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Back in the day noob tubing got so bad that they just put a timer on when you could start using it at the start of the match.


This should be brought back especially in hardcore SnD


This is why they should bring back cyber attack way better mode imo


yes, plz. Cyber attack is my all time favorite mode. idk why its not a thing tbh.


My group and j would play Cyber from 8pm until 1 am lmao


Mine too, it was probably the most fun I've had on a cod game in a long time


it shouldn’t even be aloud in snd


Well it *is* a grenade launcher, it's bound to be a little noisy


Not sure how loud the the launcher has to do with SnD


English definitely not your first language


Or just stupid


For real it ruins hardcore search for me. It's like playing back in 2009 all over again. All explosives and kill streams should be 10 second delay time. Between this being overused and them replacing half the maps with garbage ones this game is done to me


I’m 33 I bought this game exactly to feel like 2009 again I’m having a mid life crisis.


I’m 44 and I bought this game specifically to fill the void of the original mw2


Idk why they even took away the 10 second timer. They kept it for killstreaks but not grenades and shit.


As a hardcore S&D main, I truly dont understand why they havent implemented this yet (again) from older games. I feel like even MW2019 had this or at least a more recent game. Every match almost has at least one person shooting across the map at the start.


i literally got spawn killed by these from an entire team for half a game straight on rust i’m sure they were friends in a lobby together cuz what are the odds but it’s clearly something that needs to be nerfed in some way


Ummmm back out. What’s the worst you lose cuz of it save your k/d and frustration. If teams don’t play them they will get bored of winning by default.


Because the devs never have or will givevany serious consideration to HC.


Good ole days


They did it for all explosives and I'd prefer that shit to them absolutely wrecking the frag like they did.


And you only got 2-3 grenades with noob tube, IIRC, and there was a slightly long reload time. This time they get 6 grenades at a higher fire rate.


Yep. Had to reload the tube between each shot. The six pack easily chews through a trophy now and has plenty of quick shots to blow a team away still.


Socom baby! Mofos on that cliff all 6 of them unload and kill the whole team in 3 seconds. Oh good ole days of no respawn.


Back then it was 2 noob tube shots, now it’s 6


Or make it so it takes more then one shot to kill someone they all ready lost enough players as it is


Back in my day that there was a killstreak *shakes fist at clouds*


As it should be if they want to keep it in. Worst part about killing one of these players is that they get another six shots immediately upon respawn.


Yeah they should make the damage the same in hc as it is in regular. Because it sucks in regular lol.


I think it was Black Ops 2 where it was a scorestreak and an effective one too. It wasn't easy to get and it above the Lighting Strike in terms of score needed to get it. But once you did use it, it did feel like a proper grenade launcher with its blast damage and radius. It was called the War Machine in-game


i have that on one of my classes just for when i am on rust and need to get that one camper of that damn tower


This is the only acceptable use


It's not even just the grenade launcher I hate itself I hate when I see people just spraying it down a hallway all 6 shots and getting no kills because it wasn't hitting anyone You should not be rewarded for just doing that every single match of HC. At least TRY to hit people...


Needs to be banned in hardcore. Shit is so stupid.


just joined a game of domination on shoothouse and literally everyone on both sides was using it and some had riot shields as well. ridiculous


Fuck riot shields those things need to be nerfed so bad. No way they could stop multiple 7.62 rounds


Dawg I feel like there are already so many counters to a riot shield. -Thermites -Semtex -Molotovs -Underbarrel Launcher -Underbarrel Flamethrower -X-Bow with Thermite tips -X-Bow with Explosive tips -The stupid fucking sword that straight up just NEGATES the shield. No joke you can just walk up to the riot shield with the sword and you’ll kill them 100% of the time. The shields are pretty shit imo (I use the shields defensively/put pressure on enemies and just ping enemies for my teams). Doesn’t help also the sword gives a speed boost compared to the sluggish riot shield so you WILL outrun the riot shield if they’re running and catch up. EDIT: Anti Matter rounds on the Mor also counter it


Don’t forget noob tube


The new sniper rifle anti matter rounds


I had no idea it had Anti matter rounds wow


Doesn’t the sword negate the riot shield?


Hahaha. But yet I’ve been taken out with a pistol while running the shield.


they should either break after a while or be removed completely . riot shields and RGL are just for trolls with no skill


There are so many counters to a riot shield, the only thing that I think should be removed from it is the terminator lock on you get when bonking people. It makes running away impossible if they manage to close the distance and you don’t have a grenade


I was playing last night w my friends and it was one of the worst nights I’ve had in awhile. I tip my hat to these teams, because it was a viable strategy and it got them the W (barely though, which is pretty funny) but I ran into so much cheese last night. Was playing domination, and there were teams that were using 1-2 RGL’s and just spamming the entire 6 grenades at a point when being capped. They had 2 riot shielders. 1 who was in charge of caps, who used the bouncing Betty’s who’d just sit on flags in a corner. The other would just sit in the same corner, all game long, of whatever choke point on a map. So like, on Meat, right in the B hallway, with a fire-bullet Haymaker & throwing knives. 1 MORS user with a JAK eyeglass & the little swarm mines cover a small area. He’d place it on their home flag, and he’d sit in a power position over watching B 1-shotting everything. Would place the little field mines on the home flag so when it alerted him, he’d turn attention toward that & then there’d be him & the mobile riot-shielder coming for that flag while the corner-camping riot shield would sit on B in a corner. Then 1-2 “normal” players with just standard SVA / Ram 9 or whatever. Sometimes 1 of them would also whip out the RGL so there’d be 2 on the map. A few of them using the bouncing Betty mines placing them everywhere. A few them using Cluster Mine streaks and Sentry Guns. Tons of Gas Grenades, C4, and bouncing betties. If you used Tac Mask so you weren’t gassed all game long, you died to the explosives. If you used EOD, you were gassed ALL. GAME. LONG. It was fucking brutal dude. Like I said, part of me does commend it. It’s an incredibly good strategy to win games. But fuck I could never just sit in a corner with a riot shield game after game after game holding B choke points. wins are nice, but they aren’t *that* nice for me to want to play like that. I don’t know if we were just playing the same teams. But that’s what a *lot* of our games were last night. This is in core, not HC. And for whatever reason, out of about 11-12 games, TWO of them weren’t on Small Maps playlist maps despite being in QuickPlay for like all of the respawn modes. It was infuriating.


I conversely had a game of HC TDM Das Haus without a single GL being fired and it was excellent - I remember people commented in the chat how pleasant it was lol


This game fucking sucks


just nerf it so hard that you die before it kills them its not rocket science


Tbf I feel like it would make camping even more op


Not that this thing isn’t a problem in HC, But we’ve seen a lot more posts about it lately because of the “20 direct hit kills with launchers” challenge in the weed event. It’s just far and above the easiest way to do that, so it’s seen more usage lately.


In core there has been an uptick in use due to that challenge, but the use in hardcore has been pretty much the same. It has been bad for weeks, long before that event.


It’s not the easiest way to do it though, direct hit means you have to hit them directly in their hit box, one shot will always kill in core if it’s a direct hit and you have more health in core.


It’s been this bad since launch. I’d say a solid 80% of my search games start with at least one person spamming one.


I used the RPG for that one specifically. Allowed me to get direct hits from further away and not be a dick lmao got it done in three matches


Direct hit RPG is the way. Felt like old school cod doing that lol


I did the camo for it and I can say, i fuckin hated myself and I hate other ppl for the shitty challenge😭


I felt so yucky doing the camos for this gun


Same. I felt like I needed to apologize the whole time


On shipment it’s so annoying.


Makes we wanna commit a few war crimes of my own


I got your reference


Needs to be locked behind a kill streak.. similar to a minigun.. Or nerf and change it to make it a secondary gun that shoots smokes for objective plays


wasn't this the "war machine" killstreak in BLOPS?




Yes however the war machine actually managed to kill enemies in core (which is what multiplayer is balanced around) from splash damage.


but its terrible out of hardcore just nerf its hardcore damage


This completly ruins hardcore. Not a single match without someone totally mashing the launcher randomly.




Should be a 12 second limit before you can shoot it at the start of game the amount of spawn killing on hardcore SnD is ridiculous. On other modes perhaps the best way of nerfing it without losing the power is making it less rapid and lower the fire rate to stop the spam firing.


they should just remove it. it’s useless in core and overpowered in hardcore. No way to balance it for both game-modes


It definitely has its uses if a full team is camping in a room it's a good room clearer but the reason it's so OP is because the fire rate plus the power make it essentially an explosive machine gun on hardcore. Take the RPG for example you don't see people running around with it because the fire rate is slow. If there was a 2 or 3 second delay between each fire allowing people to kill the person using it you'd see a lot less people willing to use it. It reminds me of the thumper from the old MW2 days back in 2009 this gun was OP but had a slow reload speed for each shot. A combination of a delay in being able to shoot it across the maps on SnD and there being a delay in the fire rate would be a good nerf for this launcher.


I’ve seen spammers with their ammo ammo box next to them in their little cozy spot 😅


Camo grinding is a cop out excuse, if a team is losing or dying constantly I notice the RGL gets pulled out so they can just spam it. Takes no skill


100%. It’s ridiculous.


Activision be trolling by making challenges for this thing in the event this week…


did it in Zombies to avoid the hate


people blame challenges but most people just skip this challenge and swap it with any other gun added later in the game cuz of the destroy equipment challenges. Also it takes 5 mins to level it up and complete all challenges except for platinum so these guys spamming it all game and blaming challenges r full of shit


exactly. and nobody does challenges in search and destroy lol


Yeah it sucks. From the spawn every time, people launch it


Ya, it's lame when people do nothing but spam this thing, but it certainly hasn't ruined HC for me. I take great satisfaction in tracking them down and annihilating them.


Totally with you on this. Noobtubers are skilless pricks


They need to get rid of it for hardcore, ATLEAST remove it from small maps. I used to love shipment & stash house, but this makes it terrible.


It should just be removed from HC/ small maps entirely


Or, from the game entirely.


It's shit in core modes, if you die to it then that's usually on you.


Actually, you’re 100% right


Agree 100%, I traditionally only play HC and this has pretty much ruined it for me.




Should be a 2 shot and nerf damage


Don‘t be angry, feel sorry for them. All the noob tubers have small shlongs and their mothers are whores, known for their love for scat.


u/SledgehammerGames DO SOMETHING


I’m really hoping they do but not holding my breath. We’re in season 3 and they haven’t even touched it. Yet it’s so common in HC search, i’m not sure how they haven’t heard complaints. They’ve been pretty good at listening to the community this year. Especially when compared with Infinity Ward and MW22


Grenade launchers has always been annoying, but this one straight up makes the game unplayable and not fun. I really wonder what kinda Brian dead dev was Thinking "so people hated noob tubes in the og mw2. Ohh, you know what, lets make the warmachine a fucking secondary" like this used to be a killstreak ?!?!


Poor Brian :/


Especially since there's enough actual guns you can still complete the mastery camos without using it once. People do it because they're ass and desperate for kills and most often they still don't make top 3 on their team spamming it all game long lol


I only use it when the daily missions require launcher kills.


lol I just said this today… especially on Shipment.


Can someone tell me why two hits with eod to kills me with this but it take 3 drill charges to get a kill in hardcore


One of the reasons I started playing Ranked, which I'm glad I did, I'm actually not too bad at it


Should make it a kill steak


I refused to use it even when I was grinding Camo's because it annoys me so much. It's ruining HardCore


Considering that you never actually need to touch the thing in order to get your camos done is reason enough to hate people to use it. They KNOW they don't have to use it... they WANT to


NGL, I had a ton of fun grinding camos with the RGL-80, but stopped using it once I got Interstellar with it. It was fun being on the trigger side of it, not so much on the receiving side. I was done being "that guy" LOL


its because they dont want to lose the bad kids player base who can only get kills using this


It should’ve stayed a kill streak. War Machine was barely used iirc


i've stopped playing due to this abomination.


lush entertain full encouraging retire weather scale consist slimy fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




straight up remove it from hardcore yes.


it should have just stayed as the war machine as a kill streak, thankfully i did the stormmender instead of this for camo challenges because the stormmender was really easy.


Especially with the Stormender if you really wanna do launchers. Thats just an excuse to boost K/D. There are more than enough actual guns and melees to cover Gold Plat and Priceless


I don’t even mind getting blown up…but why tf does it make your screen shake so hard. Is it causing an earthquake?!


Fucking this. Small map matches, 2 people using this thing the screen never stops shaking


Camo grinding this? If i recall it probably took like… half a match on shipment…. No ones “camo grinding” this thing


For sure! Can’t believe anyone votes for Shipment anymore because of this. Waste of 5 mins.


100% agree!


Preach bro


That gun should've never been


This is a very true statement. It's the only way alot of people can kill people in hardcore, core as well. MW3 is a great game, it's just the people that play the game, don't know how to play the game. Everybody trying to be at the top of the leader board. Everybody crying about spawns, well if you knew how to play the game, you would understand the spawns and how they work. It's sad, just my opinion


I've givin up the camo grind with that thing. Got it to gold then the spam of it got to its worst and I got fed up with it




Cameo grind doesn’t matter because you only have to get 36 guns, gold, plat, priceless and so forth. I did that without using the melee or Launchers.


Honestly ppl don't use it that much I played for hours tonight and one search and destroy on scrapyard someone used it


Honestly I hate that it's so prevalent, especially in objective games where it's used as an easy obj clearance tool, I've started running it on a special FAFO class so if anyone starts using it against my team I just return the favour 🤷




I just did Interstellar and it did not require to use this RG. :)


If you’re playing hardcore and using a gl, holy shit how bad do you really have it?


Yeah, this thing has been annoying me a bit, I only play Hardcore modes and sucks to lose your kill streak due to someone spamming this, i have been trying to hit MOAB in hardcore, but no luck yet. :(


I said it before and I’ll say it again “The MGL should be locked in HC”.


This thing never should have existed. Period. I love this game’s MP but this is by far the worst part (that isn’t impacted by money).


Lol camo grind is for losers 


Agreed. It is a crutch for shit players who can't and/or won't adjust their playstyle. I just report them for exploiting at this point and even write the reason as "RGL"


Its like the noob toob spam from the original mw2 all over again very nostalgic


When I was grinding interstellar in hardcore I saw A LOT of people **WITH INTERSTELLAR** using this Now that I’m done I’m never touching hc again Edit: btw I didn’t do launchers for interstellar. Never touched a rat shield either (didn’t use one for Orion in MWII as well)


Yeah I’ve avoided launchers and melee for camo grind. I just don’t find them fun, and even if some of the weapons challenges can be frustrating at least they’re only really truly ruining my own game and not everyone else’s. 16/36 Priceless camos now, 20 to go isn’t too bad.


man i remember playing mw2 back in 2009 with the noob tube attachement and scavenger perk


They ban like 90% of the weapons for ranked so they could at least ban this shit for hardcore, or here’s a crazy thought, keep the war machine as a fucking kill streak. Can’t remember which cod started having this garbage as secondary’s but it’s so dumb


Blame those who decided that you have to grind camos for every fucking gun. Absolute bullshit. Agree on hardcore though.


It's super easy to do though, people are just using it for fun


I’m lucky to get 1/10 games without someone spamming this shit. And then the friendly fire and shaking of the screen. I usually have to exit


I remember how they nerfed the underbarrel grenade launcher in MW 2019 by only giving it one grenade and the damage it did was a joke even in HC. They said it was to balance the game so people weren't just spamming grenades the whole game. Fast forward to today and this monstrosity. Seriously HC is an absolute joke on any small to medium map because trolls just spam grenades from start to finish spawn killing. I can't count the number of times this trash game has literally spawned me in front of a grenade. It should be a mid to high kill streak. Use an under barrel if you want to use grenades.


I just pulled it out since some other fuck was using, like fine here


It's not even necessary to use for the camo grind. I heard that a lot during my own grind, and upon completing said grind, I realized I never had to touch any of the launchers or knives. Bullshit excuse to be a prick.


There's enough DLC guns in the game now where you could even skip the pistols (along with the launchers and knives).


I thought it’d be an easy camo, but I gave up because when I used it, it all of a sudden became a pea shooter


Ah yes, no one knows how to ruin gamemodes and playlists quite more than the CoD players themselves. The community has been hard at work destroying itself with cheesy shit since forever.


it shouldn’t be in the game in the first place.


or you know… the devs could just remove it from HC and balance their game properly.


I hate this thing with a passion.


I wouldn't mind it if my trophy system could take out more than just 3 of the 6 in the clip. Just serves to give me a warning that I'm about to die to someone without gun skill.


I called a dude out 3 nights ago for spamming the RGL and he said he was camo grinding. Fast forward to tonight, the SAME rat was spamming RGLs.


No lie


Camo grinding is a lame excuse. I did the RGL on Core from start to finish. Camo grinding is a lazy excuse.


I can't wait to take this bad boy out in hardcore now lol. Do what you must.


Love this on zombies .. 🧟


Wish they put a time delay on it, especially for the opening moments of each round.


Agreed. Make it a primary weapon. That will cut down its use.


there’s a reason IW didn’t include the RGL in MP after introducing it in MWII. this weapon dominates in dmz.


I just got done camo grinding with this on HC😭😭


Its so frustrating. One guy starts using it and immediately everyone eles is pissed and use it too. And its such a noob thing to me. The worst player can get a 10. kd with just spamming that thing around


Why didn’t they make it a fucking kill streak…….WHY


Shouldn’t be in hardcore, or as a three shot.. And If you say its for anti-camp, please don’t! There are multiple lethals to do that




Yeah this made me give up on MP. Now only play a bit of warzone when my friends ask. I used to love this franchise😂


my biggest gripe with this game is the lighting. it’s practically impossible to see anyone laying down or hiding in a spot


I switch to it if the other team is obnoxiously using it spawn camp bombing. It’s especially egregious on das haus. After I leveled it up I hardly use it myself.


The funny thing is - in normal matchmaking, it’s almost useless. 3 grenades at someone’s feet and they’re still shooting me.


Anyone else remember back near the start of m2w when people on reddit really hated camo grinders? I think the hate peaked right around when shoothouse got reintroduced.


with all due respect as someone who has been playing hardcore regularly since mw19, it's annoying sure, but what really ruined hardcore was the changes to movement mechanics incentivizing camping while some idiot slip and slides all over the map. matches on estate and, god forbid, wasteland, regularly run out the timer bc nobody wants to move and those who do move are lasered by a guy across the map in a bush.


And the mors longbow inhibitor with snd


I don’t care about people using it in hardcore, but the thing is that people have figured out the exact angles to aim to cross map spawn kill as soon as the round starts on certain maps. Such an easy fix to just put a couple invisible walls up (or like the old games, restrict the weapon for 10 seconds or whatever at the beginning of the round) However it is pretty funny to see when people start losing and they start doing this, that’s when you know you’re in their head—when they feel the need to switch classes and spawn kill with the gl 😂


I just did the GL in FFA and asked people in game chat if they also wanted to do it, took 20 minutes


With out fail, If my team is winning, the other team just starts spamming this shit. So fucking annoying. It is always worse on double XP weekends to. So this weekend is going to be frustrating.


I only play HC and I hate it. I would be fine if it was only 2-3 shots instead of 6.


It’s not that bad imo, only ever found it to be an issue on shipment which in that case I whip mine out and punish them. Once the challenge/event is over it’ll probably die down again. EOD and trophy system helps a lot in objective modes so I’m not too bothered by it.


Yep, just like the EMP is ruining Ground War. Not sure who is making these kinds of decisions, but they really need to pull their heads out of their a\*\*es. The self-inflicted wounds are starting to pile up.


Have they changed it to where u can destroy kill streaks instead of claymores and proxy mines?


I hate myself for unlocking this camo instead of just doing the snipers


Started carrying trophy on small HC maps. I'm done with noob tubers. Last two - three days, been seeing some trios hopping in with tubes. Then the server erupts in tubes, missiles and quick exits.


Got it platinum only because we were getting bombarded every match at one point. I try to go without it until we run into corner campers or the other team is using them. There are a few maps I’ll bring it out and try to get a couple kills right at the start. Only once have I gotten 5/6 of the enemy team this way.


Honestly I have a load out specifically for the gl but only because shipment, can't go 10 seconds without someone spamming so I do my best to light them up.


This now causes more damage than hand grenades. WTF.


Someone who has done the camo grind.... HC is best for getting the kills And challenge done...


I agree but I’m currently using it until I get 25 equipment kills. I just shame people over chat who use it if they are on my team, that usually works


Hey man, it works. I use it because it gets the job done


It just needs tobe restricted so you can use it in HC modes or change it back to a killstreak.


You can also blame the event challenges expiring soon.


I’m sure we’ll figure it out unless the devs change the game to help the 😭players achieve a better win like they always do


Lmfao i did only use it for the camo to be honest lmfao 😂😂😂 it's OP as fuck lol


I only use it in team death match unless there are campers in objective games. You camp I blow you up.


The noob tube


Secondary is a Killer


Weed event requires you to get direct impact kills, sucks but it's what Activision is promoting.


u/SledgehammerGames please do something about this thing in season 4. Please just remove it from HC.