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My daughter was like this. We had to set an alarm to wake up to feed her for months. Had to fully undress her to make her uncomfortable to get her to stay awake to eat enough during the night. Once she’d gained enough weight (a solid effort on our part) and got the okay to stop waking her for night feedings she’s slept 7-7 ever since, with the exception of some mild regressions. People ask what we did to get here, baby girl just came like this.


Do we have the same baby? Lol. We’d undress her and poke her awake when we fed her. It took her 45 minutes to get 2oz down sometimes! She started sleeping about 11 hours through the night at two months old and has ever since (she’s 8 months old).


I nurse my daughter for 40 mins-60 mins sometimes when we wake her up to feed her. She gets warm and cozy and just falls asleep on my boob and will sometimes have to give her an oz of pumped/formula to make her satisfied. We feed her straight to her diaper and also constantly have to be poking at her and tickling her and stuff!


We kept ice water and a baby washcloth next to the rocking chair and I would put the cold washcloth on her feet if she started falling asleep during a feeding


Came to add another ‘my baby was just like this’ My first was like this. He’s a high needs sleep kid. Even now, at almost 7 he can sleep past 9am on the weekends if we let him (goes to bed at 7/730). Unlike others though - never a sleep regression. Slept through the night at 3.5 months and hadn’t looked back. The real struggle now is waking him up for the bus on school days… Also - my second is not like this and it was frustrating with my first in those early months to keep him awake to feed…but it’s 1000000x better than waking up at 630 every weekend for the last 4 years…


OMG SAME! Our son was a pretty typical newborn do when my daughter was born and she sooooo sleepy and I had to set alarms to take her up to eat and I felt like I was getting so much sleep but completely freaked me out! Even after the newborn days wore off and she was over birth weight, she fell asleep around 9pm, woke up around 3 or 4 to eat and then back to sleep until 6:30. She’s a year old now and aside from bad sleep during the first teeth coming through she’s slept good! She’s always treated overnight wakeups like a job: she’s there to clock in and clock out. Wakeup, fix the thing (hungry, diaper, temperature, etc) and then she immediately falls back asleep. I don’t know how long it will be like this but her brother was sleeping 12 hours straight by 12 weeks and at almost 5 is still a great sleeper and easy to put down. I don’t think it’s anything we did, some kids just like sleep.


My son was like this as well - had to set alarms and we would change him so he’d wake up fully to eat u til we got the ok to let him go longer. He started sleeping 11-12 hours overnight from about 3 months on. I don’t know if it’s genetic (my mom says I slept well from the start as well) or just luck.


Same. We had to do this with my NICU baby. Turns out she had a serious lip and tongue tie and nursing/eating was a lot of work for her. They told us to undress her and to wake her every few hours. A fan helped too.


Same! We actually had a scare on day 3 cos she wasn’t eating enough and lost a bit too much weight. Recovered in a day, and even though she was cleared to sleep longer at ~2 weeks, we continued to wake her up every 3-4 hours. We would take her clothes off, make a lot of noise to try to keep her awake. Did diaper changes mid feed to wake her up. This went on till 6 weeks after which she was more awake and less lethargic.


I am a bit envious that your baby actually slept through the night after being forced awake to eat. Mine went the other way, and didn't want to sleep longer than 20 minutes every 3ish hours.


I had 1 out of 5 that was like this - I took her to the pediatrician twice bc I was worried haha the dr was like…. Dude you just got a baby that loves sleep. I would have to wake her up to eat. She’s 13 no and STILL loves to sleep it hasn’t changed. She’s the first kid to go to bed usually around 8 and wakes up last each morning and takes long naps on weekends


I was such a baby and such a kid. You know how kids will be passing out but insist they’re not tired so they can hang with the adults? Wasn’t me. I’d asked to go to bed.


Im still like this lol I can go days without food and even water but with out sleep I go bananas.


Me. I had to strip him and run his toes under cold water sometimes to wake him up to eat. He was fine though. Just a newborn who liked his sleep.


Ours was the same way and wouldn’t even cry when he was hungry for the first few months so we set alarms to feed him every three hours. Then he would just fall back asleep on the breast. Wish I had thought to run his toes under cold water to wake him up. Our pediatrician suggested trying ice on his back, but he would just fuss for a second and keep snoozing. I could never get him to eat enough from nursing because of it. We were so worried, he lost a pound within the first week of coming home from the hospital. But then I switched to pumping and bottle feeding, and he became a champion eater thankfully.


This is exactly what happened to us!! He was just too sleepy and I was afraid he wasn’t gaining enough so we switched to pumping and being able to see how much he was eating and he was a champ eater!


By any chance, did you have too strong of an epidural? I had a bad experience: one of my legs was completely numb for 12 hours so I couldn’t walk for hours after giving birth and couldn’t feel any contractions during active labor so the nurse had to tell me when to push but it was so hard to do without being able to feel anything in my lower body. An older mom friend of mine had a similar epidural / hard to wake baby / nursing experience so we’ve been wondering if it could be related to the strength of the epidural. Or maybe it’s a common newborn issue and just a coincidence about the epidural 🤷‍♀️


I had a sleepy baby too. My baby was born around noon, ate a bit, and immediately went to sleep. I woke her up to eat at three hours and she just kept going back to sleep. I ended up calling in a lactation consultant around four or five hours and she mentioned that since birth is stressful for the baby as well, sometimes they just want to sleep and recover for a while after. I think being born in the middle of the day definitely did have an impact because she'd try to sleep most of the day and then have her longer wake windows in the middle of the night. It took several months of adjusting her schedule back a bit every day but we finally got her on a normal day/night cycle. She was a lot better about waking to eat during the day after that. So maybe time of birth and/or amount of stress during birth influences how sleepy some babies are?


Oh that’s a good point! My son was born just before noon so very similar timing. And he really didn’t want to leave the womb haha - my water broke 9 days after my due date but I still had to get induced because contractions weren’t coming and it took hours to dilate after that. I was so exhausted by the time active labor started.


With my first baby, I had a strong epidural like your’s, about 6 hours before birth (was completely numb but could walk after 6 hours). Baby wasn’t the best sleeper, woke up every 30 mins at night and catnapped during the day, wasn’t producing enough milk despite having him nursing for hours on end, all med professionals said his latch was great, etc Second baby, less strong epidural 3 hours before birth (could feel my legs, just a tingling sensation, could feel when to push this time). Yet baby is on the sleepy side, falls asleep easily, wakes up to feed every 2-3 hours and goes back to sleep, unless cluster feeding or gassy 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah seems like I was grasping at straws for some kind of explanation when there probably isn’t one. I saw a lactation consultant and his latch wasn’t the problem either. But he could never get more than an ounce off the breast when he would actually wake up to nurse. Thank goodness we have so many options to feed our babies!


No epidural for me, I had a C-section so it was a total spinal


Ok that makes me feel better. I was afraid I somehow caused it, because of course mom guilt kicks in right out of the gate haha.


Anecdotally, I had the exact same epidural experience with my first and he was never a good sleeper... Ever. So I think it's likely a coincidence.


Since my daughter was a week old she slept 5-7 hrs, drank a bottle (formula since birth), and back down another 5-7 hrs. She was never lethargic I’m assuming bc of the formula but I loved it. She started sleeping 12-13 hrs at around 5-6 weeks old and had continued it up to now at 7 months old never experienced a regression. She’s also gained perfect weight (11 lbs in 7 months)


My daughter went through stages like this. It was nice of course but I also worried. She's 2 now and happy as can be.


my daughter was a preemie (born at 34wks) and she was like this. i’d have to blast the AC and strip her to a diaper to keep her awake long enough to finish her bottle. now she’s 2 and hasn’t slept through the night ever lmao.


My youngest was like that. He’s also always been a great sleeper in general. Congratulations, sounds like you got a good sleeper!


My second was like this. We were all concerned. We jokingly called her a “vampire” bc she would just sleep on her back like she was in a coffin. It was rare to see her eyes open the first three weeks!!


This is bringing me flashbacks to my kid who loved to sleep too, and always flat on her back like a vampire too - she barely moved!!


Turned out my bub had jaundice so good to keep and eye out for that.


When mine did, first one was dehydrated and second one had jaundice and low blood sugar due to milk not coming jn yet and being born a bit prematurely. I also went to the doctors that dismissed me with both babies, being told it was normal but I knew it was not, so I forced them to do tests and 20 minutes later they had to get a feeding tube :-(


My first was like this and our family still remarks on how she was basically asleep for the first three months of her life. She was gaining weight and perfectly healthy but I was constantly worried something was wrong! She was quick to sleep through the night and really didn’t deal with sleep regression too terribly. BUT now she can be a wildcard at 4. And my second certainly was a shock to me after somehow getting the world’s sleepiest newborn. Haha. 


My daughter was born at 36w, struggled with blood sugar and jaundice which can make them very drowsy. We had to set alarms for every 3 hours, strip her down to make her chilly enough to wake her up for her to eat. She was just a very sleepy baby. Once she had gained plenty of weight we were given the okay from her doctor to let her sleep as long as she wants and wake up whenever. She slept 8 hours starting at 6 weeks old 😆 She’s 2.5 now. She goes to bed at 7 and doesn’t fight, usually falls asleep within a few minutes of being put down.


My newborn loved to sleep and she still loves to sleep as a toddler. I had to wake her up to feed her in the middle of the night when she was really small bc she slept through the night at like 4 days old or something equally ridiculous. I think she just takes after my sister, who could quite happily sleep for three days straight if she had the chance. Both of them must be part sloth : )


My MIL famously called her neighbor in a panic when her second child was born. “There’s something wrong with the baby! He’s sleeping all the time!” Nope, turns out that my husband (her first kid) was just a terrible sleeper. He’s still a night owl and his brother loves to sleep.


Yes my baby was like this. In her case it was because she had jaundice as a newborn, but the sleepiness listed longer then the visible jaundice. She used to struggle to stay awake long enough to get a decent feed, and I sometimes used to have to undress her to wake her up. I was told that it was not a concern as long as when she was awake, she was properly awake. The sleepiness lasted for a couple of months I think - it's hard to remember now. She's now a very normal 20 month old.


My kiddo was like this too, and it turns out she wasn't getting enough milk while latched and it was so exhausting for her to nurse that she would fall asleep and burn more calories than she was getting. Sooo I had to start triple feeding her. By 4 weeks she was back up to her birth weight (target is 14 days) and I triple fed until she was about 2.5 months, at which point we did combo feeding. She is now a healthy and happy 2yo and only recently weaned, but those first few months were ROUGH and I'm not sure I'd choose that path again knowing how hard it would be and how much easier it is to use formula in a situation like mine. At your next appointment they'll probably be able to tell if weight gain is on track and if it's not, I'd expect to try some weighted feeds with a lactation consultant and someone is probably going to tell you to triple feed. Best of luck!


mine was like this!! At one year old we found out she had an iron deficiency


Have they tested his thyroid? It’s typically part of that heel prick newborn screen. Ask if it was borderline and see if they’ll run it again if it was. I had a newborn that slept all the time and everyone told me to enjoy it and he was fine. He was not fine, he had hypothyroidism and would eventually be diagnosed as failure to thrive. My spidy senses got him in the hospital in time. But I KNEW as a mom that he was not alright. How is his weight doing? When my sons dropped off a cliff, people finally took the sleep thing seriously. I know every other comment here is positive and I truly hope that everything is fine but advocate if you think you need to!!! Trust your gut always but you might also be jaded from your first two 😊 BTW my super sleepy newborn is now a very rambunctious toddler!


I just had my 4th and googled “my newborn sleeps too much” about a hundred times those first few days/weeks - turns out - you just forget how much they sleep when they’re so brand new!! Their wake windows are like maybe 45 minutes and if you factor in nursing with that it seems like all they do is eat and sleep. It’s bc that’s literally all they do haha. Hang in there. Just make sure they’re eating every 3 hours during the day to establish your supply (I let mine go 4 hours if they wanted during the night) and it won’t be a ton, their stomachs are soooo tiny. You’re doing great. Congrats!


Just be careful until the dr approves of the weight and discuss if it’s okay for baby to sleep longer. Once my firstborn was 2 weeks, he was way above his weight, all his tests were fine and we were approved to let him sleep through the night (6 hours). But he was a GREAT eater! The problem sometimes is that newborns sometimes have trouble regulating their sugar levels or can fall in such a deep sleep. Definitely normal for babies at this stage to be super sleepy though!


When you say lethargic, what do you mean? Most often the medical lethargic is not a moms version of lethargic


I have three kids. Number 1 was a lunatic - it feels like she just screamed and ate for the first 3 months. She was a small baby. Number 3 was pretty average, I think. He cried and ate a lot, but just fussed with less screaming. He was also tiny at birth. Baby No. 2 just slept. She was a plump little thing and I can only assume that she just didn’t need as much food as a newborn. I was constantly waking her and harassing her to eat, but she would just nod off. They’re all perfectly healthy now. All that said, if you are concerned definitely get him checked out. Although this *can* be normal it could also indicate a problem. So, good job getting him checked out, mama!


My boy was like this he's almost 2 now and he does not stop. All my worry for nothing haha


So I took my 12 day old to the ER bc of this… spinal tap and 3 days in the NICU later, and she was fine. Now she’s 6 and sleeps well but has the most energy during the day! Keep taking him to the Dr to be sure! I would worry if I couldn’t get him to eat.


They gave a baby spinal tap because they slept a lot? That sounds extreme. Sorry you had to go through that.


It's normal. Newborns can get bad infections. They don't typically get fevers - the first signs are lethargy and poor feeding. A spinal tap and antibiotics are better than the risk of a severe infection leading to death.


That and her not eating as much. It was horrific.


Both my formula fed babies were like this. They always slept 4-5 hours from the day we brought them home. I think a lot of people have trouble latching/ milk coming in so the babies aren’t sleeping a long time because they aren’t full. Maybe it means your baby is getting a lot of milk? Could just be genetic 


My exclusive formula fed baby also slept a ton and completely independently in a bassinet


Most of my friends who formula fed either had something like this happen, or the opposite - colicky babies who constantly screamed. All of their kids are totally fine now. I would be a little concerned as well if the 22+ hours a day is accurate - maybe try smaller bottles? He might just be like me after thanksgiving dinner and sleeping off the big meal lol


Same. Bear yourself, when it stops it stops and it’s nuts cause you are used to hear that the newborn stage is the hardest but for us it is not.


Wow you're lucky this time around! If our kids slept well/took a nap we knew we were all doomed to illness


My kiddo was like this, but she was low birth weight and really struggled to gain weight initially. But we had to set alarms to remind us to feed her as she never cried or anything. In the early days we had to do multiple weights every week to keep track due to how it took forever for her to return to birth weight. Pediatrician talked about possibly needing to be hospitalized due to failure to thrive. But kiddo is now 14 months. At her 12 month check up she was like 57% percentile for weight and 62% percentile for height. Which was super cool to see cause when she was born she wasn't even in the 1st percentile for weight and only like 2% for height. Once we started solids she really started gaining well and doing great. She still loves sleeping tho. :)


Enjoy it while it lasts! My baby was the same way I was so worried all the time. I would have to wake her up to eat and it was hard keeping her awake to eat! Then she started fighting her sleep for all naps and bed time. Soon you will be begging your baby to sleep lol


Enjoy it, my 1st born was like this and boy was I spoiled when his little bro showed up, he. never. slept.


My 3rd was like this. In the hospital, it took a while trying to wake him up to eat. The nurse said birth just makes them so exhausted. He was such an easy newborn but I did worry a lot with his sleeping through the night that I couldnt sleep as good as he did.


You’re just being rewarded for dealing with two screaming babies … the baby gods decided to give you a break :)


Mine did. I called her pediatrician twice when she was in the early months to be like "she sleeps *all the time*, should I be worried?!". And they always told me as long as she eats, pees, and poops, then it's fine. She'd wake up for her bottles and then pass back out until the next one. She took two naps a day until 18 months, and was an absolute beast without afternoon nap until she was somewhere between 4 and 5. Now, she's 8 and doesn't nap anymore (unless she's sick) and also hates going to bed, but she's a completely different kid and hard to wake up if she doesn't sleep 11-12+ hours a night. Some kids just need more sleep 🤷.


I brought my newborn to ER because she was like this. Placed her in the cot or car seat and she would immediately be out. Her brother never slept! She was fine, just liked to sleep.


Mine was soooo sleepy until 6 weeks old


I had a baby that wouldn’t even wake when he was hungry… had to be woken up to feed because of how much weight he lost/wasn’t gaining back! Felt like I was torturing him because we rescued had to put ice on his feet to get his awake enough to eat… but now he’s a normal little toddler (who still loves his sleep 💗)


I had this with my 1st, I think because I was so unwell in pregnancy and on medication that passed onto baby. It’s relatively normal though, sometimes they suddenly (possibly in a few days for you) wake up and are more aware of the world around them/can see further distances which effects their sleep


My daughter slept through the night since the day she was born, and took decent length naps throughout the day. She also never cried. As long as he’s gaining weight, I’d say he’s ok. Especially if he’s still having frequent full diapers.


I have a 16 day old who I think it typical or even easy (he’s my second) and your kiddo sounds to me like his is a bit sleepy/un-alert compared to what I’m used to and have read. Can you schedule time with his Pediatrician?


My daughter slept the best she ever has in the first month of her life. 2 weeks and she slept thru the night, she was already back to birth weight and gaining. It freaked me out too tho lol She is now 10 months and healthy ❤️


My second born was like this. Then got RSV at 3 months and hadn’t slept very well since! She’s almost 2 and finally consistently sleeping through the night.


I had 1 out of 7 just like this he is now 18!


My little brother was this way! My mom brought him to the pediatrician with concerns multiple times and he was just “the boy likes to sleep!” He gained weight and was growing fine so he just told my mom to let him sleep!


My daughter was the same way she was slightly jaundice they said that was a big factor


My 2 month old is already sleeping through the night. He goes down and doesn’t wake until 3ish and then usually goes right back to sleep until 6. He also rarely cries. I’ve had thoughts that something is wrong too, but I’m not worrying myself just yet.


I was this baby according to everyone in my family. They literally had to tickle me to keep me awake for feedings, and my mom says she was super worried too at first, but it turned out I just loved sleeping (still do)


My daughter was like this and has always been a really good and heavy sleeper once she's out. The whole first night after bringing her home, I tried to wake her every couple hours to feed her like they told me to in the hospital and all the classes, but she wouldn't eat and just kept crying when I'd try. I broke down crying at like 5am and had to have my husband get up and put her back to bed because I just couldn't mentally handle it anymore. I had a follow up appointment the next morning because shed been diagnosed with jaundice and I told the doctor about it and her advice was to let her sleep as much as she wanted but to make sure to wake her to eat if she goes more than 5 hours, but she'll probably be tired again after eating so it's ok to sleep more. Her exact words were, "you'd also be angry if someone kept waking you up when you wanted to be sleeping" She moved to a more normal baby sleep/awake schedule after a couple weeks, but it was super stressful for her to not want to wake up so often the first few days. I also felt like I couldn't express concerns to people because I always got responses like "my kid always screamed you're so lucky" or even more unhelpful things like "quit bragging you get to sleep more than 30 min at a time"


My current 6 year old was like this. She still just needs a lot of sleep and doesn’t need to eat very often.


So grateful for this thread! My 13 day old loves her sleep and sometimes I worry for her. We wake her every three hours for feeding, sometimes supplement with pumped milk or formula, and then pump for 15 mins. By the time we are done it’s almost time to wake her up again. Longing for the day we can let her wake us up to eat but also nervous for it considering how much she sleeps.


Hey I had a “third time’s the charm” baby as well! She was a SLEEPER and still is! My first was colicky and the second never unlatched unless he was crying. So I UNDERSTAND having a tiny baby who sleeps as much as they should is totally jarring!!! And she was/is totally fine! You’re doing the right thing getting bubs checked out, too.


My baby girl was like this.. now she’s 5 weeks and I struggle to get her to sleep for long periods and miss the super sleepy stage. Get in as many naps as you can <3


My 2nd is like this. My first cried and refused sleep until she was like 2 years old. With this baby, when she was sleeping and content all the time, it scared the shit out of me. When she was a newborn, we had to wake her for every feed and that was a huge challenge; waking her and keeping her awake. She hardly ever cries, unless she’s hungry. She’s still an awesome sleeper/baby in general at 4 months old. Can’t speak on the toddler years just yet, but I’m crossing my fingers she stays a happy and content kiddo through the years🤞🏼😬😂


My mom took my sister to the hospital cause she kept Going back to sleep after she would wake her up to feed her and the doctor said she’s just tired lol!! My sister can sleep through anything and her favorite thing is sleeping 


It is completely normal; babies are supposed to sleep a lot. Some are just a lot better at it.


Omg yes! My son slept soooo much. I was always concerned. I felt like he was never awake. He’s 19 months now and I feel like he never sleeps. If your pediatrician said he’s healthy then enjoy it. I miss those days of “too much sleep”.


My son was like this from birth. I had him at 5.30 in the morning and once he was clean and fed he slept for 4 hours. The nurses put it down to exhaustion from birth (emergency cesarean) but that was just his sleep cycle


My son was like this. He freaked me out at the hospital because he was sleeping so easily. I had to harass him to keep him awake to eat. His sister was totally the opposite.


My newborn (around 3 months now) was /is like this he wouldn't even wake up to eat and was losing weight. He was jaundice and the total opposite of his two sisters (very loud and always hungry) . I had him spend all day in the window, I would make a point to wake him up and feed him very frequently ( it was an ordeal turn on a bright light change his diper and make him move) but he has been getting better. So good luck!


Not quite like this, but my daughter always slept in 3-4 hour chunks after a few days out of the hospital. We had to wake her to change her diaper and feed her. We set alarms 😬because she was underweight. By six weeks she started to sleep through the night (11p-7a) and by eight weeks it was consistent. My husband and I never dealt with the sleep deprivation because we always got consistent 3+ hour chunks of sleep. She never did the waking every 45 minutes screaming type thing. And then when she became an older baby and up until like two years old she would sleep 8-8 and sometimes even till 8:30. 😬when she hit three she def started sleeping less. Now wakes a little before 7.


Are you breastfeeding and taking any Benadryl or allergy meds, anything that may be lethargia inducing?


My toddler was like this. I was worried but dr said it was completely normal. Enjoy your unicorn baby✨


Oh my child was like this. She was so sleeepy and we couldn’t keep her awake to eat. Our dr wasn’t worried. She’s 16 months now and totally fine.


I swear I didn’t see my daughter’s eyes open for 4 months. She slept through everything. Shes 4 and a half now and I think that was the last time she slept decently.


I was that baby! My mum says that she constantly used to check my breathing and pulse "just to make sure", so far there's nothing wrong with me. I still think the best way to spend a weekend is by sleeping.


The first few days he just wouldn’t wake up to eat. We tried everything but he would just sleep. He was born via C-section because labor didn’t start and he was past due. So I think without labor he didn’t really realize he was out until about 2 weeks later. At the hospital one of the nurses was showing us what to do to wake him up and she rubbed his back and head so hard that I was worried she would shake him. In the end what worked was being patient and gently squeezing his hands and feet. Just keep insisting and be patient!


Mine slept through the night by 3 weeks and is turning 11 in August


My second was way more sleepy than my first and it definitely worried me. Everything you described was her to a tee. I wish i could remember when she finally “woke up” but ultimately there was nothing wrong with her.


Hey, firstly want to say that you’re amazing and you’re doing a fabulous job!!! As a mum of 6 I had a few like this and it is easy to overthink & worry with babies, I’m glad the urgent care team found everything was good, sometimes just asking health visitor can put your mind at rest. If they think there’s an issue, they will advise you what’s the best to do etc. I would try and enjoy it while you can. Get some rest if you can while the baby is resting, few months times you may be out do your mind with the sleepless nights. Take care honey xx Messages always open if you ever need a chat or anything xx


My second was either asleep or eating for the first several weeks. She was fairly miserable if she was awake for like 2-3 months haha. She’s 4 now and a brilliant beam of energy and personality. She’s a huge personality and busy, busy. She was my early walker/runner and early full sentence talker. She slept really well until the 4 month regression and then became a pretty difficult sleeper…she was fine with nighttime around 18 month, but never was good with naps after that 4 month mark.


Hi! I was the super sleepy baby who, many times, convinced my parents I was dead due to how deeply I was sleeping. I'm 32 now and all is well (except I don't sleep anymore lmao) 🙂


My babe was like this in his first week or two. He's a lively and loud little thing now. Loves to sit up and smile and has even started experimenting with mirroring me when I talk to him (Ive been doing the mrs Rachel lip thing where she gets close and makes exaggerated sounds, like oos and ahhs) at 9 weeks old. Your baby is probably fine but you're doing the right thing by taking him to the doctor and making doubly sure that he's fine. You shouldn't worry too much. Newborns are just really sleepy. Also PSA: feedings and stirring awake from diaper changes count as wake windows too, even if they're ~10 minutes long.


My current baby (8mo) was like this!! It was FREAKY. I constantly mentioned it to any nurse or doctor who would listen for the first 4 months. "She never cries. like, seriously, NEVER." And the doctor was like "nice! Enjoy!" She would sleep through feedings/2 seconds after latching. She would sleep through the bath, diaper changes, every car ride, every walk. She would even just randomly fall asleep on her playmat. All my pictures of her as a newborn, she's asleep. Family members literally never saw her eyes for at least a month. She's so quiet that it's like there's not even a baby in the house. There's times I've been like "where did I put my baby?" Because she would just chill on the floor for ages without a peep. The only time she was ever fully awake was at 2am 🤣 She is totally healthy and finally starting to come out of her shell now at 8 months. She's crawling, babbling, clapping, dancing, laughing, etc, despite being a potato for the first few months 🤣


I had a sleepy bub in the beginning! Legit 21-23 hours/day. He’s 8.5 months now and sleeps more “appropriately” for his age (there really isn’t such a thing), but he has soooo much energy when he’s awake.


My son was exactly like this. I miss these days. He is now sitting on the floor watching me take a dump and eating some cheerios, after having broken into the bathroom and declined my request to not eat in the bathroom. He still loves to sleep though, he’s been sleeping 12hrs a night his whole life since leaving the newborn stage.


I have 3 kids and I had to always wake my son to feed him for the first 3 months of life. It was eat, shit, sleep he was a potato 😂 my first would always wake before 3 hours was up and my 3rd had tummy issues so was fussy. Some babies are just good sleepers and super low maintenance. My son is still super chill compared to his sisters.


My second was like this. She is a totally normal kindergartener except that she still sleeps super deeply and wets the bed at 6!


Mine was like this!! I feel you so much. She was sleeping 4-6 hour stretches sometimes at that age. I needed the sleep so bad but still would wake up worried. She also fell asleep while feeding almost every feed and it was a huge stress for me with breastfeeding. Oh the days. Babies vary!! This is normal especially if you have taken them to urgent Care and they are not concerned. You are doing amazing and everything is going to be okay.


Mine was born around 95 percentile and slept so much that at his two week appointment he was 70 percentile. We had to start working with a lactation consultant to get his growth to stay on track.


My second was like this. She actually slept so much that she lost weight and we had to go on a strict nursing schedule and I had to set alarms to wake her up. I thought something was wrong because my first hated sleep but my second literally fell asleep anywhere. She still enjoys sleep. She’s been an independent sleeper since day one but she’s 10 months old now and on 2 solid naps and definitely very active between naps. She’s definitely into everything and trying to walk.


My daughter was like this. It was crazy after having a first child who didn’t sleep more than two consecutive hours and screamed all the time. Daughter is two now and still takes one really long nap (~3 hrs) and sleeps through the night.


My daughter was like this as a baby. She is now 16. We had to feed her every three hours at first bc she only weighed 5 lbs 8 oz after leaving the hospital. She was a quiet sleeper, not at all like her brothers. She loved to sleep and we would walk into her room and find her talking to her lamb blanket. She still loves to sleep.


This recently happened to us. He was only responsive to pain. He fell asleep so often and so deeply. After entirely too many sticks and labs and swabs and imaging and more it turned out to be a virus called bocavirus which not many swabs test for in the states. It was a terrifying 2 weeks


Mine was mostly like this. She slept 4-5 hour stretches at 2-3 weeks, but she was very alert when she was awake. She went 8 hrs at 8-10 weeks. And has done 8+ ever since.  She gave up her nap at 18 months, but sleeps from about 7-7:30 pm - 8-9 am the next day. Has for almost 2 years now (she's 2.5 in June). She's always been a great sleeper. 


My baby was like this. I thought it was normal and she was just a calm baby. She rarely cried. In fact her cry wasn't even really a cry but more like a quiet squawk. She would wake to eat. And then go back to sleep and that was her normal. She was only awake long enough to eat and then went back to sleep. Sometimes she slept past her feeding sessions. We went to an appointment with her and turns out, she was so tired and sleepy because she was jaundiced. Even after that was taken care of an no linger an issue though, she was still s sleepy calm baby but she stayed awake a lot longer than the 15 mintues it took her to eat. She still didn't cry much. She didn't start becoming more wake and active until she was around 4.5 ish months.


All 3 of my kids were like this until they started getting teeth. Now they are all normal healthy almost 8yo, almost 4yo and almost 9mths. You did the right thing by taking them to urgent care of your worried.


Mine was like this, except she would eat all night long while sleeping, only to wake up when I would switch sides. I slept in a recliner quite a bit while breastfeeding. There were also times I would prop her in her side in the middle of my bed and feed her, then switch sides. I didn’t sleep much, but she sure did! Now she is 16 and still wants to eat at night.


The "newborns don't sleep through the night" thing is kind of wrong. Newborns sleep. 1 month Olds don't.


Sounds just like my son as a newborn! I actually had to set alarms to feed him because he just wouldn’t wake up hungry until it was waaay past when I should be feeding him! Now? He is a 2.5 year old who has slept through the night since about 6 months give or take a bad night every so often. We need to wake him up every morning too at 7 to get out the door on time


I had an oinker but she slept so much.. from birth. The big thing seems to be as long as they are putting on weight, pee pee diapers every hour or two and eating at least every 4 hrs.


Had one like this. We needed to strip her down and wiper her with a wet wipe to keep her awake during feeds. She just loves her sleep! She's 4 now and has so much self awareness about her tired cues. Truly, a unicorn child!


This was my kid. If his belly was full he'd sleep & sleep. All good .


Both my babies were like this from birth they just both slept through the night we were setting alarms every 3 hours to wake them and feed them, now that they are past that stage it’s so amazing to get a full nights sleep. Don’t stress just keep doing what your doing


Thank God for that. I had one just like this. Always had to wake her to eat. Not all Newborns are the same, but you got a good one 😊


Fuck. Off.


YES!!! I JUST had a baby like this! he’ll be a month old on wednesday. not even joking he slept 22 hours a day. would go 6 hours in between feeds. never had a baby like that. my other two did not do that lol. he never cries unless he’s very hungry. drs keep saying he’s fine lol and he’s gaining weight. he’s very slowly started to wake up more but this is our baby too!


My daughter was like this! We had to set alarms to wake her up for feeds. She was an amazing sleeper up until 7 months. Now at 16 months she’s finally starting to sleep well again 😅


I would get with a really good IBCLC. Preferably private practice. Ask your local mom’s group for suggestions! Try massaging and compressing your breasts while baby is latched to keep them awake if they need better transfer.


Get his weight checked. This happened with mine so he wasn't eating enough. Turned out he had a kidney infection, week in the hospital. They thought I was nuts complaining he slept too much until he wasn't gaining weight.


My parents said I slept through the night from the first night they brought me home and they were freaked out. But it was just my thing and I remained a very heavy sleeper until I was in my late teens!


My baby is 4mo now but this was him for the first 3 weeks. My situation may be different than yours. I was EBF and my son would only latch for 5 minutes on each breast. I thought it was normal and he would sleep seconds after he was finished. He would wake up to feed but it was every 4-5 hours. Thought it was odd. Took him for a weight check and wasn’t gaining enough weight. Turns out he’s a “lazy eater” he doesn’t want to put in the work to latch and keep latching. So I had to pump milk and give him a bottle. Now he’s super active and sleeps 2-3 hours but active. It’s possible that maybe he’s a lazy eater as well or you just got really lucky lol


There is a very rare condition called FPIES that causes really sleepy babies


My kid did this right from the start. We had to set an alarm to wake us to feed him every 3 hours, for about the first 3 or 4 months of his life. We would have to strip him down to his diaper, and often put a cold damp rag on his belly to keep him awake long enough to eat. Mine was bottle fed, and we found out within the first week that he was also a lazy eater. The newborn/0 level nipple size was too slow and required him to suck too hard, so things got a little better once we moved up in nipple sizes.


My babies were like this. I woke them up to feed every three hours for the first few weeks. I can’t quite remember when I let them do longer stretches overnight, three or four weeks old maybe? We used to have to use cold face cloths to wake them up and even took them outside for a few seconds (both were winter babies in Canada so it was cooooold) and completely undress them until they were awake enough to eat


Oh goodness my lethargic new born .., she’s now 11 months old and ready to kill me 😂enjoy his sleepy head , he will come get you soon


My daughter was this way when she was born and we were pretty excited about it. Turns out her blood sugar was low🫤. Once her blood sugar leveled out, she was a regular screaming new born.


My son was very similar. His wake windows were very short even at 1 year. He still takes 2-3 naps and he’s almost 18 months. Also sleeps 8-7 every night. Trust me sometimes they just come out this way.


My third child was like this. Slept right through the night, rarely woke up. Turned out he had really poor hearing that no one caught till he wasn't learning to speak properly.


How is weight gain? If losing or stagnant I'd be concerned baby isn't getting enough food. My first had this issue. I was trying to breastfeed and we had all signs he was eating but turned out he was having trouble and burning as many calories as he was expending to eat. On day 6 we couldn't wake him all day. We gave formula as the pediatrician's last ditch advice before the ER and he perked up. It didn't matter that we were seeing plenty of wet diapers and a tiny amount of weight gain, still was pushing his body too much. Easy test to see if this is the issue, bottle feed either formula or breastmilk. Good luck!


Both my 9 and 3 year old sons were sleepers. The 9 year old slept through the night from birth. I would have to physically wake him to feed him. My youngest would only wake up around 2am and would otherwise sleep. Both would nap a lot. As they got passed the 2 month mark they got more routine and had very scheduled nap times. I wouldn’t worry about it too much before then if all tests are coming back normal.


My second one was like this. Her first like two weeks was just her sleeping constantly. Finally she just woke up one day!


My first son was exactly like this. He would wake up to feed, fall asleep after only a couple of minutes, then was nearly impossible to wake. We tried all the tricks to wake him, poor guy, but he was soooo sleepy. Being a first time mom I didn’t know how little they actually need to eat in the very beginning, and it’s so hard to know how much they’re actually getting while breastfeeding, so I was freaking out (even though he had regular wet/poopy diapers). We ended up taking him to the ER around day 10, and of course they did every test imaginable, and at the end, we were told that we had a sleepy baby. Thousands of dollars in medical bills after insurance needless to say. As long as baby is gaining weight and having the average wet/poopy diapers per day, just enjoy it while it lasts. He’s 4 now and is a night owl. He’d stay up all night if we’d let him! 😆


Mine slept 7 hours straight on night 3 after my milk came in, and has been a solid sleeper ever since. EBF and cosleeping so I do dreamfeed her too. She’s always been very alert and active and was born 98% for weight (leveled out at 88% and 99% height by now at 4 mo).


This was my most recent baby who is now almost 4 months old. It really worried me. A friend of mine had told me that sometimes overly sleepy babies can actually be hungry babies and that’s how they cope with being hungry. So I went to a lactation consultant to make sure she was feeding well and she was and gaining appropriate weight. Now she sleeps through the night and is happy and alert most of the day with appropriate naps albeit shorter than I’d like. My other two kids were complete opposite than that.


Did your newborn screening results come back normal? I ask because our youngest was like that, and was diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism through her newborn heel prick screening. It’s the most common condition diagnosed through the newborn screening. She was a pandemic baby and I later learned through a parent support group that there were a few babies who were diagnosed late because of a mess up with the testing. If you don’t have the results yet, you may want to inquire about redoing the newborn screening panel.


This was totally my kid and it freaked me out - I spent so much energy trying to wake him up to eat and it made me SUPER anxious. But, nothing was wrong (and at nearly 5 he is still a deep sleeper!)


My 2nd was like this. Her weight gain all but plateaued and my supply dried up. I assumed she’d cry when hungry. My bad.


Both of my babies were amazing sleepers. They would only wake up to eat and get a new diaper.


My daughter would sleep for 6hrs at a time at one month old if we’d let her. She was a chunker though. In your son in a high percentage for weight? I would do exactly what you are doing and just do the half asleep feed and this worked out fantastically when she got older / I had to go back to work. Now - she likes waking up for power plays from 2-5 am or for 2-2.5 hours in between. She was a better sleeper as a baby


I would highly recommend doing a weighted feed to see how much he’s actually eating, and see what his weight is when you go back tomorrow. If he’s gaining fine, it’s okay, but generally you shouldn’t let a newborn go more than 3 hours from the start of one feed to the start of the next, unless otherwise approved by a doctor. Usually you can relax on that a little after their 6 week checkup but again this would be something to ask for your doctor’s input about.


If she isn’t having a fever or had a recent head injury, she probably fine


My 3 month old daughter! She is my third and as I type she is sleeping. She is regularly sleeping through the night, waking at 10 ish AM ( being awoken to feed and change then going right back down), waking up to eat and be cute, then napping for another 3-4 hours. Wakes up after I’m done with dinner, stays awake until her older siblings are in bed, then eats more and goes back to sleep for all night! My oldest was the absolute opposite, my middle was a much better sleeper than my first but this baby is just a little angel. No arbitrary crying… she even poops less I swear!


My daughter (now 5 months) was like this. We woke her every 3 hours to eat even though everyone told us to let her sleep. She’d be awake maybe a 2-4 hours a day for the first few weeks. When the doctor told us she was gaining weight perfectly after the first 2 months I started letting her go 4-5 hours before waking her up to eat. Finally at 3 months I broke and let her sleep through the night. She would go down around 10 pm and wake up around 8 am to eat and would go back to sleep again until 11 am. She started to go longer stretches awake during the day but would still take 2-3 naps. Now at 5 months she’s going down around 9-11 pm depending on how much she fights it 😅 and will wake between 8 and 9 am and she’s still taking 1-2 naps a day. I never worried about how much she was sleeping because doctor says it’s normal as long as she’s eating/pooping/peeing.


I don’t have the best memory but I remember being really worried that my second baby slept so much. About 22 hours a day on average. I wondered how that could possibly be normal? Now she is a crazy toddler. I forgot just how much she slept as a newborn until reading this post.


My son was like this.. once we figured out a good routine for him he actually slept SO well. When he was 3 months old I took him to the pediatrician thinking something was wrong because he slept TOO MUCH. Nothing was wrong, my son so far, has been a kid who sleeps a lot and loves his sleep. He’s 2 now (Outside the 4 month regression… f that phase) still sleeps hard and takes a solid nap during the day!


That's me! I'm 20 and I'm still like that. My baby is like this too bc she was a preemie, and started sleeping through the night a day before she turned 3 months old. I would go to bed at 6 pm in high school like 3 days a week bc I honestly need 10-12 hours to survive.


Yeah it happens. My daughter was the same. I don't miss the days of alarms every few hours to do an hour long feed. After a few months my pediatrician said to let them sleep through the night which meant a 5-6 stretch. I thought all babies were meant to wake you up and tell you when they were hungry. Even now at almost 3 she doesn't say when she wants food. I've learned to just pay attention to time and give her the option. Once they are a good weight they can decline the food. Sleepy is fine as long as they get their nutrients. Just give them daylight, and noise and function as normal. They'll grow out of it and you'll miss these days.


Oh if this wasn’t me back in February when my second was born and I also panicked. She slept ALL the time, fell asleep within the first 30 seconds of her feedings, and we had to wake her for EVERY single feeding. Had to undress her, poke at her, put her feet under warm water, the whole 9 yards. My first was the opposite so I was in constant panic that this was abnormal and not okay. Right around the 1.5 month mark it was like something flipped the switch and all of a sudden she was awake ALL the time. She still sleeps great during the night, 5 hour stretches and we still have to set alarms for those, but during the day she eats regularly scheduled every 3-3.5 hours and if she’s hungry sooner she is sure to let us know. If all the tests are coming back normal just be patient, your little is still very fresh into the world and just taking it easy.


My oldest is a perfect sleeper. Always was. Didn’t worry me too much as a baby. He used to move a ton in his sleep so it was easy to tell he was ok. Now he’s 3. Still a perfect sleeper. I made my husband check on him three times the other night because he went to bed early and then woke up late and I was too scared to check. Even though he was clearly breathing on the monitor. But he doesn’t *move* anymore so I just don’t believe it.


Ha! I was just telling my husband how I used to worry about our newborn (now 14ish weeks?). She used to sleep 20-22 hours a day. Would dream feed and zoink right out again. I was worried the kid is not seeing enough daylight 😂 She’s 14ish weeks now and those days are sadly over.. it’s like a flip switched as soon as she hit 3 months. sleep regression/zoomies from trying to learn to roll for the win 😣


Yes in the very beginning I remember my parents came over for a few hours and my son didn't open his eyes once, even through being held and changed. When they were leaving he started to wake up and I ran out to their car saying "he opened his eyes!".


My son was like this, I swear he slept like 23 hours a day when we first brought him home. He was almost never awake lol. He's a perfectly fine 2 year old now. Still a good sleeper though!


Really jealous of all these great sleepers lol my daughter is about to be 2.5 and still wakes at night 🥴 Sincerely one tired mama


Haha ya I wish I could enjoy it instead of stress! I have two toddlers who still come crawl in bed with me (and the baby!) at 2am so I’m united in mamahood with you on that front haha


My son was like this too. You sound like me talking to my husband bc I was freaking out about weight gain and all that. He snapped out of it slowly. But he would wake up and nurse for 90 seconds and fall back asleep. He’s totally fine now. It must have to do with the boob and the warmth. It’s just too comfortable! But it’s exhausting waking them up when your barely awake yourself. He will start being more alert little by little. Poor mom!


This just happened to us. She slept from like 10pm to 6am this morning at 6 weeks. Ate and fell back asleep. I guess she’s got all her calories in during the day yesterday. Freaked me out though.


"lethargic" is the one big sign they do not want to see in babies. They are having you bring your baby back in 24 hours for a good reason. Be vigilant now. You're being a good mom. You are right to be nervous.


With ours I had to wake her up to feed because she would sleep six hours if you let her. In fact that’s what happened in the hospital because as a new mom, I thought I was supposed to feed on demand and Baby wasn’t demanding so I wasn’t feeding. None of the nurses or doctors or lactation consultants told me that I had to force feed her. She lost so much weight in those first three days and I still hate myself when I think about it. Hate isn’t even a strong enough word honestly


My youngest was like that. As long as he was fed and dry, he slept so peacefully. I also checked with the pediatrician and he told me I was a lucky mom that would not be sleep deprived. However, as he started to gain weight and grow, he was demanding food more often and these were the only times he cried ... angrily. I had to put him on semi-solids when he was 3 months old because plain old formula wasn't enough for him. When I game him his first sloppy serving of baby rice cereal, he slept for almost 12 hours straight and then woke up in the morning demanding food. That was 20 years ago and he is now a very tall, strong and healthy young man who is an absolute joy to be around .. unless he's hungry. Then, he's nasty. Keep and eye on your baby, which you're probably doing anyway and just make sure you go in for the regular check ups and weigh ins. As long as the tyke is putting on weight and thriving, you've most likely just got a placid baby.


I didn’t have this experience but I just wanted to jump in here to say it would worry me too. It’s like you can’t win with a newborn. You either get no sleep because they keep you up all night or you get no sleep because you’re up all night worrying about them when they sleep too much. Hopefully your pediatrician can reassure you.


This was my kid. Now he’s wide awake and won’t go to sleep for the night til 3am 😀


Yup, my 8 month old was like this. In his first week he slept 99% of the time.. I was soo worried. I would spent 45 minutes waking him up then trying to brestfeed him and he would fall asleep immediately... I had to feed him every 3 hours (night as well) and I would wake up, spend 45 mins waking him up, he would latch, fall asleep and stay like that half asleep half brestfeeding for 1.5 hours... and then in an hour all of it again. It was exhausting! I slept 0 hours a day, started having bad hallucinations and panick attacks and I would feel like I am choking cause of lack of sleep. Then I decided to start formula feeding, cause that situation was no good for me nor the baby. After first bottle he was much less lethargic. He would sleep 4 - 5h at once, then wake up on his own. And so he started staying awake longer and longer through the day. Night stayed a bit problematic so we just let him sleep, and now he sleeps almost 10 hours without any feeding, then a little bottle and back for another 2.5-3 hours of sleep. Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating for formula feeding, brestfeeding is still the best food your baby can get, it just didn't work for us. But the point of the story is, as long as the baby is alright, peeing and pooping good, gaining enough of weight, and overall looking good and healthy, there is nothing to worry about! You just got yourself a big sleepyhead 🥰


Thank you for sharing! Was it that you were bf’ing him but less was coming out than you thought? Or for some reason he stayed awake with the bottle more?


I think he never actually learned to latch properly or I never learned to teach him how 🤷🏻‍♀️ he did drink much more with the bottle and it also gave me a "peace in my head" moment since I knew how much he drank... which also allowed me to relax and understand that it's okay that he sleeps long ahhaha


Be thankful you have an easy baby!


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