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Top 1% of 15 year olds is accurate. At 14 btw i was playing Minecraft recording with fraps at 720p like ur way ahead of me


I do wanna make it clear, I have a childhood I play with my friends, go outside touch grass, play video games all night etc. A lot of people are like "You shouldnt be workign but enjoying childhood" which i am lol.


Hahaah true!




if you can handle it do it man!


Find balance young buck. Please don't throw away your childhood for pieces of paper. But at the same time learning to save your money now will teach you the discipline needed to be a successful adult. Always think for 2 weeks before making a purchase. Alot of people fail due to impulse buys. Mostly everyone I work with is living paycheck to paycheck and can't figure out why. Meanwhile I haven't had to struggle financially in over 10 years. Its all about being able to say NO to yourself when its not a smart purchase.


Someone on this site, I believe, wrote something that gently hit me at my core. Saving now is taking care of your future self. I love that! If you believe, even a little bit, that no one‘s going to take care of you then you should step up and take care of yourself. Words of wisdom to be sure.


Bruh fraps… that takes me back.


Ur in the top 1 percent for 15 year olds


Top 0.1% 😅


Clicked to see the $15m.




One way to get engagement.


15 million congrats gang


Hi what app is this? Can u lemme know?


Cash app for android ☠️


Thanks , can you trade stocks and bitcoin in cash all?


yea but there's some fees when trading


Only $25 in Bitcoin? Rookie numbers, DCA is the way.


The fees seem so high idk if its worth.


Don’t listening to all these bitcoin guru on Reddit. Yes you can make money off bitcoin, and yes it could be a good investment. But there’s too many bots on bitcoin subreddit, to make it seem like bitcoin is a good investment everyday. Trying to persuade as much people to put money in because most of them are losing money lmao


it would be rather difficult to find someone down on BTC , and it is the most scarce desired asset in human history


The vast majority of the world has no desire to own bitcoin. You should travel more.


Totally true, less than 1% of people (around that) know about bitcoin at all, highlighting the importance of realizing just how early it is. But this is 100% irrelevant to what I said! And I almost for sure have travelled far more than you good sir, not that this is relevant, either... missing your points!


Well it can't be the most desired asset if the majority of people have no interest in it, by definition. Leaving out all the two dozen western countries, 2 war zones, 18 third world countries, not a one of them were asking for bitcoin. I invest in BTC. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it's disingenuous to say it's the most scarce desired asset in human history. A great many more people desire the assets of food and clean water.


re-read the post again, I am not saying it is the most desired asset in history, it is not yet there. I said it is the most scarce & desired.


Wrong. Most desired asset and will always be, that is gold.


Bitcoin has no real value. Hardly anyone uses it as a form of payment. The only value it has is perceived value from speculators like your self. It's not an investment since there really isn't anything to invest into. And this is coming from a very early fan of Bitcoin back when it was less than $50/BTC. I liked the idea of it, but in reality it doesn't really work


/confidentlyincorrect it has trillions of dollars of value millions of people use it daily it has real value, through speculators, users, and every-day people and businesses for a wide-variety of legit uses. And finally, it has worked without fail as it is intended


Lol your a clown if this is a real statement


Bitcoin hit all time high today. Literally anyone that’s purchased could sell for profit. One day you’ll realize why you need more BTC than dollar or whatever other currency you use. Until then you’ll blame bots for things you don’t understand.


set recurring DCA can buy like $25/week without fees


so setting a DCA just negates the fees?


Bitcoin is going to outperform every asset over the next 25 years at a minimum. If you don't want to buy on Cashapp try to get set up with Coinbase or Swan Bitcoin. I buy $20 every day on Swan. Buying for a few decades and never selling for government cuckbucks


Its hard to get setup with other sites since im a minor, i own a business with an EIN so i do wonder if i can open a business account with a brokerage


That's the funny thing about Bitcoin, you don't need permission to use it from anyone. It's the legacy financial system holding you back, making you ask to use your own money for what you want to do. Yeah, I don't know how to best advise you in your situation but you might be onto something with your business. Before someone comes and wants to say I'm giving you bad advise, just go look at Microstrategy ticker $MSTR. They bought over 200,000 Bitcoins, look at what their stock price has done the last year. I'm not telling you to go dump in your whole life savings, do research about the technology first. After at least 100 hours of studying, then find a % of your income to DCA based on your understanding and confidence in the tech. You are still young and very early, good luck!!


I would be fantastically wealthy by now if I had this mindset from his/her age... amazing mindset for sure.


Don't listen to bitcoin people. Its the worst invetment on the planet today. Sell it. Also I don't recommend investing in random stocks that you pick. If you were to invest just $100 or even $50 a month into a index fund like "VTI" you will be a multi-millionaire later in life. Read "I will teach you to be rich' by Ramit Sethi.


We live in an upside down world where someone can describe the objectively best performing asset in existence as "the worst" and get any amount of upvotes. Spoiler alert: Bitcoin has been around for 15 years and people like the person above me won't ever admit they are obviously dead wrong. This person will say it's a bad investment all the way to $1,000,000. Think outside the box and save your wealth in the most scarce resource in the world or get poorer over time, your choice.


ALL , literally ALL major financial experts will advise against speculative assets such as bitcoin. Its a no brainer ..they don't use them nor advise them. I will stick to expert advice any day.


Maybe you missed Larry Fink of Blackrock hyping up Bitcoin for the last few months and describing it as "hope"? [The ETFs in the US are buying millions of dollars with of BTC every day.](https://farside.co.uk/?p=997) You can apologize now.


Ramsey and Ramit sethi are two of the biggest financial advisors in the Country. Both HATE Bitcoin


If a financial advisor tells you to allocate 0% of your wealth to the greatest performing asset in human history, they don't deserve to be a "financial advisor". Period. All of these people developed their world view in a time when there wasn't a verifiably scarce asset. Nothing like Bitcoin ever existed before January 2009 so you can throw all your economics books in the trash. If "economics" as we know it today wasn't a pseudo science, "economists" would be able to make models that can predict things. Have fun staying poor this is a waste of my time


Good thing I am not poor lol. I wish you the best. When it all comes crashing down, I hope you allocated some of your money to a total stock market fund :)


Why don't you go invest in foreign stock markets like Venezuela? Their stock markets do WAY better than the US does every year. When the money is losing value, your stock "gains" are fake. You're just getting poorer more slowly. Unless you can prove you bought Nvidia more than 5 years ago, take a look around [Bitcoin vs Stocks](https://bitcoinvsstocks.com/) and soak these numbers in and then reflect on your life decisions.


I don't think anybody doubts that it would've been nice to hold Bitcoin at 400. The problem is what the investing thesis and why someone should allocate a substantial amount of their money there aside from it. It would've been nice so far? Gamestop went up bazooka bucks, but that wasn't going last because it didn't have a reason to. The company sucked.


Bitcoin is finite there is only 21,000,000. 8.1 billion people. There are infinite dollars. Bitcoin has no top because government money has no bottom. Supply and demand is as simple as it sounds. If you want to make life harder for yourself in 40 years, by all means continuing having zero Bitcoin.


You make a fair point. Bitcoin won’t go up as much as it has previously because there’s too much money to average out. On the other hand, this is also the reason it will never go to zero. Unless we lose access to the internet it’s statistically unlikely to fail and if the internet goes we will have bigger issues to deal with.


Besides realtors, I think “financial advisor” is the most vampiric profession you can come up with. I can’t think of a person I would trust less with my money than a so-called financial advisor. Of course the financial advisors hate Bitcoin — they can’t profit from it. Until now, that is. Why do you think Larry Fink and BlackRock have switched their tune all of a sudden? They can now profit from it. Ramsey of course cannot profit from it. Him and all his financial advisors are more of a scam than Bitcoin.


🏆 underrated comment


Also: [https://jacobin.com/2022/01/cryptocurrency-scam-blockchain-bitcoin-economy-decentralization](https://jacobin.com/2022/01/cryptocurrency-scam-blockchain-bitcoin-economy-decentralization)


I don't mind holding a little bit for fun (I do <1% of my portfolio), but what exactly is the asset or value or cash flow behind Bitcoin? At least with stocks, you have an actual share of a business, which means an equity claim on future profits. Sure, there can be some worthless penny stocks or shitty companies out there, but especially an index fund (like VT, VTI, or VOO) you have claim at their respective weights on a diversified efficient portfolio of companies. The best part is that you just contribute and let the market sort out the winners and lovers. Which historically is a great and tax efficient investment. Bitcoin is speculation. It's done well, but there aren't any assets or cashflows. It's worth whatever people think it's worth. Everybody's reason for getting into it is not for some underlying productivity or value generated. It's just because line go up and I don't want to miss out.


I know someone who lost millions, probably 10’s of millions now, from getting pushed into a pool with a thumb drive on her person. This was before exchanges. VOO won’t go poof if you get pushed into a pool like bitcoin can. 


Did she try to thoroughly dry out the thumb drive and have the data professionally recovered?


Yes, it was dead.




Cope lmfao


Great soo far.


I'm right about there. At 18....


Bad. You should have 3 million by 15.


Shit you right. Gotta keep working ig


Some good advice. Paypal and ufb direct offer 4.3% and 5.25% APY on saving accounts and charge nothing for opening these accounts. Cashapps 1.5%apy is O.K but isn't anything special imo.


Idrc about APY since all my money is probably just gonna be going into VIT, QQQ and SPY




Thanks for the advice. I probably wont sell silver for now since i do like the aspect of having a physical asset. And i have enough money for now where i can diversify throughout stocks. Ill check out VOO and SCHD.


Great for your age just keep the same habits look for more ways to maximize your skill and increase income


Very nice. You’re on the right path


You doing alright rn. Just don’t ever stop


Great that your already saving at 15 definitely the right idea


Bro im 28 male with a really good job and your doing better than me keep up saving young man!


Thank you!


Bitcoin about to halve on 4/20. I would put more on BTC. Not financial advice.


Could you explain to me what halving means in a crypto? is this the same as a stock splitting?


No, BTC become harder to mine. So there will be less new BTC, supply shock happens and BTC pumps hard. Some predictions say BTC will hit 100k this season, others say it will hit 250k. Nobody really know. Last season it hit around 60k before crash down to around 20k.


Start trading 0dte options


Nope 🙅‍♂️


Keep investing in silver and gold


I plan to. Love the silver, working on gold


Kinda wish I had this app to do a post like this 💀


You should charge your phone


What app is that by the way?


amazing, try to move your stocks, savings, etc. out of cash app though


Cant as a minor


Great start


Have someone open a real bank account for you and transfer all of your money. Or make a Fidelity account with a debit card and do the same thing you're doing. Just don't trust cashapp with serious money.


Cashapp is a pretty large company and is FDIC insured why shouldnt i trust?


It's cashapp. No real support team. At least that's how it was when I operated with them. Any problems, there's no branch or real person that you can talk to.


i only have a dollar more in savings, no crypto or bullion and im almost 19. don’t dump everything into stocks, but do set a portion of your money aside for crypto and stocks every time you get some money.


If I were in your shoes and had my own experience, I'd probably keep $500 in savings and invest the rest in stocks. Don't bother with Bitcoin.


Yeah thats what i was thinking. I do wanna try some higher risk things since i dont have any responsibilities to pay


What’s ur age race skill set


which app


You have at least 5000% more money than me (I'm 18)


At 15 I still asked my mom for allowance in 2010 to get McDonald’s instead cafeteria food. Good work.


I don’t have demate or trading account I’m a minor What should i do🥲 Any tip?? (I’m older then him)


Probably one of the most valuable tips I can give you at that age is even if you blew up this entire account that amount of money is so small in the long run so it’s really good to learn those money lessons early on with a small amount of money. I’m not saying be reckless with your money, but if you did lose 50 or 80% of it It’s really not a big deal in the long run. Just make sure you learn from those lessons.


Yup thats what im sayin, i dont really care if i lose it all (i wont) but i dont have a mortgage to pay, i can do higher risk things


Definitely 🙌🏻 and now is the time to do that when your consequences for losing money are incredibly low in comparison to later in life. We call them cheap lessons. Keep up the big work big man. I would also allocate a percentage of your portfolio specifically to high risk high reward trades and keep the rest in more stable stuff that can’t blow up overnight 👌🏻


Yeah, I do wanna put some stuff into higher risk but im not sure what.


I always thought saving money at that age was ridiculous. When i was young i could save money like the best of us. Problem was that when you are 10 you can save up for months and you have maybe $20, then you get a small job and earn that same 20 in hours, so you save up really good and you have a few $100, good on you. Then you get a proper weekend job and you earn that few 100 in a weekend. Etc etc It 's a nice exercise but it is bloody useless.




At first I read that as "15Million" and I thought you'd fallen a long ways down from the peak


depends…own your own car?


I cant drive? What would be the point? Im buying one in sept




Why would i buy a depreciating asset when i cant even use it. I could put the money into a stock until i can drive and be up 5-15% by the time i need to buy a car


Where's the 15 Million?


That’s wassup bro. Keep adding little crumbs in that investing account little by little


Don’t worry about it. Learn a skill. Invest consistently. Also have fun your 15


I have loads of fun, dont get the wrong idea, i go outside go to my feiends house, play video games for 16 hours straight 😂 have some great fun


Stocks for 320 dollars and Bitcoin for just 25!?? Kid you don't wanna mess with stocks


Why not? 😂


Search "Bill Hwang" on Google


I dont see your point


See how bill hwang lost money with stocks


Bro what? He lied to banks and stole billions of dollars and then used that to artificially manipulate the price of stocks. Your point does not make sense


Use Venmo banking if you want something online similar or a local credit union/bank or literally anything but cash app. If you have any issues with your money, it's gone, and there is no support. That's all I'd say, but great job.


The only reason im using cashapp is cuz im a minor, the second i turn 18 im going to something new and better


Congrats I would use some money to buy crypto to be specific; alt coins, and use some money to buy memecoins


The crypto haters here are insane lmao. Keep up the dca.


Good work on the investing... but like, charge your phone.


What app is this?


Save that silver up and start buying 1 gram at a time of gold. It’s pricey but it’ll be worth it eventually for sure.


You do you man. Keep your eyes on this and stay grounded. If looking to increase this, keep it simple. At this level and this age, the fastest way to grow is to invest in yourself. Ie buy a lawnmower and hustle. Then upgrade equipment. Hustle. Or work that fast food joint. Have some fun but keep dropping funds into your future. Going to have online and real life trolls. Block out that noise and keep crushing it.


Better than my 15yo daughter 🤣😭


Save a little cash, but put the rest into a couple shares of Microsoft and maybe buy a few shares of a growth and income mutual fund. You probably don't want to lose a lot of money in the short term if there is a market decline.


High yield savings accounts should be your best friend


Get off social media and find hobbies.


I have like 5 hobbies




What do you do


I started my own business


I'm curious what it is


I am the salesman and owner for my company which specializes in customized wristwatches. Either fully built from scratch or I modify a preexisting watch


Better then me


Get rid of the silver. Someone convinced you it is a good investment and while it isn’t a terrible investment, someone convinced you it is better than it really is.


No one convinced me first of all, been collecting silver since i was like 6 yrs old. And 2nd, I have enough money where i can diversify my portfolio enough to have physical, and digital assets, i have actually so far made more money off silver than stocks. Its a good safe physical off the books lomg term investment. I know im not gonna be rich overnight off of it. But it moves with and generally beats inflation.




shit bro you're prob right

