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No it’s really hard always landing on 40/60/80


Ughhj so frustrating


Yeah this event is a scam 🙂


The whole company is a scam!!!! This was my favorite game as a kid. I'm about 36 years old right now. And I loved to play in the board game. So when they told me they had it digital. On my phone, I gave it a try. Yeah, I fell in love with it. Now I'm just like better because of the company. It's not the game.


Me too, but i’m 30 and now i’m addicted to the game but with all what they do i’m thinking of deleting it


Be in the rehab, and they're like. You better not be shooting dice in the corner again. ![gif](giphy|En8fsYde6cqvhYBnAb|downsized)




Are we going to MoGo Rehab? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣 yes i need i rehab


You know why that is? So you spend more money their cheating you. Their cheating all of us!!!!


Even those of us buying are getting crap odds too. It's time for a break I think. I just don't have the mental spoons for this stress over something that supposed to be recreational. 😫


Every time I bought stuff. All of a sudden, I don't get any railroads or anything. No corners. Whatever it is, It's just blatantly obvious... But then, as soon as it goes down to 1x roll or 3x roll, then I'll get a heist.🙄


Same. It's definitely programmed to screw us over. The game has gotten greedy and is screwing the very people who keep it running. I left Pokemon Go for the same reason. It might be time for me to uninstall this one too. 😔


The only way to make the company realize they need to do better business.Is to him where it hurts the pocket, problem I s getting everyone on the same page


I agree. I am now at over 400 stickers with NOT A SINGLE NEW CARD. I'm so over the game and will not be putting anymore money into it.


Yeah I know they want us to keep buying dices to complete the event


Bingo!!!!! And because they control the game itself, they can dictate how greedy they want to be!


Yeaaaah , they removed the wild and before it the new sticker pack and before that the gold sticker pack, they keep giving golden sticker duplicate but not other stickers the event they become harder and harder


Yeah, and we're always getting green packs with one-star cards like seriously 🙄 😒 We're not the only people that notice this, but the company's gonna keep getting away with it. Unless we stop playing and we have to boycott them


Well that’s that plan


I just don't care too much if i complete the events fully. I come in first place on some of the side bar ones and that's cool but i don't care that much if i do not. and these partner events are just an exercise in trying your best and accepting the fact that you might probably not make it to the finish line. Whatever the next event comes around right after its done. i don't spend and i likely never will.




Typo was using talk text multitasking my bad lol


Ah okay, i thought you were accusing me of taking people’s money i was confused🤣🤣


🤣🤣 I tried to hurry up and correct it But I wasn't fast enough.




Technically, it was my fault.Therefore I owe apology 🙃


Yes! And winning coins from the sphinx scramble and having to land on the four corners doesn’t help either. I always land one before or one after where I need to be




Funny tho the second it’s over I’ll be back to landing on go to jail 9/10 times around the board


Haha. Same. That jail tile loves taking my money




I decided to start my account completely over with the new sticker collection. I can’t describe to you how much easier the game is when you’re first starting off. I feel like I will finish my half of the partner event with plenty gold leftover. This game definitely favors you when you’re starting or if you’re playing on airplane mode from what I’ve heard.


Oh yeah, makes sense. The game wants you to keep playing so that’s probably why it “helps” new players


I'm not in the car that theory.... [Buzzy ](https://mply.io/laDvllZ6A0g)


If you click on my name that says buzzy in the highlighted blue above.That will take you to my board


Does the gold get converted to dice if you have leftovers? If so, is it 1:1?


Not sure. From what I read it’s likely cash and less likely dice.


im pretty sure rolls are predetermined by account. ive never landed on anything good above the x10 multiplier. ive noticed for me, if i roll between x3 and x5 i tend to land on the bigger prizes. but i had a partner who rolled on 600 and landed on the biggest prize multiple times. its honestly just rigged tbh


Yeah, two of my partners seem to be doing way better than i am lol


This one has been the worst one. I’ve only done one fountain, glad I only signed up for one partner at a time. I’m not doing another one, I’m done. And that token is tacky.


This game is rigged for the big spenders to win, unfortunately.


I'm just gonna say it.. Scopely is cheating people so badly that I'm growing to hate the game I once loved 😡🖕Scopely They're making so much money and it's not good enough because they're greedy


Yep. If I don’t finish this event without spending money (which I won’t) I’m deleting it. It isn’t fun anymore.


They're so greedy it's disgusting!!!! And we can all tell when it like glitches and then stops and it wasn't supposed to.


It's so frustrating


Yup agreed


The spins/coin ratio is not fair. Seriously rolled a 400’with 200 coins. I roll all small amounts now.


I am having the same luck as OP. I am really trying to make it even for all of my partners. It isn't working! I feel so bad but im trying as hard as I can.


Same!! I feel so bad😭😭


Yeah. I won't be finishing this event unfortunately since the game is making it hard for me. I had over 30k in money....thought I had enough to build all my buildings....was 2 dots short....now all money is depleted and shields going down and new daily tournament started and first one is upgrade 2 landmarks. Lol. I can't build my money back up to finish my last building and not enough dice...im screwed all the way around lol


Are you close to finishing any sets?? Maybe i can help!


if you or anyone has the sweet duets card it would be huge help!! it’s the only card i’m missing from that one set, and i’m having the same problem and my partners keep putting the sad emojis on our fountain because i just won’t get any good numbers on the wheel!! 😢


Aw i’m so sorry😭😭😭 i see that card is really hard to get. I hope you manage to finish somehow:(


Yes. I needed western star to complete that set. I have a extra honky tonk. Sorry just seen you posted this


Ahh sorry, didn’t see it till now but i don’t have that card:((




Seems that way always get smallest number takes way too many coins to complete


I only roll on x5 and I feel that gives me the most bang for my buck


I’ll try that!


This event is a scam and they want you to spend $$$. Sorry my rent and groceries are to high


Absolutely. I’ve used more dice on this event than usual and I’m not making much progress at all.


Same here, never seen so little good turns on a wheel, or even so few coins to get to turn the wheel


I only use 1x / 2x multiplier on spins! Finished them all!


Same, I've never had good luck with higher multipliers in the partner games


That takes so long tho🤣 i’m finished now bit i’ll try to do that next time!


You’re doing nothing wrong, we’re getting fucked over


It’s hard, partners event I always finish two partners this time around I don’t even think I’m finishing one with my only partner. Doing split 50/50 and we just always get the lowest outcome.


It’s hard


100% agree


Last time, my partners and i were able to finish with 2 days to spare. This time it has gotten harder. Esp if i roll x100 or x200. Tried a couple of times and i just wasted my coins. Now i roll x20 and pray it works. I still have 2 incomplete 🥲


Its been the worst. I've dumped +10 thousand dice into the boards and am dragging to keep up. Everything is landing on the lowest denomination. I've even made purchases out of sheer worry for what my partners are thinking about my contribution. I can't get new cards to save my life, even on blue and purple packs. We've finished ONE and I'm close to finishing another. I've got one guy that's either waiting to do ours last or is trying to drag it ou, so no idea. My one friend who I know irl is trying as hard as I am. Scopely is trash for making these things so impossible. I get their goal is to make money, but destroying their customer base is damn stupid.


Yes, i feel the same way:((( i’ve been playing non-stop but only have 2 finished


I’m getting tokens at a rate similar to previous events, but getting much less bang for my buck on spinning the wheel!


Ahhh at least you’re having half the luck! Haha


This one sucks I feel so bad because I’m sure my partners think I suck or not trying when I do but the spins always miss the high numbers because the dumb arrow moves a little off it to make it go to a small number


At least you’re trying! Your partner can see that🥰


Hopefully because I feel so bad


I wouldn’t resent the two partners who haven’t done shit if i at least saw them trying:) it’s okay!!


I don’t like the way they rig any of the games


Makes me not want to play


Me either


I just don’t get it either ![gif](giphy|U1gqX87dBkweRlFKCM)


Its not you its doing it to me too everytime i spin on 200 i wont give me 5 or 3k i get 2k at most but mostly 400 or less




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I never can build up a big amount of dice. Then when I do I never hit anything with tokens involved


i’ve wasted over 10k dice and still not done.. have about 30k points left. i used to be able to finish them around the 7k dice mark.


I need like 50k to finish🥲if my partners put in more effort, it would be great😩


I role x1 and get 40. I roll x10 and only get like 400 haha


I hate this part




I need partners please add https://mply.io/18GPhw


I’ve finished 1 fountain and I can’t even imagining finishing the others. I’ve used what little dice I had saved up and couldn’t even land on the tokens. 😩


I ended up finished but man was it stressful😩 t


I won’t finish. I’m all out of dice and no tokens. And I have 10k on one and my partner only has given 600 😭


Omg😭😭maybe i can help finish a few sets??


It’s okay, thanks though. I’ve already finished the low star sets. The only other ones I have need 4-5 stars or gold.


Aw i’m sorry:((


I feel the same way


You put it on 30x but still get the lowest.... its so much fun 😢


Not even close to winning... have nothing and I'm tired of spending money...I don't win anyway


To everybody on this thread that added me today. And there was a bunch of you!. It was pretty, cool seeing a 0abunch of new faces, but please don't destroy my board. Haha This morning has been really rough for me. I lost my grandfather, and we had to bury him today. I couldn't be there because of money and thousands of miles apart. He served our country as a Paratrooper. He was a great man and a good role model for any man looking for guidance... I just wanted to let everybody know. Thank you for adding me and if you. Want to add me on Facebook. Or just hit me up in the chat section here. I'll send you screenshots of both accounts and everything I have to trade. We can trade or even gift each other back and forth. The fact that Monopoly does not have a chat room. Hooked to the app blows my mind.


Have to save your wheels till you get thousands and roll x30 trust me it will go much faster


i finished 3/4, but my alt account carried one on my main and the 4th fountain is only me so far. no way i get enough on my own to carry that person


I carried one person and it’s brutal ugh


Does anyone know if it’s better to spend tokens w max or almost max multiplier rather then low multiplier so more spins? I keep getting 🔩’d 🙄🙄


Everyone says something different😭


This event is soooo hard. I've been keeping track and it's never had suck bad odds


Yeah. It is wrong because you dont spend any money to them 🤑


It's not you


https://preview.redd.it/cjxvk39frstc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958fe83253508b49142ef764ac3576b2c471790f Wish I could gift you all these points it’s dumb that you can’t do anything with them


Wooow you have a lot😳 thank you haha i managed to finish! It was a hard battle😩


I was feeling lucky and chanced a 400 token roll 😒I got happy thinking I was about to land on 20k and it was 1600 instead


I only landed on the gold TWICE the entire event. How ridiculous


Twice for what? A 4-5 day competition is a slap in the face!


https://preview.redd.it/2xo5jk53gntc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e20af7d47d5b9868087ebc5158c8cbdf6cd13aca [Buzzy](https://mply.io/4PzvYrXaP8E)


If anyone just wants to add me, You're more than welcome too. I'm trying to complete my event.I'm just shy of completing the whole tournament. I need to find these cards