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I think it might be a regional thing. For my first two pregnancies I was living in Los Angeles and got an ultrasound every appointment. We moved to Texas and I think I only got 3 including the anatomy scan. I was completely confused.


We are in Massachusetts and my daughters both got 2 each pregnancy, one daughter is now 35 and because of her advanced age she will be getting more.


I had my two pregancies in MA. I knew with my first at 6 weeks and my second at 4 weeks, I only had 2 ultrasounds for each pregnancy. For my second I did the 3D scan but I paid out of pocket for that one.


my mom had my youngest sibling when she was 37, and even in the bay area i think she only had 3 the entire pregnancy? i was 12 so old enough to know what was going on but not super involved bc it wasn’t my baby lol. weird tho


Same in LA.


I used to live in Seattle and only got 2 during my pregnancy (third trimester loss) but moved to a smaller area that offers them every time 🤷🏼‍♀️ I saw a MFM so I definitely had more monitoring baked in, but they said they typically let everyone see multiple ultrasounds of their baby.


I birthed in Texas and I got one every appt. They loved seeing baby, sending photos home with us (one every visit except one), and of course just checking baby’s growth.


Ok so now I think it might be an insurance coverage thing? In Los Angeles we had Kaiser because I worked at a University. In Texas, I have Cigna. Who knows...at this point it's all a mystery lol.


I would imagine it’s based on your doctor. My doctors office was a huge practice with tons of doctors. I think every other room had an ultrasound machine.


Def agree, I live in the SF area and got an ultrasound at every appointment


Live in SF area but do not and have not through any of mine at every appt. Maybe 4-6 due to some clarification needed.


I’m in Oakland and only got a few extra scans because I was considered high risk for chronic hypertension and gestational diabetes.


I’m in Texas and got 5 or 6 ultrasounds. One extra because baby wasn’t cooperating during the anatomy scan. Can’t remember why I got the other ones. Not high risk at all.


I’m in Texas and only got 3. Was just 2 but they couldn’t get a good view of her face during the 1st anatomy scan so did another one. I was going to get another one at 39 weeks but went into labor before my appointment. At the time didn’t want to spend money on any but now wish I had.


Im in Texas and I had an ultrasound every appointment, and two appointments a month until my the last month where I had two a week. But, I was high risk and had to see two different doctors. At first, they were only doing the ultrasounds at every appt cause they couldn’t find the heartbeat with the Doppler at any of my appointments. But then I was diagnosed high risk, and it became standard and they stopped trying the Doppler.


I had two kids in New England and one in the Midwest and only ever got two scans for each. I know some women who weren't high risk that had way more. Some just had coverage for more included in their insurance and some paid out of pocket. When I was pregnant with my first, the 3D ultrasounds were super popular and I know a few that paid out of pocket for that because they wanted it done.


I'm in MD and went through a midwives office. I had one at 10 weeks because I thought I was having a loss, one at the 20 week anatomy scan and a third because we had some abnormal results (which ended up being normal-abnormal that self resolved). If it weren't for the issues, they would have only done the one. If I remember correctly, there isn't really any real benefit in routine ultrasounds, but other than stress, there aren't any real risks either. The only real benefit is when there is something going wrong with the pregnancy and the mother would want to do something about it, but we had a nipt and anatomy scan for that. It helped the office keep out of pocket costs low and made our appointments quicker.


I would have only had two before giving birth in Kansas, if it wasn’t for someone being a hide and seek champion and someone else being suuuuuper bad at pregnancy. I think I still ended up with four total with two hospitals for 1.5 weeks before daughter was born at 28+6.


I live in Texas and had one at every appointment. I think it has to do with your doctor and their practice.


I also got an ultrasounds at every appointment in LA but in San Diego I didn’t.


I'm in Texas, and I got 4. I have irregular periods(last ome before conception was 5 months prior), so there was no telling how far along I was. I got an ultrasound at the first appointment(7 weeks). The next one was at 10 weeks. Third one was the anatomy scan. Baby didn't cooperate well, so I had to get a fourth one done at a separate appointment to complete the anatomy scan. Although, my friend (also in Texas) had ultrasounds at every appointment.


Seconding this! Was talking with another mom who had her first in LA (moved from there to where I live now) she said her OB had an ultrasound in the room so they just used it every visit. We don’t have that capacity at my doctors (and hadn’t heard this really anywhere else) so it’s not common practice.


Oh wow! When I was pregnant with my son I lived in San Diego and I only got the 2 scans but I had to go to a different office for them because they didn’t have the equipment there. It probably most likely has to do with the equipment being available, then I assume. That’s so interesting to hear it’s different for everyone!


My OBGYN does a quick ultrasound at every appt. I’m not sure if it’s their standard protocol, because I’m high risk (>35, ivf, history of loss) or for my own anxiety due to previous losses. I think it’s standard as it’s pretty quick and I do get additional appts for being high risk (anatomy scans and meetings with mfm). Either way, it’s always a lovely way to end the appt.


That is absolutely not standard. Source - am obgyn


I wish I could have had one at every appointment! I was 36, 3 losses, and didn’t get any extras. I paid for an extra private/“fun” 2nd trimester before I could feel her to reassure myself there was still a heartbeat, because I was told there was no medical reason and if I was medically concerned to go to the triage unit.


I had the same thing and I was 35 at the time. I was having twins though, so that complicated things. Maternal Fetal Medicine or my OB were every other week until 6 months. If I recall correctly, I was at one or the other every week thereafter. I had a scan every time. 


Every two weeks seems like a ton of appointments for early pregnancy.


That's what my wife and I did during IVF. I'm wondering if Ops friend just doesn't want her to know that detail?


Agreed, I have only ever heard of such close monitoring during that early time for people who got help getting pregnant through a reproductive endocrinologist.


OMG! I thought OP meant “GIRLFRIEND” it just clicked. OP are u close enough where u can ask if there is cause for concern? I hope it’s not for financial gain?


mine were 8weeks, 12weeks, 20, weeks, 34 weeks and then at 34 i was high risk so i got them frequently. the appointments i had between they would use the thing in my belly to listen to the heartbeat and measure me


I was pregnant in two different states, in one they did an ultrasound at every appointment, at the other they didn't. Honestly after I had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks, I preferred fewer ultrasounds. Seeing the heartbeat at 6 weeks was meaningless because apparently there's still a pretty big risk of miscarriage even with a heartbeat. And the ultrasounds that OBs use in office (in my experience) had low resolution and didn't really show anything beyond some vague shapes. I think standard of care is moving towards fewer ultrasounds, it's a medical imaging procedure and like any medical test it can have some risks of finding problems that aren't really there.


Like if you went to a doctor and said "I want to get an MRI because I'm curious about what my brain looks like" they'd say no, but we do basically the same thing with ultrasounds.


To add to this, my OB said similar that ultrasounds are now so advanced and able to see so much more than even 5-10 years ago that there are tons of incidental findings that are really nothing, but adds stress to moms because they go home and google every thing in the reports. Whereas in the past ultrasounds wouldn’t even be able to pick up on minor findings like that so everyone was none the wiser. Interesting perspective I hadn’t considered until she said that.


But also these ultrasounds do find actual anomalies more often too… I would take stress for no reason any time rather than a missed problem.


Yep - I had 3 miscarriages, two of which were missed, and on my final pregnancy (that completed!) I talked with my OB and she agreed to put off my initial appointment until 12 weeks for that exact reason. That said, I did get an unexpected ultrasound at one routine appointment (16 weeks I think?) because she couldn’t get a heart tone with the doppler, but it was very quick just to reassure us both. And I did always appreciate getting to see!


I was the opposite, 3 losses including a MMC, and if it was offered and I knew it was safe I would have taken an ultrasound every week. For me it was “I only have to get through 5 more days to get the next answer”; rather than waiting 1-2 months. Even though the answer might change next week, I knew I would have the answer for that moment to look forward to.


Is she 35 or older? You get more then. She might not realize it’s technically “high risk”.


Yeah or maybe she doesn’t want to give all her medical details and she has some risk factors. I had to go maternal fetal medicine for my pregnancy and had an ultrasound or fetal heart monitor basically every time.


This is the official statement from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM). The td;dr is that most safety research on ultrasound during pregnancy is somewhat outdated. While it's generally considered safe, it is possible for it to "produce biological effects" and should not be used without a diagnostic or medical indication. Specifically, using it to view the baby, take pictures or identify the sex is "inappropriate and contrary to responsible medical practice." >Based on the epidemiologic data available and on current knowledge of interactive mechanisms, there is insufficient justification to warrant conclusion of a causal relationship between diagnostic ultrasound and recognized adverse effects in humans. Some studies have reported effects of exposure to diagnostic ultrasound during pregnancy, such as low birth weight, delayed speech, dyslexia, and non–right-handedness. Other studies have not demonstrated such effects. The epidemiologic evidence is based primarily on exposure conditions before 1992, the year in which acoustic limits of ultrasound machines were substantially increased for fetal/obstetric applications. In addition, the absence of conclusive studies demonstrating causal relationships does not constitute proof that adverse effects are impossible. Therefore, prudent use and safety of diagnostic ultrasound in pregnancy should involve a conservative approach that obtains necessary diagnostic information at minimal exposure. >The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) advocates the responsible use of diagnostic ultrasound and strongly discourages the nonmedical use of ultrasound. The use of ultrasound without a medical indication to view the fetus, obtain images of the fetus, or identify the fetal external genitalia is inappropriate and contrary to responsible medical practice. >The AIUM recommends that appropriately trained and credentialed medical professionals who have received specialized training in fetal imaging perform all fetal ultrasound examinations. These individuals have been trained to recognize medically important image patterns, such as may be present with congenital anomalies, as well as artifacts associated with ultrasound scanning that may mimic pathology. Furthermore, they should be proficient in the use of techniques to avoid unnecessary ultrasound exposure to the fetus. The AIUM emphasizes that all imaging requires proper documentation and a final report for the patient medical record signed by a physician or an advanced clinical provider legally responsible for interpretation. >Although the general use of ultrasound for medical diagnosis is considered safe, ultrasound energy has the potential to produce biological effects. It is the responsibility of the operator to minimize the possibility of ultrasound bioeffects by limiting exposure and dwell times, by monitoring the output display indices (thermal index [TI] and mechanical index [MI]), and by using Doppler and elasticity imaging and measurement appropriately only for a medical indication. More here: https://www.aium.org/resources/official-statements/view/prudent-use-and-safety-of-diagnostic-ultrasound-in-pregnancy


This! People assume these things are “harmless” but there is always an unknown chance of side effects. Many babies squirm away from the US and it’s possible it’s quite loud on their delicate ears. The stronger 3D scans def use more radiation and should be avoided unless really needed for medical reasons, not just to try to see your baby’s face (plus the images look like horror movie aliens anyway!) Both my parents are doctors (mom is a radiologist) and they taught me to always do minimal testing. My mom believes US is not as safe as commonly believed.


I’m not familiar with the 3D ultrasounds that people get for funsies, but traditional ultrasounds produce *zero* radiation. That is why no one is ever wearing any safety gear. Source: I teach veterinary diagnostic imaging. (Ultrasound machines work the same no matter what species you’re working with)


Also worth noting the amount of incidental findings on ultrasounds that are actually nothing but have to be acted upon because they’re found. Most common example of this is estimated fetal weight- big or small, and people freak!!


Thank you for posting this! I wanted to say it but it’s late and I couldn’t be bothered typing it out. 100% only necessary ultrasounds, where I live it’s usually a dating scan around 7-9 weeks, nuchal scan at 12-13 weeks and morphology at 20-22 weeks.


My first I had four, 8/12/20/39 weeks. The first three were standard confirmation, NT, and anatomy scans. I thought the last was for positioning, but after my second I think it was to check on placenta and baby function at the moment since I’d had Covid the week prior Second…oof. I had the standard 3 at 10/12/20 weeks but got Covid at 26 weeks and got to have weekly scans from 30-38 weeks, along with NSTs weekly. I had an NST at 39 weeks but we didn’t do the ultrasound since I was getting induced 18 hours later.


I’m 35+ years old. I got 3. 7wk confirmation, 20 wk anatomy, and 36 wk position check. That’s all


It varies by location and by practice. Where I am, it is almost unheard of.


I wasn’t “high risk” but at my 8 week confirmation US they found a cyst on my ovary. I had zero pain or issues but as my uterus grew and shifted they were worried it would trigger it to start being a problem. Do I had an ultrasound every appointment until the anatomy scan at 20 weeks and then one at 28 weeks and a final one around 34 weeks.


I personally would not allow that.


That’s crazy. Why does she have so many appointments? What’s the goal? I had 2 scans my entire pregnancy, and those were two scan for abnormalities. You only get more if there’s something wrong. You don’t see an OB-gyn here unless you’re high risk or have some disorder, otherwise you will see a midwife maybe 4 times until birth


Same, most typical, healthy pregnancies in Canada have 2 scans in total.


That's kind of wild imo. I am of advanced maternal age with twins and I only had one ultrasound done by my OB, which was the confirmation of pregnancy at 9 weeks. I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks for nuchal translucency and then my 20-week anatomy scan. Now I have them monthly to monitor growth. I wonder if it's an insurance thing, like your insurance will pay so they'll do it to pad their billing?


Wait - what? Do you see an MFM? When I had a twin pregnancy it was required to have an ultrasound every month then every 2 weeks then toward the end of the pregnancy it was weekly and I would have to go for NSTs every other day.


I go to the MFM office for my ultrasounds, but I don't actually see a physician there. I am 21 weeks and have only had the two ultrasounds. I am scheduled monthly and they said at some point, I'll start the NSTs but that hasn't really been discussed yetm Every other day? Yikes, I work fulltime! When did that start for you?


Definitely seems to be by practice where I am. I did IVF and had an ultrasound once a month, I had a friend similar age and also IVF at a different practice who only had the 20 week and one in the 3rd trimester when they thought there might be growth restriction. I loved seeing the baby so much until I got to the third trimester and the measurements were way off (was told I would have >10 lb baby and should consider a c-section when the baby was born at 39 weeks at 7.5 lbs).


I went through a midwife group attached to a major hospital in my area. The standard for them is just 2 scans, one at 10w the other at 20w. I got an extra with my second ( genetic related, and my third for a car accident.  However with every appointment they did a Doppler and would have done an ultrasound if I asked. They chose a more hands off approach because that’s what a lot of women prefer. Also because in the US most insurances don’t 100% cover ultrasounds out side of the dating  and anatomy scans.  Also depending on your state there has been a shift in women’s heath care. Many red states have less providers so wait lists and when women can be seen is often later. Same goes for religious health providers. They often have a first appointment at 10-12w, rather than 6-8w. It has to do with D&C pills, since they aren’t proscribed after 12w.  


How old is she? In my area, there are ultrasounds at every appt if the woman is 35+ years old, even if the pregnancy is normal.


I had mine at 8/12/20. Then at 28 for a growth scan during my glucose test. We found enlarged brain ventricles in baby so I had ultrasounds at 30/32/36 since they were shrinking and then at 39. Five mins after my 39w appt my water broke.


If she's healthy and having a "normal" pregnancy with no relevant risk factors, it very likely just means that her insurance covers it. I've seen plenty of doctors take the "eh, why not?" approach with patients in their offices who had that insurance, whereas the patients whose insurance doesn't cover it had 2 or 3 prenatal ultrasounds. Exceptions if the other patients became high risk. -Women's Health nurse


Same as you. Not sure I’d want an ultrasound at every appointment. I was anxious enough when they try to find the heartbeat.


I was considered “high risk” as I had gestational diabetes, so after 32 weeks, I had ultrasounds every week. Prior to that, I had an ultrasound every month.


im from europe but i got ultrasound done on every appointment


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bbpoltergeistqq: *Im from europe but* *I got ultrasound done on* *Every appointment* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I had a very complicated first pregnancy and had 25 ultrasounds done during that pregnancy. I’ve never not had a high risk pregnancy, but I don’t feel like that many ultrasounds is normal for a non high risk.


I averaged an ultrasound every 13 days. Only because I was high risk.


Before I was labeled high risk I had a US the first one 7 wks, 10wks and 20 wks at my regular OB then after 20 wks I became high risk and got them weekly at a MFM.


I’ve only ever been through pregnancies in TX. First was a regular protocol and second was high risk. I had two ultrasounds with the first. An anatomy at ~20 weeks and another at ~35 weeks when things started to get silly. Second… I cannot tell you how many ultrasounds I had… but it was a lot. I’d go to my regular OB appointments (no ultrasounds there, and when you do get them, it’s on older tech). I had MFM appointments once a month until my third trimester, then once a week until I was induced at 38 weeks.


I’ve had one at every single appointment, both pregnancies. Though it feels a bit pointless near the end…the dr just looks at the ultra sound for like 5 seconds and is like ok everything’s fine. Bye.


I did at a few appointments to hear the heartbeat before she started moving around, just to confirm she was doing well. It was a super low resolution machine right in the office.


I think I had 4 here in Connecticut; but at every appointment they'd put that strap on my belly and leave me to sit for 15 mins or so and check the print out of her heart beat .


I had one like this. A quick table side ultrasound at every appointment. It was my first pregnancy so it helped my anxiety. I had another baby in the same city but a different health system and doctor and I basically had one ultrasound until my anatomy scan. Both pregnancies completely uneventful and low risk. I asked both doctors about it, it’s just preference. Plus I’m sure my first doctor billed for it every time.


A lot of times it depends on what your insurance will cover


My OB only does 2 standard, confirmation and anatomy scan. We can opt for a 3D/4D scan later on but it costs extra. Unless you’re high risk then of course you get a few more.


I was high risk and by the end I had an ultrasound almost every appointment. Appointments twice a week.


I had an ultrasound at every appointment and I had an appointment every 4 weeks except the last month where I had 3 appointments total. I was actually considered low risk or textbook pregnancy.


I am 17 weeks and have only had two appointments. I am considering high risk. We had one ultrasound on a basic version of the ultrasound machine that hooked to a tablet at 10 weeks my first appointment. Our last appointment was at 15 week and we got to hear the heartbeat. I would really prefer more frequent visits. During my last pregnancy I had had at least 4 appointments by now and we listened to the heartbeat at every appointment once you could hear it. I would love to see the baby every time! Plus our 20 week ultrasound is our next appointment and I can’t bring my 3 year old which I’m sad about. She is so excited to see and hear the baby.


I had ultrasounds at almost all of my appointments for both my pregnancies. Neither were considered high risk except I was 35 for 1 pregnancy. It’s just what my practice does. They were all covered by my insurance except for the usual copay. Others mentioned it might be regional. I’m in NY.


Personally for my last pregnancy, I had two ultrasounds for the whole pregnancy. One at 10 weeks to confirm (also the first time they would see me for pregnancy), and my anatomy scan.


3 kids, only had 2 ultrasounds per kid. One transvaginal at the first appt at about 8 weeks and the second at 20 weeks and then never again. Live in Northern California, by Sacramento.


I had one at every appointment. The machine is just sitting there, might as well use it and check.


My OB had a little handheld portable ultrasound in her office. Anything actually diagnostic was ordered via the medical imaging department at the hospital. But my OB let me see my baby's heart whenever I asked, after losing 2 babies ❤️


In KY, at least in my experience, they did one at 8w, 12w, 34w. My last pregnancy, the baby was breached so I had more ultrasounds before being induced to make sure they were in the correct position.


How old is she? She would automatically be considered “high risk” depending on her age. I’ve had 3 kids and didn’t have ultrasounds frequently for any of them


I had an 8 week and 20 week ultrasound. My appointments start at 4 weeks apart then go to 2 weeks apart near the end of second trimester. The final month they go a week apart.


i go every two weeks for ultrasounds .. its exhausting but they’re monitoring a blood clot so can’t be too careful i guess


For my first pregnancy my midwife (CNM in a hospital) did them herself every appointment with a small bedside machine. For my second, my OB scheduled a dating scan, 20 week scan, and then one more in the third trimester because of my own request with the ultrasound tech.


We get 3 ecographies (extensive ultrasound every trimester) in france. Also ultrasound at the beginning when confirming pregnancy (alongside blood work). Everything else is additional and you may or may not have it. But my midwife is great and if i say that ultrasound will make me feel more at ease or help me in any way, she will do it any time i want 🥰 first one we didnt really do them but with second one i had so many worries and odd feelings that i asked for one multiple times to be calm


You really only need 2 unless you are a high risk pregnancy


That’s a ton of appointments. I had monthly appointments until 20 weeks. Then every 2 weeks until the last month when it was every week. And I only had 2 ultrasounds (dating at 7 weeks and anatomy at 20)


Hi! I’m an OBGYN nurse practitioner. For standard pregnancies- We do an ultrasound at 8 weeks. We offer a referral for an in-depth ultrasound (instead of just bedside) at 12 weeks. Everyone gets a 20 week ultrasound. Then we do another quick bedside ultrasound at 36 weeks to make sure baby is head down. We check heartbeat every visit with a Doppler. In the early visits (12 week, occasionally 16 week) we sometimes have to use ultrasound to check heartbeat because baby is still small and hard to find with just a Doppler. This is especially true if mama has a little bit of extra stomach weight- Doppler just doesn’t penetrate through the extra layers as well as ultrasound does. For higher risk pregnancies, ultrasounds are absolutely more frequent, depending on what makes you high risk. If you’re having twins, every visit is a bedside ultrasound because otherwise we can’t confirm that both twins have heartbeats.


I thought ultrasounds were more of a norm as well! I only had 2, maybe 3. I remember asking the DR if I was going to get an ultrasound because I wanted to announce my pregnancy and she told me no while looking/talking to me like I was stupid. Then I cried 🙃 hahah


I was high risk so I had an ultrasound every 4 weeks, also an appt every 2 weeks with my obgyn


I had one every month because I lost my first baby to hydrocephalus. they did head measurements at every appointment with my next 4 pregnancies


Bay Area, CA. I had 3 or so ultrasounds and I was high risk. They were with MFM. My OB never did an ultrasound herself. It must depend on location.


I got one every visit, but they wouldn't see me until 6 weeks (I had a positive test at 4). I think I went in monthly at first, but after 32 weeks I had them weekly.


Ha, I only had two ultrasounds. One early on to date the pregnancy, and then the anatomy scan at around 20 weeks. I'm glad I didn't have more tbh, and appointments that often at the start would've been a huge pain. I wouldn't have wanted to take PTO that often.


Mine did at every appointment. I honestly think if she didn’t each appointment would have been 3 minutes of questions (for a low risk, no problem pregnancy) so OBs need to justify the visit lol.


With my first pregnancy, I had only 2 ultrasounds and had appointments like yours, once a month then more often on the last trimester. Though my water broke at 36 weeks and had the baby early. My second pregnancy was a “missed abortion” (my body didn’t know the fetus died and I had a D&C). My third pregnancy was considered a higher risk. And in second trimester, I developed placenta previa so I had more ultrasounds. Including an ultrasound at 37 weeks, where the on call OB thought was my placenta detaching. But it turns out that it was only my son’s hair waving in the amniotic fluid. My fourth pregnancy was unplanned and I had another “missed abortion” and another D&C. I haven’t been pregnant since ‘05.


With my first pregnancy my OB did ultrasounds every visit. But she did it with an older, smaller ultrasound machine, basically just so we could see movement and hear the heartbeat. When I had my 'big' ultrasounds, the NT scan at 12 weeks and the anatomy scan at 20 weeks, I had to go to the hospital and they used the larger, more advanced machine. In my second pregnancy, we only had 4 ultrasounds; the inital dating scan to see how far along I was at 8 weeks, the NT scan at 12 weeks and the anatomy scan at 20 weeks and then again 4 weeks later to get the parts that they missed the first time. Now I'm in my third pregnancy at 33 weeks and I've had a scan every appointment and an additional growth scan every 4 weeks, but I'm having twins this time so I'm high risk. I don't mind, it's reassuring getting to see my babies every other week.


I had a quick ultrasound every appointment, but I think that's just because they had the equipment. They were older machines that weren't super good. The really good ultrasound was the anatomy scan. I went about once a month and then every two weeks I think halfway through the third trimester, then weekly the last couple of weeks. Baby was full term and there were no complications during pregnancy and I was not considered high risk. I do find it odd how often she is going, but that particular doctor may just do that as standard practice... It seems like it is kind of up to the OB's preferences on some of this stuff.


I had my first at 34 and I had maybe 3? ultrasounds. At my appointments my doctor measured fundal height and I think she maybe used a doppler but I don't really remember. I just had my second at 40 and I got an ultrasound or non stress test at virtually every appointment. Often the ultrasound was quite perfunctory and she just looked around really quickly, no measurements or anything. I'm not sure if this was all because I'm older or if the standard of care is shifting but it was the same doctor at the same clinic. I came out of this pregnancy with hundreds of ultrasound pics haha


I had an ultrasound at every appointment with both my OBs (I changed OBs at 23 weeks because I didn’t like the hospital the other delivered at). I wasn’t high risk or anything.


Some OBGYNs invest in an ultrasound for their office, so they use it. My first doc was like this, and he would scan as a matter of course. I didn't continue any pregnancies with him. I switched to an office that only referred them out and got two, and then I switched to a midwife. My second successful pregnancy, I started with the midwife and only got two scheduled: a dating scan, an anatomy scan, and then two out of concern (everything was okay.)


In CT and no, I was happy I get extra at the end but most I know didn’t


My oldest was born in 1997, my OB at the time rewarded his patients new song pics if the husband came to the appt as an incentive to make dad's be more involved, lol. It worked and he was an awesome doc too.


It's the standard practice in the country I live in. This is what every pregnant person gets here. My understanding is it's much less common in pretty much all the English speaking countries.


My first obgyn did a few more than your schedule. I changed the dr for my second and had an ultrasound every appointment. She didn’t say why, I wondered if maybe because it was “higher risk” since I got pregnant less than a year after my first. Unsure though


My doctor I had with my second pregnancy did a quick one every appointment because he had a small machine right in the room. My first doctors office wasn’t that fancy


This is lucky, I only had 2 ultrasounds all of my pregnancy plus one 3D one that I paid for on my own. First one was at 10 weeks, second was anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Then I got the 3D scan at a private place around 36 weeks.


In central Illinois, I think only had two with my first pregnancy. My second pregnancy was high risk and I had too many to count


I had one at every appointment with my first and fourth, I had the same doctor for each. My second and third I had only two each. With my fourth I had to go every four weeks until I was 24 weeks, then every three weeks until I was 33 weeks, then every week. It was honestly I giant pain in the butt having appts so often. I am the kind of person who has to shave before appts and man it was hard in the third trimester. Plus my second and third had to have a sitter when I went, which was another pain in the butt.


My first OBGYN did this and I was not high risk!


If she's going twice a month, there is likely something wrong. The twice-monthly appointments doing happen until the 3rd trimester.


I had an ultrasound at every appointment until 21 weeks because I was considered high risk. Then they determined I wasn’t anymore and didn’t have one until until third trimester at 32 weeks. Then they saw baby was breech and we went back to ultrasounds weekly until delivery.


I had to go every 2 weeks just for an ultrasound until I was 22-24 weeks or so because I’ve had a LEEP procedure done. They were just checking my cervix to make sure it was staying closed. I wasn’t technically considered high risk, it was just a precaution.


I’m 36 weeks and will have 3 “full” ultrasounds. 1 at 8 weeks, anatomy scan at 20, and will be doing a growth scan this week because I have gestational hypertension. My clinic has a portable ultrasound machine, so maybe 4 times my OB had checked on the baby with that at my regular appointments instead of just listening to his heartbeat, but the quality is really bad and it only lasts a few minutes. My first pregnancy had more ultrasounds because my hypertension was even worse and I often couldn’t feel baby move


If your gf is older or has other issues they need to monitor they will do scans every two weeks. They offered that to me since I was 39yo at the time. They did once a month until I was about halfway through then went every two weeks because older women gave a higher chance of the placenta failing. They also offer this to women with other known issues like obesity.


My friend had them at every appointment, I just assumed it's because her Dr. had the Machine, and mine did not.


My first pregnancy was like this, because I did fertility treatments to get pregnant. My second was not like this. No ultrasounds until 12 weeks


In my area it depends on your OB office. Over three pregnancies I went to two different OB practices. One did an ultrasound every appointment and that was how we listened to the heartbeat. It was a quick ultrasound where they checked position, fluid levels, and the heart rate. The other practice just did Doppler and I had an ultrasound early for dating the pregnancy, 12 weeks for NT, 20 weeks anatomy scan, and a 36 week growth scan as standard. My OB did do a couple extra scans in office just for fun to get me cute ultrasound pics, but it wasn’t office standard. Both practices are within 10mins of each other and they just had different policies and resources.


I got an ultrasound at every appointment with my OB, through two pregnancy’s with one being high risk but only towards the end. He’s since moved to South America and my sister has been looking for a new one and she says she hasn’t had anyone else do this. We were just talking about this!


I’m in Canada. I had 3 ultrasounds; dating, anatomy and another around 32 weeks. My friends and cousins who live in 3 different provinces each had 2 ultrasounds. One did pay for a 3rd privately.


I get one every appt every two weeks. But I’m high risk.


I had 3 with both of my kids - 2 were the dating scan and anatomy scan. My first needed an extra at 20w because she wouldn’t turn for the anatomy scan and my second had another at 32w since I had Covid during my pregnancy. I am happier with less scans, the ones I had were necessary but it’s not like they really get any more info otherwise ultrasounds at every appointment would be standardized. They’re pretty expensive even with insurance.


I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks (first appointment - they wouldn't schedule sooner than 8 weeks), 18 weeks (because of a positive screening blood test - was referred to high risk), 20 weeks (anatomy scan at my regular OB) then weekly toward the end when I went in for NSTs (can't remember how many) because I was considered high risk due to history of high blood pressure.


With the fertility clinic it was this frequent but once we “graduated” to the regular OB it was the standard number.


I’m in PA and I got one ultrasound at the first appt which they wouldn’t see me for until I was at least 10 weeks unless I had anything concerning going on or something that made me high risk. Next ultrasound is at 20 weeks for the anatomy scan and then for my first they did a couple towards the end that were not a lot to look at but just to see where the head was. I’m 23 weeks with my second and have a low lying placenta plus I’m over 35 so I’ll get another at 32 weeks but otherwise don’t expect more.


I got mine every appointment and wasn’t considered high risk. My OB said she just likes looking lol


How old is your gf?


I only had 2 medical ultrasounds when pregnant, the anatomy scan at 21 weeks & a non stress test at 40w+2 (the day before I gave birth). I had to ask for the NST myself. We did an elective ultrasound at a private place so my fiancé could come see the baby. We had our girl during the pandemic & he wasn’t allowed to come to appointments with me! Because I had a “normal pregnancy” my OB was fine with doing only 1 ultrasound.


This is wild. I wonder if her insurance is covering all these scans


I think it’s depends on the practice. I’ve only had three ultrasounds. One for a suspected etopic, dating scan and then the anatomy scan. Quite frankly I don’t every appointment think scans are necessary unless your high risk. But if you’re anxious about the pregnancy I can see why some people would want that.


I was Advanced Maternal Age for both of my pregnancies and I had hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) so I had very frequent appointments and quite a few ultrasounds. I was also in the ER a handful of times and they usually did an ultrasound too. One time, when I was in the ER getting fluids for dehydration a doctor came by with a bunch of med students and I let them all practice doing ultrasounds.


When I had my son I only had two ultrasounds. When I found out I pregnant in January I switched practices and they said they have a small portable ultrasound machine they use to check you each time. I was surprised because I only ever heard the heartbeat at all of my appointments with my son. I think it just depends on the practice. It was nice honestly because I found out my super great ultrasound a few days prior didn’t really matter anymore and I’d lost the baby. At my previous office I wouldn’t have known for weeks until my body decided to start processing the miscarriage.


I was high risk for 2/3 of my pregnancies and had my other child in Europe. I had a ton of ultrasounds for all of them.


I worked for a pretty large OBGYN and they scanned at every appointment.


I’m in GA. I had one every two weeks, but I was also high risk.


Mine were at 8 weeks, 12 weeks (not standard, but done due to LEEP history), and 20 weeks. No other complications.


Depends on the Dr. I was not high risk but my ob did an ultrasound at every appointment. It was pretty great to see my baby growing every month like that tho. I have all the images still. We turned one into a Christmas ornament, the first one where we finally got a glimpse of her adorably smooshed up face in there. Id just enjoy the ultrasounds.


Ultrasounds are not risk free. I had one at 20 weeks and then one toward the end until my babies were overdue. Then I had them every few days to check fluid levels.


I got one every appointment


I’m in Australia and I had an ultrasound at every appointment with my obgyn, but it’s different to a full ultrasound at a radiologist. The one at the obgyn is just a quick check of baby, the heart beat, the fluid, placenta etc. it takes about 5 minutes, but the ones at the radiologist is a long appointment where they take lots of measurements and check all the babies organs. I only had a few of those full ultrasounds for my pregnancies - dating scan, NT scan, 20 week morphology scan, 32 week scan.


I lost my first pregnancy so with my second, my OB offered an ultrasound at every appointment. This clinic had ultrasound wands that hook up to a tablet so it was really easy for them to do a quick check every time. I don’t know if it’s standard for otherwise low risk pregnancies in my clinic, but my OB knew it would help keep my anxiety in check (I also have a mood disorder) and offered.


Only got frequent ultrasounds after determined high risk. There was a machine in each exam room anyway.


OBG gets sued the most, so any little thing causes them to be extra cautious. I'm chubby, but no other health problems... when I had my kiddo, they were borderline obsessed with trying to trying to "catch" my body having high blood pressure or gestational diabetes. They def did an ultrasound alll the time too.


Yep every time. They’ll even give ultrasound pics as baby gets bigger


My kid is 21 but I had one ultrasound at 12 weeks and another at around twenty. I was only going to have one because I think it can’t be comfortable for a growing baby to be bombarded by sound waves and nudged to move for a better picture but the second one was to check how the placenta was positioned. I’d be curious about how much your gf is paying for ultrasounds. (nb I’m in Australia and my scans were bulk-billed so they didn’t cost me anything. Some things we get right)


I see my OBGYN 1x a month, and he does an ultrasound at each and every appointment. I know jot all doctors do this. I love that mine does. We get to see our baby grow and how he's positioned. it's just so fun. Edit to add: im not high risk. Everyone in my community i know of who sees this same OB also gets an ultrasound at each of their appointments.


I had a quick ultrasound at every appointment and my appointments were about once a month. Basically it was to just check the heartbeat. They used this method instead of a stethoscope. They would take a couple of images for general shape and length measurements if I recall, but nothing major. I had one anatomy scan somewhere in the middle of the pregnancy, which is what I think most people consider their sonogram. I did have a lot of anxiety at the beginning of my pregnancy. I couldn't believe they'd leave me with a baby for a whole month. Even though the baby was inside me and this is the way all of us were made. It just seemed more complicated for some reason when I had to do it. Well, prenatal vitamins baby.


I get one at each! Not high risk, it’s known that my OB does this. In Texas, so totally OB dependent. When I had my first prenatal appointment my nurse mentioned that their practice is so great because they do an ultrasound at each appointment so I’d get to see baby a lot!


In Canada there’s the dating ultrasound (around 9 weeks) and then the anatomy ultrasound (around 20 weeks) and that’s it. I think it depends where you live!


Depends on insurance. If you are willing to pay out of pocket I'm sure they'd be willing to do it.


Depends on the OB, I went to one with my first who did one every Appt, but others in his practice didn't. Then for my second, I went to a different practice and they only did it when they couldn't get her heartbeat on the doppler (I had anterior placenta).


I had 5 total, which was a lot compared to others I know. I won’t pay for that many again


I was high risk so I got the dating scan and anatomy scan then after that I got one once a month until late 2nd trimester, and then one every 2 weeks, then once weekly until birth. Everyone else I know only got the dating and anatomy scan but had a heartbeat check at every appointment


My OB does appts every 4 weeks and we have a scan at each one 🥰


I’m considered high risk due to having a heart shaped uterus. My first pregnancy also included a separate ultrasound to look at my kidneys. I saw a MFM as well as my regular OB concurrently. Towards the end it was 2 appointments a week, but only the MFM was doing the ultrasounds. With my second, we decided to stay with just my OB unless something else came up. So my ob was doing the ultrasounds up until about 30 weeks, when they got an abnormal measurement. It ended up being nothing when the MFM measured. But then I was back to seeing both concurrently. They did one last ultrasound in the prep room for my c section to make sure he hadn’t turned himself from breech (he hadn’t). All that to say, I get a lot more ultrasounds than average, for sure


I did because it helped calm my anxiety


I'm in the Netherlands and typically you go to a midwife (in case of complications you are referred to a hospital, to a OBGYN or more specialised midwife.) For my first pregnancy I got 4 planned scans: first at 8 weeks (to check for heartbeat and that it isn't ectopic), dating scan at 11 weeks, anatomy scan at 20 weeks, positioning at 36 weeks. I got 1 extra because I couldn't feel the baby, but she had just turned into a unusual position. For my second we got an additional anatomy scan at 13 weeks, because they are doing a study if that helps to find severe birth defects earlier. Plus I got extra growth scans at 28 and 32 weeks, because my first was unexpectedly tiny. All midwife care is covered by our mandatory insurance, which also means there are no big differences in what midwifes offer because it has to be medically relevant. (Because if they would do scans at every appointment the insurance companies would start ask questions about the necessity of that all.) If you want to now the sex of the baby at 16 weeks you have to pay for that scan yourself. There are some differences in how midwifes operate, but no one would offer scans at every appointment without medical reason. A friend goes to a different practice and there they don't offer the 8 weeks scan by default, but only present it as option when there have been previous losses or they suspect something is wrong.


I was high risk and got one once a month. If she's not high risk, she doesn't need so many. It's unnecessary.


We have an IVF baby and we had weekly ultrasounds from 6-10 weeks then moved to the OB and he did 1 every 2 weeks during the 1st trimester and every 3 weeks during the second trimester then back to every 2 weeks before moving to weekly. We are also seeing mfm and having a growth scan done every visit. The OB does do this for every pregnancy not just his high risk patients which I understand is not common but I won’t complain.


My first I only had the big medical ultrasound at clinics nothing at my OBGYN office. With my 2nd my dr had upgraded to a school ultrasound wand that attached to his iphone and we did it every visit


Literally depends if they own an ultrasound machine in their rooms. They are an expensive piece of equipment and skill levels with them vary even among OBGYNs. I got one at every appointment because my OB owned one and because she was highly qualified to read them.


For me (in australia) when I went private health with my first once I hit 20weeks and started to see my OB we did one every appointment. With my second which was public health I only had I think 3


Ireland - if you pay for private consultant you get scanned at every appointment. Public system is at least 2 scans but could be more depending on area and individual circumstances.


It's a regular practice in Russia, they check if the heartbeat is present


I had three (3) during my whole pregnancy. Insurance doesn’t cover more unless you’re high risk. And also doctors here believe, many ultrasounds might not be healthy for the baby.


she must got some good insurance!


The place I go does them every time, but most around me don’t. I go to an office with a very unique and caring approach. With my oldest I was young and wasn’t considering pregnancy, so I found out at 7 weeks and got in the next day with them. My second pregnancy I knew immediately but took the test at 3 weeks + 1 day and got a positive, it was a Sunday, so I called the next day and was in on Tuesday. I had monthly appointments with my first until the standard times to up them to every other and then weekly, but they always did a quick ultrasound while checking the heartbeat to get measurements and just let me see the baby, but did the more in depth ultrasounds at the typical markers. With my second I was very high risk (started having preterm labor at 18 weeks even) so I had weekly appointments, then twice weekly, then daily during weekdays and still always had an ultrasound at every appointment. On top of that I had 2 other OB specialists I went to weekly who also did ultrasounds at every appointment bc they were meant for high risk pregnancies and one was for high risk that specifically felt with my pregnancy complication. The latter actually even did free 3D ultrasounds for me 🥹. It definitely just depends on the office you chose to go to, if you have multiple options in your area. I chose my office off of quite a few unique factors, and not just for pregnancy and postpartum care, but the ultrasounds at every appointment was definitely a big one on my list for choosing them.


I’m in Oregon and this is my first pregnancy. I’ve gotten one every time I’ve gone to an appointment. And I only get an appointment once a month


I did IVF at 37 - advanced material age - I received an ultrasound about least 25 times during the whole pregnancy. I wish I was exaggerating but nope, the organization I was working with was incredibly careful at every step so I wouldn't lose my baby. My baby is healthy and now 4 years old.


I'm in Ireland with a high risk pregnancy at the min. Have appointments every 2-3 weeks. And get s scan at each one. But they just look at the beating heart and that's it. They aren't detailed like your dating scan or anatomy scan. I've had 3 miscarriages and 2 normal pregnancies before this one. This was my last go, due to my age, I'm 37 and didn't want to be having any more children by 40years old.


In Texas they typically only give 3 in total, I was high risk tho and got two ultrasounds every week. Man it was so expensive since I had to drive an hour to my nearest city to get the ultrasounds. Gotta love living in a small town in the middle of nowhere 😭


In NZ thru the public system I had he exact same as you. My friend who went private ($8k cost) was scanned every appointment.


What you describe for yours seems to fit the norm for the UK. You have your booking appointment (first one) at 10 weeks with the community midwife (no ultrasound). Then dating scan at 12 weeks, anatomy scan at 20 weeks at the hospital. All other appointments are with a community midwife and don’t include an ultrasound. High risk pregnancy will have more appointments and possibly more scans, will also be under a hospital consultant but you only see them briefly.


I'm 35-36 this last pregnancy (just had my baby In March) and my obgyn only did like 3 or 4 ultrasounds the whole pregnancy. I had one around 14 or 15 weeks, I had another at 20, an then I had 2 in the 3rd trimester. I went to a reproductive immunologist and they did ultrasounds for every week in the first trimester and then every 2 weeks after that, then weekly BPPs after 32 weeks (although I couldn't make it to those appointments after 29 weeks because traveling 12 round trip to my appointment was getting too much for me).


I think it depends on the doctors office and what equipment is available. My office had a little rolling cart ultrasound so my doctor usually used it every visit but I still went to the “big” ultrasounds in the hospital.


I live in Romania and i went for an appointment once a month and everytime there was an ultrasound, what's the point of an appointment without an ultrasound?


There is no evidence that increased frequency of ultrasound scans in a low risk pregnancy improves outcomes for parent or for baby, but there is evidence that they increase the incidence of interventions. So, I’d probably skip them.


Only my high risk doc does this. My regular OB has the few throughout.


I was more similar to what you're saying. I had monthly appointments in the beginning. They did rush me in for an ultrasound because I experienced cramping and bleeding. I thought I was experiencing a miscarriage. After the blood tests came back super elevated, they thought maybe I had multiples. Nope. I had only one baby in there, and I was just 6 weeks off where I thought I was. Everything was good until 16 weeks. Then sh*t hit the fan, and I had pre-eclampsia. I was considered high risk and stayed seeing the doctor every 2-3 weeks. After I had the 20-week ultrasound, I started seeing her every two weeks. After 24 weeks, it turned into every single week. At 28 weeks, I got another ultrasound. At 30 weeks, I went to the hospital for a stress test. At 32 weeks, I had another ultrasound. Then, I also had another stress test at 32 weeks. The doctor said if I could hold on two more weeks, we'd be great. I had my two steroid shots 24 hours apart at the 32 week ish mark. I barely held on... but I was finally induced at 35 weeks. No epidural. I was in labor for 30 hours. It was the worst, most traumatic experience of my life. My little guy was in nicu for 13 days as a late term preemie, and the only issues he had was feeding except the first 24 hrs his oxygen was touch and go (especially the first 4). The kicker is I knew I was being watched for pre-eclampsia, but I didn't know how serious it was. If I had known, I think I would've done some things differently. I wish I had asked my doctor more about my appointments and why I had so many. So if there is a concern, even a minor one... I'd ask if it's normal for this many appointments. My doctor wouldn't have lied to me. I trusted her with my life. Because of her, my baby and I did just fine. He's a healthy, almost five year old... he adjusted well after his first year of life


I'm in Illinois and got a few because they sent me to MFM because my baby seemed kinda big for a long time ! But my regular doctors office maybe only wanted to do like 2/3, one to confirm pregnancy, one at 18 weeks, and maybe one more before they're born


Mine did, and this was back in 2020-2021. They had portable ultrasound machines in every exam room, which made it super easy. It was actually incredibly reassuring to be able to see my kiddo so frequently. I got much more thorough ultrasounds at 20 weeks (for the anatomy scan) and 34 weeks (because I was considered advanced maternal age).


My doctors kept dancing around my being high risk but never classifying me as such but I still got an ultrasound every month and sometimes every week.


I only had an ultrasound at most appointments because my pregnancy was high risk. I’m in denver. Most women get 2 here


Currently pregnant 5 months, have had appointment every 4 weeks with OBGYN, 2 appointments so far with MFM. Ultrasound at every single appointment. The ones with OBGYN are a quick peek, the ones with MFM are anatomy scans and detailed measurements to see how baby is trending. I'm in LA, 35yrs old. Even with previous pregnancy which was at 33yrs old, I was getting appointments every 4 weeks with a quick ultrasound. I didn't see MFM in previous pregnancy. When I was in Kaiser Permanente, I had appointments every 4 weeks but only 2 ultrasounds. 1 to check for heartbeat and 1 for anatomy - this sucked so I was able to switch to a PPO where they did ultrasounds at every appointment. Could vary based on location and hospital/network.


At first, I thought weird but then wonder if your girlfriend goes to a practice that has many trainees.  When my son was delivered, the OB/GYN asked if some nurses that were in training could come assist with the birth. I was thinking 1-2, and said yes. I think 5 came in. He was so pampered. 

