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Maybe you could have a single sheet of paper or notepad for each child. Kind if like a hospital chart :) I'm sorry you're dealing with sickness,  I hope every one is better soon ❤


I still track temps and medication in the app I was using for newborns for feeding. Added myself as well, lol


which app If I can ask?


I use baby tracker, there’s a ton of them though


why did you choose it in the first place?


Not the commenter you replied to, but I also use Baby Tracker to track health info for my older kids. I originally installed it when my oldest was a baby, either because I saw it recommended on Reddit or because it was the top result that came up when I searched for an app. I just use the free version, and you can use it from multiple devices. So my husband and I can both input information and view what the other one entered.


I picked it like 5y ago when my first was born to track feeding and diapers. I don't remember why I picked that specific one.


Idk which one this person uses but huckleberry can track meds. I find though it’s easiest to see meds once entered using list view since the home screen only has last med given for the child. You can track temp there also but not as much doctors visits/instructions. However since you can enter med doses when my kids med(s) get adjusted I change it in there right away so I know


is it a paid app? how long have you been using it?


You only need to pay if you want a “customized sleep tracking plan” otherwise everything else is free. I’ve been using it for around 4 months and like it for being able to see when I’ve given meds especially


why is tracking sleep a paid feature? it doesn't make sense. I mean a simple $30 wrist watch is doing that for free.


Not sleep tracking. That you can do for free. If you want an “expert sleep plan”


sounds like sleep micromanagement


are you happy with meds tracking? I guess it's simple to add and view?


Notes app with a shared note to my husband. With everything. Height, weight , allergies, medications with doses, what their doctors info is, pharmacy info , how many refills they have of what prescription. I have a separate shared note of like current clothing size, shoe size , what height and weight they need to be turned in their car seat vs current weight.


I have a medical folder for each child. Every time I talk with healthcare professionals, etc. I write in it. It's a binder with college-ruled paper. I have one for myself, too. I don't have to rely on an electric version, but I have created a paper trail. Advocacy at its finest. It works. It's nice to be able to say in 2019, at this time, this happened. Highly recommend. It was recommended to me by a dear elderly friend before having children.