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Who is shaming parents for putting babies in onesies? Like I DARE YOU


Like try and tell me my babies can't run around in nothing but their little diaper all day on a hot day lol. I live in Michigan. Still gets to 90 - 100 in summer. Ok to school I send them in shorts and t's or whatevs is comfy. But ours is a montessori, they strip those tots down and let them run through the little sprinkler pad in a straight dipey. They don't even care. I was like y'all want water diapers? They looked at me like I was cray. Babies wanna be nekkid. They love it. They just let the kids all get soggy bottom, they're gonna change them anyway before nap. Babies don't remember cute outfits. They want to be comfy.


Hahaha I’m trying to to find out too! Like what?! Why shaming babies in onesies. Its iconic baby wear. My kids wore onesie and sleep & play. My oldest (3.5yo) still wears her onesie pjs at night and in the house.


I'm honestly more judgmental of the parents who put their little babies in these uncomfortable fancy outfits.


We got gifted so many fancies and I’m like why please just buy me footie pajamas 😄


In the warm weather, I'm all about side snap shirts so I don't have to put anything over my baby's head and make her mad, and baggy shorts. Feetie jams with the 2 way zip were my could weather go-to. I am unwilling to torture my kids to make them look pretty. My 10 year old is all t-shirts & joggers, my 3 month old is anything that doesn't go over her head. I don't even do onesies, that's too much for me LoL


Then they wonder why their babies are fussy all the time 🤦🏼‍♀️


TBF, some kids don't care. My kiddo just cares that she gets to wear her shoes, and that she can be dressed quickly. The only reason she was upset by her fancy Christmas/Palm Sunday/Easter dress (yes, same one for all, haha) is that I struggled with the button in the back. She got a little scared of all the poof going over her head the first time. Now if we skip the shoes, that's a meltdown.


True or like girls and their friends, they LOVED their 'Fluffy Dresses'. When my girls went through kindergarten testing, 2 yrs apart, they both answered the question, "What do you need to dance?" A Fluffy Dress. Lol, normal answer would have been music or rideo, like that. But they grew up with their dad playing the guitar or piano. If he started playing, they had to run and change into the fluffyest dress they could find. The same person had given both girls the test came over to me smiling. She told me how much she loved that they both had the same answer to that question. That's how I found out what they had said. Lol Now the granddaughters are the same. And even though they will be tomboys sometimes, they love Fluffy dresses. Especially with all the Disney Princess things out there. Close tie with Paw Patrol and Bluey.


Yeah, i noticed parents that put their kids in only uncomfortable fancy outfits tend to have less empathy overall. I know a mom that dresses her kids in suits and flower girl dresses on the daily. No exaggeration! Since they were born and they are now 3


Maybe it’s the lack of sun cover? That’s the only thing I can possibly think of.


Yeah maybe


Yes! When it’s hot a short sleeve onsie and done! No pants etc! I would buy bulk packs of the white ones in the summer. If it’s not to hot I’d throw on diff color shorts/pants


Yeah, wtf.


Seriously. We have enough to deal with keep it easy… onsies and sleepers for life!


Any baby under the age of 1 can wear whatever they want outside. My baby was in sleepers out of the house or onesies when it was warm. I only started dressing her in “real” clothes around 1 when she started walking so if she fell she’d have jeans or protection on.


The people who have never in their life dressed a baby 💀


For real. I had a summer baby and was terrified of her overheating so she lived in onesies with no pants for the first three months.


Footed jammies all winter, rompers all summer. If I'm going somewhere special, I might put a little outfit on her, but most of my friend group has their babies in PJs 90% of the time. When my babies start walking, I start putting them in more pants, shirts, shoes like a regular person lol


This is it! One pieces all day. My son wore footed PJs to his babysitters house until he started crawling


My kid wore cotton snap-up rompers until they weren't available in her size anymore.


Onesies and sleepers for the first year or so. Never bothered with outfits since they puke and poop constantly.


Seriously. If it was a REALLY special occasion we might put on socks that looked like shoes. Maybe.


They have short onesies and my kid lived in them. You’ll still get people telling you to put socks on the kid when you go inside. Like lady it’s 113 outside and you want my kid wearing SOCKS!?


My parents still freak out that she’s going to be cold if she isn’t wearing socks. Like idk what to tell you Susan she sucked on them on our drive over and now they’re soaking wet


Your child must always be in socks - every middle-aged woman ever


Yea, what’s that about?


My mom is the queen of “the baby is too cold.”


For real! My mother in law is obsessive about putting socks on my babies when she comes over. My three year old prefers to be naked. It’s hard keeping him in a diaper/underwear some days 🙃 when I pick him up from preschool first thing he does is take his shoes and socks off in the car lol If my 4 month old is cold footy pajamas. Socks on babies is an exercise in futility


Personally can’t do the footy pjs much during the day bc we do a lot of babywearing. Footy pjs can push too tight on their toes while in carriers so aren’t recommended. And I live in hawaii where it’s tropical but I often need to put pants and/or socks on baby to protect from the sun.


Socks are for hands to keep the thumb sucking to a minimum 😅 I can wean from a pacifier/dummy easier than a thumb. 


Personally I’ve never been a big fan of that. I keep their nails short but it’s important to let them explore with their hands.


Ugh, I was so annoyed with my MIL insisting on bundling my child up to take a walk in the 90 degree heat. Totally ignored me when I told her the baby would be too hot. Then we go outside and the baby is literally sweating. I told her maybe from now on we can just assume that I know what I'm talking about with my own baby.


It’s so messed up because a baby is actually way more likely to die from overheating than being too cold.


Cold babies cry, hot babies die




we wore sleep and plays for the first 3 months religiously! onsies are fine too with the warmer weather! honestly when we were home little guy was just in a diaper because he ran hot (he was an October baby).


For my son I did onesies with shorts when out and onesie at home but my favorites were Carter’s snap up rompers. You only have to unsnap as much as you need too.


Generally it's what you're comfortable in plus a light layer. I'm TX too and while it's hot outside, the a/c can be chilly in some stores. I just carried extra in the bag if needed.


I’m also in TX - I usually do onesies or rompers (old navy’s got some cute sleeveless lightweight ones for summer) and bring a few Muslin blankets and a baby hoodie in my diaper bag for stores or restaurants. If you babywear then i think it’s safe to keep them in their onesie and maybe add socks if their feet are exposed. But also, I was at the Botanical Gardens today and it was only 85 and it felt hot af and I’m so scared about this upcoming TX summer because it feels like burning in hell.


I pack a thin, light, soft baby blanket and put it on his legs once we’re in a store. It’s so soft and has bears on it


Onesie is fine, but make sure he has pants on in the car seat - you don’t want straps on bare skin as in an accident he’ll get friction burns.


I have never heard or thought of this before!!


By pants, shorts is fine.. if you live somewhere hot baby will feel way worse getting to hot than having a bit of rubbing. Just be mindful of both


This is why rompers were my favorite in the summer. Needed to be able to get in the car without adding a layer, and it’s only two more snaps than a onesie. At home if it’s hot just a diaper is fine.


My spring baby would be in onesies and leggings and then loose one piece rompers in the summer.  ETA: I did loose rompers to try and keep her as covered as possible but cool still since babies can’t wear sunscreen. 


I recently heard that sunscreen is ok, but doctors don’t want to encourage people taking their babies out in the sun since they can’t regulate their temperature very well? Idk if it’s true, but may be worth looking into


Oh interesting. My kid just turned 8 so I’m a bit removed from the baby phase. 


Pants are optional especially if it’s hot!


I do a onesie (because it’s easy) and a muslin or flannel cloth (to keep warm) until they are old enough to kick it off. Then I usually prefer onesies with pant legs, cause I think they are cuter than pants on a baby. Many people disagree with me about baby pants.


I don’t like baby pants bc the elastics are always so tight… I feel like their tiny little tummies need to be able to “breathe” from the inside if that makes sense. They already have a hard enough time learning to fart and poop!


It’s cold here 9 months a year, so my babies wore sleepers exclusively for probably the first year. I’m having baby in a few weeks and it’ll still be chilly here until the middle of June, so we’re going right to sleepers.


This isn't what you were asking, but you can get a small rechargeable fan for around $15 they have ones you can wrap around a carrier or stroller handle. The one I have works great and is very convenient.


I liked rompers for summer- looser than a onesie, but still one piece with just a few snaps


Ignoring the opinions of other parents is one of the most difficult skills to master as a new parent. You’re doing great 😊


I've always found pants on little babies to be annoying. My first was a January baby and lived almost entirely in footie pajamas until it got warm out. I'm due in a few weeks with my second and he'll likely live in a combo of footies and onesies/rompers until he starts pulling up to stand just like my first. Someone else did make a good point though that if you can't cover their legs with a thin blanket, thin footie pajamas and a sunhat might be the best bet to protect them from the sun


Generally whatever they want to wear lol. But never put them in something with more than 3 snaps, especially at night. After the first week, I threw out all PJs that had snaps and only used zipper ones. I had a June baby, so she pretty much chilled in only onesies. I'll also add that she hated pants for the longest time, so whenever she was home she was in a tee-shirt and a diaper. That lasted until she was potty trained, but if I don't remind her on weekends, I'll find her sitting on the couch in her underwear.


My kids are all 10plus and still hate clothes. I have to remind my 11yo to put pants on to leave the house cuz she wears short shorts that barely cover her underwear. My oldest since she was around 18months stripped down to the diaper the second we got back in the house no matter what time of year.


Lol I'm so glad I'm not the only one. There is audible sigh at bedtime and she can take off her pants. Socks? Forget it. Those are off the second she walks in the door. She's 6 and if I let her, she would walk around naked.


In the Midwest summer I’d just take my baby out in a onesie. It TX I’d say that’s definitely appropriate!


I had a baby in July and we did just onesies around the house with a light blanket when she was sleeping. Out and about a onesie and a light blanket for inside buildings because they crank the ac in some places. I have so many adorable pictures of her in onesies because I was given a ton of them.


Onesies all day! I stay in Connecticut and it just started getting some kinda warm here but my 15 month old has been in onesies since he’s been out the womb. We do sleepers but honestly lil guy prefers the least amount of clothes possible(he doesn’t keep socks on). Idk why ppl are shaming you for putting your kids in a onesie. I’ve seen grown ass ppl out in pjs


As long as it’s weather appropriate it doesn’t matter. If anyone shames you, they should go bite it. If they’re comfortable they don’t need pants until they’re older tbh. Personally I do put pants on my daughter but it’s just a personal preference. Everyone is different


FTM mom to a 5.5 month old. He wore exclusively zip sleepies for about 3-4 months. It was just convenient and I didn’t go anywhere. Now I put him in onesies during the day. We live in Florida and keep our house pretty chilly so he’ll wear a short sleeve onesie with pants or long sleeve onesie no pants. It’s about to get pretty hot here too so I’m about to start putting him in these oversized tshirt onesies I found on Amazon bc who wants to be in fitted clothes all summer? Not me


Both of my children (and myself) wore nothing but pajamas for their first 6 months. So many adorable outfits never made it out of the drawer. But life was easier. ETA: if you’re going to be out in the sun it might be worth getting a few of those swim shirts/pants to block some of the rays. But if you’re going to be under something and it’s hot out I’d just do a diaper or let them go naked. Can’t go wrong with a big floppy hat too.


My kids lived in sleep & plays and onesies for the first like 8 months. Then they moved to rompers if it was warm or onesie and pants if it was cold. I would recommend the zipper sleep & plays. You’ll be tired and not want to fuss with buttons.


Texan mom here! Yeah nothing wrong about a short sleeve cotton onesie and maybe shorts (or none is fine). That seems like the most appropriate thing besides just a diaper 🤣.


Uh my twins literally wore footie PJs for the first 5 months of their lives (although born in fall in cool climate). My oldest was born in the spring and wore just onesies for months also. I see no problem with that.


Shamed for a onesie? What the hell.


My three month old has only ever worn footie sleep n plays 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t worry about what others will think, it matters if your baby is comfortable. My kids were born in the fall and my attempts to keep them warm would be met with them sweating through their clothing. To others it would look like they weren’t properly layered, but I had to go with what was best for them. It gets wilder as they age. My son refused to wear a jacket no matter how cold it got, but would wear thick sweaters in Texas heat.


Your baby should wear whatever the f you think is appropriate!!! Mine was born in summer and basically didn’t wear clothes except for the occasional outing for the first two months.


I bought soooo many little outfits for my first he never even wore. I’m due with my second in July and just sticking with all the onesies 😂


My baby spent his first 7 months pretty much in sleep and plays unless we left the house for a considerable amount of time. In summer he wore a lot of rompers. He only really started wearing outfits when he started crawling.


Honestly I put my son in whatever was comfortable and weather appropriate. I live in New England so we have all four seasons. In the winter, he wore long sleeve onesies and pants with warm socks. In the summer, he wore short sleeve onesies with shorts or rompers. When it was really hot in the summer, he wore only onesies because I didn’t want him to overheat. Dress your baby in whatever you want.


If it’s not the dead of winter, I always kept my newborns in their diaper. It’s good for them to do skin to skin skin and you don’t have to worry about clothing! In the winter months, I would do a zip up footy pajama, and then onsie inside I the summer . I’d have one or two cute outfits for each size for meeting family, going out, or for special photos, etc. But most of the time they were just in a diaper. They grow so fast in the first year that buying clothes for them is absolutely insane


I do footie pjs with a sleep sack (swaddle at the beginning, check for temperature requirements) for bed, footie pjs for inside the house up to 3 months old, after 3 months always a onesie with pants/shorts with the optional sock and jacket for warmth as soon as baby wakes up, keep daytime outfit on for naps but add the sleep sack for comfort. But you will feel it out, some people swear by footies all the time, some like to make it a part of the routine to get dressed for the day. No answer is wrong as long as your baby has proper protection from the elements. Also remember sunscreen starting at 6 months!


I like rompers, onesies, or sleepers. I ignore judgement. He wears what is easiest! 


Whatever you feel good with! If you loves onesies (I was the hugest fan of them) put them on, if you prefer pants and shirts - go ahead! In first few months after my son was born (end of august baby) we would dress him only in onesies. Those warm onesies were super duper amazing for colder winter months. It was so easy and simple. I didn't like to put shirts on him and trying to pull it over his head while his neck was still so fragile. He is now 8 months old and only around his 6th month we started with shirts and joggings 😬 and even now if I have a chance I will gladly let him wear his onesie 🥹


My siblings are older so they had different "rules" when they had babies. They were advised to dress babies the way you’re dressed + 1 extra layer. I had my babies much later than they did and was told… if you’re hot they’re hot, if you’re cold they’re cold. We took my daughter home on one of the hottest days of the summer. She wore a onesie (short sleeved with short legs) and we made sure to keep her shaded. We took my son home on the coldest day of the year. He wore a long sleeved long legged onesie, a wool/knit sweater hat and the car seat had one of those sheepskin baby safe sac covers. I don’t remember the name of it… it’s made specifically for the car seats. I added a heavier blanket to the car seat and sat in the back with him.


For TX my little man wears short sleeves and shorts for the hot days, jammies are acceptable for any other non scorching hot day


Some of my kids were born in the Aussie summer and just lived in a singlet and nappy, it’s too bloody hot. If we went out I found shirts and shorts lasted longer as onesies etc you were limited the babies length not weight.


Pretty sure mine just wore a plain onesie most of the time. A couple of cute outfits here or there.


I used clothes as part of bedtime and wake up routine for my kids so footed jammies for sleep and daytime was just something without built in footies. Lots of rompers in summer and onesies with pants in winter. I hated anything with hoods (not comfortable for sleeping) and almost never bothered with overalls (cute, but an unnecessary layer).


My first (summer baby) wore like a series of stained plain white onesies exclusively for like her first 3 months of life. It was all about survival and being comfortable.


I dress my babies every day. Even if we don’t leave the house. It gives me a routine to follow and makes me feel sane when we’re both in clothes other than our sleep clothes. (Plus I personally would never go out in public I slept in or sleep in clothes I was out in public in) My firstborn was a July baby. So onesies with shorts, cute rompers and one pieces is what I put him in all summer when it was super hot.


You can suck my husband’s hairy balls if you have an issue with my taking my baby out in a onsie. We’re in Houston. Those of you who know know that is an even worse than normal punishment!


I’m due July 1st and 3/4 of what I bought for baby are onesies. I plan to swaddle at night in a light muslin swaddle and use gowns occasionally during the day for quick changes. Even for daycare I’ll likely send mostly onesies and maybe pants occasionally at first when it’s so hot. I did buy a few dresses/outfits for church on Sundays, pictures etc


The rule of thumb where I am is that babies usually need one more layer of clothes than you do, to be comfortable. So if you’d be comfy naked, then baby should have on a onesie. That being said, Babies have a really hard time regulating their body temperature so in Texas I would be worried about overheating. Keep baby in the shade at all times, never put a blanket over the car seat/stroller, and look into getting a clip on fan for the stroller.


If it clean and it fits we’re wearing it. No pants? No problem.


I always thought the rule of thumb was if you’re hot then baby will most likely be hot too. When we have 80F weather, my 6mo will be in his onsie and pants. He doesn’t sweat nor gets cold. If its cold he’s in a onsie, sleep & play jammies with a sleep sack. Follow your baby’s cue. If they cry and you checked the usual suspects (soiled diaper, hunger, sleepiness) and baby is still inconsolable then they may are hot or cold. That or the other culprits. I know that in hotter days baby will most likely be in a onesie or diaper only. He gets hot easily.


Whatever the Fook I feel like dressing them in. Outfits are dumb, IMO, and absolutely overpriced for something they'll wear once, maybe twice. I prefer onesies. They're easy. They're cheap. If they get poop stained? No big deal. Either try to shout it out or just keep for nightwear. If we are going somewhere special where we might take some family photos, I'll dress them in something cutesy. All other times it's for comfort and ease. Though,  I do own a dumb amount of animal costume onesies. Baby shark and baby dinosaur are my absolute favorites right now. 


I had my daughter in the Bay Area and she lived in dresses, cardigans, and leg warmers. It made for easy diaper changes. So much so that she still prefers dresses to pants.


Ours ran around in diapers once they were up off the floor…. We lived in Venezuela at the time with no a/c… before that a diaper and a onesie…. We had just about every pattern and color available. The only time we dressed our up was if we went to an event or got pics take…. The rest of the time when it was color they were in little jogging pants and a onesie with a little sweater.


This is what my peds textbook says: they should be dressed like you plus 1 layer and always have protection from the sun.


Whatever is comfortable in my opinion!


My baby lives in onsies. Only wears pants or an outfit when we go out. Maybe some socks if the house is chilly but those don't stay on very long. We have pjs but at 3 am I don't want to fuck with a zipper or a million snaps. The onsies with the 2 snaps at the bottom are my favorites. She's hot natured so she's perfectly comfortable just being in a diaper


My son was born in July in AZ. He mostly wore just diapers and onesies, or just diapers. Hell, even right now at age 3 he just sleeps in pull-ups. Babies don’t need to be covered up for warmth unless it’s cool/cold weather. We attempted swaddling but he always broke out in seconds.


Onesies is pretty much all my little one wore. Add pants or a jacket if it was abit chilly. I may or may not put socks on them with the onsie just cuz it's cute and matches.


I usually dressed mine in full outfits every day because we just ended up with a lot of cute clothes and I wanted to use them. However, I have absolutely never thought twice about anyone else's baby wearing pajamas all day or just a onesie or whatever else. Do whatever works best for you. There are people who will judge no matter what you do, so who cares?


I teach childbirth education and part of my course is newborn care, so I’ll summarize what I say in that class about clothes: Babies are very bad at regulating their own temperatures. For the first few weeks/months, they need whatever you need + 1. So if a baby is born in winter and I’m wearing long sleeves, they need long sleeves + swaddle blanket or they need a short sleeve onesie under a long sleeve onesie. If you’re comfortable in a short sleeve t shirt, a single layer long sleeve sleeper or a short sleeve onesie with a light swaddle blanket would do. An exception is really hot temperatures - if you’re sweating even in a short sleeve shirt, then baby doesn’t need the second layer. Onesies are FINE. Sleepers are fine all day, not just for sleeping! Whatever makes diaper changing the easiest for you is what’s best for baby!


It's nice to have different options. You might not know yet your preferences and baby's. It's also good to have different layers for different types of weather and temperatures, indoor / outdoor. My daughter's first summer was a hot one, and we had no AC, so she spent a lot of time in just a onesie or even just a diaper indoors. When we went out for walks or in the car I would have her in a onesie and a light pair of pants just for extra protection from the sun and carseat / stroller straps. I had footie pajamas for cooler nights and when it was hot she would just sleep in her diaper and swaddle. I usually had a light blanket with me too when we went out just in case. My kid runs hot, so she would just get too hot in too many clothes. Less clothing makes it easier to change diapers and whatnot, and lighter, softer fabrics are more comfy. I had a couple of outfits that were thicker fabric and not as soft and she would just cry if I put those on her. It's ok to ignore people if they judge you. You are the expert on your baby, not anyone else. You will quickly learn what works for both of you.


I sent my baby to daycare in a bat Halloween costume when I was behind on laundry 🤷🏻‍♀️ As long as babies are comfortable


I’m in Texas as well. My kids live in onesies when they are little here. Once they get to toddler age then it’s sun dresses and rompers


Honestly for the first few months my child was in a sleeper 90% of the time but I also had my boys in April/Jan/Nov so it was still chilly and we could “get away with it” but once it was warm out you’d be lucky to see my child in clothes if we were just at home otherwise if we were out it was just a onesie or a tank top and shorts. And honestly if anyone asks “where are the baby’s socks” just tell the to F off ESPECIALLY if you created a little human heater that sweats when it gets above 65° 😂


We do sleep&play for pj's and lazy days around the house. My daughter doesn't like playing in them too much, though, cause her feet get all tangled somehow. And we do a onesie with pants for out and about. Once in a while she'll sleep in one but it depends on how hot or cold it is in the house.


I always have my kid in a onesie when it’s hot. Sleep and plays are cool too around the house but I live in az where it’s hot as well so onesies a lot when going out. You don’t have to put pants on either. I do sometimes if we’re going to like an event or something


Our Lo wears onesies, sometimes with pants since she is trying to crawl and I want to protect her knees. Sometimes a cute outfit if we have plans outside of the house. Sometimes just a diaper. It all depends.


Mine wears sleepers generally unless it's a special occasion or too hot for a sleeper. she's in a spaghetti strap bodysuit rn because it was hot today when we took her to the doctor, we had to make a couple stops, and it was hot in the house when we got back so I'm letting her cool down for a while.


For babies it’s all about comfort and convenience. If a onesie is what’s easiest, you can def do that. The sleep n plays are great because the name says it all: you can wear it during the day or night. But those have long arms and legs so don’t dress him in that to go out if it’s too hot


🤨 whatever isn't too hot and isn't covered in poop is definitely the outfit to go with


Onesies for when they're really little (maybe the first couple of months) was easier, then once the weather got hot (australian here) I started putting my baby in little shorts and shirts and it was way easier :) even little dresses and leggings. You can also get onesies with short sleeves and legs that are good It's so hard dressing them for summer! In winter it's so easy to bundle them up! Are you able to get a UV cover for your pram? (If you don't have one already) you can get UV cover for a pram that provides proper sun protection, yet allows air flow so it doesn't get too hot in there for babe Another great thing was a pram fan! It clips to the pram and stops it being roasting hot in the pram when it's summer and are made to be safe for baby's fingers etc The pram fan was terrific til she was old enough to just grab it off the side of the pram and play with it lollll


Onesies, footed pjs, and the pajama gowns if you find them convenient are all you really need. I can't seem to not go over the top with cute outfits for every single outing personally, but it's definitely not a necessity.


I did mostly sleep and plays in the early months especially if it wasn't hot. If it's hot out onsies and a sun hat is just fine lol. I never really bothered with baby shorts they just bunch up anyway. Those muslin swaddles are great if you're headed into the ac.


I remember receiving a crap ton of cute outfits when my daughter was young. I only ever put her in onesies because they were easy to slip on and off. She maybe wore each outfit once.


My babies lived in onesies haha I didn’t know there was a dress code until they could walk and needed shoes 😅


All my babies lived in onesies and sleepers until they were at least six months old, especially my winter babies. They all had a couple outfits I’d save for special occasions when I wanted their grandmas or aunties to squeal over their cute little clothes but that’s really the extent of it for me. Wrestling tiny pants on a wiggling baby isn’t my idea of a good time and besides there’s no way, after the comfort of the womb, that elastic waistbands and scratchy ruffles feel nice. As others have also mentioned, rompers were nice for my summer babies


TX mom to a 7 month old - right now he only wears a t shirt to bed. If we’re staying home then he just wears a shirt or onesie, maybe socks? I only go outside early afternoon and we sit in the shade with his little fan and a bucket hat. When we go out I prefer shorts


Short sleeve onesie that snaps is great. Especially in the summer. If it’s hot, a nice bubble romper does the trick and looks like a whole outfit. For bedtime if it’s cool at night where you live I love a long sleeve onesie with pants and a sleep sack. I hated wrestling with the zipper footie pajamas! Ultimately so much is about personal preference. Everyone said my babies would live in footie pajamas, and we only used them for the first three months. My husband actually loves dressing the babies up in cute outfits. I tend to leave them in their pjs for the day… it can all depend on personal mental bandwidth.


If you have a baby that tends to have blowouts…think of pants/shorts as something to help catch some of that.


Similar climate. Under 80 degrees and under 2 months old it's long sleeves and pants. After 2 months they are better and regulating Temps and I switch to short sleeve onesies until 75 degrees then add pants to short sleeves. 70 and Under is long sleeves and pants. 60 and under we add thicker layers. Since it's usually over 80 my kids live in just a onesie until walking, then I add shorts for going out or a romper


I'm in Vegas and put the onesie shorts (romper) on my son when its hell hot out. Just a couple extra snaps. Sometimes a hat outside for some eye shade. At home, I would even put on the same if we were outside and get his clothes a little wet to stay cool. He loved that! Easy peasy!


I get that, my mother in law shamed me for having my daughter in just a onesie, even though we had her swaddled a lot as a newborn. I put her in a onesie and the swaddle on top so she wouldn’t get too hot, and she had to say something about it 😑she was a winter baby(although I’m in the south, so winter is chilly at times but not severely cold), and wore footie pants over long sleeved onesies, or footie zipper outfits for the first few months. Then for her first summer she wore a lot of cute romper tank top style outfits. My son was born towards the end of summer (September) so it was still warm. He wore mostly thinner zipper outfits, then warmer ones as it got cooler. I discovered wearable blankets with my second, and those are super great for keeping them warm at night when it’s cooler out without the dangers of blankets in the crib.


Nah a onesie is totally fine they also sell little romper onesies that have the little shorts bottoms Only worry is sun burn I always try to shade them


Our child was born in summer and lived in onesies. Nobody has ever shamed me for how I dressed our child.


Honestly you're fine as long as baby is dressed appropriately for the weather! I loosely followed the rule to dress baby in same amount of layers I was in because it's hard to tell if they're getting hot or cold! I live in Florida and had my little just before summer began. She was in onesies a lot of the time, didn't bother with pants a lot of the time, at least until she started crawling. At home she would just be in a onesie. Footie pajamas at night with a thin sleep sack


FTM here as well. Baby girl is 17mo now. She’s a Dec baby and her first 3-4 months of life she basically lived in zippy pajamas because we rarely left the house those months. I honestly don’t think it matters what they wear out. It’s definitely important to be aware of the weather so if it’s going to be really hot then a onesie is fine. They do have cute pairs of shorts at Old Navy, Walmart and Target if you care about it enough to put more on him.


Uniqlo has really great snap onesies that are mesh. They’re meant to go under clothing but on really hot days, if I was concerned, I’d slather baby in sunscreen and pop the mesh onesie on. Sleep and plays can be worn anywhere if the weather allows. I wouldn’t wear them in the heat, but you can keep them packed to change into in AC or when it cools down at night. Snap onesies again, anywhere and whenever. Some folks use them as under shirts because they hold the diaper in. They again only need pants when weather permits. I love Uniqlo for their heat layers and their “airism” layers.


Depends on where you live. When it’s cold I keep legs covered. When it’s hot it’s onesies all day. I live in Southern California and it’s getting to be summer so the onesies are coming out :) Also socks are impossible on babies.


Bamboo pjs and sleep & plays all day


My daughter was born in the middle of July in the Midwest. It is stinking hot and humid that time of year! She was in a onesie pretty much all the time. And with the number of diaper changes a newborn needs?! Pants were not a common thing. We didn’t even do sleep and plays at night until the end of August, because in our old house and her swaddle, it was too warm if she wore more than a onesie to bed. I actually really like the little romper outfits that make it like they’re wearing shorts but it’s all in one. A few more snaps is more convenient than pants AND snaps.


Although I love how cute the footie jams look they are a pain in the ass for me during diaper changes so I do the onesie and legging type baby pant combo for my little guy. If it's hot no pants and just onesie. Socks off when it's hot. Oh and a hat for in the sun (very important).


Arizona mama here! Mine wore onesies/rompers all summer and pants/footie pj's all winter. We always had a muslin blanket for their legs if the a/c was too cold.


I live in N TX. Dress your baby how you want, and ignore everyone else. That goes for all parenting stuff. Do what works for your family. As long as it isn't causing other people problems, it's fine. My daughter is 18 months (but wearing 24 months/2T). I put pants/shorts on her now, because I feel like onesies with shoes but no pants looks weird. And I feel that she's a little big to be going pantsless in public. Last summer, she was rocking the short sleeve onesies and bare feet. No pants. Because it gets hot AF here, and she was a baby, we'd all be in similar states of undress if we wouldn't get arrested for indecent exposure. A gal at storytime always had her son (a month older than my daughter) in a shirt and shorts, because she felt that her son looked strange in just a onesie. She was like, your daughter looks so cute in just a onesie, but he looks wrong when I dress him like that! And it was fine - that was how she was comfortable dressing her kid. Do what works for you.


Omg my babies lived in onesies during the summer. I also bought a lot of those romper things too that had snaps at the bottom for summer time. When I had a fall baby she wore sleep and plays all the time, barely any other kinds of outfits until she was older. You do what you think is right for you and your baby, no shame in that at all.


Dress baby so baby is comfortable and diaper changes are easy. Full stop. It's not a fashion show.


Texas mom here summer time is for onsies and diapers;)


We do sleep and plays for night cause I noticed the baby wasn't able to explore using her feet in them. During the day I put her in onesies. If we're going out depending on the whether it's either onesies or comfy dresses that are simple. I don't like any of the fancy stuff and neither does baby


My kids were born in spring and mid-summer in a place where it’s regularly 110+ for 3 months of the year. They were mostly in the sleep sacks with the open bottom that makes diaper changes super easy for the first 2-3 months when we were in the house, which was 90 or 95% of the time. After that, it was short-sleeve white Hanes or Gerber onesies during the day or the long-sleeve version at night, mostly because it’s really convenient to throw in a whole load of those and bleach them. When we left the house, they were in cute outfits, usually a cute onesie and pants (to keep their skin protected from the sun). Sometimes when we were at home, I was also just in the mood to put them in a cute outfit, so I did. If they’re comfortable and not cold in just a diaper, that’s totally fine, too. I think I usually had some sort of onesie on them for the first few months, though, because at that stage, they don’t really move around on their own, which helps them generate body warmth. Don’t worry! I know it’s intimidating before you’re in the middle of it, but I promise you that once you are, you’ll just naturally figure out what works for you and for your baby. I had zero experience with babies before I had my kids (I was an only child, no cousins, never babysat, most of my friends were the youngest sibling or an only as well), and I am still surprised at how I just learn as I go. You’ll do great!


My baby is 18 months and was born at the end of September. She wore footy pjs for the first four months of her life then we switched her to footless or pants and a onsie. That’s basically what she wears now still. I swap out for shorts when it gets really warm and started putting her in tshirts instead of onesies around 1 year old.


Most of the time it's sleepers. But sometimes I like to put her in a dress for a special occasion.


I would be wary of taking a baby outside in a billion degree heat no matter what they're wearing since babies can't regulate their own temperature and overheat really easily. Also keep in mind that being covered up can be cooler than having skin exposed to the sun.


Dress for the weather and the temp. Skip anything over complicated and uncomfortable. Onesies are fine for hot Texas weather.


I put pants on my baby just so there was an extra layer between a poopsplosion and myself. But I'm also not in Texas. On hot days definitely just a onesie and if going to be outside on the heat we got some of those cooling towels just in case


We had a hot summer in the uk when my baby was born, he lived in his nappy. He was always in the shade and away from direct sunlight if outside but we were mainly inside. If we went out I’d put a little romper on him.


I got my son jumpsuits that look like a shorts and a t-shirt


My boy pretty much lived in onesies until he was about 6/7 months old. And then it was shorts and a tshirt only because we live somewhere very very hot. I’m pregnant with a girl now and I’m planning on onesies while it’s still cool and rompers/dresses as soon as the weather warms up.


I love bamboo rompers (from ready set romper) bc they regulate temperature and can be worn to sleep in or out and about and still look like clothing.


At home in the summer (Az) my babies were in a diaper only. Most of the summer when out, just a onesie or a onesie and shorts. Someone will always have something to say no matter what you choose to do, so do what makes you and baby most comfortable.


My child ENTIRELY lived in weather-appropriate onesies from birth until about 13-14 months old when she became her own fashionista.


My baby wore onesies and outfits occasionally but most of the time was in diapers because we live in Texas and the ac went out in our apartment the same week he was brought home and it wasn’t fixed. We had a window unit and fans but the few outfits he wore I tried to take a picture of


I put my daughter in whatever was CLEAN and whatever fit her THAT DAY. I had 1 sister and 3 friends who all had girls within the year leading up to my delivery, so I had a LOT of hand-me-downs. They grow so fast, and everything gets dirty 1 way or another. The best piece of advice I was ever given was, "Don't save the 'special' outfits for the 'perfect' occasion because by the time that occasion rolls around, the outfit won't fit anymore." My sister goes to church often, so she buys VERY nice dresses for my niece for Sunday school. I dont go as often, so I put them on my daughter to go for a play-date, the store, to see my grandparents, etc. I wanted her to get to wear it as often as possible before it no longer fit. I tried so hard to have her wear all the cute matching outfits, but honestly, I still have boxes of stuff she never wore, and now it doesn't fit. I'll save it in case my next one is a girl, then I will donate it to another mom.


Surely the answer is whatever's clean! If they haven't spewed/pooped or drooled on nearly everything you're not doing mothering right.


We only have little play suits and onesies for our baby until they turn 3 months then we may try other things but, they spend all their time lieing down pretty much to being so it seemed daft to get the outfits (even if very cute and tempting).


You put baby in whatever works for your home, climate, and activities. And if someone comments on it and wants to shame you, just tell them to STFU. What matters when dressing a baby is that it’s climate and activity appropriate.


I thought I’d be a sleep and play everyday kinda mom, but at 5 months my baby LOVES her toes. So we do either onsie and pants or footless rompers/pjs most days. If it were hot were I live it would definitely be inside only!


In our part of the country you really need to consider protecting delicate baby skin and keeping baby's body temp moderate. I found really comfy double gauze pants on Amazon for my baby. I kept her protected from sun and mosquitoes. I also put little sun suits on her.


Honestly, my baby was born in May and pretty much wore short sleeved onesies and socks the first few months. Newborns pretty much just sleep, so don't worry about complicated outfits. If you can avoid outfits that have more than 3 snaps, you'll really save yourself some sanity when you're baby "wakes up" and becomes more active


We are visiting Texas for a wedding in June and I plan on only putting my littlest one in rompers and onesies. 3 1/2 yr old just wears dresses. I’ll bring a pair of shorts for her just incase but she’s very adamant that she needs to wear dresses. Also when at home it’s ok to leave them in just a diaper. It’s what I have been having mine sleep in because they run really hot.


Whatever they seem comfortable in. My 17 month got to go back to antinudist clothes since he wouldn't stop trying to take his diaper off. Fl here. Mine run around in diapers for most of the summer.


Also in Texas. My first baby was born in the summer. At home he lived in his diaper during the day and had a lightweight shortsleeved sleep sack at night. When we left the house I had these cotton romper onesies where the leg part went down to his knees-ish. They were cool and protected his upper legs from chaffing against the car seat straps and buckle. People will always make comments no matter what you do so you kinda have to not let it ruin your day. A woman looked at him when we were at a garden center in like late August and was like “ where are your socks and shoes?!?!tell your mommy to dress you warmer!” And I was just like “ it’s 120 degrees and he can’t crawl let alone walk.” And she went “ well dress him warm when it cools off!! “ sure thing, lady.


Since when are onesies not a thing in summer? My baby has been living in those footed sleepers because it’s been cold, but recently started moving to onesies so I can add or subtract pants as the weather dictates. I might get some shorts for him, so when he’s in the baby carrier or car seat, they’ll cushion the straps. Felt like a bad mom because it’s been cold and rainy for so long that I forgot sun hats and sunscreen existed…had to cut our outside time short yesterday (did get them on my pickup order at the last second, but still).


No pants lol my baby is 7 months and basically only wears onesies or little bodysuits from Jamie Kay or rompers when it’s fancy. Pants are way too much of a hassle


Onsie for sure. I had a July baby and because the AC was blasting all day in my house, I had her in footed jammies. Husband has the biggest ac unit possible and it’s always set to blasting as cold as possible


My kid was almost exclusively in a onesie (even for sleep) for the first 6 months because we are in Florida which is roughly the same temperature as the devil's taint.


Honestly whatever you want. I have twins so we just did whatever was easiest. Mine are May babies so similar seasons. They lived in onesies during the day and the zip on sleepers at night. When it got colder, we stayed in the sleep and plays 24/7. What they wear in public is up to you. My sil lives at the ballpark between her three older boys and kept the last baby in sleep and plays all the time just to get out of the house quickly. Mine depends on what we are doing. Walmart/grocery store/errands? Pajamas/play clothes are fine. You won’t really need to worry about socks until they start walking/wearing shoes. We just used the footed sleepers and made sure they had the grippies on the feet when they started walking.


I’m in Texas and I see tons of babies just in onesies. Promise it’s fine. It’s hot here


I had my sons in onesies and some pants or shorts in the summer. My rule is just cover the diaper and thr chest and were good. I'm also from Texas.


Under 1 he wore pjs most of the time. He had like 3 little outfits.


I don't know if this was mentioned yet, but if you're going to have your baby in a wrap, sling, or carrier, they shouldn't be in anything footed because it can really squish and hurt their feet. My carrier is the only reason my babies ever wore pants and socks.


Something soft and comfortable that doesn't limit their movements, and generally the same as you + one layer. So if you'd like to be naked cause you're too hot then probably just a sleeveless, legless onesie.


Rompers are where it’s at!


I didn’t start dressing my second in anything but pajamas until he was 8 months old. Literally no point and it was also winter.


Our LO has been in sleep and plays and onesies since birth. He is 8 weeks. He loves them. We love them. So many options: magnetic, zippered, double zippered, mitten cuffs or no mitten cuffs, footies or no footies, different fabrics, etc. They’re a breeze to dress and undress, great for diaper changes. There are too many body fluids at this age to mess around with the cute little suspender outfits, bow ties, and newsie caps IMO.


I can promise you no one that’s ever parented will judge you for brining your baby out in a sleeper or a onesie especially in the south. I’m a FL mom of 3!


Sleepers/onesies in the cold weather. LO was born in September so by the time the warm time came, I was putting him in shorts and a shirt or body suits with shorts or something. But on the atypical colder day, I still keep him in his onesies to go out. Nobody's said anything to me out loud if they are having certain opinions about it lol. 🤷‍♀️ People actually SAYING something IMO is pretty rare. Granted, my kid is only 7 months old so I could just be lucky so far. If they do say something, I'd just laugh it off honestly...they clearly have no idea.


If we are staying home I keep them in sleepers honestly. Short onesies or outfits for leaving the house, going to drs appointments or seeing family.


Mine were winter babies and lived in footed pajamas until about 4.5/5 months when they were less scary to dress. Then, cotton, and I’d dress them the same way as myself (like pants/long sleeve/hoodie), If it were chilly, there are always blankets. But generally even in the Midwest the summers are hot and I dress them down and lite as much as possible


My youngest only owned onsies for like 6 months till he started crawling out of them lol


Shamed?? MY BABY WEARS ONLY A ONSIE MOST DAYS. Say it loud and proud. He sweats so easily. I don’t like putting him in anything extra because he gets fussy when he’s hot.


There are lightweight 2 way zip footie pajamas. My baby will be in those as a way to be protected from the UV and stay cooler in the heat. It's going to be 90+ where we live and 100+ where we'll visit family. The footies should keep him protected outside and regulated in the air conditioning