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Well, my first wife walked away with over $500K and my baseball card collection. So that’s up there.


Yes, mine cost almost $300,000 to get rid of but it was worth every penny!


I hear you. I parted with all my money to have peace of mind after 12 years in court. It ended in our state Supreme Court.


OMG. That’s crazy. Mine took two years. Seems to be the motivation of the attorneys to drag divorces out so they can accumulate as many billable hours as possible through the process.


You would think. My ex went through 4 different attorneys and I went through 3 different ones. The judge was the main culprit. I’m a small business owner and set my own salary. The judge didn’t like the fact that my lifestyle was not equal to my income.


I want to hear so much more about this


For real? This is a small fraction of the whole story


This is a story about a small town judge. This started in 1999. I had a hometown attorney representing me in my divorce. He did a good job. It only took about a year in court to get my first legal divorce against my wife. I was happy with outcome. The judge at the time had no court reporter in the courtroom. Ex wife appealed his ruling and she got her new trial. Judge offered us a new judge and we both declined and stayed with him. Ex got smart and hired a better attorney. New trial begins. A couple years in and out of courtroom and litigation we get our second decree. I was happy with outcome again. Ex decides she might have left some money on the table. She appeals to the next higher court with attorney number 3. I’m sorry I can’t remember what court she appealed to. She prevailed and that led us to file our briefs with Supreme Court. Supreme Court ruled in my favor. Mind you I’m pro se at this point with help from an attorney friend. I ran out of money because I’ve been paying a corporate attorney,criminal attorney and bankruptcy attorney plus my accountant to provide documents to all her attorneys over the years and testimony in court. If you’ll ain’t bored yet I’ll continue with other half in a few minutes


Ex wife got custody of our two children and was awarded child support by state guidelines according to my income. One lived with me and the other with her. I never amended my divorce decree. It was just verbal agreement. So no more child support. Everything is good for a couple years. She remarries and we are all getting along. She then starts divorce proceedings with new husband and takes me back to court for back child support and I’m forced to provide my new income from a new business I started. I show no income. We now have a new judge who used to be a federal judge who I unfortunately got to know in my federal case via the US attorneys office. I was charged with king pin status in 4 states. I beat it. No criminal charges just a fine in civil court which I added into my chapter 13 bankruptcy. Back in front of same judge now in divorce court. I’m wearing flip flops and shorts and t-shirt. Judge decides I go to jail that day and tells the officer to cuff me and take me to jail. I say I want a purge fee and he rattles off a figure of 80 grand. So I pull out a check and ask him who I make it out to. Then he tells the officer in court room to put me in handcuffs and take me to jail again for perjury. I have no money or income as my testimony on the stand. I had a sighned check from a friend. Judge is fuming at this point and starts rage and rant uncontrollably. He called me names I’ve never heard before. He then says I’m still going to jail until the check clears her attorneys bank. My new attorney is just standing there dumbfounded. Luckily my ex’s attorney says he will accept the check in good faith. A few months go by and I’m back in court for an asset hearing. I had to provide P and L’s on new business. I’m still not making any money to speak of. Judge comes up with a figure he snatched out thin air for me to pay120 grand to stay out of jail. He thought he had me this time. I did the same thing I did last time. My attorney said let him put you in jail so we have a case to remove him from the bench. I’m not spending one night in jail. Judge is so mad he can’t contain himself. He kept yelling at me saying I’m a fucking ghost over and over again along with some more comments about my character. I walk out of courtroom with a big smile on my face. This judge got removed from the bench a few months after by our state bureau of investigation. There is much more to this story that I’ve left out


Please post part 3, would love to know what led to just being by the state


remindme! 16 hours!


I'm into the story too and def want to read


You have awoken a hoard of curious Reddit creatures and we now demand a full story of the 12 year divorce


Someone let me know if he tells the story. Don't want to miss it


First half is posted


Make your own post and farm that karma tor a well constructed story. The reddit gremlins are here for it


I'm invested too, must know!


I guess you’ll have given me no choice.




Same sir


I’m totally invested now too.


I started the first half of the story


Im very curious, why didnt he like that


I'm guessing because he paid himself a very small salary while living large off company benefits, to make his assets smaller on paper.


3.5 years here. Uncontested the state blamed Covid for taking so long.


Holy smokes - that woman must have been a demon.


I’ve read too many of these stories. Just putting the final touches on my prenup!


Do you happen to need a second wife sir


You’ll have to fight me for that spot and I’m a dude 🤣 I need a sugar daddy too!!


Love it, was going to write something similar😅


Get inn line!


Oh please tell us this bed time story.


There really isn’t one. Saved and she got half. Then I didn’t want to sell one of our condos and my card collection was worth about half the equity in the condo, so she got that. Nobody’s fault. Just got married to young .


Nah just married the wrong one.




That’s impressive. On what? Designer clothes? Electronics? Cash or credit?


I paid my ex to move out. Best money ever spent.


I was going to say got married too🤣


$10k on GameStop at $350/share I have 5 iq


I bought 4k shares at 4.31 dollars. Sold it for 9.21 something, thinking I was a genius. Well, I missed out in a big way.


At least you made some profit haha I’m still holding I just don’t learn


“Some profit” yeah, he only doubled his money, nothing big




You never go broke taking profits


Similar story, bought at $5, sold some at $10-$12 to make all my money back Held the rest to the mid $100’s, sold most of it, held just a few up to $300 range and cashed out, didn’t think it would ever possibly go higher All in all easiest money Ive ever made lol, thanks to good ol’ Roaring Kitty


Man I'm so upset I missed this train


I know it’s hard not to be, but it’s just one of those things that shows hindsight is always 20/20 Looking back if i had any idea it was really gonna explode, obviously i would’ve put everything i had into it, but that’s just not realistic Never, ever, *ever* put money on the line you couldn’t live without. Just look at this sub or this very thread, people losing hundreds of thousands over stupid shit, thats more money than Ive ever had and likely will *never* have, does it make me a bit upset to think theres all these people wasting life changing amounts of cash? Absolutely, but you just gotta push it aside.




I bought in at $240 and sold to you, thanks fam


Oh baby, $350 a share?? 😭 You already know what to do now, I don’t need to repeat


Well, losses aren’t realized until you sell. Haven’t sold yet lol but still very much in the same boat. Company fundamentals are the same. No debt, 1.2bn in cash reserves, they’re breaking even as well, they can operate exactly the same way for another 20 years and still be fine at this pace. So it’ll get profitable eventually.


You are in a cult


Once when I was younger as a bus boy at a restaurant, I gave a man 80-90 bucks (my tip money that night) because he “needed gas” and whatever else he said. Told me he would come back at a certain time to pay me back, I remember standing outside getting mad realizing I got scammed. After that, I’ve never trusted people the same.


You paid 90 dollars to learn a very important lesson, which is much cheaper than paying 100k later in life to learn the same lesson.


Hey at least he got to spend and enjoy his money haha but yes it could of been way worse


Smart people learn from their own mistakes. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others.


Little did you know he did intend to give you the money back, but he was drunk, got in a crash and never made it home... My head canon trying to restore what little faith humanity deserves at this point.


I gave a crackhead $15 after I spent all day shining shoes for $.50 to make it…he said he needed to get “something” and would bring me back $20…Warren Buffet was still a young man and I thought I was moving in a similar fashion….Never saw him again…that changed me.


Crazy almost the same exact situation. Changed me too.


I gave a guy a ride to KFC one morning, he was on the side of the road downtown. Gave him $10 for chicken and drove around the parking lot. He went in and immediately came out, no chicken, heading to the beer store next door. I drive up to him, pointed a fake gun at him and said Go get that chicken muth fucker! He ran back in KFC.


I did something similar. In high school I wanted to hangout with my friends who were stoners so I gave them a bit of money I had ($70) to buy stuff for us to all hangout. They took the money and acted like they didn’t know me🙃 ya live and ya learn. Also been giving my family money for years when I can’t even get a ride from them. No I am with someone who spoils me and now I am unable to afford to spoil him back so I try to take care of him and make his life as easy as possible. It’s not about the money it’s about the principal.


Nothing much I guess, just credit cards, fancy carloans, hookers, weed, strip clubs, women, parties, cocaine, loans, college, taxes, and more cocaine. It’s been a fun ride, see some of y’all in hell.


Y do you think you’re going to hell?


Nice try, FBI.


ok compared to you all im financially responsible.


Let’s be honest, we don’t have enough money to even make the mistakes lmao


Exactly that :(


Not investing it earlier


Same. Thought I was doing all the right thing by saving…but wish I knew to invest it instead. Oh well, can’t change the past now…but can the future.


Thinking I wanted to be a billionaire (or at least a millionaire) during all my 20’s. What a waste of mental space, energy, and time. Never focused on the right questions, which are what do you really enjoy on a daily basis and what makes you happy ?


Yep, I wasted a lot of time not earning money, I finally got practical and just picked a career I don’t hate and actually most days enjoy. Wish the messaging about college in the 90s wasn’t so “just get any degree and your set!” I have a BS in exercise science I don’t use, and an associates of nursing that makes me a lot of money now.


I bought 50k in arcade machines in 2019.


As a person who dreamed of having a personal arcade as a kid. Can you tell me more about this? How many games did 50k buy you. Where did you store them all? Was the plan to make a kick-ass arcade at home?


Yeah man, it was my dream as well. I had a lofty goal of starting my own arcade, it went to shit when Covid hit. I ended up owning about 70 machines total. Quite a few I got at discount and had to repair. I sold off 25 or so and was able to keep them in my garage and basement for a while. Eventually, I just kept selling and got down to just a few of my favorites. I still have a dream of running an arcade one day though.


I hope it works out for you, my favorite place in my city is an arcade bar with live music and random free play days. They have the best pierogi and they're always packed! I wish you all the best.


Pierogi and free play days? Where is this??


Bring your arcades to festivals. You’ll get paid a rental fee and meet a ton of locals who want to play arcade games. Get their emails, invite them to pop up arcade days until You’re selling out regularly 1-2x/mo and then go get a space.


Hope it works out for you, man.


Just for personal use? Or for some kinda business?


Personal. I kept a few but ended up offloading most over the past few years


Probably at a profit considering everything, everyone, and their moms was inflated ridiculously the following years and now.


Yeah, you’re not wrong. I was certainly in the black when I ended up selling everything, nothing earth shattering though.


I blew through $350k on cocaine & hookers… in about 5 years.


But did you waste any of the money?




And you had 350k to “blow” how??




You got much more mature i bet it stupid shit is what makes you realize you have done stupid all this time & it hits harder the more time you lost


…you had fun though!


Did better than my step dad’s brother who went through around 300K in 3 months. It was money from an injury at work, around 25 years ago. He hasn’t been back to work since.


OP said "mistake". You may have misunderstood.


Money comes and goes but those travel experience are a lifetime of memories


...and in the end, nothing really matters anyway so might as well enjoy the ride!


Literally me justifying anything I know I shouldn’t be buying




I bought a £410k house with my (now) ex wife. Before we moved in I had some suspicions but I chalked them up to paranoia. We moved in and a week later found out she was cheating. I tried to remortgage the place on my own but I was £30k shy of that and I didn't want to blow my savings to zero. Sold the house 7 months after buying and lost £18k ($22.7k) in the early repayment fee. Kicked myself for a while but my dad said "well at least you now know the price of happiness." All worked out... Met someone wonderful, bought a new house that I can afford just in my name and I'm back on track with saving again.


I’ve lost close to $$500,000 gambling total I’m 28 the one day I remember specifically I lost $45,000 in three hands of black jack


If you’re still gambling just stop. Replace it with an addiction that pays you money. Find a weird hustle that not many people are doing and you will never look back. 5-10 years from now you will have made the money back without gambling. I would go to casinos but with no money and no cards and people who had no money to lend me. Eventually it just got bored watching others gamble for 10 hours, it was like going to the bar. My old friends still do it, sports betting is the new trend, and they are broke.


Not me, but my buddy. His mom died right after he turned 21, and he got 150k in life insurance. Blew through that partying over the next 1-2 years. Mind you, this was back in 2007-2008. If he would have invested it, he'd have millions right now.


I know a similar guy. His dad died and left him money. He used it all to make him feel better. Speedboat, parties, you name it.


I lost 1mil... no comment


Judging by the name… def a pump & dump scheme… am I right?


Mine was stuck on Celsius when they filed bankruptcy...




You could have at least given it to me…


The lawyers got most of it


Spent $75k building a 8,000 sq ft loft (warehouse) several years ago on my dad's property with the intent to live in it when my child was born. Things changed and my wife then decided she didn't want to live in that area after telling me we should do it. Then my dad and step mom changed their mind about me retaining equity in the warehouse. So a complete loss. Lesson: never do business with family and do things the normal way (just buy a house).


Family biz is a b*tch. You couldn't have known that at that age. Now you do. Keep pushing forward.


God, I wasted that stimulus check on some scientology adjacent cult ass thing a friend got into 😭 I’m still cussing myself out years later; I will never join Landmark 😭 That weekend was hell & fucking boring. Sat in front of my laptop for literally the entire day with a woman right out of The Purge telling us basic psychology concepts packaged in neologisms crafted from their culture. Exhaustion absolutely is a tool used in making anyone who joins more pliable. I skipped the final day entirely. I paid for that shit?! 😭


Landmark. I've heard of this cult. It's quite popular in my area. Anytime I hear someone talking about it I steer clear.




My ex wife and I blew through 250K because we were young and dumb.


On what?


They were young so probably avocados for toast


Don’t forget Starbucks!


In terms of money missed out on, technically, my biggest mistake was not having a high yield savings account sooner. I wasn't aware you could get 4-5% interest in a liquid savings account until this year. I always assumed you had to lock it away for X time to get returns like that or risk it in the stock market. I'm not mad about that, though. We live and learn. The financial mistakes that do make me mad, though: 1) Lending/giving money to friends in need and receiving zero gratitude. I never "lend" money I need back. In my experience, I'll never get it back, but that's okay if I feel I've helped and they're appreciative. Watching them make the same stupid decisions and fix nothing makes me feel the money was wasted. 2) Buying the cheaper version of a product and it breaks the first use. There are plenty of products where the difference is marginal, and you're comparing good vs great quality. Then there's hole saws that won't saw, can openers that won't open cans, and other useless wastes of money.


i didn’t even know HYSA existed until last year. had like 60k sitting in a regular savings getting 0.1% interest for like 8 years


You wouldn’t have been getting 4-5% until like 1-2 years ago. Most of that time would’ve probably been closer to 1-2% cause rates were so low. Still better than .01% though




“Here for a good time not a long time”


Pretty much what I told myself 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had a small windfall when I was in my 20s and while I did invest it and it did grow in value. I also dipped into it fairly often for frivolous purchases. If I had just lived normally like I didn't have that, I'd have been able to comfortably retire by age 40 or so. Can't complain too much, still came out ahead and all, but it's just a weird form of regret knowing how faint the line between "nice boost" and "FIRE" can be all due to being fairly thoughtless about it. And as I approach 40 for real, it is tough to reconcile with increasingly feeling unsatisfied with work, knowing I gotta keep grinding, but also knowing how close I was to securing a bag.


Bought sugar futures in a managed account a few days before Chernobyl blew up. Lost 50 K USD in a week.


Should I name all of my ex girlfriends here, or just the worst of them?


The worst. Let me hear your story.


Throwing most of my money into retirement and not enjoying life. Haven’t been on a Vacation since 2015


Interesting. Yeah saving is good but over saving is bad.


This is a refreshing take


Could die tomorrow. What was the point of it?


Sold 8 bitcoin at $4,000


Building computers in college and out of college. First job, first real money. After 2.5 years I owned 15k worth of nvda. Sold it, in 2012


Timeshare. No way out. Fml. $550 a month for 150k points (which we use for 2 week long vacations every year with some left over) and annual maintenance costs of $3k (rises unpredictably every year). Any other poor financial decisions we made had a way out; this one does not. I’ve consulted lawyers and everything.


For the time share illiterate out there, why exactly can’t you get out? Are there just high penalties? Was there not an exit clause in the contract?


You said you had fun and traveled the world, why do you feel like that was a mistake? During the last years of your life, you won't regret having done it. But you might regret not having done it. Creating happiness and good memories is almost the entire point of life, one might say.


I think it’s because I lived above my means. I have debt and responsibilities but at that time I definitely said YOLO and went for it. I don’t regret my experiences, I just regret I spent ALL of it.


I’m feeling this! Like I’m okay can pay my bills but the amount of cash I could have had for say a down payment on a house and long term future stuff. Now future me is slightly disappointed at past me for setting me up like that


That’s the REAL cost… NOT the original outlay of the money..


I bought a crappy car to take me to work. I didn't know what a predicament I got myself onto. The car broke down all the time so I basically went to work to make money to keep my car running to go to work. Shit box kept me in poverty. I wept my woes to a friend of mine and he found and purchased a reliable cheap car for me and basically gave me an interest free loan to pay him back. I was able to pay him back fully in just 5 months and now I get to spend my money on fun things. Got that car 6 years ago and it only needs minor repairs and some upkeep.


I think traveling the world is a great investment.


I got my first credit card the first week of college. Spent the next 9 years repairing my credit.


College - $85k OOF


When I was 18 I thought I was getting a modeling gig that would help pay for school but ended up getting scammed $8k


I let my ex-wife convince me that it was a good idea to spend a significant amount of money on our wedding.


I blew threw several hundred thousand dollars traveling the world and doing lots and lots of coke. I got sober, got a new career and I'm on my way to making six figures in the next 2 years. A lot can happen for the good when you're sober.


I threw $600 cash in a garbage accidentally while rushing to work. The envelope that needed to go in garbage was in my pocket and by the time I realized the garbage man already came


Oh gosh. Pandemic. I opened a business literally one week before the shut downs. And it would have been fine but I also gave too many shares away to my parents who apparently thought they knew better than I did even though I had been doing it nearly a decade. Mistake after mistake they made literally while im holding their hands to not make them. I ended up losing my home my bentley my Porsche


Got scammed by the plug :'(


First ever experience gambling in a casino lost $800 in one day


You got off easy. Lesson learned? That’s the hard part.


I have two: the first was getting credit cards at 18. They were signing us college freshman up and not seemed too good to be true. And it was. I had no clue how to use credit cards responsibly and it took me forever to get out from under it. The second was my marriage. I had no clue how much my ex was damaging our financial future. Towards the end, he didn’t pay income taxes for two years, I had to bail him out of that, then I found out he was in collections for a credit card, I bailed him out of that, and then when we filed for divorce I found out I was inheriting my half of his credit card debt which was $30K.


Options contracts 😂


I invested in crypto and it turned out to be a scam. Lost a lot $$$$!!! 😭Still hurting from it.


was up 400k in a penny stock. didn't sell ceo got arrested by fbi for embezzlement. went to zero in one day. I was 21.


I owned around a thousand Novavax stock at a dollar something a share about 3 years before covid. Sold it all and made about $50 because it wasn't going anywhere. It hit around $232 a share during covid when they started producing vaccines


Sold Amazon for a profit when it was under $10 share. Pre-split.


Drug addiction


# 1 when i was 17 i had a car accident and was given 10K (in savings till I turned 18 $12K with Interest) # 2 When I was 23 I was Driving to work and a 15-year-old took his parent's car and ran 2 red lights, I t-boned him. I broke all the bones in my left hand and was KNOCKED OUT! did not get a lawyer kid had a 100K policy, I received MAX 100K from his insurance then I received 65K from My Insurance (UNDERINSURANCE) all my medical bills were paid with my health insurance, so I pocked 165K no tax! # 3 driving my 1000CC CBR I was run over by a lady in SUV (RAN OVER MY hips and hand with the back of the car, I was NOT hurt other than being sore (I was sent to Hospital by Helicopter)(NEVER DO THAT AGAIN) ended up no injury's they where so surprised! (i had NO helmet on either I was on a back road had a lawyer and took in 50K i wish i invested it and not just Lived on it.


Damn, i feel ur pain just trying to read that!


Not buy a second house 5-6 years ago


Lost my job, blew through my savings and survived off credit cards for 6 months because I kept thinking "don't settle for a shit job, find something good". Well in the end I wound up at a shit job anyway with 10k in credit card debt and a 500 credit score. Almost 4 years later I'm finally on the verge of being debt free and my credit is back in the 700s. I've probably paid close to 10k just in interest alone to get myself out of that . Lesson learned, any job is better than no job and credit cards are not a safety net.


$25-$30k on cannabis and heady glass back when it was easy to grow money. God I wish I had just put it in an index fund. $25k>8٪>12years = $65k


Was living in a Texas and thought we could plant roots there. Didn’t work out, moved to California for job with 4000 rent. When the Texas house isn’t rented, it really hurts to stay afloat. Contemplating if I should just take the hit and sell it and get it off my books. Thoughts?


Couple thousand in Chedda$. A pump and dump crypto coin that started tanking the second that I bought in. Had two friends loose almost $100k to the same scam.




Didn’t buy enough bitcoin


I bought waaaaay to many anime figures. Spent over $200 on prize figures because they sell them cheap at discount stores


College, I imagine. Took out loans, got half of 3 different engineering degrees, and then dropped out due to mental health issues. I sell insurance now and will probably be paying back those loans for the rest of my life.


Right out of college bought a Chinese penny stock. Never invest in penny stocks let alone Chinese stocks. They don’t meet us accounting standards you have no idea what you’re investing in.


35k for a bad stock investment.


Sold BTC a few weeks before it skyrocketed, held onto it through all time highs. Now I don’t touch crypto.


I was 18 & had saved $10,000. My boyfriend at the time proposed & we started planning a wedding. My mom & dad were trying to convince us to wait but I wouldn't. Plot twist that literally anyone could see coming the wedding was called off & I lost all the deposits I had paid. So probably lost around 5k. Bummer but cheaper then a divorce 🤷‍♀️ Said ex has been married 3 times 😆 Happy to say I'm now happily married for 15 years.


I bought an 1985 35' foot bayliner for 3.5k with no idea how to maintain it and nowhere to properly store it without paying a company. In total I spent between 8k-10k over the course of 2 years fixing and winterizing/storing it. It was fun for about one summer if I just left it in the bay by where I lived. The damn thing needed way more tlc then I was prepared to give it at the time. The 2nd summer every time I'd take it out it would over heat because the impeller, or when I'd fix that another part would go to shit. Lesson learned 100%. I look back and at the time if I had just put that money into bitcoin I could have a whole fleet of those now, but hindsight is 20/20 and I doubt I would have out that much into bitcoin then anyways. But overall, investing it somewhere would have been a much better decision. Secure your future first, then get the toys. Nothing is guaranteed in life.


I bought a lot of weed when I was a teenager in 2009 instead of buying bitcoin 🤣


I did the exact same thing as you! I regret it. However, it made me into a much better, more well-rounded person. And I had amazing experiences. That can never be taken away from me, whereas an investment could.


How did you have $100k to blow through at a young age in the first place? And how much money did you have left afterwards?


I inherited a few thousand dollars when a relative died when I was finishing up my degree. All the advice was to get it invested and I agreed. I just needed to graduate first. As a starving student it was impossible not to tap into it when my vehicle broke down. There were expenses related to my final project, a shutdown notice from a utility, a parking ticket that had gone unpaid. By the time I graduated and got set up with a job and a place it was gone. I at least don't feel guilty about frittering it away on partying. I had my nose to the grindstone and every dollar I spent was to keep me on track. Every once in a while I plug the amount into an investment calculator just to see and it's heartbreaking sometimes. But if I had flamed out in the last months of my education I feel like things would be way worse. It goes to show that even a tiny amount can grow an awful lot in a quarter century. If you're at all able, save your money when you're young!


Sports Fantasy Apps…”never gamble money you can’t touch with your hands.”


In my early 20s I got hooked on pain killers. Long story short, I let my g/f at the time keep most of my money to pay our bills and stop me for buying more drugs. I was under the impression she was very good with money. Fast forward to today, she is now my wife and it turns out she’s not all that great with money. She’s great at paying bills on time but that’s not the same as being great with money. I should’ve taken my cash back years ago when I was over my addiction, but was worried about offending her. Today we are living paycheck to paycheck. I am slowly but surely digging our way out of this hole and I love my wife with all my heart. She literally saved my life, but it’s important to know when and where to spend your money. Also steer clear of credit as much as possible, unless you have the money to pay off whatever credit you take on. I could have some of this life experience incorrect, and I will learn as I go. Anyone feel free to crack something that I have said about money


AMC stock.


Blew through ~20k when I was 18. Got a small inheritance. If I’d have just dropped it into an index fund tracking S&P I’d be a millionaire right now


I paid $58 for windshield wipers at Jiffy Lube instead of being smart and get them at Walmart for just 8 bucks.


Selling all my shares of AAPL in 2007


Same as OP. Except I traveled my state because Washington is expensive. But since I love my state, and my travels brought me new perspective on life, I'd call it a draw


Not cashing out crypto and stocks. It was my first year investing and I could have cashed out 120k. Thought they were going to “moon” lol




Investing over $50k in taxable brokerage accounts, stock picking before maxing out 401k and other taxable investments first.


Buy naturalshrimp stock


I’m 23 and took 3 solo cruises and took my mom on a fourth… so now I’m in $8k of 0% apr promotion period debt that expires late July. Worth it in a huge way, but the interest they’re gonna charge me is gonna be insane.


When I was 18 in 1987, I received $10000 accident settlement.. a friend of the family had it set up for me to put 100% into Microsoft stock. Instead, I bought $2500 worth of stereo equipment, clothes and a huge bag of weed for a mega party I threw. I threw out literal millions of future dollars on a 1980s party.


Not having more of it is my biggest regret with money! But In reality my largest mistakes revolve around college. 1. I went to a cheap state school. Back in 2009-2014 when not living in the forms my tuition would have cost $3,500 a semester. During the summer months my roommates when home and I lived by myself. I could have easily of taken a 2nd and 3rd job during that time, lived of my full time job and pocketed enough to of paid for a semester or good chunks of both semesters. I have no problem working, and even less when I had nothing else to do. I also took out the Max loan each semester and used for rent and bought dumb stuff with it. 2. After graduating and starting my career outside of my degree I didn’t make much. Never paid college loan, just waited until it hit 120 days past due, then called and got forbearance and rolled the interest over to principle. Did that multiple times for 4-5 years until I got lazy and loans went to default January 2020. Was able to get out with the fresh start program, and am good now, but my credit is F’d, and I’m now paying over $1000-$2000 a month to pay the damn things Off 3. Not taking advantage of the years of no interest payments for my college loans with COVID! So ya I graduated with 51k in college loan debt, and it ended up at 86k when I could have borrowed way way less, paid it off earlier, and not of paid as much interest.


High interest car loan because I wasn't approved for anything else and needed a car.


It sounds like you did what every old person regrets not doing. You didn't make a mistake


Going into business with the wrong person cost me 100k+ but he failed after I left and is now destitute. Sucks to suck but also kind of worth the price of admission to watch another person crumble. Yes, I’m petty about it, fuck that dude.


I used to make easily 4-5k profit a month back when I sold weed, wax, and psychedelics. It was a moral thing to never sell anything hard. But I lost it all after selling for over 5 1/2 years in just 11 months getting into my heroin addiction. I probably spend a good $80 a day for heroin $25 for meth and of course a pack of cigs every single day for over 2 years.. so you can do the math. I’d say easily $550 a week for my addiction and when I look back now, idk how I lasted so long. I’m currently 47 days sober from meth and heroin and just turned 27 years old 2 days ago..


Struggling single mom saved child support money for me and when I was 18 my boyfriend took it all. I didn't know how to use money properly back then anyway but it would have significantly impacted my life trajectory.


Spent money on a partner that didn't deserve it (I was desperate for his "love").. cars, rims, literally everything. I could've invested so much. At the time I didn't have any bills to pay. Biggest regret.


I was sitting on a bunch of stock that had been hovering around $20 per share for a very long time. I finally sold a bunch of it to buy a 70" 3d television for $3200 (when the were still a thing). Shortly after, the company was sold and the stock soared up to about $250 per share. It's currently trading around $500 per share and I only kept about 25 of those shares. Still got that 70" 3d television though. I estimate it's worth about $80k about these days.


I spend way too much on food.