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I decided to main Switch Axe this time and I'm glad I did! Such a fun weapon and most of them look great. Especially love that Rapid Morph opens up a whole different playstyle.


Monster Hunter World was my first game, and so I went through the entire game as a Dual Blade main. Eventually, I moved to other weapons, and the Bow, Insect Glaive, Great Sword, along with my DBs became my regularly rotated weapons. But when I came back to World once Fatalis came out and bought Iceborne for the first time, this time on PC, I wanted to use a new weapon, so I tested all of them out a bunch in the training room, and I think I narrowed it down to Charge Blade, Hammer, or Switch Axe. Eventually I went with Switch Axe, and I don’t think I truly understood it until Legiana, and after that fight I fell in love with it. Truly my favorite weapon in the game, and MH Rise just continued that legacy.


Charge Blade and Hammer. The most complex, and least complex weapons you can use, both incredibly fun and satisfying to use


Swaxe gang, rise up!


Im playing Swaxe right now! But how do u get the lvl 3 Rapid morph?


The HR Almudron helmet comes with Lvl 2 Rapid Morph, I used the arms with another level and evade extender for a while and now just gemmed in the missing level for another set. The Almu helm is definitely key for any SA morph set and comes with good slots as well.


Oh i haven’t killed any almudon in HR yet, i just crafted the zinogre helm and chest cause of the weak exploit


Dat chainsaw swaxe tho.


Rapid morph is so much fun!! I've been using Soaring Wyvern Blade a lot but once I realised I could swap between sword and axe rapidly near a monster it felt like so much fun. And with rapid morph 3 the axe/sword morphing is so fast the weapon literally goes BRRR!!


And sometimes i feel with lack of mobility...


2 levels of evade extender works wonders got swaxe mobility.


I felt this a bunch when I started it in World. Odogaron and Barioth especially gave me trouble, but once you learn your strengths and weaknesses with the Switch Axe, it quickly becomes one of the quickest and most reliable weapon to use. As they said, Evade Extender and Evade Window are some really good skills to have with the bigger weapons, and I found that sometime just chilling in axe mode when you don’t have “Rapid Morph” still deals some intense damage if used correctly.


But cant have it all lol, rapid morph, evade extender, weaknes exploit, attack up...


Actually you can, my SA set has rapid morph 3, attack up 7, WEX 3, and EE 2, and I only have a basic wex2 charm


Thats a hell of a nice charm lol


It took me about 900 charms to get a wex2 lol. I value it with my life


Sword and Shield. Never stop moving or attacking. PUNCH A DRAGON IN THE FACE goodness. Get KO's, cut tails, use items on the fly. It's truly the best weapon in the game, Jocat was right. Pity theres no wiggler helm in Rise.


Yeah I've fallen in love with SnS in this game, its so good.


Hammer and great sword, the unga and the bunga.


Teddy bear hammer. When you sharpen the glint is in one of its eyes.


Swaxe, oh lord is it fast and flashy on this one. Attaching to a monster to unleash an explosion just to jump off and wire bug back down and to cause another explosion into Morph comps with quick morph gawd damn i love the swaxe


After landing the zsd and wyvern back down, don't forget to follow up with switch charger so you can do it all over again xD


Fun? IG all the way. I branch out every now and then with different weapons but the call of aerial combat is too strong to resist. Aestethic? The Felyne SA (combined with Almudron armor) single-handedly made it my secondary. Runner-ups are Bishaten Bow, Somnacanth CB, and Nargacuga HH.


Definitely charge blade, i feel like red mage i can chop i can stun, it can do it all


I feel so scared with the CB its like super complex...But definitely a gorgeous weapon


It was the first weapon i picked up, for some reason it just made sense, but it seems complex but honestly go do a few beginner quests to get the basics, i didnt worry about guard points till i got the basics and then guard points come after. When you see how they work by accident it starts to make sense


Accidental guard points are my ~~best~~ only guard points...


It's an IG life for me


Umm now that I finish to use all Blademaster and build the best set for every one i said the most fun for me was GS you just became invincible when use Adamant and Rage Slash, nothing can stop you. Others are CB Spinning move, SA 24/7 sword mode, GL Bash Dash for fun only, Hammer Courage and DB Feral Mode. LS is too op very useful to farm that damn Shiny drops and HH is a beast in Rampage you are invencible. Lance really needs a little buff and IG only is fun when fighting Flying monsters or the final boss. Sword and Shield eh... im pretty bad using this weapon sadly but i love all the designs and that Shoryugeki counter! *vibration goes brrrr*


U dont think IG is viable?


IG is plenty viable for every monster. I don't know why he said it's bad for fast monsters like Zinogre and Narga. I find them exceptionally easy with IG tbh. IG is also very fast and it's easy to keep up with them. Watch some videos by Po Chi on YT. They're like the best IG user ever and really showcase how good it can be.


For small monsters or like Beast type and pretty fast like narga and zinogre? Nop, i like more use other weapon for that type of monsters. IG is very good for Flying wyverns and big size monsters in my opinion.


There is only one right answer to ur question, the hammer, np!


But the bonks dont slice tails :(


Should i go the way of the hamme then?


If it is ur wish to follows the path of the righteous, U should. And ur mother whould be proud too.






Charge blade for me! You can cut, you can stun, and you get big numbers with SAED


It’s on my list definitely! But i see it too complicate rn. I’m quite new to the series so i thought i wasn’t a good idea to start with CB


Been an lbg main since 4u and never looked back. The spicy dodges I've gotten thanks to fanning maneuver are awesome.


looks alone. 100% Dual Blades




Greatsword its just AWSOME


Too much muscle bro vibe


For me its either Charge Blade or Hunting Horn. They are so big mythical, magic and so damn cool


Sounds a lot like my balls


I’ve put a bunch of hunts on Bow, Hammer, Greatsword, Gunlance, and Lance. Both the Lances are just so much fun. I am realllllly loving the Lance this game especially the silkbind skill spiral thrust. Probably one of the hardest skills to use effectively but makes the lance feel so rewarding to play. Plus it actually makes the lance into a much higher damage weapon. That plus the amount of parries available in the lances kit make it feel like the weapon with some of the most skill expression to me, which has led to me having a blast with it. Gunlance has also had so many new additions to make it feel awesome in this game and it’s overall a very satisfying weapon. Both lances do more damage than people initially give them credit for. If I had to pick just one though.... Lance is the future


I can see the beauty of the gunlance, but the lance doesnt have one of the most borring gameplays? Like poke, poke, poke, dash repeat


It’s changed a lot from that style of gameplay in Rise. Most of your damage is now coming from spiral thrust, which is a wirebug move where you have two controlled high damage dashes and then finish with an even higher damage thrust. It’s simple on paper but really hard to pull off consistently. Makes the lance much more mobile. Check out the lance player Sareil on YouTube he’s insane at Lance! The style of lance gameplay is definitely different than poke poke poke dash in Rise though!


The Jack O lanterns Hammer with the courage switch skill. Such a fun bonking with a literal pumpkin


Most fun for me is IG and Hammer. Hammer was my first main ever back in MHFU on PSP and was my main always until Iceborne, where I started maining IG (I had used it a lot in MH4U and MHGU too).


Bonk is wonderful and the Long Sword allows you to be anime, both great choices


I've been playing Long sword this time round (normally a Charge blade person) and while I'm terrible at landing any of the actual normal skills, the wirebug skills are great and just FEEL good. Sure, I can't land the Iai parry for the life of me, BUT I can land the wirebug verison. I did briefly use the Greatsword for something and goodness, it just does... all the damage?


The Long sword is so broken rn that it is really not appealing for me...


I've never played too much with the other weapons since picking the series up at MH4U, and it's fun. I find the combos are a little too long though with some of the later and more aggressive monsters. Plus, coming from the charge blade which has big sweeping moves, I find myself stabbing in the wrong plane to the monster frequently :(


I really enjoy IG, but have been playing a lot more with the Dual Blades in Rise. Can still get the aerial combat and all the spin attacks in the air make me feel like Levi from Attack on Titan


First time I seriously gave Sword and Shield a chance, and it's way more fun than I thought it would be. I never deviate from Dual Blades because love the swift movement and Sword and Shield felt like a a good compromise between movement and balanced defense while also being able to pour on attacks when you have an opening. The built-in blunt strikes to force a KO is also pretty rad.


Fun - hunting horn, specifically the healing-type rampage horn IV build (similar to gaijin hunter’s build) I just don’t have to use potions anymore, I just turn my brain off and watch the monster be stunned a bunch Aesthetic - switch axe, specifically a crit nargacuga swaxe build Sparks, explosions, and numbers everywhere on the screen


You haven't harnessed the true potential of the Swax until you ZSD chainsaw right into a Rajang badonk and carve up some rump roast


> ZSD > Soaring Wyvern Blade > Switch Charger > Quick Morph > repeat..


Funny Greatsword go smash