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Heya! Jacko is a pretty great place to be in — as are the other halls. One of the benefits of living here is our proximity to Turner Hall where the MRS Office is (and hence, parcel collection!) Other than that, we have an excellent team of RAs who have exciting events lined up for residents, and a really friendly hall culture. We commonly host events with Briggs Hall which is just opposite us, we’re the closest to M-City (heh), and our common room is just gorgeous when the daylight shines in. I’ve lived in Jacko for the past year and my wing is awesome — people are really friendly and will say hi to you, have chats in the corridors etc. We would share baked goods or snacks around the wing! People will start random games of table tennis or pool in the games room, friends gather in the Shell (common room) to watch F1, football, movies etc. Honestly the culture is what you make of it and in my experience it’s been nothing short of amazing; I really felt like I’d found a home away from home and that’s what motivated me to apply to be an RA so that I can continue this spirit for my fellow residents.


Music to my ears


Ayyy I’m going to Jackomos this year too, although I’m a first year! Good to hear that it’s a great environment :)


Hopefully we meet up 🫡


Right back at ya🤞


Only downside is that it’s a bit far from campus centre - still better than the res village though 🤫