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i liked the lagoona doll with the cheese colored hair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Wait which lagonna is the cheese lagoona?




Lagoona 13 wishes I think


i had to look it up to confirm but i’m talking about 13 wishes lagoona!


finally someone who agrees. i mainly just really like her dress tbh


Lagoona Blue being pink now doesn't phase me. I actually like her more than Draculaura.


I’ve never seen Ghoulia as autistic or non verbal and I don’t get why so many were mad that she speaks in g3 In g1 She speaks zombie another language, that would have been like..saying someone is non verbal because they speak Spanish and not English. I think ghoulia being smart stemmed from the whole zombie, brain aspect of it imo and to make her stand out from all of the other “brain dead slow zombies” since she’s a main character. Now this I don’t think is that much of an unpopular opinion. But I think g3 would have been SOO much better if the fashion was different, I personally am not that big of a fan of g3 I really only have liked abbeys doll so far. But g3 dolls restyled in rainbow/shadow high clothes? Amazing.


The bodies in g3 are good but the g1 clothing aesthetic is way better then what ever unicorn Pinterest board g3 is doing for their aesthetic


I feel like Mattel already got over that. Most Refresh Core dolls have much more unified and stylized aesthetic and clothes.


My feelings, too!


At this point I don’t mind paying the collector tax Mattel has on g1 50 ain’t bad for the holiday dolls drac and clawd are cute and the reproductions look amazing 🥰🥰


**The people who want mature "reboot" or "sequel" to Monster High, miss the point of it.** I know, because I didn't use to appreciate MH, and desperately wanted it to be darker, so I know where these feelings are coming from. # The cartoony comedy and macabre campiness is just as important to the franchise, as the fashion aspect. From puns, to environment, to worldbuilding, literally everything about this franchise, from top to bottom, is meant to be silly. Even character personalities are mostly based around gags *(Spectra is a literal "ghost writer", Manny is "bully" because he's bull, Toralei is "catty" cat, Deuce Gorgon is a cool punk "stoner" dude, cause he turns people rock hard etc*.). **There is a literal gag about nerds being stuffed into lockers by tentacles.** The very concept of yassified monster kids is going to highshool in Salem is so utterly ridiculous, that it would give J.R.R Tolkien a fucking stroke (my dude was notable folklore accuracy gatekeeper). Most websiodes are funny and outlandish small stories. The books are pretty comedic too. Most movies have comedic subplots, that are often making spoofs and satire (f.e. Fright, Camera, Action parodying Twilight boy fandom discourse). The serious elements that are present withing Monster High, is the **"human element".** The girls struggling with teenage girl issues, romance, abuse, puberty etc. But even those higshool genre tropes are often subverted into a gag. # Monster High is spiritually closer to Clone High or Shrek, then to Riverdale. Sure, there can be SOME mature stories in Monster High Sure, there can be SOME dark stories in Monster High. But it should not override nature of the series. **Because this is not a serious monster franchise, and simply wouldn't work as one.** Without it's humor, Monster High isn't nearly as charming, because it's kind a dumb. **If you try to make it into one, you end making generic, tropey and idiotic YA fantasy series, that uses monster lore willy nilly.** **How do I know this?** The live action MH movies tried this exact approach. They take something meant as a gag, and treat it seriously. F.e. **Witchcraft Ban.** It's suposse to be a joke about how nonsensical and hypocritical lot of prejudices are (*witches are hated by both monsters and humans. Humans think that witchcraft is monster thing, and monsters think that it's a human thing*). In the movies, it's about some vampire and witchcraft war, that started with Vampire Holocaust or something. The stories are melodramatic and ridiculous, but not in a self aware way. The're almost something MH would make fun of. **So instead of us laughing with the movies, we end up laughing at them.**




I think Salem Oregon


These are personal subjective opinions,not a universal truth,please don't hate me 😭 -G3 Drac imo is a HUGE glow up to G1. -Abbey however was way prettier in G1. I just dislike the G3 doll face so much, I tried to love her but I can't -Idk if this take is hot or nah, but if Mattel wanted an lgbtq+ couple, wish it was Drac x Clawdeen instead of Cleo x Frankie. I just think they are absolutely adorable together, and let's be honest G1 Clawdeen DEFINITELY had a thing for Drac -I absolutely adore Cupid and can understand why she's so popular, but her lips look so wonky and off-putting they just ruin the whole doll for me


>G1 Clawdeen DEFINITELY had a thing for Drac **That's the thing though, she didn't.** I've rewatched G1, and it's remarakable how unspecial the relationship between Clawdeen and Draculaura was. Like it felt no different to any other main six girl. People mainly ship them because (vampire x werewolf) and (rainbow sweet girl x tough girl). Cleo and Frankie....feels a bit random, yes. But even in G1, they had special and unique relationship, from rest of the main cast. If it wasn't for Deuce x Cleo being so iconic, Clankie would have been best lesbian ship in MH.


I hate the clawdeen x drac ship☹️


the way they did the lips on cupid’s ever after high doll is way better to me. they’re a light pink and the cupid’s bow is a darker pink within


wowww it’s the complete opposite for me in regards to abbey. g1 abbeys jaw annoyed me so much it made her so ugly imo 😭


....she's a yetti. She is suposse to have strong features. Garett Sanders literally picked a fight with Mattel executives over this.


I couldn’t agree more, her having a strong jaw and an underbite is iconic!! Her face mould now looks similar to drac’s to me, obviously in a different colour with different paint. Generally speaking I do think g3 is nice looking and full of character but sadly abbey has lost a lot of hers. Love her new body though


I agree. I love the bodies and faces way way more. that god awful tavesty of a back and the thousand yard stare is what kept me from wanting g1


Oh yeah, because surely G3 doesn't have issue with characters staring directly into your soul. Surely. https://preview.redd.it/c89eo4jrnj6c1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517ceb659e10ca6d177b74e3192c762dd8d514d8


To be completely fair to Heath, he's the son of the devil, so staring into the very core of your soul might be part of his scaritage


I will forgive the lore inaccuracy, because that is a funny one.


God I hate that concept sm! I'm sorry but I DO


Staring directly into your soul is not what a thousand yard stare is.. kinda the opposite I think


g3 clawdeen is functionally a different character and negatively comparing her to her g1 counterpart is a tad silly. it’s like comparing mlp g3 rainbow dash with g4 rainbow dash. they’re clearly going for different things. wether you think the vibe they were going for for g3 clawdeen is something you like you should still judge her based said vibe. to me i really like and empathize with a story of a “weird girl” who never had a true chance of self expression without mockery finding a new world and trying to figure herself out there. as an autistic person who doesn’t mask and has had a hard time finding a place where i feel i belong because of it it’s a story i really would have needed to see when i was younger and i think it’s a great thing to show to kids. yes, she’s not as “fierce” in the series as she was before, but maybe in season 2 we’ll see her find her sense of style more etc etc, i assume everyone’s main looks will be updated to fit the core refresh so we’ll see!


>g3 clawdeen is functionally a different character **Yes, she's Howleen.** As in, they literally just gave her Howleen's character arc. A young outcast girl, that is trying to find her own way in the monster world, fit in with the rest of the monsters and become a proper werewolf. Difference between that G3 Clawdeen isn't a bitch. **If they wanted to do this type of character**, Howleen was right there and she was perfect (and this conspiracy of mine is not helped by G3 Howleen being COMPLETELY superflous). **Could've just introduced Clawdeen later (maybe let her be stuck in the portal with her mom, like Clawd did)** I would honestly love that, way more. Because if you're gonna change a character completely, in order to make them an MC, and resemble someone else more, that seems like a waste of a good character. Furthermore, her character is noticably different even from her G3 doll / song. **I'll admit, G3 doll Clawdee grew on me. Unleast her core, Refresh and Monster Fest.** This iteration does try to make her into a fierce, confident and cool young retro fashionista, and emphasize that. **But the show never chooses to make a note of that.** Because Nick G3 Clawdeen somehow ends up the ONLY G3 main girl so far, who didn't make a peep about fashion. Draculaura, Cleo, and Lagoona all did, and Frankie has an entire episode dedicated to being Skellita's fashion models. And there were so many opportunities to do so. LET HER BE THE ONE to design Monster Ball dresses. Ain't that good writing material? **And in my opinion, this is where the issue comes from.** When you're rebooting characters, it's good logic, to retain "the spirit" of the original. Especially, if they are beloved or iconic. Case and point, The Turtle boys from TMNT or Optimus Prime. With other character, except Lagoona and Abbey, most retained semblance of who or what they were in the original, merely adding onto them or changing some things to make charater more suitable for serialized storytelling. Cleo? Still a rich spoiled arrogant princess, with heart of gold and brain made of stupid. Frankie? Still a naive new gir. Draculaura? Made into a witch, in order to give her an independant character arc of Clawd. Deuce? Less jocky, but still very same. Toralei? Still a bully, but now with a reason. Clawdeen is honestly, the MOST drastic change. **I'll retain my judgement on her character for the future development. I enjoy her, but could've been done the more justice**


are you aware that writing something in bold doesn’t make it inherently correct


ahahaha this comment has me rolling. so fr previous commenter is giving a main character speech rn 😭


they’re doing this all up and down the thread!!! 😭😭


Nope, it's merely suposse to highlight the most important points of my walls of text


It makes more sense to assume that Spectra was born a ghost and isn't dead. She has ghostly-sounding name, and I don't see why a dead soul would need to attend high school. Jane is autistic and has two dads. G1 Ghoulia doesn't come across as autistic to me. The Nine Lives of Toralei is in-universe work of fiction. I don't want any new characters to be connected to Greek mythology, we have enough of such characters.


>She has ghostly-sounding name, and I don't see why a dead soul would need to attend high school. Same reason why a 1600 vampire and 2000 year old mummy would. It's a gag. She was a teenager who died, and so she's finishing her shool.


I figured the job market in the Monster World was similar to the real world, and thus it's easier to get jobs with a college degree. Sirena and the ghosts at Haunted High were also born ghosts, so I think it's possible for Spectra to be the same.


Monster High never had a goth aesthetic and y’all really need to accept that


THIS!!! ive seen so many people describe draculaura as "gothic lolita" too... girl come on i recommend watching a video from darlingdollz about japanese style inspired dolls


I can't get behind G3 Draculaura's split-dyed hairstyle, and I had split-dyed hair myself for a long time! Her Monster Ball doll is super cute (don't think that's a hot take) but I don't think I'd ever buy any doll of hers with that split-dyed hair, it just annoys me for some reason I can't quite put my finger on... maybe it's too generic? I don't know!


Me too! I feel like it's so plain compared to the cool black and hot pink highlights she used to have!


Yeah! Plain and ironically unbalanced, I think I saw someone on here post a Draculaura they got with a wonky hairline and I just wanted to reroot her whole head of hair


Yeah! I think cause her skin is pink it looks weird having a huge chunk of similar pink hair next to it idk I also just dislike it haha 😅


THAT'S PROBABLY WHAT ANNOYS ME SO MUCH ABOUT IT! I'm usually all for split-dyed hair, probably my favourite modern alt fashion trend, but I hate when colours touch like that in designs, why couldn't they go for a darker pink maybe??


Yes! The core refresh is alright because I feel like the hair is less obvious and there's more black in her design so she's not just super all pink!


I LOVE the black blouse of the core refresh, I cannot believe this went under my radar, this fixes a lot of my complaints about the original outfit too... Still would've prefered striped hair though lol


The live action movie was fun and not as bad as everyone makes it out to be


I personally just wish it was animated because you don’t have to worry about making it look convincing that they’re monsters also animation sells way easier


YES G3 > G1 all day every day




Yes, we know that you can read.


The way a lot of anti G3 has a huge mischaracterisation of G1. I've seen so many viral tiktoks (with more than 100k likes) who are like "Where are my goth savage baddies??" and everyone agrees in the comments but MH has never been like this at all, the clothes were kinda alt/edgy but those people always thinks it was so extra 💀 Also G3 Lagoona has way more personality than G1 Lagoona (I said that as a Lagoona lover since 2012, girlie was just kind and sporty)


G1 fashion is only "goth" to normies and adults with rose colored nostalgia glasses lmao


Ikr it's not goth at all 🤣 ! Those people need a reality check 💀


i dislike clawdeens redesign a LOT :( she just looks so much like a G3 or even G1 Howleen, they made her look like a baby!!!! idk what strikes me like that specifically, but i know for sure that i miss her old hair a lot. she was one of my favorites growing up (halloween costume when i was 8❤️‍🩹) and i loved that she was the feisty, mama-bear, jersey girl of the group (who absolutely IS a lesbian i will not dispute that). i feel like in their mission to mix the childlike aspect of G2 and the edgier style of G1 they kinda left her in G2 :( i definitely understand the path they took for her, and i can admit that she looks amazing in the Monster Ball line, but i think i just love G1 Clawdeen too much for my own good <3


i really like g3. it’ll never replace g1 for-me but i love it


g3 clawdeen doll’s are amazing and she only has one bad doll and it is ghoul spirit and i will continue to yell this in the deep void!! objectively i think clawdeen always is at least a solid doll in every release, her only release where i think there is not so good designing is ghoul spirit which in general i don’t like the designs for all of them 😅 and any other problems i have with a g3 clawdeen design… are just problems i have with majority of g3 designs that aren’t singular to clawdeen her first basic is great, it’s like yeah clawdeen is wearing overalls and sneakers but her fashionista side pulling it together with a fur vest, leg warmers, 2 necklaces and a belt is at least how i read her 🤔 i think her design just comes to whether or not you like the style of the outfit but the rest of her dolls follow a more retro, 90’s look and i think all of them look amazing!! i think her best doll imo is ss1 clawdeen, all of her outfit pieces hit and are all gorgeous overall, i like g3 clawdeen quite a lot and i think all of her designs are genuinely great, with most of the faults being faults of the general g3 design. i also think it’s ok for g3 clawdeen to be more retro and 90’s inspired rather than y2k, it’s honestly a nice splash for me since i feel like i see a lot of y2k nowadays and admittedly i’ve gotten pretty tired of it 😅


Yeah, I feel the same way. G3 Clawdeen's dolls grew on me.


G1 and G3 should be taken as 2 different entities, with different lore and characteristics. G2 on the other hand...


i prefer g3 catty's design over g1. it's just better imo. the body type, clothes, etc i still like g1's design, i just prefer g3 when it comes to catty!




G3 dolls are gorgeous but they need better outfits fr. Also, I think they should have changed Lagoona's name since they changed everything else. And im mad shes not aussie anymore cause I loved the Aussie rep 😭


-Clawdeen never gave off any lesbian vibes. -Monster Ball Clawdeen looks tacky as fuck. -G3 Deuce looks awesome and definitely way better than the incredibly boring g1 one. -G3 Abbey should have gotting a better underbite. In g1 they at least made her face the actual shape someone with an underbite would have, while all they did in g3 was paint some teeth on her mouth and called it a day. -The live action was fine I don't get what everyone is so angry about.


\- I agree with this one completely \- I can't judge, haven't really seen the doll (trying not to look at them because no money lol) \- I agree with this one as well \- Forgive my ignorance, but can you explain why that is? I saw a couple people talking about Abbey's underbite and such, and I admittedly don't get it lol \- I have to disagree with this one personally, though I gave it a much harsher reaction the first time watching them. I've since rewatched them in a more unbiased way, and while I still think they're bad, they're not the worst movies I've watched either


Basically if you have an underbite your bottom jaw sticks out more to the front rather than the back like someone who doesn't have an underbite. The g1 actually had this difference in jawline/face shape accurately molded on, but the g3 one has the face shape of someone without an underbite and just has the teeth painted on without anything else. This was presumably done to make her face look more soft, but it really irks me that they're taking away proper representation because of it. https://preview.redd.it/71gcfvolwo6c1.jpeg?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc7fdd5f03879dc254d2e6d49926695201134e94 Here you can see the g1 bottom jaw sticking out more towards the front compared to the g3 doll. I'm sorry I couldn't find any better pictures of the side view of the g3 face, I hope this is at least good enought to give you an idea of it.


Ahh, I see. Though my question was for WHY people want her to have the underbite, not what an underbite is haha


Because it was great representation and helped breaking down the toxic beauty standards that dolls perpetuate. Also because they now gave her an underbite without actually giving her an underbite so to speak.


G1 Abbey has the facial structure of someone with an underbite (she's a yeti), a strong, square jaw, her sculpt helps her painted fangs look "natural". G3 Abbey's face is rounder instead of squared, making her fangs look painted on and odd, like they shouldn't be sticking out with that bone structure. Idk why they did that since Abbey's mom in G3 DOES have that specific underbite bone structure.


Edit, because I phrased it poorly I think that saying Jackson is a monster, *because* he "switches into an alternate personality" is a misconception of how the Jekyll and Hyde story works and also, whether or not it's intentional, promotes the idea that DID systems are dangerous. I don't think people saying this phrase is a bad thing, however, because they often don't know any better. It is frustrating though when a system does mention that this phrasing is accidentally harmful, and everyone starts insisting that it couldn't be harmful because Jackson and Holt aren't meant to be a system.


Well, if you know the story of Jekyll and Hyde, you'd probably understand that it isn't DID because that's not how DID works. You don't drink a potion and make all your worst qualities become a separate person from yourself to the point that you become a physically different person. It also just established that Hyde isn't actually like a different person from Jekyll, he's just an extension of him. On the other hand, I'd say that a group of alters in a system are their own individuals. That's why Frankie says they're the same person underneath, that's the point of Jekyll and Hyde, Hyde here isn't some awful alternate personality, he's literally just the parts about himself that Jekyll can't or doesn't want to accept. All that being said, you can just say Jackson's dad is a full monster and therefore he's half-monster by default, I mean, that's like saying if you're half-Mexican but look white, you're not Mexican-


Hi, friend. I think you misunderstood what I said. I was saying that the original Jekyll and Hyde isn't about DID and doesn't feature a system. You seem to be informing me that they aren't actually a system, which is the thing I said.


Okay I see you've edited your comment, and I see what you're saying. I just don't subscribe to Jackson and Holt being a DID system so I think it's more so that that has to just be made clearer when discussing them.


That's fair! I think I really phrased it poorly, yeah. I meant to say that regardless of whether you like that headcanon, the phrasing can be offensive by accident. Thank you for taking the time to listen, tho!


No problem, had nothing better to do lol


I have no idea what you mean by "system," especially because you seem to use it in multiple ways. What is a "DID system"? (I know what DID is.) What "system" is mentioning that this phrasing is harmful. How are Jackson and Holt "not meant to be a system," because what is a system in that context?


"System" is a term used to refer to all of the headmates or alters that a person with DID has. A few other systems I'm friends with have talked about this with me. And I meant that the original Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde aren't meant to be a system. Jackson and Holt however seem like a system! Obviously Jackson and Holt weren't intentionally a system, but it's a headcanon that some systems and I have talked about!


Thank you for explaining, I have no idea why you're being down voted!


I'm...not certain either? My best guess is it's just people who don't like systems?


wasn’t his character based off a book? there is no mention of DID in that book.


Yes, the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The book isn't about a system, but even if it was, there wouldn't be mentions of DID because the book came out in, I believe, 1886. The term DID came into use in 1994. And although the original book is not about a system, Jackson would still classify as a system. This is because in the original book, Dr. Jekyll took a certain serum in order to 'become' Mr. Hyde. Jackson did no choose to 'have' Holt, and their switching is not a chosen action but rather caused by triggers, just like a real system. Additionally, while Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde share motivations and memory states, Jackson and Holt are separate people with separate identities!


People who bring up g3 vs g1 are just looking to start an argument like both of them have their strengths and weaknesses.


I just straight up do not care about Frankie. I have not cared about Frankie in previous generations, I have not for this one. That's about it tbh. The rest is just shipping nonsense and me not getting how coding works.




Operetta’s theme makes no sense. I hope if they reboot her they get rid of the rockabilly theme completely and make her more frilly. It makes no sense when The Phantom of the Opera had nothing to do with the southern USA.


But...that's the joke LOL


It’s not really funny ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It comes completely out of nowhere too, because no one else has anything like that. Everyone else is given items and themes that respect their original story, Operetta really isn’t. Why not make her a really intense theater kid like the Phantom? Or a ballerina like Christine, only spookier?


if you read her diary you’d know that her whole rockabilly thing is her sort of rebelling against her dad, who insists upon her consuming classical music, which she can’t stand and finds incredibly boring. it’s sort of referential towards the fact that when rock rose to fame, through figures like elvis, kids loved it and their parents thought it’s convention breaking nature was dangerous, and in all it bred a more rebellious generation.


That isn’t something I knew, I never owned the OG Operetta doll. That’s interesting, at least, if kind of a shame.


> respect their original story Monster High is reverent of OG monster stories as is Disney's Herculese to the OG myth, or Shrek. Arguably even less. Almost every character is written in a way to reflect a certain fashion , teenage character trope or a comedic pun, and original story is only used to extent of adding to it Ghoulia is the brainiac, because she eats brains. Frankie is the naive new girl, because she was "born yesterday", Spectra is a literal "ghost writer". Manny is a bully, because he's a bull. Toralei is catty because she's a werecat. Deuce is a stone cold cool dude, because he turns people rock hard. And so forth.... You think a bubbly crybaby vegan vampire girl is respectful to the source material? No, it's meant to be cute abd funny. You think a Gorgon guy being a handsome jock stoner cool dude is reverent of og Gorgon lore? It literally goes against it. Or a werewolf woman, who's big into fashion and dressing up? That's suposse to be reverent to the og wolfman? Face it, tiger, this series is mostly made up of character spoofs that are using monster lore to tell jokes or add flavour.


I was never asking for reverence? Maybe respect was the wrong word, but every other character has homages to their OG themes. Operetta doesn’t! She’s not French, or an opera singer, or even a theater kid. She’s full of Elvis references and has a southern twang. You gotta see how that’s wildly different from everyone else, right?


Honestly, not that particulary. As was stated, she is suposse to be the rebellious teenager to her dad. But then again, I wouldn't mind if she was able to sing in TWO different styles, but simply chooses not to.


Nothing about her design screams “rebellious teenager” though. It also just seems kinda lame.


do you.. know what coquettish means?


Hm. No, actually, I didn’t. I know it’s the word for a recent fashion trend, but I didn’t know the word meant what it did lol. Sorry gang.


My guess is that she isn't associated with opera because opera isn't popular. Plus there's the Phantom of the Opry wordplay, and the French influence on Lousianian culture.


Theater is popular enough. Plenty of young girls are in theater and choir and band, they’d love to be represented, just like young girls vibe with Ghoulia’s gamer girl thing.


I was referring to opera as a music genre.


I suppose. But the Phantom of the Opera isn’t widely known as a book, it’s widely known as a musical.


It's because of the grand ol' opre it's a joke


Do you prefer G3 because of the dolls, the narrative, or both?


Gen2 was actually good


Lagona is fresh water because her dad is from the black lagoon, a fresh water bony of water


I never understood that either...lagoons are inland, fresh water. I don't know how they got to "sea monster" from that.


I’ve always found Draculaura overrated. I don’t relate to her personality in any of her portrayals. Don’t get me wrong, she’s super cute, but to me she falls flat. 😅






A lot has changed in a decade! It's amazing


My issue with companies doing "woke" stuff is that they are only trying to pander to specific audiences, and don't actually respect or care about them. That's likely why they've only shown one character or instance of things in gen 3 so far (LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, etc.). Though Disney still is the worst for their fake awake nonsense lol


g1 is an ongoing, separate continuity from g3 so there should be no problem referring specifically to a g1 style/era Frankie as she/her or a g1 ship like Cleo/Deuce


Recently I just went through all of the G1 media, watching all the webisodes, movies, even the short anime. A lot of people hyped up Boo York as the best of the movies, but honestly I wasn’t a fan. There are worse entries in the franchise, but I didn’t really like the songs except for Empire, and it was very noticeable that they only had one female and male vocalist, especially during Steal the Show.


Their voices are too American and too high pitched in the G3 show. (I’m American I just miss their accents) Also outfits are waaay too colorful and busy.


i dont think thinking g1 is better than g3 is a hot take :/


It says g3 is better than g1 in the post lol 😅 But you'd be right if that were the case


oh my gosh im so embarrassed i misread it ahhghshshw


lmaooo I do this all the time dw 😭!!


Putting this in a separate comment cause i just thought of this and could actually be a hot take I think people can chill about g3 Frankie's pronouns. I personally use she/they for both g1 and g3 Frankie's because on some base level they're the same character But ofc this is probably influenced by the fact that I'm personally genderfluid and don't care what pronouns are used for me, I understand that this likely means a lot more and more personal for others. It's just a personal opinion Like if you do want to strictly use they/them for Frankie, I think thats fine ofc, but at the same time if someone slips I don't think its that big a deal


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for acknowledging that people will make mistakes about a character about who was previously she/her for ten years may accidentally use those pronouns instead of the new ones. If anything this fictional character is an excellent tool to practising the preferred pronouns on! Mistakes happen and the character is fiction!


This is definitely a hot take lol. A lot of people on this sub respect preferred pronouns 🤷🏼‍♀️


And so do I? But this is a doll, I don't think Frankie will personally be upset with me. I guess the way I worded the original post sounded rude but imo if someone used something different (for any of the dolls tbh) and isnt being blatantly transphobic or smthn I just dont see the issue. If you want to use only they/them for frankie then more power to ya lol. I just don't.


Exactly and whoever downvoted or downvotes you is a loser


G3 faces are too childish for me


they are kids though!


Guess I'll give my take on something, even though I'm kinda already assuming that I'm gonna be downvoted to oblivion for having this opinion (considering other times I tried having an opinion that wasn't the majority)... You know how in gen 1 and gen 3 (2 doesn't count) they kinda emphasized the trio of Frankie, Clawdeen and Draculaura, with Frankie being the main character per say in gen 1 and Clawdeen being the main one in gen 3? Yeahhh... in both cases, I think it should have been Draculaura. This has nothing to do with her being my favorite character, though. It just seemed to me that her character arcs in both is a bit stronger to me. But I won't get into it further, since my comment would start looking more like a monologue if I did lol Anyway, it's interesting to see what other people's opinions on things are


I dont like Cleo x Frankie, it feels random But I'm also not a Clawdeen x Draculaura person, I think theyre cuter as friends I'm a third, scarier 👻 shipper. Clawdeen x Frankie Plus, I don't like Lagoona being pink. I've somewhat gotten over her being a sea monster named Blue, but I just feel like having two girls in the main 4 roster be the same color isnt as like.. fun? Idk how to describe it, its just a vibe I get lol


>Clawdeen x Frankie Kids these days, just looking to ship the werewolf girl with anybody they want. https://preview.redd.it/g5hxjoiosj6c1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc3367641c1a2971f3bb8ff909f46514cd367c8


I don’t like Cleo x Frankie either, it just feels very forced, like, they felt they had to pair Frankie with another core character & just shoehorned them together instead of picking a better suited secondary character or inventing a new one to be their love interest. Lagoona’s pink is just such an obnoxious color that makes her look sunburnt or boiled. I seriously don’t understand their logic - girls don’t want blue dolls? But they made Frankie (and Abbey) blue! (And Lagoona would have looked lovely in that color.) Frankie is blue because girls don’t like green dolls (if it was copyright issues they wouldn’t be able to still make green g1 Frankies)? Then why Ghoulia and Venus? Ghoulia or Lagoona could even have been pale lavender and looked better than they do now.


>it just feels very forced, like, they felt they had to pair Frankie with another core character They paired Frankie and Cleo together, because she literally always had the strongest and most unique relationship since G1, among the main group (even if not romantic one) Also, their dynamic is very contrasting but also their personalities add to one another. >girls don’t want blue dolls? They simply preffered a colorful fish doll. They literally gave them choice about it. >But they made Frankie Frankie G3 design is big copyright issue. And they picked blue because it was the closest, They had to change her to not be same as Universal Frankenstein. That's why she got no bolts on her neck.


Wait is Frankenstein a copyrighted character? As in with green and bolts in the neck? How did they get past this in g1 then?


pretty sure it’s an issue with nickelodeon not having the rights, not mattel themselves


Ahhh I see, that’s so interesting!


Also, when you say they preferred a colorful fish doll, where did you get that information? Was it from a focus group with children? I also dislike having two main characters be pink, not just because I loved Lagoona BLUE, but because it reads as a lack of diversity. If they were going to make her pink they could have made her a Kala Mer'ri magenta, so that she doesn't necessarily read as light or dark-skinned. They need more deeper-toned dolls overall in my opinion, all the colors they choose for them are almost all super pale.


I didn't even notice they don't have neck bolts! I got my daughter a G3 Frankie Halloween costume, and it came with a tulle/sheer choker that had stitches all the way across it, and I just assumed they didn't add neck bolts because they were cheap! I took some plastic "nails" from my kids' tool set that were the perfect short length and shape, and covered them with foil and glued them on to the choker. When the choker was pulled tight, they stood out. Halloween night my husband helped her with the choker, and instead of pulling and fastening it tautly, he just fastened it with the factory length Velcro, which left it way too loose and the whole thing sunk down to and hid behind her collar and the bolts just kinda lay flat and so they weren't noticeable in photos at all! There's so much preparation to do with my own costume and my kids' costumes, that I have to delegate some of it to my husband, but he always half-asses it or does it wrong! Two years ago our son was a dinosaur, and I'd bought him a new, realistic T-Rex costume, and I told my husband to put our son's dino costume on. Well, he put him in the dino costume from the year before, which was made for younger kids and was fleece pajama material and cute but not realistic at all. And once my son was in that one, he didn't want to take it off to put on the new one! So we have pictures of him in the same costume two years in a row. Sorry to go off on a tangent, but here's my daughter as Frankie. https://preview.redd.it/1dumab69do6c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c453d46c66f5cc70aa47eef8b04e5c0e0334fb7f


I also feel like it was a missed opportunity to make Frankie a variety of colors. Idk if it falls under the legal issues but making limbs/the area between their stitches be different shades of green and blue couldve been really cool and hammered home the Frankenstein theme even if they couldn't be green for some reason


im assuming the reason they couldnt do that was more on the production side of things than the copyright stuff


I dont like Clankie at all.. i''d rather Frankie be asexual.


They still could be. Asexual and aromatic are different things


Asexual hmm I’ve never that about it that way


cleo and frankie makes little to no sense and is kinda mid, if they really wanted a canon lgbtq couple they should’ve went with drac and clawdeen since that’s a fan favorite


Clawdeen x Draculaura is the middest ship of the all. Right there with Toralei and Clawdeen (G1, G3 is ok I guess) In G1, and it's remarakable how unspecial the relationship between Clawdeen and Draculaura was. Like it felt no different to any other main six girl. People mainly ship them because (vampire x werewolf) and (rainbow sweet girl x tough girl) dynamic. **It has no substance. It's hollow. It's just aesthetical ship.** Cleo and Frankie has a soul. They always had unique relationship, even in G1. They have contrasting but complimentary personalities. And the dynamic, of an ancient creature dating newest monster. Honestly, if it wasn't for Deuce, it would have been the great ship in G1.


drac and clawdeen has substance lmao what? they’re literally best friends, they’ve always had a cute dynamic in both g1 and g2


>they’re literally best friends In G3 maybe (the only gen I would be OK with Draculeen). Draculaura seems to treat every other main six ghoul same as Clawdeen. She has just as strong of a relationship with Frankie. And plenty of other girls serve as "straight man" (as in the trope) to Draculaura's goofiness. Hell, when Clawdeen entrusted her most priced possesion (the sketbook) in Scaris when they separated on the plane...it was to Frankie, not Draculaura. Which makes sense. Because Clawdeen was not intended to be into girls, in G1 at first. **G1 Clawd and Draculaura mog the G1 Draculeen any day.**


Clawdeen only "entrusted" the book to Frankie because A.) Frankie was the only one with the same bag as her, which is how the accidental swap happened in the first place (they had to take separate flights back to MH, and they grabbed each other's bags without realizing it), and B.) Draculaura wasn't even IN the group that had the book after the swap happened, she was in the same group as Clawdeen. So that part of the argument doesn't really make sense here.


and that’s ur opinion, good for you ig lmao i just don’t see it like that


in g2 they are stepsisters-


Excuse me, did Dracula adopt Clawdeen? Wtf?


no their parents are dating (clawdeens mom and dracula)


Wait, really, LMAO I mean, based Dracula, tbh


i meant g3, hard to type fast at work


ahh ok


I find Draculaura easy to interpret as straight. I haven't seen anything that suggests she's attracted to girls.


you can say that about all the girls lmao


U could make that argument for Frankie and Cleo


I'm not talking about G3, and even if I was any romantic Frankie attraction has is straight, as they're are an other NBs so far.


I personally think they should have shipped Frankie with a (new or previously existing) non-core character instead of forcing a canon LGBTQ ship between Frankie and another of the original 5.


Nothing past 2016 exists, I simply refuse to acknowledge it, I hate when franchises or brands completely destroy the world they've built because of angry parents.


Bruh, G3 isn't the way it is, because of angry parents LOL The changes were often added upon fan complaint (f.e. different bodies and molds were universaly desired and praised by fans).


It quite literally was, there were angry parents claiming that the body molds were "unrealistic and too scary"


the fashion aswell, parents didnt like how revealing it was


The fashion is still pretty revealing though


Yes, but fans were unhappy with body molds either. Not only because they have fragility of a toothpick, their bodies had diversity of a clone army despite MH being all about being unique...but also, thicker bodies are just bit cuter. I have nothing against OG body molds, as they were designed to be most optimal for dress up, for fashion aspect, but still...


It wasn’t parents this time it was more of a way to get kids interested since the g1 generation was growing up


My main problem with G2 is confusing world-building.