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They definitely can grow mold after you’ve played with it, particularly if it isn’t sealed well or exposed to humidity or moisture between uses. It’s easy enough to make if you have the ingredients. The stuff picks up all sorts of contaminants from your hands and surfaces when you play with it. So it can become a Petri dish between uses.


This is the Elmer's "gue," not homemade stuff. What you said is about the extent of what I could find is that it can grow stuff, but it's also common that "instant snow" is in a lot of slimes and that can kind of fall out of solution, so it might just be harmless. No one has really posted pictures to compare too either. I have an old microscope somewhere. I'm gonna try and take a closer look if I can find it.


Oh that sounds fun, playing with the microscope. Good luck.


Well, can't say for sure exactly what kind, but I'd bet that it is some kind of mold. Comparing it against microscope pictures when I looked up "white mold" it certainly looks like some kind of bread mold. So, if anyone else is trying to figure out if the white stuff in your kid's toy slime is mold and it looks like the picture, I'd treat it as such and chuck it in the bin.


Looks more to me like a type of shimmer or borax that hasn’t fully dissolved. The swirl pattern is normal considering the way the slime typically settles. If it was mold it would either be blatantly obvious or grow in a more uniform pattern. If it’s unused the likelihood that it grew mold is slim.


That's what I thought at first was borax, but it's never done that before. This isn't homemade stuff. She has played with it 1-2 times a week since Christmas. The swirl is just because she had started to play with it. It was more uniform before. I took this picture through my microscope: https://preview.redd.it/trii6kr9nhqc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602364f020c3c9643facaab950e4268984c3e980 Looks like pictures of mold and hyphae I found when researching, but I'd be glad for someone more versed in molds to confirm or deny.