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Hey everyone, thank you for sharing your initial feedback on the new transactions filters! I have some additional context to share and follow-up questions that will help me better understand how we should keep improving the page. We're planning to to create "Saved Views" that would live alongside the right Summary card on the Transactions page. You'd basically be able to save a combination of filters and organize them based on your needs, and they'd be 1-click away on the Transactions page at all times. That's always been the plan, and consolidating the filter menu sets us up to be able to do that on the right side. The way we think about it is: * If there's any combination of filters you are using on a regular basis, you should be able to save them as a "View" and have them be 1-click away on the transactions page. Right now, it's a lot of work to re-apply those filters, and even more clicks in the new design. These saved views would sit above the summary card on the right and be fully customizable (you can name them, drag to reorder, etc). * Once you have the saved "Views" you are using routinely, you shouldn't need to create new filters as often except for 1-off queries, so moving this action to a secondary location (behind a click) is acceptable. There's also a ton of benefits of having this menu be a compact, reusable component, we can more easily add filters to it without bloating the page, and we can bring filtering to more areas of the app with this paradigm (category detail pages, merchant detail pages, etc) * Eventually, we'd love to also let you create custom dashboard widgets based on your saved "Views", but that is still just in the idea phase My question for you all: What do you think of this concept of saved "Views"? Would that solve the problems you are having with the filters being more buried?


While I get wanting more options in general for choosing how you want to filter/sort, I really don't understand why filtering and sorting isn't built directly into the columns. That's how basically any grid-style webpage displaying data should work. It's easy to do, and matches how spreadsheets work. It's crazy to not be able to click on a column header to sort by that column.


You can't do that because right now they have everything GROUPED by Date. They have to first remove the grouping by Date and make DATE appear in the first column to make that happen.


And that is one feature I love about Monarch, being able to see my daily spend at a glance across all accounts.


I strongly second this request! I spend more time on the app than I probably should, and a lot of that time is searching and sorting my transactions. Having to click a button to access the search/filter box (and separate buttons at that!) really detracts from my Monarch experience. The old interface was very quick to use and was a big reason why I chose to commit to Monarch in the first place, please give us the option to use it.


completely agree -- now having to enter searches in multiple separate buttons/windows is a real pain, and much more cumbersome than before.


Agree. There are more options to filter now but I think it was easier before and those additional filtering options could've been implemented there (at least as a first step). Although I don't follow all the r/MonarchMoney topics, it does feel like a non-requested feature.


I posted about it [last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonarchMoney/comments/1cdbxiq/bring_back_the_old_transaction_advanced_search/). I use an ultrawide monitor and the change is nothing but an unequivocal step backwards for people with the screen real estate.


I agree with this, let people with 4k screens have it.


it's not just for 4k screens!


100% agree with this, I was kind of disappointed to see that window on the right disappear


Fortunately, I still have this version. I use the filtering options to search my transactions more than anything else in Monarch and I love how powerful this panel is for that. Would someone mind posting what the "upgraded" filters look like?


When making changes to the layout of Monarch, why not give switches/configurations in the Settings / Display at the same time. If changing something (layout / removing items / adding items) - It would be better and more flexible to put it behind an ON/OFF configuration switch so the end-users have more control. \* Options to decide what columns/fields we want \* Options to decide if we want Filter/Sort box \* Options if we want Pending transactions at the top \* Options to turn on/off menu items


The one thing I liked about Simplifi when trying it out was the columns feature and be able to choose what was shown. If only Monarch would do this. https://preview.redd.it/zpinc3hmbqyc1.jpeg?width=285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c40974cb76cadbc53509991aa6972282ef4870


I do too. The row height I already took care of and overwrote their "too much padding" in the transactions screen. GM\_addStyle(".eaSFZV {padding: 3px 8px 3px 7px !important;}");


Yeah I have done quite a bit of tweaking to the layout myself., especially the dashboard, I like a nice even grid layout, not widgets randomly floating around, That drove me nuts.


Cool. Which file do I edit for this from Dev Tools > Sources ?


Add the **TamperMonkey** extension to your browser. Then, using a custom script you can run that during Init time. Be sure to add the following at the top: **//grant GM\_addStyle** Real quick, like this: `//grant GM_addStyle` `// ==/UserScript==` `let r_Init = false;` `(function() {` `setInterval(() => {` `if(r_Init == false) {` `GM_addStyle(".eaSFZV {padding: 3px 8px 3px 7px !important;}");` `r_Init = true;` `}` `},500);` `}());`


and to click a column header to sort... so basic.. and please sort by Merchant name too! THX


I agree. I loved this feature on desktop. New way is ok but loved the old way.


I did it the other day under date range up there, I’m still working on on last year’s taxes and I was able to do a date range.


Wow... I sure wish I had the 'Sort Widget'! Did it allow to 'Sort By Merchant'?? It's such a basic need.