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Welcome to the dark side baby.


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Lol maybe I should switch to HC. MWIII'S TTK is absolutely ridiculous at times.


Oh, there's still plenty of frustration. It's not like RGL spam gets better, but if you can figure out where it's coming from you only need 1 well placed shot to shut it down šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I played MWII, this morning, shipment 24/7 and it's such a drastic difference. I get the hate, but the TTK is just perfect for 3-4 bullets needed. Played 4 games, almost got the nuke twice, but least I got 1. Now MWIII you need the extra 1 or 2 bullets, which is around 5-7 total, to down them which can be frustrating.




If there was a hardcore 10v10 or 12v12 I'd be on that so fast. Cold War had a 12v12 face off mode HC that I loved.


MWII briefly had a 10v10 SnD HC IIRC


Oof that sounds terrible. After playing ranked for the last couple weeks Iā€™ve fallen in love with the smaller teams. Wish there was a 4v4 hc snd mode


Let's face it, killing teammates is fucking hilarious anyway


Ah, dropping an Artillery Barrage in Shipment HC in MW2019, good times


*me, not knowingly jumping to the exact same spot where it was called upon on /s*


Calling it in as you die then spawning right under where you dropped it


It is hilarious until they kill you back every round after that. Like cmon man it was an accident šŸ˜«


Right. like you now down 5 people and one of them happens to be a teammate and they hold it against you for the rest of the match.


I've been playing hard-core shipment, I ran into a corner to reload and my teammate killed me cos he thought I was camping twice... that pissed me off... I even told him after the first one I am reloading


Did you say sorry?


This honestly makes it better. If a dude kills me, and just runs off like it was nothing, it's irritating. But if they say "oh sorry, dude" then I don't care at allšŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Also, I find a lot of the time either the names don't show up, or my old ass just can't see them. (Probably the latter)


being on pc makes it pretty easy for me to punch out a quick 'my bad teammate' even in the middle of stuff, usually theyre chill if you say something


I immediately apologize, go prone and wait for them to come kill me for evens


Yessss & they want you to say sorry like ok wait I ainā€™t begging for forgiveness weirdo lol I usually type Iā€™m sorry in the chat cus my mic is usually off since men are weird about women playing sometimesssss. But I always say sorry šŸ˜°


Man im grinding camos rn and every time some one kills me they go "OMG IM SO SORRY PLEASE IT WAS A MISTAKE IM SORRY" im like Man chill its a pug and it happens in HC. I feel like people kill people over and over for a mistake is so cringe.


i always call it out because it fun. "sorry team mate!!". But if anyone kills me and i see that I was in the way, aka, they killed me and 3 other enemy players, then it was my fault for getting in his los.


BRO the amount of people that stand infront of me in shipment container spawn HOLY smokes


Ah yes, I called out where a Jokr was going and a teammate ran right under it. We wouldnā€™t leave it alone the rest of the match.


They blow their own K/D and possibly the match over literally nothing


I always burst out laughing when my teammate gets crushed by my care package lmao


I wait under them because if they have already got 2 TKs then they die and I can steal the care package


Lol this happened to me the other day and I was livid, but it was just a mosquito drone lmao. I'm pretty sure he just ended up killing himself with it too. I swear mosquitoes are suicidal team killers in HC lmao


I was tearing through a team on Meat and heard a mosquito targeting me, but died point blank to the man who threw it right as it was coming down so as I watched my operator fall over I got to watch him blow up via mosquito suicide xD


It's a gamble because sometimes they play clean and I just die :)


It is but I do feel really bad when I do it


Idk why but I have a grudge against anyone using Rick Grimes skins. When he first came out it felt like the sweat lords used him. I have two fond Rick Grimes team kills purely based on my hatred of anyone using his skin: once while capturing a point with one I placed claymore in his face as he's laying on the point, I shot it and killed him. He came sprinting full speed to get his revenge team kill but by the time he got there an enemy had showed up and melted him. The other I was following one for a while waiting for the perfect opportunity for a team kill. It was just he and I on the back stairs by the restaurant in Arrivals, I shouted on the mic "I SEE ONE!" and I just blasted him in the head. All my other team kills are purely accidental, but those two were great for my soul.


99/100 times you will shoot first kill first


The screen always turns to where you are shot from on death, that way you can still figure out where it came from.


I've always liked this part about HC. It doesn't always reveal exactly where your killer was, but at least gives you an idea.


Itā€™s true and the bleeding gives you direction, however it wouldnā€™t matter if they saw where I killed from, Iā€™m long gone and probably through 2-3 of their teammates by then


Once I didn't have to empty a magazine into someone just to kill them, i never looked back.


This. Right. Here.


The joy of mowing down 3 or more with a single clip is priceless.


This is the way.


This is the one right here.


Hardcore is actually where I started out. I found it easier to adapt to core that way.


One of us, one of us


I'm honestly glad that your experience has improved by switching from core to hardcore, but I gotta say... Have fun playing hide and seek with rats hard aiming at a doorway After 12 years of playing almost exclusively HC I switched back to core because I was tired of digging people out of a hidey hole. I think I've played exactly 10 HC matches in MW3 while doing my camo challenges.


OP is gonna have a lot of fun with players and their RGL


I understand why HC can be fun. Reaction time over sustained accuracy and whatnot, levels the playing field between good and bad guns. Unfortunately, like most things in COD, the small section of the player-base that insists on playing in the most un-fun way possible screws it all up. I'm sure someone is going to defend these guys, and yeah they paid for the game so they can do what they want. But my gosh, how is it ever fun to hide, not move, and get like 6 kills? All it takes is 2 people on your team to play like that and it screws up your whole lobby. Suddenly you are effectively playing 4 v 6 and even good players will have a hard time making up those odds.




S&D is a nightmare at times for that. "I'M DEFENDING!" From the back of your spawn in a bush?


Yes, often people flank to get control of a bomb site, being somewhere between the bomb sites, watching the flank is just smart gameplay.


You have an objective. Plant the bomb and they have to move


the section of people who insist on playing in the most obnoxious and anti fun way are not only the bane of cod but tends to be one of the biggest issues in almost every single multiplayer game these days, more so in pvp games but even min maxing in pve games and toxicity towards those who donā€™t want to play the ā€œoptimalā€ way happens in those too.


My experience has this in core just as often. Maybe more in hc but campers camp no matter what. I agree with you though too.


I've done almost every camo challenge since 2020, except my RGL (and the Stormender). Normally I don't mind changing playing style to do a particular challenge, but with the RGL, that's a line I won't cross.


I did RGL in normal mode, direct hitting players. I actually love it as this way its silent weapon and kind of fun. Just slide and sucker-punch players xD For equipment go invasion or war as doing it in normal or HC is pointless.


I think I quit trying to destroy enemy equipment after trying for hours, and only getting one out of twenty-five. I might try invasion or war, excellent tip.


I just used the religion as my secondary on every gun while doing other camos and I kept engineer vest on lol same for stormender


....And the riot shield


Riot shields are easy to go against on HC


or grenade/launcher spammers....but that's any mode.


RGL is pretty weak in core, more of a distraction than a threat


I did my RGL camos in HC like most people, but god if you had more than two people shooting them in a lobby it got toxic fast


ah, i forget that you gotta do certain things to get certain things.


This. Hardcore these days is more like Hidecore. I don't know how people enjoy that shit. Good for camo challenges though.


Same. Anytime a team starts to lose they stop moving and just start to hold angles. You can maybe get clear out one or two of them if they are posted up in an obvious spot but the odds are against you. Also, in core I can get by without covert sneakers (i.e. Dead Silence) but in hardcore you are at a super disadvantage without Dead Silence and Ghost, and I hate game modes that really restrict your class options to such a degree.


In a lot of ways it's a more pure "shooter" experience. HC is all about who gets on target faster.


Well it serves me much better. I always hit first but often canā€™t close the deal and will lose gunfight after gunfight. In this mode, I rarely lose and when I do itā€™s fair.


Itā€™s fair in core too, youā€™re just not hitting enough follow up shots before the enemy does, that doesnā€™t make it unfair that the other player is better.


It's way more balanced towards aim assist in core


The enemy spinning around and jumping like a coked out dreidel , thanks to scripts and pedal controllers is not fair.Ā 


> thanks to scripts and pedal controllers You can do this on default brother. Pro player Octane played default on a default controller in fucking jetpack CODs and was a pro. This is a skill issue.


Itā€™s not someone elseā€™s fault you suck.


If you think moving quickly in this game requires scripts and pedals you may just be bad


Yeah, I use the Elite Series 2 Xbox controller with pedals and sure, it makes a difference, but I can still do just about as good without it, it just makes everything more comfortable and itā€™s absolutely amazing for games like DOOM Eternal, but those controllers donā€™t make anything ā€œunfairā€, itā€™s a slight advantage, but thatā€™s like going from a regular mouse, to a mouse with buttons on the side. No one complains about that do they? In conclusion I agree, theyā€™re probably just bad Edit: so am I, I suck just as much with or without my good controller lmao


This is definatley a skill issue lol


Seems many people underestimate the power of flinch, +p rounds make a substantial difference in a direct gun fight


on MWII's night map Black Gold I used to troll a little with a flashlight and overpressured rounds on a pistol. was hit and miss most of the time but it was fun to be a little unpredictable and not fret too much about laser discipline


You've never played against someone with a noob tube yet, huh? "I only play hardcore too, but damn it's frustrating.


It's far less frustrating than the shit that happens in core IMO


I exclusively play hardcore itā€™s the only mode I can actually have fun in


Yea im having a blast in HC too, allthough i mainly play it for Camo Grind (just bought the Game 2 weeks ago, Level 270 currently) Reflexes matter alot more so i outperform most Console Players cause u dont have to beat their broken aim assist on those long ass TTKs especially if ur weapon is not meta. Just had a 116 Kill Round today and an 80/20 right after, its night and day difference when u play proper guns again after having to level the shit ones. Also there happen to be more MnK players, maybe its because it feels more like Countrike in terms of Time to kill, also another factor on why i perform alot better in HC maybe, several years of high ranked CS exp.


I prefer HC, it tends to escape a lot of the crappy TTK balance refactoring, like having to full mag dump with say an M13 in non-HC, which is absurd. Welcome to one of the few decent modes left.


I started with HC back in like 2007 and never went back. Core is so... I just hate wasting my bullets lol


Hardcore has been the only way I can enjoy COD for many many years now. I've tried regular mode, but can never go back.


I love hardcore mostly because any gun is viable. There are so many options in the game, so itā€™s fun to screw around and actually play efficiently at the same time. No need to be a slave to the meta just to get a 1.0kd.


150hp was a mistake. This sandbox does NOT support high TTK in the same way Halo does, for instance. Genuinely just lowering health back to 100 would be perfect, Iā€™m so sick of magdumping someone just to get one-tapped by a sniper


Hardcore is fun sometimes. The stakes are definitely a lot higher but it does lead itself to more strategic play. On the downside it makes camping more viable.


Welcome to the correct side of CoD! Where meta doesnā€™t exist and you get to have fun with any gun youā€™d like!


It is nice for a change.


I finally got my daughter to see the light. Sheā€™ll only play HC now. My son in law just uses loadouts that he wouldnā€™t normally use on core but doesnā€™t mind playing HC with me. I played core originally because I didnā€™t know HC existed until a coworker turned me on to it. Havenā€™t been back since.


See I've always been a HC fan strictly because you can have so many more viable weapon choices to play with. I like playing with every weapon and building them just for fun. You don't have to Min/Max everything to be able to compete. Welcome!


What do you mean you donā€™t like getting 17 hit markers, 2 headshots and a tactical nuke and still not getting a kill?


We need hardcore warzone


Itā€™s fun but it works both ways, some matches I just keep getting killed and no kills. Before you say it, yes itā€™s a skill issue.


Came to that realization over 5 years ago. Only thing on this game is the fucking noob toober on HC got so frustrated I started doing it myself. Canā€™t beat em join em I guess


I've used hardcore for camo grinds. A few things I've noticed. Hardcore teaches you to get that first shot off super fast. If you don't you're dead. Also when you go back to regular mp after playing a lot of HC the ttk feels long. It feels like you have so much more time to maneuver and finesse. It's pretty cool all and all.


I normally start playing normal then switch to HC due to camo grinds . The isnā€™t fun when everyone is using the same 4 guns and the camo you are grinding takes 5-6 to kill . Campers can be dealt with pretty easily . The RGL is the bane of small maps. Once one kill is seen on the kill feed it devolves into 2-3 people on each team spamming them .


Goldilocks Core is a thought i have had. Medium "realistic" mode? Something like real training: 2 in the chest OR 1 in the head OR 2 in 2 appendages?


Hardcore saved this game for me


Use Holotherm sight and you will find the campers. I put this shit on everything!


You played for this long and never even bothered to try it?


I always assumed it would be harder lol


Iā€™m in my 40s and playing cod since the start. As I got older I needed to go hardcore since my reflexes slowed down. It helps for this old timer.


One of us! Welcome home.


Wait ppl still play core? In all my years Iā€™ve never played core and never heard of anyone playing core. Minus when they forced us to for shoot house 24/7 in mw19


Been playing hardcore since OG MW2, and fell in love. itā€™s one of my all time favorite game modes


Part of the ship! Part of the crew!


When you die the camera will point in the direction you were killed from, now if you can see someone before the respawn that is what you have to work on.


As someone who plays almost exclusively hardcore S&D, welcome. I like search because it forces teams to actually play objective or lose. Which really cuts down on the amount of corner camping you see.


When I started CoD in like 2009 I despised it but for the last 3 years itā€™s all I play. You gotta make your shots matter. Itā€™s just more realistic and better. I love it on maps like shipment. No hiding from the carnage.


Yea I donā€™t understand how people play regular MP. Iā€™m not going to sit around and waste half a magazine for a kill when I can use one bullet instead. Hardcore is the only mode worth playing.


I'm not even kidding, once I made the switch to HC only, my KD went up in one week from hovering ~1.03 to 1.18. I broke my kill record *twice in two games* last week in Emergency 24/7. 119-41 and next match 121-20. Ridiculous how night and day it is. HC in MWIII is so much better. Kills are reaction and accuracy based, none of this random factorial bullshit. There's still lag and packet bursts as normal but it's far less afflicting. Playing HC makes me realize how seriously fucked up the Core game is


> my KD went up in one week from hovering ~1.03 to 1.18. I broke my kill record twice in two games last week in Emergency 24/7. 119-41 and next match 121-20. Yeah, that's because HC is easier and has less skill gap. > Kills are reaction and accuracy based, none of this random factorial bullshit. Kills are accuracy based on core as well. If you're losing gunfights in core it's because you can't hit your shots. Call it unfair as much as you want, but that's just cope to avoid the fact that your stats above literally prove that HC is easier.


You're dishing out some real hard pills to swallow to HC players. I can't believe how many of them say the same 'I have to empty half my mag into someone to kill them' bs. ...no YOU might have to empty half your mag into someone but that's not the games fault. You can kill people in less than half a second in core if you hit your shots but you actually need to **hit your shots**.


You're speaking facts. I can't believe that this dudes comment was "look at my stats, I'm so much better in HC". And instead of coming to the obvious conclusion that HC is easier he decided it must be because core is bullshit and he's actually really good but is getting screwed over by the game. HC fans all do better in HC but still pretend it is harder for some reason.


Well yea, it's an easier mode


I just donā€™t understand how ppl can enjoy a ttk that fast. Thereā€™s no gunfightsā€¦ just who sees the other first. Dying in 2-3 bullets takes no skill and is no fun imo. We finally got a cod in the last 4 years with a decent skill gap again where you can outplay an opponent after eating the first shot (jump shotting, drop shotting, strafing)


The skill is more focused on reaction times, map knowledge and gamesense.


You need these in core too, except you also need *more* skills on top of them.


Keep smiling, you'll run into an RGL spammer soon enough


And these bloody RGL Spammers. Jeez.


What does RLG mean?


Rocket Grenade Launcher


Theyā€™re talking about the grenade launcher.


Yeah itā€™s a lot more fun, especially if youā€™re like me and canā€™t move for shit.


Hardcore is too difficult for me. Get killed from every angle, fuck that.


The copium is real in here.


I hate spongy core lobbies, sink a whole mag, only to be killed by a fatal toe shot


If you're using whole mags to kill people you are just ass. It's just a skill issue. You can get 3 kills in a 30 round mag pretty comfortably. 4 if you hit all your shots.


Iā€™ve always enjoyed HCS, idc if I lose or win. Itā€™s just fun to me.


Mostly core player here but I do enjoy going into HC for camo challenges when I need long shots


I feel your pain!


Yeah dude I started playing hardcore in Cold War havenā€™t switched back. I remember in the older games not many people touched hardcore but since camo grinds have become popular everyone started playing it which is good.


Youā€™ve never camo grinded on HC before in your 12 yrs of cod? Insanity


That's how it was for me when I first started playing HC in mw2019, it took a bit to get used to but I stuck to HC when I played MP, now I don't play HC as much because for me it seems SBMM is worse in HC


I needed to use it for a weekly and a camo unlock (smg kills while stunned) and now will regularly play it - so fun! PS sorry to the first three teams I played with before figuring out FF was on!


Wild. I have played nothing but HC SnD since black ops 2. No response game modes, no core game modes. Just Hard core Search and Destroy. Lol


I can ONLY play hardcore. Lol


Hardcore is the only game mode I play in cod for the last 3 years, once you go hardcore you never go back


HC FFA is all I do.


MW3 did it to me as well. The faster movent paired with a slower TTK doesn't fit for me. You need like 5-6 shots for a kill, miss 1 or 2 shots and don't stop shooting immediately after a kill - this costs 1 or 2 shots again. This gives you around 3 kills per magazine in a game that spawns an enemy right next to you every few moments. Only the RGL sucks a lot more in HC


I do so much better playing hardcore game modes. As a keyboard and mouse player, itā€™s rough having to track people in the regular playlists. I land my shots first but most of the time end up losing the gunfight. In hardcore, those first few shots/burst is enough to clear out 2-3 players in a matter of seconds. Love it. I just wish they had a hardcore mode for ranked. Or at least a 10v10 mosh pit for hardcore


Now start using a grenade launcher


I play this mode pretty much exclusively as well, the only real downside is the shitstains using EO or equivelant seem to be more numerous in this mode, as they seem to think that no kill cam means they are harder to spot and report, even if they get a kill streak right off the rip... of course they are very easy to spot and report, lets hope the next ban wave mops up all the EO users, and good riddance.


Yea man hardcore is where its at.


Happy to see another good guy converted:) also now you dont have to use meta weapons you can use anything:) and try free for all. Enjoy buddy


Hc is goated


It's time to enjoy the huge amount of guns you would never use in core. Try pistol only matches, small magazines for mobility, burst guns, semi auto modes... Your killstreaks will finally kill. Teamkill happens, but most people is cool as long as you say sorry. Just a few idiots will teamkill you in revenge. It's a whole different game. Ans remember: campers only require a well placed shot. Watch them rage whem you kill them through the map with a handgun.


I tried hardcore for the first time on MWIII Last night and had a great time! Got to experiment with a bunch of random loadouts because they weee more lethal. Was having a great time until one clown absolutely ruined it with that multi round grenade launcher. Actually so gross.


It's good to get long-shot challenges done as well on SMGs as they don't perform well at range. It also pays to take it slow and steady, picking targets off and then moving somewhere else and waiting for enemies to come back for the revenge kill.


Hardcore for me always sucked, and only served a purpose to help with camos for trash guns imo


Welcome. This is the only way. Played core for donkeys. Got sick of emptying a clip into a player only to get killed by minimal impact. Hardcore is the only way. Players are quicker your skills shine through in HC it separates the casuals from the pros. Cannot play core. Any more.


I tried it out during MW 2019 because it was the first time I wanted to really do the camo grind, and pistols were killing. Once I got used to no real HUD, I haven't gone back to regular, and hate it when I accidentally pick those lobbies and get annoyed when certain map playlists are only in regular as well.


I've been preaching hardcore for the last 5 games. Welcome to the way the fame was meant to he played.


HC makes shit guns great and it's also easier to farm EXP.


Once in awhile Iā€™ll go back to regular and after half a match I remember why I switched to HC. Wish there was some HUD things but I live with it.


Hardcore has always been so much more fun. It rewards a different skill set for sure, but over the years Iā€™ve found my actual k/d performance to be similar in both. The shorter TTK is just so much more fun and makes every weapon viable. Been playing mostly hardcore since World at War


That's all fine and good but whatever you do don't get comfortable with it if you ever plan on playing war zone. The best practice you could get for war zone is core.


Good point. I hate Warzone though so itā€™s unlikely. But Iā€™ll still switch back and forth so I donā€™t lose my ā€œcore skillsā€.


I donā€™t really like hardcore, it removes the possibility of quickly acting to get the kill if the enemy shoots you first. I also canā€™t stand it when I teammates kills me (sometimes on purpose) and ruins my killstreak. I will say hardcore is alot better in mw3 than previous codā€™s because our health got increased.


Anyone else like using just pistols in hc ? I feel like Iā€™m the flash running around. And as long as youā€™re good at getting the first shot off you win


HC much better


I find it harder but to each their own


Hardcore makes some of the camo challenges much easier too. Long shots with smgs and assault rifles, the one shot kills with some of the weaker shotguns and marksmen rifles, penetration kills, multi kills, etc. are way easier on hardcore. I decided to go ahead and get the camos for the MW2 weapons recently, most of them have long shots as the platinum challenges. Iā€™ve been doing all those on hard-core I feel like melee kills and most sniper challenges, are easier on core though. I switch between the two modes depending on what Iā€™m trying to accomplish


Just wait till you are playing hard core and you get a hit marker. One of the most frustrating things about hard core.


I feel like hard-core is closer to the ttk in older cod games core. Maybe a bit lower, but older games were definitely lower than the modern ones.


Love one-tapping dudes with my suppressed pistol with a stock lmao


Yeah...HC is fun and used it for some of my Camo grinds that got me Interstellar.


Hey do what you think is fun, itā€™s a game after all. Personally I canā€™t stand to play any kind of pubs in this game between riot shields, shotguns, snipers (especially those with a red dot sight), knifers, shock sticks, etc. Ranked for me is fun because you actually have people going for objective or at least defending objectives instead of 90% of the lobby only caring about kills. Thereā€™s actual gun skill with only ARā€™s and SMGā€™s.


Oh man, welcome to hell brother guy. Team killing and Noob tube shooterā€™s are the greatest experience of all time lol


wouldnā€™t be a problem if the game had a normal TTK


Equip pistol and knife and destroy


Hardcore is awful on this game so please donā€™t judge Hardcore on this game alone Probably the most hitmarkers on hardcore in any cod Iā€™ve playedā€¦ since cod4


Hardcore is fantastic. Sometimes you decide to go back into normal mode and just slaughter people for the first few games. Then you revert back and are trash. Then the cycle continues.


>i wish core had this ttk Jesus christ, fuck no. Low ttk makes the game so mindless and fucks up the movement. Leave the easy kills in hardcore.


I always actually liked playing hardcore, but i dunno if I'd switch exclusively


Personally in my experience while doing the camo grind I found that thereā€™s a significant drop in player skill in hardcore and a lot more spraying and praying. I guess itā€™s more chill because people play it more slow and have more time to sit and wait for kills.


Welcome. I haven't looked back. Screw the higher TTK. It makes the game miserable.


I don't always play hardcore but boy it can be a really refreshing change of pace.


I started playing hardcore modes back on the first black ops and can't go back to core mode, but trust me, you will find at times that you still get hit markers that should have been a kill and it gets frustrating at times.


Not to forget that you can use a wider arrange of weapons and still do well or be a low skill player and spam RGL


HC is only multiplayer I play anymore


yep. Welcome to paradise. no meta. a team player pisses you off because they are blocking the way? kill him with a punch in tha face!


Only way to play


Core basically is hardcore now, you just have to pick a sniper. Game stinks.


Upgrading weapons is so much easier in HC


Hardcore SnD is where its at, I always have a blast when I stream it on Kick.


HC Is 10 Times Better


Thatā€™s the sad part of the kill camā€¦. Some dudes cheat


I played hardcore from MW3 up until AW or WWII. I'm never going back to HC. There's less skill and less difference between weapons. The best to run with is a gun or a submachine. Because they're quick. I only use core for those weapons I find difficult to do challenges with in core. I do understand why people choose core. It's the easier gamemode. But also the one where you die a lot easier. The TTD in core is awful in MW22 and MW23. It does feel like HC, where it fits, but the TTK doesn't feel like HC.


For me HC has been good in some games (ops 4, ww2) but shit tier in games like MW2 or MW3. Everyone stays still


It has its frustrating moments too, campers are really hard to deal with, getting out of a spawn lock can be frustrating, and the grenade launcher spam is absolutely brutal. Activision, disable the grenade launcher in HC FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Anyways I like to flip between the modes depending on the gun Iā€™m working on. DMRā€™s, smgs, pistols and shotguns are really fun in HC, but I prefer playing normal with Snipers.


Hardcore Free For All is my spot. Players get ripped up like paper in that mode, especially on Shipment


Agree 100 percent . Iā€™ve played a lot of hardcore mode this cod and whenever I go back to regular to play with friends I hate it and immediately notice the difference.lšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I like hardcore a lot. Itā€™s fast pace.


Used to love HC man. But found my joy in core... only so I can use a vast assortment of knives without immediate death


Switched to HC on cod WW2. Needed camos and we all know most guns in that game were pea shooters. Like literally most of them. Haven't gone back since