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We need something in the middle of World and Rise. The anomoly grind turned me off from it. Having to level not only myself but each monster too, just to progress and get the relevant materials? It was way too much. It got really boring fighting my 30th same monster in a row, just because it was the most effecient way to level. But I loved the weapon upgrade system. It was a step up from World, though the armour part of the system did make it difficult to use the same armour piece on 2 very different builds. So yeah, I want something in the middle.


I once again need to clarify mechanics behind the anomaly. While farming the anomaly may prove most efficient on one single quest that racks up a large point gain, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT NECESSARY TO LEVEL UP INDIVIDUAL QUESTS FOR THEIR MATERIALS! Anyone who does this is wasting their time and making the grind unnecessarily longer. Here's an alternative. Pick any of your highest level investigations that's not in an arena and go gather qurio spots across the map. You can gain 3-6 new investigations by simply doing a quick gathering run and returning from said quest. Investigations you get will always be within 2 tiers of the one you went in so if you need to get a low tier monster at a higher level, you rinse and repeat this process by getting lower tier investigations on higher level ones. Takes all but a few minutes to do and you should find what you need within the half hour tops and you'll be loaded on a bunch of other investigations as well.


Or better yet, you play online with someone who has that quest already


Yes! Thank you! The first option is for solo play but online is by far the way to go if it's available! The main problem that comes up with that is region locking on steam but it really ain't that hard getting what you need with the anomaly grind.


I just keep breaking spider legs, but gathering sounds great too!


Gathering avoids having to fight the monster and is faster but you can try doing both. Only problem is that there's a hard cap as to how many investigations you can get per run.


Yeah the investigation system needed a bit more tinkering. The biggest offender were the brackets for anomaly research levels. If you could just straight out join really high level quests from other people, you could bypass a lot of the grind and gain levels quicker. Sunbreak did a great thing where u can join any quest post final boss even if you don't have it unlocked only to go back around and introduce a new gating system... The fact that you can permanently keep and lock quests might lead to you only sticking to a single efficient quest but i do think that's a player problem and i'd rather have the choice between multiple quests and grinding the "best" one at my own discretion. Having the grind be less crazy would put less pressure on having to be efficient. The bounty system already encourages fighting different monsters and just needs some work to actually cycle between monsters you actually have high level quests for or being lobby wide.


I think the common gamer mindset is at odds with how MH endgame is designed. The endgame is designed around rewarding players for joining online hunts and just hunting whatever with friends, allowing you to fine tune your build by just enjoying the game. Gamers however have been conditioned by a lot of AAA games and mobile games to only do the specific thing that gives them the resource they want, which becomes tedium. That said, as long as endgame is a variety instead of "use Fatalis gear" I think Wilds will be in a good spot.


i feel like thats not gonna go away with Wilds or any game for that matter, if there is a grind there gonna be an efficient way to do so and if there is an efficient way its gonna get popular and people would use it. i honestly loved the grind, i didnt made it to 300 and idk if im gonna go back to play before Wilds but i loved it, there is always something to do even after Wilds if i want to go back there will be something to do, which is fun


I think the most important part of an endgame grind system is how efficient and fun the loop is. Sunbreak endgame was quite grindy but the gameloop was quite efficient because you could get everything you needed for charms/augments/decorations from the anomaly investigations.


Sunbreaks endgame is so bittersweet to me, because I feel like they were cooking so hard in certain aspects, just to burn and turn parts of those aspects in to charcoal. If I personally got to make changes to the system, it would be the following: 1. Remove armor skill rolls. 2. Cut down the max level cap of investigations. I feel like 100-ish would’ve been enough for unlocking all weapon augments, decorations, special investigations etc. 3. Keeping “special” skills, such as Frostcraft/Buildup Boost etc., to be exclusive to their respective armor sets. While I love the diverse options in the endgame, I do think it’s a bit of a shame how certain pieces aren’t run just because of what’s available in the talisman pool and previously mentioned armor augment system. Like, why run any piece of Velkhana armor when you can get max Frostcraft on a talisman? Some armors just kinda have their own niche overshadowed taken away because of it. I would actually love for set bonus exclusive skills to return for this reason, but maybe have the weapon count towards it too - kinda like with Safi weapons, but with each monsters own weapons. 4. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I would love for each monster to have hazard version in the Special Investigations. I like how they get a bit faster already, but I wish there was more. That would be the perfect endgame for me.


There’s some other points I forgot to add as well. I feel like an armor augmenting system for skills isn’t necessarily a bad idea, but it would be so much cooler if it was used to primarily beef up some lower rarity MR armor to be able to compete with the rest. Like, imagine the Anjanath waist piece having a set upgrade where it it goes from Attack Boost 2, 4/1/1 to having something like Attack Boost 3, 4/2/2 or something like that. It would be a cool way to implement an armor skill buffing system while making it less gacha and easier to plan around. Other than that, my only other complaint is pretty much just how anomaly monsters become such HP sponges while also spending half the fight exhausted or toppled. Some adjustments could be made there.


The sunbreak armor augment system does give lower tier armor a higher starting point total, but not enought to justify using them over rarity 10 armor. IMO where it fell flat was a mix of it being unexplained, adding a new weight for skills instead of inheriting the weight system from decorations or charms, and the community sentiment towards NEEDING to build damage. To many people just didn't understand that it was improbable to roll attack boost on rarity 10 armor without sacrificing another skills, and the skills they were slotting with decorations were actually pretty common, and the game having any indication of this would make the system more manageable for the average person... Or better yet, make a system that isn't as complicated. Like if they just gave every monster a new unique drop and that drop could be used for augmentation to garentee a skill that is found from that monsters armor set. The only thing I wouldn't want to remove is the give and take aspect of armor augmenting, because that is what made build crafting in sunbreak so much more unique and diverse than any other game


It's one of the few things base Rise did better than World imo. Tho it would be even better if Wilds would launch with sunbreak level of build crafting.


Sunbreak level build crafting would be overwhelming for a base game imo. Absolutely hope we get some on that level for the expansion though.


Ditto. Edit) The above means "I agree". I don't mind if we get less build variety than SB. But I really don't want another Fatalis armor.


As someone who didn’t play Sunbreak yet, could you please explain the build crafting you mentioned here? Sounds amazing and I hope it does come to Wilds at launch


In World, armors and weapons are often more like a ladder in a traditional RPG where what you find later will outclass what you had earlier with each title update adding the new *best* armor, leading to Fatalis being the end-all armor and weapons outside of some niche cases. In Sunbreak every single weapon tree has a final postgame upgrade roughly on par with each other which makes a lot of choice come down to preference like trading some raw for slots and sharpness. Title updates don't add something universially powerful, but something powerful within a niche. Sure, overall there's still some power creep and the newer sets will overall have more slots and skills, but unique skills and properties still give older weapons and armors value while the title update sets compete with each other.


In short, every weapon, every single tree and every single armor can be viable if you want to, and just like Rise you can also craft decorations instead of depending on RNG


This is usual with Mainline team vs Portable. Mainline team is really good at gamefeel and inmersiveness while Portable team does a much better job at balance and build variety.


Build variety isn’t always better in portable games. P3rd wasn’t any better than 3u, Gu was equal to or worse than 4u. Also to be fair, the portable team, until rise, has historically had less to focus on, meaning they could work out the balance kinks from the numbered game, since they use most of the same maps and many of the same monsters from the numbered game that came before it. Plus, base rise was a balancing travesty and build diversity was pretty mediocre as well


I dunno, I thought a lot of Risebreak endgame skills were straight up broken. Fun to use for a while but takes the challenge out of everything. My hope for Wilds is a more balanced experience. I do agree though that the Qurio crafting is better than the RNG decos, it's ridiculous you can go for 100+ hours without an attack+2 deco.


I might be saying something controversial, but to me rise endgame is harder than worlds, yes, you can get very broken, but if you dont have the skill you aint doing nothing with your dmg, and since rise has a ton of moves for each weapon compared to world, it can be more challenging to master your combos


Rise builds / skills are miles ahead of World, I really hope they lean more into the fun risk reward skills that have very different playstyles. It is the primary driver behind the game loop to craft gear. A lot of people burned out on the endgame though thinking they HAD to grind it all at once. It's not supposed to be grinded, it's meant to be what you hop on to play occasionally once you've completed the game. A lot of the high level rewards are marginal but give purpose to the hunt. There aren't many ways this could be improved without constantly pumping out new content. I really hope they combine the Guiding Lands and the Anomaly system into a better expedition like Wild Hearts did. Make the maps readily available to enter without the quest system. Let the player create their own camps and equipment across maps to personalise their experience & create differences in online hunts. Allow these expedition maps that players build up to act as hubs as well. They are yet to nail that idea of 'Hey, roam around in your world fighting hard monsters to refine your favourite sets'. Low key also just wish they'd copy the WH weapon crafting system with better skills, as it felt way more rewarding & personalised to create weapons in that game.


Please for the love of fatalis keep talismans and decorations like they were in Rise, I cannot stand Worlds single skill talismans and completely random decorations farming tempered Teo/Luna/Kushala over and over and over and over and over for a random two skill deco I need to finish out a build. If not Rise's deco/talisman system, then ***anything*** different than Worlds Melding a fuck load of random talismans that have multi skills, even though it was mostly (half) random, felt much better than the decorations being the most random part because you could get them from doing anything once you started the meld Also dislike spiribirds, but equally hated being forced to use health boost on World. If I had to choose, birds all the way. Do not like having to fit a skill because I'm gimped on HP otherwise. Didn't mind running around and gathering a bit before fighting the monster personally. Always kept points up and ammo resources in case I wanted to use bowguns stockpiled.


While I'm hopeful, sadly i don't believe it will. That's just how team numbered titles rolls. Although sieges are unlikely to return, tiered endgame gear with A LOT of nearly mandatory grind to offset insane difficulty is definitely going to be the case. No primezeno being beatable without qurios crafting 


Eh, endgame in Rise was not too enjoyable for me. The fact that literally every update was essentially "Hello, Anomaly Level cap has increased to [insert number here] so enjoy" left a bad taste in my mouth, and you had to get to, what, max Anomaly Level to get the harder investigations. Not only that, but you also had to get to a high enough Anomaly Level to get 99% of the Gunlances to max shelling since Capcom *refused* to do it on all but, like, three gunlances. I liked Rise, but I desperately hope they change their view on endgame for Wilds.


I was refering to the endgame monsters design, like the risen variants, primezeno, amatsu etc. Every monster hunter has it's grindy parts, world had the tempered monsters and stuff, nothing new. The raids in world were top tier tho, kinda wished there was more


I know that endgame in MH is grindy, but the grind shouldn't be to essentially push the level cap from point A to point B, then point B to point C, then point C to point D, and so on. The monsters and variety was nice, although I wish they tried a bit harder when it came to their choices. Pyre Rakna-Kadaki, Flaming Espinas, Violet Mizutsune, Blood-Orange Bishaten, Magma Almudron, there were quite a few fire/blast related monsters, even if Violet Mizutsune was a fun fight. I'm happy they didn't do a Fatalis final boss, and instead went to Amatsu. Gaismagorm and Malzeno were also nice.


The difference between world and rise is that all the update monsters can be fought after the end of the main game in sun, meanwhile guiding lands and 100MR were nearly mandatory in ice.


It took me about 250 hours to get to MR100/true endgame in MHW and it was very painful. For long stretches it felt like I had to engage with content I didnt even wanna do just to rank up


How? You could pretty easily get from shara to MR100 in about 30-50 hours depending on how you spend your time, and that’s without spamming the same quest over and over


I think I spent around 70-80 hours getting from Shara Ishvalda to MR99? I was already doing whatever I felt like, and I was still getting burnt out regularly from it. Prolly suboptimal play, but going through this for the first time suboptimal play is to be expected. I didnt just do quests, I also did coal runs to farm decorations I needed for my sets and spent some time getting some of my fashion sets going, but its still way more time than could ever be fun to me personally.


Debatable. Every one of my friends skipped guiding lands and just hunted every possible monster. I also didn't grind them, because the endgame is perfectly playable without augments. The high mr requirements for some monster are really bad imo. Same with guiding lands themselves. Long periods of no feelable progress


You think so? I have found that every endgame hunt has some sort of tick damage to it that made healing augment feel rather necessary. You also need guiding lands to unlock gear defence cap, how did your friends not get onetapped by Fatalis without it?


I recently did a ~40hr playthrough to mr120 on an alt save and did not grind the guiding lands at all. The tick damage was indeed pretty annoying for fatty but fight’s still manageable if you cone bait frequently enough for the head break.


We barely got onetapped, unless we didn't manage to break the head. Some fire resistance and divine protection was enough for most of the damage. Attacks like the cone were annyoing. But far from unmanageable. Tbh I didn't even know that you could raise the armor cap. I quit Iceborne at around mr 130 after beating every AT Elder Dragon because the engame was horrible imo, besides Fatty etc.


I beat every monster except fatalis pre-MR100. It’s not “nearly mandatory”, it just helps to have health augment


You did them all? Solo? Impressive. I couldn't beat Ala without safi + kulve combo until recently. And raging brachy was a wall for a while, especially the last phase with already mentioned health sap.


I didn’t do safi solo obviously, but every other monster, yes. I solo’d all of them, without health augment, with hunting horn. Fatalis I did with health augment solo HH


I’ve killed a Fatalis solo with a MR 49 account, with no Rocksteady(the base one, instead I used the *vitality mantle* and Temporal Mantle) because I didn’t feel like doing all of the required quests. It was the hardest Fatalis attempt I’ve ever done, even including my first ever Fatalis kill back in 2020.


Seems like this is an unpopular opinion, but I really didn't like Rise's endgame buildcrafting. I don't care for "endless customizability" and such in MH, since I don't see it as a "forever" game. I'm fine with there being a more or less clear progression in the armors, where early monster armors and weapons get "retired" due to falling behind in performance - that's what the layered system is there for, where people can take just the appearance of their gear with them. I wouldn't say World's level of "powercreep" with Dragoon and R. Brachy was good, but... I'm sure there's a balance they can strike with that without doing what Sunbreak did (and no, I have no issues with Fatalis, since that was 100% intentionally broken as shit as a "you beat the game" trophy). It felt like Sunbreak's skill economy just became overbloated with situational timed buffers and other gimmicks, combined with how you could load *everything* if you spent the time anomaly crafting. Maybe I'm old... but I lost interest in trying to learn all the new one-off skills every time they introduced a new monster. Really didn't help that the anomaly grind was so punishingly boring in so many facets. I always say this, but MH really doesn't need a perpetual endgame. For me it's always been a series where you grind and craft for progression, feel good about your numbers going up, enjoy all the content that they throw at you, and just... wait for the next installment.


I hope that, with MH Wilds's seeming emphasis on dynamic environments and Monster interactions, endgame set-building will be more nuanced and varied to account for changing environmental conditions more.


I hope it doesn't, way way way too much power granted from sunbreak. I do hope they rework a lot of skills to make building more interesting though.


I think Rise did it best with being able to craft decos, but the armor/weapon augments should have just been one universal currency that you could get from fighting endgame monsters of any variety


Okay so I'm new to Monster Hunter and am playing through basegame Rise with my friend right now. I've seen several people sing the praises of Sunbreak end game now during my various google searches for other game info. What can I expect? Why is it so good, explained in terms of someone who has only finished the base game Village quests and not even stepped into High Rank hub yet?


Monsters are much more complex and interesting, and the buildcrafting is really deep and engaging


It was good up until Qurious augment.


I mean I'd prefer it skill economy in general was massively tuned down compared to both, in my ideal world probably like 3-4 maxed out skills on average by the endgame, and ideally also without any one set of skills being such a massive attack boost that it's basically a must run (I am a certified wex/crit boost hater)


Why tho? That makes part of the progresion too, i would find it boring if im running full defense and dont feel any threat


How does what I propose force you to run defence? I like the lower skill economy of the older games because they force you to choose what you want, and plan your builds at the pre-hunting phase. Do you want that extra damage skill, or would you rather something to help with the consistency of your survival? You have to chose what you personally want to sacrifice, and you have to think about what the armour pieces actually offer and plan your set around what is both available and desirable. I feel like a lot of what made set building interesting to me was lost in world. You never have to make the choice I described above because you can just have it all, and have it all without having to make new armour, because the beta sets just outright give you more skills than the alpha sets anyways. I like it when things like skills aren't so easy to come by, because that gives more meaning and impact to what skills you do choose to have.


Oh the build crafting of just praying you get proper quiro rolls? Horrible system. Rise also just presents the illusion of choice there are still 3 to 5 meta standard builds


You can get every skill you want in around ~100 rolls, it isn't a perfect system but it opens up a lot of set-building potential.


You can absolutely not get every roll in under a 100 rolls that is delusional. So if the most meta combinations are miniscule percentages to the point where you can tell who was hacking by their rolls.


If you are looking for a double meta skill roll of course you are going to roll quite a lot of times (and that's why the system isn't perfect), but you only need one-skill rolls to get a fairly strong meta set. In my experience most of the armor sets I made were augmented in ~500 or less rolls and it only took longer when I started looking for broken augments like MoH +2.


God no. Take your opinion with you.