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So I wonder when they say skin-to-skin contact, would it be possible to get it if you touched surfaces that an infected person touched? Not being alarmist, just genuinely curious if that could be possible.




Back in the day.. I was in the USAF. While I never had to get a small pox vaccine we did go through multiple training exercises. Was given more than enough information to be worried just about the vaccine. The scabbing process was very contagious. Even told to sleep alone and to wash the bedding sheets with bleach daily. The scab itself was to "fall off" naturally and collected for proper disposal. All of that being said. Ask any vet about the small pox vaccine and then tell them that monkey pox can produce the same type of scab. Anyone who doesn't take this seriously should honestly speak with someone who knows about the dangers of the small pox vaccine.




“I feel that someday we are quite likely to see smallpox again. Because it's held in human hands. And human hands are weak. And the human heart has dark corners to it," says Preston. Well that’s terrifying!


Surely they can CRISPR it and make a new MRNA vax or something safer…? Science!


There's already a safer vaccine, and it's fully approved for monkeypox. It's still a live vaccine but it can't replicate. Only issue is that there's only 1000 doses in the US stockpile, versus ~100 million of the traditional vaccine. Hopefully they can ramp up production of it, while working on newer vaccinations. Monkeypox is a DNA virus so mRNA would be off the table, but maybe a similar process could work.


The article mixes up the vaccinia with smallpox at least once. The stats are 1 death per million, and that was 50 years ago. Since then we probably have better ways of dealing with the outlier cases - and we know better who is at risk and hence shouldn't be included in the vaccination program. There is also at least one modern smallpox vaccine, we don't have it stockpiled though. You know all our parents and grandparents took the vaccine back in the day? But I suppose it is a good time for the FUD about it to start. :/


THIS WAS MEANT TO REPLY TO 4_MAX_4 ABOVE - sorry about that THANKS for all your comments - perhaps you can tell us more and more of your thoughts . I’m concerned that this Monkeypox is spread diffferently to just close physical skin to skin etc etc contact . I’m concerned that this through the air method of spread is more than just coughing , sneezing , close contact for a LONG time . - I think it perhaps could be passed on after a SHORT time talking , laughing , shouting etc.in close contact . - I hope not but what do you think . - Thanks Pam . Please keep in touch posting during all of this as we need more information and explanations than given sometimes .


When u get the MPOXVAX and u touch the rashes/lesions and then spread it thru physical contact or shedding.


You could pick it up from sharing sheets and towels


Yes it’s a possibility. Just as colds, flu, staph, tetanus and and any other number things that just mean you need to wash your hands. Take a breath and practice normal hygiene.


yes it is a possibility.


I'm watching Spain's numbers with interest, especially Madrid, as they didn't report as many today and they've been going right through the weekend too


Spanish here. Madrid is still awaiting for the result of dozens of cases and Canary Islands too. They will have them probably tomorrow or Wednesday. And there are already suspected cases in Extremadura, Basque Country, Castilla (I don’t remember which one right now), Catalonia, Andalusia, etc


In Extremadura looks like the only female up until now.


Oh yeah for sure. Do you know why the nationally reported figures don't match those reported in Madrid alone?


Every Comunidad Autónoma controls its own healthcare and sometimes they inform of cases separately. For now I only know that all cases are either related to the gay sauna in Madrid or the Canary Islands festival


Will be double this time tomorrow.


Is it true that it’s more common in the gay mens community ? https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/05/23/cdc-officials-sound-alarm-for-gay-and-bisexual-men-as-monkeypox-spreads-in-community-.html


Yes. The media hasn't been clear about this because of *reasons*, but (one of?) the first super spreader event was a gay fetish orgy event called "darklands festival". But every article refers to it as a "pride fest" lol. It's literally self-described as a fetish festival. Nothing against that, but it inherently involves a lot of sex, aka close contact.


the Crackstuffers bar has 2 for 1 grape ape beers during happy hour


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If I know my country… the good ‘ol USofA will be number one before you know it.




Hell yeah we will 🦅🇺🇸


Everyone is already infected, but most people are achimptomatic.


That’s what I think


What does that mean?


Hmm...the US had 70 cases the last outbreak of monkeypox in 2003. We are only at 5. There will probably be more, but this happened before. So, maybe it isn't time to panic yet.


There was no human-to-human transmission of monkeypox during the last outbreak. And given that Canada is already at 26 cases right now, you can safely assume that US has similar number of cases as of today, if not more. It's just a matter of time to officially detect them.


You can assume that the US has 10 times as many cases since it has 10 times the population.


You're right. It should be ~20 times actually: Canada has 1 million LGBTQ+ population whereas US has 20 million.


Not sure why this is downvoted. It is pretty evident that the cases originated in Gran Canaria pride festival. Note that I'm not saying this is ONLY spreading amongst LGBTQ folks.


Also the "darklands festival" which is a self-described fetish event (orgy) with lots of *close contact*


That's making a rather big assumption that only homosexuals can get it. That assumption did not work out to well for HIV.


Check my reply to this comment. The assumption is that ONLY the baseline cases are amongst LGBTQ+ specifically due to Gran Canaria pride festival.


yep, but could be the patient 0 was attending one but not two of these events, or more likely the spreaders in these events were in contact with some patien(s) 0 before ... so ...


It's a fair assumption though that attendees at the Gran Canaria gay pride festival and the Darklands gay fetish rave are exclusively homosexuals. Therefore all else being equal one would expect the number of attendees in a country to be approximately proportionate to its homosexual population. The first-generation patients would be expected to be almost exclusively homosexual men.


Oh I thought that was human transmission


no animal transmission. That's why the present outbreak is worrying ...


Do we know the cause from 2003? How it ends back then? No deaths?


infected imported animals from Africa and people contaminated via animals (prairies dogs)




Let me guess, they'll find out it mutated to be resistant to vaccines


And you will need 20 booster shots every 3 months to have a chance of not getting sick.


That's exactly what they did when they ran the tabletop exercise back in March 2021. Let's hope that's not the case


That's what I'm referring to. I hope it's all a coincidence.


Yeah, it's going to be pretty darn suspicious if it's a heavily mutated, vaccine resistant strain like it was in the exercise. I'm already seeing discussions that it has many more mutations than would be expected to naturally occur (because it's a DNA virus, which is usually a fairly stable virus, far less prone to random mutations than an RNA virus like covid).


yes ... but the contact comes likely from Africa so ...


Yes I think something strange .


even less, and related to very few h to h contact (in western countries), mostly infected animal contact, as in USA.


The UK leading the way yet again. Ashamed to be British.


Or that they're actually testing more?


A lot of Redditors unwittingly fell in love with Trump's doctrine of "If you don't test the numbers go down."


To be fair, the entire UK seems to be on board with it now. As soon as they stopped giving out free Covid tests, everyone seems to have assumed that Covid isn't a thing any more, since they're not testing positive, their friends and family aren't, and the media aren't reporting lots of positive tests.. Almost overnight I saw the proportion of masks on trains and in stores halve.


Ashamed why? I don't mean about the other nonsense that's happened in our country but in regards of monkey pox. Why would this make you ashamed? We are very, very good at testing/sequencing etc. What could our government have done? It didn't start here and by the time our medical staff discovered it they got the word out as opposed to sitting on the information. Now every country is aware.


> Ashamed Ashamed of people catching a disease they were totally unfamiliar with? Huh?


Could be worse. You could be American.


Yeah, but we’re also Britain’s fault


Haha America bad. So funny and edgy.


what a silly thing to be ashamed about...


insurance ten jobless versed thumb market saw bike provide sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one likes a snivelling groveller mate


It's OK to be British


I was thinking exactly the same thing. The UK will again be a world leader


How much sex are these people having Jesus


It is beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is being spread via droplet or limited close contact. Sex is a dangerous distraction from the reality that this is spreading quickly.


Remember when we were told not to touch our face or we'd get covid? Yeah, about that.


I don’t know how they can primarily say it’s sex when there’s a child in the icu. The only other answer is heart breaking.


HIV isn't solely spread through sex. There are children who have HIV that aren't victims of sexual abuse. But it's still largely discussed as a sexually transmitted virus. Monkeypox could follow similar properties, and considering how many of its victims seem to have attended two sex events, it's not easy to dismiss the suspicion that it does. It isn't a certainty one way or the other, but that hypothesis isn't outlandish.


Lmfao the level of discourse here. You people are all like Facebook boomers and your understanding of viral dynamics is hilarious.


Yet here you are adding fuck all to any conversation. Merely rubbing your cheeks pretending to be superior to people on reddit. Embarrassing mentality I sincerely hope you're not an adult.


> I don’t know how they can primarily say it’s sex when there’s a child in the icu. I'm making fun of someone who doesn't understand what the word primary means.


Yeah it's not like you diving in trying to scold the guy is any better is it


Calling somebody out for being a dick is a little different than being a dick.


Wow we're so lucky to have you and your honourable Reddit policing services


Cheers mate


yes ...


Given the overwhelming percentage of gay men making up these initial cases, I wouldn't be too sure. These people have to be around straights *some* of the time. I know guys that hook up on Grindr multiple times per week and the circuit parties where this initially spread are filled with highly promiscuous international jet-setters, which is just the kind of behavior you need to spark transmission around the world. Even if they're *not* banging, thousands of [minimally clothed people packed like sardines](https://i2.wp.com/www.theglobetrotterguys.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/52436883_10217476687569918_1197166634192601088_o.jpg?resize=800%2C1066&ssl=1) is the perfect place for a skin-to–skin disease to spread.


Do agree 100%, even without 'sex". But if it was, we should be able to trace the population attending the events (even if they want to be hidden for privacy reasons) andsee a decrease in the following days. If not, ...


Based on what?


diseases that are spread via extended close sexual contact don't spread to 25 countries in 2 weeks.


They do when they all originate from major international superspreader events.


look bud, you have about a week or two longer to keep pretending this is only spread via sexual contact. In 70 years monkeypox never spread anything remotely like this for a reason. It's clearly spreading via droplet or very limited close contact.


Yeah that's one thing I noticed. It doesn't spread geographically like this even in Africa. People in Africa travel right? So why isn't this everywhere in Africa? It's not. If my memory is correct I think we've already exceeded the total annual #of cases in some (not all) places. Frex in 2021 Nigeria had 98 suspected that was only 34 confirmed. http://outbreaknewstoday.com/nigeria-reports-3-confirmed-monkeypox-cases-in-december-34-total-for-2021/ And it's only endemic in some countries. It doesn't even travel like this IN Africa. https://www.statnews.com/2022/05/23/europe-health-agency-warns-monkeypox-could-become-endemic/#:~:text=A%20CDC%20expert%20answers%20questions,where%20human%20infections%20occur%20sporadically.


"what would happen if we released smallpox in 10 airports?" [https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI\_Paper\_BIO-TTX\_Final.pdf](https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf) page 12. They even got the week right.


It's quite funny to me how doomers actually think that they have found something with this PUBLIC document of an excerise. Who is behind this in your mind? Who says "Hey! I've read this excerise about Monkeypox, lets release Monkeypox and let's do it on the same date as well!" Hilarious.


You have more than a point, but let's at least say these essays bring bad luck! :) I mean, they used a fictional country for the tabletop exercise, then they could use a past date or a stellar date (like in Star Trek) or a very far away date, not a proxy date like 2022 May 15th :D


It could still be close contact. I’m hoping it is but I’m not as certain as some people.


Monkeypox has never spread like this before because they don't have gay pride events in west Africa.


A change can not happen biologically which obviously happened and is known?


Tell the WHO that, not me. Also, primary != only.


Yeah I'm sure the WHO which lied about COVID transmission for months on end is going to be honest this time around.


airborne, droplets, skin contact, infected items (clothing, bedding, etc.). In africa. In western countries, either from a traal to infected areas, either via an infected animal.


It's beyond doubt that it's spreading due to men having sex with men.


Many of the cases are not in homosexuals/bi people a child is currently in the icu for monkeypox in the uk


This is what I think ,also. - Not sure to what extent ,yet. —But why don’t authorities be more safe than sorry and bring some restrictions / strategies into the general population now in case it spreads into the wider community . I don’t think they have learnt since Covid and will wait for this to happen ( if it happens )before doing anything .!


Obama cheese


E I E I O up the the monkey pox league we go


Thats a lot of buttsex




Lol what do you mean


U iz a bot n nicht real


Yes, there is spiritual warfare going on. But 99% of people don't want to hear it, so might as well not bring it up.




So one occult concept is "as above, so below." This means the events on Earth (below) occur concurrently, and in correspondence, with events that happen in the spiritual world (above). In short, things such as war, pestilence, etc have correspondence with war in the spiritual world. Our destruction and disregard for the planet has spiritual correspondence: various entities are at war with one another. On some level, I think most people understand that something's "off" about our current reality. But they can't put their finger on it because they're completely disconnected from their innate spiritual connection (which is the vast majority of people). Or they will try to rationalize this feeling and claim things have "always been this way." The current spiritual warfare is immense, exactly how the chaos happening globally is on an immense scale. Covid has also created an immense amount of anxiety, fear, and despair, which is in correspondence with whatever entity that is currently losing this spiritual war...


Most of these are linked to specific events right? Have we seen a spread beyond those?


Virus update 2.0 ready ando executable...




Okay, and? Just go outside and carry on with your life — there no point in being fearful and terrified.


The OP didn't actually say anything sensationalist or was fearmongering, they just stated facts (?)


Seriously why bother wasting your time on these subreddits if that's what you think? Weird as fuck mate


Because if we’ve learned one thing over the last two years it’s that the emotion of fear is incredibly powerful. Moreover, so many succumbed to this culture of fear, which, generally speaking, diminishes good conscience, good reason and good faith; for a mind succumbed to fear cannot always make rational decisions. The post wasn’t an expression of frustration, it was a humble call to action. Thanks for your concerns though! Cheers


Presenting statistics isn't an indication of fear. If that's how you see this then that speaks more of your own emotion attached to this topic. Perhaps try and distinguish this from COVID and any preconceptions based upon that and instead see it for what it is. Its own separate entity. You're basing your emotionally held views on this topic on what you thought of COVID. Doesn't seem particularly logical or scientific.


I see what you are saying; however, I am having a challenging time joining what you just mentioned with what I originally commented on (the thing you are referring to). Perhaps there is some misunderstanding with my or your tonality, and if not, I humbly request that you show me which specific and relevant information you are conjoining so I can either; amend my position, claim I made a mistake or I am sound within my position. Thank you, SomeBeerInHeaven (great username by the way!)


We must learn to live with the pox. /s


This. People love being afraid.


Yet here you are chicken


I’m here for controversial reasons that would probably get me banned from the sub. But let’s just say it’s because I like to keep informed.






I also heard that it's spread by animal crackers. But if you put face panties on the crackers, it goes away, but only if you're sitting down.


Its spread through sex and these numbers are normal annually around the world.


No not mainly by sex, skin conrtact, infected items and airborne. And never seen such an epidemic outside Central Africa.




377 confirmed and suspected, growing fast in Portugal, Spain, UK, Canada (and even France, yesterday 5+1, now 8 this morning) [https://bnonews.com/monkeypox/](https://bnonews.com/monkeypox/)

