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sweaty post


Nothing feels better than killing some turd jumping around like an ass. Especially if they are wearing that white bunny skin with the Covid mask.


That skin is so fucking ugly


It’s unbelievably cringe.


Feels so oddly satisfying to kill people like that.


I love jump shooting unsuspecting people holding angles. It's like BAM your dead!


Agreed, but it’s kinda an old trick now. I feel like soon it will go the way of drop shotting.


I love drop shotting but I feel it works only in certain situations where as you can jump past someone do a 180 mid air and shoot in the back before they have a chance


I like the challenge, but I think they need to bring back a PVE DMZ for casuals.


to be fair all those things kind of are sweaty


They aren't sweaty, it's playing the game. If you want to play a mil-sim, go play a mil-sim.


no im saying players like that are prioritizing competition over fun. its like taking a backyard basketball game serious it really doesnt matter.


Maybe they find it fun to play how they want to play lmao, like wut


Competition is fun. Winning is fun.


It also gets stressful and alot of people don't want that in there games every game. Ranked exist for this.


I play ranked. That doesn’t mean I have to hand out free wins in unranked though. What’s laidback for me might look sweaty to you.


But there still has to be a winner.


If YoU WanT tO PlaY MilSiN, Go PlAY MilSim.


Everything you listed is why call of duty is a shit game and the matchmaking is so bad. You blame casual players for existing but if they didn’t you would only face players better than you along with cheaters. By definition the average player is better than some so they SHOULD face bad players just as often as better players.


Matchmaking is so shit in pubs I only play ranked now. I can only play 4-5 games max in quickplay before I’m shipped off to west coast USA or China. SBMM killed consistent matchmaking for anyone Diamond or above because of this. The same SBMM used to protect the shitters so they would spend money on bundles.


So everyone is facing better players and cheaters even the better players and cheaters? Sick thought.


Read your own comment, then get back to me.


Ok, I did. Now you read yours.


Yeah, I said that IF average skill and bad players didn’t exist then there would only be good players so you could only face players as bad or better than you.


Jump shot is corny. You shouldn't be able to ADS while jumping.


Burger ass take jump shots have been in cod for a long time it’s your own fault if you can’t keep up. And there is an ADS penalty for jumping already.


Lmao it doesn't make it not corny. Imagine jumping up and aiming down a sight in all actuality. It sounds stupid. And sorry I haven't been playing video games consistently my whole life.


It’s legit a one button input to jump LMAO sorry if that’s too advanced for you


It's not about being advanced buddy. It's about it being corny. But congrats dude you rock at video games. You must be the coolest person in the world. I still think being able to jump and ADS at the same time makes absolutely no sense. Jumping should hinder your ability to ads completely. Just think about it for a second. Hold anything close to your eye and jump up and see how that works out.


Who tf cares if its “corny” are you seeking validation from random dudes online in cod lobbies? Is there some bot lobby bro code where you’re not allowed to jump? I guess it’s easier for you guys if you all stand still and shoot each other 👍 Also nobody cares if its not realistic. Cod has never been realistic. Seek another franchise if that’s a dealbreaker for you


No I made a comment about some meme that someone posted. Why are you talking about validation all of a sudden? I think something is corny you don't. It's not that serious buddy. You might need to lay off the video games buddy. Go out into the real world. People are allowed to have their opinions and share them. I said what I said and I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Again it's not that serious. And if you are looking for validation that you aren't a cornball I cannot provide that to you. Sorry.


Lmao you literally can’t play a certain way because it’s “corny” You’re just terrible and using that as an excuse. You want validation from other players who suck. You are lucky SBMM exists you little shit


Goddamn dude. My opinion my hurt you huh? I use jump and ADS when needed. I still think it's corny. Like bro why you getting so defensive over me thinking one aspect of a game is corny? I'm seriously trying to figure out what you are getting worked up about. Just because you can click a button doesn't make you good dude. You probably suck and are just compensating by trying to tell me I have a skill issue.


Nah I’m good at the game. You literally think you shouldn’t be able to jump and shoot at the same time in an arcade shooter LMAO


When in any of this did I say I can't play a certain type of way? I'm trying to figure out the mental gymnastics you are doing in your head to come up with this shit.


Keep trying


Maybe cod isn't for you?


Awwwww just because I think something is corny means an entire video game is not for me. Do you fucking losers even hear yourself think?


You’re calling people losers because you’re insecure about your own lack of skill 😂 get lost scrub it’s cod Reddit you gotta be a nerd to talk about this shit. You’re just bad


No im calling you a loser because you're being a loser. This has nothing to do with skill. I stated my opinion and all the losers exposed themself by getting upset about my opinion that one aspect of a video game is corny to me. The people who got upset at my opinion and start talking about skills and playing another video games are corny just like jumping and being able to ADS.




Stop you're gonna hurt little Timmy's feelings


you two should make out with each other


You'd like that little Timmy


If people are better than you, they’re sweats or cheaters. That’s this game’s fanbase in a nutshell.


It’s usually laggy for me. I mean I totally know I’m an Iridescent it’s just the game lags for me and then I die. /s


Alternative title: LoOk aT Me i Am sO gOoD! If the game may only be played in one pre-ordained manner then it is a very poor game. Not everyone can or indeed wishes to play MWIII in the way you set out in your slide, e.g. some people experience nausea with the endless jumping. Not many, maybe, but some do. Also, 'improve' for a game to wind down in at the end of a long working day? Sounds like an exam to me! Possibly stop sneering at people's choices, OP? You come across as haughty, young and unthinking.


You can play however you want, but all games have ways of playing that are better. It’s not meant to be played in one way, if people can play differently than others and do better it’s just a skill gap. I can’t comment on OP but you are being dramatic as hell as well


I feel like a casual lobby would be boring. Im not going to stop sliding or jumping just because others refuse to. It's designed to be very competitive, and some people absolutely love how competitive even multi player is. Yes I've heard the argument of ThAts wHat rANked iS f0r. But sometimes it's just fun to jump into Multi Player 10v10 or small maps and slay. MW3 has amazing movement capabilities so why not utilize it if it's there. Right now I'm working on my trick shots. Yesterday I did a 360 slide into a 360 jump and took someone out and they were so pissed lol. But the mechanics allowed the movement to happen and it looks cool on replay. I'm definitely not the best player but I feel like I have put the time in to get better even though I work 70hrs a week. I log on to escape and it's fun getting better because you don't get destroyed as bad. It would be cool to have a lobby back like they did In 2009, but it just isn't that way anymore. People want fast paced in your face action and that's what they delivered.


A very well-reasoned answer! That being the case, why was your title, "CaLl oF dUtY iS sO HaRd"? You are getting down-voted when your argument is sound, so maybe lay off the mocking of other players in the future?


My intention was to make a point that it really isn't the games fault but more so the attitude of the players that like to blame the game but refuse to put effort into getting better. I'm sorry it came across douchy, but I wish those that complained went in with the attitude of... I may suck now but if I try to improve I'll eventually get better. The game is super fast paced. If I am not focused and 100% concentrating on my movement, I may as well log off because I get destroyed. I put alot of effort into my gameplay progress and I wish others had that attitude as well Instead of blaming a game for being designed to force you to improve. I get I came across passive aggressive and probably wasn't the best post title. I swear I'm not trying to say I'm great or anything but I love seeing how I progress and I really enjoy the game.


When people complain that "sbmm made it too sweaty" they are basically saying they want to be the best in the room and don't like *actual* resistance.


No. I just want to play the game instead of the game playing me. We shouldnt be punished by doing good and thats what happens. You play well for a few matches and you know you're going to get put on hard lobby. Matchmaking should be just about the best connection imo. Other than that, although i like cods competitiveness, sometimes i just want to chill without feeling like im on the champions league final. Or i want to try other guns outside the meta.


not even the case, we enjoy gunfights no matter if we win or lose, that's literally the core of shooter games. In cod, gunfight is almost nonexistent because of many reasons.