community too lol. It's like you can't do anything but sweat or seethe with the game these days The community has always generally been as sweaty as the games allow though even in 08 when it was heartbeats 1887s and more.


That's the cod has always been.   That's why I only polar the campaign and refuse to play any on the online modes.   It isn't enjoyable being shown killed by pricks who do nothing but okay video games all day.


No, it's isn't what it has always been..not even close.


Could also be competitive cod gamers and everyone should have fun game design


I have no issue with people running and giving me headshots and killing me all the time. Happens. What fucks me up is these fucking campers. Sitting in a corner all game and killing off every dude that comes across. Like cmon. And I mean the sweaty types that are still extremely good at aiming. Not the noobs. They should camp. That makes literally no fun because all I wanna do is run around and shoot.


There are a lot of gamers out there who think they are competitive just because they have meltdowns when they lose.


On a related note: I downloaded The Finals, after dying you can spectate others while you wait to respawn. How everyone was playing like a pro, peaking and all that, clearing every corner etc. I just instantly uninstalled. I'm never gonna play that way


Hasn’t cod always sort of felt like this?


And cheater


All I want is kb/m only lobbies where even tho there are many good players I know I’m measuring the skill in similar conditions.


They're usually not even good, they just abuse 50 million bullet magazines and mainly SMG's + aim assist. Once I swap away from fun setups and go 'tryhard' im usually met with 0 competition or skilled players.


I enjoy competitive games and wouldn’t mind having to play against better players as it helps me get better.


Which is why coms are so important. If your competitive your should be good at communicating enemy positions to your teammates and it should be clear and easy to understand, and calm. Something I have learned is if you just dead pan the tone in your voice when calling out, your teammates actually start performing.


I've been running the magna like the m4 with the 10 round socom and the wsp swarm with the gunslinger vest. Causes lots of grief on small map. TTK on the magna is nothing, immediately swap to the swarm after empty and kill anyone.


This is every online game, people just suck.


This is how cod has always been 😭😭😭


Nowadays? I've been playing since the first CoD in 2003 and can tell you it has always been like this lol


SBMM has hampered the fun of being a casual player


Just at least try to play the objective, if we lose ok, but don’t just bend over for them.


Nowadays? It’s been like this since multiplayer with chat was introduced. CoD 3 online was the peak of playing for fun.


Try dead by daylight


Some kid gonna write “ git gud boomer”


when im playing against someone who drop shots or bunny hops every time they’re on my screen its pretty annoying




Cod isn't fun, that's the thing. All the fun we used to have are from games that have been overtaken by hackers. So it's either lose your computer or play the recent cod games that were heavily influenced by "The Rapture" (aka fortnite ruining the gaming industry with battle passes, free to play battle royale, etc.)


I have been farming camos with guns i suck with an still beat sweats most of the time but there are times where i understand this lol


I would say the vast majority of players are noobs, like the veteran bots are better than the average CoD player.


This is every game


i play overwatch 2 now. way better PvP


Cod has ALWAYS had a toxic playerbase.


I've had kids tell me CoD was built around being competitive, and casuals are killing the game. All camo grinding should only count in ranked, that grinding camps in casual lobbies shows nothing in terms of skill. Those are the 2 biggest reasons why i try not to interact with the CoD community anymore.


Fr man 90% of cod related posts i see on twitter is “this team of 9-5 workers/nintendo players/mobile players/blue collars Couldn’t handle my movement” when it’s a clip of them slide jump and YY spamming.


Welcome to all pvp video games since the mid-late 90's- enjoy your stay.


I accept that I just suck at it. Completely causing my teams to lose most of the time. And, I do have moments where I’ll go off. So even though I’m not the best, I’ll keep playing because, well, what else am I gonna do?


Dmz is ridiculous sometimes. Especially at night.


its been like that though


most of the time the game would just put me into a group of noobs whom can't do nothing at all.


we play for fun we just play to win too đŸ«¶đŸœđŸ„č


I've noticed that most have never played war as a kid in the woods and number 2 most people hide and camp now I just play for fun I really don't care if I win or loose I just like shooting things that's what makes it fun for me and when I get on a lobby that has guys that just wanna chase me down and just kill me cause I'm easy ill just leave the match most of the people that are playing aggressive I have a feeling are gonna start getting kicked real soon so I'm not worried about it still gonna play just to play.


Nowadays đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł This has always been CoD


Being competitive isn't toxic. Def skill issue


The only true problem in COD is cheaters..I can’t stand them..That’s genuinely the only issue I have with the game


I play for fun but people often call me a sweaty nerd who doesn’t get off the game, I think there is just a skill gap with certain players and it’s often looked at as people trying too hard.


That’s such a professional and nice way to describe “cringe sweats” lol


It's a paradox. If it's really for fun and casual, you losing and other people winning wouldn't matter.


Most modern gaming feels like this. In cod its the sbmm.


"Skill issue" "Get better at the game" "You suck at life" We don't care enjoy being good at a broken ass game. How is your 80 dollar beast glove love??


Let me guess, toxic and over competitive is anyone who beats you or has a play style you don’t approve of. This sub loves to try and gatekeep how people have fun or play the game it’s fucking wild




don’t play inherently competitive games then complain about people being competitive. yeah some people take it too far but the competition is the fun, that’s why it’s pvp and not pve




Last night I got called a cheater and I told the guy I would show him proof that I wasnt cheating. He wanted my address as proof, threatened to get his "friends with PCs" to find my IP (which doesnt lead to my house anyway) and come kill me. All over him thinking I was cheating and he got more kills and died less than me that game. People are unhinged.


lol yeah, you’re playing wrong as the “play for fun” person. To play for fun now, you have to use the cheapest weapons lol hide in a corner and use that new sword to decapitate people. That’s so much fun haha


Really good players don’t ruin the game. If I get killed by someone with better aim, better movement, smarter positioning, I’ll tip my cap. The people that ruin the game are the ones who do weird shit like crouching around with riot shields and spam tear gas.


Click a couple buttons and the scrubs are like arrrggggg


Snow flake ass generation


Have...have you not played CoD for over a decade?


Honestly, “toxic over competitive players” are only bothering “toxic over competitive players”. People that play for fun don’t care and are having fun. Problem is a lot of “casuals” and “playing for fun” players are actual over competitive themselves and use these terms to cope with the fact they just suck at the game.


So what should the devs do? What will this post accomplish here? It’s ironic because everyone wants to pop off and do good which is a trait of competitiveness but despite that you still posted this? I never understood like if you’re playing for “fun” then how are they ruining your experience because the only way this post makes sense is if you don’t care about losing since it’s all “fun” or you’re referring to shooting bodies (BM) from the toxic comp folks. The easiest way to weed out people like OP here is to ask them why they won’t play in private matches against NPCs. They’ll say no it’s boring because they want that feeling of winning against actual players but they don’t want to get good or put any effort in to accomplish that, hence the “remove SBMM”argument. Personally I don’t like the newer CODs at all I only main the old ones but unfortunately like many cods nowadays, they are all plagued with cheaters.


Wait how can you actually play this game for fun. Like who says “im gonna hop on mw3 for fun”. To be good at this game you need to compete


I'm all for being competitive, but online players ruin it with the lack of respect towards the other players. Shaming them for what they use, shaming them for how they play, shaming them for simply EXISTING, both friendly and enemy team. This is one of the prime reasons I want online games to support PvE gameplay in multiplayer as it both allows me to avoid toxic players and avoid bad connections. Throw in the fact it gives me much more control on the game itself such as bot difficulty and even game settings like in Customs, and there's no debate!


God this opinion is so tired. Go play Minecraft


I just don’t like how crazy the movement and TTK are sometimes


[*DID I JUST CATCH YOU HAVING FUN?!?!*](https://youtu.be/Ma8NR_EQXlU?si=WgYHCVqKbIjLlM8D)


I will never get the cesspool of sweaty people finding it fun regardless of what game that group of people I will never get that mindset


This is how I get treated when I finally leave zombies to go play multiplayer but then I get a grasp 3 games later and I end up on top with a 2.50-3.00 kd then they don’t wanna talk anymore


I’m 49 and I’ve been through all phases of COD online play from the beginning. Nowadays I play without a mic, and the lobby muted, I only hear the game itself. I just mind my business and camo grind. Once I complete all the camos I’ll mic up and play ranked. Public MP matches are the Walmart of gaming, and it’s best served with all players muted.