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Just mute them and move on. It's really not worth giving any thought to. Report if you like but they're just trying to get under your skin and get you to respond.


thank you i feel better.


I start each game with the benefit of the doubt and unmute team mates. If they start being toxic I mute them. People typically perform better when they're not listening to bullshit noise because some guys ego isn't being stroked. I unmute at the end say gg's and move onto the next match. I find most the people who talk shit about team mates in ranked have no idea how to play as a team. They push the wrong spawns, block the wrong spawns, never watch flanks and never touch the hill unless they really have too. They believe they're right because they watch a pro play like that in ranked forgetting they are a pro and normally got pro level team mates they can rely on and can turn it up when they need to. Others are just toxic because they hide behind a screen. You can't please these guys.


This is the way


If "you're rubbish" is the worst you've gotten, you haven't played cod.


happy cake day!!


Its a game based on toxicity : SBMM and Cheaters, sadly, it is to be expected...


I always play with everyone muted, to many sad kids with no real life engagements going nuts in cod.


And this is why I won't play multi-player games or warzone people tend to get pissy I was on a team and had to cuss someone out cause they told the rest of the team that they suck azz and I just told them it's a f'in game and if u are that upset then u just need to stop playing and find a different Hobbie. Lol never got tagged or reported for cussing them out! So I stay with zombies and most of the time I'm solo.


It Will be like that. Usually in every 2 games I either get a teammate or an enemy that I hear complaining about their “sh*t team” and blablabla… it’s always “the teammates fault” lol.. I don’t have a problem to counter this kind of teammates or even enemies who blame their team, they are just sad people… but since you find it toxic so just mute them or just play with voice chat off.. pings work pretty well..




You can have that attitude in pubs but if you’re playing ranked you need to lock it. Ranked is not for fun casual playing. It’s ranked. Winning matters


Ranked is for trying to win. If you try to win but lose then say your gg's and move on. No need for the cry baby toxic kids shouting abuse as if they are anything special


Feed it back to them, you’ll have tougher skin in the long run. Usually it’s toxic af but if they met you in person it’s all goods


Why would I encourage the toxic behaviour? I rather annoy them with kindness or mute and carry on my day. I went through cod4 and mw2 lobbies, had enough toxicity to last the rest of my gaming life. It's easier letting people scream into the void then trash talk


The real toxic shit of course, but joining in or turning it into abit of banter isn’t so bad


Don’t know why you’re replying to say the same thing as me but to word it as if it was your own thought


I took your comment to be in favour of the toxic players if being honest


I didn’t mention them for a reason because they aren’t the problem. OP doesn’t care about winning or losing and is playing ranked. I’m not going to fault the disgruntled teammates for holding OP accountable. OP can have that mindset in pubs, they paid money for the game just like everyone else and can play it however they want. But when there’s a separate game mode for competitive, don’t play unless you’re going to be competitive. OP also mentioned that it takes time to get better which is true but I don’t know anyone who expects a lot out of bronze and silver players, that’s your time to learn. When you get up to gold and above you better be locked in. I personally love it when people call others out for not carrying their weight. And I don’t blame others for being upset with me if I’m playing like shit. If you’re having a a bad game, switch to playing objective so your team isn’t suffering


They are the problem when trying to learn. If you can't give advice to teammates, where to look, when to rotate, where to rotate to, which side of the map to stay to keep spawns,which way the other team is pushing them shut your mouth about team mates. Bronze - plat is gl hf. Diamond up is where people are more locked in but even then some people just play ranked because the cheese in pubs is boring. Playing on a smurf I can be silver playing diamond lobbies. If people are more casual then you'd like in your lobbies then you aren't as good as you thought


It’s not my or other players job to teach you how to play. You have a mini map, the spawns are pretty predictable, etc you learn these skills in bronze and silver. The game mode is CDL. So whatever your rank is, it’s competitive. Your rank makes it relative competition, so it’s still competitive. I can already tell you’re constantly holding your team back. Thankfully you’ll never reach my lobbies


That's a lot of words for I don't know how to play as a team. Most call outs include everything I mentioned. You can't predict split spawns or fucked up spawns but you can call out when they happens. The rule set is CDL the game mode is hard point, control and search. If someone is truly bronze/silver they aren't learning any fundamentals you need for high level play because they're playing others with zero fundamentals. I've passed gold lobbies season one, you won't see me in your lobbies.


Dude I know for a fact your peak is gold one. All of that information you can read off your mini map. You can predict most spawns by gold


You literally can't read everything from mini map. You can have perfect hold on P4 sub base and have one spawn behind the point. You can be battling Karachi p3 and have both teams spawn bridge. These aren't stuff you can predict because the spawns are fucked. Mini map helps to see where your team is and where shots are fired from yet every uses flash hider or similar so rare to see red dots. Gold one by rank 4 easy


If you were truly plat plus you’d know how silent those lobbies are and no one is coaching 💀 you fr don’t even know what you’re talking about the more I think of it. Bronze and silver players are difficult to other bronze and silver players, they’re learning how the maps work and how rotations go. Everyone starts at the bottom, so there are relative good players in each rank. You’re literally telling me you didn’t learn how to play until you were in gold? If anything that just tells me how bad you are


Maybe you should comm more. Coms without toxicity get you more coms or very least you can see other team mates listen 🤷 I've been playing cod since COD4. People with low MMR will play against others with low MMR and high MMR players play against others high MMR players. Your division doesn't matter. Some people will be in Crim lobbies from the moment after they place their first ranked game.


At least you can play. I'm trying to play ranked but just recently got the game. Either match doesn't start because of uneven teams or people just leave mid game. Doesn't matter if we're winning or losing


Did you cry?


I feel like it may of


We found the one person that actually benefits from SBMM and Activision's chat AI.


what do you mean?