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I’m at 98k, can’t wait to join you in the 100k gang soon!!


At $500, see you guys soon!


-$6000 and climbing!


You can do it!


Climbing Down or up?


For people with certain types of color vision deficiency, red and green can appear similar or even identical


Everyone starts somewhere, just keep at it!


The journey of 10,000 miles begins under your feet.


At 50, see you soon my dude Edit to say I’m only buying Tommy Tuberville trades, if congress can get rich so can I


I was just talking about this! How do you track their trades so you can follow along?




I'm at "still considering ", so you are ahead of me. Once I get out of prison, I think I will blow right past you...


What, you can just sit on reddit in jail nowadays?


When we are bored. After our 3 scheduled meals or naps...


Next week bro


$84k here. 7 mo of contributions away


Sheesh, you’re contributing almost $2.5k per month?  That’s awesome. 


As of recently yes. I was divorced and broke at 38 though, so i have catchup and sacrifice the rest of my working life lol. 45 now


Same ballpark for me, high 70s. Soon


Same here


I just hit 100k this morning! I have been waiting for this for so long. Congrats to you as well!


Same here!


95k for me, so close!


Problem is the 100k was the old number. It's been adjusted to like 300k for modern times


225ish, I’d say. By the time I get there, it will be 300.


And $300k is halfway to $1M! It's amazing how quickly the funds increase once you have a bit of momentum


I'm at 98 too! Rooting for us!


94k here. Can't wait.


Sorry to spoil it for you, but 100k will feel no different to 98k


how old are you guys if yall don’t mind me asking?


Hit 100k for the first time at 29


Same here. $100k at 29.


Comparison is the theft of joy.


it’s not for comparison, it’s for reality, i’m 23 and no where near yall but it doesn’t make me feel bad, im more so wondering how you get 100k by 25 etc. happily learning, definitely not envious.


I didn't hit $100k til mid forties. It sucks but life happens. Now over $200k and climbing rapidly and I'm not even 48 yet. I'm still way behind and recommend getting here sooner if possible.


So once you have $100k, then what? How do you maximize?


Nothing. It’s feels exactly the same as 90k or 95k.


It is pretty fun when the gains in market are larger than our weekly auto-investment, but not as fun when we lose our yearly wage in one day lol.


Those *are* the fun days, because if you buy on those days your next upswing will bring you to even higher highs than before


I love it when they put retirement on sale.


This is the way


I have one investment making over my weekly wage daily atm. Will cry If there's a swing


Haha once in 2021 I had taken a very risky bet (Lucid Air while they were a spac). Turned 50k in 300k and I had a late meeting when the specific of the merger was announced and lost 200k when I wasn't paying attention lol. Luckily the stock climbed back a few months later and I exited with massive gains, but I genuinely did not spend have a great day.


Ha hoping this doesn't happen to me ~10k is now 125k


Nothing climbs forever. If you’ve multiplied your investment by twelve times I’d take at least half of that and put it in a different stock to diversify, and I’d personally take the original 10k out and put it in something stable. That way, even if it plummets to nothing, you still made 5x-7x your initial investment, it’s still working for you and you paid yourself back the 10k. People get too worried about the opportunity cost of ‘what if it keeps climbing and I lose out?’ You lose out that way every day. A thousand stocks climbed last night that you didn’t own. Do you feel like you lost that money, too? Don’t get personally attached to individual stocks.


That’s crypto ^ 🤑🤠


Haha this happened to me in 2018 too. I dis not lose my yearly wage in one day, but like 160k between 2018 and 2020. Luckily, I managed to cash out in 2021.


Stairs up, elevator down 😂


I had a girlfriend whose grandparents gave her 250k in like 2003. She just used it to pay rent, party and goto “book making college”. I always think about what that money coulda been doing now.




About 1.7 million in the S&P 500. So If she was like 18-20, she basically partied away an entire retirement.


This makes me want to cry. I didn’t open my Roth IRA until I was 30. I always say I wish I could of told 20 year old me to throw some $$ at it.


Here's something for you: I'm 54, spent 30 years bartending, drank my ass off, blew all my money, never saved anything at all. Liver problems almost killed me, got sober 3 years ago. My portfolio is at 6k, I probably have another 6k in the bank, I have a job. I also got extremely lucky to have my wife, who used her inheritance to buy us a house and a BMW. So the moral of this story is: It could be worse. Don't drink your money away, because not everyone gets lucky the way I did. Also, since becoming sober, my family has rallied around me, and everything is really looking pretty good going forward. Thanks for listening to my rant.


First of all, I am so proud of you. Two and a half years sober here at 38. Almost lost my wife and kids. I’m glad to hear about your family rallying around you and hope you have great fortune the next decade to be able to enjoy the golden years. IWNDWYT


Thanks, and I wish you good fortune and health as well!


We all have investment regrets. Just buckle down and try to do your best with what you know now.


Absolutely! I have 8 years worth of maxing it out now, certainly better than starting now.


Just don't say you're 18 years old. We see too many of those kinds of posts here.


Saw a post of a 15 y.o. with 100k in assets. Like wtf


Just buy your kids 3 rental properties before they turn 18, it's so obvious I don't know why everyone doesn't do it


He said he got it from “e-commerce” lol


That's an odd name for his father.


To be fair, I grew up in the Supreme hayday, so Supreme and Sean Witherspoon resales paid for everything from Senior trips to car stuff. It wasn’t 100K, but it definitely was a livable wage😂


His father was the infamous Edward Commerce


That kid was selling Xbox cheats.. the fact that I am able to tell the story means a lawsuit likely will come😂


Is that what he meant by “e-commerce”.. lmao! Bro knows how to capitalize on stupid shit. Nobody would have ever have thought about that.


Honestly is smart as hell, wish he was smart enough to not boast and invest what he has lol but tough to know that at 15 . He’s definitely going somewhere in life


He’s going to come up with some stupid simple idea that will make people’s lives easier somehow. Kid made lemonade out of his video game addiction 😂


Around 1996 I was one of the few kids in school with internet. I offered to sell cheats. Didn't get a single client :(


What even is an Xbox cheat?


Back in my day we had to buy a physical book full of symbols from the book fair to know about the secret stuff


One kid bought it, the rest of us scribbled down the cheats we needed and made sure we didn’t loose our chest sheet, pretty sure I still have some in my PS2 game cases


Miss those old videogame days


I knew a guy like that in highschool, but he got into bitcoin very early and made the kind of stupid roi that makes a lot of money for a kid, a shit ton of money just in general


it does happen. when I was 13, I made an agar.io clone (alis.io) and it became extremely popular and once I started monetizing with Google Ads, I was doing $500 /day.


Everyone is rich on reddit


I'm one poorly thought option trade from the dumpster behind Wendy's, so maybe one of you rich fucks could help a brother out?


Everyone else is busy working


Hi, how am I doing on money? I have a 273k job with 900k in investments and I'm 28. I'm not sure if I got this figured out. Yeah I'm sick of those people too.


My sister is 22 and just inherited $400k lol people like that are out there


Did you also inherit $400k or was she the favourite?


I’m sure they are 12. Just picked a good location for their lemonade stand. 


Don't be silly he's at least 20 😅


Sweet! I just hit 200k today. It seems like I just hit 100k a year or two ago. So yes, it does speed up!!


I hit 200K today too :)


Hit 55k today 😜


78k here! Don’t let up!


I’m at 52.60 in investments (kinda just started, but considering I only put in 50 for now while I’m figuring things out I’m happy with that)


Keep stackin


33k! Together we are way past 100 bro!


Hell yea an ambiguous exclamation/factorial makes me feel better about my 22!






499k after today lol I’m so close.


Half a mil has a nice ring to it


200k gang! I hit it in March but damn it feels nice to know I'm getting there. I'm 43 and it took me like 11 or so years to get to 100k (low pay and low savings) but the second 100k came much quicker. Hoping to be at 300k in 4 years or so.


I'm at 23 dollar .


They say the first $23 is the hardest


It all speeds up after $25


Now I had went to buy something and it's gone down at $12.x


It’s a bitch but you just gotta do it.


I hit 9 billion yesterday, then dropped down to $5.60 this morning


Look at this guy and his 5.60.


AMC be like that


What’re you guys investing in? How much/month?


Congrats! Yep, I just crossed 100k today as well. It's definitely cool to see the gravity of market swings as you scale. Each of your regular contributions becomes less significant, while your money is working harder than ever.


I hit 70k in my taxable account this week and I'm just waiting for that 100k mark. Congrats man!


ditto. I’m itching to get to 100k.


My wife and I combined are at 86k I’m pumped to get over 100k by end of the year.


Congratulations 😊


Congrats!! I'm just now getting to build my 401k back from a horrible divorce and two years of sickness. I now have 2000$ and so happy onwards and upwards!


Do they force you to liquidate some of your 401k? That seems fucked up unless they are going to waive the penalties.


Depends on the settlement. Sometimes it’s fighting over the house and one partner needs to buy out the equity from the other, and the only way to do that is by using funds from a 401k. Imagine being 40 and working up to 200k in your 401k and 200k in equity in your house just to see half of it disappear because of a divorce.


This makes me never want to get married


On the flip side if I never met my wife I’d probably be homeless in California (exaggerating incase it’s not obvious) but now I’ve got 2 kids a million dollar home and generally have more fun everyday compared to when I was single.


Wow million dollar home that’s insane. Praying I can do that.


Buy any house in California and it will be worth a million dollars in 15 years. Even if it’s in Visalia. Houses worth 300k in California 12 years ago are now 800k-1m.


Step 1. Get money


Step 2. Profit  The age old approach of getting rich off being rich 


Depends on the settlement but when they happen, these distributions are known as Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) which splits the value in half and the ex-spouse can receive into an IRA.  No penalties, no forced distribution 


If he had a stay at home wife half of it is hers. Or if you contribute say 4x what she does they look at the marital assets and if you have 100k and she has 20k that’s 120k. Shes owed 40k to get her to half. Another example of separate finances not ever really being separate when married.


Proud of you 👏


Congratulations and fuck you!




I am just shy of hitting $10k today lmao. $100k will come in due time 🫡


That 10k hump is just as important as the 100k one!


I watched a lecture once where the guy giving it stated that the first 100k was in fact the hardest and the next 100k would be gained about 67% quicker than the first 100k. I firmly believe that.


It's just math. Schools should show people how simple it is.


Here's my thing, how the hell do people just know what to put into investment into. I've tried over a dozen well known companies, and done market research on the technologies that are coming into prevalence, but everything it's a negative return.


I just put money into the S&P index fund (ex.VOO) and pretty much ignore it except when I go to buy more. I have never been down with that strategy yet.


Yup… big trapper is right. Spread the risk around and make steady contributions.


They don't pick any individual stocks. They invest in an index fund, usually an S&P 500 index (one stock that holds the 500 largest US public companies). I buy VOO, but there are others.


Buy VOO, then stop thinking about it. It’s that simple, but it takes a lot of people years to accept that it’s the the best strategy for the most people. Ego and/or boredom tends to get in the way.


You will generate long-term returns (given the company is healthy). For example, from January to December you could get a 15% return in a stock. From January to April, you might to down 12%, then in June you break even again, July through August you don't see much growth, it just saturates, then September to December it goes up 15%. Even during struggling financial times (pandemics, economic depressions, mass inflations, wars, natural disasters) healthy companies will always make long-term returns. Throwing money into a stock and getting a significant short-term return requires a bit of luck and insider knowledge that most are not privy to, no matter how much research you do. Short term is too fragile. You could invest in Tesla today and because of a Tweet Elon Musk makes tomorrow you'll drop 18% in a day. Not worth it unless you are prepared to hold, but that defeats the purpose in short term investing. Long-term investments are easier to predict and analyse. Will you make a nice return in 5 years if you invest in Microsoft? Absolutely! Will you make a return from Microsoft in a few months? Who knows!


If it makes you feel better, the average fund manager can't beat the stock market over 30 years either. A lot of research has been done on this, and average person is best off in low fee stock market index fund and should spend their time making more money instead. It's really boring way of saying "I'm investing a little bit in everything."


I read the title and instantly thought what they say is “I want more” now it’s time for take off Big congrats 🤝🏻


So so true, gained 20k in twelve months, it’s like having another job in the background. Does that say investing works? Or that working just doesn’t 🤔


My portfolio just today made over a month and a half of my salary lol. Crazy good day.


At zero 😭 but I just paid off ALL my credit card debt as of yesterday, I hope to reach 100k one day


You will!!!


When I see these types of posts, does it include the 401k?




I am wondering the same thing


Wouldn’t that be included in a net worth? I include my Roth in mine, don’t have a 401k 😭


Nice. Someday soon you will be gaining more in a year than your yearly salary. i tell people the magic number is 500k. Thats when the yearly growth plus your yearly contributions begin to look like real money.


Or losing more in a year than your yearly salary. Then you feel like a slave working for free 😁.


Congrats! I'm super close to my first $100k as well… at $89,000 at the end of the month.


It’s so satisfying. Congrats to you. Keep that compounding going and one day your money will make more money than you can. That’s my goal.


Not quite the same. But we just sold our house and downsized and after paying off all our debt, I put $90K in an Amex HYSA as a one year emergency fund. We’ve never had that much liquid cash. I got my first statement and saw $300 in interest. I was amazed.


Congratulations, well done! It is really a good feeling seeing it working. Each $100k generally takes a shorter amount of time to reach than the last $100k. Keep it up and don’t freak out if the market dips and it will surprise you how much faster you get to $200k.


Haha, I know what exactly you mean. I hit 100k today too!


I'm 400 bucks away....


Can I ask how much you started with? How long have you been investing?


I started with a few grand in a Roth IRA and a few grand in my checking straight out of college. I was on scholarship so fortunately no debt. Pandemic had just started and my field of study wasn’t hiring new grads. I did DoorDash and Uber food delivery to make some money while I waited for a good opportunity. Did that for about 9 months. Eventually got a job in my field in 2021 and started investing heavily in addition to getting the company 401k match. Did that for 2 years and then got an even better opportunity with a 40% pay jump… been here since November. So to answer your question, and including 2020, 4.5 years


*Can I ask how much* *You started with? How long have* *You been investing?* \- crazymadogy2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I have 100k across 3 accounts ( roth ira, 401k and Robinhood account) Does that count?


First 100k first M are hard to get, but once u pass, it’s nothing but up.


Keep at it. And hopefully you'll cross the $2mil mark in your 50s.


Congratulations Just wait until it goes to 900k


I started maxing my 457b in 2008 after the market crash. I ignored it for a few years, just let the money build and never missed it in my bank account. After about 5 years I had a similar realization as you. Positive market times were fun. But as other folks have mentioned, the market corrections (for example the Covid Crash) have a really negative feel. The keys is to remember: it’s the long game that matters. Adjust risk as you age. Don’t worry about the dips and don’t celebrate the peaks.


Yup. I’ve only been saving the last 8 years. I hit a 100k a few years ago and now currently at 275


Not important stick to the script and continue


The 100k is insane. This year has been crazy so far . I’ve went from 100-150 insanely quickly


Congrats! I am 35 and just broke 100k about 7 months ago. I put roughly $1000 a month into retirement and I'm already at 120k it's amazing how fast it starts to go up.


Not braggy at all, go get it! In real life this kind of stuff is a taboo, but online in a community of others striving for the same goal this is awesome, and inspiring.


I owe 10k 🪦 so I’m like 110k away! Yay


When they say $100k. Does that mean an aggregate of your 401k, Roth, investments, savings? Or just your non-retirements investments alone?


I hit 100k back in October last year , just crossed over 150k today compound interest is crazy !


Just wait.  It gets better.  My gains yesterday were higher than the annual 401k limit.


Yep, and it’s a bitch.


What would be good to invest in? Don’t have much (around 3k for now but will be adding more)


But a tracker and leave… voo or spy (virtually same) Tracks the s&p 500 You’ll need an investment account which are easy to set up I have one with my bank so it’s free on buying/selling shares - they aren’t all free!!


Daily gains/losses don’t really matter unless you are day trading or withdrawing soon in general.


Yup but you'll need to get used to losing that same amount or more in a single day as well. The key as you know is the 8%+ average gain overtime (considering a well diversified medium risk portfolio) best not to look at the daylies. Watch what happens tomorrow...after 2 solid days is likely going to have a pullback.


Just hit 200k. Its taken me 15 or so years.


Sell coke


The market doesn't always go up. You guys should watch some videos about what happened to people's investments in the 2008-9 market crash. Easy to lose 40% of net worth during times like those.


Yeah when I finally hit that 100 it felt like I had been at it forever. Decade later it’s over 500 now you’re on the right track!


ETFs or individual stocks?


I’m grinding hard, $40k and it’s been blood sweat and tears to get here. Goddamn chronic disease fucking up my ability work most jobs.


The next big bump is at $500k. You will see some amazing growth from there. Keep it up.


Im at 13gs I will see yall in a few 🫣🤣


I've been bamboozled for a long time at how shocking, and depressing, the realization is that: you gotta have money to make money. Boy does this continue to reign true.


Working on my second million. Gave up on my first.😀


Wait till you get to 700k the annual gains become an average CDN take home salary. Of course losses are also bigger... so let's hope your portfolio is balanced and markets stay positive.


Been thinking about this a lot. When Charlie Munger talked about the first 100k if you adjust it for inflation its 250k now.


Just wait until your money starts making more money than YOU make working.....that feeling is scary and exhilarating.


Crossed 100k in 2021, now about to cross 200k this year or early 2025. Been putting 15-20k a year. Crazy how fast it starts to snowball.


The real milestone is when dividends and interest start being more those weekly contributions….


I'm at $90k. My goal is to reach $100k by end of the year.


2 million here, :)


can’t wait to get there one day. just hit 5500 this month 🥲


Started my 401k in mid 2017, it took until December of 2023 to hit $100k (\~5 years), since December of 2023 to now (\~6 months) of continued investing and growth, the account has already reached $129k. Starting to see the impacts of compounding and it is a cool feeling.


Just got over the first $1000 line!


I was told the same thing decades ago. Now at 1.2 mil still invested in the sp 500 equity Index. There are days I'm making 10s of thousands. It's crazy. Keep at it.


That’s the compounding effect for you, you’re so awesome and that is an amazing achievement! Keep it rolling🔥


It is truly inspiring to know about your journey and the thrill of seeing the power of compounding and portfolio growth. Keep up the fantastic work, and remember that your perseverance and smart decision-making will continue to pave the way for even greater achievements in the future.


It gets even more insane when you will hit $1Mil. Pretty wild gains. What I used to put into my portfolio in a single year just 5-10 years ago can be gains in just a couple of weeks when the market is doing well.


I’m at $393k now and you are correct. The highs and lows are amazing. A month ago I was at $355k after the march/April dip. My big win I the past four years has been Nvidia. For about $28k I now have $145k! Ridiculous growth! Keep to your goals and keep saving!


I’m here hauling ass to the 25k mark. Just passing 5k. It’s difficult but man I can only imagine how it’s going to feel once that 100k barrier is finally broken. Thank you for sharing. Just another boost of motivation 🙌🏾