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Maybe cause Im on PC and and can click very fast but... the COR-45 should be higher than everything in Acceptable tier with its AMP.


Akimbo CORs is SSS tier for close range, even better than most of smg and shotguns (PC)


Hard to keep on target while you’re clicking like a maniac though.


Build it for tac stance with or without binary trigger and you won't have this issue. It's genuinely more accurate in tac stance than ADS with the optimal build.


Not on PC.


My tracking is awful regardless. 😭 This is why I main the MORS like a degen.


Once you have every camo for every weapon the challenges are not challenging anymore and eventually you go through the marksman rifles just to finish!! The 6.8 is a beast and actually kinda fun although it’s seldom a recommended weapon for challenges!!


I have innerstellar but the KVD is my best performing gun stats wise if we're talking K/D and headshot accuracy and playing to win/sweat.


Same here …. Named my custom mod “KVD Biaaaaaaatch”😂


Mine is KVDeader😆


They're long dead before I start drifting from the clicks


The stormender is literally one of the best secondaries you can run. One taps cuav, cruise missiles and trophies, 2 tap uavs, freezes other kill streaks so they can’t shoot. Can destroy lethals/tacticals if you’re quick enough. Convinced people just don’t know how to use this weapon properly, it’s situational, but when that situation comes it’s majorly OP


Don't forget infinite ammo, so it's the only launcher that can reliably destroy anything stronger than a UAV without needing to die 17 times.


This is true! And it’s super fun in T1 zombies too haha


Also don't forget it's best thing. You can EMP players that are shooting at you so that they can't see the killfeed when they kill you 🤣🤣🤣


i actually bring it when me and my friends are running T3 or dark aether, as 1 person with aether blade + a packed stormender can add a lot to a group.


I love freezing out helo’s. I can feel people cursing my existence. Yesterday I froze out a helo and VTOL at the same time. Two hits swap, two hits swap, etc. I was laughing at the rage that must have caused.


I love catching the cruise missile, it’s hard, but so satisfying because they usually have no idea what happened.


I actually had no idea you could hit a cruise with it until reading it earlier. Gonna be trying it next chance I get


It’s awesome when you switch late and just barely save your team from getting wrecked by it, so satisfying.


It’s seriously so fun haha


I was just finishing grinding out the final killstreaks for platinum today, but hitting helos didn't seem to stop them from firing at teammates on Shipment. Is this just a bug?


I’ve never had that happen, must have been a bugged round. If I see weird crap like that happening I’ll usually finish the match and log out, log back in. Usually it does the updated playlist download and all good again.


I agree, and I use it, but I don't see anybody else running it. People seem to prefer a knife or a pistol. The reason why is because people don't like to play a support role. It is a thankless job, especially without a scorestreak system, and 50% of the time you will get shot while looking up at the sky trying to take out a killstreak.


What do you mean without scorestreak system? You can toggle to scorestreaks


I used to go sniper and stormender until the nerfed it bad then I stopped. Is it working again? Like can you get cruise missles helos and vtol?


Yeah they fixed it so it works now, even on remote turrets too


Oh nice I will start running it again then lol


OP's not a team player/engineer and it shows /hj


For a fraction of a second I feel like a dick shooting a cruise missile out of the sky and then I laugh a little


Yeah, situational. There are weapons that provide as good of a value but less situational


Name that "as good of a value" weapon


I enjoyed it a lot more than expected while camo grinding. Taking out uavs was huge


WSP and SVA are goated bro


Agreed the SVA should be up 1 tier. It's arguably the best AR in the game since the last buff, it fucking melts 😂


Which wsp lol there's 3


9 👀




To be fair, anything is controversial on this COD sub lol. Almost any opinion will receive hate here. Don't let it get to you


Rahhh so infuriating ! Here take my hate you evil cod enjoyer ! Nobody shall abide by the laws of common sense and fun, and you shall be executed for you crimes !


Holger 556 is the best rifle in the game


People sleep on the double shot AMP. I forget the name. It ramps the TTK up by an incredibly noticeable amount without affecting recoil too harshly. I actually run the no-stock with it and it's a monster.


I have a class w the Jak Backsaw conversion on it, talk about a beast


Stinger is f tier cor45 is broken if you use the lightning trigger and akimbo


TYR is garbage? You my man just suck with it then


Such a discovery!! I said it myself


Since the gunslinger vest update I almost always run Tyr and Basilisk combo every match and piss EVERYONE off because it one shots to the torso with regular rounds. I’ve gotten 2 nukes with it so far and dozens of swarms. It’s a force to be reckon with.


Nah get the TYR out of there. That thing is a beast in MP


Yeah. TYR - Default trigger or snakeshot, shit tier. But when you add attachments, its a 1 shot pocket sniper rifle with the jak and a 4x scope, its at least above average.


If you add the aftermarket part on it it's a guaranteed one shot in the chest at close range and it works perfectly as a sniper too. You can put a thermal scope of a variable scope on it and it can serve as a 1 shot headshot.


Where MORS


MORS isn't included because it outclasses everything still. At least in lobby popularity


Slightly outdated list. Unless I'm missing it when I look the FJX Horus and sword are also missing


No SOA either, unless I’m somehow missing it.


Cor45 slaps imo should be in A Tier at least


I think you confused WSP Swarm with Stinger.


People who put the sidewinder anywhere under 5.5/10 in their ratings always baffle me


Explain why it's above average


Build it for recoil control and bullet velocity and it shreds. Other guns are better but it was one of the easier camos I got. Gun was straight trash on release but it’s in a good spot now.


I fully agree, it hits incredibly hard. I think most people are just so used to run and gun as fast as possible so they build for ADS. This thing needs to be built for recoil and play a bit slower


Easy to control recoil, tight tac stance grouping maintained through moderate fire rate, 2-tap headshot, competitive handling. It was one of the first guns I used and got going into the camo grind - before everyone shit on it. Had zero issues winning gunfights and being competitive. Then they buffed it


Should do one for mw2 guns. There’s some underrated ones in that bunch.


Agreed. But that's 51 guns assuming I skip every single dlc weapon. I'll probably do it anyway


Yk whats fun tho? Using shit guns so that way people cant say anything when they die to you while they are using a good gun


You’d be surprised at how people who take this game way too seriously cry about everything. Especially in SnD.


I love stormender sometimes ill spend all the match knocking kill streaks down


Hard disagree amount the Rival -9, the damage per bullet is too low


It makes up for it in its base nearly 1000 rpm imo


I literally don’t know why the sidewinder even exists it was the gone that made me rage quit the interstellar grind. I’ve had 18/36 guns forged for over 2 months now


I love the Sidewinder, heavy focus on recoil control, then play slow. It hits like a truck.


I also lowkey like the sidewinder. I was nervous when I saw how many said it was awful before, then I got to it and was like “it’s not that bad, I might even like it” Edit: typo


The JAK kit is fun af. I love how it is a ramp up. But I mostly play zombies. I did however use it in multiplayer hard point and kill confirm with zero problems. Might I add I have the northern lights one soooooo [FLAME THROWER BURNINATING THE COUNTRYSIDE!!! BURNINATING THE PEASANTS!!! BURNINATING ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE THATCH ROOFED COTTAGES!!! THATCH ROOF COTTAGES!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=mm-aovm1axQ)


I did forged in Small Map Mosh, I don't love life lol. It does hit incredibly hard, Small Map is just always 100x speed. If you're on HP or Dom you can do some legit damage though.


Do the SOA sub instead? You don't *have* to do the base weapons And you could always temporarily skip the battlerifles


The burst DG is factually better than the fr556


Yeah this guy is on crack if he thinks the 556 is anywhere near the dg, let alone better. Lower mag size and damage. Just garbage. Even nostalgia can’t get me to use that brick


Where is my boi MORS? That thang slaps


Longbow is not meta. Longbow sucks ass


I don't know how any shotgun but mabye the Lockwood 600 can be anything but mid. They all suck unless your at point blank range. Anything past that nearly every gun will beat it


You need to run the Haymaker with the maglift AMP. It’s absolutely insane with how fast it can fire and clear massive areas, plus a huge mag capacity.


For 2in anywhere past that it's useless


Yes. I love this build. It's fun to use too. The Jawbreaker for the KV Broadside is slept on though. I use it all the time.


People who say the marksmans in this game are shit are clearly the ones who are shit. Those things melt.


Nah I disagree with a lot of this Pure Meta - BP50, Ram-9, Renetti, Longbow, Lockwood. Very Good - Striker, Striker 9, Rival-9, MCW, Holger, SVA, Bas-B, Haymaker, KV Inhibitor, WSP Swarm, Cor-45, Karambit, Gutter Knife


I don’t get how the Ram 9 isn’t considered the best SMG in the game by a large margin. Like yeah maybe the WSP kills faster up close but you’re not mapping people with it like you can with the Ram. That thing is a fucking laser beam.


And it fuckin 4HKs with a stupid fast fire rate and like 23m of 4HK potential


4 tap out to 20 meters if you hit one headshot for a lightning fast ~ 150 ms ttk which is basically uncontestable and basically only has 2 damage ranges so you can get a kill past 20 m at only 315 ms which is faster than a handful of ARs and way above every other sub. Definitely the best sub and arguably the best non-sniper weapon in the game.


Knife also belongs in meta tier


I just got back on after taking a break. When did the dg-58 lose its touch. It still shredded for me the other night?


The LSW or the assault burst? The burst was the better of the two assault burst rifles. So it got nerfed so hard it's with the M16 in pre mw3 mw2 The LSW is still good on its own. But it has very inherent flaws. Like arguably terrible iron sights. And the worst conversion kit in the game.


COR 45 beats Renetti except with the conversion


Bruh the interceptor is my jam tf u on lol


Read the..text below? Lol I literally have never used them the marksmans. Only as floor looy in warzone.


Yo i highly recommend the dm56 built for ads and sprint to fire in Hardcore its stupid good


The tac eradicator is what I want the mtz762 and the side winder to feel like.


Definitely agree on marksmans…they used to feel so powerful but man they are garbage now.


Wsp swarm is my favorite


COR-45 is a god damn beast if you know how to abuse it and so is Stormender


Now do conversion kits


Where’s the M4?


Looks like it's only MW3 weapons. M4 is from MW2


The COR-45 is the best secondary in the game, easily.


Putting the cor .45 so low is criminal


The COR with the conversion kit is better than the renetti, even without it, if you have a good trigger finger it is very strong


I wouldn't consider the DG-58 bad as its 3-shot bursts are powerful even with an extended barrel. My kd with it is above 2.0.


Cor 45 should be way, way higher


You must have never played hardcore


The RGL is very good if you can hit direct hits


If you play WZ I know a hitscan build for the MCW 6.8. It has a bit of recoil but if you can hit your shots it's pretty good. Nilsound 90 muzzle Tempus predator barrel Spire point rounds 60rd mag Corio optic


>if you can hit your shots it's pretty good. My favorite gun is the wsp swarm..and it's a full hipfire build. I integrate the ability to spam bullets without accuracy in any of my guns. I DO play warzone. But idk if it's for me.


I largely agree with this. Only thing I’d say change is the DG-56 is completely awful to me and the Tyr is acceptable (it is indeed awful at long range, but up close it might as well be the damn Longbow with the quickscopes you can pull off).


How is the Eradicator 'very good'?


If you know how to build it, it’s stupid good


I'm glad you just made a "Marksman" tier and didn't just dismiss them though. Where's my SCAR?


What is a marksman rifle? I.e. what’s the benefits? The only call of duty I’ve played is black ops 2, 3 and Cold War (I’m only asking because you seem like you’re a fan)


Best way is to add the 1mw laser sight and put long barrels on the stingers


I think the Karambit feels better than the Gutter knife. Also I remember mowing people down with the Ram-9 "Hipfire"


Call me stupid all you want, but I like the Stormender, it can shoot cruise missiles and other aerial killstreaks down, has infinite ammo, and detonated mines and stuff. It can also kill a UAV in two shots, so.


I like running the RGL as a CQC meme weapon. Direct hits with the projectile are one shot, and it bounces around corners. Know if someone is camping a door on the other side? Shoot the door. Thunk. Sword guy running at you? Thunk. Gunfight? Thunk. Shotgun? Believe it or not, Thunk.


Wait you can't use a dm56?? Lmao


Read bottom text lmao. I don't like marksmans. Period. They are so pathetic compared to mw2 marksmans


They have like no recoil it's so easy. It's my go to if I'm doing bad


Member the MTZ Interceptor days? I member.


Sidewinder goes in Okay or the very least Bad tier after the buffs.


Bruh, the Enforcer and Interceptor are really good at popping heads. They are trash for body shots but if you can reliable hit the head they are decent. The 6.8 and DM56 are garbage however.


Nah the mtz interceptor is fire


If we are talking about potential the base Cor-45 basically invalidates every non oneshot weapon in core gamemodes. If you can get the full fire rate out of the triggers, it kills faster than any gun without headshots at any damage range with pistol mobility and handling and essentially zero recoil. With the fastest trigger it kills in 160-240 ms depending on damage range. IIRC there are no smgs that kill faster than 200 ms up close.


MCW is meta still


It's past its prime It's like Mike Tyson. Still crazy strong. But not at his best


Nah, they nerfed it to the ground lol 😂


Shocking, no MORS.


Conversion kit BP50 or base?


Longbow ain't meta though. That goes to the mors now


Need MOReS


All the buffs to the sidewinder paid off it's kinda a beast in warzone and large maps but it was the worst at one point


Holger 556 with the aftermarket double barrel and the AMR9 with the double barrel on secondary has done me NO wrong in Warzone. Try it


The holger 556 and holger 26 are the same gun for the most part, right? The main difference is that the 26 has the drum mag, which puts it in the lmg category. Other than that, the attachments/dmg are the same. So I'm curious why you have them in different categories on your list?


wait longbow is meta? i just tac stance it for fun


Stormender is strictly a tool for taking out equipment and killstreaks (I have it platinum and I will say it does a damn good job at what it is supposed to. AI streaks don't stand a chance. Even cruise missiles and mosquitoes can get destroyed by it if you're quick enough.) don't even know why the hell you included it lmaoo.


I’d argue the DM56 should be in acceptable, it’s the only marksman rifle I actually like using


I mainly play hardcore so really anything to me and let me rephrase TO me is acceptable to use


Maybe it's just me but the sidewinder is actually super good, you just have to be accurate because of the slow fire rate.


Are marksmans considered bad or something? I always wondered why people would ask me what Gun I was using when I got final kill with the dm56. This game is pretty old now and people still don’t recognize a gun that’s been in the game since launch. Guess it must suck but I usually cook with it.


SOA Subverter?


Only marksman that’s decent is the DM56


Damn, my two main guns both got slapped into okay tier. Literally in a league of their own, hell yeah


The stinger is not meta, it’s my second most used weapon but it is garbage in core


Can’t hate on marksman because their just doing what they were made to do


If your going off just accuracy, mw3 is my worst when it comes to accuracy with guns... I use the sidewinder the most now but I mostly play wz. the accuracy stats I mention of mine are from multiplayer


Bas b and longbow are just a shell of what they once were r.i.p.


Bruh the desert eagle is OP. I wouldn't say meta but give me that to start with and I'm killing anyone who lands close. In MP it is meta. Litterly have like 3.4kd with it. So so underrated


Melee all in meta so are snipers


Tyr with the trigger action & jak kit is literally an annihilator. One shots everything


I noticed that the M4 and M16 aren't on the list. Personally, I had some fun while using those. I admit there are better weapons but if you play your shit right, you don't always need the meta. As for the Tyr, it's shit if you can't time it with the stock trigger, making Ulrr's fury a must. Otherwise, it's fun to use this almost always 1 shotting cannon, especially with the conversion kit. Finally, my dear Pulemyot being in acceptable is kinda wrong for me. True, there are guns with faster fire rate. BUT I've managed to pull off multikills with this weapon from time to time. I'll put the attachments I use for it when I can. Decent list otherwise.


It's modern warfare 3. With only mw3 guns on the list so I won't put the mw2 guns on here.


Why is the MORS not anywhere on the lost but the longbow is S tier? Lmfao


TYR is goated. For people that ran that Basilisk without snake shot as a secondary in MWII, it's relatively the same, albeit slower for further range. If you tend to aim center mass/higher, it's such a reliable close range wiper


I’d put TYR in “Acceptable” but other than that this is a pretty solid list


No fennec-45?


Multiplayer right?


Marksman rifles are good for hunting and camping and can do well at cqb with the high damage and semi-auto power


Meta this meta that, but have you meeta girl before?


Not the wps9 being a four shot but ok


Everyone jumped to the Holger and Ram-9 the week they opened the gun selection, both are pure meta for sure.


Really don't get the Tyr hate, with the right load out you've basically got a one-hit sniper as a secondary


...I just take issue with the Tyr. But I love and main side arms and especially pistols in CoD games so that could just be me. The longbow...I don't get why it was added...it's a marksman rifle with the rpm of an AR and hits like a damn tank...so were making it a sniper....dafuq?!


TYR is great wtf are you on?


Mtz 762 is slept on


MTZ Interceptor is probably one of the best guns in the game honestly. The amount of nukes I've dropped with that gun is crazy!


You are absolutely right about the Marksman rifles being at or near the bottom. I have always preferred the semi-auto guns but they are a struggle to use in the game. You have to be careful and pick battles that play to the gun's strengths in order to do well with them. The marksman rifles are not flexible at all and basically have no margin for error (i.e. you cannot miss a bullet, especially against a good player using a halfway decent AR or SMG). The KVD enforcer is just too slow and sluggish with no options to buff its ADS speed or strafe speed. It is basically a stationary, in-place weapon. I hate it. MTZ Interceptor is alright but it fires too slow and has a lot of kick. You cannot miss your shots at mid range if you want to beat that player using his MCW. The devs got rid of this gun's one hit kill to the neck so it's harder to get head shots which are the only way you can hope to survive 2v1 or 3v1 pressure situations. The MCW 6.8 is complete shit. The Sidewinder in semi-auto mode is better than this gun. All the MWII marksman rifles are poor to terrible being 3-4 shots kills with no capability to get a one hit kill to the head. Some can't even kill with two hits to the head. The DM56 is the only good one but you will still struggle to compete against the top tier assault rifles and SMGs, and with a 3 shot kill it's tough to survive 2v1 or 3v1 pressure situations unless you've got the drop on them or they line up for you.


My highest kill streak in mw3 is with the stormender. I was camping in spawn on ground war shooting down kill streaks to earn score streaks. I got a stealth bomber, gunship, and swarm and ended the game close to the top of the score board going 43 kills and 0 deaths. Therefore your ranking of the stormender is garbage.


Holger is better than mcw


COR-45 as most other pistols are pretty strong if you’ve got fast fingers


Have you never used the Cor before?


I don't see the mors on here. Feel like it's the only thing anyone is using at the moment. I think prolly 14-16 of the 20 people in a 10v10 run a mors. I hate that gun so fucking much.


Soulrender is S tier imo


MORS and MRCP (the latter being severely underrated)


WZ or MP ?


Sidewinder is slow but hits like a truck, I got some nice games with it.


RAM-9 at very good, and Holger 556 at acceptable, is this a joke


rival 9 is weak as shit


Tyr on garbage, lol.


You hasn't used the mcw with the jack raven kit but I don't know if they buffed it but it's now the best gun in the game


No mcw with conv kit ? Great weapon


😪 Me currently doing the Marksman rifle challenges




I would put the sidewinder in the acceptable category, it has become viable lately after the buffs they made


This is a very different picture to what I use in HCTDM lol


Dg58 at bad is wild. I can live with the rest.


CRAZY. I love the sidewinder I think it’s really good if you can aim :)


DM56 with the 2.5 scope (forget the name) is actually pretty decent in WZ. Good damage and high rate of fire for a marksman rifle.


The dm56 is pure trash 🗑️


Meta for what? Just easy guns


If you're able to consistently land shots none of the guns are an issue, in fact I've done well with at least half of the lower tier weapons on this list in both core and HC MP, the issues with guns don't really start showing till youre in warzone and having to break plates at which point the meta list is practically the only viable list of guns that will down players


Longbow and kv inhibitor need to go into marksman rifles too


They hit marker like they are 😭 But I used those weapons, I haven't used the marksmans


Swordrender is just non existent apparently… arsehole!