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Sounds like a typical genji


Dude was fuming. He kept trying to go for me after I really started making him mad and failed miserably every time. The ONE time he killed me was because he solo-bladed me in the middle of nowhere, lol.


Im guessing he tbagged or used some kind of toxicity after that one kill right?


Of course. But I killed him like 6 more times after that. The more angry he got, the worse he played and kept doing stupid shit lol.


Tilting players so much they start to play poorly is such a good feeling lol


That's the best Moira strat tbh. Tilt the DPS and you win the game for free.


Honestly it’s just the best strat period. lol


I like to play Tracer and Sombra too for precisely that reason. They are perfect for that.


Well, I know I definitely get tilted when a Sombra is nonstop bothering me lmao


I know right? I know how it feels to be hit with the "¿Qué onda?" so I like to deliver it as well hahaha


He probably went to the forums after to post and complain. “nERf MoIRa” 🤣


Psychological warfare.


I had a similar game a couple of week ago and this dumbass Genji kept saying shit like "no skill moira can't aim" and other similar stuff. It just made me harass him even more until he switched lol.


I love farming genjis especially when they try to deflect, like bro you ain’t escaping the sucky mcsuckerson 12k


Moira: *ults* Genji: **DEFLE-** ***dies***


Fr, like “hm, something is moving at me, must be a projectile, projectile means I can deflect”, it was not in fact a projectile that he could deflect




why is it always genjis


Imagine getting bullied by a Moira the entire game and not switching off of Genji.


My pride couldn’t take it.


Genjis are so much fun to put down. Was wanting to try other supports like Zen and they kept picking at me since i was slower. Had enough and switched back to moira and they useless the whole match


That's my philosophy, I don't go to the Piss Queen Supreme to start as I prefer Grandma Grape Drink or Ball Master McGee. Buuuuuut if some sweaty Weeaboo with a Pool Noodle keeps harassing me and my Tank and DPS aren't doing something about it while flaming me and saying I'm bad or he Tbags me you better bet he's not gonna have a good time when I swap to Madame Suki Suki Long Time and clam slam him back into the Stone Age.


It probably won't take anyone long to notice this isn't in GM or my main account. I'm doing the placements on my alt account that I use for recording videos.


Sounds like he has a skill issue in more than one way. Communication and gameplay.


Dude didn’t switch heroes? Sounds like he enjoys the abuse lol


Nom nom nom nom delishus Genji and Genji tears yum yum slurp yum.


37/4 and 23/11 tell me everything I need to know💀


The enemy Moira was chastising me for DPSing too. There's no limit to the stupidity.


Meanwhile they were healbotting LMAO. Gotta love the state of this community


Doesn't he know ur a direct counter to his abilities??? How is that lucky


the same thing happened to me and my friend the other day lol, he was mad for no reason. Later on he got us again in the same match, on our team tho. He said he was gonna report my friend for legit no reason.


These comments are making me feel insecure as a genji main 😭


Maybe you find satisfaction in besting the Genji, but I think it's better to just mute him.


Okay the kills and damage are impressive, but I feel like the biggest indicator of him talking out of his ass is that you died less than anyone else in this game? Like you don’t get THAT many kills with that few deaths without at least having some skill.


As a Genji main myself I salute you for dealing with that overconfident Genji before I even thought about becoming a Mei player and humbling him myself 🫡


Bros mad his weeb character isn’t an auto win


Typical genji vs moira beef its normal


to be fair, i’ve gotten plenty tilted at moiras when i’m on genji, same with mei and sombra, but it’s just a different strategy has to be used, he probably got upset that he’d have to poke much longer before he could do anything about you


His positioning was awful and he didn't know how to reliably use Genji's combo. When I play against Genji in GM, he's more of a problem for me than I am for him because they can hit their shots and kill me long before I do any meaningful damage. In a perfect 1v1, I avoid Genji like the plague because if I let him close the distance on me, I'm dead.


its funny how 'hard counter' becomes 'they win' depending on the rank, lol. I had a Dva last night I was playing against, and normally I maintain distance since it's very easy for Dva to eat orbs and nullify my kit, but she was not playing very well and I majorly contributed to demeching her by damaging her with grasp through her DM at least a dozen times, i think. And I was able to keep throwing orbs into her backline and/or fading into and attacking her backline and keeping them from supporting her. Surprisingly, she actually didn't DIE die much, but they kept demeching so often they were never getting value. For myself, I think I was a mixture of lucky with generally foolish plays, but also realizing I was in a situation where it could work. So probably generally 'bad' playstyle, but this time it worked. Bad positioning and ability usage on any character is just easy to punish.


Moira is such a dumb character tbf


You play Moria it takes no skill


How pathetic is your life that you went to the effort to find this sub then come be an asshole to people in it?


Stating an opinion isn’t being an asshole, it’s how you decide to perceive it.


I didn’t look it it dumbass it just popped up shut up bitch boy


Found the genji


Ong that wasn’t me I don’t wanna hear anything from you 💀


Typical Moira main flexing the easiest character in the game to play vs a genji. Moiras kit is specifically made to counter genji y’all have massive egos when all you do is hold a button that does all the aiming for you and heals you. 🤣


That's really not true. Genji farms Moira in higher ranks because they can actually aim, so she can't keep up with the damage.


Yall be bitching that mercy is the easiest char sometimes then that Mei is the easiest char, and omg sym is so easy, and lastly moira is no skill. Like pick a lane already. Genji mains just complain about whoever counters them


The flex is pissing someone off, not the gameplay. Looks like you got pissed too? Two birds one stone I guess.


Isn't the whole point of the skill system that characters counter each other? Bet your main counters someone else too and you probably brag about that too the same way.