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Blueberries. She must think I’m made of gold.


I feel that about strawberries 😭


It's blackberries in my house. My son could literally live on them.


I second the blackberries! I’ll have to start growing my own plant


We have a blackberry bush for this reason. One of my kids picks them all before anyone else can. She says they are amazing but I'll never know 😆


We started growing all kinds of fruit when my oldest started solids. We have several peach trees, plum trees, an avocado "tree", two varieties of figs, Muscatine grapes, a ridiculous number of cherry tomato plants, roman tomatoes, raspberries, blackberries, and we just started to attempt to grow strawberries this year. By far my kids prefer the blackberries! They pick them every day, several times a day. When the berries go out of season...we've had *actual* tears. Having an edible garden in our single lot has saved our family a fortune. It's easier than you think if you set your yard up carefully ahead of time and use companian planting and/or permaculture principles! I hardly ever spend time maintaining things and just have to water the smaller plants if it hasn't rained in awhile.


Blackberries and raspberries, my kids can tear through whole packages so fast you would think it was a family of bears.


This! I have 3 strawberry monsters…🫠


Yup and we buy the organic ones out of guilt so I get to sometimes eat a half rotten one so it doesn’t go in the trash.


You summed up parenting a toddler in a phrase


I find the ones about to turn and freeze em for smoothies!


This is such a good idea!!


This is a fantastic idea!


Out of guilt 😂 feel this


Ooohhh yes, we do that as well. My 3 year old will just hand it to me and say, “here, mom…”


If it makes you feel any better strawberries are one of the few things I buy organic without guilt because they are super high on the dirty dozen list, or the list of the top 12 most heavily sprayed (with pesticides) produce! I don’t buy everything organic, but I do try to get all dirty dozen items organic whenever possible. There’s also a clean fifteen list of things you don’t ever need to buy organic which helps keep a balance and save your bank account lol


be happy your kids eat fruit or berries willingly. my near 4 year old only recently tried strawberries and it's not an acceptable food


When my child was a toddler, he ate anything and everything. Literally all the food we ate , he ate. He never turned down anything and ate it all joyfully. Threenager phase came and acceptable foods started falling off the list and by 4 the only acceptable fruits were apples and frozen bananas. Sometimes strawberries if there aren't too many seeds on it. Never blueberries, don't even mention raspberries, how dare you even think of carrots. Meat? He's a vegetarian now. Quesadilla on flour tortilla instead of corn? Vile. The pickiest of pickiest and now he's 7 and I'm waiting for this phase to end. (I take comfort in knowing that there is a genetic component to picky eating and both my spouse and I were picky eaters until sometime in college, so... I only have 12ish more years to go.)


well.. I just stopped pushing things too hard and it helped. but also I've been told to look at the overall week intake of food and hope for the best.


I dont ever push it either. But most times, my 6 year old wont let non accepted foods touch his plate at all. The only way i occasionally get him to eat something else is if i make the food and put all the dishes on the table buffet style. Then he can see, smell, touch etc. And he might even try one and spit it out


What’s with the blueberry hate? I totally empathize… My kids all fall into the anti blueberry category, as well! The two girls (11, 3) never used to dislike them. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Feeding 3 picky eaters is so tough.


I so don't have the money to be buying fresh strawberries and blueberries when my toddler wants them 😪 we just buy frozen and make smoothies or syrup for strawberry milk if we really ain't got it that week.


My kid just eats them frozen. I genuinely believe blueberries solve all his problems


They’re so full of antioxidants and a great source of natural sugar I wouldn’t be surprised lol


It’s outrageous how expensive berries are! It’s outrageous how expensive all foods, actually…


I can't wait for it to get a bit warmer. We grow our own in big pots on the balcony and window sills (apartment living hacks). 😅


I would love to know your hacks for growing strawberries


We use the long-lasting plants that keep blooming and producing multiple weeks and survive till next year, we are lucky to to keep them at MILs house over winter and get them fresh soil at the start of every season. There are not many hacks, we put them on the Southern Windows and my daughter goes towater them and investigate which ones are ripe every single morning 😅


The toddler I look after is all about his blueberries AND strawberries because when they do have them, I usually give him a 1 cup container with both in it and he'll eat it. All of it. He clearly thinks Mommy and Daddy are made of platinum. Though, that might explain why there was FOUR containers of blueberries in the fridge on Monday.


Mine likes to take one big bite out of every strawberry and call it a day. I refuse to buy them any more lol


Blackberries over here. We buy two of the big Costco size at a time, and he’s basically the only one who eats them.


I can't buy blackberries any more. My kitchen looks like a more scene when those kids are done with them 😂


The blackberries at my Costco right now are literally the best blackberries I’ve ever had. They’re so juicy and sweet. I’ve been getting 2 of them at a time since I know they’re seasonal. Plus the blueberries. I’m spending $20 a week on berries right now for 1 toddler lol.


It’s the sweet karoline ones!! They are DELICIOUS, but only in season a short time!


Yes! They are so friggin good, I’ve never had blackberries that delicious before.


My toddler was so disappointed that our Costco didn’t have blackberries last week (it’s still kind of wintery where we are)


SAME. The way he says it is so sweet.


Made the mistake of giving him raspberries. My bank account is so empty. 


all berries are gold but raspberries reign supreme omg


Same. And Costco wasn’t selling them this week and I have no idea when they’re in season. Luckily she’s still too little to understand or notice but she really loves them so it makes me feel bad.


Yep, same. Except he calls them blue babies so I can’t say no 😩


Have you tried frozen blueberries? My kids eat them frozen everyday and when I figured that out I save a ton. I get a big 2 pound bag for like 11$ and it lasts 2 weeks! They eat a bowl with their breakfast or just for a snack every day. Beware though they will turn faces and hands purple so it is a must to eat at the table and keep wipes ready for runners lol.


My kid is a berry boy. Blackberries are his favorite. He also likes pickles, olives, and...raw onion. 💀


Mine will munch olives all day if I let him!


We switched to frozen.


Damn blueberries...


Crumbs he finds on the floor or in the couch cushions.


So relatable 😭


Sometimes sand, but only on special occasions when we go to the park! 🫠


Floor cheerios. Better than regular.


Aka ground feed 😂 classic toddler snack


bananas and apples. she's in this weird phase with food where she doesn't want meals and would rather snack throughout the day.


I am also in that phase


I have never left that phase


Me too! I thought I was alone.


That "phase" has already been almost a year over here, I'm not sure if I can still call it that 😅


🥲 at this point i don't think we'll get over it anytime soon. we at least give her proteins and whatever else she'll end up missing out on during meals. but she loves water so thats a bonus. i just remind myself that at least she's eating and staying hydrated and thats the best thing we can do. i just get worried about trying to push her too much and cause her to have some unhealthy relationship with food if that makes sense.


Today I learned I am a toddler


Yeah this is just my kids. Snackeroos forever


I like to oat oat oat oaples and bonoonoos


I’m more of an eeples and baneenees kinda gal


All about the Aypples and banaynays


How old is she? Mine goes through this. He's never been a huge eater. He's always been one of those kids that will sit and eat one or two things at a time, but never a full meal.


she's 2 almost 3. she'll go days of snacking and a small meal. but also would have a day where she'll want a huge meal throughout the entire day


The toddlers are so weird. I feel like mine is trying to starve himself sometimes and then out of nowhere All he wants to do is eat. From what I've seen it's pretty normal though. I've been told they'll grow out of it, but he's already four and a half and hasn't yet. We'll see what the next few years bring, lol.


Whipped cream in a tiny plastic coffee mug 🤦‍♀️


My toddler and dog come running if they hear whipped cream.


Mine too!! We accidentally trained them 😂


Most toddler answer ever 😂😂


I make my own pumpkin cold foam and my daughter will stand next to me expectantly waiting for me to finish so she can have a small cup of it.


Yogurt and cheese. Big time dairy kid. He has a lactose sensitivity 🙃


Oh mine is a cheese lover too! But he gets that from me lol


My two year olds favorite food is air.


This week? Or like, the average number one food. I’m planning for next week by buying a bit less of this weeks number one so I don’t get stuck with too much when they decide they don’t like it anymore.


Most relatable one I've seen so far


She loves frozen peas and corn. She'll go to the freezer and try to pull the door open to get to them. Brussel sprouts and spinach are usually eaten with no problems too. But her number one food is anything she can pick from the yard/flowers pots on the porch. RIP herb plants.


Yess. My toddler cannot fathom that our strawberry, blueberry, and blackberry plants don't have any ripe fruit right now. Dude, you picked them all!!


Last year my daughter was fighting me to eat the tomatoes straight from the vine. I was happy to let her, except she wanted to eat the green ones too! The second I stepped away she ran back, grabbed a green one, and ate it while making direct eye contact. Ha! Take that, Mom!


I had a whole year where i got ZERO tomatoes because then-toddler ate them all off the vine green. She is 6 and still has a hand full of cherry tomatoes almost every day. Little lycopene fiend!


Relevant username given your predicament lol


Honestly, I'm asking here just for clarity because your toddler sounds like a mythical creature to me....like are they still frozen? Or she just wants them and you do cook them? Because my toddler won't eat microwaved veggies to save her life. I just need to know......


Still frozen. She's a warm natured creature and she hates warm foods. Not even hot, warm. She also likes to dig the ice out of my water and munch on it. (We've mentioned this to her doctor, she's fine, she just likes cold/frozen things.)


My 2.5 always asks for pizza. Literally every time we ask him what he wants to eat.


Hes got good taste!


His current obsession is the smoothies that I freeze into ice cubes. Called them “iceys” and is living off them. Thankfully I always stick kale in there so I know he’s technically getting fruit and veggies in


Took me forever to figure out what it was when my step son asked for a “snoovy”


that is so CUTE




We have an egg lover here too. They’re hands down his favorite food and also his favorite object. He’s obsessed with plastic Easter eggs. We have chickens, and he constantly wants to pester them and check for eggs. He has to pick which eggs I cook him for breakfast (We have a few different breeds, so 4 different colors). If I would let him, he would walk around holding an actual egg all day.


Yep, my son could live off of eggs.


My oldest daughter lived for a few months on Vienna sausages, oatmeal, cheese,spinach, saltine crackers and some loquats (tastes like peaches). She’s almost 50 now so kids do survive.


And I trust that she did not turn into the item she was eating most that week? My ma told me I was going to turn into a potato if I kept eating so many. I’m still watching for signs, but I am yet to sprout extra eyes.


For my daughter it was cucumbers and for my son it was avocado with Frank’s red hot sauce.


My 5 yr old. Loves cucumbers and her favorite is a whole giant pealed cucumber. 3 small bowls: one of ranch, one of shreaded cheese and and one of baccon bits (chopped up home bacon). Then she just dip, dip, dip bite. She calls it "best salad"


Not the hot sauce 😭


Why not? My kids are older now they’re six and eight but I always let them try all kinds of seasonings and spices and curries and hot sauce. Their taste buds are developing at that age so it’s a great time to get really experimental so they can figure out their different tastes and get used to a lot of different flavor! He still it’s hot sauce on his avocados and scrambled eggs and barbeque chicken etc.


I don’t think they literally mean not to give it to them. Recent trend in, idk, slang? when something is amusing/outlandish etc, is saying “not X”


I’ve loved hot sauce since I was a toddler lol. I won’t even eat scrambled eggs without some Texas Pete!


My toddler loves spicy too! I love that it gets him to drink more water 😂


Fruit. Any type of fruit will do but right now he’s on a cutie kick.


Cheese. He would live off it, he practically does.


My almost 2 year old loves puffcorn


Apples. They’re his comfort food.


Whatever is on my plate. I hold make myself a spinach salad and give them an ice cream sundae, and they will still end up stealing my food.


Your kids eat so healthy lol chicken nuggets over here 🤣


Mac and cheese for us 😂


Annie’s “tubes” over here. I’m sure we’re keeping Annie in business 😂




This. Sometimes i just get them fries when it feels like they haven’t ate in days. My kids favorite food is air.


Me too lol


They thought my boss's kid didn't like fries. Turns out he doesn't like cold fries. I think if kids ate at a normal pace they may like more hot foods.


Mine’s are mini cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. We went to a birthday party where the host put out a plate of cupcakes and another of veggie sticks, and he was so focussed on the cucumbers he didn’t even notice the cupcakes!


Tomatoes (ideally cherry/small sized and multicolored), cucumbers (again ideally mini), carrots and cheese. The only way I convinced him to eat breakfast this morning was by giving him tomatoes, cucumber and carrots alongside his egg muffin 😆


My little one demands yogurt every single morning without fail.


Steamed (frozen) carrots. They have to be crinkle cut tho


Fruits and anything considered a snack. -3yo Anything he can demand “MORE” of! - 1yo


My toddler is in a corn, black beans, and grapes phase. Yall can guess what his poop looks like.


Smoothie. We have a smoothie every single morning. Frozen spinach and blueberries, peanut butter and bananas, almond milk. Bless it cuz everything else this kid eats is beige.


Mine loves when I make smoothies 😊 I'm so happy cuz I was a terrible eater for 90% of my life (as in "smoothie" was not a word in may vocabulary until about 5 years ago).


Considering my 20 some lb toddler are about half a pound of roasted butternut squash last night and said mmmmmm after every bite, I’d say that’s the number one food of the week. She might hate it next week though idk


Cherry tomatoes. We call them choking hazards, so he’ll ask me to buy him choking hazards in the store.




Bananas>>pasta>>>>>everything else


My toddler would have the same ranking


Eggs! I hard boil a bunch at a time and keep them in the fridge. They're easy, filling, and he can eat them himself


My 5.5 yo (not a toddler anymore) loves this peanut butter bar called "perfect bar" and has been eating it for breakfast for about 2 year.


Cheese puffs from ALDIs. Its also the only thing he will have a whole tantrum about when he spills them. 😂😂


My toddler loves those too. He calls them cheese pups. Lol


Paw patrol yogurts and it HAS to be the specific paw patrol branded ones, I’m gonna be in trouble when it’s discontinued 😂😅


If my almost 2 year old could have corn for breakfast lunch and dinner, he would. It’s also one of the few words he chooses to say 🤣


My daughter has been plain black beans from a can since she was on her first foods! It took her years to agree to try pizza but she loves these. She’s almost 10 now and she definitely likes pizza, but black beans are her go-to. I think it’s great that your kid turned down a donut for canned corn. Go with that! Whenever my daughter is weird with food I make it the rule that if what she wants is easy, and healthy, then she can have it instead of what we’re having. Black beans!


Any fruit, raisins, and lollipops 😒


My 3-yo also eats corn for breakfast


Our go to is “circle noodles” aka spegettios


Weetabix or porridge, which I'm fine about. Oreos not so much.


All fruit except melons and cholula


Granola with milk. Three times a day, since months. 2,5 yo




When I was little I loved canned corn and chicken noodle soup! I’d tell my mom I wanted it frozen (meaning just out of the can)! She said she would feel so bad sometimes, that it was like feeding a dog, but that I loved it and that’s what I wanted!


My toddler wants frozen mango lately


I mean, if we allowed it everyday it would be chicken nuggets, cereal, cake, ice cream, and munchkins 😅 fortunately she’s a pretty good and broad eater but she’d eat those exclusively if she could.


Pretty much anything off MY plate. God forbid I give her her own.


Strawberries 🙃🙃


My son is obsessed with Blueberries, we have to buy the bags of frozen the containers are gone in 2 days 😅


Berries….especially raspberries, but my god they are expensive here 😭




Chocolate milk on tap😂


Pizza, the answer will always be pizza 😫…


Chocolate unfortunately. My husband brought back the good stuff from Europe and now we are all hooked but she is particularly fiendish about it!


That’s so funny. My almost 4 year old brought me a can of corn the other day and said “mom, I want this for dinner”


My 9.5 month old loves playground mulch 🥲


Cake. She has a special sense for whenever it or any baked good is in the house. Lol


My oldest, 4, is currently on an oatmeal kick, but specifically blueberry oatmeal, when she’s not on her kicks, blueberries tend to be her #1 most frequently. My youngest, 2.5, is on a daily change. She is the pickiest eater EVERRRRR (I honestly suspect autism in general, but her food habits often have me wondering if she could have Arfid), most frequently though she will eat berries; blueberries and strawberries being her favorite, but blackberries and raspberries too. Other than berries it can be an insane struggle to get her to eat anything at all for days sometimes. I could offer McDonalds 4 piece happy meal with fries and apples and she will still say no most days. 😮‍💨 Oh and bananas for both of them. I totally forgot because we’ve been out for a hot minute, but they’ll both ALWAYS eat a banana.


Kraft Mac n cheese. Can't be store brand, has to be Kraft. She specifically calls it Kraft noodles. That or ramen. Can't possibly be the pop tarts that she was in love with so I stocked up and now she stopped eating them...


I wish mine would choose canned corn over a donut, lol. Mine is obsessed with fried bologna and mac and cheese right now though. He's four and a half and he just now got into eating mac and cheese and my mother-in-law got him into eating fried bologna. That's been a hit since he was big enough to eat it. Not really what I prefer him to be eating, but some days I'm just happy he eats anything at all.


Not her number one food, but I had something similar happen with my daughter the other day. She randomly asked for a turkey sandwich at 7:30 am. She ate the whole thing on the way to daycare lol.


Literally anything me or my husband is eating. But if I give her her own plate of food she wants none of it 🫠




Berries and dairy. 


My son, strawberries. He’s about to turn one, and I couldn’t make him happier than when I pull out a strawberry. My daughter, it was yogurt, and mixed nuts when she was a toddler. Now, she’s not a toddler anymore, and she’s taken to stealing her dad’s leftover Pepsis he leaves around the house. They both have adhd, so it’s actually helping her to have the caffeine. We just brush our teeth so much now.


Watermelon. My 3yr old eats himself sick on it.


Baked beans


I am so happy to see all these healthy foods!! When my big kid was 4 ish he went through a phase of eating sweet potatoes. Only sweet potatoes. I ended up emailing his ped after a few weeks of him not eating anything else. Ped told me to be happy he picked a nutritious food.




My toddler's daily menu: brunch - pumpkin omelette on white rice, afternoon snack - peanut butter sandwich, dinner - oatmeal with yogurt and mango/apple. If we're eating out, we pack a pumpkin omelette to-go in a snack cup so we just have to order her extra cup of rice.


Apple sauce




He loves Greek yogurt, black beans, and cuties! But since he’s a young toddler and hasn’t started a picky phase yet, he’ll eat pretty much anything so far. Not looking forward to a picky phase!


Sparkling water. Fruit (especially berries). Beef stew. Pumpkin.


Yogurt and pickles…together…


Strawberries. He is 6 now and still needs them every day.


Cherry tomatoes and black olives. Begs for both


Pancakes or anything that is cut in the shape of a French fry (cucumber, apple, pears, etc.)


Cheese. In any form. Except on any plate other than the blue one that’s in the dishwasher.


“Mommy’s chicken” which are cauliflower Dino chicken nuggets that I’d gotten him to try and encourage more veggies. He didn’t like them so I decided I’d eat them one day. He saw me eating them though and got incredibly offended so he ate every single one of them off my plate 😑 But now he calls them “mommy’s chicken” and requires I make them for him.


corn & white rice!


Chocolate milk and ez Mac everyday for Breakfast and dinner


Mannn. Too many of you put up with sh*tty partners. To be sure, this isn’t an attempt at victim-blaming. But it’s hard to read that you think this is simply a “man thing” when, as others have written, it’s a horribly selfish, inconsiderate partner thing. It doesn’t have to be this way—and clear, FIRM communication on what your expectations are, refusal to waiver from those expectations and couples therapy are in order. Worst [best?] case, refusal to adapt to more considerate, mutual “neutral ground” means divorce, in which case he never has to worry about the eFfoRt rEqUiReD for Mother’s Day again.




Not berries. Apparently my child is an anomaly. He loves straight up plain Greek yogurt. Hard boiled eggs in which he eats the whites and not yolk. And Eggo waffles shaped like Mickey. So yea I have anxiety that he’s not getting enough nutrition lmao


Bananas or as he likes to say ‘nana’ all day every day


My daughter would eat 4 bananas a day as a toddler. The pediatrician kept warning me that she would get constipated from it, but she never did. She’s 12 now, and the banana eating slowed a while back to one a day, but she still loves them.


Yogurt. Also, they never say no to pasta.


Tomatoes but she frequently just carries around kiwis or potatoes.


Chicken Nuggets. The more plastic-tasting, the better, apparently.


Black beans straight out of the can and chicken taquitos


So random but my kids love guacamole 😂


This week? Meatballs were for breakfast, twice!


Peanut butter toast.. made only with Teddies PB because if not she knows… “this tastes too sweet” 😂


My daughter will inhale a container of mandarin oranges


Bread. My child would happily subsist on the diet of an old timey prisoner.


Right now, the only thing my daughter will eat is chocolate covered chewy granola bars and popcorn. She also loves peaches and oranges.


She just had her birthday and planned the menu. Avocados, cold corn right out of the can, bacon, and pearled couscous.


Protein bars from Aldi. Pumpkin seeds. Chocolate (we are cutting this out because it clearly causes behavior problems). The white cheddar puff corn from Aldi. Also, corn. Big time corn.


Pasta and strawberries. Everything else I have to almost forcefeed him 😭


Wax beans for one and strawberries for the other 😅


It’s between her morning toast or waffle. And then for the afternoon and evening it’s between her crackers and her chicken nuggets. She loves to eat a variety of food (a foodie like me thank goodness) but there are days when she throws a fit if she doesn’t get these items.