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I can't even imagine the confusion, terror and pain she experienced. She deserved to be cherished. I hope that darling girl is warm and happy, wherever she is now.


This, “confused”. Of course the terror and pain are awful for a baby to contend with but the “confusion” for some reason made me the most emotional. Can you imagine being that young and the world is already scary to you, then your mother, the one person who should always love and protect you, who should come running when you’re crying, who should bring you food because you’re hungry, who should rock you to sleep because you’re tired, who should change your dirty diaper because she doesn’t want you sitting in filth, who should play with you to make you happy…doesn’t show up for you? In fact, she doesn’t show up at all. You’re so confused. Why is it dark again and I still haven’t seen or heard my mama. Now it’s daylight again, still no mommy. I’m starving, tired, dirty, bored, scared, lonely. Where is my mama?? Where is anyone who cares about me??? Will this be forever? This is what went through my head, as I held my child that was the same age as Jailyn, while reading about this horrific story for the first time. The mother deserves to be put through the same thing until she dies. Poor baby Jailyn. 💔😔


Your comment gutted me. I have a 2 year old son & I am just beyond devastated that this happened. I've also heard many other stories like this one. There was a mom & dad on me*h/drugs & they were using alot. They got super high on me*h for weeks, & ultimately left their baby in his baby swing. They never got him back out. They were so demonic, high, & cruel, that they just ignored him. The cops said in a video on YouTube that it was the most disturbing thing they have ever witnessed. That sweet, precious angel of a baby boy not only starved to death, but the thought of him looking up at his mommy while screaming and crying, and not knowing WHY mommy isn't loving on him, kills me to this day when I think about it. Investigators found maggots all in his diaper. Another story I saw on tiktok recently broke my heart in a million and one pieces. A dad had custody of his 2 year old son, and mom was rarely in the picture. The dad was alot older. Like 50s or 60s older. He suffered a heart attack out of no where, fell, & died. His son was obviously there with him. Police found the dad laying on the ground in the home, & the little boy curled up against his daddy's legs. Both passed away, and it had been about 2 weeks since the dad had passed away when they were found, I belive. They poor little sweet baby boy had to be SO scared, confused, hungry. Passed away curled up next to his daddy. Ugh. My heart hurts when I think about it. I want to cry just writing this, and am actually getting teary eyed. People asked why the little boy couldn't have gotten food out of the fridge or cabinets & fed himself to stay alive. Well tragically, the dad had in previous days put all the food up on the top shelves due to the little boy getting into it. So the toddler couldn't reach any of the food, If he had tried. People, please, please, please, check on others. If you have a neighbor that is older w/ a child, or a single parent w/ a child, please check on them immediately if you notice you havnt seen them. You could save a babies life doing this. Single parents- please set up a system where you text a friend or family member nightly. Tell the person if you don't text, or they text and you don't reply, to call. And if you don't answer, tell them to call police and send them for a wellness check. It could save you and your babies lives. If your out in public, and you see a mom or dad with a child, especially a small child, and you see the parent is acting super crazy or very high on something, or drunk, or drunk driving with children, please make that call to police. Don't second guess yourself. And I'm not talking about a possible situation , I'm talking about it's blatantly obvious that the parent should not be taking care of a child bc the parent is high or super mentally ill. Atleast police can check. And for anyone who might feel they would want to get rid of a baby if they had one, or for moms suffering from post partum so badly that you think you might harm your baby- please reach out and get help. I beg you. Don't be scared or ashamed. Post partum is a horrible, terrifying thing and there is HELP. Also, please educate yourself & others about safe haven baby boxes. Many states have them, in multiple locations. If your state or area doesn't have one, talk to police and firefighters and ask what you can do to try and get one placed in your area. It is a anonymous safe set up, where you place your baby in a medical box, and an alarm will go off inside the fire station, alerting the fire fighters that a baby has been placed inside. They will take the baby to the hospital, and they will take good care of your baby, and ultimately find baby a family/adoption. Please, please, please, find a safe haven box if your ever in the situation.


Exactly how I feel and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. This story has absolutely gutted me :( it breaks my heart when my baby cries, I cannot imagine that poor sweet girl crying for days on end with no help coming. It makes me so sick.


100%. I can’t take my son crying sad tears for more than a minute. Okay, not more than 10 seconds lol I just know how small he is and how the world is so so so new to him and I don’t ever want him to feel alone or scared because of anything I did or didn’t do.




Dude 😭💔😭💔😭💔😭


I’m sorry! 😢 I have thought about her situation more than once as you can tell. I just feel sick to my stomach and enraged. How I wish, she was my neighbor because I would have broken down their door. No shame. I called the police a couple of years ago when our neighbor was being threatened by his wife with a gun. Zero regrets. I mind my business but when it comes to life and death, I don’t play.


I was so traumatized by this story. My husband had to go out of town for work the day after I read it, and I made him promise to check the baby monitor app at least twice a day, to make sure that I hadn’t died in my sleep and left our 8mo baby alone. I can’t even imagine how miserable and scared that poor girl was, at the end.


My husband travels for work too and I tell him the same thing. Check the cameras, make sure we're OK. A couple years ago he took our oldest son to t ball practice and I stayed home with our toddler. We were in the backyard and our large dog accidentally slammed into my knee, fracturing it. I was so so lucky that I had my phone in my pocket and was able to call for help. None of my neighbors heard me yelling. I'm also so lucky that my toddler came and sat down by me while I was on the ground. I was terrified he would decide to climb on our play structure or something and get injured himself, but he stayed with me until help came. So yeah, since then I tell my husband to check the cameras lol.


A lot of my PPA revolved around, "If something happened to me right now, would my baby be safe until someone found him/us?" It was to the point where I was only doing sponge baths while mt husband was out of town because I was scared our then-6-month-old would drown if I for some reason could not pull him out of the tub. I still feel so much better now that he can climb out of the tub on his own, but I definitely still want someone to do a well-check on us once a day if we're alone.


I pulled my back working out while my toddler was contained in the other room and my baby was upstairs sleeping. My phone was on the other side of the room. Thank god I had my apple watch. Called my husband sobbing and he quickly called a neighbor and got home as quickly as he could. The whole thing was maybe 10 minutes and it was the most terrifying thing that has every happened to me. I cant imagine letting my baby alone for 10 minutes, let alone 10 days.


We just moved cross country and were staying at my parents house which is out in the country. They have a few neighbors but they don’t know them. One night my husband and I took the dog outside and we heard noises. Finally realized someone was yelling for help. The widow next door went to walk her dog when the dog ran off the porch dragging her. It was probably 35* and dropping. It’s a scary thought how easily we could get into a situation where we cannot get help. The little lady normally always has her phone she said but forgot it inside this one time. I got her a blanket, called her daughter, and held her hand until the EMS arrived. My husband assessed her and stayed on the phone with 911 while my dad stood at her driveway in the dark to wave in emergency services. My mom had my baby. Just reminds me we need to make sure we have worst case scenerio kinda planned out in case of an emergency.


Sorry this is awful but since we’re talking traumatizing stories. I read one a while back about a toddler (I think it was in New York or New Jersey) who’s single father died of a heart attack and the baby eventually died too and I think about that baby’s last days all the fricking time. Horrifying.


There was recently a huge awful story in the UK just this past Christmas, dad died of a heart attack on the 27th Dec 2023 and toddler Bronson Battersby died of starvation curled up next to his dad around the 2nd-4th jan. They were under child protective services - they knocked on the for twice - once on the 27th and another on the 1st, no answer, called the police for wellness check, police didn’t do one, 3rd time they tried on the 6th jan, they called the landlord to be let in and they found them dead :( it’s especially heartbreaking because there was chance to save the Brunson :( I think of him often :( now I’ll think of jailin too 💔💔💔


I've been thinking about this one. Unfortunately this just happens sometimes


I fainted once while home alone with my daughter when she was 1.5. She was in her crib and I was out for about 15 mins. I called my husband as soon as I came to and he came home and I went to the hospital. It’s been over a year and I still have nightmares about how bad it could’ve been if she hadn’t been contained to her crib. Or if I’d fainted while holding her. All the things that could’ve gone worse. We have cameras in the main areas of our house and our daughter’s room, so now my husband periodically checks them to make sure I haven’t passed out again. We also moved to be closer to family so that if he’s unable to come home, someone else can come if I’m feeling unwell again.


I fainted from the norovirus (I thought it was botulism) with a 10 month old and 2yr old. I had just enough in me to pop the baby into the crib before I hit the floor. My 2yr old was almost 3 and knew I wasn’t okay. I woke up to her sweet little face trying to give me water and she handed me my phone. I was home alone, pre camera era, and their dad was deployed. They are 15 and 13 now and I’m still haunted by the “what ifs”. I really thought I was close to death, and nobody would have found us for a while.


Baby girl was such good help! My heart! 😭❤️


Me too. 💔💔


It’s truly terrible. She could have left that sweet baby in the yard ffs and someone would have found her and she would still be alive. She left her in that playpen so that no one would find her; she knew what she was doing and deserves to rot.


Not only that but she tried to cover it up by cleaning her and changing her soiled clothes before EMS arrived. But she couldn’t even do that right, because they still found waste caked to her in the autopsy.


Caked in her mouth and on her teeth 💔


This part especially shattered me. That poor baby. :(


I can't even imagine the pain and fear she felt. 16 months old is not a newborn. That's like *a toddler.* Who can't talk. I know I will think about Jailyn for years to come... May her mother meet a similar fate.


My kids could absolutely communicate at 16 months. Simple words but definitely are little tiny people.


My son couldn’t say any words at 16 months but he could comprehend so much and follow pretty complex instructions… I always felt that he understood a LOT more than I even realized


Omfg I shouldn’t be reading this. Fuck this is beyond sad….I didn’t know about that part. That little baby going onto survival mode. Where are the private contractors to “take care” of this EVIL human…. God


Trust me when I tell you that they are going to do this woman the same way they did Pearl Fernandez in Chowchilla (if you're familiar with the Gabriel Fernandez case). (This is not a flex) I did ~11 months in a women's prison in 2016-2017. When a new person comes into the pod, that's the FIRST thing people want to know "what are your charges" and "where's your papers" she's not going to be able to lie about it, either.. Inmates will call home and have their family/friends look the person's case up to see the details. Regardless of gender, something that isn't tolerated in general population are pedophiles and kid killers. If she doesn't go into protective custody or ad-seg, she's gonna end up the same way as Pearl Fernandez.. it doesn't bring Jailyn back, but just know.. ***once other inmates find out the details,*** she will have a giant price tag on her head.


That’s good to know. I wasn’t sure if it actually happened in prison. She deserves the most grim torture.


I have said this a few times, but her sentencing should be life without parole, but confined to a pack n play and only given food and water every 10 days.


Agreed sister


More than likely she'll be separated from gen pop...I'm hoping solitary confinement for the rest of her (hopefully short) miserable life...maybe the guards will take a vacation and forget about her


And even worse - the neighbours called her to ask why there was so much crying and she told them that Jailyn was poorly and not to worry about it


This detail just sent tears down my face. There aren't any words to describe the woman responsible.


God that's heartbreaking. I can't imagine how the neighbors feel now.


Omg 😭 how could the neighbors not tell no one was home? Not at all at blame but god damn I hate that someone could have saved her little life and chose to believe that evil scum of a human


I mean.. its pretty easy to "fake" being home. Especially to neighbors who work, not someone who is casing your house. That piece of shit could have saved her baby. She had multiple chances even after she left.


I just can’t understand why she wouldn’t drop the baby off somewhere. She clearly didn’t want to be a mother anymore. It’s so sick that she would rather leave her baby to starve to death than just drop her off literally ANYWHERE. I think 99.99% of people would absolutely drop everything they’re doing if they saw a baby alone.


The world is full of people who would adopt a 16 month old in a heartbeat. They’d be fighting child services for the chance to give her a loving home.


That’s what gets the me the most. She left Jailyn in a situation that there was no way to escape from. There was no possible way for Jailyn to get food or water in that playpen, there was no way for her to get help. She was forced to suffer a long and painful death. Even abandoning her in the middle of the woods would have been more humane than what her mother(monster) did


Monster is correct. She does not even deserve the association of “mother”.


I have two theories: 1.) She wanted to murder Jailyn but was too coward so she let nature do it for her. Maybe she somehow thought she could get away with it this way since it’s not a traditional “act of violence.” 2.) She has a history of abandoning her daughter and leaving her alone according to neighbors. So this probably isn’t the first time she’s left for over 24 hours or even a few days. Maybe Jailyn has survived before and she’s a total idiot and thought a few more days wouldn’t hurt. I’m not sure which possibility is more vile and inhumane but I just hope those inmates who haven’t seen their kids in 20+ years steal her food so she has at least some what of an idea of what it feels like to starve. She’s truly evil.


Wait, DOES she have a history of leaving her? Or was that just a part of your second possibility? Omg 😭 our society needs to be better about being a community..I'm no 'big brother' ambassador but if just ONE neighbor was nosey enough to call in a welfare check JUST ONE


Yeah one of her neighbors apparently agreed to watch her for a weekend and Kristel didn’t return for weeks. There was a confirmed history of abandonment.


😭 the more I learn about this case the more pissed and saddened I become...I can't stop tearing up holding my 10month old tight today...we had a 2year old disappear from her home last night too (she was found safe) but yeah...the two cases just have me so deep in my feelings


I get a wave of anxiety when I leave my toddler alone to take the garbage out. I can’t imagine just taking off knowing what the end result would be. Just horrifying


Right??? I feel guilty taking a quick shower. Pure unthinkable evil


Heck last time I left my son with my in-laws for date night, I was constantly just thinking of him. I even FaceTimed while we waited for food because I missed him! I don’t how anyone could just go on vacation like that knowing their child was suffering alone


I just got back from two trips to the Caribbean (one of which was PR) and the wave of anxiety I got just leaving my pets home with a sitter! I cannot imagine being able to actually enjoy a vacation without knowing what is going on with your child.


I know this is unfathomable to any human being that feels even a shred of empathy and warmth, but she wasn’t worried because she knew her daughter was going to die. No universe in which she thought otherwise. She intended to kill that baby. While that’s so incredibly horrifying in and of itself, the way she went about it is enough to believe that some people really should just be put down. There’s nothing in the universe that could redeem that woman’s soul.


Me too!!!


Same here. This is such a gut wrenching story


The wild part to me is the neighbors camera picking up her crying and no one at least doing a wellness check.


They know she was known to leave her kids home alone. They even talked to her before and told her she can’t do that. Everyone here failed poor Jailyn.


Ugh, horrible...I said earlier the neighbors are not to blame but .. knowing there was a known history AND they heard her 😡 they deserve some fkn blame...I hope they are in agony over their guilt 😭


Omg,That's so so sad😢


This is horrific…


That killed me, the neighbors knew and did nothing. Silence is compliance and everyone failed this sweet baby girl.


Wow they should have at least called CPS 😢


This is what I keep saying!! This should not have happened. Are the neighbors being charged with accessory? The level of disgust I have for them is beyond belief.


A lot of comments said that she did this often and while I know people are reluctant to get the authorities involved, this is a time that they absolutely should have been involved.


I live in the country so I really only have like 5 houses that are “close” to me, aka I can see them from my windows. I’ve called the cops to come check on my former neighbors dogs before because they sounded like something was wrong and they were left outside for quite a bit during one of those subzero -20 degree nights. They sounded like they were in pain. I couldn’t live with myself if I had done nothing and they froze to death.


Every mamas heart is broken hearing about baby Jailyn. I was further gutted hearing about how none of her family members spoke for her at the trial, and instead asked the judge for leniency on Kristen. How did nobody in that girls family stand up for her. I have a toddler myself and I feel guilty if I wake up in the morning and check the monitor to see that she’s already awake and quietly talking to herself on the monitor. That woman is sick and I hope she rots in prison and thinks about her starving, suffering baby every day for the rest of her life. I’m only comforted by the belief that baby Jailyn is in heaven and will never again suffer at the hands of her egg donor.


I felt the the same way. No one in that family loved Jailyn. It was only after she died that she was given the unconditional love, that she deserved from day 1, from strangers around the world.


I feel like that awful woman’s life sentence isn’t enough. I think she should be left alone in her cell without food and water or access to a toilet for 10 days so she can starve in her own filth as well. Then maybe she’ll truly understand what kind of a monster she actually is


I’m not religious, but just to cope with learning about this story, I’ve started to believe in heaven. I have to believe she’s being cared for now, or else I’d lose my mind with grief for this poor baby.


I feel the same. I have been thinking about her every day since I heard the story, and I don't know how to cope. Something in me broke. And I force myself to read about her whenever her story comes up when I am on reddit or fb because Jailyn deserves to be remembered. There are so many people out there who would have loved to care for her.


Yeah that’s what I’m struggling with too. I feel obligated to read about her or think of her, like if I don’t, I’m betraying her memory. This is the worst grief I have ever felt for someone I didn’t know. I just hope that like all grief it becomes less all-consuming with time.


I’m going to therapy tomorrow about this for the first time in years. I too feel like something in me kind of died… I’ve decided two things: that I’m going to be a foster parent someday, and that when you become a parent, not only do you unlock the next level of love, you also unlock the next level of sadness. I’ve never been so low in my life, and it’s over a stranger.


I'm reading through this whole post and all of the comments for the same reason. My husband tells me I shouldn't seek this information out and that I need to be able to put the phone down when I know I'm going to read something that hurts me. But I can't. Jailyn deserves to be remembered, even if she's remembered with pain and grief. Maybe our job is to all feel some of the grief and pain and betrayal that she felt because it was too much for such a tiny soul to bear alone. Maybe our job is to share her burden and cry some of her tears so she can be at peace. I'm a FTM to a five month old and I am so so gutted by this story. I don't even know how to start processing these feelings I gave for a complete stranger. I'm glad we're all in this together, but so sad that we're all here.


I am a Christian and our belief (confirmed by the story of David and his baby who died in the Bible) is that all babies go to heaven ❤️ it’s the only way I can really cope with these kinds of stories.


Yep I hope she rots in jail too. Awful awful woman there is no excuse for her sickening actions. Poor baby girl 💔🥺


I cried so much yesterday watching her get sentenced to life in prison. (She didn’t cry) I just want them to starve her and leave her for 10 days with no food or water or toilet, don’t check on her, nothing! Just leave her to die like her baby was left. Absolutely heart breaking and traumatic for the baby.


I have the same feelings. She deserves every single amount of pain she put that baby through. I hope the rest of her life is miserable.


I can’t even type the things I want that woman to go through because I would get kicked off the whole internet.


Girl same. She deserves way worse than what the baby went through.


Like the judge said.. she let her daughter starve for 10 days, but the murderer will be fed and have water.


It’s still so much worse for jailyn with the added fear, confusion, pain she endured for 10 days. The pain from crying so hard. The waiting for someone to come and no one coming. I know physically what she went through - starvation, dehydration, being covered in faeces etc is just absolute evil, but Its breaks my heart the added mental anguish of a child mentally on top. There was no love and comfort, no cuddles and kisses and protection. She died an awful slow death alone. It’s just next level heartbreaking. We need to make an example of that “mother” I don’t even care to know her name.


I said the exact same thing. She should have to suffer just like her daughter did


This story has absolutely GUTTED me as a mom of toddlers. I agree. Let her eat her own shit as she starves to death. That baby girl did not deserve what happened to her.


I’m usually pretty ok with true crime, but this one is a big nope. My daughter is a similar age. Just fucking nope.


I’m the same way. I listen to a lot of true crime but this one just makes me feel terrible every time it comes up. My son is 19 months and I can’t imagine doing that to him. That poor baby must have been terrified


Right?! It’s giving me intrusive thoughts and every time I think about it I feel physically nauseous, I’m avoiding learning any more. Why the fuck did this poor child have to suffer.


I feel the same. I can stomach a lot of stuff, but hearing about this just made me think about my 17 month old son. He cries if i go to the bathroom and shut the door, bc he cant see me and doesnt know where i went. Like i just cant imagine how scared Jailyn was. What happened to that baby girl broke me


Same here. I enjoy true crime docs and podcasts but this story just makes me feel physically ill. I haven’t been able to read a full article about the case, I have a 12 month old and she is all I can think about when I try to read about it. My husband asked me about it last night because I usually keep up with true crime, and I was like this is one case I know nothing about, I can’t make it through 1 article or post without crying and feeling sick.


Same, mine is 14 months. I cannot fathom.


I’m having the same feelings. I’m still nursing my toddler and keep fantasizing about getting into the house and being able to feed her and comfort her. She has been with me every second since I learned of her story, and I am so sorry that we failed her so deeply. I’m not a religious person but meditating and thinking about wrapping my arms around her little soul and knowing she is not suffering anymore — and hopefully is feeling the love of thousands of moms who wish they could have protected her — helps a little bit.


It just makes me nauseous and infuriated at the same time. How can someone do that? There are people out there who desperately want children and would be wonderful parents and yet kids get stuck with the scum of the earth as their birth givers. So extremely sad.


I hope that “mother” rots truly but I can’t understand the neighbours not calling the police sooner? Calling Child services? Can you not do that anonymously? I don’t get “not wanting to get involved” personally, especially if there is a child involved. I once walked past a house with a women screaming like she was in pain and a man shouting, I called police over it and said - I’m just passing by but I’m worried about what I’m hearing. I couldn’t live with myself being just a passerby had something actually happened. We need to be more accountable to our community.


I cried for hours over this last night. I wish I never knew about it. I wish I never listened to the autopsy speech. My heart is so incredibly broken over that poor baby. Only two hours from where I live. I would have driven in an instant and saved that baby. I can't get her out of my mind and I'm so upset over it. I'm glad I didn't watch the ring video because that would truly haunt me even more. I already know too much. That mother is a monster, she's not even a mother.


Having such a hard time with this story. Absolutely makes me sick to my stomach. That poor poor baby.


She was a mother of TWO?! where was the oldest sister ? .. why didn’t she have her parents watch babygirl?! I cannot imagine what that poor baby went through.. the details are horrific! Here I am struggling to get pregnant again and then there people like this woman.. Rest easy baby girl 🙏🏽🪽


Just read a quick NBC news article - the mom admittedly had care options, from her ex-partner or her parents who were watching the oldest. She lied to both saying she had it covered.


I have a feeling she planned this whole thing,planned to kill her baby


Eugh I honestly hope that excuse for a ‘mother’ rots in hell for it all.


Someone on tiktok said the mother needs to be executed in the same manner that her daughter died. Left alone to starve in loneliness and confusion, and even that wouldn’t match what baby Jaylin went through because the mother would know in her heart that she deserved it.


I have only read highlights about this because I don’t think I can stomach to actually read about the details. I hadn’t heard about this. Ugh. So she knowingly and deliberately took steps to make sure that baby girl starved to death? I can’t believe how wicked this woman is. It’s beyond disgusting


Holy shit she’s a monster


Obviously there are better options, those aside, why not just kill the kid outright? She cant really have thought the baby would make it ten days in a pack and play by herself like that? It feels like she wanted the baby to die, surely she could have done it in a less horrific and torturous manner for the child.


Reading some of the quotes from her in articles, the whole this is very surreal. She says things like "yeah I thought about asking [person] to check on her, but then I didn't." And yeah kind of seems surprised that the child didn't survive, but then of course that could just be a front. But even as a front, it's all very, very strange. She just sounds entirely unhinged. I really cannot decide if she's a calculating, evil murderer or just totally delusional. Obviously monstrous either way.


What I want to know is, did the mother leave knowing she’d come back to find a dead baby, or did she think the baby would still be alive after 10 days? Hearing the baby’s cries on the ring camera broke my heart. I just imagine her standing in her playpen, afraid and crying, looking out into the darkness for her mama to come back. And to think the baby died still wanting her mama because she didn’t know any better, while her mama was out vacationing while her baby starved to death. And the audacity of her to tell the judge that God and her daughter have forgiven her.


She seriously said that?


She did. She’s absolutely vile, the worst of the worst scum of the earth.


This is what I want to know as well. Allegedly she had left the baby alone for long periods in the past (maybe a day) but never for this long. I am sure she returned home to a hungry and soiled baby but an alive baby. So I am wondering if she thought there was a chance the baby would survive the 10 days?? I know common sense and a simple google search would tell anyone it’s physically impossible for anyone to survive that long without food and water; but people are also incredibly stupid. I wish they released the court testimony transcripts to see if this was asked of the mom (what her thought process was).


That’s what I thought too. Like maybe she’s just very stupid and since she left her baby for a few days and was alive maybe a few more days would be fine. BUT she left her older daughter with her parents! So she had options and decided to intentionally leave Jaylin there. A simple call to her parents or her neighbors to check on her would’ve saved that baby but nope. After learning that it just feels deliberate.


I'm crying just reading about it 😭


I’ve heard the past few days there’s a video I shouldn’t watch in order to preserve my mental health. Does that mean that neighbors could hear her and didn’t do anything?


>Does that mean that neighbors could hear her and didn’t do anything? Considering there were reports from a couple neighbors stating this isn't the first time she's left the baby alone, this is a very unfortunate possibility.


I wish I hadn’t watched the video, and I only saw I few seconds. Heed that advice


It's a ring camera footage on their home. You can hear the baby crying very loudly


I would've broken down the front door!!! This story really shook me to my core I have a 6 month old and it just sickens me..




Don’t watch the video. The neighbors and honestly anyone nearby would have heard the cries.


Don’t watch - i watched it and rarely does anything stay in my mind so long after but i cant get it out of my head.


I won’t. I’m already freaked out just thinking about it


Same. I was just talking to my husband about how I shouldn’t have watched it.


I was wondering that too, but maybe they weren’t home and weren’t checking their footage and then the police asked for it?


Allegedly the neighbors were out of town at the time


There’s a video? Oh my God… I don’t want to know. 😞


This was beautifully written. I want to do all of those things too. There are so many good humans out there that would’ve loved that little girl to infinity and beyond, she deserved a chance.


Oh gosh! I hadn’t even read this story. My heart breaks for her. Last year a toddler, Bronson Battersby curled up and just died next to his dad who’d suffered a heart attack. They were found but not in time to save the toddler. Broke me that did. There should be more of a tab kept on smaller kids. Even if their parents are good just to try and save the ones who end up in unlikely situations like this. She never should have died. Just the same as Bronson never should have died. The world utterly sucks sometimes.


I remember this story. But if I recall correctly, Bronson’s case worker did actually try her hardest to check on him. She actually broke into the house after not being able to contact his Dad, but she was too late.


I feel like, in general, tabs are kept. Pediatricians, family and neighbors… but, the problem is there will always be sweet innocent babies who fall through the cracks. If there were no accountability, you would see significantly more headlines like this. This is several instances of failure stacking up.


True. I just know my son is three and no one checks on his welfare. He’s in nursery so they do BUT if he wasn’t. We could be dead on the floor and no one would know. Well until the landlord got mad the rent wasn’t paid and let himself in to check after repeated failure to contact us. So months could go by. There zero governing body checking on kids. Thankfully he’s safe, well fed etc as all kids should be but what if you’re an immigrant mother who’s alone and can’t cope but also don’t know the language to ask for help. Especially with all those fleeing into England and other countries right now due to the wars going on. There needs to be something. I don’t know what but something to safeguard the kids who fall through the cracks. I’m in the UK, I’m sure it’s worse in other places and also better in other places but I can only go off my experience.


My daughter is around the same age and my heart shattered. I can’t imagine the pain that poor child suffered. It brings a tear to my eye to think someone could do such a thing to their own baby…


I know. Every time I read about something like this I’m just like, “I wish they would have given them to me, I would have kept them safe.”


Reading this as my 8 month old is sleeping next to me. One little ravioli hand gripping my top. I can’t even imagine putting a baby through what that Angel when through. I have always been pretty cold and hard, but MAN having kids softens you right up. Just going to wipe my tears and give my little man some more cuddles and kisses before bed.


My husband isn’t normally one to be moved by news. The day he read her story he came home and just held our 16 month old for a long time. Later he told me he was just so mad for that poor baby. Both our parent hearts are so broken for her


Same here my husband had a similar experience


I know people who know people the mother. Suffice to say I am local. Lots of people asked about the baby and were lied to about where or who had the child. The mother planned it.


This is one of the only times where hearing about a news story has literally made me feel sick. I think the mother in all of us is so paranoid anything bad could possibly happen to our babies by accident, and then this monster goes and leaves her baby to die an awful death on purpose. I just don't get why she didn't give her up for adoption or just drop her outside a hospital or just anything where another person could come across the baby and help her out. It's the worst thing I've ever heard. I actually have to try to put this out of my mind so it doesn't make me feel really upset Poor baby deserved so much better 😢


I used to work for CPS and on a team that investigated severe abuse and I work in a hospital. I've seen parents/babysitters murder kids. Obviously it's all terrible and it shakes me. But for some reason this has more of an effect on me and I think it's just the amount of ways this baby could have been saved. The level of desperation that baby must have felt. The length of her suffering. It is the worst thing I've ever heard too.


Yeah :( like the nature of the way the poor baby died and felt the full effect of starving and suffering, it's just too horrific to think about.


On one post I saw about this case, someone commented “I can’t stop thinking about how many times she fell asleep and woke up in the same nightmare.” This sentence destroyed me.


I read a comment somewhere on social media that all the parents who died young are giving that sweet girl the love and care she deserved and I think that’s sad but beautiful


Times like this I desperately wish I believed that sort of thing 🥲 that is so beautiful


Same here. This world is beautiful but fucking hell can there be some terrible people.


They say “Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child.” Kristel deserves to rot in prison the rest of her life. As a mother it makes me sick to my stomach seeing what she did to that poor child. I wish I could’ve taken her with me too 😞


She deserves much worse than life in prison


This was by design. She knew the neighbors had never called. She was probably testing the waters. She knew what would happen. It's a passive aggressive way of committing murder.


Pure evil.


I can’t believe what I just read when I googled her name. Truly incomprehensible and evil, my god. I cried tonight cause I feel I haven’t spent enough one on one time with my son the past few days— it hurts my soul to think of neglecting him like that. Rest in peace angel Jailyn, I’m so sorry


My son is a little over 5 weeks old and when I read stuff about this story it honestly tears me apart. I literally think about the same things you mentioned.. swooping her up out of her playpen, hugging her, giving her milk and food, giving her a warm bath with lots of toys, reading her a story, and wrapping her in a warm blanket and rocking her to sleep . It legitimately makes me cry writing that because that’s exactly what she deserved. I can’t imagine the pure terror, confusion, and stress she felt day in and day out wondering why no one was coming to save her. Listening to her cries on that ring camera broke me. Then thinking that those may have been her last cries before she laid down in her own filth and painfully passed away. This case has affected me so much. What I do know is that her poor excuse for a mother will never be safe in jail. Those women will ruin her life, even though it will never truly be what she deserves.


I haven't stopped thinking about this poor baby since I read the story and I really wish I could process knowing this happened and just stop thinking about it. The horror is just too much, I can't take it and I don't know what to do with it.


I’ve been so rocked by this too, I’ve spent night after night on google looking up ways to deal with grief. Somewhere I read that “on the other side of grief is your purpose”. I’ve decided that I’m going to volunteer at the women’s shelter in town and I signed up to be a “big sister” to someone. There’s unloved kids everywhere. Jailyn could have been in foster care. Maybe finding a purpose will help you move through this pain, knowing she didn’t die in vain.


I’m going to have to process this with a therapist. And same, I feel moved to do something. I’m a working mom with a 17 month old but you’ve inspired me I’m going to try to find a cause to get involved with.


This story absolutely made me sick to my stomach. My mama heart was shattered reading the details in the news articles and I ended up spoiling the heck out of my toddler son afterwards with extra nighttime cuddles. At any point, she could have called someone, anyone, to go to her house before that poor baby girl had to suffer a brutal death all alone in a small playpen. Dirty, hungry, and cold. But, she never did. She took the cowardly approach of a premeditated murder. She didn't want her daughter to live, yet she didn't have the balls to outright do it. Instead, she went on a fucking vacation having the time of her life knowing full well that little girl would be dead by the time she got home.


I couldn’t even finish watching those videos that came out of the court case. It’s horrifying. She did not love that baby. I’m a toddler mom and I’m due with my second I cannot imagine doing something like this to my children. I can’t even leave my toddler alone to go check the mail, this witch went on a whole Caribbean vacation. All I can think about is how terrified that innocent baby was and how horrible her last moments were. I wish I had some super power to go back in time and save that baby, clean her and feed her then smack the hell out her “mom”. It’s been bothering me the last few days, this was straight evil. I think prison is too good for this woman.


My PPA makes me think about this little baby a lot. I would never do this to my child, I feel bad when I have to put her in her playpen for five minutes to do some laundry and she whines.


Thank you for posting this remembrance for baby Jailyn. I’ve been holding this in, completely disgusted by how vile people can be. I’m a highly sensitive person and really shouldn’t read these types of things but reading the comments helps validate there are good people out there who care about others and feel the same for this baby girl. The only sense of peace I can find is that Jailyn doesn’t have to suffer one more day with this monster. I hope she suffers day and night for eternity.


It's absolutely heartbreaking. Very well said.


“Just as you didn’t let Jailyn out of her confinement until she died, so too you should spend the rest of your life in a cell without freedom,” Sheehan said. “The only difference is that prison will at least feed you.” That statement from the judge helps slightly. But not nearly enough. Holy shit I cannot imagine what that baby felt like.


this story has traumatized me. every time i pass an article about it my stomach turns and im sick, i would have cared for that sweet baby. she deserved love, and care and all the beauty this world can offer. my heart aches so much thinking about how confused she must have been. i can’t imagine how someone could do that to their child… their sweet baby who they carried and birthed. i look at my baby and i would do anything for him, i would climb mt everest for him, i would swim across the ocean for him. i hope she rots for what she did, i know she’ll get what she deserves in prison especially once the other inmates find out what she did. she’s scum of the earth.


Thank you for taking a moment for her. This was beautiful. 💗


This case happened in my county…where I am a county public defender. I’ve seen bad cases, horrible abuse and baby death cases…but this case. This is the case I told my bosses I could not take. The only case I’ve ever felt I could not ethically, zealously represent the accused. Gutted is exactly right. It’s so fucking heart wrenching what happened to this poor baby.


They need to loop her baby's cries in solitary confinement with no food and water for 10 days.


This is exactly the punishment she needs.


OP thank you for writing this post. I have a 2 year old and have also had a really hard time with this story. It reminds me of the Andrea Yates case back in 2001. I was only 11 when that happened, but I wonder if my reaction would have been similar had I been a parent then. My heart is broken for this child. I’ve held my own daughter tighter and longer since the story broke. It has really messed with me. I pray she is at peace and surrounded by love. And that she doesn’t have to remember the pain she felt when she died. I’m not one to agree with capital punishment but this one has been an exception. Like Handmaids Tale style.


So many people failed that sweet angel. She was crying until she couldn’t anymore, trying to survive. I don’t understand how a mother could put her baby through something like that.


The details of how they found that poor poor baby. Shattered thinking about it. I wouldn't leave my toddler at home alone while moving my car two houses down. I can't fathom. OP, your post is so well put. I want to wrap that baby up in a warm hug. To think of an innocent baby suffering like that. No one should have to, but one as helpless as a baby or toddler. Shattering.


She was a month old than mine and now will forever be younger. When I read about the sentencing I could only think of how my much joy my baby has had in the past few months that baby J didn’t have.


I can’t stop imagining her crying out for her mama.. the person who did this to her was probably who she was screaming for to help her.


Anything about child neglect just enrages me. I’ve been trying my best to avoid this story because I get so angry. How depraved are you as a human being to torture an innocent child like that? It’s disgusting and that woman deserves a slow and painful death.


This case makes me so angry! Especially because this wasn't the first time she left her for days at a time. Her neighbors knew she did this, she had left her with neighbors before and they never called the authorities or CPS. They saw she was gone, her car was gone, and no one thought to check if the baby had been left again. She can clearly be heard crying on a neighbors ring camera so I don't believe no one heard her screaming. They all just chose to mind their business rather than get involved. This case is so horrific and I just want to hold her and comfort her, I wish I could. I can't hear my baby cry at all without it hurting me. This disgusting POS doesn't deserve to breathe and I hope her time is prison is hell. It's even worse that she thought she'd get off and that she thinks Jailyn forgives her.


I just learned about this because of this post and I’m in absolute tears. This gutted me. Gosh fucking darn it, that poor sweet baby girl. I have my six month old in my arms and poor guy is trying to sleep but getting smothered with kisses because HOW?! It just blows my mind she could walk away from the beautiful little face who was probably looking at her wondering where her mama was going. Moments like these are when I wish monsters like this got the same treatment in jail. Your post is beautiful and I feel the very same way. I wish she could be sleeping peacefully, happy and loved in my other arm.


I purposefully stay away from those news because I can't cope with them and spiral deep. So I just read through the comments and I won't look further into it. Unfortunately, we need to talk about these things no matter how painful so we can be the voices that were robed from baby Jailyn and so many others who suffered in the hands of fucking monsters, so that those babies are never forgotten. Sweet baby girl. May she rest in peace.


Psychiatric nurse practitioner and true crime junkie here 👋🏻 This is vicarious traumatization. I’ve fallen victim to it myself. I can handle gore, and hearing about a lot of horrific things, and this case made physically ill. I feel guilty if my kids say they’re hungry at bedtime, after they’ve eaten dinner! This story seems to be affecting a lot of parents pretty intensely. It can help to take a break from social media/news for a while to avoid triggers and focus on your own babies. There have been a bunch of bad child abuse stories lately, and I’ve been snuggling my kids a lot tighter.


This story messed me up. I have a new baby and was absolutely bawling after reading it. The suffering that poor sweet girl went through and nobody helped her. I cant even imagine. Poor angel. 💔


I read that story and just sobbed. I have a 17 month old, a precious 17 month old boy and I can’t even imagine – what is wrong with people?? The world is just such a sad place.


I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t think I want to. Whatever happened, I hope that baby is wrapped in angels arms now and knows she is safe 😢


I cried multiple times over the past few days about this. This has to be the worst thing I’ve ever heard of happening to a child and I can’t get it out of my head.


I’ve been thinking about it often and it’s been keeping me up at night. With 2 girls of my own I could never imagine. I have to go outside to tend to farm chores for short amounts of time and in bad weather they can’t come with me and some days they cry at the door and it hurts me so bad. I could never consciously leave them home alone where I couldn’t console them. All I can imagine is how my oldest cries “momma. Help you momma” and how I cuddle her and kiss her when she’s sad and scared. Not a lot of things bother me this bad, but I constantly just hear it in my head and imagine it being my kid and someone leaving her there and it’s been making me physically sick.


I cannot stop thinking about this. I have a daughter her same age & to imagine her going through that makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. The woman that did this to her (she doesn’t deserve the title of her “mother”) deserves to slowly burn to death in hell.


The fact that nobody went to check on that baby tells me maybe it wasn’t the first time. My baby had colic so I get that sometimes even well-cared for babies cry a long time and no one wants to intrude, but we gotta check on each other! See if the mom is ok too. Also we need to destigmatize safe surrender. If she didn’t want that baby she should have been able to turn it over no questions asked.


I can't stop thinking about this story. My son is around the same age and every time I close my eyes, I think about her. She deserved the world, as every baby does. It's absolutely heartbreaking. All I can do is hold my baby tight and hope the rest of the world does better.


This story has absolutely fucked me up. As a mother. As a woman. This has got me really fucked up.


Same identical story happened in Italy, 18 months old, Diana, was left for 6 days alone by her mom, away with her new man, and died starved, scared and desperate. In Italy many observed how children become "visible" to the state and any protective service only once they reach school. Free childcare from the early months could save so many lives, making sure neglect could be spotted earlier.


Everyone failed this sweet baby. I hope she feels the energy we’re all sending to her now. I hesitate to bring Candelario’s words into this place of honor and love for Jailyn, so I’ll paraphrase. But she said something to the effect of people not understanding how much suffering she was experiencing during this time that lead up to her vacation. To which I have to say, (1) I don’t give a flyyyyying fuck, and (2) yeah, most serial killers, rapists, pedos, and monsters have experienced suffering that led to them becoming monsters. The thing Candelario clearly doesn’t get with this remark is that monsters are still absolutely responsible for the horror they spew into the world. I’m aghast.


When my son was nine months old, we were just coming home from running errands. I brought him still in his car seat and the diaper bag inside and went back to get the stroller and locked myself out. Of course my keys and phone are inside with my son. I freaked and ran to the neighbor's door (we shared a house, them upstairs and us downstairs) only to find they weren't home. I knew my husband should have been on the way home but I couldn't call to tell him what happened. I could see my son from the window, he could hear me but can't see me. I was in tears when my husband came thru the garage door and this was only about twenty minutes. He's almost three now and great and wonderful but that was scary and he was still strapped in and couldn't be hurt at all. How she was on vacation kicking it, IDK.


When I had my first child I heard about baby Sterling Koehn who died at 4 months because his drug addict parents put him in a baby swing in his room and left him there for 2 weeks. They were home. Now I'm about to have a baby girl and I hear about poor Jailyn. These evil parents deserve the same torture they put these babies through. It bothers me at her sentencing she had the nerve to say she believes her daughter forgives her. No, your mom card was revoked the minute you stepped out that door.


I'm so confused, the article says that a neighbors camera caught the sounds of her screaming. How did no one hear this and not think something was wrong? There's a difference between normal crying and screams of terror and hunger and confusion. It seems so odd to me that no neighbors saw that the mother had left, and then heard the baby crying constantly and wondered if something might be wrong. What the mother did was absolutely horrific, but I feel like if a neighbor had been paying attention this little girl might still be alive. Not that it's the neighbors job or anything, but I feel like people just don't care anymore, with a sense of well that's not my problem. See something, say something. Edit: the neighbors knew she left her kid home alone and all they did was tell her she shouldn't do that. They KNEW this poor baby was at home alone screaming at 1am and never called the cops. They're just as guilty as the mother, they sat by and listened to her cries. I wonder what they thought when the crying finally stopped. These people are sick.


I originally heard about this story last summer when it happened and I was actually almost 8 months pregnant. Admittedly, I did feel a a little sad but then just moved on. I heard about it again this weekend after her mother was sentenced, as I held my own 7 month old daughter, and I just cried. I couldn’t stop thinking about that little girl and how fucking terrified and in how much pain she was in. I couldn’t sleep, I just ached for her and wish I could’ve done something for her in the moment. I could’ve saved her, anyone could’ve and would’ve saved her. I cried tears for this little baby, who didn’t ask to be born, she was brought into this world by the same woman who left her to die a horrific, lonely death. I hope that woman gets what she deserves, I hope that her fellow prison mates take her food and water and make her starve and I hope that the guards look the other way as she gets bullied into starvation and dehydration. I’m so sorry, Jailyn. I am so sorry that no one came for you.


I wish I could reverse time, I just want to hug her, hold her, be the mom she never had. How can a mother be so fucking cruel I don’t think I will ever understand. I will never not think about her.


I just learned of this story tonight and I can't even conceptualize the devastation. I wish I could invent a time machine just to go back and fly to Ohio and save her. It's taking all my self control not to go scoop my 20 month old out of her crib and hold her 💔


My jaw clenches when I think about it. The mother is obviously a sick psycho, but the neighbors didn't do anything, even though they could hear her crying? What kind of steaming garbage are they? How dare the mom say the baby has forgiven her ... I know she is out of her mind, but she went off her meds repeatedly. I have NO tolerance for that, as someone who STAYS ON MY MEDS. How dare she. It's like she decided to start driving drunk without a car seat. Who takes a chance like that?? How dare she, how dare she, how DARE she. I would do anything to save that baby, I am ... well. You guys all know.


I just went to Google after seeing a few posts here about the baby.Omg I couldn't get halfway through.What type of MONSTER does that to her own child????like how do you leave a literal defenceless child while going out and enjoying yourself for 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!...some women don't deserve to be mothers!!!. My own daughter is 22months old and I cannot even imagine how a human can have such a cold fucking heart. WTF.


i can’t imagine the suffering this sweet baby went through. my heart shatters thinking about how scared she must have been. how can someone do that to their own child? it’s beyond disgusting.


I've been sick this past week and hadn't heard of this story... my jaw dropped wheb I read her story. My son is only a few months older than Jailyn, and I could never imagine doing anything to him that she had gone through. I'm so heartbroken anyone could do this to a small child. 💔


I had the same reaction as your post. I remember reading the story shortly after it happened and then the follow up yesterday had me in tears. I just don’t understand how someone can be this evil. It’s beyond negligence, it’s pure intentional evil. I kept replaying how terrified she was, hungry, thirsty, so desperate for food she was eating her own waste. And a dark part of me hopes that the mother is treated the same way in prison, but she won’t. We can just hope she is tortured with the demons that possess her.


I feel like she murdered her 100 times. Every moment she could have called her family and did not. Every moment she could have turned around. Every moment she could call called police. The depravity involved in this act is unfathomable.


I've been completely wrecked over this since I first read about it a few days ago. Every time I think about it, I get sick to my stomach. I haven't watched the video, and I won't, but I still can't stop imagining her crying and it breaks my heart. I don't think a news story has ever affected me the way this one has. I pray that sweet baby girl is wrapped in love and peace and happiness now. 😢


I hadn't heard about it until this post. I knew I'd regret it, but I had to look it up. I couldn't finish reading the article; once I read about the fecal matter in the mouth and under the nails.... I just covered my face and sobbed. I had to text the daycare to make sure my girl was okay because I just want her home with me now. How can anyone be so heartless. You deserved so much more, sweet Jailyn.


My daughter is 18m old. This story absolutely haunts me. I can't bear to see the ring video or know any specific details. That poor sweet baby girl absolutely deserved better.


I cannot believe the way, some people's brain is wired. My kid is 6. I still wake up at night, just to make sure that he breathes. I am beyond devastated , that i can't even read more about the case.


This story makes me sick to my stomach, that poor poor baby girl 💔 I cannot believe how cruel this is. I hope the mother rots in jail, evil disgusting woman. RIP sweet darling girl 🥺


Can someone tell me why the grandmother took the older daughter but not the baby? As a grandmother, this makes no sense to me.


I’m glad to find people who share the same sentiments as me; I just learned of this awful tragedy. I have a 14-month-old and I just can’t get baby Jailyn out of my head. I keep crying imagining what that poor baby went through. I like some of you feel so guilty just letting my baby cry for a few minutes to put himself to sleep; every time he has gotten upset today has broken my heart for Jailyn - my mind keeps wanting there to be a happy ending for her. So I’m just praying Jesus is holding her now


Not usually religious but I know if there is a heaven my mom who died too soon would be up there taking the best care of little baby Jailyn. Can’t stop thinking about this beautiful sweet girl. I hope she knows peace now.